
#' getEntityByName - Get an entity by name from the Core LIMS using the ODATA API.
#'\code{getEntityByName} get an entity from the LIMS by barcode
#'@param coreApi coreApi object with valid jsessionid
#'@param entityType entity type to get
#'@param name name of entity to get
#'@param fullMetadata - get full metadata
#'@param useVerbose TRUE or FALSE to indicate if verbose options should be used in http POST
#'@return returns a list $entity contains entity information, $response contains the entire http response
#' api<-CoreAPIV2::CoreAPI("PATH TO JSON FILE")
#' login<- CoreAPIV2::authBasic(api)
#' item<-CoreAPIV2::getEntityByName(login$coreApi,"entityType","name")
#' CoreAPIV2::logOut(login$coreApi)
#' }
#'@author Craig Parman ngsAnalytics, ngsanalytics.com
#'@description \code{getEntityByName}  Get an entity by barcode from the Core LIMS using the ODATA API.

getEntityByName <-
  function (coreApi,
            fullMetadata = TRUE,
            useVerbose = FALSE)
    #clean the name for ODATA
    entityType <- CoreAPIV2::ODATAcleanName(entityType)
    resource <- entityType
    query   <- URLencode(paste0("?$filter=Name eq '", name, "'"))
    if (fullMetadata) {
      header <- c(Accept = "application/json;odata.metadata=full")
    } else {
      header <- c(Accept = "application/json;odata.metadata=minimal")
    out <-
        resource = resource,
        query = query,
        headers = header,
        useVerbose = useVerbose
    list(entity = out$content, response = out$response)
ceparman/Core5.3 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m.