
#' getExperimentSamplesRawData - Gets raw data for an experiment container.
#'\code{getExperimentSamplesRawData }  Gets raw data for a experiment container identified by barcode.
#'@param coreApi coreApi object with valid jsessionid
#'@param experimentType experiment type for sample
#'@param assayType  assay type for sample
#'@param experimentContainerBarcode experiment sample container of entity to get
#'@param dataName assay data name to retrive as configured in the assay.
#'@param useVerbose TRUE or FALSE to indicate if verbose options should be used in http call
#'@return returns a list $entity contains data frame with derived experiment sample barcodes concentration, 
#'         and assay raw data. $response contains the entire http response
#' api<-CoreAPIV2::CoreAPI("PATH TO JSON FILE")
#' login<- CoreAPIV2::authBasic(api)
#' response<-  getExperimentSamplesRawData (login$coreApi,"ExperimentContainerBarcode",useVerbose = FALSE)
#' rawdata <- response$entity
#' CoreAPIV2:logOut(login$coreApi)
#' }
#'@author Craig Parman ngsAnalytics, ngsanalytics.com
#'@description \code{ getExperimentSamplesRawData }   Gets raw data for a experiment container identified by barcode.

getExperimentSamplesRawData <-
  function (coreApi,
            useVerbose = FALSE)
    resource <- "RAW_DATA"

    query   <- paste0(
    header <- c(Accept = "application/json")

    response <-
        resource = resource,
        query = query,
        headers = header,
        useVerbose = useVerbose
    dataValues <-lapply(response$content,unlist)
    dataValues <- lapply(dataValues, function(x) {names(x) <- NULL
                         return(x) })
    dataValues <- t(matrix(unlist(dataValues), ncol = length(response$content), nrow =length(response$content[[1]]) ))
    colnames(dataValues) <- names(response$content[[1]])
    dataValues <- as.data.frame(dataValues)
    list(entity = dataValues, response = response$response)
ceparman/Core5.3 documentation built on May 7, 2019, 8:16 a.m.