
###   Purpose:   Tools related to slides
###   started:   2016/02/22 (pvr)
### ##################################### ###

#' Create a deck of slides
#' @description
#' This is a wrapper function to \code{rmarkdown::draft} that
#' creates a source document for a deck of beamer slides. The
#' template is taken from the template directory of this packages
#' @details
#' The setup here is done analogeously to \code{devtools::use_vignette},
#' except that here, we are using different templates and we want to
#' create pdf_ouput and not html_vignette. The template to be used
#' can be specified as a parameter, by default "beamer_slides" is
#' used as a template. We explicitly allow and encourage source files of
#' slides to be organized in subdirectories of the vignettes directory,
#' knowing that this breaks vignette building by the devtools infrastructure.
#' There are several reasons for the subdirectories, first the function
#' \code{rmarkdown::draft} gives an error when a file or directory that
#' should be copied from the templated directory already exists in the
#' target directory where it should be copied to. Secondly, we want to
#' have the possibilities to use different documentclasses for different
#' slide documents. Thirdly, putting all slide sources of a complete
#' course in a single directory clutters the whole directory. Hence
#' organizing the material in subdirectories helps us to keep a better
#' overview over the whole course material.
#' @param psSlidesName       name of slides source file
#' @param psCourseDir        course directory
#' @param psSlidesSubdir     subdirectory for current slides
#' @param psSlidesTemplate   template for slides which should be used
#' @param psTemplatePackage  package from where templates should be copied from
#' @param psSlidesFormat     extension of final slides file name
#' @param pbOverwrite        whether or not existing slide source files should be overwritten
#' @export create_slides
create_slides <- function(psSlidesName, psCourseDir = ".",
                          psSlidesSubdir    = NULL,
                          psSlidesTemplate  = "beamer_slides",
                          psTemplatePackage = "rcoursetools",
                          psSlidesFormat    = "Rmd",
                          pbOverwrite       = FALSE){
  ### # doing a setup similar to devtools::use_vignette
  pkg <- devtools::as.package(psCourseDir)
  devtools:::add_desc_package(pkg, "Suggests", "knitr")
  devtools:::add_desc_package(pkg, "Suggests", "rmarkdown")
  devtools:::add_desc_package(pkg, "VignetteBuilder", "knitr")
  ### # setup the directory structure where we want to put the slides
  sVigDir <- file.path(pkg$path, "vignettes")
  if (!is.null(psSlidesSubdir)){
    sSlidesDir <- file.path(sVigDir, psSlidesSubdir)
  } else {
    sSlidesDir <- sVigDir
  ### # check whether slides directory exists
  if (!dir.exists(sSlidesDir))
    dir.create(sSlidesDir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
  ### # depending on psSlidesFormat, put different extensions to final file
  sSlidesPath <- file.path(sSlidesDir, paste(psSlidesName, "Rmd", sep = "."))
  ### # use local version of rmarkdown draft function to copy over the draft file
  rmd_draft(file = sSlidesPath,
            template = psSlidesTemplate,
            package = psTemplatePackage,
            create_dir = FALSE,
            pbOverwrite = pbOverwrite)
  sFinalSlideName <- sSlidesPath
  ### # allow for legacy Rnw based templates
  if (psSlidesFormat == "Rnw"){
    sFinalSlideName <- gsub("Rmd$", "Rnw", sSlidesPath)
    file.rename(from = sSlidesPath, to = sFinalSlideName)

  message("Slides draft created in: ", sFinalSlideName)

#' Custom local copy of rmarkdown::draft
#' @description
#' \code{rmd_draft} corresponds to a local copy of
#' \code{rmarkdown::draft}. In contrast to the original
#' version, this version allows for the use of templates
#' with skeleton files which are already found in the
#' target directory.
#' @param file          name of the new document
#' @param template      name of the template
#' @param package       package where template can be found
#' @param create_dir    whether or not to create a new directory for this document
#' @param pbOverwrite   should existing files be overwritten
rmd_draft <- function(file, template,
                      package = NULL,
                      create_dir = "default",
                      pbOverwrite = FALSE){
  ### # determine the template path which is contained
  ### #  in package "package"
  if (!is.null(package)) {
    template_path = system.file("rmarkdown", "templates",
                                template, package = package)
    if (!nzchar(template_path)) {
      stop("The template '", template, "' was not found in the ",
           package, " package")
  } else {
    template_path <- template
  ### # read info in template.yaml
  template_yaml <- file.path(template_path, "template.yaml")
  if (!file.exists(template_yaml)) {
    stop("No template.yaml file found for template '", template,
  template_meta <- rmarkdown:::yaml_load_file_utf8(template_yaml)
  if (is.null(template_meta$name) || is.null(template_meta$description)) {
    stop("template.yaml must contain name and description fields")
  if (identical(create_dir, "default"))
    create_dir <- isTRUE(template_meta$create_dir)
  if (create_dir) {
    file <- tools::file_path_sans_ext(file)
    if (dir_exists(file))
      stop("The directory '", file, "' already exists.")
    file <- file.path(file, basename(file))
  ### # error, in case file itself already exists
  if (!identical(tolower(tools::file_ext(file)), "rmd"))
    file <- paste(file, ".Rmd", sep = "")
  if (file.exists(file))
    stop("The file '", file, "' already exists.")
  ### # generate a list of skeleton files
  skeleton_files <- list.files(file.path(template_path, "skeleton"),
                               full.names = TRUE)
  to <- dirname(file)
  for (f in skeleton_files) {
    if (pbOverwrite)
      file.copy(from = f, to = to, overwrite = pbOverwrite, recursive = TRUE)
    if (!file.exists(file.path(to, basename(f))))
      # stop("The file '", basename(f), "' already exists")
      file.copy(from = f, to = to, overwrite = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  file.rename(file.path(dirname(file), "skeleton.Rmd"), file)



## ---- Clean up output from slide compilation -------------------------------------- ##
#' Clean up output files from slide compilation
#' @description
#' Cleaning up files and directories that are produced while compiling different
#' types of rmarkdown sources. If certain files should be ignored by the cleanup
#' function, then their extension can be specified as a component of the vector
#' passed as function parameter psFormatToKeep. If directories should be kept,
#' then their name can be specified as a component of the parameter vector
#' psDirsToKeep.
#' @details
#' As a security feature, a question to the user is asked whether or not to delete
#' the output files.
#' @param psSlidesDir      root directory of document source files
#' @param psFormatToKeep   file extensions of source files to be ignored by cleanup
#' @param psDirsToKeep     explicit names of directories to be ignored by cleanup
#' @export cleanup_slidesdir
cleanup_slidesdir <- function(psSlidesDir = "vignettes",
                              psFormatToKeep = c("rmd$", "rnw$", "cls$", "rpres$"),
                              psDirsToKeep = c("ETH-BG","odg","png","tex", "pdf")) {
  ### # get list of all files in slides directory
  vAllFiles <- list.files(path = psSlidesDir, full.names = TRUE)
  ### # find index  of files that match a file extension pattern
  vKeepFileIdx <- unlist(sapply(psFormatToKeep,
                                function(psPat) grep(pattern = psPat, vAllFiles, ignore.case = TRUE),
                                USE.NAMES = FALSE))
  ### # find files that match a fixed name
  vKeepDirIdx <- unlist(sapply(psDirsToKeep,
                                function(psNamePat) grep(psNamePat, vAllFiles, fixed = TRUE),
                                USE.NAMES = FALSE))
  vKeepDirIdx <- vKeepDirIdx[dir.exists(vAllFiles[vKeepDirIdx])]
  vKeep <- union(vKeepFileIdx, vKeepDirIdx)
  ### # ask user whether to delete files
  cat(" * Do you want to delete the following list of files:\n")
  sAnswerUserQuestion <- readline(prompt = "Please answer [y/N]: ")
  if (identical(sAnswerUserQuestion, "y")) {
    ### # delete all files except those to be kept
    sapply(vAllFiles[-c(vKeep)], function(x) unlink(x, recursive = TRUE))
    cat(" * ... deleted\n")
  } else {
    cat(" * No files deleted\n")


## ---- Create notes for a given deck of slides -------------------------------------- ##
#' Create Notes document for a given deck of slides
#' @description
#' For a given Rmd source file containing a deck of
#' slides, a new Rmd files is created. The new file
#' contains all the slides from the source file with
#' an extra slides inserted between each existing
#' slide. The newly inserted slides all have the title
#' Notes. These new slides can be used for notes
#' used during the presentation. The file with the
#' notes has the same name as the slide source file
#' with the string "_Notes" added before the extension.
#' @details
#' Because not in all Rmd source files slide titles
#' are indicated with the same number of hashes (#),
#' we give the pattern that denotes a slide title as
#' additional function parameter psSlideTitlePattern.
#' @param psSlideSrcFile        Rmd source file with slides
#' @param psSlideTitlePattern   pattern denoting a slide title
#' @param pbEditNotesFile       Flag indicating whether to open the notes file for edit
#' @export create_slides_notes
create_slides_notes <- function(psSlideSrcFile, psSlideTitlePattern = "###", pbEditNotesFile = TRUE){
  ### # define the text for a notes slide
  sNotesSlide <- paste(psSlideTitlePattern, " Notes\n\n\n")
  ### # check whether ending was given
  if (length(grep("Rmd$", psSlideSrcFile)) > 0) {
    sSlideSrc <- psSlideSrcFile
  } else {
    sSlideSrc <- paste(psSlideSrcFile, "Rmd", sep = ".")

  ### # check whether source slide file exists
  ### # read slides file and determine titles
  conSlideFile <- file(description = sSlideSrc)
  vecSlideText <- readLines(con = conSlideFile)
  vecSlideTitles <- grep(pattern = paste0("^", psSlideTitlePattern), vecSlideText)
  ### # add notes slide before each title
  vecSlideText[vecSlideTitles] <- sapply(vecSlideText[vecSlideTitles],
                                         function(x) paste0(sNotesSlide, x),
                                         USE.NAMES = FALSE)
  ### # add one more notes slide
  vecSlideText <- c(vecSlideText, paste0("\n\n", sNotesSlide))
  ### # write notes to file
  sNoteFile <- gsub(".Rmd$", "_Notes.Rmd", sSlideSrc)
  conNoteFile <- file(description = sNoteFile)
  writeLines(vecSlideText, con = conNoteFile)
  ### # close connections
  ### # edit the notes file
  if (pbEditNotesFile) file.edit(sNoteFile)


#' Clean up notes source files
#' @description
#' This function \code{cleanup_source_notes()} is to be used with caution,
#' because it will delete any Rmd source file of slide notes. It is created
#' for convenience in the testing phase with notes. Once slide notes with
#' meaningful content are created, it should not be used anymore.
#' @param psNotesPattern   pattern of notes file to be deleted
#' @param psSubDir         subdirectory where notes file is
#' @param psNotesSrcFile   explicit name of notes file
#' @export cleanup_source_notes
cleanup_source_notes <- function(psNotesPattern = "_Notes.Rmd$", psSubDir = "vignettes", psNotesSrcFile = NULL){
  ### # in case a single notes source file is specified, then only delete that one
  if (!is.null(psNotesSrcFile)) {
    cat(" * Do you want to delete the following file: ", psNotesSrcFile, "\n")
    sAnswerUserQuestion <- readline(prompt = "Please answer [y/N]: ")
    if (identical(sAnswerUserQuestion, "y")) {
    } else {
      cat(" * No files deleted\n")
  } else {
    ### # files matching pattern
    sDelFiles <- list.files(path = psSubDir, pattern = psNotesPattern, full.names = TRUE)
    cat(" * Do you want to delete the following files:\n")
    sAnswerUserQuestion <- readline(prompt = "Please answer [y/N]: ")
    if (identical(sAnswerUserQuestion, "y")) {
    } else {
      cat(" * No files deleted\n")
charlotte-ngs/rcoursetools documentation built on May 13, 2019, 3:34 p.m.