
Defines functions rand_data ctrace ccolmv `%**%` cscale_inplace ccross cmaf cCV `%c%` cgrm cgrm.D cgrm.A cscanx csolve ccov set_num_threads get_num_threads get_max_threads check_openmp

Documented in ccolmv ccov ccross cCV cgrm cgrm.A cgrm.D check_openmp cmaf cscale_inplace cscanx csolve get_max_threads get_num_threads rand_data set_num_threads

# ctools.R
# Claas Heuer, June 2014
# Copyright (C)  2014 Claas Heuer
# This file is part of cpgen.
# cpgen is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# cpgen is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
# WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# in file.path(R.home("share"), "licenses").  If not, see
# <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

# check_openmp

check_openmp <- function() {

	if(.Call("check_openmp",PACKAGE="cpgen")) {

		ver = .Call("check_openmp_version",PACKAGE="cpgen")
		cat("OpenMP is available - Version: ",ver,"\n") 

	} else {

		cat("OpenMP is NOT available \n")



# check_max_threads

get_max_threads <- function() .Call("get_max_threads",PACKAGE="cpgen")

# get_num_threads

get_num_threads <- function() options()$cpgen.threads

# check_limit_threads

#get_limit_threads <- function() .Call("get_limit_threads",PACKAGE="cpgen")

# set.threads

set_num_threads <- function(x, silent=FALSE, global=FALSE) {

	if(!.Call("check_openmp",PACKAGE="cpgen")) { 

		if(!silent) cat("OpenMP is not available, threads set to 1 \n") 

	} else {

		if(length(x)!=1) stop("must be a scalar")
		t = as.integer(round(x,digits=0))
		if(t<=0) t=1

		# this allows using the function to control other openmp functions in R also (MKL,...)
		if(global) .Call("set_num_threads",t,PACKAGE="cpgen")
		if(!silent) cat("Number of threads set to ",t,"\n")


# ccov 

ccov <- function(X,lambda=0, w=NULL, compute_cor=FALSE){

        if(!any(class(X) %in% allowed)) { stop("objects must match one of the following types: 'matrix' , 'numeric'") }
	if(is.vector(X)) X<-matrix(X)
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed")
	if(missing(w)) { w<-rep(1/nrow(X),nrow(X))} 
	else { w <- w/sum(w) }
	if(lambda>1) lambda=1
	if(lambda<0) lambda=0

	.Call( "ccov", X,lambda, as.numeric(w), as.integer(compute_cor), options()$cpgen.threads, PACKAGE = "cpgen" )


# csolve

csolve <- function(X,y=NULL){

	allowed=c("matrix","numeric", "array", "dgCMatrix")
	a = class(X)

	# this is just the dense inverse
	if("matrix" %in% a & is.null(y) & get_num_threads()==1) {

		.Call( "cinverse_dense", X, PACKAGE = "cpgen" ) 

	} else {

		if(is.null(y)) y = diag(nrow(X)) 
		b = class(y)

		if(!any(a %in% allowed)) stop("X must match one of the following types: 'matrix' , 'numeric', 'array', 'dgCMatrix'") 
		if(!any(b %in% allowed)) stop("y must match one of the following types: 'matrix' , 'numeric', 'array'") 
		if(anyNA(X) | anyNA(y))  stop("no NAs allowed") 

		if((is.vector(X) | is.array(X)) & !any(class(X) == "dgCMatrix")) { X = as.matrix(X); a = "matrix" } 
		if((is.vector(y) | is.array(y)) & !any(class(y) == "dgCMatrix")) { y = as.matrix(y); b = "matrix" } 

		if("matrix" %in% class(X) & !"matrix" %in% class(y)) y <- as.matrix(y)

		if(dim(X)[2]!=dim(y)[1]) {stop("ncol(X) doesn't match nrow(y)")}

		if("matrix" %in% class(X)) {

			.Call( "csolve", X,y,options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

		} else {

			if(!any(class(y) == "matrix")) { 

				.Call( "csolve_sparse", X,y,options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

			} else {

				.Call("csolve_sparse_fac_three", X,y, options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )





# cscanx

cscanx <- function(path){
	.Call( "cscanx", path ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

# cgrm.A 

cgrm.A <- function(X, lambda=0, yang=FALSE){

	if(!"matrix" %in% class(X)) stop("X must be an object of class 'matrix'")
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed in X")
	if(lambda>1) lambda=1
	if(lambda<0) lambda=0        
	.Call( "camat", X, lambda, yang, options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

# cgrm.D

cgrm.D <- function(X, lambda=0){

	if(!"matrix" %in% class(X)) stop("X must be an object of class 'matrix'")
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed in X")
	if(lambda>1) lambda=1
	if(lambda<0) lambda=0
	.Call( "cdmat", X, lambda, options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

# cgrm

cgrm <- function(X, w = NULL, lambda=0){

	if(!"matrix" %in% class(X)) stop("X must be an object of class 'matrix'")
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed in X")
	isw = TRUE
	if(missing(w)) {

		w = rep(1,ncol(X)); isw = FALSE

	} else {

		if(!is.vector(w) | !is.numeric(w)) stop("weights must be passed as a numeric vector")
		if(length(w)!=ncol(X)) stop("weight vector must have as many items as columns in X") 
		vars = ccolmv(X,compute_var=T)
		var_zero = sum(vars==0)
		if(var_zero>0) {

			cat(paste(var_zero," Columns with zero variance (non-polymorphic) omitted\n",sep=""))
			X = X[,vars>0]
			w = w[vars>0]



	if(lambda>1) lambda=1
	if(lambda<0) lambda=0

	.Call( "cgrm", X, w,isw, lambda, options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

# parallel crossproduct operator

`%c%` <- function(X,Y) {

	a = class(X)
	b = class(Y)
	goodClass = 0
	if(any(a %in% allowed)) goodClass = goodClass + 1
	if(any(b %in% allowed)) goodClass = goodClass + 1

	if(goodClass!=2) { stop("objects must match one of the following types: 'matrix', 'dgCMatrix', 'numeric', 'array'") }
	if(anyNA(X) | anyNA(Y)) { stop("no NAs allowed") }

	if(is.vector(X) | is.array(X)) { X = as.matrix(X); a = "matrix" } 
	if(is.vector(Y) | is.array(Y)) { Y = as.matrix(Y); b = "matrix" } 

	if(dim(X)[2]!=dim(Y)[1]) stop("ncol(X) doesn't match nrow(Y)")

	if(a == "matrix") {

		if(b == "matrix") {

			.Call( "ccp_dense_dense", X,Y,options()$cpgen.threads ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" ) 

		} else {

			.Call( "ccp_dense_sparse", X,Y,PACKAGE = "cpgen" ) 


	} else {

		if(b == "matrix") {

			.Call( "ccp_sparse_dense", X,Y,PACKAGE = "cpgen" ) 

		} else { 

			.Call( "ccp_sparse_sparse", X,Y,PACKAGE = "cpgen" ) 




# cCV

cCV <- function(y,folds=5,reps=1,matrix=FALSE,seed=NULL) {

	if(!is.vector(y)) stop("y must be a vector")
	if(folds < 2) stop("'folds' must be larger than one")
	if(reps < 1) reps = 1

	reps = as.integer(reps)
	folds = as.integer(folds)

	isy <- (1:length(y))[!is.na(y)]

	n_vec <- rep(NA,folds)
	start <- rep(NA,folds)
	end <- rep(NA,folds)

	n_vec[1:(folds-1)] <- round(length(isy)/folds,digits=0)
	n_vec[folds] <- length(isy) - sum(n_vec[1:(folds-1)])

	for(j in 1:folds) {

		if(j==1) { 

			start[j] = 1 

		} else {

			start[j] = end[j-1]+1 


		end[j] = sum(n_vec[1:j]) 

	cv_pheno <- list(folds*reps)

	if(missing(seed)) seed = as.integer((as.double(Sys.time())*1000+Sys.getpid()) %% 2^31) 

	for(i in 1:reps) {

		ids <- sample(isy,length(isy),replace=F)

		for(j in 1:folds) {

			y_temp = y    
			y_temp[ids[start[j]:end[j]]] <- NA 
			cv_pheno[[count]] <- y_temp  



	if(matrix) { 


	} else {




# cmaf

cmaf <- function(X)	{

	maf <- .Call( "cmaf", X ,PACKAGE = "cpgen" )[1,]
	maf[maf>0.5] = 1-maf[maf>0.5]


# ccross

ccross <- function(X,D=NULL){

	if(!"matrix" %in% class(X)) stop("X must be an object of class 'matrix'")
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed in X")
	if(missing(D)) { 

		D = rep(1,ncol(X)) 

	} else {

		if(!is.vector(D) | !is.numeric(D)) stop("D must be passed as a numeric vector") 


	if(length(D)!=ncol(X)) stop("vector D must have as many items as columns in X") 
	.Call( "ccross", X, D, options()$cpgen.threads, PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

# cscale_inplace

cscale_inplace <- function(X,means=NULL, vars=NULL, scale=FALSE){

	if(!"matrix" %in% class(X)) stop("X must be an object of class 'matrix'")
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("No NAs allowed in X")

	if(is.null(means))  means = ccolmv(X)
	if(!is.vector(means) | !is.numeric(means)) stop("'means' must be passed as a numeric vector")
	if(length(means)!=ncol(X)) stop("vector 'means' must have as many items as columns in X") 
	if(anyNA(means)) stop("vector 'means' has NAs") 

	if(is.null(vars)) if(scale) { vars = ccolmv(X,compute_var=T) } else { vars = rep(1,ncol(X)) } 
	if(!is.vector(vars) | !is.numeric(vars)) stop("'vars' must be passed as a numeric vector") 
	if(length(vars)!=ncol(X)) stop("vector 'vars' must have as many items as columns in X") 
	if(anyNA(vars)) stop("vector 'vars' has NAs") 
	if(any(vars==0)) stop("vector 'vars' has zeros") 

	ans <- .Call( "cscale_inplace", X, means, vars, scale, options()$cpgen.threads, PACKAGE = "cpgen" )

# Symmetrix Matrix Power operator %^% - taken from: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/16172731/how-to-compute-the-power-of-a-matrix-in-r

#`%^%` <- function(S, power) with(eigen(S), vectors %c% (values^power * t(vectors))) 
#`%^%` <- function(S, power) with(eigen(S), vectors %c% sparseMatrix(i=1:length(values),j=1:length(values),x=values^power) %c% t(vectors)) 
`%**%` <- function(X, power) with(eigen(X), ccross(vectors,values^power)) 


### Internal Use only ###

# ccolmv

ccolmv <- function(X,compute_var=FALSE){

	a = class(X)

	if(!any(a %in% allowed)) stop("objects must match one of the following types: 'matrix', 'dgCMatrix', 'numeric'") 
	if(anyNA(X)) stop("no NAs allowed") 

	if("dgCMatrix" %in% a) {

		.Call("ccolmv_sparse", X, compute_var, PACKAGE = "cpgen")

	} else {

		.Call( "ccolmv_dense", X, compute_var, PACKAGE = "cpgen" )



# ctrace

ctrace <- function(X){

	if(!"matrix" %in% class(X)){stop("object must be of type 'matrix'")}


#### Not to be included in final package ####

## Credit: Taken from:  http://stackoverflow.com/questions/1358003/tricks-to-manage-the-available-memory-in-an-r-session
# improved list of objects
#.ls.objects <- function (pos = 1, pattern, order.by,
#                        decreasing=FALSE, head=FALSE, n=5) {
#    napply <- function(names, fn) sapply(names, function(x)
#                                         fn(get(x, pos = pos)))
#    names <- ls(pos = pos, pattern = pattern)
#    obj.class <- napply(names, function(x) as.character(class(x))[1])
#    obj.mode <- napply(names, mode)
#    obj.type <- ifelse(is.na(obj.class), obj.mode, obj.class)
#    obj.prettysize <- napply(names, function(x) {
#                           capture.output(print(object.size(x), units = "auto")) })
#    obj.size <- napply(names, object.size)
#    obj.dim <- t(napply(names, function(x)
#                        as.numeric(dim(x))[1:2]))
#    vec <- is.na(obj.dim)[, 1] & (obj.type != "function")
#    obj.dim[vec, 1] <- napply(names, length)[vec]
#    out <- data.frame(obj.type, obj.size, obj.prettysize, obj.dim)
#    names(out) <- c("Type", "Size", "PrettySize", "Rows", "Columns")
#    if (!missing(order.by))
#        out <- out[order(out[[order.by]], decreasing=decreasing), ]
#    if (head)
#        out <- head(out, n)
#    out
## shorthand
#lsos <- function(..., n=10) {
#    .ls.objects(..., order.by="Size", decreasing=TRUE, head=TRUE, n=n)

#### randmatrix

rand_data <- function(n=500,p_marker=10000,h2=0.3,prop_qtl=0.01,seed=NULL) { 

	if(h2>1) h2 <- 2
	if(h2<0) h2 <- 0
	if(prop_qtl > 1) prop_qtl <- 1
	if(prop_qtl < 0) prop_qtl <- 0
	if(missing(seed)) seed = as.integer((as.double(Sys.time())*1000+Sys.getpid()) %% 2^31)

	### generate random data
	nindividuals = n
	nmarkers = p_marker

	# sample allele frequencies 
	p <- sample(seq(0.1,0.9,by=0.05),nmarkers,replace=T)
	q <- 1-p

	# random marker matrix

	# fill matrix with marker-covariates(-1,0,1) - HWE
	for (i in 1:ncol(M)) M[,i] <- sample(c(1,0,-1),nindividuals,prob=c(p[i]**2,2*p[i]*q[i],q[i]**2),replace=T)

	# generate random phenotypes with one qtl
	n_qtl <- round(p_marker*prop_qtl,digits=0)
	if(n_qtl==0) n_qtl <- 1
	# sample variance explained by single qtl form chisquare
	#var_a = rchisq(n_qtl,Vp*h2)/n_qtl

	#same variance for every marker
	var_a = Vp*h2 / n_qtl

	y <- stats::rnorm(nindividuals,0,sqrt(Vp*(1-h2)))
	y = y + (M[,qtl]%c%alpha)[,1]

	# export
	M <<- M
	y <<- y

cheuerde/cpgen documentation built on July 27, 2023, 11:34 a.m.