#' @title Firestar - Computerized Adaptive Testing (CAT) simulation program
#' @author Seung W Choi, \email{schoi@@austin.utexas.edu}
#' @description
#' \code{Firestar} simulates CAT with dichotomous and polytomous IRT models and generates results in various tables and plots
#' @details
#' \code{Firestar} is designed for simulating CAT with dichotomous and polytomous items.
#' The item response theory models supported by the program include the dichotomous models (Birnbaum, 1968), Samejima's (1969) graded response model (GRM) and
#' Muraki's (1992) generalized partial credit model (GPCM). Both Masters' (1982) partial credit model (PCM) and
#' Andrich's (1978) rating scale model are also supported as special cases of the GPCM.
#' @param filename.ipar Name of a required item parameter file (comma separated, no headers, columns in the order of id, model, a, cb1, cb2,...,cbk, blank for NA; model: 1=1PL, 2=2PL, 3=3PL, 4=PC, 5=GPC, 6=GR)
#' @param item.pool Object of item.pool class
#' @param filename.resp Name of an optional item response file (comma separated, no headers, item responses, base 1, blank for missing)
#' @param filename.content Name of an optional content specification file
#' @param ncc Number of Content Categories, effective only if content balancing is invoked by providing filename.content
#' @param filename.theta Name of an optional true or external theta file
#' @param true.theta True theta values (default: NULL)
#' @param min.score.0 TRUE if the minimum item score is 0 not 1 (default: FALSE)
#' @param simulate.theta TRUE to simulate item responses or FALSE to read in from an external file (filename.theta)
#' @param pop.dist Population distribution type for simulated theta: NORMAL, UNIFORM, or GRID
#' @param pop.par Population distribution parameters: For example, pop.par=c(M,SD) if pop.dist="NORMAL", pop.par=c(LL,UL) if pop.dist="UNIFORM", or pop.par=c(-3,-2,...3) if pop.dist="GRID"
#' @param n.simulee Total number of simulees to generate if pop.dist in c("NORMAL","UNIFORM") or the number per theta point if pop.dist="GRID"
#' @param eap.full.length TRUE to generate EAP theta estimates based on all items or FALSE to suppress
#' @param eap.short.form TRUE to generate EAP theta estimates based on a subset of items identified by short.form.index below or FALSE to suppress (default: FALSE)
#' @param short.form.index Item indexes for a short form to be scored if eap.short.form is TRUE
#' @param max.cat Maximum number of response categories across items
#' @param min.theta Minimum theta value
#' @param max.theta Maximum theta value
#' @param inc Theta increment value to generate a grid between min.theta and max.theta
#' @param min.NI Minimum number of items to administer (default: 4)
#' @param max.NI Maximum number of items to administer (default: 12)
#' @param max.SE Maximum SE for stopping
#' @param exposure.control TRUE to invoke exposure control or FALSE to supress (default: FALSE)
#' @param exposure.control.method Exposure control method: RD, PR, SH (defaul: "RD")
#' @param top.N Top N items from which a next item is selected randomly; effective when exposure.control.method == "Randomesque" (default: 1)
#' @param PAS A vector of the Probability of Administration given Selection, P(A|S), for each item; effective when exposure.control.method == "SH" (default: 1)
#' @param r.max Maximumum target exposure rate; effective when exposure.control.method == "SH" (default = 0.25)
#' @param stop.SE Minimum reduction in predicted SE to override continuing and stop under PSER (default: 0.01)
#' @param continue.SE Minimum reduction in predicted SE to override stopping and continue under PSER (default: 0.03)
#' @param min.SE.change Minimum reduction in SE to continue beyond satisfying min.NI (default: 0.0); not effective under PSER
#' @param extreme.response.check Check for repeated extreme responses: L for checking in the left side (low) only, R for right (high) only, E for either, or N for neither (default: N)
#' @param max.extreme.response Maximum number of responses allowed before stopping (default: 4)
#' @param selection.method Item selection method: MFI, MKL, MLWI, MPWI, MPWKL, MEI, MEPV, MEPWI, RND, KET, LOC, SEQ, TSB, PSER, MI, AMC, SPRT, or SB (default: MPWI)
#' @param info.AMC Information method for AMC: KL, MI, PWKL, or FI (default: KL)
#' @param stop.AMC Test statistic for AMC to determine whether to stop: SE, Z, LR, or ST (default: SE)
#' @param alpha.AMC Type-I error rate for AMC test statistic (default: 0.05)
#' @param BH TRUE to apply Benjamini-Hotchberg correction (default: FALSE)
#' @param info.SPRT Information method for SPRT: KLc, KL, FIc, or FI (default: KLc)
#' @param alpha.SPRT Type-I error rate for SPRT LR test statistic (default: 0.05)
#' @param beta.SPRT Type-II error rate for SPRT LR test statistic (default: 0.05)
#' @param cut.SPRT Cut-off score for SPRT (defaualt: 0.0)
#' @param delta.SPRT One half of the width of the indifference zone (default: 0.15)
#' @param info.SB Information method for SB (Sequential Bayes): FIc or FI (default: FIc)
#' @param eta.SB Error rate for SB (default: 0.05)
#' @param cut.SB Cut-off score for SB (default: 0.0)
#' @param interim.theta Interim theta estimator: EAP or MLE
#' @param Fisher.scoring TRUE to use Fisher's method of scoring for MLE
#' @param shrinkage.correction TRUE to correct for the bias of EAP (default: FALSE)
#' @param se.method SE estimation method: 1 = Posterior Standard Deviation or 2 = Inverse of Square Root of Information
#' @param first.item.selection Alternative first item selection method: 1 = Prior Mean, 2 = At a fixed value specified by first.at.theta, 3 = Use a specific item identified by first.item, or 4 = At external or theta values specified by filename.theta
#' @param first.at.theta Specific theta location at which the first item is optimized
#' @param first.item Specific item number to be selected as the first item
#' @param show.theta.audit.trail TRUE to generate CAT audit trail plots or FALSE to suppress
#' @param plot.usage TRUE to generate item usage plot or FALSE to suppress
#' @param plot.info TRUE to generate item information plots or FALSE to suppress
#' @param plot.prob TRUE to generate item response probability plots or FALSE to suppress
#' @param add.final.theta TRUE to append three additional final theta estimates (MLE, MAP, and WLE) to file.other.thetas or FALSE to supress
#' @param bank.diagnosis TRUE to generate item bank diagnostic plots or FALSE to suppress
#' @param prior.dist Type of prior distribution: 1 = Normal or 2 = Losgistic
#' @param prior.mean Prior distribution mean (default: 0.0)
#' @param prior.sd Prior distribution standard deviation (default: 1.0)
#' @param file.items.used Name of the file to contain information on items administered
#' @param file.theta.history Name of the file to contain information on history of theta estimates
#' @param file.se.history Name of the file to contain information on history of SE estimates
#' @param file.final.theta.se Name of the file to contain final theta and SE estimates
#' @param file.other.thetas Name of the file to contain other theta estimates (MLE, MAP, and WLE)
#' @param file.likelihood.dist Name of the file to contain likelihood functions
#' @param file.posterior.dist Name of the file to contain posterior distributions
#' @param file.matrix.info Name of the file to contain the item information matrix
#' @param file.full.length.theta Name of the file to contain theta estimates based on all items in the bank
#' @param file.selected.item.resp Name of the file to contain item responses for the selected items only
#' @param file.Q3 Name of the file to contain Q3 statistics
#' @param output.previous List object from Firestar for the previous test
#' @param progress.bar TRUE to display a progress bar or FALSE to suppress
#' @return List of summary statistics and output results:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{\code{call}} Call with all of the specified arguments
#' \item{\code{nia}} Total number of items administered
#' \item{\code{mean.nia}} Mean of the number of items administered
#' \item{\code{cor.theta}} Correlation between true theta and theta from CAT
#' \item{\code{rmsd.theta}} RMSE based on true theta and theta from CAT
#' \item{\code{true.theta}} True theta
#' \item{\code{mean.SE}} Mean standard error
#' \item{\code{item.pool}} Item pool object
#' \item{\code{resp}} Item response matrixc
#' \item{\code{items.used}} Items used by examinee
#' \item{\code{theta.history}} Theta history by examinee
#' \item{\code{se.history}} Standard error history by examinee
#' \item{\code{selected.item.resp}} Selected item responses by examinee
#' \item{\code{final.theta.se}} Final theta and standard error by examinee
#' \item{\code{likelihood.dist}} Final likelihood distribution by examinee
#' \item{\code{posterior.dist}} Final posterior distribution by examinee
#' \item{\code{matrix.info}} Matrix of item information
#' \item{\code{ni.administered}} Number of items administered by examinee
#' \item{\code{Z}} Z-test statistic if selection.method == 'AMC'
#' \item{\code{LR}} Likelihood-ratio test statistic if selection.method == 'AMC'
#' \item{\code{ST}} Score test statistic if selection.method == 'AMC'
#' \item{\code{master}} Mastery status if selection.method in c("SPRT", "SB") (1 = master; 0 = nonmaster)
#' }
#' @references{
#' Andrich, D. (1978). A rating formulation for ordered response categories. Psychometrika, 43, 561-573.
#' Birnbaum, A. (1968). Some latent trait models and their use in inferring an examinee’s ability. In F. M. Lord & M. R. Novick (Eds.), Statistical theories of mental test scores (pp. 395-479). Reading, MA: Addison-Wesley.
#' Choi, S. W. (2009). Computerized Adaptive Testing Simulation Program for Polytomous IRT Models. Applied Psychological Measurement. 33, 644-645.
#' Choi, S. W., & Swartz, J. R. (2009). Comparison of CAT Item Selection Criteria for Polytomous Items. Applied Psychological Measurement. 33, 419-440.
#' Choi, S. W., Grady, M., & Dodd, B. G. (2011). A new stopping rule for computerized adaptive testing. Educational and Psychological Measurement. 71, 37-53.
#' Choi, S. W., Podrabsky, T., & McKinney, N. (2012). Firestar-D: Computerized Adaptive Testing Simulation Program for Dichotomous Item Response Theory Models. Applied Psychological Measurement, 36, 67-68.
#' Choi, S. W. (2018). Firestar: Simulating Computerized Adaptive Testing. In W. J. van der Linden (Ed.), Handbook of Item Response Theory. Chapman and Hall/CRC.
#' Finkelman, M. D., Weiss, D. J., Kim-Kang, G. (2010). Item selection and hypothesis testing for the adaptive measurement of change. Applied Psychological Measurement, 34, 238-254.
#' Masters, G. N. (1982). A Rasch model for partial credit scoring. Psychometrika, 47, 149-174.
#' Muraki, E. (1992). A generalized partial credit model: Application of an EM algorithm. Applied Psychological Measurement, 16, 159-176.
#' Samejima, F. (1969). Estimation of latent ability using a response pattern of graded scores. Psychometrika Monograph Supplement, No. 17.
#' Spray, J. A., \& Reckase, M. D. (1996). Comparison of SPRT and sequential Bayes procedures for classifying examinees into two categories using a computerized test. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 21, 405-414.
#' }
#' @importFrom TestDesign loadItemPool calcProb calcFisher calcLocation calcJacobian calcHessian calcEscore simResp
#' @import stats
#' @import utils
#' @import graphics
#' @export
Firestar <- function(filename.ipar = "", item.pool = NULL, filename.resp = "", filename.content = "", ncc = 1, filename.theta = "", true.theta = NULL, min.score.0 = FALSE,
simulate.theta = FALSE, pop.dist = "NORMAL", pop.par = c(0,1), n.simulee = 1000, eap.full.length = TRUE, eap.short.form = FALSE, short.form.index = NULL, max.cat = 5, min.theta = -4.0, max.theta = 4.0, inc = 0.1,
min.NI = 4, max.NI = 12, max.SE = 0.3, exposure.control = FALSE, exposure.control.method = "RD", top.N = 1, PAS = 1, r.max = 0.25, stop.SE = 0.01, continue.SE = 0.03, min.SE.change = 0.0, extreme.response.check = "N", max.extreme.response = 4,
selection.method = "MPWI", info.AMC = "KL", stop.AMC = "SE", alpha.AMC = 0.05, BH = FALSE, info.SPRT = "KLc", alpha.SPRT = 0.05, beta.SPRT = 0.05, cut.SPRT = 0, delta.SPRT = 0.15, info.SB = "FIc", eta.SB = 0.05, cut.SB = 0, interim.theta = "EAP", Fisher.scoring = TRUE, shrinkage.correction = FALSE,
se.method = 1, first.item.selection = 1, first.at.theta = 0.0, first.item = 1, show.theta.audit.trail = FALSE, plot.usage = FALSE, plot.info = FALSE, plot.prob = FALSE, add.final.theta = FALSE, bank.diagnosis = FALSE,
prior.dist = 1, prior.mean = 0.0, prior.sd = 1.0, file.items.used = "", file.theta.history = "", file.se.history = "", file.final.theta.se = "", file.other.thetas = "", file.likelihood.dist = "",
file.posterior.dist = "", file.matrix.info = "", file.full.length.theta = "", file.selected.item.resp = "", file.Q3 = "", output.previous = NULL, progress.bar = TRUE) {
call <- match.call()
if (filename.ipar != "") {
item.pool <- TestDesign::loadItemPool(filename.ipar)
} else if (is.null(item.pool)) {
stop("filename.ipar or item.pool must be supplied")
NCAT <- item.pool@NCAT
ni <- item.pool@ni
max.cat <- item.pool@max_cat
exposure.rate <- numeric(ni)
if (exposure.control) {
if (exposure.control.method %in% c("SH", "SYMPSON-HETTER")) {
if (any(PAS > 1 | PAS <= 0)) {
stop("invalid value(s) found in PAS")
if (length(PAS) == 1) {
PAS = rep(PAS, ni)
} else if (length(PAS) != ni) {
stop("PAS must be a vector of length ni")
selection.rate <- numeric(ni)
content.balancing <- FALSE
if (ncc > 1 && filename.content != "" && !(toupper(selection.method) %in% c("SEQ", "TSB"))){
target.content.dist <- as.numeric(read.csv(filename.content, header = FALSE, nrows = 1))
if (all(target.content.dist == 0)) {
warning("WARNING: all values in target content distribution are zero\n:content balancing not used")
content.cat <- read.csv(filename.content, header = FALSE, skip = 1)[[2]]
if (abs(sum(target.content.dist) -1) > .1) {
warning("WARNING: the sum of content proportions should add up to 1.0\n:content balancing not used")
} else if (length(target.content.dist)!=ncc) {
warning("WARNING: the number of content categories (ncc) does not match the number of target proportions in the content control file\n:content balancing not used")
} else if (length(content.cat)!=ni) {
warning("WARNING: the number of records in the content control file does not match the number of items in the bank\n:content balancing not used")
} else {
if (max.NI > sum(content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist > 0))) {
warning("WARNING: max.NI cannot be larger than the sum of items where target.content.dist > 0")
overall.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
content.balancing <- TRUE
.GetNextContent <- function() {
available.content <- which(target.content.dist > 0 & as.numeric(tapply(items.available, content.cat, sum) > 0))
idx <- which.max(target.content.dist[available.content] - current.content.dist[available.content])
.UpdateContentDist <- function() {
idx <- content.cat[item.selected]
current.content.freq[idx] <<- current.content.freq[idx] + 1
overall.content.freq[idx] <<- overall.content.freq[idx] + 1
current.content.dist <<- current.content.freq / ni.given
if (filename.resp != "" && simulate.theta == FALSE) {
resp.data <- read.csv(filename.resp, sep = ",", header = FALSE, col.names = paste("R", 1:ni, sep = ""))
resp.matrix <- data.matrix(resp.data)
true.theta <- NULL
} else if (!is.null(true.theta)) {
resp.matrix <- TestDesign::simResp(item.pool, true.theta)
n.simulee <- length(true.theta)
if (!min.score.0) resp.matrix <- resp.matrix + 1
} else if (!is.na(n.simulee) && n.simulee > 0) {
if (toupper(pop.dist) == "NORMAL") {
true.theta <- rnorm(n.simulee) * pop.par[2] + pop.par[1]
resp.matrix <- TestDesign::simResp(item.pool, true.theta)
} else if (toupper(pop.dist) == "UNIFORM") {
true.theta <- runif(n.simulee, pop.par[1], pop.par[2])
resp.matrix <- TestDesign::simResp(item.pool, true.theta)
} else if (toupper(pop.dist) == "GRID") {
true.theta <- rep(pop.par, each = n.simulee)
resp.matrix <- TestDesign::simResp(item.pool, true.theta)
} else {
stop("invalid option specified for pop.dist")
if (!min.score.0) resp.matrix <- resp.matrix + 1
theta <- seq(min.theta, max.theta, inc)
nq <- length(theta)
if (first.item.selection == 2 && first.at.theta >= min.theta && first.at.theta <= max.theta) {
start.theta <- first.at.theta
} else {
start.theta <- prior.mean
if (prior.dist == 1) {
prior <- dnorm((theta - prior.mean) / prior.sd)
} else if (prior.dist == 2) {
prior <- exp((theta - prior.mean) / prior.sd) / (1 + exp((theta - prior.mean) / prior.sd))^2
} else {
prior <- dnorm(theta)
nExaminees <- dim(resp.matrix)[1]
items.used <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
selected.item.resp <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
ni.administered <- numeric(nExaminees)
theta.CAT <-rep(NA, nExaminees)
sem.CAT <- rep(NA, nExaminees)
theta.history <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
se.history <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
posterior.matrix <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, nq)
LH.matrix <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, nq)
ppp <- TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool, theta)
if (max.cat != max(sapply(ppp, ncol))) {
max.cat <- max(sapply(ppp, ncol))
pp <- array(dim = c(nq, ni, max.cat))
for (i in 1:ni) {
pp[, i, 1:(NCAT[i])] <- ppp[[i]]
matrix.info <- TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool, theta) #nq x ni
.CalcFullLengthEAP <- function() {
posterior <- matrix(rep(prior, nExaminees), nExaminees, nq, byrow=TRUE)
for (i in 1:ni) {
resp <- matrix(resp.matrix[, i], nExaminees, 1) + min.score.0
if (!all(is.na(resp))) {
prob <- t(pp[, i, resp])
prob[is.na(prob)] <- 1.0
posterior <- posterior * prob
EAP <- posterior %*% theta / rowSums(posterior)
SEM <- sqrt(rowSums(posterior * (matrix(theta, nExaminees, nq, byrow = TRUE) - matrix(EAP ,nExaminees, nq))^2) / rowSums(posterior))
return(data.frame(theta = EAP, SE = SEM))
.CalcShortFormEAP <- function(short.form.index) {
posterior <- matrix(rep(prior, nExaminees), nExaminees, nq, byrow=TRUE)
for (i in short.form.index) {
resp <- matrix(resp.matrix[, i], nExaminees, 1) + min.score.0
if (!all(is.na(resp))) {
prob <- t(pp[, i, resp])
prob[is.na(prob)] <- 1.0
posterior <- posterior * prob
EAP <- posterior %*% theta / rowSums(posterior)
SEM <- sqrt(rowSums(posterior * (matrix(theta, nExaminees, nq, byrow = TRUE) - matrix(EAP ,nExaminees, nq))^2) / rowSums(posterior))
return(data.frame(theta = EAP, SE = SEM))
if (!(filename.theta == "") & eap.full.length == FALSE) {
ext.theta <- read.csv(filename.theta,sep = ",", header = F, col.names = "theta")
} else {
ext.theta <- .CalcFullLengthEAP()
if (eap.short.form & !is.null(short.form.index)) {
if (all(short.form.index %in% 1:ni)) {
short.form.eap <- .CalcShortFormEAP(short.form.index)
.CalcInfo <- function(th) {
info <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
if (sum(available) == 0) {
info <- as.vector(TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool, th))
info[!available] <- 0
.CalcLocInfo <- function(th) {
info <- numeric(ni)
loc <- unlist(TestDesign::calcLocation(item.pool))
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i] == TRUE) {
p <- 1 / (1 + exp(-1 * (th - loc[i])))
info[i] <- p * (1 - p)
.CalcLWInfo <- function(lk) {
info <- numeric(ni)
info <- apply(matrix.info * lk, 2, sum)
info[items.available == FALSE] <- 0
if (content.balancing) {
info[content.cat != .GetNextContent()] <- 0
.CalcPWInfo <- function(pos) {
info <- numeric(ni)
info <- apply(matrix.info * pos, 2, sum)
info[items.available == FALSE] <- 0
if (content.balancing) {
info[content.cat != .GetNextContent()] <- 0
.CalcExpectedInfo <- function(pos, current.theta) {
info <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
EAP.k <- numeric(ncat)
wt <- numeric(ncat)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k <- pos * pp[, i, k]
wt[k] <- sum(posterior.k)
EAP.k[k] <- sum(posterior.k * theta) / wt[k]
wt <- wt / sum(wt)
for (r in 1:ncat) {
info.r = TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[i]], EAP.k[r])
info[i] <- info[i] + wt[r] * info.r
.CalcExpectedVar <- function(pos, current.theta) {
epv <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
wt <- numeric(ncat)
EAP.k <- numeric(ncat)
Var.k <- numeric(ncat)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k <- pos * pp[, i, k]
wt[k] <- sum(posterior.k)
EAP.k[k] <- sum(posterior.k * theta) / wt[k]
Var.k[k] <- sum(posterior.k * (theta - EAP.k[k])^2) / wt[k]
wt <- wt / sum(wt)
for (r in 1:ncat) {
epv[i] <- epv[i] + wt[r] * Var.k[r]
epv[i] <- 1 / epv[i]
.CalcMI <- function(pos) {
MI <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
p <- numeric(ncat)
posterior.k <- matrix(NA, ncat, length(pos))
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k[k,] <- pos * pp[, i, k]
p[k] <- sum(posterior.k[k, ])
p <- p / sum(p)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
MI[i] <- MI[i] + sum(posterior.k[k, ] * log(posterior.k[k, ] / (pos * p[k])))
.CalcMI.AMC <- function(pos.H1, pos.H0) {
MI <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
p <- numeric(ncat)
posterior.k <- matrix(NA, ncat, length(pos.H1))
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k[k,] <- pos.H1 * pp[, i, k]
p[k] <- sum(posterior.k[k, ])
p <- p / sum(p)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
MI[i] <- MI[i] + sum(posterior.k[k, ] * log(posterior.k[k, ] / (pos.H0 * p[k])))
.CalcKL <- function(current.theta, d) {
KL <- numeric(ni)
interval <- seq(current.theta - d, current.theta + d, length.out = 10)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
p <- as.vector(TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[i]], current.theta))
p.interval <- TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[i]], interval)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
KL[i] <- KL[i] + sum(p[k] * log(p[k] / p.interval[, k]))
.CalcKL.AMC <- function(theta.H1, theta.H0) {
KL <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
p.H1 <- as.vector(TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[i]], theta.H1))
p.H0 <- as.vector(TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[i]], theta.H0))
for (k in 1:ncat) {
KL[i] <- KL[i] + p.H1[k] * log(p.H1[k] / p.H0[k])
.CalcPW.KL <- function(pos, current.theta) {
KL <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
p <- as.vector(TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[i]], current.theta))
KL.k <- matrix(NA, ncat, length(pos))
for (k in 1:ncat) {
KL.k[k, ] <- p[k] * log(p[k] / pp[, i, k])
KL[i] <- sum(colSums(KL.k) * pos)
.CalcPW.KL.AMC <- function(pos.H1, pos.H0, current.theta) {
KL <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
p <- as.vector(TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[i]], current.theta))
KL.k <- matrix(NA, ncat, length(pos.H1))
for (k in 1:ncat) {
KL.k[k, ] <- p[k] * log(pos.H1 / pos.H0)
KL[i] <- sum(colSums(KL.k) * pos.H1)
.CalcPredictedPSD <- function(pos, current.theta) {
ppsd <- rep(NA, ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
wt <- numeric(ncat)
EAP.k <- numeric(ncat)
posterior.k <- matrix(NA, nq, ncat)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k[,k] <- pos * pp[, i, k]
wt[k] <- sum(pp[, i, k] * pos / sum(pos))
wt <- wt / sum(wt)
ppsd[i] <- 0
for (k in 1:ncat) {
EAP.k[k] <- sum(posterior.k[, k] * theta) / sum(posterior.k[, k])
ppsd[i] <- ppsd[i] + wt[k] * sqrt(sum(pos * pp[, i, k] * (theta - EAP.k[k])^2) / sum(pos * pp[, i, k]))
.CalcExpectedPWInfo <- function(pos, current.theta) {
info <- numeric(ni)
available <- items.available
if (content.balancing) {
available <- items.available & (content.cat == .GetNextContent())
for (i in 1:ni) {
if (available[i]) {
ncat <- NCAT[i]
wt <- numeric(ncat)
info.i <- matrix.info[, i]
info.k <- numeric(ncat)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k <- pos * pp[, i, k] / sum(pos * pp[, i, k])
info.k[k] <- sum(info.i * posterior.k)
wt[k] <- sum(pos * pp[, i, k])
wt <- wt / sum(wt)
info[i] <- sum(info.k * wt)
.SelectMaxInfo <- function () {
if (!exposure.control) {
if (ni.available > 0) {
item.selected <- info.index[1]
} else {
if (toupper(exposure.control.method) %in% c("RANDOMESQUE", "RD")) {
if (ni.available >= top.N) {
item.selected <- info.index[sample(top.N, 1)]
} else if (ni.available > 0) {
item.selected <- info.index[sample(ni.available, 1)]
} else if (toupper(exposure.control.method) %in% c("PROGRESSIVE-RESTRICTED", "PR")) {
rc <- runif(ni, max = max(array.info))
rc[!items.available] <- 0
rel <- 1 - se.history[j, ni.given]^2
w.array.info <- rel * (1 - exposure.rate / j) * array.info + (1 - rel) * rc
item.selected <- order(w.array.info, decreasing = TRUE)[1]
} else if (toupper(exposure.control.method) %in% c("SYMPSON-HETTER", "SH")) {
found = FALSE
for (i in 1:ni.available) {
if (PAS[info.index[i]] == 1) {
item.selected <- info.index[i]
selection.rate[item.selected] <<- selection.rate[item.selected] + 1
found = TRUE
} else {
random <- runif(1)
selection.rate[info.index[i]] <<- selection.rate[info.index[i]] + 1
if (random <= PAS[info.index[i]]) {
item.selected <- info.index[i]
found = TRUE
} else {
items.available[info.index[i]] <<- FALSE
if (!found) {
item.selected <- info.index[ni.available]
exposure.rate[item.selected] <<- exposure.rate[item.selected] + 1
return (item.selected)
.CalcSE.d <- function(examinee, th, ngiven) {
info.1 <- 0
info.2 <- 0
for (i in 1:output.previous$ni.administered[examinee]) {
item <- output.previous$items.used[examinee, i]
info.1 <- info.1 + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], th)
for (i in 1:ngiven) {
item <- items.used[examinee, i]
info.2 <- info.2 + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], th)
return(sqrt(1 / info.1 + 1 / info.2))
.CalcSE <- function(examinee, ngiven, th, pooled = FALSE) {
info <- 0
if (pooled){
for (i in 1:output.previous$ni.administered[examinee]) {
item <- output.previous$items.used[examinee, i]
info <- info + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], th)
for (i in 1:ngiven) {
item <- items.used[examinee, i]
info <- info + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], th)
SEM <- 1 / sqrt(info)
.CalcLH <- function(th, items, resps) {
LH <- 1
resps <- resps + min.score.0
for (i in 1:length(items)) {
p <- TestDesign::calcProb(item.pool@parms[[items[i]]], th)
LH <- LH * p[resps[i]]
.CalcEAP <- function (examinee, ngiven, pooled = FALSE) {
if (pooled) {
LH <- output.previous$likelihood.dist[j, ]
} else {
LH <- rep(1, nq)
for (i in 1:ngiven) {
item <- items.used[examinee, i]
resp <- resp.matrix[examinee, item] + min.score.0
prob <- pp[, item, resp]
LH <- LH * prob
posterior <- prior * LH
EAP <- sum(posterior * theta) / sum(posterior)
if (se.method == 1) {
SEM <- sqrt(sum(posterior * (theta - EAP)^2) / sum(posterior))
} else if (se.method == 2) {
SEM <- .CalcSE(examinee, ngiven, EAP, pooled = pooled)
if (shrinkage.correction) {
EAP <- EAP * (1 + SEM^2)
if (se.method == 1) {
SEM <- 1 / (sqrt(1 / SEM^2 - 1 / prior.sd^2))
} else if (se.method == 2) {
SEM <- .CalcSE(examinee, ngiven, EAP, pooled = pooled)
return(list(THETA = EAP, SEM = SEM, LH = LH, posterior = posterior))
.CalcST <- function(examinee, ngiven, th){
ngiven.previous <- output.previous$ni.administered[examinee]
sf1 <- 0
sf2 <- 0
info1 <- 0
info2 <- 0
for (i in 1:ngiven.previous) {
item <- output.previous$items.used[examinee, i]
sf1 <- sf1 + TestDesign::calcJacobian(item.pool@parms[[item]], th, output.previous$selected.item.resp[examinee, i] - !min.score.0)
info1 <- info1 + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], th)
for (i in 1:ngiven) {
item <- items.used[examinee, i]
sf2 <- sf2 + TestDesign::calcJacobian(item.pool@parms[[item]], th, resp.matrix[examinee, item] - !min.score.0)
info2 <- info2 + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], th)
ST <- sf1^2 / info1 + sf2^2 / info2
.CheckScore <- function(resp, ncat) {
not.missing <- !is.na(resp)
sum.score <- sum(resp[not.missing])
min.score <- sum(not.missing) * !min.score.0
max.score <- sum(ncat[not.missing] - min.score.0)
return(sum.score > min.score && sum.score < max.score)
.CalcMLE <- function(examinee, ngiven, maxIter = 50, crit = 0.0001, pooled = FALSE) {
EAP.estimates <- .CalcEAP(examinee, ngiven, pooled = pooled)
if (pooled) {
ngiven.previous <- output.previous$ni.administered[examinee]
} else {
ngiven.previous <- 0
resp <- numeric(ngiven.previous + ngiven)
ncat <- numeric(ngiven.previous + ngiven)
if (pooled) {
for (i in 1:ngiven.previous) {
item <- output.previous$items.used[examinee, i]
resp[i] <- output.previous$resp[examinee, item]
ncat[i] <- NCAT[i]
for (i in 1:ngiven) {
item <- items.used[examinee, i]
resp[ngiven.previous + i] <- resp.matrix[examinee, item]
ncat[ngiven.previous + i] <- NCAT[i]
if (!.CheckScore(resp, ncat)) {
MLE <- EAP.estimates$THETA
SEM <- EAP.estimates$SEM
} else {
change <- 1000
nIter <- 0
post.theta <- EAP.estimates$THETA
while (nIter <= maxIter && change > crit) {
pre.theta <- post.theta
deriv1 <- 0
deriv2 <- 0
if (pooled) {
for (i in 1:ngiven.previous) {
item <- output.previous$items.used[examinee, i]
deriv1 <- deriv1 + TestDesign::calcJacobian(item.pool@parms[[item]], pre.theta, resp[i] - !min.score.0)
if (Fisher.scoring) deriv2 <- deriv2 + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], pre.theta)
else deriv2 <- deriv2 + TestDesign::calcHessian(item.pool@parms[[item]], pre.theta, resp[i] - !min.score.0)
for (i in 1:ngiven) {
item <- items.used[examinee, i]
deriv1 <- deriv1 + TestDesign::calcJacobian(item.pool@parms[[item]], pre.theta, resp[ngiven.previous + i] - !min.score.0)
if (Fisher.scoring) {
deriv2 <- deriv2 + TestDesign::calcFisher(item.pool@parms[[item]], pre.theta)
} else {
deriv2 <- deriv2 + TestDesign::calcHessian(item.pool@parms[[item]], pre.theta, resp[ngiven.previous + i] - !min.score.0)
SEM <- 1/sqrt(abs(deriv2))
if (Fisher.scoring) {
post.theta <- pre.theta + deriv1 / deriv2
} else {
post.theta <- pre.theta - deriv1 / deriv2
change <- abs(post.theta - pre.theta)
nIter <- nIter + 1
if (post.theta < min.theta) {
MLE <- min.theta
} else if (post.theta > max.theta) {
MLE <- max.theta
} else {
MLE <- post.theta
return(list(THETA = MLE, SEM = SEM, LH = EAP.estimates$LH, posterior = EAP.estimates$posterior))
.PlotThetaAuditTrail <- function() {
par(mfrow = c(2, 1), mar = c(4, 2, 2, 2))
plot(1:max.NI, seq(min.theta, max.theta, length = max.NI), main = paste("CAT Audit Trail - Examinee ", j, sep = ""), xlab = "Items Administered", ylab = "Theta", type = "n", las = 1)
points(1:ni.given, theta.history[j, 1:ni.given], type = "b", pch = 9, col = "blue")
abline(h = theta.CAT[j], lty = 2, col = "red")
item.string <- paste(items.used[j, 1:ni.given], collapse = ",")
text(1, max.theta, paste("Items: ", item.string, sep = ""), cex = 0.7, adj = 0)
text(1, min.theta + 0.3, paste("Theta: ", round(estimates$THETA, digits = 2), " SE: ", round(estimates$SEM, digits = 2)), cex = 0.8, adj = 0)
if (content.balancing) text(1, max.theta-0.7, paste("Content Distribution:", paste(round(current.content.dist, digits = 2), collapse = ",")), cex = 0.7, adj = 0)
for (i in 1:ni.given) {
lines(rep(i, 2), c(theta.history[j, i]-1.96*se.history[j, i], theta.history[j, i] + 1.96*se.history[j, i]))
resp.string <- paste(resp.matrix[j, items.used[j, 1:ni.given]], collapse = ",")
plot(theta, posterior.matrix[j, ], main = "Final Posterior Distribution", xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Posterior", type = "l", col = "blue", yaxt = "n")
text(min.theta, max(posterior.matrix[j, ]), paste("Responses: ", resp.string, sep = ""), cex = 0.7, adj = 0)
.PlotItemUsage <- function () {
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
if (!is.null(true.theta)) {
if (toupper(pop.dist) == "GRID") {
boxplot(rowSums(!is.na(items.used)) ~ true.theta, col = "skyblue", boxwex = 0.5, ylim = c(min.NI, max.NI), names = (format(pop.par, digits = 1)), xlim = c(1, length(pop.par)), xlab = "True Theta", ylab = "Number of Items Administered")
for (i in min.NI:max.NI) {
abline(h = i, lty = 3, col = "light grey")
} else {
plot(true.theta, jitter(rowSums(!is.na(items.used)), amount = 0.01), ylim = c(min.NI, max.NI), xlab = "True Theta", ylab = "Number of Items Administered", col = 4, las = 1)
} else {
plot(theta.CAT, jitter(rowSums(!is.na(items.used)), amount = 0.01), ylim = c(min.NI, max.NI), xlab = "CAT Theta", ylab = "Number of Items Administered", col = 4, las = 1)
pct.items.used <- numeric(ni)
tot.ni.used <- sum(!is.na(items.used))
for (i in 1:ni) {
pct.items.used[i] <- sum(items.used == i, na.rm = T)*100/tot.ni.used
plot(c(1, ni), c(0, max(pct.items.used)), type = "n", xlab = "Items", ylab = "Percent Used", las = 1)
for (i in 1:ni) {
lines(rep(i, 2), c(0, pct.items.used[i]), col = "blue")
.PlotItemInfo <- function () {
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
bank.info <- rowSums(matrix.info)
bank.se <- 1/sqrt(bank.info)
bticks <- pretty(theta, ceiling(max.theta - min.theta))
rticks <- pretty(1/sqrt(bank.info))
scale.factor <- (max(bank.info)-min(bank.info)) / (max(bank.se) - min(bank.se))
plot(theta, bank.info, type = "l", xaxt = "n", las = 2, xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Total Information", lty = 1)
axis(4, at = rticks*scale.factor, labels = rticks, tck = 0.01, lty = 2)
mtext("Standard Error", side = 4, line = 3)
axis(1, at = bticks, labels = bticks, tck = 0.01, lty = 2)
lines(theta, scale.factor * bank.se, lty = 3)
legend(min(theta), max(bank.info), legend = c("Information", "SE"), lty = c(1, 3), bg = "white")
par(mfrow = c(3, 4))
max.info <- max(matrix.info)
for (i in 1:ni){
plot(theta, seq(0, max.info, length = length(theta)), type = "n", xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Information", main = paste("Item", i, sep = " "))
lines(theta, matrix.info[, i], lty = 1, col = 4)
theta.at.max <- theta[which.max(matrix.info[, i])]
points(theta.at.max, 0, pch = "|", col = 6)
text(mean(c(min.theta, max.theta)), max.info, paste("Max at Theta =", round(theta.at.max, digits = 1), sep = ""), cex = 0.7)
.PlotItemProb <- function () {
par(mfrow = c(3, 4))
for (i in 1:ni){
ncat <- NCAT[i]
plot(theta, seq(0, 1, length = length(theta)), type = "n", xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Probability", main = paste("Item", i, sep = " "))
for (k in 1:ncat){
lines(theta, pp[, i, k], lty = k, col = k)
legend(min(theta), 1, legend = 1:ncat, lty = 1:ncat, cex = 0.5, col = 1:ncat, bg = "white")
.RunFinalThetaEstimators <- function () {
info.wt <- sqrt(rowSums(matrix.info))
WLH.matrix <- LH.matrix * info.wt
find.max <- function(vec) {
theta[which(vec == max(vec))]
theta.MAP <- apply(posterior.matrix, 1, find.max)
theta.MLE <- apply(LH.matrix, 1, find.max)
theta.WLE <- apply(WLH.matrix, 1, find.max)
final.theta.estimators <- data.frame(EAP = theta.CAT, MAP = theta.MAP, MLE = theta.MLE, WLE = theta.WLE)
return (final.theta.estimators)
.PlotMaxInfo <- function() {
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
matrix.order <- t(apply(matrix.info, 1, order, decreasing = TRUE))
sorted.info <- matrix(0, nrow(matrix.order), ncol(matrix.order))
for (j in 1:nrow(matrix.order)) {
sorted.info[j, ] <- matrix.info[j, matrix.order[j, ]]
cum.info <- t(apply(sorted.info, 1, cumsum))
bticks <- pretty(theta, ceiling(max.theta - min.theta))
plot(theta, cum.info[, 1], xlab = "Theta", ylab = "Max Attainable Information", ylim = c(0, max(cum.info)), type = "n", cex.lab = 1.0, las = 1, xaxt = "n")
axis(1, at = bticks, labels = bticks, tck = 1, lty = 2, col = "grey")
abline(h = 1 / max.SE^2, col = "blue", lty = 2)
text(min.theta, 1 / max.SE^2, paste("SE=", max.SE, sep = ""), adj = c(0, 0), cex = 0.8)
for (i in 1:ni) {
color <- ifelse(i%%5 == 0, "black", "grey")
lines(theta, cum.info[, i], col = color)
text(theta[which(cum.info[, i] == max(cum.info[, i]))], max(cum.info[, i]), i, cex = 0.5, adj = c(0, 0), col = "red")
.CalcQ3 <- function(theta) {
es <- matrix(NA, length(theta), ni)
for (i in 1:ni){
es[, i] <- TestDesign::calcEscore(item.pool@parms[[i]], theta)
res <- resp.matrix-es
Q3 <- cor(res, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
table.Q3 <- matrix(NA, nrow = ni * (ni - 1), ncol = 3)
idx <- 0
for (r in 1:ni) {
for (c in 1:ni) {
if (r<c) {
idx <- idx + 1
table.Q3[idx, 1] <- r
table.Q3[idx, 2] <- c
table.Q3[idx, 3] <- Q3[r, c]
return(list(Q3 = Q3, table.Q3 = table.Q3))
.PlotQ3 <- function(theta) {
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
es <- matrix(NA, length(theta), ni)
for (i in 1:ni){
es[, i] <- TestDesign::calcEscore(item.pool@parms[[i]], theta)
res <- resp.matrix-es
Q3 <- cor(res, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
plot(1:ni, 1:ni, type = "n", ylab = "Item", xlab = "Item", xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n")
axis(1, at = 1:ni, cex = 0.5)
axis(2, at = 1:ni, cex = 0.5)
axis(3, at = 1:ni, cex = 0.5)
axis(4, at = 1:ni, cex = 0.5)
for (r in 1:ni) {
for (c in 1:ni) {
if (r>c) {
if (abs(Q3[r, c]) >= 0.4) {
points(r, c, pch = 16, col = "red")
abline(h = c, lty = 2, col = "dark grey")
abline(v = r, lty = 2, col = "dark grey")
else if (abs(Q3[r, c]) >= 0.3) points(r, c, pch = 10)
else if (abs(Q3[r, c]) >= 0.2) points(r, c, pch = 21)
legend(1, ni, c("| r | >= 0.4", "| r | >= 0.3", "| r | >= 0.2"), pch = c(16, 10, 21), bg = "white", col = c("red", "black", "black"))
.CheckExtremeResponse <- function() {
flag <- FALSE
if (toupper(extreme.response.check) %in% c("L", "R","H", "E")) {
if (ni.given == max.extreme.response) {
resp.string <- paste0(selected.item.resp[j, 1:ni.given], collapse = "")
if (toupper(extreme.response.check) == "L") {
if (resp.string == paste0(rep(as.numeric(!min.score.0), ni.given), collapse = "")) {
flag <- TRUE
} else if (toupper(extreme.response.check) %in% c("R", "H")) {
if (resp.string == paste0(NCAT[items.used[j, 1:ni.given]] - min.score.0, collapse = "")) {
flag <- TRUE
} else {
if (resp.string == paste0(rep(1, ni.given), collapse = "") || resp.string == paste0(NCAT[items.used[j, 1:ni.given]] - min.score.0, collapse = "")) {
flag <- TRUE
return (flag)
.CheckSEChange <- function() {
flag <- FALSE
if (min.SE.change>0 && ni.given >= min.NI && ni.given >= 2) {
if ((se.history[j, ni.given-1] - se.history[j, ni.given]) < min.SE.change) {
flag <- TRUE
return (flag)
.CheckSE <- function() {
return(estimates$SEM <= max.SE && ni.given >= min.NI)
.StopAMC <- function(){
SE = estimates$SEM <= max.SE && ni.given >= min.NI,
Z = Z[j, ni.given] >= qnorm(1 - FDR / 2, mean = 0, sd = 1) && ni.given >= min.NI,
LR = LR[j, ni.given] >= qchisq(1 - FDR / 2, df = 1) && ni.given >= min.NI,
ST = ST[j, ni.given] >= qchisq(1 - FDR / 2, df = 1) && ni.given >= min.NI
.StopSPRT <- function() {
LR.SPRT >= (1- beta.SPRT) / alpha.SPRT || LR.SPRT <= beta.SPRT / (1 - alpha.SPRT)
.StopSB <- function() {
theta.low <- theta.current - qnorm(1 - eta.SB / 2) * estimates$SEM
theta.high <- theta.current + qnorm(1 - eta.SB / 2) * estimates$SEM
return(theta.low > cut.SB || theta.high < cut.SB)
oldpar <- par(no.readonly = TRUE)
if (progress.bar) {
pb = txtProgressBar(0, nExaminees, char = "|", style = 3)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MFI") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info > 0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
if (toupper(interim.theta) == "EAP") {
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
} else if (toupper(interim.theta) == "MLE") {
estimates <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MKL") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
else theta.current <- start.theta
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcKL(theta.current, 0.75)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
if (toupper(interim.theta) == "EAP") {
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
} else if (toupper(interim.theta) == "MLE") {
estimates <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MLWI") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
else theta.current <- start.theta
likelihood <- rep(1, length(theta))
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcLWInfo(likelihood)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
likelihood <- likelihood*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
if (toupper(interim.theta) == "EAP") {
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
} else if (toupper(interim.theta) == "MLS") {
estimates <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MPWI") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcPWInfo(posterior)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MPWKL") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
else theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcPW.KL(posterior, theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MEI") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
else theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcExpectedInfo(posterior, theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MEPV") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
else theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcExpectedVar(posterior, theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MEPWI") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcExpectedPWInfo(posterior, theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "RND") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) {
items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
random <- runif(ni)
random[!items.available] <- 0
if (content.balancing) {
random[content.cat != .GetNextContent()] <- 0
item.selected <- order(random, decreasing = TRUE)[1]
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) {
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "KET") {
info.table <- .CalcInfo(ext.theta[[1]])
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) {
items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- info.table[j, ]
array.info[!items.available] <- 0
if (content.balancing) {
array.info[content.cat != .GetNextContent()] <- 0
item.selected <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)[1]
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) {
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "LOC") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) {
items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
else theta.current <- start.theta
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcLocInfo(theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) {
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "SEQ") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
item.order <- 1:ni
if (sum(items.available) < ni) {
item.order <- item.order[-which(items.available == FALSE)]
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<length(item.order)) {
item.selected <- item.order[ni.given + 1]
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "TSB") {
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
array.info <- .CalcPWInfo(prior)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
locator.item <- info.index[1]
ncat <- NCAT[locator.item]
sequence.matrix <- matrix(NA, ncat, ni)
posterior.k <- matrix(rep(prior, ncat), ncat, length(prior), byrow = TRUE)
for (k in 1:ncat) {
posterior.k[k, ] <- prior*pp[, locator.item, k]
array.info <- .CalcPWInfo(posterior.k[k, ])
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
info.index <- info.index[-which(info.index == locator.item)]
sequence.matrix[k, ] <- c(locator.item, info.index)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
plot(1:15, seq(1, (ncat + 4), length = 15), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", type = "n", xlab = "", ylab = "")
text(2, round(median(1:ncat)) + 2, paste("Locator: ", locator.item, sep = ""))
for (k in 1:ncat) {
text(5, ncat + 3 - k, paste("(", k, ")", sep = ""))
text(6, ncat + 3 - k, paste(sequence.matrix[k, 2:max.NI], collapse = "-"), adj = c(0), cex = 0.7, col = "blue")
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
locator.response <- resp.matrix[j, locator.item]
if (is.na(locator.response) == TRUE) {
locator.response <- (round(median(1:ncat)))
item.order <- sequence.matrix[locator.response, ]
if (sum(items.available)<ni) {
item.order <- setdiff(item.order, which(items.available == FALSE))
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given < max.to.administer) {
item.selected <- item.order[ni.given + 1]
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "PSER") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
old.SE <- 1
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) {
items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (ni.given<max.to.administer) {
array.se <- .CalcPredictedPSD(posterior, theta.current)
array.info <- 1/array.se^2
array.info[is.na(array.info)] <- 0
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
} else item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
se.change <- old.SE - array.se[item.selected]
if (ni.given >= min.NI) {
if ((old.SE <= max.SE) && (se.change < continue.SE)) {
} else if ((old.SE > max.SE) && (se.change < stop.SE)) {
if (.CheckExtremeResponse()) {
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) {
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
old.SE <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "MI") {
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) {
items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- ext.theta$theta[j]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
posterior <- prior
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given < max.to.administer) {
array.info <- .CalcMI(posterior)
ni.available <- sum(array.info>0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
} else if (first.item.selection == 2 || first.item.selection == 4) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
resp <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
prob <- pp[, item.selected, resp]
posterior <- posterior*prob
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) {
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .CheckSE() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "AMC") {
if (is.null(output.previous)) {
stop("for selection.method = \'AMC\' output.previous is required")
posterior.matrix.previous <- output.previous$posterior.dist
LH.matrix.previous <- output.previous$likelihood.dist
if (nrow(posterior.matrix.previous)!=nExaminees) {
stop("the number of simulees in output.previous must be equal to nExaminees")
Z <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
LR <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
ST <- matrix(NA, nExaminees, max.NI)
if (BH) {
n.tests <- max.NI - min.NI + 1
if (n.tests > 1) {
alpha.AMC.BH <- (1:n.tests)*rep(alpha.AMC, max.NI - min.NI + 1)/n.tests
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
FDR <- alpha.AMC
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- output.previous$final.theta.se[j, 1]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given<max.to.administer) {
if (ni.given == 0) {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
} else {
if (toupper(info.AMC) == "KL") {
array.info <- .CalcKL.AMC(theta.current, theta.pooled)
} else if (toupper(info.AMC) == "PWKL") {
array.info <- .CalcPW.KL.AMC(estimates$posterior, estimates.pooled$posterior, theta.current)
} else if (toupper(info.AMC) == "MI") {
array.info <- .CalcMI.AMC(estimates$posterior, estimates.pooled$posterior)
} else if (toupper(info.AMC) == "FI") {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info > 0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
if (toupper(interim.theta) == "EAP") {
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
estimates.pooled <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given, pooled = TRUE)
} else if (toupper(interim.theta) == "MLE") {
estimates <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given)
estimates.pooled <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given, pooled = TRUE)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
theta.pooled <- estimates.pooled$THETA
Z[j, ni.given] <- abs(theta.current-output.previous$final.theta.se[j, 1])/.CalcSE.d(j, theta.pooled, ni.given)
LR.0 <- .CalcLH(theta.pooled, c(output.previous$items.used[j, 1:output.previous$ni.administered[j]], items.used[j, 1:ni.given]), c(output.previous$selected.item.resp[j, 1:output.previous$ni.administered[j]], selected.item.resp[j, 1:ni.given]))
LR.1 <- .CalcLH(theta.current, items.used[j, 1:ni.given], selected.item.resp[j, 1:ni.given]) * .CalcLH(output.previous$final.theta.se[j, 1], output.previous$items.used[j, 1:output.previous$ni.administered[j]], output.previous$selected.item.resp[j, 1:output.previous$ni.administered[j]])
LR[j, ni.given] <- -2*(log(LR.0/LR.1))
ST[j, ni.given] <- .CalcST(j, ni.given, theta.pooled)
if (BH && ni.given >= min.NI) {
FDR <- alpha.AMC.BH[ni.given - min.NI + 1]
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .StopAMC() || .CheckExtremeResponse() || .CheckSEChange()) {
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
if (progress.bar) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "SPRT") {
theta.low <- cut.SPRT - delta.SPRT
theta.high <- cut.SPRT + delta.SPRT
mastery <- rep(NA, nExaminees)
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- output.previous$final.theta.se[j, 1]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given < max.to.administer) {
if (toupper(info.SPRT) == "KLC") {
array.info <- .CalcKL.AMC(theta.high, theta.low)
} else if (toupper(info.SPRT) == "KL") {
array.info <- .CalcKL(theta.current, delta.SPRT)
} else if (toupper(info.SPRT) == "FIC") {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(cut.SPRT)
} else if (toupper(info.SPRT) == "FI") {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info > 0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
if (toupper(interim.theta) == "EAP") {
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
} else if (toupper(interim.theta) == "MLE") {
estimates <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
LH.low <-.CalcLH(theta.low, items.used[j, 1:ni.given], selected.item.resp[j, 1:ni.given])
LH.high <- .CalcLH(theta.high, items.used[j, 1:ni.given], selected.item.resp[j, 1:ni.given])
LR.SPRT <- LH.high / LH.low
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .StopSPRT()) {
if (LR.SPRT >= (1- beta.SPRT) / alpha.SPRT) {
mastery[j] <- 1
} else if (LR.SPRT <= beta.SPRT / (1 - alpha.SPRT)) {
mastery[j] <- 0
} else if (abs(log(LR.SPRT) - log((1- beta.SPRT) / alpha.SPRT)) < abs(log(LR.SPRT) - log(beta.SPRT / (1 - alpha.SPRT)))) {
mastery[j] <- 1
} else {
mastery[j] <- 0
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "SB") {
mastery <- rep(NA, nExaminees)
for (j in 1:nExaminees) {
critMet <- FALSE
items.available <- rep(TRUE, ni)
items.available[is.na(resp.matrix[j, 1:ni])] <- FALSE
if (content.balancing) {
current.content.dist <- numeric(ncc)
current.content.freq <- numeric(ncc)
if (any(target.content.dist == 0)) items.available[content.cat %in% which(target.content.dist == 0)] <- FALSE
max.to.administer <- ifelse(sum(items.available) <= max.NI, sum(items.available), max.NI)
ni.given <- 0
if (first.item.selection == 4) {
theta.current <- output.previous$final.theta.se[j, 1]
} else {
theta.current <- start.theta
while (critMet == FALSE && ni.given < max.to.administer) {
if (toupper(info.SB) == "FIC") {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(cut.SB)
} else if (toupper(info.SB) == "FI") {
array.info <- .CalcInfo(theta.current)
ni.available <- sum(array.info > 0)
info.index <- order(array.info, decreasing = TRUE)
item.selected <- .SelectMaxInfo()
if (ni.given == 0) {
if (first.item.selection == 3 && first.item >= 1 && first.item <= ni) {
if (items.available[first.item] == TRUE) {
item.selected <- first.item
ni.given <- ni.given + 1
items.used[j, ni.given] <- item.selected
if (content.balancing) .UpdateContentDist()
items.available[item.selected] <- FALSE
selected.item.resp[j, ni.given] <- resp.matrix[j, item.selected]
if (toupper(interim.theta) == "EAP") {
estimates <- .CalcEAP(j, ni.given)
} else if (toupper(interim.theta) == "MLE") {
estimates <- .CalcMLE(j, ni.given)
theta.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$THETA
se.history[j, ni.given] <- estimates$SEM
theta.current <- estimates$THETA
if (ni.given >= max.to.administer || .StopSB()) {
if (theta.current >= cut.SB) {
mastery[j] <- 1
} else {
mastery[j] <- 0
critMet <- TRUE
theta.CAT[j] <- estimates$THETA
sem.CAT[j] <- estimates$SEM
LH.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$LH
posterior.matrix[j, ] <- estimates$posterior
ni.administered[j] <- ni.given
if (show.theta.audit.trail) {
setTxtProgressBar(pb, j)
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))
if (!is.null(true.theta)) {
cor.theta <- round(cor(true.theta, theta.CAT), 3)
rmsd.theta <- round(sqrt(mean((true.theta - theta.CAT)^2)), 3)
if (toupper(pop.dist) == "GRID") {
boxplot(theta.CAT~true.theta, col = "yellow", boxwex = 0.5, ylim = c(min.theta, max.theta), names = (format(pop.par, digits = 1)), xlim = c(1, length(pop.par)), xlab = "True Theta", ylab = "CAT Theta", main = "CAT vs. True Theta")
text(pop.par[1], max.theta, adj = 0, paste("r = ", cor.theta, sep = ""))
segments(1, min.theta, length(pop.par), max.theta, col = "red", lwd = 2, lty = 2)
for (i in min.theta:max.theta) {
abline(h = i, lty = 3, col = "light grey")
} else {
plot(min.theta:max.theta, min.theta:max.theta, xlab = "True Theta", ylab = "CAT Theta", main = "CAT vs. True Theta", type = "n", las = 1)
points(true.theta, theta.CAT, col = "blue")
text(min.theta, max.theta, adj = 0, paste("r = ", cor.theta, sep = ""))
abline(0, 1)
} else if (eap.full.length) {
cor.theta <- round(cor(ext.theta$theta, theta.CAT), 3)
rmsd.theta <- round(sqrt(mean((ext.theta$theta - theta.CAT)^2)), 3)
plot(min.theta:max.theta, min.theta:max.theta, xlab = "Full-Bank Theta", ylab = "CAT Theta", main = "CAT vs. Full-Bank Theta Estimates", type = "n", las = 1)
points(ext.theta$theta, theta.CAT, col = "blue")
text(min.theta, max.theta, adj = 0, paste("r = ", cor.theta, sep = ""))
abline(0, 1)
} else {
cor.theta <- round(cor(ext.theta$theta, theta.CAT), 3)
rmsd.theta <- round(sqrt(mean((ext.theta$theta - theta.CAT)^2)), 3)
plot(min.theta:max.theta, min.theta:max.theta, xlab = "External Theta", ylab = "CAT Theta", main = "CAT vs. External Theta Estimates", type = "n", las = 1)
points(ext.theta$theta, theta.CAT, col = "blue")
text(min.theta, max.theta, adj = 0, paste("r = ", cor.theta, sep = ""))
abline(0, 1)
if (plot.usage) {
if (content.balancing) {
overall.content.dist <- overall.content.freq/sum(overall.content.freq)
content.dist <- rbind(target.content.dist, overall.content.dist)
par.mar <- par()$mar
par(xpd = TRUE, mar = par()$mar + c(0, 0, 0, 5))
barplot(content.dist, ylab = "Proportion", xlab = "Content Category", las = 1, names.arg = paste(1:ncc), col = c("black", "grey"), beside = TRUE)
legend(ncc*3 + 0.5, max(target.content.dist, current.content.dist)/2, c("Target", "Current"), fill = c("black", "grey"))
par(xpd = FALSE, mar = par.mar)
if (bank.diagnosis) {
if (plot.info) {
if (plot.prob) {
if (add.final.theta || !(file.other.thetas == "")) {
final.thetas <- .RunFinalThetaEstimators()
if (add.final.theta) {
panel = function(x, y) {
points(x, y, col = 4)
abline(0, 1, lwd = 2)
diag.panel = function(x) {
par(new = TRUE)
hist(x, main = "", axes = FALSE, nclass = 12, probability = TRUE)
points(x, rep(0, length(x)), pch = "|")
if (!(file.other.thetas == "")) {
write.table(final.thetas, file = file.other.thetas, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.items.used == "")) {
colnames(items.used) <- paste("Item", seq(1:max.NI), sep = "")
write.table(items.used, file = file.items.used, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.theta.history == "")) {
colnames(theta.history) <- paste("Item", seq(1:max.NI), sep = "")
write.table(theta.history, file = file.theta.history, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.se.history == "")) {
colnames(se.history) <- paste("Item", seq(1:max.NI), sep = "")
write.table(se.history, file = file.se.history, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
final.theta.se <- as.data.frame(cbind(theta.CAT, sem.CAT))
if (!(file.final.theta.se == "")) {
colnames(final.theta.se) <- c("Theta", "SEM")
write.table(final.theta.se, file = file.final.theta.se, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.likelihood.dist == "")) {
colnames(LH.matrix) <- paste("Theta=", theta, sep = "")
write.table(LH.matrix, file = file.likelihood.dist, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.posterior.dist == "")) {
colnames(posterior.matrix) <- paste("Theta=", theta, sep = "")
write.table(posterior.matrix, file = file.posterior.dist, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.matrix.info == "")) {
colnames(matrix.info) <- paste("Item", 1:ni, sep = "")
write.table(matrix.info, file = file.matrix.info, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.full.length.theta == "")) {
write.table(ext.theta, file = file.full.length.theta, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
if (!(file.selected.item.resp == "")) {
colnames(selected.item.resp) <- paste("Item", seq(1:max.NI), sep = "")
write.table(selected.item.resp, file = file.selected.item.resp, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
nia <- rowSums(!is.na(items.used))
mean.nia <- mean(nia)
mean.SE <- mean(sem.CAT)
exposure.rate <- exposure.rate / j
out <- list(call = call, nia = nia, mean.nia = mean.nia, cor.theta = cor.theta, rmsd.theta = rmsd.theta, exposure.rate = exposure.rate, true.theta = true.theta, full.bank.eap = ext.theta, mean.SE = mean.SE, item.pool = item.pool, resp = resp.matrix, items.used = items.used, theta.history = theta.history, se.history = se.history, selected.item.resp = selected.item.resp, final.theta.se = final.theta.se, likelihood.dist = LH.matrix, posterior.dist = posterior.matrix, matrix.info = matrix.info, ni.administered = ni.administered)
if (toupper(selection.method) == "AMC") {
out[['Z']] <- Z
out[['LR']] <- LR
out[['ST']] <- ST
if (toupper(selection.method) %in% c("SPRT", "SB")) {
out[['mastery']] <- mastery
if (exposure.control.method %in% c("SH", "SYMPSON-HETTER")) {
selection.rate <- selection.rate / j
K <- rep(1, ni)
K[selection.rate > r.max] <- r.max / selection.rate[selection.rate > r.max]
out[['K']] <- K
if (!(file.Q3 == "")) {
Q3 <- .CalcQ3(ext.theta$theta)$table.Q3
colnames(Q3) <- c("i", "j", "Q3")
write.table(Q3, file = file.Q3, sep = ",", na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
out[['Q3']] <- Q3
if (eap.short.form) {
out[['short.form.eap']] <- short.form.eap
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