
Defines functions makeBUGSmodule gatherfctn maketidy match.call.defaults LHS2BUGSterm make.effect.name make.coef.name make.coef.obs make.mean.name make.precision.name make.sigma.name make.pred.name make.param.name make.random.prior make.prior safeDeparse factor.bracket RHSForm removeParen addTerm prodTerm makeFac bracket doublebracket removeIndexing make.interaction no.groups embedLinesInCurlyBrackets embedLinesInForLoop nobars nobars_ isBar isAnyArgBar anyBars fb make.glm lmPred2BUGSterm lmPred2BUGSRandom lmPredTerm2PRIOR lmPredRandom2PRIOR make.init lmPred2init callNim makeoutput

### Utility Functions for Abundance N Mixture Models and Single Season Occupancy  ###

makeBUGSmodule <- function(fun) {
  ans <- structure(list(process = fun), class = "BUGSmodule")

# Helper function to gather data
gatherfctn <- function(mydata, key.col, val.col, gather.cols) {
  new.data <- tidyr::gather_(data = mydata, key_col = key.col, value_col = val.col, gather_cols = colnames(mydata)[gather.cols])

## Make Tidy Data From 3 Abundance Data Sets ## y is matrix, sitevars is matrix, obsvars is named list
maketidy <- function(y, sitevars = NULL, obsvars = NULL) {
  final.df <- list()

  if (is.null(y)) {
    stop("Count Data is Required")
  y <- as.data.frame(y)
  L = dim(y)[2]
  VisitID <- paste("Visit", 1:L, sep = "")
  colnames(y) <- VisitID
  y$Site <- as.numeric(rownames(y))
  long.y <- tidyr::gather(y, "Visit", "Count", 1:L)

  # Site Variables
  if (!is.null(sitevars)) {
    sitevars <- as.data.frame(sitevars)
    sitevars$Site <- as.numeric(rownames(sitevars))

    # Check Dimensions
    if (dim(y)[1] != dim(sitevars)[1]) {
      stop("Number of Rows of Y and Site Variables Do Not Match")

    # Join Response with Site Level Variables
    final.df[[1]] <- dplyr::left_join(long.y, sitevars, by = "Site")
  } else {
    final.df[[1]] <- long.y

  # Combine Observation Level Data
  if (!is.null(obsvars)) {
    varnames.obs <- names(obsvars)

    for (i in seq_along(obsvars)) {
      mf = as.data.frame(obsvars[[i]])
      if (L != dim(mf)[2]) {
        stop("Number of Visits of Y and Obs Covariate Variables Do Not Match")
      colnames(mf) <- VisitID
      mf$Site <- as.numeric(rownames(mf))
      final.df[[i + 1]] <- gatherfctn(mf, "Visit", varnames.obs[i], 1:L)
  return(Reduce(function(dtf1, dtf2) dplyr::left_join(dtf1, dtf2, by = c("Site", "Visit")), final.df))

# Match.Call Function that Picks Up Defaut Arguments
match.call.defaults <- function(...) {
  call <- evalq(match.call(expand.dots = FALSE), parent.frame(1))
  formals <- evalq(formals(), parent.frame(1))

  for (i in setdiff(names(formals), names(call))) call[i] <- list(formals[[i]])

  match.call(sys.function(sys.parent()), call)

## BUGS Code Generation Helper Functions ##

# Takes Y (as a name) and constructs Y[i]
LHS2BUGSterm <- function(LHScode, indexName) {
  substitute(X[I], list(X = LHScode, I = indexName))

# Make the Name X.effect/mu/tau
make.effect.name <- function(term, level) {
  if (level == quote(site)) {
    return(as.name(paste0(term, ".effect.s")))
  if (level == quote(gam)) {
    return(as.name(paste0(term, ".effect.gam")))
  if (level == quote(phi)) {
    return(as.name(paste0(term, ".effect.phi")))
  if (level == quote(p)) {
    return(as.name(paste0(term, ".effect.p")))
  } else {
    return(as.name(paste0(term, ".effect.o")))

# To avoid repeated names, seperate naming for Site and Obs level parameters
make.coef.name <- function(term, level) {
  if (as.character(level) == "site") {
    return(as.name(paste0("s.", term)))
  if (as.character(level) == "gam") {
    return(as.name(paste0("gam.", term)))
  if (as.character(level) == "phi") {
    return(as.name(paste0("phi.", term)))
  if (as.character(level) == "p") {
    return(as.name(paste0("p.", term)))
  } else {
    as.name(paste0("o.", term))

make.coef.obs <- function(term) {
  as.name(paste0("o.", term))

make.mean.name <- function(term) {
  as.name(paste0(term, ".mu"))

make.precision.name <- function(term) {
  as.name(paste0(term, ".tau"))

make.sigma.name <- function(term) {
  as.name(paste0(term, ".sigma"))

make.pred.name <- function(term) {
  as.name(paste0(term, ".pred"))

make.param.name <- function(paramval, xvalue) {
  substitute(B * X, list(B = paramval, X = xvalue))

# Make Normal Prior for Random Effect
make.random.prior <- function(term, mean, sig) {
  substitute(TERM ~ dnorm(MEAN, sd = SD), list(TERM = term, MEAN = mean, SD = sig))

# Function to Make Priors
make.prior <- function(term, prior, ...) {
  param = list(...)
  argnames <- names(param)
  if (!("location" %in% argnames)) {
    param$location = 0
  if (!("scale" %in% argnames)) {
    param$scale = 1000
  if (!("lb" %in% argnames)) {
    param$lb = 0
  if (!("ub" %in% argnames)) {
    param$ub = 1000
  if (!("df" %in% argnames)) {
    param$df = 5
  if (!("ub" %in% argnames)) {
    param$ub = 1000
  if (!("shape" %in% argnames)) {
    param$shape = 0.001
  if (!("rate" %in% argnames)) {
    param$rate = 0.001

  if (prior == "Normal") {
    substitute(TERM ~ dnorm(LOCATION, sd = SCALE), list(TERM = term, LOCATION = param$location, SCALE = param$scale))
  } else if (prior == "Uniform") {
    substitute(TERM ~ dunif(MIN, MAX), list(TERM = term, MIN = param$lb, MAX = param$ub))
  } else if (prior == "t") {
    substitute(TERM ~ dt(LOCATION, SCALE, DF), list(TERM = term, LOCATION = param$location, SCALE = param$scale, DF = param$df))
  } else if (prior == "Gamma") {
    substitute(TERM ~ dgamma(SHAPE, RATE), list(TERM = term, SHAPE = param$shape, RATE = param$rate))
  } else {
    substitute(TERM <- 0, list(TERM = term))

# Lets Deparse Run Over Multiple Lines
safeDeparse <- function(expr) {
  ret <- paste(deparse(expr), collapse = "")
  # rm whitespace
  gsub("[[:space:]][[:space:]]+", " ", ret)

# Create A[1:L] where L is number of levels for factor
factor.bracket <- function(term, df) {
  if (is.factor(df[[term]])) {
    l = as.numeric(nlevels((df[[term]])))
    return(substitute(TERM[1:L], list(TERM = as.name(term), L = l)))

# Pulls out formula from model frame
RHSForm <- function(form, as.form = FALSE) {
  rhsf <- form[[length(form)]]
  if (as.form)
    reformulate(deparse(rhsf)) else rhsf

# Remove Parentheses from term
removeParen <- function(term) {
  out = gsub("[()]", "", term)
  return(unlist(strsplit(out, split = "|", fixed = TRUE)))

# Adds Term to a BUGS RHS.
addTerm <- function(currentTerms, newTerm) {
  substitute(A + B, list(A = currentTerms, B = newTerm))

prodTerm <- function(currentTerms, newTerm) {
  substitute(A * B, list(A = currentTerms, B = newTerm))

# Make Factor Variable
makeFac <- function(x, char.only = FALSE) {
  if (!is.factor(x) && (!char.only || is.character(x)))
    factor(x) else x

# Put Block Indexing Around Term
bracket <- function(term, index) {
  substitute(TERM[INDEX], list(TERM = term, INDEX = index))

# Make Double Bracket for Factor A[i,j]
doublebracket <- function(term, index1, index2) {
  substitute(TERM[INDEX1, INDEX2], list(TERM = term, INDEX1 = index1, INDEX2 = index2))

# Removes Bracket Indexing for single [ ]
removeIndexing <- function(term) {
  return(gsub("\\[.*", "", term))

make.interaction <- function(interaction, factors, index.name) {
  if (interaction %in% factors) {
    out = substitute(TERM[INDEX], list(TERM = as.name(interaction), INDEX = index.name))
    out <- substitute((TERM), list(TERM = out))

  } else {
    out = substitute(TERM[INDEX], list(TERM = as.name(interaction), INDEX = index.name))

no.groups <- function(term) {
  term <- as.character(term)
  splt <- as.numeric(strsplit(term, "[^0-9]+")[[1]])
  return(max(splt, na.rm = T) - min(splt, na.rm = T) + 1)

# This will take a list of code lines and embed them in {}
embedLinesInCurlyBrackets <- function(lines) {
  as.call(c(list(quote(`{`)), lines))

# Put Lines in a For Loop
embedLinesInForLoop <- function(lines, indexName, start = 1, finish) {
  linesInBrackets <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(lines)
  rangeCall <- substitute(A:B, list(A = start, B = finish))
  ans <- substitute(for (INDEXNAME in RANGE) STUFF, list(INDEXNAME = indexName, RANGE = rangeCall, STUFF = linesInBrackets))

# Find Fixed Effect Terms (from LME4 Package)
nobars <- function(term) {
  nb <- nobars_(term)  ## call recursive version
  if (is(term, "formula") && length(term) == 3 && is.symbol(nb)) {
    ## called with two-sided RE-only formula: construct response~1 formula
    nb <- reformulate("1", response = deparse(nb))
  ## called with one-sided RE-only formula, or RHS alone
  if (is.null(nb)) {
    nb <- if (is(term, "formula"))
      ~1 else 1

nobars_ <- function(term) {
  if (!anyBars(term))
  if (isBar(term))
  if (isAnyArgBar(term))
  if (length(term) == 2) {
    nb <- nobars_(term[[2]])
    if (is.null(nb))
    term[[2]] <- nb
  nb2 <- nobars_(term[[2]])
  nb3 <- nobars_(term[[3]])
  if (is.null(nb2))
  if (is.null(nb3))
  term[[2]] <- nb2
  term[[3]] <- nb3

isBar <- function(term) {
  if (is.call(term)) {
    if ((term[[1]] == as.name("|")) || (term[[1]] == as.name("||"))) {

isAnyArgBar <- function(term) {
  if ((term[[1]] != as.name("~")) && (term[[1]] != as.name("("))) {
    for (i in seq_along(term)) {
      if (isBar(term[[i]]))

anyBars <- function(term) {
  any(c("|", "||") %in% all.names(term))

# Find Random Effect Terms from Formula object
fb <- function(term) {
  if (is.name(term) || !is.language(term))
  if (identical(term[[1]], as.name("(")))
  if (term[[1]] == as.name("|"))
  if (length(term) == 2)
  c(fb(term[[2]]), fb(term[[3]]))

# Make nim_glm object to pass to BUGS Module for Processing
make.glm <- function(RHS, factors = "None", cl, mixture, link, N = NULL, Site = NULL, level = NULL, prior.params = NULL) {
  RHS.out <- call("nim_glm", RHSForm(RHS))
  RHS.out[[3]] <- factors
  RHS.out[[4]] <- as.name(cl$priors)
  RHS.out[[5]] <- prior.params
  RHS.out[[6]] <- cl$dropbase
  RHS.out[[7]] <- cl$droplast
  RHS.out[[8]] <- mixture
  RHS.out[[9]] <- link
  RHS.out[[10]] <- level
  names(RHS.out)[3:10] <- c("factors", "priors", "prior.shape", "dropbase", "droplast", "family", "link", "level")
  if (mixture %in% c("Binomial", "Bernoulli")) {
    RHS.out[[11]] <- list(N, Site)
    names(RHS.out)[11] <- c("args")

## nim_glm BUGS Module ## Returns Full Code, LHS, RHS, and the Probability Model
nim_glm <- makeBUGSmodule(function(LHS, RHS) {
  RHSargs <- match.call(function(mod, factors, priors, prior.shape, family, link, dropbase, droplast, level, args) {
  }, RHS)

  # Set Up LHS
  index.name <- quote(i)

  if (RHSargs$family %in% c("Poisson", "NB", "ZIP", "Bernoulli")) {
    distn <- quote(dpois)
    link = quote(log)
    param = quote(lambda)
    pred.d <- substitute(DIST(PARAM), list(DIST = distn, PARAM = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name)))

  if (RHSargs$family == "Binomial") {
    distn <- quote(dbinom)
    link = quote(logit)
    param = quote(p)
    pred.d <- substitute(DIST(PARAM, N), list(DIST = distn, PARAM = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name), N = bracket(RHSargs$args[[1]], bracket(RHSargs$args[[2]], quote(i)))))

  meanfctn <- substitute(LHS ~ RHS, list(LHS = LHS2BUGSterm(LHS[[2]], index.name), RHS = pred.d))
  meanfctn.loop <- embedLinesInForLoop(meanfctn, index.name, start = 1, finish = LHS[[3]][[3]])

  if (RHSargs$family == "NB") {
    dispersion <- substitute(LAMBDA <- MU * DISP, list(LAMBDA = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name), DISP = LHS2BUGSterm(quote(rho), index.name), MU = LHS2BUGSterm(quote(mu), index.name)))
    rho.dist <- substitute(X ~ dgamma(alpha, alpha), list(X = LHS2BUGSterm(quote(rho), index.name)))
    meanfctn.no.prior <- embedLinesInForLoop(list(meanfctn, dispersion, rho.dist), index.name, start = 1, finish = LHS[[3]][[3]])

    rho.param <- substitute(ALPHA <- exp(LOGALPHA), list(ALPHA = quote(alpha), LOGALPHA = quote(logalpha)))
    rho.prior <- make.prior(quote(logalpha), "Normal")

    meanfctn.loop <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(rho.prior, rho.param, meanfctn.no.prior))

  if (RHSargs$family == "ZIP") {
    zip <- substitute(S ~ dbern(THETA), list(S = LHS2BUGSterm(quote(s), index.name), THETA = quote(theta)))
    zip.prior <- make.prior(quote(theta), "Uniform", ub = 1)
    distn <- quote(dpois)
    link = quote(log)
    param = quote(lambda)
    pred.d <- substitute(DIST(PARAM * ZIP), list(DIST = distn, PARAM = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name), ZIP = LHS2BUGSterm(quote(s), index.name)))
    meanfctn <- substitute(LHS ~ RHS, list(LHS = LHS2BUGSterm(LHS[[2]], index.name), RHS = pred.d))
    meanfctn.no.prior <- embedLinesInForLoop(list(meanfctn, zip), index.name, start = 1, finish = LHS[[3]][[3]])
    meanfctn.loop <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(zip.prior, meanfctn.no.prior))

  if (RHSargs$family == "Bernoulli") {
    if (RHSargs$level == quote(site)) {
      param <- quote(psi)
      presence <- substitute(dbern(PSI), list(PSI = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name)))
    if (RHSargs$level == quote(phi)) {
      param <- quote(phi)
      presence <- substitute(dbern(PHI), list(PHI = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name)))
    if (RHSargs$level == quote(p)) {
      param <- quote(p)
      presence <- substitute(dbern(P), list(P = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name)))

    if (RHSargs$level == quote(gam)) {
      param <- quote(gamma)
      presence <- substitute(dbern(GAM), list(GAM = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name)))
    if (RHSargs$level == quote(obs)) {
      param <- quote(p)
      presence <- substitute(dbern(Z * P), list(Z = bracket(quote(z), bracket(RHSargs$args[[2]], quote(i))), P = LHS2BUGSterm(param, index.name)))
    meanfctn <- substitute(LHS ~ RHS, list(LHS = LHS2BUGSterm(LHS[[2]], index.name), RHS = presence))
    meanfctn.loop <- embedLinesInForLoop(meanfctn, index.name, start = 1, finish = LHS[[3]][[3]])

  # Set up RHS
  lpred <- call("lmPredictor", RHSargs$mod)
  lpred[[3]] <- RHSargs$factors
  lpred[[4]] <- RHSargs$priors
  lpred[[5]] <- RHSargs$prior.shape
  lpred[[6]] <- as.name(RHSargs$link)
  lpred[[7]] <- RHSargs$dropbase
  lpred[[8]] <- RHSargs$droplast
  lpred[[9]] <- RHSargs$level
  names(lpred)[3:9] <- c("factors", "priors", "prior.shape", "link", "dropbase", "droplast", "level")

  if (RHSargs$family == "NB") {
    lpred.full <- substitute(LHS <- RHS, list(LHS = bracket(quote(mu), LHS[[3]]), RHS = lpred))
    LHS.Param <- bracket(quote(mu), LHS[[3]])
  } else {
    lpred.full <- substitute(LHS <- RHS, list(LHS = bracket(param, LHS[[3]]), RHS = lpred))
    LHS.Param <- bracket(param, LHS[[3]])

  # Return Code
  newCode <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(lines = list(meanfctn.loop, lpred.full))
  return(list(code = newCode, LHS = LHS.Param, RHS = lpred, prob.mod = meanfctn.loop))

# Takes Term from lmPred and Converts it to a BUGS Term Note: : is not supported for interaction terms like for lm function, just *
lmPred2BUGSterm <- function(term, factors, index.name, level) {

  factors.name <- lapply(factors, removeIndexing)
  factors.name <- unlist(lapply(factors.name, "[[", 2))
  if (term == "1") {
    return(make.coef.name(quote(intercept), level))
  if (length(strsplit(term, "*", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) == 2) {
    interaction = unlist(strsplit(term, "*", fixed = TRUE))

    if (interaction[1] %in% factors.name & !(interaction[2] %in% factors.name)) {
      out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX]] * TERM2[INDEX], list(EFFECTNAME = make.effect.name(paste0(interaction[1], interaction[2]), level), TERM = as.name(interaction[1]),
                                                                    TERM2 = as.name(interaction[2]), INDEX = index.name))

    if (interaction[2] %in% factors.name & !(interaction[1] %in% factors.name)) {
      out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX]] * TERM2[INDEX], list(EFFECTNAME = make.effect.name(paste0(interaction[1], interaction[2]), level), TERM = as.name(interaction[2]),
                                                                    TERM2 = as.name(interaction[1]), INDEX = index.name))

    if (all(interaction %in% factors.name)) {
      out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX], TERM2[INDEX]], list(EFFECTNAME = make.effect.name(paste0(interaction[1], interaction[2]), level), TERM = as.name(interaction[2]),
                                                                   TERM2 = as.name(interaction[1]), INDEX = index.name))
    } else {
      out = substitute(EFFECTNAME * TERM[INDEX] * TERM2[INDEX], list(EFFECTNAME = make.coef.name(paste0(interaction[1], interaction[2]), level), TERM = as.name(interaction[1]),
                                                                     TERM2 = as.name(interaction[2]), INDEX = index.name))

  if (length(strsplit(term, "*", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) > 2) {
    interaction = unlist(strsplit(term, "*", fixed = TRUE))

    tm.name <- make.coef.name(paste(interaction, collapse = ""), level)

    if (interaction[1] %in% factors) {
      out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX]], list(EFFECTNAME = tm.name, TERM = as.name(interaction[1]), INDEX = index.name))
    } else {
      out = substitute(EFFECTNAME * TERM[INDEX], list(EFFECTNAME = tm.name, TERM = as.name(interaction[1]), INDEX = index.name))

    for (i in seq_along(interaction[-1])) {
      out <- prodTerm(out, make.interaction(interaction[[i + 1]], factors, index.name))

  if (term %in% factors.name) {
    ## If term is a factor use BUGS indexing create b2[block[i]]
    out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX]], list(EFFECTNAME = make.effect.name(term, level), TERM = as.name(term), INDEX = index.name))
  } else {
    ## otherwise create BUGS term like x[i]
    out = substitute(TERM[INDEX], list(TERM = as.name(term), INDEX = index.name))

    make.param.name(make.coef.name(term, level), out)


# lmPred to BUGS Expansion for Random Effect Term
lmPred2BUGSRandom <- function(termparen, factors, index.name, level) {

  term <- removeParen(termparen)

  factors.name <- lapply(factors, removeIndexing)
  factors.name <- unlist(lapply(factors.name, "[[", 2))

  # Random Intercept
  if (term[[1]] == 1 & removeIndexing(term[[2]]) %in% factors.name) {

    out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX]], list(EFFECTNAME = make.coef.name(removeIndexing(term[[2]]), level), TERM = as.name(removeIndexing(term[[2]])), INDEX = index.name))

  # Random Slope
  if (removeIndexing(term[[1]]) != 1 & removeIndexing(term[[2]]) %in% factors.name) {
    out = substitute(EFFECTNAME[TERM[INDEX]] * TERM2, list(EFFECTNAME = make.effect.name(paste0(term[1], term[2]), level), TERM = as.name(removeIndexing(term[[2]])), TERM2 = LHS2BUGSterm(as.name(removeIndexing(term[[1]])),
                                                                                                                                                                                           index.name), INDEX = index.name))


  if (!(term[[2]] %in% factors.name)) {
    stop("Conditioned Term is Not a Factor")

# Make Prior for Fixed Term
lmPredTerm2PRIOR <- function(term, RHSname, factors, index.name, prior, prior.shape, dropbase, droplast, int.check) {
  priors = list()

  factors.name <- lapply(factors, removeIndexing)
  factors.name <- unlist(lapply(factors.name, "[[", 2))

  if (length(strsplit(as.character(RHSname), "*", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) > 0) {
    param.name <- as.name(removeIndexing((gsub(" ", "", strsplit(as.character(RHSname), "*", fixed = TRUE)[[1]][[1]]))))
  } else {
    param.name <- as.name(removeIndexing(RHSname))

  if (term %in% factors.name) {
    ## if term is a factor, create priors for each level (note, dropbase=T will assign 0 prior to first level)

    fct.index = factors[which(as.character(term) == factors.name)]
    groups = no.groups(fct.index)  #Drop one group for model identification; Need to add Check if Intercept in Model Too

    if (dropbase == TRUE | int.check == 1) {
      priors[[1]] <- make.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, 1), prior = 0)
      st = 2
      idx = 2
    } else {
      st = 1
      idx = 1

    p = do.call(make.prior, c(list(term = quote(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, index.name)), prior = as.character(prior)), prior.shape))

    #Set Last Group to 0 if droplast = T (for dynamic occupancy models)
    if (droplast == TRUE) {
      groups = groups - 1
      idx.last = idx + 1
      priors[[idx.last]] <- make.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, groups + 1), prior = 0)

    priors[[idx]] <- embedLinesInForLoop(p, index.name, start = st, finish = groups)

    initial <- list(groups)
    names(initial) <- quote(param.name)
    return(c(embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(priors), initial))

  # Priors for Interaction Terms with Factor Variable
  if (length(strsplit(as.character(term), "*", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]) == 2) {
    interaction = unlist(strsplit(as.character(term), "*", fixed = TRUE))
    # Taking this Piece Our for Now.  Determining Sum to 0 constraints for 2 and 3 Level Anova gets messy quick.  if(interaction[1] %in% factors.name & interaction[2] %in%
    # factors.name){ #Do We want to Allow Users to Have Interaction Terms for Multiple Factors?  out <- list() group1 <- no.groups(factors[which(interaction[1] %in% factors.name)])
    # group2 <- no.groups(factors[which(interaction[2] %in% factors.name)]) if(dropbase==TRUE | int.check==1){ #Identifiability Constraints out[[1]] <-
    # make.prior(doublebracket(param.name, 1, 1), prior = 0) out[[2]] <- embedLinesInForLoop(make.prior(doublebracket(param.name, 1, index.name), prior = 0), index.name, start = 2,
    # finish = group1) out[[3]] <- embedLinesInForLoop(make.prior(doublebracket(param.name, index.name, 1), prior = 0), index.name, start = 2, finish = group2) out[[4]] <-
    # embedLinesInForLoop(embedLinesInForLoop(make.prior(doublebracket(param.name, index.name, quote(j)), prior = 'Normal'), index.name, start = 2, finish = group2), quote(j), start =
    # 2, finish = group1) } return(out) }

    if (interaction[1] %in% factors.name | interaction[2] %in% factors.name) {

      # Assume the Factor Group will Have a Lower Upper Index Number; Think About Better Way To Grab This
      fct.index = factors[which(interaction == factors.name)]
      groups = no.groups(fct.index)

      if (dropbase == TRUE) {
        priors[[1]] <- make.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, 1), prior = 0)
        st = 2
        idx = 2
      } else {
        st = 1
        idx = 1

      p = do.call(make.prior, c(list(term = quote(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, index.name)), prior = as.character(prior)), prior.shape))

      #Set Last Group to 0 if droplast = T (for dynamic occupancy models)
      if (droplast == TRUE) {
        groups = groups - 1
        idx.last = idx + 1
        priors[[idx.last]] <- make.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, groups + 1), prior = 0)

      priors[[idx]] <- embedLinesInForLoop(p, index.name, start = st, finish = groups)
      initial <- list(groups)
      names(initial) <- quote(param.name)
      return(c(embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(priors), initial))
    } else {
      priors = do.call(make.prior, c(list(term = quote(param.name), prior = as.character(prior)), prior.shape))
      initial = list(1)
      names(initial) <- quote(param.name)
      return(c(priors, initial))
  } else {
    priors = do.call(make.prior, c(list(term = quote(param.name), prior = as.character(prior)), prior.shape))
    initial = list(1)
    names(initial) <- quote(param.name)
    return(c(priors, initial))

# Prior for RANDOM EFFECTS Term
lmPredRandom2PRIOR <- function(termparen, RHSname, factors, index.name, prior, prior.shape, dropbase, droplast, int.check) {

  priors = list()
  factors.name <- lapply(factors, removeIndexing)
  factors.name <- unlist(lapply(factors.name, "[[", 2))

  term <- removeParen(termparen)
  groups <- no.groups(factors[which(term[2] == factors.name)])
  param.name <- as.name(removeIndexing(RHSname))

  # Priors for Random Intercept
  if (term[1] == 1) {
    if (dropbase == TRUE | int.check == 1) {
      random <- make.random.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, index.name), mean = make.mean.name(param.name), sig = make.sigma.name(param.name))
      prior.mu <- make.prior(make.mean.name(param.name), 0)
    } else {
      random <- make.random.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, index.name), mean = make.mean.name(param.name), sig = make.sigma.name(param.name))
      prior.mu = do.call(make.prior, c(list(term = quote(make.mean.name(param.name)), prior = as.character(prior)), prior.shape))

    #Set Last Group to 0 if droplast = T (for dynamic occupancy models)
    if (droplast == TRUE) {
      groups = groups - 1
      last.group.prior <- make.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, groups + 1), prior = 0)

    random.loop <- embedLinesInForLoop(random, index.name, start = 1, finish = groups)

    # Priors
    prior.sd <- make.prior(make.sigma.name(param.name), "Uniform", lb = 0, ub = 1000)

    if(droplast == TRUE){
      priors <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(random.loop, prior.sd, prior.mu, last.group.prior))
    } else{
      priors <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(random.loop, prior.sd, prior.mu))

    initial <- list(1, 1)
    initial <- setNames(initial, c(as.character(make.sigma.name(param.name)), as.character(make.mean.name(param.name))))
    # initial[[1]] <-cbind(as.character(make.sigma.name(param.name)), 1, as.character(make.mean.name(param.name)), 1 )
    return(c(priors, initial))
  } else {
    random <- make.random.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, index.name), mean = make.mean.name(param.name), sig = make.sigma.name(param.name))
    prior.mu <- make.prior(make.mean.name(param.name), 0)

    if (droplast == TRUE) {
      groups = groups - 1
      last.group.prior <- make.prior(LHS2BUGSterm(param.name, groups + 1), prior = 0)

    last.group.prior <- invisible()
    random.loop <- embedLinesInForLoop(random, index.name, start = 1, finish = groups)

    # Priors
    prior.sd <- make.prior(make.sigma.name(param.name), "Uniform", lb = 0, ub = 1000)
    if(droplast == TRUE){
      priors <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(random.loop, prior.sd, prior.mu, last.group.prior))
    } else{
      priors <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(random.loop, prior.sd, prior.mu))

    initial <- list(1, 1)
    initial <- setNames(initial, c(as.character(make.sigma.name(param.name)), as.character(make.mean.name(param.name))))
    return(c(priors, initial))

## Make lmPredictor function ## Returns Full BUGS code and List of Parameters and Initital Values for MCMC
lmPredictor <- makeBUGSmodule(function(LHS, RHS) {

  RHSargs <- match.call(function(RHSmodel, factors, priors, prior.shape, family, link, level, dropbase, droplast) {
  }, RHS)

  link <- match.arg(as.character(RHSargs$link), c("identity", "log", "logit", "Poisson", "Bernoulli"))

  LHS.Index <- bracket(as.name(removeIndexing(LHS)[[2]]), quote(i))

  # LHS with Link
  if (link == "identity") {
    LHS.out <- LHS.Index

  if (link == "log") {
    LHS.out <- substitute(LINK(LHS), list(LINK = quote(log), LHS = LHS.Index))

  if (link == "logit") {
    LHS.out <- substitute(LINK(LHS), list(LINK = quote(logit), LHS = LHS.Index))

  terms <- strsplit(safeDeparse(RHSargs$RHSmodel), split = "+", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]
  terms.list <- lapply(terms, FUN = function(x) {
    gsub(" ", "", x, fixed = TRUE)

  RHS.fix.tm <- list()
  RHS.random.tm <- list()

  for (iTerm in seq_along(terms.list)) {
    if (grepl("|", terms.list[[iTerm]], fixed = TRUE) == FALSE) {
      RHS.fix.tm[[iTerm]] <- terms.list[[iTerm]]
    } else {
      RHS.random.tm[[iTerm]] <- terms.list[[iTerm]]

  # Drop Null Slots.
  RHS.fix.tm <- RHS.fix.tm[!sapply(RHS.fix.tm, is.null)]
  RHS.random.tm <- RHS.random.tm[!sapply(RHS.random.tm, is.null)]

  #Make Intercept a Default Option
  if(any(sapply(RHS.fix.tm, function(x)  -1 %in% x)) == TRUE){
    RHS.fix.tm <- RHS.fix.tm[-sapply(RHS.fix.tm, function(x)  -1 %in% x)]
    RM <- TRUE

  if(any(sapply(RHS.fix.tm, function(x)  1 %in% x)) == FALSE & RM ==FALSE){
    RHS.fix.tm <- append(RHS.fix.tm, "1")

  index.name <- quote(i)
  int.check <- sum(!(is.na(sapply(RHS.fix.tm, function(x) pmatch("1", x)))))

  # Generate Terms and Priors for Fixed Terms
  RHS.fix <- list()
  Priors.fix <- list()

  for (iTerm in seq_along(RHS.fix.tm)) {
    RHS.fix[[iTerm]] <- lmPred2BUGSterm(RHS.fix.tm[[iTerm]], RHSargs$factors, index.name, RHSargs$level)
    Priors.fix[[iTerm]] <- lmPredTerm2PRIOR(RHS.fix.tm[[iTerm]], RHS.fix[iTerm], factors = RHSargs$factors, index.name, prior = RHSargs$priors, prior.shape = RHSargs$prior.shape,
                                            dropbase = RHSargs$dropbase, droplast = RHSargs$droplast, int.check = int.check)

  # Generate Terms and Priors for Random Terms
  RHS.random <- list()
  Priors.random <- list()
  for (iTerm in seq_along(RHS.random.tm)) {
    RHS.random[[iTerm]] <- lmPred2BUGSRandom(RHS.random.tm[[iTerm]], RHSargs$factors, index.name, RHSargs$level)
    Priors.random[[iTerm]] <- lmPredRandom2PRIOR(RHS.random.tm[[iTerm]], RHS.random[iTerm], factors = RHSargs$factors, index.name, prior = RHSargs$priors, prior.shape = RHSargs$prior.shape,
                                                 dropbase = RHSargs$dropbase, droplast = RHSargs$droplast, int.check = int.check)

  Priors.Combo <- append(lapply(Priors.fix, "[[", 1), lapply(Priors.random, "[[", 1))
  Terms.Combo <- append(RHS.fix, RHS.random)

  # Initial.Values <- append(lapply(Priors.fix, '[[', 2), lapply(Priors.random, '[[', 2))
  Inits.Fix <- sapply(Priors.fix, function(x) x[2])
  Inits.Random <- append(sapply(Priors.random, function(x) x[2]), sapply(Priors.random, function(x) x[3]))
  Inits.All <- append(Inits.Fix, Inits.Random)

  RHS2 <- Terms.Combo[[1]]
  for (i in seq_along(Terms.Combo)[-1]) {
    RHS2 <- addTerm(RHS2, Terms.Combo[[i]])

  # Make Model Form and Embed in Loop
  fullLine <- substitute(LHS <- RHS, list(LHS = LHS.out, RHS = RHS2))
  forLoop <- embedLinesInForLoop(fullLine, index.name, start = 1, finish = LHS[[3]][[3]])
  Priors.All <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(Priors.Combo)

  newCode <- embedLinesInCurlyBrackets(list(forLoop, Priors.All))

  return(list(code = newCode, inits = Inits.All))

## Functions to Get Code, Data, and Initial Values ready for NIMBLE ##

# Make Starting Values for a Variable Passed To nimbleModel
make.init <- function(term, initialvalue, size) {
  l = rep(initialvalue, size)
  init <- substitute(c(TERM, L), list(TERM = as.character(term), L = l))

lmPred2init <- function(term, value) {
  out = rep(value, term)
  term <- out

## Functions that Interact with NIMBLE ##

# Call Nimble and Pass the BUGS code and data
callNim <- function(modobj, initial, niter, burn, chains) {
  nimMod.C <- nimble::compileNimble(modobj)

  # Set Up MCMC
  config.Mod <- nimble::configureMCMC(nimMod.C, print = FALSE)
  mod.MCMC <- nimble::buildMCMC(config.Mod)
  C.mod.MCMC <- nimble::compileNimble(mod.MCMC)
  samplesList <- nimble::runMCMC(C.mod.MCMC, inits = initial, niter = niter, nburnin = burn, nchains = chains, returnCodaMCMC = TRUE)

# Take MCMC coda object and return summary statistics
makeoutput <- function(codaobj, sitevars, obsvars) {
  quantile <- summary(codaobj)$quantiles
  meansd <- summary(codaobj)$statistics[, 1:2]
  rhat <- tryCatch(coda::gelman.diag(codaobj, multivariate = FALSE)$psrf, error = function(e) NA)
  Effsamp <- coda::effectiveSize(codaobj)
  output <- as.data.frame(cbind(meansd, quantile, rhat, Effsamp))
  names(output)[names(output) == "Point est."] <- "Rhat"
  output$`Upper C.I.` <- NULL
clewisbe/nimbleEco documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:25 a.m.