
Defines functions as_rbiom

Documented in as_rbiom

#' Convert a variety of data types to an rbiom object.
#' Construct an rbiom object. The returned object is an R6 reference class. 
#' Use `b <- a$clone()` to create copies, not `b <- a`.
#' @inherit documentation_return.biom return
#' @param biom   Object which can be coerced to an rbiom-class object.
#'        For example:
#'        \itemize{
#'          \item{\emph{file} - }{ Filepath or URL to a biom file. }
#'          \item{\emph{matrix} - }{ An abundance matrix with OTUs in rows and samples in columns. }
#'          \item{`phyloseq`-class object - }{ From the phyloseq Bioconductor R package. }
#'          \item{\emph{list} - }{ With `counts` and optionally `metadata`, `taxonomy`, `tree`, etc (see details). }
#'        }
#' @export
#' @examples
#'     library(rbiom)
#'     # create a simple matrix ------------------------
#'     mtx <- matrix(
#'       data     = floor(runif(24) * 1000), 
#'       nrow     = 6, 
#'       dimnames = list(paste0("OTU", 1:6), paste0("Sample", 1:4)) )
#'     mtx
#'     # and some sample metadata ----------------------
#'     df <- data.frame(
#'       .sample   = paste0("Sample", 1:4),
#'       treatment = c("A", "B", "A", "B"),
#'       days      = c(12, 3, 7, 8) )
#'     # convert data set to rbiom ---------------------
#'     biom <- as_rbiom(list(counts = mtx, metadata = df))
#'     biom
as_rbiom <- function(biom, ...) {

#' @export
as_rbiom.rbiom <- function (biom) {
  # Already an rbiom/R6 object.
  if (!identical(pv1 <- biom$pkg_version, pv2 <- packageVersion("rbiom"))) {
    # if (getOption("rbiom.inform", default = TRUE))
    #   cli_inform(.frequency = "regularly", .frequency_id = "up_convert", c(
    #     '!' = "Up converting rbiom object from version {pv1} to {pv2}.",
    #     'i' = "It is recommended to save rbiom objects to BIOM files, not RDS files." ))
    biom <- do.call(rbiom$new, as.list(biom))
  return (biom)

# Create an rbiom object from just count data.

#' @export
as_rbiom.matrix <- function (biom) { rbiom$new(counts = biom) }

#' @export
as_rbiom.simple_triplet_matrix <- function (biom) { rbiom$new(counts = biom) }

# Allow passing phyloseq objects to rbiom functions.

#' @export
as_rbiom.phyloseq <- function (biom) {
  if (!nzchar(system.file(package = "phyloseq")))
    cli_abort("Bioconductor R package 'phyloseq' must be installed to use as_rbiom.phyloseq().")
    counts    = biom %>% phyloseq::otu_table() %>% slam::as.simple_triplet_matrix(), 
    metadata  = biom %>% phyloseq::sample_data(errorIfNULL = FALSE) %>% data.frame(), 
    taxonomy  = biom %>% phyloseq::tax_table(errorIfNULL = FALSE) %>% data.frame(), 
    sequences = biom %>% phyloseq::refseq(errorIfNULL = FALSE) %>% as.vector(), 
    tree      = biom %>% phyloseq::phy_tree(errorIfNULL = FALSE), 
    id        = "Imported PhyloSeq Data" )

#' @export
as_rbiom.default <- function (biom) {
  # Read new rbiom object from filename / URL / JSON.
  if (is_scalar_character(biom))
    return (read_biom(src = biom))
  # A list with 'counts' and possibly other elements.
  if (is.list(biom) && hasName(biom, "counts"))
    return (do.call(rbiom$new, biom))
    'x' = "Unable to convert {.type {biom}} to {.cls rbiom/R6}.",
    'i' = "See {.fun as_rbiom} for a list of accepted data types for `biom`."))
cmmr/rbiom documentation built on April 28, 2024, 6:38 a.m.