##' Create template files for the codecheck process.
##' This function simply creates some template files to help start the
##' codecheck process. If either ./codecheck.yml or codecheck/ exists then
##' it assumes you have already started codechecking, and so will not copy any
##' files across.
##' @title Create template files for the codecheck process.
##' @return Nothing
##' @author Stephen J. Eglen
##' @export
create_codecheck_files <- function() {
if (file.exists("codecheck.yml"))
warning("codecheck.yml already exists, so not overwriting it.",
"See the template file at ",
system.file("extdata", "templates/codecheck.yml", package="codecheck"),
" for required metadata and examples.")
if (dir.exists("codecheck"))
stop("codecheck folder exists, so stopping.")
copy_codecheck_yaml_template <- function(target = ".") {
templates <- system.file("extdata", "templates", package="codecheck")
file.copy(file.path(templates, "codecheck.yml"), target)
cat("Created codecheck.yml file at ", target, "\n")
copy_codecheck_report_template <- function(target = ".") {
templates <- system.file("extdata", "templates", package="codecheck")
file.copy(file.path(templates, "codecheck"), target, recursive = TRUE)
cat("Created codecheck report files at ", target, ":", toString(list.files("codecheck")), "\n")
##' Return the metadata for the codecheck project in root folder of project
##' @title Return the metadata for the codecheck project in root folder of project
##' @param root Path to the root folder of the project, defaults to current working directory
##' @return A list containing the metadata found in the codecheck.yml file
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @importFrom yaml read_yaml
##' @export
codecheck_metadata <- function(root = getwd()) {
read_yaml(file.path(root, "codecheck.yml") )
##' Copy manifest files into the root/codecheck/outputs folder; return manifest.
##' The metadata should specify the manifest -- the files to copy into the
##' codecheck/oututs folder. Each of the files in the manifest is copied into
##' the destination directory and then the manifest is returned as a dataframe.
##' If KEEP_FULL_PATH is TRUE, we keep the full path for the output files.
##' This is useful when there are two output files with the same name in
##' different folders, e.g. expt1/out.pdf and expt2/out.pdf
##' @title Copy files from manifest into the codecheck folder and summarise.
##' @param root - Path to the root folder of the project.
##' @param metadata - the codecheck metadata list.
##' @param dest_dir - folder where outputs are to be copied to (codecheck/outputs)
##' @param keep_full_path - TRUE to keep relative pathname of figures.
##' @param overwrite - TRUE to overwrite the output files even if they already exist
##' @return A dataframe containing one row per manifest file.
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @export
copy_manifest_files <- function(root, metadata, dest_dir,
keep_full_path = FALSE,
overwrite = FALSE) {
manifest = metadata$manifest
outputs = sapply(manifest, function(x) x$file)
src_files = file.path(root, outputs)
missing = !file.exists(src_files)
if (any(missing)) {
err = paste("Manifest files missing:\n",
paste(src_files[missing], sep='\n'))
dest_files = file.path(dest_dir,
if ( keep_full_path) outputs else basename(outputs))
## See if we need to make extra directories in the codecheck/outputs
if (keep_full_path) {
for (d in dest_files) {
dir = dirname(d)
if ( !dir.exists(dir) )
dir.create(dir, recursive=TRUE)
if (overwrite) message("Overwriting output files: ", toString(dest_files))
file.copy(src_files, dest_files, overwrite = overwrite)
manifest_df = data.frame(output=outputs,
comment=sapply(manifest, function(x) x$comment),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
##' List manifest.
##' @title Summarise manifest files.
##' @param root - Path to the root folder of the project.
##' @param metadata - the codecheck metadata list.
##' @param check_dir - folder where outputs have been copied to (codecheck/outputs)
##' @return A dataframe containing one row per manifest file.
##' @author Daniel Nüst
##' @export
list_manifest_files <- function(root, metadata, check_dir) {
manifest = metadata$manifest
outputs = sapply(manifest, function(x) x$file)
dest_files = file.path(check_dir, basename(outputs))
manifest_df = data.frame(output=outputs,
comment=sapply(manifest, function(x) x$comment),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
## latex summary of metadata
## https://daringfireball.net/2010/07/improved_regex_for_matching_urls
## To use the URL in R, I had to escape the \ characters and " -- this version
## does not work:
## .url_regexp = "(?i)\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?...]))"
## Have also converted the unicode into \uxxxx escapes to keep
## devtools::check() happy
## « -> \u00ab
## » -> \u00bb
## “ -> \u201c
## ” -> \u201d
## ‘ -> \u2018
## ’ -> \u2019
.url_regexp = "(?i)\\b((?:[a-z][\\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\\s()<>]+|\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\))+(?:\\(([^\\s()<>]+|(\\([^\\s()<>]+\\)))*\\)|[^\\s`!()\\[\\]{};:'\".,<>?\u00ab\u00bb\u201c\u201d\u2018\u2019]))"
##' Wrap URL for LaTeX
##' @param x - A string that may contain URLs that should be hyperlinked.
##' @return A string with the passed URL as a latex `\url{http://the.url}`
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @importFrom stringr str_replace_all
as_latex_url <- function(x) {
wrapit <- function(url) { paste0("\\url{", url, "}") }
str_replace_all(x, .url_regexp, wrapit)
.name_with_orcid <- function(person, add.orcid=TRUE) {
name <- person$name
orcid <- person$ORCID
if (is.null(orcid) || !(add.orcid)) {
} else {
paste(name, sprintf('\\orcidicon{%s} ', orcid))
.names <- function(people, add.orcid=TRUE) {
## PEOPLE here is typically either metadata$paper$authors or
## metadata$codechecker
num_people = length(people)
text = ""
sep = ""
for (i in 1:num_people) {
person = people[[i]]
p = .name_with_orcid(person, add.orcid)
text=paste(text, p, sep=sep)
sep=", "
##' Print a latex table to summarise CODECHECK metadata
##' Format a latex table that summarises the main CODECHECK metadata,
##' excluding the MANIFEST.
##' @title Print a latex table to summarise CODECHECK metadata
##' @param metadata - the codecheck metadata list.
##' @return The latex table, suitable for including in the Rmd
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @importFrom xtable xtable
##' @export
latex_summary_of_metadata <- function(metadata) {
summary_entries = list(
"Title" = metadata$paper$title,
"Authors" = .names(metadata$paper$authors),
"Reference" = as_latex_url(metadata$paper$reference),
"Codechecker" = .names(metadata$codechecker),
"Date of check" = metadata$check_time,
"Summary" = metadata$summary,
"Repository" = as_latex_url(metadata$repository))
summary_df = data.frame(Item=names(summary_entries),
Value=unlist(summary_entries, use.names=FALSE))
print(xtable(summary_df, align=c('l', 'l', 'p{10cm}'),
caption='CODECHECK summary'),
sanitize.text.function = function(x){x},
##' Print a latex table to summarise CODECHECK manfiest
##' Format a latex table that summarises the main CODECHECK manifest
##' @title Print a latex table to summarise CODECHECK metadata
##' @param metadata - the codecheck metadata list.
##' @param manifest_df - The manifest data frame
##' @param root - root directory of the project
##' @param align - alignment flags for the table.
##' @return The latex table, suitable for including in the Rmd
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @importFrom xtable xtable
##' @export
latex_summary_of_manifest <- function(metadata, manifest_df,
align=c('l', 'p{6cm}', 'p{6cm}', 'p{2cm}')
) {
m = manifest_df[, c("output", "comment", "size")]
urls = sub(root, sprintf('%s/blob/master', metadata$repository), manifest_df$dest)
m1 = sprintf('\\href{%s}{\\path{%s}}',
m[,1] = m1
names(m) = c("Output", "Comment", "Size (b)")
xt = xtable(m,
caption="Summary of output files generated",
print(xt, include.rownames=FALSE,
sanitize.text.function = function(x){x},
##' Print the latex code to include the CODECHECK logo
##' @title Print the latex code to include the CODECHECK logo
##' @return NULL
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @export
latex_codecheck_logo <- function() {
logo_file = system.file("extdata", "codecheck_logo.pdf", package="codecheck")
##' Print a citation for the codecheck certificate.
##' Turn the metadata into a readable citation for this document.
##' @title Print a citation for the codecheck certificate.
##' @param metadata - the codecheck metadata list.
##' @return NULL
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @export
cite_certificate <- function(metadata) {
year = substring(metadata$check_time,1,4)
names = .names(metadata$codechecker, add.orcid=FALSE)
citation = sprintf("%s (%s). CODECHECK Certificate %s. Zenodo. %s",
names, year, metadata$certificate, metadata$report)
# Zenodo records interaction ----
##' Create a new Zenodo record and return its pre-assigned DOI
##' Run this only once per new codecheck.
##' @title Create a new Zenodo record and return its pre-assigned DOI
##' @param zen - Object from zen4R to interact with Zenodo
##' @return Number of zenodo record created.
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @importFrom zen4R ZenodoRecord
##' @export
get_or_create_zenodo_record <- function(zen, metadata, warn=TRUE) {
id <- get_zenodo_record(metadata$report)
if (!is.na(id)) {
my_rec <- zen$getDepositionById(id)
} else {
## no record, create a new one.
if(warn) {
proceed <- askYesNo("You do not have a zenodo record; I can fix this for you but please make sure your codecheck.yaml is saved, as I will need to update it. Proceed?")
my_rec <- zen$createEmptyRecord()
## myrec <- zen$createEmptyRecord()
## this_doi = myrec$metadata$prereserve_doi$doi
## cat("The following URL is your Zenodo DOI.\n")
## cat("Please add this to codecheck.yml in report: field\n")
## print(paste0(CONFIG$HYPERLINKS[["doi"]], this_doi))
## cat("Remember to reload the yaml file after editing it.\n")
## get_zenodo_record(this_doi)
## }
##' Extract the Zenodo record number from the report URL
##' The report paramater should contain a URL like:
##' http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3750741 where the final part of the
##' URL is zenodo.X where X is a number containing at least 7 digits.
##' X is returned. If we cannot extract the number X, we return an
##' error, in which case the function create_zenodo_record() can be
##' run to create a new record. Alternatively, the report URL is
##' pre-assigned a DOI when manually creating the record.
##' @title Extract the Zenodo record number from the report URL
##' @param report - string containing the report URL on Zenodo.
##' @return the Zenodo record number (a number with at least 7 digits).
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @importFrom stringr str_match
##' @export
get_zenodo_id <- function(report) {
result = str_match(report, "10\\.5281/zenodo\\.([0-9]{7,})")[2]
##' Get the full Zenodo record from the metadata
##' Retrieve the zenodo record, if one exists.
##' If no record number is currently listed in the metadata (i.e. the "FIXME" tag is still there)
##' then the code returns NULL and an empty record should be created.
##' @title Get the full zenodo record using the record number stored in the metadata.
##' @param zenodo
##' @param metadata
##' @return The Zenodo record, or NULL.
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @export
get_zenodo_record <- function(zenodo, metadata) {
id <- get_zenodo_id(metadata$report)
if (is.na(id)) {
} else {
##' Upload codecheck metadata to Zenodo.
##' The contents of codecheck.yml are uploaded to Zenodo using this funciton.
##' @title Upload metadata to Zenodod
##' @param zen
##' @param myrec
##' @param metadata
##' @return rec -- the updated record.
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @export
upload_zenodo_metadata <- function(zen, myrec, metadata) {
##draft$setCommunities(communities = c("codecheck"))
myrec$metadata <- NULL
myrec$setTitle(paste("CODECHECK certificate", metadata$certificate))
myrec$addLanguage(language = "eng")
myrec$metadata$creators <- NULL
num_creators <- length(metadata$codechecker)
for (i in 1:num_creators) {
name = metadata$codechecker[[i]]$name,
orcid = metadata$codechecker[[i]]$ORCID)
myrec$setPublicationDate(substring(metadata$check_time, 1, 10))
description_text <- paste("CODECHECK certificate for paper:",
repo_url <- gsub("[<>]", "", metadata$repository)
description_text <- paste(description_text,
sprintf('<p><p>Repository: <a href="%s">%s</a>',
repo_url, repo_url))
myrec$setSubjects(subjects= c("CODECHECK"))
myrec$setNotes(notes = c("See file LICENSE for license of the contained code. The report document codecheck.pdf is published under CC-BY 4.0 International."))
##myrec$setAccessRight(accessRight = "open")
##myrec$addRelatedIdentifier(relation = "isSupplementTo", identifier = metadata$repository)
##myrec$addRelatedIdentifier(relation = "isSupplementTo", identifier = metadata$paper$reference)
cat(paste0("Check your record online at ", myrec$links$self_html, "\n"))
myrec <- zen$depositRecord(myrec)
##' Upload the CODECHECK certificate to Zenodo.
##' Upload the CODECHECK certificate to Zenodo as a draft. Warning: if
##' the file has already been uploaded once, you will need to delete it via
##' the web interface before being able to upload a new versin.
##' @title Upload the CODECHECK certificate to Zenodo.
##' @param zen - Object from zen4R to interact with Zenodo
##' @param record - string containing the report URL on Zenodo.
##' @param certificate name of the PDF file.
##' @return NULL
##' @author Stephen Eglen
##' @export
set_zenodo_certificate <- function(zen, record, certificate) {
draft <- zen$getDepositionById(record)
invisible(zen$uploadFile(certificate, draft$id))
## We deliberately do not provide a function to publish the certificate.
## You should go check it yourself.
## Helper functions
add_id_to_yml <- function(id, yml_file) {
## Add id to the yaml file.
data1 <- readLines(yml_file)
data2 <- gsub(pattern = "zenodo.FIXME$",
replace = paste0("zenodo.",id),
x = data1)
writeLines(data2, yml_file)
Add the following code to your website.
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