
Defines functions scaleTreeRates

Documented in scaleTreeRates

# function to analyze heterogeneity in rates of discrete character evolution 
# across a phylogeny

scaleTreeRates <- function(tree,tip.states,
                           max.transition = 1,
                           var.start = FALSE,
  # Arguments
  # tree: phylogenetic tree for analysis
  # tip.states: vector of tip states associated with tree (can be unordered)
  # model: model for likelihood calculation, character (any argument that fitMk takes) or matrix
  # fixedQ: Qmatrix with pre-estimated rates, default is Null (rates will be estimated using fitMk)
  # max.ratio: maximum ratio of scalars to one, integer, default is 10
  # nbins: number of bins above and below one, integer,default is 10
  # var.start: whether or not to increment scalar values at root of tree. If true, all scalar
  #            values will be tested and best tree returned. If false, root scalar is set to one.
  # pi: method to use for estimating prior (state at root of tree), can take any character taken by fitMk
  #fitMkNew Functions
  fitMkNew <- function (tree, x, model = "SYM", fixedQ = NULL, ...) 
    if (hasArg(output.liks)) 
      output.liks <- list(...)$output.liks
    else output.liks <- FALSE
    if (hasArg(q.init)) 
      q.init <- list(...)$q.init
    else q.init <- length(unique(x))/sum(tree$edge.length)
    if (hasArg(opt.method)) 
      opt.method <- list(...)$opt.method
    else opt.method <- "nlminb"
    if (hasArg(min.q)) 
      min.q <- list(...)$min.q
    else min.q <- 1e-12
    if (hasArg(max.q)) 
      max.q <- list(...)$max.q
    else max.q <- max(nodeHeights(tree)) * 100
    if (hasArg(logscale)) 
      logscale <- list(...)$logscale
    else logscale <- FALSE
    N <- Ntip(tree)
    M <- tree$Nnode
    if (is.matrix(x)) {
      x <- x[tree$tip.label, ]
      m <- ncol(x)
      states <- colnames(x)
    else {
      x <- to.matrix(x, sort(unique(x)))
      m <- ncol(x)
      states <- colnames(x)
    if (hasArg(pi)) 
      pi <- list(...)$pi
    else pi <- "equal"
    if (is.numeric(pi)) 
      root.prior <- "given"
    if (pi[1] == "equal") {
      pi <- setNames(rep(1/m, m), states)
      root.prior <- "flat"
    else if (pi[1] == "estimated") {
      pi <- if (!is.null(fixedQ)) 
      else statdist(summary(fitMk(tree, x, model), quiet = TRUE)$Q)
      cat(paste("Using pi estimated from the stationary", 
                "distribution of Q assuming a flat prior.\npi =\n"))
      print(round(pi, 6))
      root.prior <- "stationary"
    else if (pi[1] == "fitzjohn") 
      root.prior <- "nuisance"
    if (is.numeric(pi)) {
      pi <- pi/sum(pi)
      if (is.null(names(pi))) 
        pi <- setNames(pi, states)
      pi <- pi[states]
    if (is.null(fixedQ)) {
      if (is.character(model)) {
        rate <- matrix(NA, m, m)
        if (model == "ER") {
          k <- rate[] <- 1
          diag(rate) <- NA
        else if (model == "ARD") {
          k <- m * (m - 1)
          rate[col(rate) != row(rate)] <- 1:k
        else if (model == "SYM") {
          k <- m * (m - 1)/2
          ii <- col(rate) < row(rate)
          rate[ii] <- 1:k
          rate <- t(rate)
          rate[ii] <- 1:k
      else {
        if (ncol(model) != nrow(model)) 
          stop("model is not a square matrix")
        rate <- model
        m <- ncol(rate)
        states <- as.character(1:ncol(rate))
        k <- max(rate)
        if(length(states) != ncol(x)){
          missing <- states[which(!states %in% colnames(x))]
          x <- cbind(x,matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(missing),
                              dimnames = list(rownames(x),
          x <- x[,states]
      Q <- matrix(0, m, m)
    else {
      m <- ncol(fixedQ)
      states <- as.character(1:ncol(fixedQ))
      rate <- matrix(NA, m, m)
      k <- m * (m - 1)
      rate[col(rate) != row(rate)] <- 1:k
      Q <- fixedQ
      if(ncol(fixedQ) != ncol(x)){
        missing <- states[which(!states %in% colnames(x))]
        x <- cbind(x,matrix(data=0,nrow=nrow(x),ncol=length(missing),
                            dimnames = list(rownames(x),
    index.matrix <- rate
    tmp <- cbind(1:m, 1:m)
    rate[tmp] <- 0
    rate[rate == 0] <- k + 1
    liks <- rbind(x, matrix(0, M, m, dimnames = list(1:M + N, 
    pw <- reorder(tree, "pruningwise")
    lik <- function(Q, output.liks = FALSE, pi, ...) {
      if (hasArg(output.pi)) 
        output.pi <- list(...)$output.pi
      else output.pi <- FALSE
      if (is.Qmatrix(Q)) 
        Q <- unclass(Q)
      if (any(is.nan(Q)) || any(is.infinite(Q))) 
      comp <- vector(length = N + M, mode = "numeric")
      parents <- unique(pw$edge[, 1])
      root <- min(parents)
      for (i in 1:length(parents)) {
        anc <- parents[i]
        ii <- which(pw$edge[, 1] == parents[i])
        desc <- pw$edge[ii, 2]
        el <- pw$edge.length[ii]
        v <- vector(length = length(desc), mode = "list")
        for (j in 1:length(v)) {
          v[[j]] <- EXPM(Q * el[j]) %*% liks[desc[j], 
        if (anc == root) {
          if (is.numeric(pi)) 
            vv <- Reduce("*", v)[, 1] * pi
          else if (pi[1] == "fitzjohn") {
            D <- Reduce("*", v)[, 1]
            pi <- D/sum(D)
            vv <- D * D/sum(D)
        else vv <- Reduce("*", v)[, 1]
        comp[anc] <- sum(vv)
        liks[anc, ] <- vv/comp[anc]
      if (output.liks) 
        return(liks[1:M + N, , drop = FALSE])
      else if (output.pi) 
      else {
        logL <- -sum(log(comp[1:M + N]))
        if (is.na(logL)) 
          logL <- Inf
    if (is.null(fixedQ)) {
      if (length(q.init) != k) 
        q.init <- rep(q.init[1], k)
      q.init <- if (logscale) 
      else q.init
      if (opt.method == "optim") {
        fit <- if (logscale) 
          optim(q.init, function(p) lik(makeQ(m, exp(p), 
                                              index.matrix), pi = pi), method = "L-BFGS-B", 
                lower = rep(log(min.q), k), upper = rep(log(max.q), 
        else optim(q.init, function(p) lik(makeQ(m, p, index.matrix), 
                                           pi = pi), method = "L-BFGS-B", lower = rep(min.q, 
                                                                                      k), upper = rep(max.q, k))
      else if (opt.method == "none") {
        fit <- list(objective = lik(makeQ(m, q.init, index.matrix), 
                                    pi = pi), par = q.init)
      else {
        fit <- if (logscale) 
          nlminb(q.init, function(p) lik(makeQ(m, exp(p), 
                                               index.matrix), pi = pi), lower = rep(log(min.q), 
                                                                                    k), upper = rep(log(max.q), k))
        else nlminb(q.init, function(p) lik(makeQ(m, p, 
                                                  index.matrix), pi = pi), lower = rep(0, k), 
                    upper = rep(max.q, k))
      if (logscale) 
        fit$par <- exp(fit$par)
      if (pi[1] == "fitzjohn") 
        pi <- setNames(lik(makeQ(m, fit$par, index.matrix), 
                           FALSE, pi = pi, output.pi = TRUE), states)
      obj <- list(logLik = if (opt.method == "optim") -fit$value else -fit$objective, 
                  rates = fit$par, index.matrix = index.matrix, states = states, 
                  pi = pi, method = opt.method, root.prior = root.prior)
      if (output.liks) 
        obj$lik.anc <- lik(makeQ(m, obj$rates, index.matrix), 
                           TRUE, pi = pi)
    else {
      fit <- lik(Q, pi = pi)
      if (pi[1] == "fitzjohn") 
        pi <- setNames(lik(Q, FALSE, pi = pi, output.pi = TRUE), 
      obj <- list(logLik = -fit, rates = Q[sapply(1:k, function(x, 
                                                                y) which(x == y), index.matrix)], index.matrix = index.matrix, 
                  states = states, pi = pi, root.prior = root.prior)
      if (output.liks) 
        obj$lik.anc <- lik(makeQ(m, obj$rates, index.matrix), 
                           TRUE, pi = pi)
    lik.f <- function(q) -lik(q, output.liks = FALSE, pi = if (root.prior == 
      else pi)
    obj$lik <- lik.f
    class(obj) <- "fitMk"
  is.Qmatrix<-function(x) "Qmatrix" %in% class(x)
    e_x<-if(isSymmetric(x)) matexpo(x) else expm(x,...)
    } else {
  #Get tip states
  x <- tip.states[order(factor(names(tip.states), levels=tree$tip.label))]
    print("using supplied Q-matrix")
    Q <- fixedQ
  } else {
    print("estimating rates")
    #fit model and extract rates + index matrix
    fit <- fitMkNew(tree, x, model=model,pi=pi)
    rates <- fit$rates
    print("building Q-matrix")
    #Build matrix
    Q <- fit$index.matrix
    Q[is.na(Q)] <- 0
    for(i in 1:length(rates)){
      Q[Q == i] <- rates[i]
    diag(Q) <- -rowSums(Q)
  #Get max deviation from parent
  set.range <- max.transition
  #Set bins
  bins <- c(1/seq(from = max.ratio, to = 1,length.out = nbins + 1),
            seq(from = 1, to = max.ratio, length.out = nbins + 1))
  bins <- unique(bins)
  #Set scalar
  tree$scalar <- rep(1,times = length(tree$edge.length))
  trees <- list()
  #Determine whether to increment or start from 1
  if(var.start == F){
    start.bins <- 1
  } else {
    start.bins <- bins
  #Loop through starting scalars and edges
  for(i in 1:length(start.bins)){
    print(paste0("starting scalar: ",start.bins[i]))
    #Get start state
    start.scalar <- start.bins[i]
    for(j in 1:length(tree$edge.length)){
      print(paste0("starting scalar ", start.bins[i] ,", edge ",j))
      #Check if edge is starting edge
      if(tree$edge[j,1] == length(tree$tip.label)+1){
        #Set previous state to start state
        prev.scalar <- start.scalar
      } else {
        #Get parent edge
        prev.edge <- which(tree$edge[,2] == tree$edge[j,1])
        #Get parent state
        prev.scalar <- tree$scalar[prev.edge]
      #Determine range of scalars possible
      if(which(bins == prev.scalar) - set.range <= 0){
        #Get number of bins lower
        low.range <- which(bins == prev.scalar) - 1
        #Determine possible values
        poss.scalars <- bins[(which(bins == prev.scalar) - low.range):
                               (which(bins == prev.scalar)+set.range)]
      } else if(which(bins == prev.scalar) + set.range >= length(bins)){
        #Get number of bins higher
        high.range <- length(bins) - which(bins == prev.scalar)
        #Determine possible values
        poss.scalars <- bins[(which(bins == prev.scalar) - set.range):
                               (which(bins == prev.scalar)+high.range)]
      } else {
        poss.scalars <- bins[(which(bins == prev.scalar) - set.range):
                               (which(bins == prev.scalar)+set.range)]
      #Get temporary tree
      temp.tree <- tree
      #Assign previous scalar to temporary tree
      temp.tree$scalar[j] <- prev.scalar
      #vector for likelihoods
      liks <- c()
      for(k in 1:length(poss.scalars)){
        #Set current scalar
        cur.scalar <- poss.scalars[k]
        #Reassign temp.tree
        temp.tree <- tree
        #Assign current scalar to temporary tree
        temp.tree$scalar[j] <- cur.scalar
        temp.tree$edge.length <- temp.tree$edge.length * temp.tree$scalar
        liks[k] <- fitMkNew(temp.tree,
                            fixedQ = Q)$logLik
      #Get best index
      index.best <- which(liks == max(liks))
      #check for multiple scalars with max likelihood
      if(length(index.best) > 1){
        index.best = which(poss.scalars == prev.scalar)
      #Extract best scalar
      best.scalar <- poss.scalars[index.best]
      #Assign best scalar to scalar object in tree
      tree$scalar[j] <- best.scalar
    #Assign to list of trees
    trees[[i]] <- tree
  if(var.start == F){
    final.tree <- trees[[1]]
  } else {
    #Calculate final likelihoods for each starting scalar tree
    #Vector to store
    final.liks <- c()
    for(i in 1:length(trees)){
      print(paste0("getting final likelihood for starting scalar ", start.bins[i]))
      #Get tree to temporary object
      temp.tree <- trees[[i]]
      #Multiply temp.tree edge.lengths by scalar
      temp.tree$edge.length <- temp.tree$edge.length * temp.tree$scalar
      #Get logLik
      final.liks[i] <- fitMkNew(temp.tree, 
                                fixedQ = Q)$logLik
    #Get maximum likelihood
    max.final.lik <- max(final.liks)
    #Get index assoc. with maximum likelihood
    max.index <- which(final.liks == max(final.liks))
    #Get final start state
    final.start <- bins[max.index]
    #Extract final tree
    final.tree <- trees[[max.index]]
    print(paste0("the best starting scalar is ", final.start, ", associated logLik is ", max.final.lik))
  class(final.tree) <- c("phylo","phyloscaled")
  print(paste0("returning tree with scalar"))
coleoguy/evobir documentation built on July 27, 2023, 12:40 p.m.