
Defines functions reRank stripNAs checkNumeric checkEqualLength thinData pcRank skew getWindows breuschGodfrey locReg rankLocReg rankLocReg.default plot.rankLocReg outputRankLocRegPlot transparentColor proportionalLabel whiteGrid rounded summary.rankLocReg print.summary.rankLocReg

Documented in breuschGodfrey checkEqualLength checkNumeric getWindows locReg outputRankLocRegPlot pcRank plot.rankLocReg print.summary.rankLocReg proportionalLabel rankLocReg rankLocReg.default reRank rounded skew stripNAs summary.rankLocReg thinData transparentColor whiteGrid

######################### MAIN PACKAGE FUNCTIONS

#' Re-rank an object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @title Re-rank \code{rankLocReg}
#' @param x An object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @param newMethod Method with which object of class \code{rankLocReg} should be re-ranked.
#' @details This function also updates \code{x$call} and \code{x$method}.
#' @return An object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @author Diego Barneche.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' x  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.8, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
#' x2  <-  reRank(x, newMethod="pc")
#' # check outputs
#' x$call; x2$call; x$method; x2$method
reRank  <-  function(x, newMethod) {
    isRankLocReg  <-  class(x) == 'rankLocReg'
        stop('x must be of class rankLocReg')
    isFinalStart  <-  x$method == newMethod
        stop(paste0(newMethod, ' is already in place'))
    x$call$method  <-  newMethod
    x$method       <-  newMethod
    x$allRegs  <-  x$allRegs[order(x$allRegs[[paste0('L', newMethod)]]), ]

#' Wrapper - strips NA from input x and y.
#' @title Remove NA
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param y A numeric vector.
#' @return A data frame with complete cases.
#' @author Diego Barneche.
#' @export
stripNAs  <-  function(x, y) {
    dat  <-  data.frame(x, y)
    dat[complete.cases(dat), ]

#' Wrapper for \code{is.\link[base]{numeric}}.
#' @title Check if vector is numeric
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return Breaks function and returns error message if x
#' is non-numeric.
#' @author Diego Barneche.
#' @export
checkNumeric  <-  function(x) {
    xNumeric  <-  is.numeric(x)
        stop('x must be numeric') 

#' Wrapper - Checks that lengths of inputs x and y are equal.
#' @title Check for equal lengths
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param y A numeric vector.
#' @return Logical.
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @export
checkEqualLength  <-  function(x, y) {
    equalLength  <-  length(x) == length(y)
        stop('x and y must be of equal length')

#' Thin large data sets to contain fewer observations
#' @title Thin a large data set
#' @param data A data.frame.
#' @param xy A numeric vector designating the columns where x and y are located in data.
#' @param by An integer specifying the thinning rate. Analogous to the \code{by} argument 
#' from the \code{seq} command from the \pkg{base} package.
#' @details This function is used do reduce the size of large data sets to improve
#' overall computation time for \code{\link{rankLocReg}}. \code{\link{locReg}} takes
#' approximately 5 minutes to complete for data sets of ~500 observations, and 
#' computation time increases exponentially with larger data sets. Provided that the
#' data is of suitably high resolution, thinning larger data sets is a reasonable 
#' solution for reducing this computation time.
#' @return A list of data frames with thinned observations.
#' @author Colin Olito.
#' #' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' head(UrchinData)
#' # thin data for individual "D" by 1/2
#' newData  <-  thinData(UrchinData, xy=c(1,5), by=2)
#' head(newData[[1]])
#' @export
thinData  <-  function(data, xy=c(1,2), by=2) {
    # make sure input does not contain factors
    isfactor    <-  any(is.factor(data[,xy[1]]), is.factor(data[,xy[2]]))
        stop('data must contain only numeric variables')

    # make sure that all NAs are dealt with
    dat         <-  stripNAs(data[,xy[1]], data[,xy[2]])
    names(dat)  <-  names(data)[xy]

    # thin data set
    keep  <-  seq(from=1, to=nrow(dat), by=by)
    # store thinned data set(s) as list
    newData    <-  list()
    listNames  <-  c()
    for(i in 1:by) {
        thin_dat             <-  dat[(keep + (i - 1)),]
        newData[[i]]         <-  thin_dat[complete.cases(thin_dat), ]
        listNames[i]         <-  paste("newData", i, sep="")
    names(newData)  <-  listNames

#' Calculate the percentile values of a vector x.
#' @title Calculate the percentile values of x
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @return A numeric vector of percentiles truncated between 0 and 1.
#' @export
pcRank  <-  function(x) {
    percentiles  <-  trunc(rank(x, na.last=NA)) / sum(!is.na(x))
    allUnique    <-  length(percentiles) == length(unique(percentiles))
        warning('input/output have ties')

#' Sample skewness (Fisher-Pearson Standardized Third Moment Coefficient).
#' @title Sample skewness
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param na.rm Logical. Should NAs be removed?
#' @details This function is a dependency for \code{\link{rankLocReg}}
#' where it is used to calculate the (sample) skewness of standardized residuals.
#' @return A numeric vector of length 1.
#' @author Colin Olito.
#' @export
skew  <-  function(x, na.rm=TRUE) {
        x  <-  x[!is.na(x)]
    n  <-  length(x)
    (n/((n - 1) * (n - 2))) * sum(((x - mean(x)) / sd(x))^3)

#' Get all possible windows between specified alpha.
#' and 1
#' @title Get all possible windows
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param alpha Window size. Needs to be higher than 0 and lower or equal to 1.
#' @details This function is a dependency for \code{\link{rankLocReg}}
#' where it is used to extract all local windows
#' for local regressions. \code{alpha} must be higher than 0 and lower or equal to 1. 
#' @return A matrix of vector positions, with starting value on first column and ending value on second column.
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @export
getWindows  <-  function(x, alpha) {
    validAlpha  <-  alpha > 0 & alpha <= 1
        stop('alpha must take a value higher than 0 and lower or equal to 1')
    lenX        <-  length(x)
    minWin      <-  floor((alpha * lenX))
    allWindows  <-  combn(lenX, 2)
    t(allWindows[, allWindows[2,] - allWindows[1,] >= minWin ])

#' Modified Breusch-Godfrey Statistic \eqn{\frac{n * R^2}{n}}.
#' @title Breusch-Godfrey Statistic
#' @param x A numeric vector.
#' @param y A numeric vector.
#' @param order Order to which residuals are lagged. Defaults to \code{order <- (n - k - 1)},
#' where \code{n} is the number of observations, and \code{k} is the number of parameters
#' in the regression (2 by default). This represents the highest possible order given \code{n}.
#' @param fill Defaults to \code{fill = 0}, used to fill model matrix for lagged residuals in 
#' the auxiliary regression.
#' @details NOTE: This function is a (very slightly) modified version 
#' of \code{\link[lmtest]{bgtest}} from the \pkg{lmtest} package (available at
#' \url{https://github.com/cran/lmtest/blob/master/R/bgtest.R}).
#' We have stripped it down to minimal functionality for our purposes.
#' All development credit goes to the authors of \pkg{lmtest}.
#' This function is a dependency for \code{\link{rankLocReg}} where it is
#' used to calculate \code{bgN} (Breusch-Godfrey Statistic) divided by the number 
#' of observations \eqn{\frac{n * R^2}{n}}. For the purposes of \code{\link{rankLocReg}}, 
#' only the relative variance explained by the fitted values from the
#' auxiliary regression and the residuals of the original regression is of
#' interest. Calculating \eqn{\frac{n * R^2}{n}} preserves this information, while 
#' avoiding the introduction of strong covariance between bgN and n; an 
#' undesirable behaviour for the linearity metric L. If desired, users can 
#' reproduce a standard Breusch-Godfrey Chi-squared test of significance 
#' by running \code{\link[stats]{qchisq}} with the output \code{bgN} and \code{df}.
#' However, we would recommend using the function \code{\link[lmtest]{bgtest}} from the
#' package \pkg{lmtest}, as it is specifically designed for this purpose.
#' @author Colin Olito.
#' @import lmtest
#' @return A list with: the standard BG statistic (\code{bg}), BG/n (\code{bgN}), and d.f. (\code{df}).
#' @export
breuschGodfrey  <-  function(y, x, order=FALSE, fill=0) {
    X  <-  matrix(cbind(1, x), ncol=2)
    n  <-  nrow(X) 
    k  <-  ncol(X)
    if(order) {
        order  <-  1:order
    } else {
        order  <-  1:(n - k - 1)
    m       <-  length(order)
    resids  <-  lm.fit(X, y)$residuals
    Z       <-  sapply(order, function(x) c(rep(fill, length.out=x), resids[1:(n - x)]))
    na      <-  !complete.cases(Z)
    if(any(na)) {
        X       <-  X[!na, , drop=FALSE]
        Z       <-  Z[!na, , drop=FALSE]
        y       <-  y[!na]
        resids  <-  resids[!na]
        n       <-  nrow(X)
    auxfit      <-  lm.fit(x=cbind(X, Z), y=resids)
    bg          <-  n * sum(auxfit$fitted^2) / sum(resids^2)
    bgN         <-  bg / n
    names(bg)   <-  'Breusch-Godfrey Statistic'
    names(bgN)  <-  'Breusch-Godfrey Statistic / n'
    df          <-  m
    names(df)   <-  'df'
        bg    =  bg,
        bgN   =  bgN,
        df    =  df

#' Local Regression Function.
#' @title Perform local regression for specified window
#' @param wins A matrix of vector positions, where wins[,1] contains left boundary positions,
#' and wins[,2] contains right boundary positions for the desired local regressions. Default
#' behaviour is optimized for use with \code{\link{getWindows}} in \code{\link{rankLocReg}},
#' but can accept user-defined windows. 
#' @param xall A numeric vector.
#' @param yall A numeric vector.
#' @param resids Logical. Are residuals to be returned?
#' @return A data frame if \code{resids} is \code{FALSE}. A list if \code{resids} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{getWindows}}, \code{\link{rankLocReg}}.
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' wins  <-  getWindows(x=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3)
#' reg   <-  locReg(wins[1, ], xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, resids=TRUE)
locReg  <-  function(wins, xall, yall, resids=FALSE) {
    # check that window is ok
    badwin  <-  wins[1] >= wins[2]
        stop('Left window boundary greater than or equal to Right boundary')

    # check equal lengths of x and y
    checkEqualLength(xall, yall)

    #  grab data window for local regression
    x  <-  xall[wins[1]:wins[2]]
    y  <-  yall[wins[1]:wins[2]]
    # design matrix
    X  <-  matrix(cbind(1, x), ncol=2)
    # OLS regression
    lmFit    <-  lm.fit(x=X, y=y)
    bHat     <-  coefficients(lmFit)
    vc       <-  chol2inv(lmFit$qr$qr) * sum(lmFit$residuals^2) / lmFit$df.residual
    b1CI     <-  bHat[2] + qt(c(0.025, 0.975), df=(length(x) - 2)) * sqrt(diag(vc))[2]
    # breuschGodfrey test for serial correlation
	BGtest  <-  breuschGodfrey(y, x, order=FALSE)
    bgN     <-  BGtest$bgN
    out     <-  data.frame(
                           Lbound   =  wins[1],
                           Rbound   =  wins[2],
                           alph     =  length(wins[1]:wins[2]) / length(yall),
                           b0       =  bHat[1],
                           b1       =  bHat[2],
                           b1LoCI   =  b1CI[1],
                           b1UpCI   =  b1CI[2],
                           skew     =  skew(x=(lmFit$residuals / lmFit$df.residual)),
                           bgN      =  bgN
    if(resids) {
        sigmaHatUb  <-  sum((lmFit$residuals)^2) / (lmFit$df.residual)
        out         <-  list(
                            table      =  out, 
                            residuals  =  lmFit$residuals / (sqrt(sigmaHatUb)),
                            yHat       =  lmFit$fitted

#' Wrapper - calls function that creates class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @title Ranking local linear regressions according to linearity
#' @param xall A numeric vector.
#' @param yall A numeric vector.
#' @param alpha Minimum window size, expressed as a proportion of total data. Must be higher than 0 and less-than or equal to 1.
#' @param method Ranking method. See details.
#' @param verbose Logical. Should progress be printed?
#' @details \code{rankLocReg} is the main function around which \pkg{LoLinR} is built. Given independent and dependent variables
#' for a time series or trace data set, \code{rankLocReg} tries to find the 'most linear' ordered subset of the full data set. 
#' This is accomplished by fitting all possible local linear regressions with minimum window size \code{alpha}, and ranking them
#' according to the combined linearity metric $L$. $L$ quantifies linearity from 1) the skewness of the standardized residuals, 
#' 2) the range of the 95% confidence interval around the regression slope $\beta_1$, and 3) auto-correlation among the standardized
#' residuals (a modified Breusch-Godfrey $R^2$). These three components of $L$ can be weighted in 3 different ways: unweighted (\code{method="z"}), 
#' equal weights (\code{method="eq"}), and percentile ranks (\code{method="pc"}). If method is unspecified, default to \code{z}. 
#' For highly skewed, or otherwise ill-behaved data we strongly advise examining the relative behaviour of the different weighting
#' methods using \code{\link{plot.rankLocReg}}.
#' For data sets with greater tha ~500 observations, we suggest thinning the number of observations using \code{\link{thinData}},
#' given that this does not compromise the resolution of the data for the question of interest.
#' @return A data frame with important output from all local regressions, ranked by metric \code{L} following raking method chosen by argument \code{method}.
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @seealso \code{\link{locReg}}, \code{\link{thinData}}, \code{\link{plot.rankLocReg}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' allRegs  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
rankLocReg <- function(xall, yall, alpha, method=c('z', 'eq', 'pc'), verbose=TRUE) {

#' Ranking local linear regressions.
#' @title Ranking local linear regressions according to linearity
#' @param xall A numeric vector.
#' @param yall A numeric vector.
#' @param alpha Minimum window size, expressed as a proportion of total data. Must be higher than 0 and less-than or equal to 1.
#' @param method Ranking method. See details.
#' @param verbose Logical. Should progress be printed?
#' @details \code{rankLocReg} is the main function around which \pkg{LoLinR} is built. Given independent and dependent variables
#' for a time series or trace data set, \code{rankLocReg} tries to find the 'most linear' ordered subset of the full data set. 
#' This is accomplished by fitting all possible local linear regressions with minimum window size \code{alpha}, and ranking them
#' according to the combined linearity metric $L$. $L$ quantifies linearity from 1) the skewness of the standardized residuals, 
#' 2) the range of the 95% confidence interval around the regression slope $\beta_1$, and 3) auto-correlation among the standardized
#' residuals (a modified Breusch-Godfrey $R^2$). These three components of $L$ can be weighted in 3 different ways: unweighted (\code{method="z"}), 
#' equal weights (\code{method="eq"}), and percentile ranks (\code{method="pc"}). If method is unspecified, default to \code{z}. 
#' For highly skewed, or otherwise ill-behaved data we strongly advise examining the relative behaviour of the different weighting
#' methods using \code{\link{plot.rankLocReg}}.
#' For data sets with greater tha ~500 observations, we suggest thinning the number of observations using \code{\link{thinData}},
#' given that this does not compromise the resolution of the data for the question of interest.
#' @return A data frame with important output from all local regressions, ranked by metric \code{L} following raking method chosen by argument \code{method}.
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @seealso \code{\link{locReg}}, \code{\link{thinData}}, \code{\link{plot.rankLocReg}}.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' allRegs  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
rankLocReg.default  <-  function(xall, yall, alpha, method=c('z', 'eq', 'pc'), verbose=TRUE) {
        method  <-  'z'
    # make sure input does not contain characters
    checkNumeric(c(xall, yall))

    # make sure that all NAs are dealt with
    dat   <-  stripNAs(xall, yall)
    xall  <-  dat$x
    yall  <-  dat$y

    # x needs to be sorted
        warning("Dataset must be ordered by xall")

    #  get all possible windows
    wins  <-  getWindows(x=yall, alpha)
    #  fit local regressions
    allRegs   <-  apply(wins, 1, locReg, xall=xall, yall=yall)
    allRegs   <-  do.call(rbind.data.frame, allRegs)
    #  calculate combined metric (L) for linearity & fit
    allRegs$ciRange  <-  allRegs$b1UpCI - allRegs$b1LoCI
    allRegs          <-  allRegs[, c('Lbound', 'Rbound', 'alph', 'b0', 'b1', 'b1LoCI', 'b1UpCI', 'ciRange', 'skew', 'bgN')]
    allRegs$Lz       <-  ((min(abs(allRegs$skew)) + abs(allRegs$skew)) / sd(allRegs$skew)) + ((allRegs$bgN - min(allRegs$bgN)) / sd(allRegs$bgN)) + ((allRegs$ciRange - min(allRegs$ciRange)) / sd(allRegs$ciRange))
    allRegs$Leq      <-  (((min(abs(allRegs$skew)) + abs(allRegs$skew)) / sd(allRegs$skew)) / (max(((min(abs(allRegs$skew)) + abs(allRegs$skew)) / sd(allRegs$skew))))) + (((allRegs$bgN - min(allRegs$bgN)) / sd(allRegs$bgN)) / (max(((allRegs$bgN - min(allRegs$bgN)) / sd(allRegs$bgN))))) + (((allRegs$ciRange - min(allRegs$ciRange)) / sd(allRegs$ciRange)) / (max(((allRegs$ciRange - min(allRegs$ciRange)) / sd(allRegs$ciRange)))))
    allRegs$Lpc      <-  ((pcRank(abs(allRegs$skew))) + (pcRank((allRegs$bgN - min(allRegs$bgN)))) + (pcRank((allRegs$ciRange)))) / 3
    # choose weighting scheme for linearity metric L
        'z' = {
            allRegs   <-  allRegs[with(allRegs, order(Lz)), ]
        'eq' = {
            allRegs   <-  allRegs[with(allRegs, order(Leq)), ]
        'pc' = {
            allRegs   <-  allRegs[with(allRegs, order(Lpc)), ]
    nFits  <-  nrow(allRegs)
        cat(sprintf('rankLocReg fitted %d local regressions', nFits), '\n')
    out  <-  list(
                 'nFits'    =  nFits,
                 'allRegs'  =  allRegs,
                 'xall'     =  xall,
                 'yall'     =  yall,
                 'call'     =  match.call(),
                 'method'   =  method

    class(out)  <-  'rankLocReg'


#' Plotting chosen local linear regression.
#' @title Plotting chosen local linear regression
#' @param x An object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @param ... Other parameters to be passed through to plotting functions.
#' @param rank Position, as in row number from input \code{x}, of local regression to be plotted.
#' @return Generates a distribution of all local regression slopes + residual-plot diagnostics for chosen local regression + scatterplot.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rankLocReg.default}}.
#' @export
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' allRegs  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
#' # plot best local regression
#' plot(allRegs, rank=1)
plot.rankLocReg  <-  function(x, ..., rank=1) {
    #  recover data window for chosen local regression model
    bestwin  <-  c(x$allRegs$Lbound[rank], x$allRegs$Rbound[rank])
    y1       <-  x$yall[bestwin[1]:bestwin[2]]
    x1       <-  x$xall[bestwin[1]:bestwin[2]]
    #  fit block
    fit     <-  locReg(bestwin, x$xall, x$yall, resids=TRUE)
    locFit  <-  fit$table
    resids  <-  fit$residuals
    b1      <-  locFit$b1
    yHat    <-  fit$yHat

    #  residual plots
    par(mfrow=c(2, 3), omi=c(0.5, 0.1, 0.5, 0), mai=c(0.6732, 0.5412, 0.8412, 0.2772))

    # distribution of beta1
    c1  <-  'tomato'
    c2  <-  'darkolivegreen'
    c3  <-  'dodgerblue4'
    dLocFit     <-  x$allRegs
    b1Density  <-  density(dLocFit$b1)

    plot(NA, xlab=expression(paste(beta[1])), type='n', axes=FALSE, ylab='Density', cex.lab=1.2, xlim=c(min(b1Density$x), (max(b1Density$x)+0.4*(max(b1Density$x) - min(b1Density$x)))), ylim=c(0, (max(b1Density$y)+0.05*(max(b1Density$y) - min(b1Density$y)))), yaxs='i')
    proportionalLabel(0.5, 1.1, expression(paste('Distribution of ', beta[1])), xpd=NA, adj=c(0.5, 0.5), font=3, cex=1.2)
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)
    polygon(c(b1Density$x), c(b1Density$y), col=transparentColor('dodgerblue2', 0.5), border='dodgerblue2')
    axis(1, cex.axis=0.9)
    axis(2, cex.axis=0.9, las=1)

    abline(v=dLocFit$b1[dLocFit$Lz  == min(dLocFit$Lz)], col=c1, lty=1, lwd=1.5)
    abline(v=dLocFit$b1[dLocFit$Leq == min(dLocFit$Leq)], col=c2, lty=2, lwd=1.5)
    abline(v=dLocFit$b1[dLocFit$Lpc == min(dLocFit$Lpc)], col=c3, lty=3, lwd=1.5)
          x       =  usr[2],
          y       =  usr[4],
          legend  =  c(expression(paste(italic(L[z]))),
          lwd     =  1.5,
          lty     =  c(1, 2, 3),
          col     =  c(c1, c2, c3),
          cex     =  1,
          xjust   =  1,
          yjust   =  1,
          bty     =  'n',
          border  =  NA

    # standardized residuals ~ x
    yRange  <-  max(abs(c(floor(min(resids)), ceiling(max(resids)))))
    yRange  <-  c(-1*yRange, yRange)
    plot(resids ~ x1, xlab='Predictor', ylab='Std. residuals', xpd=NA, ylim=yRange, type='n', axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.2)
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)
    axis(1, cex.axis=0.9)
    axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.9)
    points(resids ~ x1, pch=16, col=transparentColor('dodgerblue', 0.5))
    abline(h=0, col=1, lwd=2)
    abline(h=c(-2, 2), lty=2)
    lf1  <-  loess(resids ~ x1)
    lines(x1, lf1$fitted, col='tomato', lwd=2)
    # standardized residuals ~ fitted values
    plot(resids ~ yHat, xlab='Fitted Values', ylab='Std. residuals', xpd=NA, ylim=yRange, type='n', axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.2)
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)
    axis(1, cex.axis=0.9)
    axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.9)
    points(resids ~ yHat, pch=16, col=transparentColor('dodgerblue', 0.5))
    abline(h=0, col=1, lwd=2)
    abline(h=c(-2, 2), lty=2)
    lf2  <-  loess(resids ~ yHat)
    lines(yHat, lf2$fitted, col='tomato', lwd=2)
    par(mai=c(0.8732, 0.5412, 0.6412, 0.2772))
    #  overall regression plot
    outy  <-  x$yall[c(1:(bestwin[1]-1), (bestwin[2]+1):length(x$yall))]
    outx  <-  x$xall[c(1:(bestwin[1]-1), (bestwin[2]+1):length(x$yall))]
    plot(x$yall ~ x$xall, axes=FALSE, type='n', xlab='Predictor', ylab='Response', cex.lab=1.2, ylim=c(min(x$yall), (max(x$yall) + 0.1*(max(x$yall) - min(x$yall)))))
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)
    axis(1, cex.axis=0.9)
    axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.9)
    points(outy ~ outx, pch=16, col=transparentColor('black', 0.2), cex=1.2)
    points(y1 ~ x1, col='dodgerblue', cex=1.2)
    lines(x1, locFit$b0 + locFit$b1*x1, col='black', lty=2)
    proportionalLabel(c(0, 0.14), rep(1.1, 2), text=FALSE, xpd=NA, type='l', lty=2)
    proportionalLabel(0.15, 1.1, substitute(L[meth]~'Rank '*pos*': '*italic(y) == a~sy~b%.%italic(x), list(meth=x$method, pos=rank, a=rounded(locFit$b0, 2), sy=ifelse(b1 < 0, ' - ', ' + '), b=rounded(abs(b1), 4))), xpd=NA, adj=c(0, 0.5), cex=0.8)
    proportionalLabel(0.95, 0.93, paste0('n = ', length(y1)), xpd=NA, adj=c(1, 0.5), font=3, col='dodgerblue')

    # qqnorm plot of standardized residuals
    qqPlot  <-  qqnorm(resids, main='QQNorm plot of Std. Residuals', xpd=NA, plot=FALSE)
    plot(y1 ~ x1, data=qqPlot, xlab='Theoretical quantiles', ylab='Sample quantiles', xpd=NA, ylim=yRange, xlim=yRange, type='n', axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.2)
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)
    axis(1, cex.axis=0.9)
    axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.9)
    points(qqPlot$y ~ qqPlot$x, pch=16, col=transparentColor('dodgerblue', 0.5))
    qqline(resids, col='tomato')
    # histogram of standardized residuals
    histPlot  <-  hist(resids, breaks=20, plot=FALSE)
    plot(NA, xlab='Std. Residuals', ylab='Density', xpd=NA, ylim=c(0, max(histPlot$density)), xlim=yRange, type='n', axes=FALSE, cex.lab=1.2)
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)
    axis(1, cex.axis=0.9)
    axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.9)
    densities  <-  histPlot$density
    breakPts   <-  histPlot$breaks
    for(j in seq_along(densities)) {
        polygon(c(breakPts[j], breakPts[j+1], breakPts[j+1], breakPts[j], breakPts[j]), c(rep(usr[3], 2), rep(densities[j], 2), usr[3]), border='dodgerblue', col=transparentColor('dodgerblue', 0.5))

#' Plotting 25 best local linear regressions.
#' @title Plotting 25 best local linear regressions
#' @param allRegs An object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @return Generates scatterplots for 25 best local regressions.
#' @author Colin Olito and Diego Barneche.
#' @seealso \code{rankLocReg.default}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' allRegs  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
#' outputRankLocRegPlot(allRegs)
outputRankLocRegPlot  <-  function(allRegs) {
    par(mfrow=c(5,5), omi=rep(1, 4), mai=rep(0,4))
    locFit  <-  allRegs$allRegs

    for(i in 1:25) {
        # subset data
        outy  <-  allRegs$yall[c(1:(locFit$Lbound[i]-1), (locFit$Rbound[i]+1):length(allRegs$yall))]
        outx  <-  allRegs$xall[c(1:(locFit$Lbound[i]-1), (locFit$Rbound[i]+1):length(allRegs$yall))]
        y     <-  allRegs$yall[locFit$Lbound[i]:locFit$Rbound[i]]
        x     <-  allRegs$xall[locFit$Lbound[i]:locFit$Rbound[i]]

        # plot
        plot(allRegs$yall ~ allRegs$xall, axes=FALSE, type='n', xlab='Predictor', ylab='Response', cex.lab=1.2, ylim=c(min(allRegs$yall), (max(allRegs$yall) + 0.25*(max(allRegs$yall) - min(allRegs$yall)))))
        usr  <-  par('usr')
        rect(usr[1], usr[3], usr[2], usr[4], col='grey90', border=NA)

        # check whether axes and labels are to be plotted
        if(i %in% seq(1, 21, 5))
            axis(2, las=1, cex.axis=0.5)
        if(i %in% 21:25)
            axis(1, cex.axis=0.5, mgp=c(3, 0.5, 0))
        points(outy ~ outx, pch=16, col=transparentColor('black', 0.2), cex=1.2)
        points(y ~ x, col='dodgerblue', cex=0.8)
        lines(x, locFit$b0[i] + locFit$b1[i]*x, col='black', lwd=2, lty=2)
        proportionalLabel(0.03, 0.9, substitute(italic(z)*italic(y) == a~sy~b%.%italic(x), list(z=paste0(i, ';   '), a=rounded(locFit$b0[i], 2), sy=ifelse(locFit$b1[i] < 0, ' - ', ' + '), b=rounded(abs(locFit$b1[i]), 4))), adj=c(0, 0.5), cex=0.7)
    mtext('Response', side=2, line=2.5, outer=TRUE)
    mtext('Predictor', side=1, line=2.5, outer=TRUE)

#' Creates transparent colours
#' @title Creates transparent colours
#' @param col Colour.
#' @param opacity Relative y-axis position (in proportion) where character is to be plotted.
#' @export
transparentColor <- function(col, opacity=0.5) {
    if (length(opacity) > 1 && any(is.na(opacity))) {
        n        <-  max(length(col), length(opacity))
        opacity  <-  rep(opacity, length.out=n)
        col      <-  rep(col, length.out=n)
        ok       <-  !is.na(opacity)
        ret      <-  rep(NA, length(col))
        ret[ok]  <-  Recall(col[ok], opacity[ok])
    } else {
        tmp  <-  col2rgb(col)/255
        rgb(tmp[1,], tmp[2,], tmp[3,], alpha=opacity)

#' Plot text or points according to relative axis position.
#' @title Plot text or points according to relative axis position
#' @param px Relative x-axis position (in proportion) where character is to be plotted.
#' @param py Relative y-axis position (in proportion) where character is to be plotted.
#' @param lab Plotted text. Works if argument \code{\link[graphics]{text}} is \code{TRUE}.
#' @param adj See argument of same name in R base function \code{\link[graphics]{par}}.
#' @param text Logical. Should text or points be plotted?
#' @param log Used if the original plot uses the argument log, e.g. \code{log='x'}, \code{log='y'} or \code{log='xy'}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to R base function \code{\link[graphics]{text}}.
#' @export
proportionalLabel <- function(px, py, lab, adj=c(0, 1), text=TRUE, log=FALSE, ...) {
    usr  <-  par('usr')
    x.p  <-  usr[1] + px*(usr[2] - usr[1])
    y.p  <-  usr[3] + py*(usr[4] - usr[3])
    if(log=='x') {
    if(log=='y') {
    if(log=='xy') {
        text(x.p, y.p, lab, adj=adj, ...)
    } else {
        points(x.p, y.p, ...)

#' Draw equally-spaced white lines on plot window.
#' @title Equally-spaced white lines on plot window
#' @param ... Additional arguments to internal function \code{\link{proportionalLabel}}.
#' @author Diego Barneche
#' @export
whiteGrid  <-  function(...) {
    proportionalLabel(rep(0.2, 2), c(0,1), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(rep(0.4, 2), c(0,1), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(rep(0.6, 2), c(0,1), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(rep(0.8, 2), c(0,1), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(c(0,1), rep(0.2, 2), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(c(0,1), rep(0.4, 2), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(c(0,1), rep(0.6, 2), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)
    proportionalLabel(c(0,1), rep(0.8, 2), text=FALSE, type='l', col='white', lwd=0.5, ...)

#' Internal. Create nice rounded numbers for plotting.
#' @title Rounded numbers for plotting
#' @param value A numeric vector.
#' @param precision Number of rounding digits.
#' @return A character vector.
#' @author Diego Barneche.
#' @export
rounded  <-  function(value, precision=1) {
  sprintf(paste0('%.', precision, 'f'), round(value, precision))


#' Summary for object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @title Summary for object of class \code{rankLocReg}
#' @param object An object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @param ... Additional arguments affecting the summary produced.
#' @return A summary list with main features calculated by function \code{\link{rankLocReg}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rankLocReg}}.
#' @author Diego Barneche.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' allRegs  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
#' summary(allRegs)
summary.rankLocReg <- function(object, ...) {

    # Grab best regressions for each weighting scheme
    Lcompare  <-  data.frame(rbind(object$allRegs[with(object$allRegsallRegs, order(object$allRegs$Lz)),  ][1,],
                        object$allRegs[with(object$allRegsallRegs, order(object$allRegs$Leq)), ][1,],
                        object$allRegs[with(object$allRegsallRegs, order(object$allRegs$Lpc)), ][1,]))
    Lcompare  <-  cbind(c("Lz", "Leq", "Lpc"), Lcompare)
    names(Lcompare)  <-  c("Metric", names(object$allRegs))
    out <- list(
                call          =  object$call,
                data          =  summary(data.frame(xall=object$xall, yall=object$yall)),
                summaryTable  =  head(object$allRegs),
                nFits         =  object$nFits,
                method        =  object$method,
                Lcompare      =  Lcompare

    class(out) <- 'summary.rankLocReg'

#' Wrapper summary for object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @title Wrapper summary for object of class \code{rankLocReg}
#' @param x An object of class \code{rankLocReg}.
#' @param ... Further arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A summary list with main features calculated by function \code{\link{rankLocReg}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{rankLocReg}}, \code{\link{summary.rankLocReg}}
#' @author Diego Barneche.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # load sea urchin respirometry data
#' data(UrchinData)
#' # rank L metric by method 'eq'
#' allRegs  <-  rankLocReg(xall=UrchinData$time, yall=UrchinData$D, alpha=0.3, method="eq", verbose=TRUE)
#' summary(allRegs)
print.summary.rankLocReg <- function(x, ...) {

    cat('Number of fitted local regressions:\n')

    cat('Used dataset:\n')

    cat('Best ', nrow(x$summaryTable), ' local regressions (L-metric ranking) fitted with method ', x$method, '\n')

    cat('Best ranked regressions for each L-metric:\n')
colin-olito/LoLinR documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:54 p.m.