
Defines functions dpi0 rpi0 simulate_subset calculate_fdr

Documented in calculate_fdr dpi0 rpi0 simulate_subset

#' Density function for the \eqn{\pi_0} distribution.
#' @param pi0 vector of \eqn{\pi_0} quantiles.
#' @param n_targets vector of observed target PSMs.
#' @param n_decoys vector of observed decoy PSMs.
#' @return vector of densities.
#' The length is the maximum length of the numerical arguments.
#' Returns 'NaN' for 'pi0 < 0' and 'pi > 1'.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## density at pi0 = .5 when observing 10 targets and 3 decoys
#' dpi0(.5, 10, 3)
#' ## visualize the pi0 distribution when observing 10 targets and 3 decoys
#' grid = seq(0,1,.01)
#' dens = dpi0(grid,10 , 3)
#' plot(dens, xlab = 'pi0', ylab = 'density')
#' ##Alternatively, you can also use the function pi0plot()
#' pi0plot(10,3)
dpi0= function(pi0, n_targets, n_decoys) {
  if (!(n_targets > 0)) {
    warning('Number of targets should be higher then 0.')

  if (!(n_decoys >= 0)) {
    warning('Number of decoys should be 0 or higher.')

  pi0 = ifelse((pi0 > 1) | (pi0 < 0),NaN,pi0)
  dbeta(pi0 / (1 + pi0), n_decoys + 1, n_targets + 1) *
    1 / (1 + pi0) ^ 2 /
    pbeta(.5, n_decoys + 1, n_targets + 1)

##' Random generation for the \eqn{\pi_0} distribution.
##' @param n number of observations.
##' @param n_targets number of observed target PSMs.
##' @param n_decoys number of observed decoy PSMs.
##' @return vector of random deviates.
##' The length equals `n'.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## visualize the pi0 distribution when observing 10 targets and 3 decoys
##' x = rpi0(100000, 10 ,3 )
##' hist(x, breaks = 50 , xlab = 'pi0', ylab = 'counts')
rpi0 = function(n, n_targets, n_decoys) {
  if (!(n_targets > 0)) {
    warning('Number of targets should be higher then 0.')

  if (!(n_decoys >= 0)) {
    warning('Number of decoys should be 0 or higher.')

  x = as.numeric()
  ## sample until n samples has been reached
  while(n > 0){
    xt = rbeta(n,n_decoys + 1,n_targets + 1)
    ## remove samples outside 0-.5 boundary
    xt = xt[xt<.5]
    xt = xt/(1-xt)
    x = c(x,xt)
    n = n - length(xt)

#' Random generation of a dataset after TDA.
#' Random generation of number of decoy, correct target and incorrect target PSMs after a competitive target-decoy search.
#' @param n number of total PSMs.
#' @param pi0 theoretical \eqn{\pi_0}.
#' @param sims number of observations.
#' @return A data frame with ``sims'' rows and 6 rows:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{n}{number of PSMs.}
#'   \item{pi0}{theoretical \eqn{\pi_0}.}
#'   \item{decoy_n}{number of decoy PSMs.}
#'   \item{target_n}{number of target PSMs.}
#'   \item{H0_n}{number of incorrect target PSMs.}
#'   \item{H1_n}{number of correct target PSMs.}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import tibble
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate the number of decoys, correct targets and incorrect targets in 10 datasets that
#' ## consist of 100 PSMs and that have on average 20% incorrect target PSMs.
#' simulate_subset(100, .2, 10)
simulate_subset = function(n ,pi0 ,sims = 1){
  pi0D = 2*pi0/(1+pi0)
  min_n = rbinom(sims ,n , pi0D)
    decoy_n =rbinom(sims, min_n, .5),
    target_n = n - decoy_n,
    H0_n = min_n - decoy_n,
    H1_n = target_n - H0_n)

#' Calculates qvalues on the subset PSMs.
#' @param df dataframe with at least 3 columns:
#' \item{score}{score assigned to the peptide to spectrum match (PSM).}
#' \item{subset}{TRUE if PSM belongs to the subset in interest, FALSE or otherwise.}
#' \item{decoy}{TRUE if decoy PSM, FALSE otherwise.}
#' }
#'Additional columns are allowed but ignored.
#' Target and decoy PSMs are assumbed to be from a competitive target decoy database search.
#' @param score_higher TRUE if a higher score means a better PSM.
#' @return A data frame containing all columns in ``df''.
#' Following columns are added:
#' \describe{
#'\item{pi_0_cons}{conservative estimation of \eqn{\pi_0}.}
#'\item{FDR}{estimated subset PSM qvalues calculated according the competitive target decoy approach.}
#'\item{FDR_BH}{estimated subset PSM qvalues calculated according the Benjamini Hochbergh procedure.
#' When provided, non-subset decoy PSMs are used to stabilize estimates in small subsets}
#'\item{FDR_stable}{estimated subset PSM qvalues calculated with ``pi_0_cons''.
#' When provided, non-subset decoy PSMs are used to stabilize estimates in small subsets}
#' }
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate a dataset with 140 correct target subset PSMs, 60 incorrect target subset PSMS,
#' ## 60 decoy subset PSMs and 2000 additional decoy PSMs.
#' set.seed(10)
#' d = sample_dataset(H1_n = 140,H0_n = 60, decoy_n = 60 ,decoy_large_n = 2000)
#' ## calculate the qvalues in the subset target PSMS according the classical target-decoy approach
#' ## and our more stable estimation method.
#' calculate_fdr(d)
calculate_fdr = function(df,score_higher = TRUE) {
    index = row_number(),
    ## pi_0 of subset PSMs
    # pi_0 = (sum(decoy[subset == 1] == 1)) /
    #   (sum(decoy[subset == 1] != 1)),
    ## conservative pi_0 of subset PSMs with upperbound of 1
    pi_0_cons = (sum(decoy[subset]) + 1) /
    pi_0_cons = ifelse(pi_0_cons > 1, 1, pi_0_cons)) %>%
    # Sort the score depending on if higher scores are better or not
    arrange(desc(if (score_higher) score else -score)) %>%
    # Calculate classical FDR on subset
    mutate(FDR = cumsum(decoy & subset) /
             cumsum(!decoy & subset),
    # calculate BH FDR on subset
    FDR_BH = (cumsum(decoy) / sum(decoy)) /
             (cumsum(!decoy & subset) / sum(!decoy & subset))) %>%
    ## Assure FDRs are monotonic and does not allow any FDR to be above 1
    ## Set fdr of decoys and non subset PSMs to NA
    arrange(if (score_higher) score else -score) %>%
    mutate_at(vars(FDR, FDR_BH),
              funs(ifelse(!decoy & subset,cummin(ifelse(. > 1, 1, .)),NA))) %>%
    ## calculate stable FDR on subset
    mutate(FDR_stable = FDR_BH * pi_0_cons) %>%
    # Put dataframe back in original order
    arrange(index) %>%

## d = saas::sample_dataset(10000,10000,10000)
## d = sample_frac(d)
## d1 = calculate_fdr(d) %>% filter(!decoy)  %>% arrange(score)
## plot(d1$score,d1$FDR_stable,type = 'l',ylim = c(0,1))

#' Creates density plot of the pi0 distribution.
#' There is also a vertical line plotted that represent a conservative \eqn{\pi_0} estimate.
#' This estimate is used in our more stable FDR estimation in the subset PSMs of interest.
#' @param n_targets vector of observed target PSMs.
#' @param n_decoys vector of observed decoy PSMs.
#' @param conservative_pi0 logical; If TRUE (default), adds horizontal line indicating the conservative \eqn{\pi_0} estimate.
#' @return ggplot object.
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' ## Visualize the pi0 distribution when observing 10 targets and 3 decoys
#' set.seed(10)
#' pi0plot(10,3)
 pi0plot = function(n_targets, n_decoys, conservative_pi0 =  TRUE) {
  grid = seq(0, 1, .001)
  dens = dpi0(grid, n_targets, n_decoys)
  df = data_frame(grid, dens)
  p = ggplot(df, aes(x = grid, y = dens)) + geom_line(col = 'dark grey') +
      x = expression(pi[0]),
      y = 'Density',
      title = expression('Posterior probability of' ~ pi[0])
    ) +
    theme_bw() +
      plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5)),
      axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.2)),
      axis.text = element_text(size = rel(1.2)),
      axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 0)

  if(conservative_pi0 == TRUE){
    pi0_cons = (n_decoys + 1) / n_targets
    pi0_cons = ifelse(pi0_cons > 1, 1, ifelse(pi0_cons < 0, 0, pi0_cons))
    p = p +geom_vline(xintercept = pi0_cons, col = 'black')

#' Creates PP plot of two empirical distributions.
#' @param score vector of quantiles of distribution 1 and 2
#' @param label vector of logical values. TRUE if score belongs to distribution 1
#' @param pi0 mixture coefficient of distribution 1 in distribution 2
#' @param score_higher TRUE if a higher score means a better PSM.
#' @param title main title.
#' @param xlab label on x-axis.
#' @param ylab label on y-axis.
#' @return ggplot object
#' @export
#' @import ggplot2
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate a dataset with 140 correct target subset PSMs, 60 incorrect target subset PSMS,
#' ## 60 decoy subset PSMs and 2000 additional decoy PSMs.
#' set.seed(10)
#' d = sample_dataset(H1_n = 140,H0_n = 60, decoy_n = 60 ,decoy_large_n = 2000)
#' ##pi_0 can be estimated with the target-decoy approach
#' pi0 = sum(d$decoy & d$subset)/sum(!d$decoy & d$subset)
#' PPplot(d$score, d$decoy, pi0)
PPplot = function(score, label, pi0 = 0,score_higher = TRUE, title = 'PP plot of target PSMs' ,
                  xlab = 'Decoy percentile' ,ylab = 'Target\npercentile'){
  p = ggplot()  +
    geom_abline(slope = pi0,color = 'black') +
    labs(x = xlab, y = ylab ,title = title) +
    xlim(0,1) + ylim(0,1) +
    theme_bw() +
      plot.title = element_text(size = rel(1.5)),
      axis.title = element_text(size = rel(1.2)),
      axis.text = element_text(size = rel(1.2)),
      axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 0))

  if ((length(score[!label]) == 0) | (length(score[label]) == 0))
    return(p + annotate('text',label = 'NOT ENOUGH DATA TO PLOT',x = .5,y = .5))

  if(!score_higher){ score = - score}

  Ft = ecdf(score[!label])
  Fd = ecdf(score[label])
  x = score[!label]
  df = data_frame(Fdp = Fd(x), Ftp = Ft(x))

  p + geom_point(data = df,aes(Fdp,Ftp),color = 'dark grey')

#' Plot diagnostic plots to evaluate assumptions from the search all, search subset strategy.
#' Four diagnostic plots are created:
#' \item{a}{pi0plot according the number of subset target and decoy PSMs.}
#' \item{b}{PPplot of the decoy distribution against the subset target distribution.}
#' \item{c}{PPplot of the decoy distribution against the subset decoy distribution.}
#' \item{d}{PPplot of the subset decoy distribution against the subset target distribution.}
#' }
#' @param df dataframe with at least 3 columns:
#' \item{score}{score assigned to the peptide to spectrum match (PSM).}
#' \item{subset}{TRUE if PSM belongs to the subset in interest, FALSE otherwise.}
#' \item{decoy}{TRUE if decoy PSM, FALSE otherwise.}
#' }
#' @param score_higher TRUE if a higher score means a better PSM.
#'Additional columns are allowed but ignored.
#' Target and decoy PSMs are assumbed to be from a competitive target decoy database search.
#' @return ggplot object.
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate a dataset with 140 correct target subset PSMs, 60 incorrect target subset PSMS,
#' ## 60 decoy subset PSMs and 2000 additional decoy PSMs.
#' set.seed(10)
#' d = sample_dataset(H1_n = 140,H0_n = 60, decoy_n = 60 ,decoy_large_n = 2000,
#'                    H0_mean = 2.7, H1_mean = 3.2, decoy_mean = 2.7, decoy_large_mean = 2.7)
#' ##pi_0 can be estimated with the target-decoy aproach
#' plot_diag(d)
plot_diag = function(df, score_higher = TRUE){
    ## remove non subset targets
    df = filter(df, decoy|subset)

  dfsub = filter(df,subset)
  dfdec = filter(df,decoy)

  p1 =  pi0plot(sum(!dfsub$decoy),sum(dfsub$decoy))

  p2 = PPplot(df$score,df$decoy,sum(dfsub$decoy)/sum(!dfsub$decoy),score_higher,
              xlab = 'All decoy percentile')

  d = filter(df,decoy)
  d2 = filter(d,subset ) %>%
    mutate(subset = FALSE) ## add subset decoys to rest because it's also part of all decoys'
  d = bind_rows(d,d2)
  p3 = PPplot(d$score,!d$subset, 1, score_higher, title = 'PP plot of subset decoy PSMs',
              xlab = 'All decoy percentile',ylab = 'Subset decoy\npercentile')

  d = filter(df,subset)
  p4 = PPplot(d$score,d$decoy, sum(dfsub$decoy)/sum(!dfsub$decoy), score_higher,
              xlab = 'Subset decoy percentile')

  p_all = cowplot::plot_grid(p1,p2,p3,p4, align = 'v',labels = 'auto',hjust = -4, label_size = 16)

  return(list(pi0plot = p1, decoyall_targetsubset = p2,
              decoyall_decoy_subset = p3, decoysubset_target_subset = p4, all = p_all))

#' Sample scores for a random dataset
#' The scores are sampled from a two-component mixture distribution of Gaussians.
#' @param H0_n number of incorrect subset target PSMs.
#' @param H1_n number of correct subset target PSMs.
#' @param decoy_n number of subset decoy PSMs.
#' @param decoy_large_n number of non subset decoy PSMs.
#' @param H0_mean mean of the incorrect subset target PSM distribution.
#' @param H1_mean mean of the correct subset target PSM distribution.
#' @param H0_sd sd of the incorrect subset target PSM distribution.
#' @param H1_sd sd of the correct subset target PSM distribution.
#' @param decoy_mean mean of the subset decoy PSM distribution.
#' @param decoy_sd sd of the subset decoy PSM distribution.
#' @param decoy_large_mean mean of the non subset decoy PSM distribution.
#' @param decoy_large_sd sd of the non subset decoy PSM distribution.
#' @return dataframe with 4 columns:
#' \item{score}{score assigned to the peptide to spectrum match (PSM).}
#' \item{decoy}{TRUE if decoy PSM, FALSE otherwise.}
#' \item{H0}{TRUE if incorrect target PSM, FALSE otherwise.}
#' \item{subset}{TRUE if PSM belongs to the subset in interest, FALSE or otherwise.}
#' }

#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' ## Simulate a dataset with 140 correct target subset PSMs, 60 incorrect target subset PSMS,
#' ##60 decoy subset PSMs and 2000 additional decoy PSMs.
#' ## In this first example, incorrect subset target and decoy PSMs have a similar distribution
#' set.seed(10)
#' d = sample_dataset(H1_n = 140,H0_n = 60, decoy_n = 60 ,decoy_large_n = 2000,
#'                    H0_mean = 2.7, H1_mean = 3, decoy_mean = 2.7, decoy_large_mean = 2.7)
#' # visualize the decoy distribution and the correct and incorrect target distribution
#' plot(density(d$score[d$decoy]), xlim = c(2,4), xlab = 'score', ylab = 'density')
#' lines(density(d$score[!d$decoy & d$H0]), col = 'red')
#' lines(density(d$score[!d$decoy & !d$H0]), col = 'green')
#' legend('topright', c('decoys', 'incorrect targets', 'correct targets'),
#'        text.col = c('black', 'red', 'green'))
#' ## In this first example, incorrect subset target and decoy PSMs have not a similar distribution
#' ## because the additional set of decoy PSMs are not representative for the incorrect subset PSMs.
#' set.seed(10)
#' d = sample_dataset(H1_n = 140,H0_n = 60, decoy_n = 60 ,decoy_large_n = 2000,
#'                    H0_mean = 2.7, H1_mean = 3, decoy_mean = 2.7, decoy_large_mean = 2.6)
#' # visualize the decoy distribution and the correct and incorrect target distribution
#' plot(density(d$score[d$decoy]), xlim = c(2,4), xlab = 'score', ylab = 'density')
#' lines(density(d$score[!d$decoy & d$H0]), col = 'red')
#' lines(density(d$score[!d$decoy & !d$H0]), col = 'green')
#' legend('topright', c('decoys', 'incorrect targets', 'correct targets'),
#'        text.col = c('black', 'red', 'green'))
sample_dataset = function(H1_n = 160,H0_n = 40, decoy_n = H0_n ,decoy_large_n = 2000,
                          H0_mean=2.75, H1_mean=3.31,H0_sd=.13,H1_sd=.28,
                          decoy_mean = H0_mean, decoy_sd = H0_sd,
                          decoy_large_mean = H0_mean, decoy_large_sd = H0_sd){

  d1 = d2 = d3 = d4 = NULL
  if (decoy_large_n){
   d1 = data_frame(score = rnorm(decoy_large_n,decoy_large_mean,decoy_large_sd),
               decoy = TRUE,
               H0 = FALSE,
               subset = FALSE)
  if (decoy_n){
  d2 = data_frame(score = rnorm(decoy_n,decoy_mean,decoy_sd),
               decoy = TRUE,
               H0 = FALSE,
               subset = TRUE)
  if (H0_n){
  d3 = data_frame(score = rnorm(H0_n,H0_mean,H0_sd),
               decoy = FALSE,
               H0 = TRUE,
               subset = TRUE)
  if (H1_n){
  d4 =   data_frame(score = rnorm(H1_n,H1_mean,H1_sd),
               decoy = FALSE,
               H0 = FALSE,
               subset = TRUE)

##' Parses a mzID file generated by MS-GF+.
##' See \url{https://omics.pnl.gov/software/ms-gf}
##' for more info on how to perform a database search on MSMS dataset with MS-GF+ and how to generate a mzID file.
##' Note that most functions in these package require data from a competitive target decoy search.
##' We take the MS-GF+ SpecEValue as the PSM score for FDR calculation.
##' @param mzid_path Location of the mzID file.
#' @return A data frame containing the following 7 columns:
#' \describe{
#'\item{spec_id}{Id of the spectrum from the searched dataset file.}
#'\item{sequence}{Amino acid sequence matching the spectra.}
#'\item{protein_id}{Id of the sequence from the database file.}
#' \item{score}{score assigned to the peptide to spectrum match (PSM).}
#' \item{database}{Name of the database file used to search the spectra.}
#' \item{decoy}{TRUE if decoy PSM, FALSE otherwise.}
#' \item{database_size}{Number of sequences in the database file.}
#' }
##' @import dplyr
##' @import stringr
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## Location of the zipped data files
##' zip_file_path = system.file("extdata", "extdata.zip", package = "saas")
##' ## Unzip and get the (temporary) location of the mzid file with the MS-GF+ search results from a
##' ## competitive target decoy search of the complete pyrococcus proteome against a pyrococcus dataset.
##' mzid_file_path = unzip(zip_file_path, 'pyrococcus.mzid',exdir = tempdir())
##' ## Parse the mzid file
##' parse_msgf_mzid(mzid_file_path)
parse_msgf_mzid = function(mzid_path){
  if (!requireNamespace("mzR", quietly = TRUE)) {
    stop("Package mzR needed for this function to work. Please install it from bioconductor.",
      call. = FALSE)

  d = mzR::openIDfile(mzid_path)
  if (!any(grepl('MS-GF+',mzR::mzidInfo(d)$software)))
    stop('Only mzID files generated by MS-GF+ can be parsed')
  cbind(mzR::psms(d),mzR::score(d)[,-1]) %>% as_data_frame %>%
    filter(rank == 1) %>%
    transmute(spec_id = acquisitionNum,
              sequence = as.character(sequence),
              protein_id = as.character(DatabaseAccess),
              ## Protein id from decoys should match the protein id from their decoy equivalent.
              ## because you should be able identify the subset proteins
              ## In case of MSGF+, the means to remove 'XXX_' in the protein_id
              protein_id = str_replace(protein_id, '(XXX_)',''),
              score= MS.GF.SpecEValue,
              database = gsub(".*/+([^/]+).fasta","\\1",levels(mzR::database(d)[['location']])),
              decoy = isDecoy,
## divide number of sequences by 2 (decoys + targets by default)
              database_size = mzR::database(d)$numDatabaseSequences / 2) %>%

##' Checks if protein id appears in the headers of a fasta file.
##' @param protein_id Vector of protein ids.
##' @param fastapath Location of the fasta file.
##' @return Logical vector, TRUE if protein id is present in provided fasta file, FALSE otherwise.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' ## Location of the zipped data files
##' zip_file_path = system.file("extdata", "extdata.zip", package = "saas")
##' ## Unzip and get the (temporary) location of the mzid file with the MS-GF+ search results from a
##' ## competitive target decoy search of the complete pyrococcus proteome against a pyrococcus dataset.
##' mzid_file_path = unzip(zip_file_path, 'pyrococcus.mzid',exdir = tempdir())
##' ## Read and parse the mzid file
##' dat = parse_msgf_mzid(mzid_file_path)
##' ## Unzip and get the (temporary) location of the file with fasta headers.
##' ## Each fasta header contains a protein_id from the protein subset of interest.
##' ## These protein_ids match the protein_ids in the mzid result file.
##' fasta_file_path = unzip(zip_file_path, 'transferase_activity_[GO:0016740].fasta', exdir = tempdir())
##' protein_ids = unique(dat$protein_id)
##' head(protein_ids)
##' is_subset = id_is_present(protein_ids, fasta_file_path)
##' ## Check how many of the identified proteins are subset and non subset protiens.
##' table(is_subset)
id_is_present = function(protein_id,fastapath){
  fas = readr::read_lines(fastapath)
  headers = fas[grepl('>',fas,fixed = TRUE)]
  ## reducing search time by only searching the unique
  protein_id_unique = unique(protein_id)
  is_subset = sapply(protein_id_unique,function(p){any(stringr::str_detect(headers,stringr::fixed(p)))})
  protein_id %in% protein_id_unique[is_subset]

##' Preprocess data from a MS-GF mzID file.
##' The parsed data frame from saas::parse_msgf_mzid function contains sometimes multiple entries for a spectrum. (eg. if sequence can be assigned to multiple protein ids). This function takes care of this by default.
##' @param dat Data frame generated by the saas::parse_msgf_mzid function.
##' @param remove_target_decoy_PSM TRUE to remove PSMs that match both a target and decoy sequence.
##' @param remove_multiple_proteins_PSM TRUE to remove PSMs that can be assigned to multiple protein ids.
##' @param is_subset Location of fasta file with  protein_id of the subset of interest in the fasta headers.
##' @return Data frame with the same columns as ``dat''.
##' The column protein_id contains all protein_ids that can be assigned to this PSM.
##' Multiple protein_ids are separated by ``;''.
##' When ``is_subset'' is specified, two columns are added:
##' \describe{
##' \item{subset}{TRUE if sequence can be assigned to a subset protein id}
##' \item{non_subset}{TRUE if sequence can be assigned to a non subset protein id}
##' }
##' Every spectrum haves only 1 row in the data frame.
##' @examples
##' ## Location of the zipped data files
##' zip_file_path = system.file("extdata", "extdata.zip", package = "saas")
##' ## Unzip and get the (temporary) location of the mzid file with the MS-GF+ search results from a
##' ## competitive target decoy search of the complete pyrococcus proteome against a pyrococcus dataset.
##' mzid_file_path = unzip(zip_file_path, 'pyrococcus.mzid',exdir = tempdir())
##' ## Read and parse the mzid file
##' data = parse_msgf_mzid(mzid_file_path)
##' ## Unzip and get the (temporary) location of the file with fasta headers.
##' ## Each fasta header contains a protein_id from the protein subset of interest.
##' ## These protein_ids match the protein_ids in the mzid result file.
##' fasta_file_path = unzip(zip_file_path, 'transferase_activity_[GO:0016740].fasta', exdir = tempdir())
##' ## Preprocess the data before FDR estimation.
##' data_prep = preprocess(data, is_subset = fasta_file_path)
##' ## Estimate the FDR in the subset.
##' data_result = calculate_fdr(data_prep, score_higher = FALSE)
##' ## Check how many PSMs are retained at the 1% FDR threshold.
##' table(data_result$FDR_stable < .01)
##' @import dplyr
##' @export
preprocess = function(dat,remove_target_decoy_PSM = TRUE, remove_multiple_proteins_PSM = FALSE,
                       is_subset = NULL){
  if (remove_target_decoy_PSM == TRUE){
    dat = group_by(dat,spec_id) %>% filter(!(any(decoy) & any(!decoy)))
  if (remove_multiple_proteins_PSM == TRUE){
    dat = group_by(dat,spec_id) %>% filter(n() > 1)
  if (!is.null(is_subset)){
    dat = ungroup(dat) %>% mutate(subset = id_is_present(protein_id,is_subset))
  if ('subset' %in% names(dat)){
  dat = group_by(dat,spec_id,sequence,decoy,database,database_size,score) %>%
    summarise(subset = any(subset),non_subset = any(!subset),
              protein_id = paste0(protein_id,collapse = ';'))
  } else {
  dat = group_by(dat,spec_id,sequence,decoy,database,database_size,score) %>%
    summarise(protein_id = paste0(protein_id,collapse = ';'))
compomics/search-all-assess-subset documentation built on May 13, 2019, 9:55 p.m.