
Defines functions pmcTable

Documented in pmcTable

## GET tables from pmc XML file
# Uses rowspan and colspan attributes to format table including multi-line headers.  
# Repeats cell values down columns if rowspan > 1 

pmcTable  <- function(doc, whichTable, simplify=FALSE,...)
   tables  <- getNodeSet(doc, "//table-wrap")
   if(length(tables) == 0){ 
      if(!missing(whichTable)) tables <- tables[ whichTable ]
      n <-  length(tables)
      y <- vector("list", n )
      for(k in 1:n){
         z2 <- xmlDoc(tables[[k]])

         ## TABLE id in URL string
         id      <- xpathSApply(z2, "//table-wrap", xmlGetAttr, "id")
         label   <- xpathSApply(z2, "//table-wrap/label",      xmlValue)
         caption <- xpathSApply(z2, "//table-wrap/caption",    xmlValue)

         ## label and caption missing  see PMC3119406  - table is appendix 
         if(length(caption) == 0 & length(label) == 0 ) {
            message("WARNING: no label or caption found")
            label <- "Table"
         }else if( length(label) == 0){
            # missing label - may be part of caption... see PMC3544749
            # always get first two words? "Table S1" or "S1 Table".

            label <- gsub("([^ ]+ [^ ]+ ).*", "\\1", caption)
            caption <- gsub(label , "", caption)
         # remove newlines
         caption <- fixText(caption)
         ## check for sub-caption
         subcaption <- NULL
         zz <- splitP(caption)
         if( length(zz) > 1 ){
            subcaption <- zz[2 : length(zz)]
               caption <- zz[1]
         label   <- gsub("[ .]+$", "", label)
         caption <- gsub("[ .]+$", "", caption)
         cap2 <- paste(label, caption, sep=". ")   ## for names
         message(paste(" ", cap2, sep="" ))

         # PARSE footnotes 
         flabel <- xpathSApply(z2, "//table-wrap-foot/fn/label", xmlValue)
         fn     <- xpathSApply(z2, "//table-wrap-foot/fn/p",     xmlValue)
         if(length(flabel) > 0){   
            fn <- paste(flabel, fn, sep=". ") 
         # OR any text if no fn/p... 
         if(length(fn) == 0){
            fn <- xpathSApply(z2, "//table-wrap-foot", xmlValue)

         ## GET table tag 
         t1 <- getNodeSet(z2, "//table")
         ## some table tags are missing   
         ## SEE http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2211553/table/ppat-0040009-t001/
         if(length(t1) == 0){ 
            message("  No table node - possible link to image?") 
            x <- data.frame()
            thead <- NA
            # a few table-wrap with 2 tables!  see Table 2 PMC3161971 
            t1 <- t1[[1]]
            #PARSE HEADER
            ##  some XML use th (header cell) instead of td (standard cell)?  
            x <- getNodeSet(t1, ".//thead/tr")
            if(length(x) == 0){
            ## 1 header row...
            }else if(length(x) == 1 ){
               colspan <- as.numeric( xpathSApply(x[[1]], ".//td|.//th", xmlGetAttr, "colspan", 1) )
               thead <- xpathSApply(x[[1]], ".//td|.//th", xmlValue)
               if( any(colspan>1) ){ 
                   thead <- rep(thead, colspan)
            # OR collapse mutliline header into single row
            # SEE  tables 1 and 2 in http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3109299 
               nr <- length(x)
                  c2 <- data.frame()       
               for (i in 1:nr){
                  rowspan <- as.numeric( xpathSApply(x[[i]], ".//td|.//th", xmlGetAttr, "rowspan", 1) )
                  colspan <- as.numeric( xpathSApply(x[[i]], ".//td|.//th", xmlGetAttr, "colspan", 1) )
                  thead <- xpathSApply(x[[i]], ".//td|.//th", xmlValue)

                  if( any(colspan>1) ){ 
                     thead      <- rep(thead, colspan)
                     rowspan <- rep(rowspan, colspan)
                  ## create empty data.frame
                  if(i == 1){
                     nc <- length(thead)
                     c2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nr , ncol =  nc ))
                  # fill values into empty cells
                  n <- which(is.na(c2[i,]))

                  ## truncate to avoid warning - see PMC3119406
                  if(length(thead ) != length(n) )  thead <- thead[1: length(n) ]

                  c2[ i ,n] <- thead

                  if( any(rowspan > 1) ){
                     for(j in 1:length( rowspan ) ){
                        if(rowspan[j] > 1){
                            ## repeat value down column
                              c2[ (i+1):(i+ ( rowspan[j] -1) ) , n[j] ]   <- thead[j]
               ## COLLAPSE into single row...
               ## some rowspans may extend past nr!  see table 1 PMC3109299 
               if(nrow(c2) > nr) c2<- c2[1:nr, ]
               ## collapsing column names and row values uses ";" as separator
               thead <- apply(c2, 2, function(x) paste(unique(x), collapse=": "))
               thead <- gsub(": : ", ": ", thead)  # some mutliline rows with horizontal lines only
               thead <- gsub("^: ", "", thead) 
               thead <- gsub(": $", "", thead) 

            #PARSE TABLE
            ## Does not repeat values with colspans across rows (usually table subheaders) 
            ## Repeats values with rowspan down columns  - since single rows are often needed

            x <- getNodeSet(t1, "//tbody/tr")
            # number of rows 
            nr <- length(x)
            for (i in 1:nr){
               ## some table use //th  see table1 PMC3031304
               rowspan <- as.numeric( xpathSApply(x[[i]], ".//td|.//th", xmlGetAttr, "rowspan", 1) )
               colspan <- as.numeric( xpathSApply(x[[i]], ".//td|.//th", xmlGetAttr, "colspan", 1) )
               val <- xpathSApply(x[[i]], ".//td|.//th", xmlValue)
               val <- gsub("\u00A0|\u2002|\u2003", " ", val)  # NO-BREAK, EN or EM SPACE
               val <- gsub("^ +| +$", "", val)  # trim

               if(any(colspan > 1) ){ 
                  val  <- rep(val, colspan)
                  ##  DON't repeat subheaders and other colspans (optional?)
                  val[-1][val[-1]==val[-length(val)]] <- NA
                  rowspan <- rep(rowspan, colspan)

               # how to get # columns? - could check header if present ... length(thead)
               # OR  check every row (but some rows may have extra columns)
               # nc <- max( sapply(x, function(y) sum( xpathSApply(y, ".//td", xmlGetAttr, "colspan", 1)) ) )
               # this just uses # columns IN first row 
               ## create empty data.frame
               if(i == 1){
                  nc <- length(val)
                     c2 <- data.frame(matrix(NA, nrow = nr , ncol =  nc ))
               # fill values into empty cells
               n <- which(is.na(c2[i,]))
               # some tables have extra td tags  see table 2  PMC3109299
               # <td align="left" rowspan="1" colspan="1"/> 
               # truncate to avoid warning.... may lose data???
               if(length(val) != length(n) )  val<-val[1: length(n) ]
               c2[ i ,n] <- val
               if( any(rowspan > 1) ){
                     for(j in 1:length( rowspan ) ){
                        if(rowspan[j] > 1){
                        ## repeat value down column
                        c2[ (i+1):(i+ ( rowspan[j] -1) ) , n[j] ]   <- val[j]

            # table
            x <- c2
            if( !is.na( thead[1] )){
                ## see table 3 from PMC3020393  -more colnames than columns
                colnames(x) <- thead[1:ncol(x)]
            #DELETE empty rows  - 
               nX <- apply(x, 1, function(y) sum(! (is.na(y) | y=="") ))
               x  <- x[nX != 0,, FALSE]   # use FALSE in case only 1 column in TABLE

            # FIX column typess 
            ## errors if newlines and tabs in cells (or colnames!)
            colnames(x) <- gsub("\n *", "", colnames(x))

            # also quotes in cells will cause errors...
            x2  <- try( fixTypes(x, na.strings="", ...) , silent=TRUE)
            if(class(x2) == "try-error"){
               message("ERROR fixing types - skipped")
               x <- x2
         ### Attributes
         ## non-breaking space in some labels, see PMC3163937
         label <- gsub("\u00A0", " ", label)

         attr(x, "id")   <- attr(doc, "id")
         attr(x, "file") <- paste( attr(doc, "file"), "table", id, sep="/") 
         attr(x, "label") <- label  
         attr(x, "caption") <- caption
         attr(x, "subcaption") <- subcaption

            attr(x, "footnotes") <- gsub("\\.$", "", fn)
         y[[ k ]] <- x
         names(y)[k ] <-  cap2
      if(simplify & length(y) == 1) y <- y[[1]]
cstubben/pmcXML documentation built on May 14, 2019, 12:25 p.m.