
Defines functions mean_info mean.variogram variogram.ci variogram.slow variogram.fast gridder pregridder grid.init variogram.dt variogram `[.variogram` subset.variogram

Documented in mean.variogram variogram

# extend subset method
subset.variogram <- function(x,...)
  info <- attr(x,"info")
  x <- data.frame(x)
  x <- subset.data.frame(x,...)
  x < - droplevels(x) # why is this here?

`[.variogram` <- function(x,...)
  info <- attr(x,"info")
  x <- data.frame(x)
  x <- "[.data.frame"(x,...)
  # if(class(x)[1]=="data.frame") { x <- new.variogram(x,info=info) }
  x <- new.variogram(x,info=info)

# variogram funcion wrapper
variogram <- function(data,dt=NULL,fast=TRUE,res=1,CI="Markov",error=FALSE,axes=c("x","y"),precision=1/8,trace=TRUE)

  CI <- match.arg(CI,c("IID","Markov","Gauss"))
  #if(CI=="Gauss" && fast) { stop("Gaussian CIs not supported by fast method.") }

  res <- round(res)

    dt <- sort(dt,method="quick")
    res <- rep(res,length(dt))
    res[-1] <- pmax(res[-1],dt[-1]/dt[-length(dt)])

    # calculate a variogram at each dt
    SVF <- lapply(1:length(dt), function(i) { variogram.dt(data,dt=dt[i],fast=fast,res=res[i],CI=CI,error=error,axes=axes,precision=precision,trace=trace) } )

    # subset each variogram to relevant range of lags
    dt <- c(-dt[1],dt,Inf)
    for(i in 1:(length(dt)-2))
      SUB <- (dt[i] < SVF[[i]]$lag) & (SVF[[i]]$lag < dt[i+2])
      SVF[[i]] <- SVF[[i]][SUB,]

    # concatentate
    SVF <- do.call(rbind,SVF)
  { SVF <- variogram.dt(data,dt=dt,res=res,fast=fast,CI=CI,error=error,axes=axes,precision=precision) }

  # delete missing lags
  SVF <- SVF[SVF$DOF>0,]

  info$axes <- axes
  # info$error <- error

  SVF <- new.variogram(SVF,info=info,UERE=attr(data,"UERE"))

# wrapper for fast and slow variogram codes, for a specified dt
variogram.dt <- function(data,dt=NULL,fast=NULL,res=1,CI="Markov",error=FALSE,axes=c("x","y"),precision=1/2,trace=TRUE)
  # intelligently select algorithm
    if(length(data$t)<1000) { fast <- FALSE }
    else { fast <- TRUE }

  if(error) # force calibration - like plot.telemetry
    TYPE <- DOP.match(axes)
    UERE <- attr(data,"UERE")$UERE[,TYPE]
    names(UERE) <- rownames(attr(data,"UERE")$UERE)
    error <- get.error(data,ctmm(axes=axes,error=UERE),circle=TRUE,calibrate=TRUE)

    # discard terrible estimates
    GOOD <- (error<Inf)
    error <- error[GOOD]
    data <- data[GOOD,]
  { error <- rep(0,nrow(data)) }

  # merge repeated timestamps
  z <- get.telemetry(data,axes=axes)
  REPEAT <- diff(data$t)==0 # repeating times
  REPEAT <- c(FALSE,REPEAT) # count first as unique
  DATA <- data[UNIQUE,] # copy over unique times (and junk)
  Z <- get.telemetry(DATA,axes=axes)
  ERROR <- error[UNIQUE] # copy over unique times (and junk)
  i <- 1
  INDEX <- cumsum(UNIQUE) # indices of unique times
  # this code can properly handle some zero variances
  while(i < nrow(data))
      di <- 1
      while(i+di+1<=nrow(data) && REPEAT[i+di+1]) { di <- di + 1 }

      e <- error[i + 0:di] # variances
      w <- 1/e # precisions
      ERROR[INDEX[i]] <- clamp(1/sum(1/w),0,min(e)) # aggregate variance - can be zero
      # clamp necessary for 0-error limit

      if(any(w==Inf)) # renormalize
        w <- w/Inf
        w <- nant(w,1)

      W <- sum(w) # total precision
      w <- w/W # precision weights
      Z[INDEX[i],] <- w %*% z[i + 0:di,] # precision weighted average

    i <- i + 1
  data <- set.telemetry(DATA,Z,axes=axes)
  error <- ERROR
  rm(z,Z,ERROR,DATA) # clean up

  { SVF <- variogram.fast(data=data,error=error,dt=dt,res=res,CI=CI,axes=axes) }
  { SVF <- variogram.slow(data=data,error=error,dt=dt,CI=CI,axes=axes,precision=precision,trace=trace) }

  # skip missing data
  SVF <- SVF[which(SVF$DOF>0),]
  SVF <- stats::na.omit(SVF)

  SVF$SVF[1] <- 0 # what about dupes?
  # SVF$MSE[1] <- 0 # what about dupes?


# best initial time for a uniform grid
grid.init <- function(t,dt=stats::median(diff(t)),W=NULL)
  if(is.null(W)) { W <- array(1,length(t)) }

  # simple analytic periodic cost function
  # COST = sum_t w(t) sin^2(pi(t-t0)/dt)
  # maximized anaytically
  theta <- (2*pi/dt)*t
  SIN <- c(W %*% sin(theta))
  COS <- c(W %*% cos(theta))
  t0 <- -dt/(2*pi)*atan(SIN/COS)

  # not sure if necessary
  t0 <- -round((t0-t[1])/dt)*dt


# preliminary objects to smear data across a uniform grid
pregridder <- function(t,dt=NULL,W=NULL)
  n <- length(t)

  # default time step
  if(is.null(dt)) { dt <- stats::median(diff(t)) }

  # choose best grid alignment
  t0 <- grid.init(t,dt=dt,W=W)
  t <- t - t0

  # fractional grid index -- starts at >=1
  index <- t/dt
  index <- index - round(index[1])

  while(index[1]<1) { index <- index + 1 }
  while(index[1]>=2) { index <- index - 1 }

  # data is smeared onto p at floor(index) and (1-p) at ceiling(index)
  FLOOR <- floor(index)
  p <- 1-(index-FLOOR)

  # uniform lag grid
  n <- ceiling(last(index)) + 1
  lag <- seq(0,n-1)*dt

  R <- list(FLOOR=FLOOR,p=p,lag=lag,t0=t0,dt=dt)

# smear data across a uniform grid
gridder <- function(t,z=NULL,dt=NULL,W=NULL,lag=NULL,p=NULL,FLOOR=NULL,finish=TRUE,res=1)
  n <- length(t)
  if(!is.null(z)) { COL <- ncol(z) }

  # time lags
  DT <- diff(t)

  # default time step
  if(is.null(dt)) { dt <- stats::median(DT) }
  if(!is.na(dt) && dt==0) { dt <- stats::median(DT[DT>0]) }
  if(is.na(dt)) { dt <- 1 } # doesn't really matter

  t0 <- t[1]
  # setup grid transformation
    # gap weights to prevent oversampling with coarse dt
      W <- clamp(DT/dt) # inner weights
      W <- c(1,W) + c(W,1) # left & right weights
      W <- W/2 # average left & right
    else if(!W)
    { W <- rep(1,length(t)) }

    FLOOR <- pregridder(t,dt=dt/res,W=W)
    p <- FLOOR$p
    lag <- FLOOR$lag
    t0 <- FLOOR$t0
  else if(!W)
  { W <- rep(1,length(t)) }

  n <- length(lag)
  # continuously distribute times over uniform grid
  W.grid <- numeric(n) # DONT USE ARRAY HERE :(
  if(!is.null(z)) { Z.grid <- array(0,c(n,COL)) } else { Z.grid <- NULL }
  # lower time spread
  P <- p*W
  Z <- P*z
  for(i in 1:length(P)) # don't vector addition because duplicate indices overwrite
    j <- FLOOR[i]
    W.grid[j] <- W.grid[j] + P[i]
    if(!is.null(z)) { Z.grid[j,] <- Z.grid[j,] + Z[i,] }
  # upper time spread
  FLOOR <- FLOOR+1 # this is now ceiling
  P <- (1-p)*W
  Z <- P*z
  for(i in 1:length(P)) # dont't vector addition because duplicate indices overwrite
    j <- FLOOR[i]
    W.grid[j] <- W.grid[j] + P[i]
    if(!is.null(z)) { Z.grid[j,] <- Z.grid[j,] + Z[i,] }

    # normalize distributed information
    POS <- (W.grid>0)
    if(!is.null(z)) { Z.grid[POS,] <- Z.grid[POS,]/W.grid[POS] }

    # W <- sum(W) # now total DOF

  W.grid <- clamp(W.grid,0,1)


# SLP sum of lagged product
variogram.fast <- function(data,error=NULL,dt=NULL,res=1,CI="Markov",axes=c("x","y"),ACF=FALSE,precision=1/2)
  t <- data$t
  z <- get.telemetry(data,axes)
  COL <- ncol(z)

  EOV <- any(error>0) && !ACF

  # smear the data over an evenly spaced time grid (possibly at finer resolution)
  if(EOV) { z <- cbind(error,z) }
  GRID <- gridder(t,z,dt=dt,res=res)
  dt <- GRID$dt
  lag <- GRID$lag
  df <- GRID$w
  # continuous weights eff up the FFT numerics so discretize weights
  w <- sign(GRID$w) # indicator function
  DIM <- 1 #:ncol(error)
  if(EOV) { error <- GRID$z[,DIM] ; GRID$z <- GRID$z[,-DIM] }
  z <- GRID$z
  zz <- z^2

  n <- length(lag)
  #N <- 2*n
  N <- composite(2*n) # keep FFT fast

  df <- FFT(pad(df,N))
  w <- Conj(FFT(pad(w,N)))
  z <- FFT(rpad(z,N))
  if(EOV) { error <- FFT(pad(error,N)) }
  zz <- FFT(rpad(zz,N))

  # indicator pair number (integer - stable FFT*)
  DOF <- round(Re(IFFT(abs(w)^2)[1:n]))
  # SVF un-normalized
    SVF <- Re(IFFT(Re(w*rowSums(zz))-rowSums(abs(z)^2))[1:n])
    if(EOV) { error <- Re(IFFT(Re(w*error))[1:n]) }
  { SVF <- Re(IFFT(rowSums(abs(z)^2))[1:n]) }

  # normalize SVF
  if(EOV) { error <- error/DOF } # already averaged over dimensions

  # prevent NaNs
  ZERO <- DOF==0
    SVF[ZERO] <- 0
    if(EOV) { error[ZERO] <- 0 }

  # weight pair number (more accurate DOF)
  DOF <- COL*(Re(IFFT(abs(df)^2)[1:n]))


  # aggregate to each dt in array if discretized at higher resolution
    # resolution to aggregate away
    n <- dt/diff(lag[1:2])
    m <- ceiling(length(lag)/n)
    SVF <- pad(SVF,n*(m+1))
    if(EOV) { error <- pad(error,n*(m+1)) }
    DOF <- pad(DOF,n*(m+1))

    # window weights
    W <- floor(n)
    if(is.even(W)) { W <- W - 1 }
    # full weights
    W <- rep(1,floor(W))
    # partial weights on ends
      r <- n-length(W)
      r <- r/2 # half for each end
      W <- c(r,W,r) # half on each end
    SUB <- (length(W)-1)/2
    SUB <- (-SUB):(+SUB)

    lag <- (0:m)*dt # aggregated lags > 0
    SVF <- c(SVF[1], sapply(1:m,function(j){ SUB <- SUB + round(j*n) ; sum(W*DOF[SUB]*SVF[SUB]) }) )
    if(EOV) { error <- c(error[1], sapply(1:m,function(j){ SUB <- SUB + round(j*n) ; sum(W*DOF[SUB]*error[SUB]) }) ) }
    DOF <- c(DOF[1], sapply(1:m,function(j){ SUB <- SUB + round(j*n) ; sum(W*DOF[SUB]) }) )

    SVF[-1] <- SVF[-1]/DOF[-1]
    if(EOV) { error[-1] <- error[-1]/DOF[-1] }

    ZERO <- DOF<=0
      SVF[ZERO] <- 0
      if(EOV) { error[ZERO] <- 0 }

  if(CI=="Gauss") # exact CIs
    STUFF <- variogram.ci(t=t,dt=dt,SVF=SVF)
    lag <- STUFF$lag

    n <- length(DOF)
    # if(n>length(SVF)) { error <- pad(error,n) } # just in case
  else if(CI=="Markov") # only count non-overlapping lags... not perfect
    # number of lags in the data
    dof <- COL*(last(t)-t[1])/lag
    dof[1] <- COL*length(t)

    # be conservative
    DOF <- pmin(DOF,dof)
  else if(CI=="IID") # fix initial and total DOF
    DOF[1] <- COL*length(t)
    DOF[-1] <- DOF[-1]*(1/sum(DOF[-1])*COL*(length(t)^2-length(t))/2)

  if(EOV) # subtract error estimate after CI calculation
    GOOD <- c(TRUE,SVF[-1]>error[-1])
    SVF <- SVF[GOOD] - error[GOOD]
    DOF <- DOF[GOOD]
    lag <- lag[GOOD]

  SVF <- data.frame(SVF=SVF,DOF=DOF,lag=lag)
  # if(!ACF)
  # {
  #   if(length(error) < length(lag)) { error <- rpad(error,length(lag)) }
  #   colnames(error) <- rownames(attr(data,"UERE")$UERE)
  #   SVF <- cbind(SVF,error)
  # }


variogram.slow <- function(data,error=NULL,dt=NULL,res=1,CI="Markov",axes=c("x","y"),ACF=FALSE,precision=1/2,trace=TRUE)
  t <- data$t
  z <- get.telemetry(data,axes)
  COL <- ncol(z)
  n <- length(t)

  EOV <- any(error>0) && !ACF

  # initial variance guess (for error accounting)
  MVAR <- mean( apply(z,2,stats::var) )

  # time lags
  DT <- diff(t)

  # default time step
  if(is.null(dt)) { dt <- stats::median(DT) }

  # interval-weights for each time
  W.T <- clamp(DT/dt) # inner weights
  W.T <- c(1,W.T) + c(W.T,1) # left + right weights
  W.T <- W.T / 2 # average left & right

  # matrices (vectorizing all n^2 operations)
  # matrix of lags
  LAG <- abs(outer(t,t,'-'))
  # matrix of semi-variances (not normalized)
    VAR <- z/sqrt(2*COL) # semi-variance per dimension
    VAR <- lapply(1:COL, function(i) { outer(VAR[,i],VAR[,i],'-')^2 }) # [t,t,axes]

      EVAR <- error/sqrt(2)
      EVAR <- outer(EVAR,EVAR,'+') # [t,t]
    { EVAR <- array(0,dim(VAR[[1]])) }
    VAR <- z/sqrt(COL) # variance per dimension
    VAR <- lapply(1:COL, function(i) { outer(VAR[,i],VAR[,i],'*') })
  VAR <- Reduce("+",VAR) # [t,t]

  # matrix of weights
  W.T <- W.T %o% W.T

  # fractional index
  LAG <- 1 + LAG/dt
  # integer indices
  I1 <- floor(LAG)
  I2 <- I1 + 1 # not ceiling if LAG = round(LAG)

  # fraction to deposit at INT
  W1 <- 1 - (LAG-I1)
  # fraction to deposit at INT+1
  W2 <- 1 - W1

  # final weights
  W1 <- W.T * W1
  W2 <- W.T * W2

  # where we will store stuff
  lag <- seq(0,ceiling((t[n]-t[1])/dt)+1)*dt
  SVF <- rep(MVAR,length(lag)) # IID initial guess for error accounting
  SVF[1] <- 0 # IID initial guess for error accounting
  # if(!ACF & !calibrated) { ERR <- array(0,c(length(lag),ncol(error))) }

  # accumulate semi-variance
  accumulate <- function(K,W,svf,err=0,werr=1)
    if(EOV && K>1) { werr <- 1/(1+err/SVF.OLD[K]) }

    Werr <- W*werr
    Werr2 <- Werr*werr # W*werr^2

    SVF[K] <<- SVF[K] + Werr2*svf
    DOF[K] <<- DOF[K] + Werr # normalization constant & linear/trend weight
    DOF2[K] <<- DOF2[K] + Werr^2 # sum of squares of linear/trend weight

  # iterative accounting of error
  ERROR <- Inf
  ERROR.OLD <- Inf
  TARGET <- .Machine$double.eps^precision
  if(trace) { pb <- utils::txtProgressBar(style=3) } # time loops
    PG <- (TARGET/ERROR)^(1/4) # base progress
    SVF <- numeric(length(lag))
    DOF <- numeric(length(lag))
    DOF2 <- numeric(length(lag))

    for(i in 1:n)
      for(j in i:n)
      if(trace) { utils::setTxtProgressBar(pb,PG+(1-PG)*(i*(2*n-i))/(n^2)) }

    # normalize SVF before we compare to old and/or correct DOF
    SVF <- nant(SVF/DOF,0)
    # if(!ACF && !calibrated) #error <- error/DOF
    # { ERR <- ERR/DOF } # error already averaged over dimension
    # else
      ERROR <- abs(SVF-SVF.OLD)/pmax(SVF,min(1,MVAR))
      ERROR <- ERROR[1:ceiling(length(ERROR)*precision)]
      ERROR <- max(ERROR,na.rm=TRUE)
      SVF -> SVF.OLD
    { ERROR <- 0 }

    if(ACF || !EOV) { break }
  if(!ACF) { rm(EVAR) }

  if(CI=="Gauss") # exact CIs
    STUFF <- variogram.ci(t=t,dt=dt,SVF=SVF)
    lag <- STUFF$lag

    n <- length(DOF)
    # if(n>length(SVF)) { ERR <- rpad(ERR,n) } # just in case
  else if(CI=="Markov") # only count non-overlapping lags... not perfect
    DT <- sort(DT) # diff
    CDT <- cumsum(DT) # total lag for diff

    # for every lag, what is the max DT<=lag
    # DOF = CDT[max DT]/lag
    j <- length(DT)
    dof <- numeric(length(lag))
    for(i in length(lag):1)
      # go down in DT until lag can fit <=DT
      while(DT[j]>lag[i] && j>1) { j <- j-1 }
      # quit if lag can no longer fit <=DT
      if(j==1 && DT[j]>lag[i]) { break }
      # store result
      dof[i] <- CDT[j]/lag[i]

    dof[1] <- length(t)
    #DOF <- pmin(DOF,dof)

  # delete missing lags
  SVF <- data.frame(lag=lag,SVF=SVF,DOF=DOF)
  if(CI %in% c('IID','Markov')) { SVF$DOF2 <- DOF2 }
  # if(!ACF && !calibrated)
  # {
  #   colnames(ERR) <- rownames(attr(data,"UERE")$UERE)
  #   SVF <- cbind(SVF,ERR[1:length(lag),])
  #   rm(ERR)
  # }
  if(CI=="Markov") { SVF$dof <- dof ; rm(dof) }
  SVF <- SVF[DOF>0,]

  # effective DOF from weights, non-overlapping lags, take the most conservative of the 3 estimates
  if(CI %in% c('IID','Markov')) { SVF$DOF <- pmin(SVF$DOF,SVF$DOF^2/SVF$DOF2) ; SVF$DOF2 <- NULL }

  if(CI=="Markov") { SVF$DOF <- pmin(SVF$DOF,SVF$dof) ; SVF$dof <- NULL }

  if(CI=="IID") # fix initial and total DOF
    SVF$DOF[1] <- length(t)
    SVF$DOF[-1] <- SVF$DOF[-1]/sum(SVF$DOF[-1])*(length(t)^2-length(t))/2

  # finish off DOF, one for x and y

  if(trace) { close(pb) }


# exact variogram variance formula via FFT
variogram.ci <- function(t=NULL,dt=NULL,SVF=NULL)
  # fast=FALSE doesn't calculate this and fast=TRUE could have different res argument
  GRID <- gridder(t,dt=dt,res=1)
  lag <- GRID$lag
  # continuous weights eff up the FFT numerics so discretize weights
  w <- sign(GRID$w) # indicator function

  n <- length(w)
  N <- composite(2*n) # keep FFT fast

  # single pair number (consistent with double)
  dof <- FFT(rpad(w,N))
  dof <- round(Re(IFFT(abs(dof)^2)[1:n])) # [tau]

  # double indicator function
  w <- sapply(1:n,function(i){c(w[i:n],rep(0,i-1))})
  w <- FFT(rpad(w,N))
  # double pair number (integer - stable FFT*)
  w <- round(Re(IFFT(abs(w)^2)[1:n,])) # [tau',tau]

  if(n>length(SVF)) { SVF <- pad(SVF,n) } # just in case

  # VAR[variogram]
  DOF <- sapply(1:n,function(i){c(SVF[i:n],rep(0,i-1))+c(SVF[i:1][-i],SVF[1:(n-i+1)])-2*SVF})^2 #[tau',tau]
  DOF <- sapply(1:n,function(i){w[,i] %*% DOF[,i]}) # [tau]
  DOF <- DOF/dof^2/2 # finalized variance
  # VAR -> DOF
  DOF <- nant(2*SVF^2/DOF,0)
  DOF[1] <- length(t)


mean.variogram <- function(x,...)
  x <- c(x,list(...))
  x <- ubind(x)
  UERE <- uere(x)
  IDS <- length(x)

  # assemble observed lag range
  lag.min <- numeric(IDS) # this will be dt
  lag.max <- numeric(IDS)
  for(id in 1:IDS)
    n <- length(x[[id]]$lag)
    lag.max[id] <- x[[id]]$lag[n]
    lag.min[id] <- x[[id]]$lag[2]
  lag.max <- max(lag.max)
  lag.min <- min(lag.min)
  lag <- seq(0,ceiling(lag.max/lag.min))*lag.min

  # where we will store everything
  n <- length(lag)
  SVF <- numeric(n)
  DOF <- numeric(n)
  # MSE <- numeric(n)

  # # error type to pull out -- assumes all are the same
  # if("MSE" %in% names(x[[1]])) { ERR <- "MSE" } else { ERR <- "MSDOP" }

  # accumulate semivariance
  for(id in 1:IDS)
    for(i in 1:length(x[[id]]$lag))
      # lag index
      j <- 1 + round(x[[id]]$lag[i]/lag.min)
      # number weighted accumulation
      DOF[j] <- DOF[j] + x[[id]]$DOF[i]
      SVF[j] <- SVF[j] + x[[id]]$DOF[i]*x[[id]]$SVF[i]
      # if(ERR %in% names(x[[id]])) { MSE[j] <- MSE[j] + x[[id]]$DOF[i]*x[[id]][[ERR]][i] } # not ideal fix

  # delete missing lags
  variogram <- data.frame(lag=lag,SVF=SVF,DOF=DOF)
  # if(ERR %in% names(x[[1]])) { variogram$MSE <- MSE }
  variogram <- variogram[DOF>0,]

  # normalize SVF
  variogram$SVF <- variogram$SVF / variogram$DOF
  # if(ERR %in% names(x[[1]])) { variogram$MSE <- variogram$MSE / variogram$DOF }

  # drop unused levels
  variogram <- droplevels(variogram)

  # # correct name if not calibrated
  # if(ERR %in% names(x[[1]])) { rename(variogram,"MSE",ERR) }

  variogram <- new.variogram(variogram,info=mean_info(x),UERE=UERE)
#methods::setMethod("mean",signature(x="variogram"), function(x,...) mean.variogram(x,...))

# consolodate info attributes from multiple datasets
mean_info <- function(x)
  if(class(x)[1] != "list") { return( attr(x,"info")$identity ) }

  # mean identity
  identity <- sapply(x , function(v) { attr(v,"info")$identity } )
  identity <- unique(identity) # why did I do this?
  identity <- paste(identity,collapse=" ")

  info$identity <- identity

ctmm-initiative/ctmm documentation built on Sept. 16, 2024, 2:19 a.m.