
Defines functions get_rand_attrs analysis_random_graphs

Documented in analysis_random_graphs get_rand_attrs

#' Perform an analysis with random graphs for brain MRI data
#' \code{analysis_random_graphs} performs the steps needed for doing typical
#' graph theory analyses with brain MRI data if you need to generate equivalent
#' random graphs. This includes calculating \emph{small world} parameters and
#' normalized \emph{rich club} coefficients.
#' \code{analysis_random_graphs} does the following:
#' \enumerate{
#'   \item Generate \code{N} random graphs for each graph and density/threshold
#'   \item Write graphs to disk in \code{savedir}. Read them back into \code{R}
#'     and combine into lists; then write these lists to disk. You can later
#'     delete the individual \code{.rds} files afterwards.
#'   \item Calculate \emph{small world} parameters, along with values for a few
#'     global graph measures that may be of interest.
#'   \item Calculate \emph{normalized rich club coefficients} and associated
#'     p-values.
#' }
#' @param g.list List of \code{brainGraphList} objects; the length of this list
#'   should equal the number of thresholds/densities in the study
#' @param savedir Character string specifying the directory in which to save the
#'   generated graphs. Default: current working directory
#' @inheritParams Creating_Graphs
#' @export
#' @return \code{analysis_random_graphs} returns a \emph{list} containing:
#' \item{rich}{A data table containing normalized rich-club coefficients and
#'   p-values}
#' \item{small}{A data table with small-world parameters}
#' \item{rand}{A data table with some global graph measures for all random
#'   graphs generated}
#' @name Random Graphs
#' @rdname random_graphs
#' @family Random graph functions
#' @seealso \code{\link{small.world}}
#' @author Christopher G. Watson, \email{cgwatson@@bu.edu}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' rand_all <- analysis_random_graphs(g.norm, 1e2,
#'   savedir='/home/cwatson/dti/rand', clustering=F)
#' }

analysis_random_graphs <- function(g.list, level=g.list[[1L]]$level, N=100L, savedir='.', ...) {
  # Check if components are 'brainGraphList' objects
  matches <- vapply(g.list, is.brainGraphList, logical(1L))
  if (any(!matches)) stop("Input must be a list of 'brainGraphList' objects.")

  if (!dir.exists(savedir)) dir.create(savedir, recursive=TRUE)

  # Generate random graphs and calculate rich club coeff's for all thresholds
  fname_base <- if (level == 'subject') 'sub' else 'grp'

  kNumSubj <- vapply(g.list, nobs, integer(1L))
  phi.norm <- rand.dt <- small.dt <- vector('list', length(g.list))
  for (i in seq_along(g.list)) {
    phi.norm[[i]] <- vector('list', kNumSubj[i])

    print(paste0('Random graphs for threshold #', i, '; ', format(Sys.time(), '%H:%M:%S')))
    progbar <- txtProgressBar(min=0, max=kNumSubj[i], style=3)
    for (j in seq_along(g.list[[i]]$graphs)) {
      rand <- sim.rand.graph.par(g.list[[i]][j], level=level, N=N, atlas=g.list[[i]]$atlas, ...)
      saveRDS(rand, file=file.path(savedir, sprintf('rand%02i_%s%04i%s', i, fname_base, j, '.rds')))
      phi.norm[[i]][[j]] <- rich_club_norm(g.list[[i]][j], rand=rand)
      setTxtProgressBar(progbar, j)

  # Get all small-worldness and random measures, all thresholds
  for (i in seq_along(g.list)) {
    fnames <- list.files(savedir, sprintf('rand%02i_%s.*', i, fname_base), full.names=TRUE)
    rand.all <- lapply(fnames, readRDS)
    rand.all <- as_brainGraphList(rand.all, type='random', level=level)
    saveRDS(rand.all, file=file.path(savedir, sprintf('rand%02i%s', i, '_all.rds')))

    small.dt[[i]] <- small.world(g.list[[i]], rand.all)
    rand.dt[[i]] <- get_rand_attrs(rand.all, level)
  rand.dt <- rbindlist(rand.dt)
  small.dt <- rbindlist(small.dt)
  rich.dt <- rbindlist(lapply(phi.norm, rbindlist))

  sID <- getOption('bg.subject_id')
  gID <- getOption('bg.group')
  key1 <- if (level == 'subject') sID else gID
  setkeyv(small.dt, c(key1, 'density'))

  return(list(rich=rich.dt, small=small.dt, rand=rand.dt))

#' Convenience function to get attributes for lists of random graphs
#' @param bg.list A \code{brainGraphList} object, created in
#'   \code{\link{analysis_random_graphs}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @return A \code{data.table}

get_rand_attrs <- function(bg.list, level) {
  threshold <- NULL
  rand <- bg.list$graphs

  grps <- groups(bg.list)
  N <- lengths(rand)

  mod <- unlist(lapply(rand, vapply, graph_attr, numeric(1L), USE.NAMES=FALSE, 'mod'))
  Cp <- unlist(lapply(rand, vapply, graph_attr, numeric(1L), USE.NAMES=FALSE, 'Cp'))
  Lp <- unlist(lapply(rand, vapply, graph_attr, numeric(1L), USE.NAMES=FALSE, 'Lp'))
  E.global <- unlist(lapply(rand, vapply, graph_attr, numeric(1L), USE.NAMES=FALSE, 'E.global'))

  if (level == 'subject') {
    ids <- names(rand)
    DT <- data.table(Study.ID=rep.int(ids, N), Group=rep.int(grps, N))
    setnames(DT, 'Study.ID', getOption('bg.subject_id'))
  } else if (level == 'group') {
    DT <- data.table(Group=rep.int(grps, N))
  setnames(DT, 'Group', getOption('bg.group'))
  DT <- cbind(DT, data.table(mod=mod, Cp=Cp, Lp=Lp, E.global=E.global))
  if ('density' %in% graph_attr_names(rand[[1L]][[1L]])) {
    densities <- vapply(rand, function(x) graph_attr(x[[1L]], 'density'), numeric(1L))
    DT[, density := rep.int(densities, N)]
  if ('threshold' %in% graph_attr_names(rand[[1L]][[1L]])) {
    threshes <- vapply(rand, function(x) graph_attr(x[[1L]], 'threshold'), numeric(1L))
    DT[, threshold := rep.int(threshes, N)]
cwatson/brainGraph documentation built on Feb. 21, 2024, 6:33 p.m.