
Defines functions createNetwork edgeSet2JSON nodeSet2JSON FastAppendListGlobal

Documented in createNetwork

#' Create a network from R objects
#' @description Takes data frames for nodes and edges, as well as naming parameters to
#' generate the JSON data format required by the "networks" POST operation via CyREST.
#' Returns the network.suid and applies the perferred layout set in Cytoscape preferences.
#' @details NODES should contain a column named: id. This name can be overridden by
#' the arg: node.id.list. Additional columns are loaded as node attributes.
#' EDGES should contain columns named: source, target and interaction. These names can be overridden by
#' args: source.id.list, target.id.list, interaction.type.list. Additional columns
#' are loaded as edge attributes. The 'interaction' list can contain a single
#' value to apply to all rows; and if excluded altogether, the interaction type
#' wiil be set to "interacts with". NOTE: attribute values of types (num) and (int) will be imported
#' as (Double); (chr) as (String); and (logical) as (Boolean).
#' @param nodes (data.frame) see details and examples below; default NULL to derive nodes from edge sources and targets
#' @param edges (data.frame) see details and examples below; default NULL for disconnected set of nodes
#' @param network.name (char) network name
#' @param collection.name (char) network collection name
#' @param base.url cyrest base url for communicating with cytoscape
#' @param ... params for nodeSet2JSON() and edgeSet2JSON()
#' @return (int) network SUID
#' @export
#' @import RJSONIO
#' @seealso createSubnetwork
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' nodes <- data.frame(id=c("node 0","node 1","node 2","node 3"),
#'            group=c("A","A","B","B"), # optional
#'            stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' edges <- data.frame(source=c("node 0","node 0","node 0","node 2"),
#'            target=c("node 1","node 2","node 3","node 3"),
#'            interaction=c("inhibits","interacts","activates","interacts"),  # optional
#'            weight=c(5,3,5,9), # optional
#'            stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
#' createNetwork(nodes,edges)
#' }

createNetwork <- function(nodes=NULL,edges=NULL,network.name="MyNetwork",
                          collection.name="MyNetworkCollection",base.url='http://localhost:1234/v1',...) {

    #defining variable names to be used globally later on (to avoid devtools::check() NOTES)
    CreateNetwork.global.counter <- NULL
    CreateNetwork.global.size <- NULL
    CreateNetwork.global.json_set <- NULL

    if (is.null(nodes)) {
        if (!is.null(edges)) {
            nodes = data.frame(id=c(edges$source,edges$target),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            return("Create Network Failed: Must provide either nodes or edges")

    json_nodes <- nodeSet2JSON(nodes,...)
    # cleanup global environment variables (which can be quite large)
    remove(CreateNetwork.global.counter, envir = globalenv())
    remove(CreateNetwork.global.size, envir = globalenv())
    remove(CreateNetwork.global.json_set, envir = globalenv())


        json_edges <- edgeSet2JSON(edges,...)
        # cleanup global environment variables (which can be quite large)
        remove(CreateNetwork.global.counter, envir = globalenv())
        remove(CreateNetwork.global.size, envir = globalenv())
        remove(CreateNetwork.global.json_set, envir = globalenv())
    } else {
        json_edges <- "[]" #fake empty array

    json_network <- list(

    network <- toJSON(json_network)

    #swap any spaces in names
    network.name <- gsub(" ","%20",network.name)
    collection.name <- gsub(" ","%20",collection.name)

    url<- sprintf("%s/networks?title=%s&collection=%s",

    response <- POST(url=url,body=network, encode="json",content_type_json())

    network.suid <- unname(fromJSON(rawToChar(response$content)))
        cat(sprintf("Network SUID is : %i \n", network.suid))

    cat("Applying default style\n")
    commandRun('vizmap apply styles="default"')

    cat(sprintf("Applying %s layout\n", invisible(commandRun('layout get preferred network="current"'))))
    commandRun('layout apply preferred networkSelected="current')


# Convert edges to JSON format needed for CyRest network creation
# @param edge_set (data.frame) Rows contain pairwise interactions.
# @param source.id.list (char) override default list name for source node ids
# @param target.id.list (char) override default list name for target node ids
# @param interaction.type.list (char) override default list name for interaction types
edgeSet2JSON <- function(edge_set, source.id.list = 'source',
                         target.id.list = 'target', interaction.type.list='interaction',...){

    #using global environment variables for performance
    #json_edges <- c()

    if(!(interaction.type.list %in% names(edge_set)))
        edge_set[,interaction.type.list] = rep('interacts with')

    computed_name <- paste(edge_set[,source.id.list], paste('(',edge_set[,interaction.type.list],')',sep=''),
                           edge_set[,target.id.list],sep=" ")

    for(i in 1:dim(edge_set)[1]){
        rest <- list()
        rest[["name"]] = computed_name[i]
        for(j in 1:dim(edge_set)[2]){
            rest[[colnames(edge_set)[j]]] = edge_set[i,j]
        current_edge = list("data"=rest)
        #json_edges[[i]] <- current_edge

# Creates a table of nodes to CyREST JSON
# @param node.set (data.frame) each row is a node and columns contain node attributes
# @param node.id.list (char) override default list name for node ids
# Adapted from Ruth Isserlin's CellCellINteractions_utility_functions.R
nodeSet2JSON <- function(node.set, node.id.list='id',...){

    #using global environment variables for performance
    #json_nodes <- c()

    for(i in 1:dim(node.set)[1]){
        rest <- list()
        for(j in 1:dim(node.set)[2]){
            rest[[colnames(node.set)[j]]] = node.set[i,j]
        current_node = list("data"=rest)
        #json_nodes[[i]] <- current_node

# FastAppendListGlobal
# Appends lists at high performance using global variables explictly
#  Note: relies on managing gloval environment variables: initializing and removing
#  https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17046336/here-we-go-again-append-an-element-to-a-list-in-r
FastAppendListGlobal <- function(item)
    if( .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.counter == .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.size )
        length(.GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.json_set) <- .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.size <- .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.size * 2

    .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.counter <- .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.counter + 1
    .GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.json_set[[.GlobalEnv$CreateNetwork.global.counter]] <- item
cytoscape/r2cytoscape documentation built on May 4, 2019, 6:36 p.m.