
Defines functions forwPop setNin funNopt likeNspecie popNspecie fitNPars fun1opt like1specie pop1specie fit1Pars GetALKMW nominatim_osm lvlSimEffo getFleetRevSeason getFleetRevenue getSingleProd genBanEffo genFlatEffo fillbetas getNNLS LFDtoBcell GenPop IntInvDis calcVonBert calcGomp length2age

length2age <- function(curveSel = "von Bertalanffy", numCoh = 10, Linf = 10, kappa = 0.5, tZero = 0, lengthIn = 5, timeIn = 0, sqrtSigma = 1:8) {
  if (curveSel == "von Bertalanffy") {
    temp <- Linf * (1 - exp(-kappa * (((1:numCoh) - 1 - tZero + timeIn))))
  } else {
    temp <- Linf * exp(-(1 / kappa * exp(-kappa * ((1:numCoh) - 1 - tZero + timeIn))))
  postProbs <- dnorm(lengthIn, temp, sqrtSigma)
  return(as.numeric(names(which.max(table(sample(1:numCoh, size = 50, prob = postProbs, replace = TRUE))))))

calcGomp <- function(elle, kappa, ageVector) {
  return(elle * exp(-(1 / kappa * exp(-kappa * ageVector))))

calcVonBert <- function(elle, kappa, ageVector) {
  return(elle * (1 - exp(-kappa * ageVector)))

# RecLFD <- function(MAT, RANGE, NH){
#   vecL <- matrix(0, 2,length(RANGE))
#   colnames(vecL) <- as.character(RANGE)
#   rownames(vecL) <- c("Female","Male")
#   for(ii in 1:nrow(MAT)){
#     vecL[1, which(colnames(vecL)== as.character(MAT[ii, 1]))]=vecL[1, which(colnames(vecL)== as.character(MAT[ii, 1]))]+MAT[ii, 2]
#     vecL[2, which(colnames(vecL)== as.character(MAT[ii, 1]))]=vecL[2, which(colnames(vecL)== as.character(MAT[ii, 1]))]+MAT[ii, 3]
#   }
#   vecL <- vecL/NH
#   return(vecL)
# }

# plotRecLFD <- function(reclfd, perc = TRUE, besid = FALSE){
#   par(mar = c(1.5, 2,3, 0))
#   if(besid){
#     barplot(t(reclfd)/max(reclfd), col = c("skyblue3","pink3"), beside = TRUE, cex.axis = 0.8, cex.names = 0.5, font.main = 4, space = c(0, 0.3))
#   }else{
#     if(perc == TRUE){
#       reclfd[1,] <- reclfd[1,]/max(reclfd[1,])
#       reclfd[2,] <- reclfd[2,]/max(reclfd[2,])
#     }
#     pre_mfrow <- par("mfrow")
#     par(mfrow = c(2, 1))
#     barplot(reclfd[1,], ylim = c(0, 1), col = "pink3", main = "Female", cex.axis = 0.5, cex.names = 0.6, font.main = 4, las = 2)
#     barplot(reclfd[2,], ylim = c(0, 1), col = "skyblue3", main = "Male", cex.axis = 0.5, cex.names = 0.6, font.main = 4)
#     par(mfrow = pre_mfrow)
#   }
# }

IntInvDis <- function(xdata, RefCell, IntCell,
                      Refmax, Refmin, ncells,
                      Grid, graph = FALSE, logplot = TRUE) {
  xdataRef <- xdata[RefCell, ]
  colnames(xdataRef) <- c("LON", "LAT", "Coh")
  xdata.gstat <- gstat(
    id = "Coh",
    formula = Coh ~ 1,
    locations = ~LON + LAT,
    data = xdataRef,
    nmax = Refmax,
    nmin = Refmin
  xdataOut <- numeric(ncells)
  xdataOut[RefCell] <- xdataRef[, 3]
  xdataInt <- xdata[IntCell, ]
  colnames(xdataInt) <- c("LON", "LAT", "Coh")
  xdataOut[IntCell] <- predict(xdata.gstat, xdataInt)[, 3]
  if (graph) {
    if (logplot) {
      gv <- log10(xdataOut + 1)
    } else {
      gv <- xdataOut
    # cols <- rev(heat.colors(10))
    # colvec <- seq(round(min(gv),1),round(max(gv),1),length = 10)
    # plot(Grid6min, col= cols[findInterval(gv, colvec)])
    levelplot(gv ~ LON + LAT, cbind(xdata[, 1:2], gv), aspect = "fill")
  return(as.data.frame(cbind(xdata[, 1:2], xdataOut)))

# FindCenters = function(vertexes, nvert){
#   ncenters = nrow(vertexes)/nvert
#   coords = matrix(0, ncenters, 2)
#   colnames(coords)=c("LON","LAT")
#   for(i in 1:ncenters)	  coords[i,]=c(mean(vertexes[(i+4*(i-1)):(i+4*(i-1)+4),4]),
#                                       mean(vertexes[(i+4*(i-1)):(i+4*(i-1)+4),5]))
#   return(coords)
# }

# GenS <- function(Abbmat, num_cla, qqM, LCspe, yea, num_coh, MixtureP){
#   new_dim <- dim(Abbmat)
#   new_dim[2] <- num_cla
#   new_dim[3] <- 1
#   TempArray <- array(0, dim = new_dim)
#   for(sex in 1:2){
#     for(coh in 1:num_coh){
#       mmcoh <- MixtureP[[sex]]$Means[yea, coh]
#       sdcoh <- MixtureP[[sex]]$Sigmas[yea, coh]
#       for(ij in 1:dim(TempArray)[1]){
#         abbcoh <- Abbmat[ij, coh, yea, sex]
#         add <- floor((1/qqM)*abbcoh*dnorm(LCspe, mmcoh, sdcoh))
#         TempArray[ij,,1, sex] <- TempArray[ij,,1, sex]+add
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   return(TempArray)
# }

GenPop <- function(Abbmat, num_cla, LCspe, RA, qMM, num_ye, num_coh, MixtureP) {
  new_dim <- dim(Abbmat)
  new_dim[2] <- num_cla
  TempArray <- array(0, dim = new_dim)
  for (yy in 1:length(num_ye)) {
    for (sex in 1:2) {
      for (coh in 1:num_coh) {
        mmcoh <- MixtureP[[sex]]$Means[yy, coh]
        sdcoh <- MixtureP[[sex]]$Sigmas[yy, coh]
        for (ij in 1:dim(TempArray)[1]) {
          abbcoh <- Abbmat[ij, coh, yy, sex]
          add <- floor(RA * (1 / qMM) * abbcoh * dnorm(LCspe, mmcoh, sdcoh))
          TempArray[ij, , yy, sex] <- TempArray[ij, , yy, sex] + add

LFDtoBcell <- function(LCspe, abbF, abbM, LWpar) {
  aF <- LWpar[1, 1]
  bF <- LWpar[1, 2]
  aM <- LWpar[2, 1]
  bM <- LWpar[2, 2]
  WLC_F <- aF * LCspe^bF
  WLC_M <- aM * LCspe^bM
  Bcell <- matrix(rep(WLC_F, nrow(abbF)), nrow(abbF), ncol(abbF), byrow = TRUE) * abbF +
    matrix(rep(WLC_M, nrow(abbM)), nrow(abbM), ncol(abbM), byrow = TRUE) * abbM

# GenOgiveSel <- function(lenCla, SelPar){
#   LCspe <- lenCla + (lenCla[2]-lenCla[1])/2
#   L50 <- SelPar[1]
#   L75 <- SelPar[2]
#   S1 <- L50 * log(3) /(L75 - L50)
#   S2 <- log(3) /(L75 - L50)
#   SL <- 1/(1 + exp(S1 - S2*LCspe))
#   return(SL)
# }

# getLogit <- function(Lit, X, thrB, ptrain = 80, ptest = 20){
#   Litb = 1*(Lit > thrB)
#   # wcol <- which(substr(colnames(X),1, 2) %in% c("FG","MO","YE"))
#   XY <- cbind(X, Litb)
#   itrain <- sample(1:nrow(XY),floor(nrow(XY)*ptrain/100),replace = FALSE)
#   itest <- setdiff(1:nrow(XY),unique(itrain))
#   # wFG <- which(substr(colnames(XY),1, 2) =="FG")
#   wFG <- c(3:(ncol(XY)-1))
#   FGsum <- apply(XY[,wFG],2, sum)
#   zeroFG <- which(FGsum == 0)
#   if(length(zeroFG)>0) XY <- XY[,-wFG[zeroFG]]
#   logit_f <- glm(Litb ~. , family = "binomial", data = as.data.frame(XY[itrain,]))
#   predf <- 1*(predict(logit_f, newdata = as.data.frame(XY[itest,-ncol(XY)]), type = "response")>0.5)
#   #Result #1: % of correct fish/non fish prediction
#   confm <- 100*sum(diag(table(predf, Litb[itest])))/sum(table(predf, Litb[itest]))
#   cat("\nLogit preliminary performance = ", confm, "%", sep = "")
#   logit_f <- glm(Litb ~. , family="binomial", data = as.data.frame(XY))
#   LogitList <- vector(mode="list", length = 3)
#   LogitList[[1]] <- confm
#   LogitList[[2]] <- logit_f
#   LogitList[[3]] <- zeroFG
#   names(LogitList) <- c("confm","logit_f","zeroFG")
#   return(LogitList)
# }

# FindFG <- function(grid_shp,
#                    grid_polyset,
#                    grid_centres,
#                    ncells,
#                    cells_data,
#                    numCuts = 50,
#                    minsize = 10,
#                    modeska="S",
#                    skater_method){
#   set.seed(123)
#   #Build the neighboorhod list
#   Grid.bh <- grid_shp[1]
#   bh.nb <- poly2nb(Grid.bh, queen = TRUE)
#   bh.mat <- cbind(rep(1:length(bh.nb),lapply(bh.nb, length)),unlist(bh.nb))
#   #Compute the basic objects for clustering
#   lcosts <- nbcosts(bh.nb, cells_data)
#   nb.w <- nb2listw(bh.nb, lcosts, style = modeska)
#   mst.bh <- mstree(nb.w, ini = 1)
#   index <- 0
#   clu_matrix <- matrix(NA, ncells, length(numCuts))
#   #Perform the first CC (without removing spurious clusters)
#   for(nCuts in numCuts){
#     cat("Performing CC with ",nCuts," cuts.......")
#     index <- index +1
#     res1 <- skater(mst.bh[,1:2], cells_data, ncuts = nCuts, minsize,
#                    method = skater_method)
#     clu_matrix[,index] <- res1$groups
#     cat("Done","\n")
#   }
#   IndexS <- IndexCH <- numeric(ncol(clu_matrix))
#   for(i in 1:ncol(clu_matrix)){
#     IndexS <- silhouette(clu_matrix[,i],dist(cells_data,
#                                              method = skater_method))
#     IndexCH <-  get_CH(cells_data, clu_matrix[,i])
#   }
# }

getNNLS <- function(subX, subY, zeroFG) {
  nnls_fit <- nnls(as.matrix(subX), subY)
  betas <- nnls_fit$x
  rss <- nnls_fit$deviance
  tss <- sum(subY^2)
  s2 <- rss / (nrow(subX) - length(betas) - 1)
  adjr2 <- 1 - (rss / (nrow(subX) - length(betas) - 1)) / (tss / (nrow(subX) - 1))
  r2 <- 1 - (rss / tss)
  nnls_m <- vector(mode = "list", length = 7)
  nnls_m[[1]] <- nnls_fit
  nnls_m[[2]] <- betas
  nnls_m[[3]] <- s2
  nnls_m[[4]] <- zeroFG
  nnls_m[[5]] <- r2
  nnls_m[[6]] <- subY
  nnls_m[[7]] <- as.numeric(nnls_fit$fitted)
  names(nnls_m) <- c("model", "betas", "s2", "FGno", "r2", "obs", "fitted")

fillbetas <- function(bmat) {
  bdf <- as.data.frame(bmat)
  if (ncol(bmat) > 50) {
    fbmat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(bmat), ncol = ncol(bmat))
    numBlock <- seq(1, ncol(bdf), by = 50)
    if (!(ncol(bdf) %in% numBlock)) numBlock <- c(numBlock, ncol(bdf))
    for (iter in 1:(length(numBlock) - 1)) {
      if (iter < (length(numBlock) - 1)) {
        selVect <- numBlock[iter]:(numBlock[iter + 1] - 1)
      } else {
        selVect <- numBlock[iter]:numBlock[iter + 1]
      tmp_bdf <- bdf[, selVect]
      ff <- paste(colnames(tmp_bdf), "+", sep = "", collapse = "")
      ff <- as.formula(paste("~", substr(ff, 1, nchar(ff) - 1)))
      fbmat[, selVect] <- as.matrix(mnimput(ff, tmp_bdf)$filled.dataset)
  } else {
    ff <- paste(colnames(bdf), "+", sep = "", collapse = "")
    ff <- as.formula(paste("~", substr(ff, 1, nchar(ff) - 1)))
    fbmat <- as.matrix(mnimput(ff, bdf)$filled.dataset)

# weight2number <- function(x){
#   # setwd("~/Desktop")
#   # x <- read.table("/Users/Lomo/Documents/Uni/R/smart/data/Resource\ -\ Fishery/fishery_data_CampBiol.csv", h = TRUE, sep=";",dec=".")[,c("DATE","LCLASS","UNSEX")]
#   colnames(x) <- c("UTC","LClass","KG")
#   a <- mean(c(0.00002648, 0.00001532))
#   b <- mean(c(2.823, 2.942))
#   Lmean <- sort(unique(x$LClass))
#   Wmean <- a*(Lmean+0.5)^b
#   WK <- data.frame(Length = Lmean, Weight = Wmean)
#   N <- numeric(nrow(x))
#   # for(i in 1:nrow(x))
#   #   N[i] <- x[i,"KG"]/WK[which(WK$Length == x[i,"LClass"]),"Weight"]
#   # N <- round(N, 0)
#   N <- round(x$KG/WK[x$LClass-min(x$LClass)+1,]$Weight)
#   # Ldata <- matrix(0, 0,2)
#   # for(i in 1:nrow(x)){
#   #   Ni <- N[i]
#   #   ll <- rep(x[i,"LClass"],Ni)+runif(Ni, 0,1)
#   #   tt <- rep(x[i,"UTC"],Ni)
#   #   Ldata <- rbind(Ldata, data.frame(tt, ll))
#   # }
#   # colnames(Ldata) <- c("UTC","Length(cm)")
#   Ldata <- data.frame(UTC = rep(x[,"UTC"],N),
#                       Length = rep(x[,"LClass"], N)+runif(sum(N),0, 1))
#   return(Ldata)
# }

genFlatEffo <- function(effoPatt) {
  npp_star <- sum(effoPatt)
  pj <- (effoPatt / npp_star)
  if (length(which(is.na(pj))) > 0) pj[which(is.na(pj))] <- 0
  EFG <- sample(1:length(effoPatt), ceiling(npp_star), prob = pj, replace = TRUE)
  Ename <- as.numeric(names(table(EFG)))
  Estar <- numeric(length(effoPatt))
  Estar[Ename] <- as.numeric(table(EFG))

# genFlatEffoDen = function(effoPatt, targetDensity){
#   npp_star = sum(effoPatt)
#   pj = (effoPatt/npp_star)*(1/targetDensity)
#   pj[pj == Inf] <- 0
#   pj = pj/sum(pj, na.rm = TRUE)
#   if(length(which(is.na(pj)))>0) pj[which(is.na(pj))] <- 0
#   EFG = sample(1:length(effoPatt), ceiling(npp_star), prob= pj, replace = TRUE)
#   Ename = as.numeric(names(table(EFG)))
#   Estar = numeric(length(effoPatt))
#   Estar[Ename] = as.numeric(table(EFG))
#   return(Estar)
# }

genBanEffo <- function(effoPatt, set0) {
  npp_star <- sum(effoPatt)
  REstar <- effoPatt
  REstar[set0] <- 0
  if (sum(REstar) == 0) REstar[setdiff(1:length(effoPatt), set0)] <- sum(effoPatt) / length(setdiff(1:length(effoPatt), set0))
  pj <- REstar / sum(REstar, na.rm = TRUE)
  if (length(which(is.na(pj))) > 0) pj[which(is.na(pj))] <- 0
  Ecell <- sample(1:length(effoPatt), ceiling(npp_star), prob = pj, replace = TRUE)
  Ename <- as.numeric(names(table(Ecell)))
  Estar <- numeric(length(effoPatt))
  Estar[Ename] <- as.numeric(table(Ecell))

# genBanEffoDen = function(effoPatt, set0, targetDensity){
#   npp_star <- sum(effoPatt)
#   REstar <- effoPatt
#   REstar[set0] <- 0
#   if(sum(REstar) == 0)
#     REstar[setdiff(1:length(effoPatt),set0)] <- sum(effoPatt)/length(setdiff(1:length(effoPatt),set0))
#   pj = REstar/sum(REstar)*(1/targetDensity)
#   pj[pj == Inf] <- 0
#   pj = pj/sum(pj, na.rm = TRUE)
#   if(length(which(is.na(pj)))>0) pj[which(is.na(pj))] <- 0
#   Ecell = sample(1:length(effoPatt), ceiling(npp_star), prob = pj, replace = TRUE)
#   Ename = as.numeric(names(table(Ecell)))
#   Estar = numeric(length(effoPatt))
#   Estar[Ename] = as.numeric(table(Ecell))
#   return(Estar)
# }

getSingleProd <- function(oneEff, betas, scenarios, thres, fgs){
  oneEff <- as.numeric(oneEff)
  curScen <- which((scenarios$YEAR == oneEff[2]) & (scenarios$MONTH == oneEff[3]))
  ib <- betas[curScen, ]
  if (sum(ib * oneEff[fgs]) > 0) {
    return((ib * oneEff[fgs] * oneEff[length(oneEff)]) + ((ib * oneEff[fgs]) / sum(ib * oneEff[fgs])) * thres)
  } else {

getFleetRevenue <- function(predProd, lwStat, priceVec) {
  outProp <- apply(predProd, 1, function(x) apply(t(lwStat * t(x)) * priceVec, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
  outProp <- t(outProp)

getFleetRevSeason <- function(predProd, monthVec, lwStat, priceVec) {
  outProp <- matrix(data = 0, nrow = nrow(predProd), ncol = ncol(predProd))
  tmpSeason <- data.frame(
    Month = 1:12,
    Season = c(
      "winter", "winter", "spring",
      "spring", "spring", "summer",
      "summer", "summer", "fall",
      "fall", "fall", "winter"
  for (season in c("winter", "spring", "summer", "fall")) {
    curMon <- which(monthVec %in% tmpSeason$Month[tmpSeason$Season == season])
    if (length(curMon) > 0) {
      tmpProd <- predProd[curMon, ]
      if (class(tmpProd) == "matrix") {
        noZero <- which(apply(tmpProd, 1, sum) > 0)
        if (length(noZero) > 0) {
          if (length(noZero) == 1) {
            tmpOutProp <- apply(t(lwStat[[season]][, -1] * t(tmpProd[noZero, ])) * priceVec, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
            outProp[curMon[noZero], ] <- t(tmpOutProp)
          } else {
            tmpOutProp <- apply(tmpProd[noZero, ], 1, function(x) apply(t(lwStat[[season]][, -1] * t(x)) * priceVec, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE))
            outProp[curMon[noZero], ] <- t(tmpOutProp)
      } else {
        if (sum(tmpProd) > 0) {
          tmpOutProp <- apply(t(lwStat[[season]][, -1] * t(tmpProd)) * priceVec, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
          outProp[curMon, ] <- t(tmpOutProp)

lvlSimEffo <- function(simuEffo, maxEff = 100) {
  xtr <- apply(simuEffo, 1, sum)
  over_thr <- which(simuEffo > maxEff, arr.ind = TRUE)
  if (nrow(over_thr) > 0) {
    over_thr <- over_thr[order(over_thr[, 1]), ]
    for (i in 1:length(unique((over_thr[, 1])))) {
      ox <- as.numeric(unique(over_thr[, 1])[i])
      oy <- as.numeric(over_thr[which(over_thr[, 1] == ox), 2])
      simuEffo[ox, oy] <- maxEff
      tdiff <- xtr[ox] - sum(simuEffo[ox, ])
      seClm <- setdiff(1:ncol(simuEffo), oy)
      isum <- sum(simuEffo[ox, seClm])
      if (isum == 0) {
        isum <- 1
        simuEffo[ox, seClm] <- 1 / length(seClm)
      simuEffo[ox, seClm] <- (sum(simuEffo[ox, seClm]) + tdiff) * simuEffo[ox, seClm] / isum

## geocoding function using OSM Nominatim API
## from: https://datascienceplus.com/osm-nominatim-with-r-getting-locations-geo-coordinates-by-its-address/
## adpted from code by: D.Kisler
nominatim_osm <- function(address = NULL) {
  numAddr <- length(address)
  outAddr <- data.frame(Name = address, Lon = numeric(numAddr), Lat = numeric(numAddr))
  for (i in 1:numAddr) {
    cat("\n", address[i], " - ")
    outCoo <- fromJSON(gsub(
      "\\@addr\\@", gsub("\\s+", "\\%20", address[i]),
    outAddr$Lon[i] <- as.numeric(outCoo$lon)
    outAddr$Lat[i] <- as.numeric(outCoo$lat)
    cat("Lon ", outAddr$Lon[i], " - Lat ", outAddr$Lat[i])

### Stock Assessment ####
## This module of SMART represents a kind of whiteboard: the user can use a 
## series of custom functions, inspired to the ones provided by Punt for the 
## AMARE-MED: Advanced school on Multispecies modelling approaches for 
## ecosystem based marine resource management in the Mediterranea Sea.
## See also: Punt, A.E., MacCall, A.D., Essington, T.E., Francis, T.B., 
## Hurtado-Ferro, F., Johnson, K.F., Kaplan, I.C., Koehn, L.E., Levin, P.S., 
## and Sydeman, W.J. (2016). Exploring the implications of the harvest control 
## rule for Pacific sardine, accounting for predator dynamics: A MICE model. 
## Ecol. Model. 337, 79–95

GetALKMW <- function(Linf, Kappa, T0, CV0, CVLinf, aa, bb, Amax, LenClassMax, Offset) {
  Nlen <- length(LenClassMax)
  Width <- LenClassMax[2] - LenClassMax[1]
  ALK <- matrix(0, nrow = Amax, ncol = Nlen)
  # Create an ALK
  LenPred0 <- Linf * (1.0 - exp(-Kappa * (0 - T0)))
  for (Iage in 0:(Amax - 1)) {
    # Begin year length
    LenPred <- Linf * (1.0 - exp(-Kappa * (Iage + Offset - T0)))
    CV <- sqrt(CV0^2 + (CVLinf^2 - CV0^2) * ((LenPred - LenPred0) / Linf))
    # cat(Iage, LenPred, CV, "\n")
    Total <- 0
    for (Ilen in 1:(Nlen - 1)) {
      zval <- (log(LenClassMax[Ilen]) - log(LenPred)) / CV
      CumN <- pnorm(zval)
      ALK[Iage + 1, Ilen] <- CumN - Total
      Total <- CumN
    ALK[Iage + 1, Nlen] <- 1 - Total
  # Create mean length-at-age
  Lengths <- (LenClassMax - Width / 2)
  MeanWL <- aa * Lengths^bb
  MeanW <- rep(0, Amax)
  for (Iage in 0:(Amax - 1)) MeanW[Iage + 1] <- sum(ALK[Iage + 1, ] * MeanWL) / 1000
  Outs <- NULL
  Outs$ALK <- ALK
  Outs$MeanW <- MeanW
  Outs$Lengths <- Lengths

fit1Pars <- function(Pars, optFun, FullMin = FALSE, DoVarCo = FALSE, ...) {
  # First call - always do this
  Res <- optim(Pars, optFun, hessian = FALSE, control = list(maxit = 10), DoEst = TRUE, ...)
  # print(Res$value)
  # Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, method = "BFGS", hessian = FALSE, DoEst = TRUE, ...)
  # print(Res$value)
  Npar <- length(Res$par)
  # cat("number of parameters  = ", Npar, "\n")
  # print(Res)
  SSBEst <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
  Nyear <- length(SSBEst)
  Res$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)
  Res$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
  # Hints: Set FullMin = TRUE to apply the full estimates; DoVarCo = TRUE to estimate the variances of the parameters and SSB
  Outputs <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)
  Outputs$par <- Res$par
  Outputs$VarCo <- Res$VarCo
  Outputs$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
  # Now do a full minimization
  if (FullMin == TRUE) {
    cat("\nFull minimization:")
    Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, method = "BFGS", hessian = FALSE, DoEst = TRUE, ...)
    cat("\n", Res$value, "BFGS")
    Best <- 10000
    while (abs(Res$value - Best) > 0.01) {
      Best <- Res$value
      Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, hessian = FALSE, method = "BFGS", DoEst = TRUE, ...)
      cat("\n", Res$value, "BFGS")
      Best <- Res$value
      Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, hessian = FALSE, method = "CG", DoEst = TRUE, ...)
      cat("\n", Res$value, "CG")
    Outputs <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)
    Outputs$par <- Res$par
    # print(Res$par)
    Outputs$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)
    Outputs$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
    Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, DoEst = TRUE, ...)
    Outputs <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)
    Outputs$par <- Res$par
    # print(Res$par)
    Outputs$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)
    Outputs$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
    cat("\nFinal:", Res$value)
    # This section computes the variance covariance matrix and hence the standard errors for SSB
    if (DoVarCo == TRUE) {
      cat("\nSolving variance-covariance matrix... ")
      VarCo <- solve(Res$hessian)
      Res$VarCo <- VarCo
      SSBEst <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
      Nyear <- length(SSBEst)
      # print(SSBEst)
      # Set up the derivative matrix
      ParStore <- Res$par
      Deriv <- matrix(0, ncol = Nyear, nrow = Npar)
      for (II in 1:Npar) {
        # Numerical differentiation
        Res$par <- ParStore
        Res$par[II] <- ParStore[II] + 0.001
        SSB1 <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
        Res$par <- ParStore
        Res$par[II] <- ParStore[II] - 0.001
        SSB2 <- fun1opt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
        Deriv[II, ] <- (SSB1 - SSB2) / 0.002
      # Use the delta method to get the variances for SSB
      SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
      for (Iyear in 1:Nyear) {
        for (II in 1:Npar) {
          for (JJ in 1:Npar) {
            SSBSD[Iyear] <- SSBSD[Iyear] + Deriv[II, Iyear] * Deriv[JJ, Iyear] * VarCo[II, JJ]
        SSBSD[Iyear] <- sqrt(SSBSD[Iyear])
      Res$SSBSD <- SSBSD
    } else {
      # Dummy matrix
      Res$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)

pop1specie <- function(SpeciesData, InitN, RecDev, LogR0, Fvals, Selex, InitF, Nproj) {
  # Hints:
  #   InitN is Epsilon(a)
  #   RecDev in Epsilon(y)
  #   Fvals is F(y)
  #   Selex if FISHERY selectivity
  #   InitF is the initial F
  Nyear <- SpeciesData$Nyear
  Amax <- SpeciesData$Amax
  # Extract the key biological variables
  M <- SpeciesData$M
  WeightS <- SpeciesData$WeightS
  WeightH <- SpeciesData$WeightH
  Mat <- SpeciesData$Mat
  PropZBeforeMat <- SpeciesData$PropZBeforeMat
  # Numbers at age (matrix; goes one year beyond the maximum year)
  N <- matrix(0, nrow = Nyear + Nproj + 1, ncol = Amax)
  # F-at-age (computed from the selectivity at fully-selected F)
  FAA <- matrix(0, nrow = Nyear + Nproj, ncol = Amax)
  # SSB (for output)
  SSB <- rep(0, Nyear + Nproj)
  # Total mortality (a vector because you can refill it in the loop)
  Z <- rep(0, Amax)
  # Predicted catch-at-age (needed to compare with the data)
  CAA <- matrix(0, nrow = Nyear + Nproj, ncol = Amax)
  # Predicted catch in weight (needed to compare with the data)
  PredCW <- rep(0, Nyear + Nproj)
  # set up the N matrix
  R0 <- exp(LogR0)
  N[1, 1] <- R0
  for (Iage in 2:Amax) {
    N[1, Iage] <- N[1, Iage - 1] * exp(-M[Iage - 1]) * exp(-InitF)
  for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
    N[1, Iage] <- N[1, Iage] * exp(InitN[Iage])
  # Project forward
  for (Iyear in 1:Nyear + Nproj) {
    # Compute F, Z and catch-at-age
    for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
      FAA[Iyear, Iage] <- Selex[Iage] * Fvals[Iyear]
      Z[Iage] <- M[Iage] + FAA[Iyear, Iage]
    for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
      CAA[Iyear, Iage] <- FAA[Iyear, Iage] / Z[Iage] * N[Iyear, Iage] * (1.0 - exp(-Z[Iage]))
    PredCW[Iyear] <- sum(WeightH * CAA[Iyear, ])
    # Predict SSB during the year and remove Z
    SSB[Iyear] <- sum(WeightS * Mat * exp(-PropZBeforeMat * Z) * N[Iyear, ])
    Ntemp <- N[Iyear, ] * exp(-Z)
    # Update dynamics and add recruitment
    N[Iyear + 1, Amax] <- Ntemp[Amax] + Ntemp[Amax - 1]
    for (Iage in 2:(Amax - 1)) {
      N[Iyear + 1, Iage] <- Ntemp[Iage - 1]
    N[Iyear + 1, 1] <- R0 * exp(RecDev[Iyear])
  # print(N)
  # print(PredCW)
  # print(CAA)
  # Return key information
  Outs <- NULL
  Outs$N <- N
  Outs$SSB <- SSB
  Outs$CAA <- CAA
  Outs$FAA <- FAA
  Outs$PredCW <- PredCW

like1specie <- function(SpeciesData, Outs, SurvSel, RecDev, InitN) {
  # Extract data needed for likelihood calculation
  N <- Outs$N
  PCAA <- Outs$CAA
  PredCW <- Outs$PredCW
  # Declare model predictions (not all will be used)
  # Predicted survey catch-at-age
  PredSurvA <- matrix(0, nrow = SpeciesData$NSAA, ncol = SpeciesData$Amax)
  # Predicted survey catch-at-length
  PredSurvL <- matrix(0, nrow = SpeciesData$NSAL, ncol = SpeciesData$Nlen)
  # Predicted fishery catch-at-age
  PredCAA <- matrix(0, nrow = SpeciesData$NCAA, ncol = SpeciesData$Amax)
  # Predicted fishery catch-at-length
  PredCAL <- matrix(0, nrow = SpeciesData$NCAL, ncol = SpeciesData$Nlen)
  # Predicted survey biomass
  PredSurvBio <- rep(0, max(SpeciesData$NSAA, SpeciesData$NSAL))
  # Pre-specified values
  CVCatch <- 0.1
  CVIndex <- 0.3
  SigmaR <- 0.6
  Like1 <- 0
  Like2 <- 0
  Like3 <- 0
  Prob1 <- 0
  Amax <- SpeciesData$Amax
  Nlen <- SpeciesData$Nlen
  SurveyQ <- rep(0, SpeciesData$Nsurvey)
  # Survey (assumed to be absolute, but subject to selectivity)
  if (SpeciesData$NSAA > 0) {
    # This code compute the maximum likelihood estimate of survey Q
    for (Jsurv in 1:SpeciesData$Nsurvey) {
      Q1 <- 0
      Q2 <- 0
      for (II in 1:SpeciesData$NSAA) {
        if (SpeciesData$SSAA[II] == Jsurv) {
          # Convert from real years to model years
          Ipnt <- SpeciesData$YSAA[II] - SpeciesData$Yr1 + 1
          Isurv <- SpeciesData$SSAA[II]
          for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
            PredSurvA[II, Iage] <- SurvSel[Isurv, Iage] * N[Ipnt, Iage]
            if (SpeciesData$SAA[II, Iage] > 0) {
              Q1 <- Q1 + log(SpeciesData$SAA[II, Iage] / PredSurvA[II, Iage])
              Q2 <- Q2 + 1
      SurveyQ[Jsurv] <- exp(Q1 / Q2)
      # cat(Jsurv, SurveyQ[Jsurv], Q2, "\n")
      # NOW compute the likelihood
      for (II in 1:SpeciesData$NSAA) {
        if (SpeciesData$SSAA[II] == Jsurv) {
          # Convert from real years to model years
          Ipnt <- SpeciesData$YSAA[II] - SpeciesData$Yr1 + 1
          Isurv <- SpeciesData$SSAA[II]
          for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
            PredSurvA[II, Iage] <- SurveyQ[Jsurv] * SurvSel[Isurv, Iage] * N[Ipnt, Iage]
            PredSurvBio[II] <- PredSurvBio[II] + PredSurvA[II, Iage] * SpeciesData$WeightS[Iage]
            if (SpeciesData$SAA[II, Iage] > 0) {
              Residual <- log(PredSurvA[II, Iage]) - log(SpeciesData$SAA[II, Iage])
              Like1 <- Like1 + Residual^2 / (2 * CVIndex^2)
  CVIndex <- 0.1
  # Catch-at-age and -at-length
  if (SpeciesData$NCAA > 1) {
    for (II in 1:SpeciesData$NCAA) {
      # Convert from real years to model years
      Ipnt <- SpeciesData$YCAA[II] - SpeciesData$Yr1 + 1
      PredCAA[II, ] <- PCAA[Ipnt, ] / (sum(PCAA[Ipnt, ]))
      for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
        if (SpeciesData$CAA[II, Iage] > 0) {
          Residual <- SpeciesData$CAA[II, Iage] * log(PredCAA[II, Iage] / SpeciesData$CAA[II, Iage])
          Like2 <- Like2 - 100 * Residual
  # Total catch (applies to all years)
  for (II in 1:SpeciesData$Nyear) {
    Residual <- log(PredCW[II]) - log(SpeciesData$Catch[II])
    Like3 <- Like3 + Residual^2 / (2 * CVCatch^2)
  # Penalty on rec_devs
  for (Iyear in 1:SpeciesData$Nyear) Prob1 <- Prob1 + RecDev[Iyear]^2.0 / (2.0 * SigmaR^2)
  for (Iyear in 1:SpeciesData$Amax) Prob1 <- Prob1 + InitN[Iyear]^2.0 / (2.0 * SigmaR^2)
  TotalLike <- Like1 + Like2 + Like3 + Prob1
  # cat(Like1, Like2, Like3, Prob1, TotalLike, "\n")
  # AAAA
  Outs <- NULL
  Outs$PredSurvA <- PredSurvA
  Outs$PredSurvL <- PredSurvL
  Outs$PredCAA <- PredCAA
  Outs$PredCAL <- PredCAL
  Outs$TotalLike <- TotalLike
  Outs$PredSurvBio <- PredSurvBio
  Outs$SigmaR <- SigmaR
  Outs$CvCatch <- CVCatch
  Outs$CvIndex <- CVIndex

fun1opt <- function(Pars, DoEst = TRUE, SpeciesData, yProj = 0) {
  Amax <- SpeciesData$Amax
  Nlen <- SpeciesData$Nlen
  Nyear <- SpeciesData$Nyear
  Nsurvey <- SpeciesData$Nsurvey
  # print(Pars)
  # Extract the parameters from "Pars"
  InitN <- c(Pars[1:Amax])
  Ipar <- Amax
  RecDev <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Nyear + Ipar)]
  Ipar <- Ipar + Nyear
  LogR0 <- Pars[Ipar + 1]
  Ipar <- Ipar + 1
  SurvSel <- matrix(0, nrow = Nsurvey, ncol = Amax)
  Selex <- rep(0, Amax)
  Prior <- 0
  if (SpeciesData$SelsurvType == 1) {
    SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Nsurvey * (Amax - 2))]
    Ipar <- Ipar + Nsurvey * (Amax - 2)
    for (Isurv in 1:Nsurvey) {
      Offset1 <- (Isurv - 1) * (Amax - 2) + 1
      Offset2 <- Isurv * (Amax - 2)
      SurvSel[Isurv, ] <- c(1 / (1 + exp(SVec[Offset1:Offset2])), 1, 1)
  if (SpeciesData$SelsurvType == 2) {
    SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Nsurvey * 3)]
    Ipar <- Ipar + Nsurvey * 3
    for (Isurv in 1:Nsurvey) {
      Offset <- (Isurv - 1) * 3
      ModalAge <- exp(SVec[Offset + 1])
      Sig1 <- exp(SVec[Offset + 2])
      Sig2 <- exp(SVec[Offset + 3])
      Prior <- Prior + 0.001 * Sig1 * Sig1 + 0.001 * Sig2 * Sig2
      for (Iage in 0:(Amax - 1)) {
        if (Iage < ModalAge) {
          SurvSel[Isurv, Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig1)
        } else {
          SurvSel[Isurv, Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig2)
      SurvSel[Isurv, ] <- SurvSel[Isurv, ] / max(SurvSel[Isurv, ])
  if (SpeciesData$SelexType == 1) {
    SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Amax - 2)]
    Ipar <- Ipar + Amax - 2
    Selex <- c(1 / (1 + exp(SVec)), 1, 1)
  if (SpeciesData$SelexType == 2) {
    SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + 3)]
    Ipar <- Ipar + 3
    ModalAge <- exp(SVec[1])
    Sig1 <- exp(SVec[2])
    Sig2 <- exp(SVec[3])
    Prior <- Prior + 0.001 * Sig1 * Sig1 + 0.001 * Sig2 * Sig2
    for (Iage in 0:(Amax - 1)) {
      if (Iage < ModalAge) {
        Selex[Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig1)
      } else {
        Selex[Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig2)
    Selex <- Selex / max(Selex)
  if (SpeciesData$SelexType == 3) {
    SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + 3)]
    Ipar <- Ipar + 3
    ModalAge <- exp(SVec[1])
    Sig1 <- exp(SVec[2])
    Sig2 <- exp(SVec[3])
    Prior <- Prior + 0.001 * Sig1 * Sig1 + 0.001 * Sig2 * Sig2
    SelexL <- rep(0, Nlen)
    for (Iage in 1:Nlen) {
      if (Iage < ModalAge) {
        SelexL[Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig1)
      } else {
        SelexL[Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig2)
    for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
      Selex[Iage] <- sum(SpeciesData$ALK2[Iage, ] * SelexL)
    Selex <- Selex / max(Selex)
  Fvals <- exp(Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Nyear)])
  Ipar <- Ipar + Nyear
  InitF <- exp(Pars[Ipar + 1])
  Ipar <- Ipar + 1
  # Projection the population model and compute the negative log-likelihood
  Outs <- pop1specie(SpeciesData, InitN, RecDev, LogR0, Fvals, Selex, InitF, Nproj = yProj)
  OutLikelihood <- like1specie(SpeciesData, Outs, SurvSel, RecDev, InitN)
  # Trick to get things passes
  if (DoEst == TRUE) {
    return(OutLikelihood$TotalLike + 0.01 * Prior)
  } else {
    Out2 <- NULL
    Out2$Amax <- SpeciesData$Amax
    Out2$Nlen <- SpeciesData$Nlen
    Out2$Nyear <- length(Outs$SSB)
    Out2$CvCatch <- OutLikelihood$CvCatch
    Out2$CvIndex <- OutLikelihood$CvIndex
    Out2$SigmaR <- OutLikelihood$SigmaR
    Out2$N <- Outs$N / 1000
    Out2$FAA <- Outs$FAA
    Out2$SSB <- Outs$SSB / 1000
    if (SpeciesData$NSAA > 0) {
      Out2$PredSAA <- OutLikelihood$PredSurvA / 1000
      Out2$YSAA <- SpeciesData$YSAA
      Out2$SSAA <- SpeciesData$SSAA
      Out2$ObsSAA <- SpeciesData$SAA / 1000
    if (SpeciesData$NCAA > 0) {
      Out2$PredCAA <- OutLikelihood$PredCAA
      Out2$YCAA <- SpeciesData$YCAA
      Out2$ObsCAA <- SpeciesData$CAA
    Out2$Selex <- Selex
    names(Out2$Selex) <- c(0:(Amax - 1))
    Out2$SurvSel <- SurvSel
    names(Out2$SurvSel) <- c(0:(Amax - 1))
    if (SpeciesData$NSAA > 0) {
      Out2$ObsSurvBio <- SpeciesData$SurvBio / 1000
      Out2$PredSurvBio <- OutLikelihood$PredSurvBio / 1000
    Out2$ObsCatch <- SpeciesData$Catch
    Out2$PredCatch <- Outs$PredCW

fitNPars <- function(Pars, optFun, FullMin = FALSE, DoVarCo = FALSE, ...) {
  # First call - always do this
  Res <- optim(Pars, optFun, hessian = FALSE, control = list(maxit = 10), DoEst = TRUE, ...)
  # print(Res$value)
  # Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, method = "BFGS", hessian = FALSE, DoEst = TRUE, ...)
  # print(Res$value)
  Npar <- length(Res$par)
  # cat("number of parameters  = ", Npar, "\n")
  # print(Res)
  SSBEst <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
  Nyear <- length(SSBEst)
  Res$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)
  Res$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
  # Hints: Set FullMin = TRUE to apply the full estimates; DoVarCo = TRUE to estimate the variances of the parameters and SSB
  Outputs <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)
  Outputs$par <- Res$par
  Outputs$VarCo <- Res$VarCo
  Outputs$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
  # Now do a full minimization
  if (FullMin == TRUE) {
    cat("\nFull minimization:")
    Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, method = "BFGS", hessian = FALSE, DoEst = TRUE, ...)
    cat("\n", Res$value, "BFGS")
    Best <- 10000
    while (abs(Res$value - Best) > 0.01) {
      Best <- Res$value
      Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, hessian = FALSE, method = "BFGS", DoEst = TRUE, ...)
      cat("\n", Res$value, "BFGS")
      Best <- Res$value
      Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, hessian = FALSE, method = "CG", DoEst = TRUE, ...)
      cat("\n", Res$value, "CG")
    Outputs <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)
    Outputs$par <- Res$par
    # print(Res$par)
    Outputs$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)
    Outputs$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
    Res <- optim(Res$par, optFun, method = "BFGS", hessian = TRUE, DoEst = TRUE, ...)
    Outputs <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)
    Outputs$par <- Res$par
    # print(Res$par)
    Outputs$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)
    Outputs$SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
    cat("\nFinal:", Res$value)
    # This section computes the variance covariance matrix and hence the standard errors for SSB
    if (DoVarCo == TRUE) {
      cat("\nSolving variance-covariance matrix... ")
      VarCo <- solve(Res$hessian)
      Res$VarCo <- VarCo
      SSBEst <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
      Nyear <- length(SSBEst)
      # print(SSBEst)
      # Set up the derivative matrix
      ParStore <- Res$par
      Deriv <- matrix(0, ncol = Nyear, nrow = Npar)
      for (II in 1:Npar) {
        # Numerical differentiation
        Res$par <- ParStore
        Res$par[II] <- ParStore[II] + 0.001
        SSB1 <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
        Res$par <- ParStore
        Res$par[II] <- ParStore[II] - 0.001
        SSB2 <- funNopt(Res$par, DoEst = FALSE, ...)$SSB
        Deriv[II, ] <- (SSB1 - SSB2) / 0.002
      # Use the delta method to get the variances for SSB
      SSBSD <- rep(0, Nyear)
      for (Iyear in 1:Nyear) {
        for (II in 1:Npar) {
          for (JJ in 1:Npar) {
            SSBSD[Iyear] <- SSBSD[Iyear] + Deriv[II, Iyear] * Deriv[JJ, Iyear] * VarCo[II, JJ]
        SSBSD[Iyear] <- sqrt(SSBSD[Iyear])
      Res$SSBSD <- SSBSD
    } else {
      # Dummy matrix
      Res$VarCo <- matrix(0, ncol = Npar, nrow = Npar)

popNspecie <- function(Nspecies, SpeciesData, InitN, RecDev, LogR0, Fvals, Selex, InitF, PredationPars, Nproj) {
  Nyear <- SpeciesData[[1]]$Nyear
  Amax <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    Amax[Ispec] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax
  MaxA <- max(Amax)
  Nlen <- 0
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    Nlen[Ispec] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nlen
  NlenA <- max(Nlen)
  M <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  WeightS <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  WeightH <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  Mat <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  PropZBeforeMat <- rep(0, nrow = Nspecies)
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    AmaxA <- Amax[Ispec]
    M[Ispec, 1:AmaxA] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$M[1:AmaxA]
    WeightS[Ispec, 1:AmaxA] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$WeightS[1:AmaxA]
    WeightH[Ispec, 1:AmaxA] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$WeightH[1:AmaxA]
    Mat[Ispec, 1:AmaxA] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Mat[1:AmaxA]
    PropZBeforeMat[Ispec] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$PropZBeforeMat
  # Declare
  N <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, Nyear + Nproj + 1, MaxA))
  CAA <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, Nyear + Nproj, MaxA))
  FAA <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, Nyear + Nproj, MaxA))
  PredCW <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = Nyear + Nproj)
  SSB <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = Nyear + Nproj)
  Ntemp <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  Z <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  R0 <- exp(LogR0)
  # Predicted B0 by stock
  PredB0 <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  # Predicted biomass by stock
  PredB <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = Nyear + Nproj)
  # Compute B0 by stock
  Neqn <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    AmaxA <- Amax[Ispec]
    Neqn[Ispec, 1] <- R0[Ispec]
    for (Iage in 2:AmaxA) Neqn[Ispec, Iage] <- Neqn[Ispec, Iage - 1] * exp(-M[Ispec, Iage - 1])
    Neqn[Ispec, AmaxA] <- Neqn[Ispec, AmaxA] / (1.0 - exp(-M[Ispec, AmaxA]))
    for (Iage in 1:AmaxA) PredB0[Ispec] <- sum(Neqn[Ispec, 1:AmaxA] * WeightS[Ispec, 1:AmaxA])
  # Predation parameters
  parChi <- numeric(Nspecies)
  parOme <- numeric(Nspecies)
  parAlp <- numeric(Nspecies)
  parBet <- numeric(Nspecies)
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    idSpe <- which(PredationPars$name == names(SpeciesData)[Ispec])
    parChi[Ispec] <- PredationPars$chi[idSpe]
    parOme[Ispec] <- PredationPars$om[idSpe]
    if (PredationPars$type[idSpe] == "Predator") {
      parBet[Ispec] <- (1 - parChi[Ispec]) / (2 * parChi[Ispec] - 1)
    } else {
      parBet[Ispec] <- (2 * parChi[Ispec] - 1.0) / (1 - parChi[Ispec])
    parAlp[Ispec] <- parBet[Ispec] + 1
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    N[Ispec, 1, 1] <- R0[Ispec]
    for (Iage in 2:Amax[Ispec]) {
      N[Ispec, 1, Iage] <- N[Ispec, 1, Iage - 1] * exp(-M[Ispec, Iage - 1]) * exp(-InitF[Ispec])
    for (Iage in 1:Amax[Ispec]) {
      N[Ispec, 1, Iage] <- N[Ispec, 1, Iage] * exp(InitN[Ispec, Iage])
  for (Iyear in 1:(Nyear + Nproj)) {
    # Compute pred biomass
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      AmaxA <- Amax[Ispec]
      for (Iage in 1:AmaxA) PredB[Ispec, Iyear] <- sum(N[Ispec, Iyear, 1:AmaxA] * WeightS[Ispec, 1:AmaxA])
    # Somewhat hard-wired
    MTwo <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = MaxA)
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      idSpe <- which(PredationPars$name == names(SpeciesData)[Ispec])
      if (PredationPars$type[idSpe] == "Predator") {
        indPrey <- which(PredationPars$who[idSpe, ] != "None")
        tmpPredB <- numeric(length(indPrey))
        tmpPredB0 <- numeric(length(indPrey))
        for (idPre in 1:length(indPrey)) {
          idAss <- which(names(SpeciesData) == PredationPars$name[idPre])
          if (PredationPars$who[idSpe, idPre] == "All") {
            tmpPredB[idAss] <- PredB[idAss, Iyear]
            tmpPredB0[idAss] <- PredB0[idAss]
          } else {
            if (PredationPars$who[idSpe, idPre] == "Smaller than") {
              predAge <- which(1:Amax[idAss] <= PredationPars$qty[idSpe, idPre])
            } else {
              predAge <- which(1:Amax[idAss] >= PredationPars$qty[idSpe, idPre])
            propAge <- sum(N[idAss, Iyear, predAge]) / sum(N[idAss, Iyear, ])
            tmpPredB[idAss] <- PredB[idAss, Iyear] * propAge
            tmpPredB0[idAss] <- PredB0[idAss] * propAge
          numPred <- length(which(PredationPars$who[, idPre] != "None"))
          if (numPred > 0) {
            tmpPredB[idAss] <- tmpPredB[idAss] / numPred
            tmpPredB0[idAss] <- tmpPredB0[idAss] / numPred
        totPrey <- sum(tmpPredB) / sum(tmpPredB0)
        MTwo[Ispec, ] <- -1 * log(parAlp[Ispec] * totPrey / (parBet[Ispec] + totPrey))
      indPreda <- which(PredationPars$who[, idSpe] != "None")
      if (length(indPreda) > 0) {
        deplPreda <- numeric(length(indPreda))
        deplI <- PredB[Ispec, Iyear] / PredB0[Ispec]
        for (iPreda in 1:length(deplPreda)) {
          idAss <- which(names(SpeciesData) == PredationPars$name[indPreda[iPreda]])
          deplPreda[iPreda] <- PredB[idAss, Iyear] / PredB0[idAss]
        propM <- parAlp[Ispec] * mean(deplPreda) / (parBet[Ispec] + deplI)
        for (Iage in 1:Amax[1]) {
          MTwo[Ispec, Iage] <- parOme[Ispec] * M[Ispec, Iage] * (propM - 1)
    # Compute F, Z, catch-at-age, and SSB; note that I have added the extra mortality
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      for (Iage in 1:Amax[Ispec]) {
        FAA[Ispec, Iyear, Iage] <- Selex[Ispec, Iage] * Fvals[Ispec, Iyear]
        Z[Ispec, Iage] <- M[Ispec, Iage] + FAA[Ispec, Iyear, Iage] + MTwo[Ispec, Iage]
      for (Iage in 1:Amax[Ispec]) {
        CAA[Ispec, Iyear, Iage] <- FAA[Ispec, Iyear, Iage] / Z[Ispec, Iage] * N[Ispec, Iyear, Iage] * (1.0 - exp(-Z[Ispec, Iage]))
      PredCW[Ispec, Iyear] <- sum(WeightH[Ispec, ] * CAA[Ispec, Iyear, ])
      # Predict SSB during the year and remove Z
      SSB[Ispec, Iyear] <- sum(WeightS[Ispec, ] * Mat[Ispec, ] * exp(-PropZBeforeMat[Ispec] * Z[Ispec, ]) * N[Ispec, Iyear, ])
    # update N
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      AmaxA <- Amax[Ispec]
      Ntemp[Ispec, 1:AmaxA] <- N[Ispec, Iyear, 1:AmaxA] * exp(-Z[Ispec, 1:AmaxA])
    # Update dynamics and add recruitment
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      AmaxA <- Amax[Ispec]
      N[Ispec, Iyear + 1, AmaxA] <- Ntemp[Ispec, AmaxA] + Ntemp[Ispec, AmaxA - 1]
      for (Iage in 2:(AmaxA - 1)) N[Ispec, Iyear + 1, Iage] <- Ntemp[Ispec, Iage - 1]
      N[Ispec, Iyear + 1, 1] <- R0[Ispec] * exp(RecDev[Ispec, Iyear])
  Outs <- NULL
  Outs$AmaxA <- AmaxA
  Outs$Amax <- Amax
  Outs$NlenA <- NlenA
  Outs$Nlen <- Nlen
  Outs$WeightS <- WeightS
  Outs$WeightH <- WeightH
  Outs$Mat <- Mat
  Outs$M <- M
  Outs$PropZBeforeMat <- PropZBeforeMat
  Outs$N <- N
  Outs$SSB <- SSB
  Outs$CAA <- CAA
  Outs$FAA <- FAA
  Outs$PredCW <- PredCW

likeNspecie <- function(Nspecies, SpeciesData, Outs, SurvSel, RecDev, InitN) {
  # Extract data needed for likelihood calculation
  AmaxA <- max(Outs$Amax)
  NlenA <- Outs$NlenA
  N <- Outs$N
  PCAA <- Outs$CAA
  PredCW <- Outs$PredCW
  # Declare model predictions
  PredSurvA <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, AmaxA))
  PredSurvL <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, NlenA))
  PredCAA <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, AmaxA))
  PredCAL <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, NlenA))
  PredSurvBio <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 10, 100))
  SurveyQ <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 10)
  # Pre-specified values
  CVIndex <- 0.3
  CVCatch <- 0.1
  SigmaR <- 0.6
  EffFish <- 100
  Like1 <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  Like2 <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  Like3 <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  Prob1 <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    Amax <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax
    Nlen <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nlen
    YrA <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Yr1
    # Survey (assumed to be absolute, but subject to selectivity)
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NSAA > 0) {
      for (Jsurv in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nsurvey) {
        Q1 <- 0
        Q2 <- 0
        for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NSAA) {
          if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAA[II] == Jsurv) {
            # Convert from real years to model years
            Ipnt <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAA[II] - YrA + 1
            Isurv <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAA[II]
            for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
              PredSurvA[Ispec, II, Iage] <- SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, Iage] * N[Ispec, Ipnt, Iage]
              if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA[II, Iage] > 0) {
                Q1 <- Q1 + log(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA[II, Iage] / PredSurvA[Ispec, II, Iage])
                Q2 <- Q2 + 1
        SurveyQ[Ispec, Jsurv] <- exp(Q1 / Q2)
        # cat(Jsurv, SurveyQ[Ispec, Jsurv],Q2,"\n")
        for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NSAA) {
          if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAA[II] == Jsurv) {
            # Convert from real years to model years
            Ipnt <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAA[II] - YrA + 1
            Isurv <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAA[II]
            for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
              PredSurvA[Ispec, II, Iage] <- SurveyQ[Ispec, Jsurv] * PredSurvA[Ispec, II, Iage]
              PredSurvBio[Ispec, Isurv, Ipnt] <- PredSurvBio[Ispec, Isurv, Ipnt] + PredSurvA[Ispec, II, Iage] * SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$WeightS[Iage]
              if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA[II, Iage] > 0) {
                Residual <- log(PredSurvA[Ispec, II, Iage]) - log(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA[II, Iage])
                Like1[Ispec] <- Like1[Ispec] + Residual^2 / (2 * CVIndex^2)
    # Survey catch-at-length
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NSAL > 0) {
      for (Jsurv in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nsurvey) {
        # Compute ML estimate of survey Q
        Q1 <- 0
        Q2 <- 0
        for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NSAL) {
          if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAL[II] == Jsurv) {
            # Convert from real years to model years
            Ipnt <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAL[II] - YrA + 1
            Isurv <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAL[II]
            for (Ilen in 1:Nlen) {
              PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen] <- sum(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$ALK2[1:Amax, Ilen] * SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, 1:Amax] * N[Ispec, Ipnt, 1:Amax])
              if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL[II, Ilen] > 0) {
                Q1 <- Q1 + log(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL[II, Ilen] / PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen])
                Q2 <- Q2 + 1
        SurveyQ[Ispec, Jsurv] <- exp(Q1 / Q2)
        # cat(Jsurv, SurveyQ[Ispec, Jsurv],Q2,"\n")
        for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NSAL) {
          if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAL[II] == Jsurv) {
            # Convert from real years to model years
            Ipnt <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAL[II] - YrA + 1
            Isurv <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAL[II]
            for (Ilen in 1:Nlen) {
              PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen] <- SurveyQ[Ispec, Jsurv] * PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen]
              PredSurvBio[Ispec, Isurv, Ipnt] <- PredSurvBio[Ispec, Isurv, Ipnt] + PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen] * SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$WeightLen[Ilen]
              if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL[II, Ilen] > 0) {
                Residual <- log(PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen]) - log(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL[II, Ilen])
                # cat(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAL[II],Isurv, Ilen, SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL[II, Ilen],PredSurvL[Ispec, II, Ilen],"\n")
                Like1[Ispec] <- Like1[Ispec] + Residual^2 / (2 * CVIndex^2)
    # Catch-at-age and -at-length
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NCAA > 1) {
      for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NCAA) {
        # Convert from real years to model years
        Ipnt <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YCAA[II] - YrA + 1
        PredCAA[Ispec, II, 1:Amax] <- PCAA[Ispec, Ipnt, 1:Amax] / (sum(PCAA[Ispec, Ipnt, 1:Amax]))
        for (Iage in 1:Amax) {
          if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAA[II, Iage] > 0) {
            Residual <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAA[II, Iage] * log(PredCAA[Ispec, II, Iage] / SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAA[II, Iage])
            Like2[Ispec] <- Like2[Ispec] - EffFish * Residual
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NCAL > 1) {
      for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$NCAL) {
        # Convert from real years to model years
        Ipnt <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YCAL[II] - YrA + 1
        for (Ilen in 1:Nlen) {
          PredCAL[Ispec, II, Ilen] <- sum(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$ALK2[, Ilen] * PCAA[Ispec, Ipnt, 1:Amax])
        PredCAL[Ispec, II, ] <- PredCAL[Ispec, II, ] / (sum(PredCAL[Ispec, II, ]))
        for (Ilen in 1:Nlen) {
          if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAL[II, Ilen] > 0) {
            Residual <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAL[II, Ilen] * log(PredCAL[Ispec, II, Ilen] / SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAL[II, Ilen])
            Like2[Ispec] <- Like2[Ispec] - EffFish * Residual
    # Total catch (applies to all years)
    for (II in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nyear) {
      Residual <- log(PredCW[Ispec, II]) - log(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Catch[II])
      Like3[Ispec] <- Like3[Ispec] + Residual^2 / (2 * CVCatch^2)
    # Penalty on rec_devs
    for (Iyear in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nyear) {
      Prob1[Ispec] <- Prob1[Ispec] + RecDev[Ispec, Iyear]^2.0 / (2.0 * SigmaR^2)
    for (Iyear in 1:SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax) {
      Prob1[Ispec] <- Prob1[Ispec] + InitN[Ispec, Iyear]^2.0 / (2.0 * SigmaR^2)
  TotalLike <- sum(Like1) + sum(Like2) + sum(Like3) + sum(Prob1)
  # cat(Like1, Like2, Like3, Prob1, TotalLike,"\n")
  # if (TotalLike < 9800) AAA
  # AAAA
  Outs <- NULL
  Outs$AmaxA <- AmaxA
  Outs$NlenA <- NlenA
  Outs$PredSurvA <- PredSurvA
  Outs$PredSurvL <- PredSurvL
  Outs$PredCAA <- PredCAA
  Outs$PredCAL <- PredCAL
  Outs$TotalLike <- TotalLike
  Outs$PredSurvBio <- PredSurvBio
  Outs$SigmaR <- SigmaR
  Outs$CvCatch <- CVCatch
  Outs$CvIndex <- CVIndex
  Outs$EffFish <- EffFish

funNopt <- function(Pars, DoEst = TRUE, SpeciesData, Nspecies, PredationPars) {
  ExtVal <- setNin(Pars, SpeciesData, Nspecies)
  ParOut <- ExtVal$ParOut
  AltPIN <- ExtVal$AltPIN
  InitN <- ExtVal$InitN
  RecDev <- ExtVal$RecDev
  LogR0 <- ExtVal$LogR0
  SurvSel <- ExtVal$SurvSel
  Selex <- ExtVal$Selex
  Fvals <- ExtVal$Fvals
  InitF <- ExtVal$InitF
  Prior <- ExtVal$Prior
  # Projection the population model and compute the negative log-likelihood
  Outs <- popNspecie(Nspecies, SpeciesData, InitN, RecDev, LogR0, Fvals, Selex, InitF, PredationPars, Nproj = 0)
  OutLikelihood <- likeNspecie(Nspecies, SpeciesData, Outs, SurvSel, RecDev, InitN)
  # Trick to get things passes
  if (DoEst == TRUE) {
    return(OutLikelihood$TotalLike + Prior)
  } else {
    Out2 <- NULL
    Out2$ParOut <- ParOut
    Out2$AltPIN <- AltPIN
    Out2$TotalLike <- OutLikelihood$TotalLike
    Out2$Prior <- Prior
    AmaxA <- OutLikelihood$AmaxA
    Out2$Amax <- NULL
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      Out2$Amax <- c(Out2$Amax, SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax)
    NlenA <- OutLikelihood$NlenA
    Out2$Nlen <- NULL
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      Out2$Nlen <- c(Out2$Nlen, SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nlen)
    # Out2$Nyear <- length(Outs$SSB)
    Out2$Nyear <- ncol(Outs$SSB)
    Out2$Nspecies <- Nspecies
    Out2$CvCatch <- OutLikelihood$CvCatch
    Out2$CvIndex <- OutLikelihood$CvIndex
    Out2$SigmaR <- OutLikelihood$SigmaR
    Out2$EffFish <- OutLikelihood$EffFish
    Out2$N <- Outs$N / 1000
    Out2$FAA <- Outs$FAA
    Out2$SSB <- Outs$SSB / 1000
    Out2$ObsSAA <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, AmaxA))
    Out2$YSAA <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 100)
    Out2$SSAA <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 100)
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      if (length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA) > 0) {
        Amax <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax
        Nsurv <- length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA[, 1])
        Out2$ObsSAA[Ispec, 1:Nsurv, 1:Amax] <- as.matrix(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAA)
        Out2$YSAA[Ispec, 1:Nsurv] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAA
        Out2$SSAA[Ispec, 1:Nsurv] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAA
    Out2$PredSAA <- OutLikelihood$PredSurvA
    Out2$ObsSAL <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, NlenA))
    Out2$YSAL <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 100)
    Out2$SSAL <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 100)
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      if (length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL) > 0) {
        Nlen <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nlen
        Nsurv <- length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL[, 1])
        Out2$ObsSAL[Ispec, 1:Nsurv, 1:Nlen] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SAL
        Out2$YSAL[Ispec, 1:Nsurv] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$YSAL
        Out2$SSAL[Ispec, 1:Nsurv] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SSAL
    Out2$PredSAL <- OutLikelihood$PredSurvL
    Out2$ObsCAA <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, AmaxA))
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      if (length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAA) > 0) {
        Amax <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax
        NyearCAA <- length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAA[, 1])
        Out2$ObsCAA[Ispec, 1:NyearCAA, 1:Amax] <- as.matrix(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAA)
    Out2$PredCAA <- OutLikelihood$PredCAA
    Out2$ObsCAL <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 100, NlenA))
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      if (length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAL) > 0) {
        Nlen <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nlen
        NyearCAL <- length(SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAL[, 1])
        Out2$ObsCAL[Ispec, 1:NyearCAL, 1:Nlen] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$CAL
    Out2$PredCAL <- OutLikelihood$PredCAL
    Out2$Selex <- Selex
    Out2$SurvSel <- SurvSel
    Out2$ObsSurvBio <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, 10, Out2$Nyear))
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      Out2$ObsSurvBio[Ispec, , ] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SurvBio / 1000
    Out2$PredSurvBio <- OutLikelihood$PredSurvBio / 1000
    Out2$ObsCatch <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = Out2$Nyear)
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      Out2$ObsCatch[Ispec, ] <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Catch
    Out2$PredCatch <- Outs$PredCW

setNin <- function(Pars, SpeciesData, Nspecies, Nproj = 0) {
  AmaxP <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  Nyear <- SpeciesData[[1]]$Nyear
  InitN <- matrix(NA, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 100)
  RecDev <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = Nyear + Nproj)
  LogR0 <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  InitF <- rep(0, Nspecies)
  SurvSel <- array(NA, dim = c(Nspecies, 10, 100))
  Selex <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = 100)
  Fvals <- matrix(0, nrow = Nspecies, ncol = Nyear + Nproj)
  Ipar <- 0
  Jpar <- 0
  Prior <- 0
  ParOut <- NULL
  ParInitN <- NULL
  ParRecDev <- NULL
  ParLogR0 <- NULL
  ParVecS <- NULL
  ParVecC <- NULL
  ParFvals <- NULL
  ParInitF <- NULL
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    Amax <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Amax
    Nlen <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nlen
    Nyear <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nyear
    Nsurvey <- SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$Nsurvey
    VecS <- NULL
    VecC <- NULL
    InitN[Ispec, 1:Amax] <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Amax)]
    Ipar <- Ipar + Amax
    RecDev[Ispec, 1:Nyear] <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Nyear + Ipar)]
    Ipar <- Ipar + Nyear
    LogR0[Ispec] <- Pars[Ipar + 1]
    Ipar <- Ipar + 1
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SelsurvType == 1) {
      SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Nsurvey * (Amax - 2))]
      Ipar <- Ipar + Nsurvey * (Amax - 2)
      VecS <- c(VecS, SVec)
      for (Isurv in 1:Nsurvey) {
        Offset1 <- (Isurv - 1) * (Amax - 2) + 1
        Offset2 <- Isurv * (Amax - 2)
        SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, 1:Amax] <- c(1 / (1 + exp(SVec[Offset1:Offset2])), 1, 1)
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SelsurvType == 2) {
      SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Nsurvey * 3)]
      Ipar <- Ipar + Nsurvey * 3
      VecS <- c(VecS, SVec)
      for (Isurv in 1:Nsurvey) {
        Offset <- (Isurv - 1) * 3
        ModalAge <- exp(SVec[Offset + 1])
        Sig1 <- exp(SVec[Offset + 2])
        Sig2 <- exp(SVec[Offset + 3])
        Prior <- Prior + 0.01 * Sig1 * Sig1 + 0.01 * Sig2 * Sig2
        if (SVec[1] < -10) {
          Prior <- Prior + 0.01 * (10 + SVec[1])^2
        for (Iage in 0:(Amax - 1)) {
          if (Iage < ModalAge) {
            SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig1)
          } else {
            SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig2)
        SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, 1:Amax] <- SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, 1:Amax] / max(SurvSel[Ispec, Isurv, 1:Amax])
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SelexType == 1) {
      SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Amax - 2)]
      Ipar <- Ipar + Amax - 2
      VecC <- c(VecC, SVec)
      Selex[Ispec, 1:Amax] <- c(1 / (1 + exp(SVec)), 1, 1)
    if (SpeciesData[[Ispec]]$SelexType == 2) {
      SVec <- Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + 3)]
      Ipar <- Ipar + 3
      VecC <- c(VecC, SVec)
      ModalAge <- exp(SVec[1])
      Sig1 <- exp(SVec[2])
      Sig2 <- exp(SVec[3])
      Prior <- Prior + 0.01 * Sig1 * Sig1 + 0.01 * Sig2 * Sig2
      if (SVec[1] < -10) {
        Prior <- Prior + 0.01 * (10 + SVec[1])^2
      for (Iage in 0:(Amax - 1)) {
        if (Iage < ModalAge) {
          Selex[Ispec, Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig1)
        } else {
          Selex[Ispec, Iage + 1] <- exp(-(Iage - ModalAge)^2 / Sig2)
      Selex[Ispec, 1:Amax] <- Selex[Ispec, 1:Amax] / max(Selex[Ispec, 1:Amax])
    Fvals[Ispec, 1:Nyear] <- exp(Pars[(Ipar + 1):(Ipar + Nyear)])
    Ipar <- Ipar + Nyear
    InitF[Ispec] <- exp(Pars[Ipar + 1])
    Ipar <- Ipar + 1
    ParOut <- c(ParOut, InitN[Ispec, 1:Amax], RecDev[Ispec, 1:Nyear], LogR0[Ispec], VecS, VecC, log(Fvals[Ispec, 1:Nyear]), log(InitF[Ispec]))
    ParInitN <- c(ParInitN, InitN[Ispec, 1:Amax])
    ParRecDev <- c(ParRecDev, RecDev[Ispec, 1:Nyear])
    ParLogR0 <- c(ParLogR0, LogR0[Ispec])
    ParVecS <- c(ParVecS, VecS)
    ParVecC <- c(ParVecC, VecC)
    ParFvals <- c(ParFvals, log(Fvals[Ispec, 1:Nyear]))
    ParInitF <- c(ParInitF, log(InitF[Ispec]))
  Outs <- NULL
  Outs$ParOut <- ParOut
  Outs$AltPIN <- list(Dummy = 0, ParlogR0 = ParLogR0, ParVecC = ParVecC, ParVecS = ParVecS, ParInitN = ParInitN, ParRecDev = ParRecDev, ParFvals = ParFvals, ParInitF = ParInitF)
  Outs$InitN <- InitN
  Outs$RecDev <- RecDev
  Outs$LogR0 <- LogR0
  Outs$SurvSel <- SurvSel
  Outs$Selex <- Selex
  Outs$Fvals <- Fvals
  Outs$InitF <- InitF
  Outs$Prior <- Prior
  Outs$Nyear <- Nyear

forwPop <- function(Pars, SpeciesData, Nspecies, PredationPars, Nproj, Nsim, FutF = NULL, SigmaR) {
  ExtVal <- setNin(Pars, SpeciesData, Nspecies, Nproj = Nproj)
  ParOut <- ExtVal$ParOut
  InitN <- ExtVal$InitN
  RecDev <- ExtVal$RecDev
  LogR0 <- ExtVal$LogR0
  SurvSel <- ExtVal$SurvSel
  Selex <- ExtVal$Selex
  Fvals <- ExtVal$Fvals
  InitF <- ExtVal$InitF
  Prior <- ExtVal$Prior
  Nyear <- SpeciesData[[1]]$Nyear
  # Projection the population model and compute the negative log-likelihood
  SSBOut <- array(0, dim = c(Nspecies, Nsim, Nyear + Nproj))
  for (Isim in 1:Nsim) {
    for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
      for (Iyear in (Nyear + 1):(Nyear + Nproj)) {
        RecDev[Ispec, Iyear] <- rnorm(1, 0, SigmaR) - SigmaR^2.0 / 2.0
      for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
        for (Iyear in (Nyear + 1):(Nyear + Nproj)) {
          if (is.null(FutF)) {
            Fvals[Ispec, Iyear] <- Fvals[Ispec, Nyear]
          } else {
            Fvals[Ispec, Iyear] <- FutF[Ispec]
      Outs <- popNspecie(Nspecies, SpeciesData, InitN, RecDev, LogR0, Fvals, Selex, InitF, PredationPars, Nproj = Nproj)
      for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
        SSBOut[Ispec, Isim, ] <- Outs$SSB[Ispec, ]
  par(mfrow = c(2, ceiling(Nspecies / 2)))
  Years <- 1:(Nyear + Nproj) + SpeciesData[[1]]$Yr1 - 1
  SpecName <- names(SpeciesData)
  outLst <- list()
  for (Ispec in 1:Nspecies) {
    SumOut <- matrix(0, nrow = Nyear + Nproj, ncol = 5)
    for (Iyear in 1:(Nyear + Nproj)) {
      SumOut[Iyear, ] <- quantile(SSBOut[Ispec, , Iyear], probs = c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))
    ymax <- max(SumOut) * 1.1
    plot(Years, SumOut[, 3], type = "l", ylim = c(0, ymax), ylab = SpecName[Ispec])
    xx <- c(Years, rev(Years))
    yy <- c(SumOut[, 5], rev(SumOut[, 1]))
    polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray10")
    xx <- c(Years, rev(Years))
    yy <- c(SumOut[, 4], rev(SumOut[, 2]))
    polygon(xx, yy, col = "gray80")
    lines(Years, SumOut[, 3], lty = 2, lwd = 2)
    SumOut <- as.data.frame(SumOut)
    colnames(SumOut) <- paste0("Q_", c(0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95))
    rownames(SumOut) <- paste0("Y_", Years)
    outLst[[SpecName[Ispec]]] <- SumOut
d-lorenz/smartR documentation built on May 9, 2020, 12:57 p.m.