
Defines functions print.RRcor RRcor

Documented in RRcor

#' Bivariate correlations including randomized response variables
#' \code{RRcor} calculates bivariate Pearson correlations of variables measured
#' with or without RR.
#' @param x a numeric vector, matrix or data frame.
#' @param y \code{NULL} (default) or a vector, matrix or data frame with
#'   compatible dimensions to \code{x}.
#' @param models a vector defining which RR design is used for each variable.
#'   Must be in the same order as variables appear in \code{x} and \code{y} (by
#'   columns). Available discrete models: \code{Warner}, \code{Kuk}, \code{FR},
#'   \code{Mangat}, \code{UQTknown}, \code{UQTunknown}, \code{Crosswise},
#'   \code{Triangular}, \code{SLD} and \code{direct} (i.e., no randomized
#'   response design). Available continuous models: \code{mix.norm},
#'   \code{mix.exp}.
#' @param p.list a \code{list} containing the randomization probabilities of the
#'   RR models defined in \code{models}. Either, all \code{direct}-variables
#'   (i.e., no randomized response) in \code{models} can be excluded in
#'   \code{p.list}; or, if specified, randomization probabilities \code{p} are
#'   ignored for \code{direct}-variables. See \code{\link{RRuni}} for a detailed
#'   specification of p.
#' @param group a matrix defining the group membership of each participant
#'   (values 1 and 2) for all multiple group models(\code{SLD},
#'   \code{UQTunknown}). If only one of these models is included in
#'   \code{models}, a vector can be used. For more than one model, each column
#'   should contain one grouping variable
#' @param bs.n number of samples used to get bootstrapped standard errors
#' @param bs.type to get boostrapped standard errors, use \code{"se.p"} for the
#'   parametric and/or \code{"se.n"} for the nonparametric bootstrap. Use
#'   \code{"pval"} to get p-values from the parametric bootstrap (assuming a
#'   true correlation of zero). Note that \code{bs.n} has to be larger than 0.
#'   The parametric bootstrap is based on the assumption, that the continuous
#'   variable is normally distributed within groups defined by the true state of
#'   the RR variable. For polytomous forced response (FR) designs, the RR
#'   variable is assumed to have equally spaced distances between categories
#'   (i.e., that it is interval scaled)
#' @inheritParams RRlin
#' @return \code{RRcor} returns a list with the following components::
#' \code{r} estimated correlation matrix
#' \code{rSE.p}, \code{rSE.n} standard errors from parametric/nonparametric
#' bootstrap
#' \code{prob} two-sided p-values from parametric bootstrap
#' \code{samples.p}, \code{samples.n} sampled correlations from
#' parametric/nonparametric bootstrap (for the standard errors)
#' @details Correlations of RR variables are calculated by the method of Fox &
#' Tracy (1984) by interpreting the variance induced by the RR procedure as
#' uncorrelated measurement error. Since the error is independent, the
#' correlation can be corrected to obtain an unbiased estimator.
#' Note that the continuous RR model \code{mix.norm} with the randomization
#' parameter \code{p=c(p.truth, mean, SD)} assumes that participants respond
#' either to the sensitive question with probability \code{p.truth} or otherwise
#' to a known masking distribution with known mean and SD. The estimated
#' correlation only depends on the mean and SD and does not require normality.
#' However, the assumption of normality is used in the parametric bootstrap to
#' obtain standard errors.
#' @seealso \code{vignette('RRreg')} or
#'   \url{https://www.dwheck.de/vignettes/RRreg.html} for a
#'   detailed description of the RR models and the appropriate definition of
#'   \code{p}
#' @references Fox, J. A., & Tracy, P. E. (1984). Measuring associations with
#'   randomized response. \emph{Social Science Research, 13}, 188-197.
#' @examples
#' # generate first RR variable
#' n <- 1000
#' p1 <- c(.3, .7)
#' gData <- RRgen(n, pi = .3, model = "Kuk", p1)
#' # generate second RR variable
#' p2 <- c(.8, .5)
#' t2 <- rbinom(n = n, size = 1, prob = (gData$true + 1) / 2)
#' temp <- RRgen(model = "UQTknown", p = p2, trueState = t2)
#' gData$UQTresp <- temp$response
#' gData$UQTtrue <- temp$true
#' # generate continuous covariate
#' gData$cov <- rnorm(n, 0, 4) + gData$UQTtrue + gData$true
#' # estimate correlations using directly measured / RR variables
#' cor(gData[, c("true", "cov", "UQTtrue")])
#' RRcor(
#'   x = gData[, c("response", "cov", "UQTresp")],
#'   models = c("Kuk", "d", "UQTknown"), p.list = list(p1, p2)
#' )
#' @export
RRcor <- function(x, y = NULL, models, p.list,
                  group = NULL, bs.n = 0, bs.type = c("se.n", "se.p", "pval"), nCPU = 1) {
  # input handling  (abkopiert von function 'cor' ; na.method funktioniert nicht
  #   na.method <- pmatch(use, c("all.obs", "complete.obs", "pairwise.complete.obs",
  #                              "everything", "na.or.complete"))   ## returns integer!
  #   if (is.na(na.method))
  #     stop("invalid 'use' argument")

  if (is.data.frame(y) || is.vector(y) || is.matrix(y) || is.numeric(y)) {
    y.name <- deparse(substitute(y))
    y <- as.matrix(y)
    my <- ncol(y)
    ynames <- colnames(y)
    if (is.null(ynames) & my == 1) {
      ynames <- y.name
    } else if (is.null(ynames)) {
      ynames <- 1:my
      ynames <- paste("y", ynames, sep = "")
  if (is.data.frame(x) || is.vector(x) || is.matrix(x) || is.numeric(y)) {
    x.name <- deparse(substitute(x))
    x <- as.matrix(x)
    mx <- ncol(x)
    xnames <- colnames(x)
    if (is.null(xnames) & mx == 1) {
      xnames <- x.name
    } else if (is.null(xnames)) {
      xnames <- 1:mx
      xnames <- paste("x", xnames, sep = "")
  if (!is.matrix(x) && is.null(y)) {
    stop("supply both 'x' and 'y' or a matrix-like 'x'")
  if (!(is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x))) {
    stop("'x' must be numeric")
  if (!is.null(y)) {
    if (!(is.numeric(y) || is.logical(y))) {
      stop("'y' must be numeric")

  # erzeuge gemeinsamen datensatz X
  if (!is.null(x) && !is.null(y)) {
    if (!is.null(mx) && !is.null(my) && mx + my < 2) {
      stop("Not enough variables specified")
    X <- cbind(x, y)
    colnames(X) <- c(xnames, ynames)
    m <- mx + my

  if (!is.null(x) && is.null(y)) {
    X <- x
    colnames(X) <- xnames
    m <- mx
  if (is.null(x) && !is.null(y)) {
    X <- y
    colnames(X) <- ynames
    m <- my
  modelNames <- c(
    "Warner", "UQTknown", "UQTunknown", "Mangat",
    "Kuk", "FR", "Crosswise", "Triangular", "direct", "SLD",
    "mix.norm", "mix.exp", "mix.unknown"
  models <- pmatch(models, modelNames, duplicates.ok = TRUE)
  models <- modelNames[models]
  n <- nrow(X)

  # adjust length and entries of p.list
  if (length(p.list) < length(models) && length(p.list) == sum(models != "direct")) {
    cnt <- 1
    p.list2 <- list()
    for (i in 1:length(models)) {
      if (models[i] == "direct") {
        p.list2[[i]] <- 1
      } else {
        p.list2[[i]] <- p.list[[cnt]]
      cnt <- ifelse(models[i] == "direct", cnt, cnt + 1)
    p.list <- p.list2

  if (!missing(group) && !is.null(group)) group <- as.matrix(group)
  group.2g <- group
  RRcheck.cor(X, m, models, p.list, colnames(X), group)

  # generate matrix with groups and calculate additional parameters like gamma, t, piUQ
  group.mat <- matrix(1, nrow = n, ncol = m)
  par2 <- list() # rep(NA,m)   # additional parameters except pi
  pi <- rep(NA, m)
  piVar <- rep(NA, m)
  cnt <- 1
  for (i in 1:m) {
    if (models[i] == "direct") {
      pi[i] <- mean(X[, i])
      piVar[i] <- var(X[, i])
    } else {
      if (is2group(models[i])) {
        group.mat[, i] <- as.numeric(group[, cnt])
        cnt <- cnt + 1
      est <- RRuni(X[, i],
        model = models[i], p = p.list[[i]],
        group = group.mat[, i], MLest = FALSE
      if (models[i] == "FR") {
        scale <- 1:length(est$pi) - 1

        pi[i] <- sum(scale * est$pi)
        piVar[i] <- sum(est$pi * scale^2) - pi[i]^2
      } else {
        pi[i] <- est$pi
        piVar[i] <- est$pi * (1 - est$pi)
        #               "CDM" = {par2[i] <- est$gamma},
        #               "CDMsym" = {par2[i] <- est$gamma},
        "UQTunknown" = {
          par2[[i]] <- est$piUQ
        "SLD" = {
          par2[[i]] <- est$t
        "mix.unknown" = {
          par2[[i]] <- c(est$piUQ, est$y.var)
          piVar[i] <- est$x.var

  #   if (ncol(group) != n) group <- group.mat
  group <- group.mat

  # x.est : estimated true values for respondents (dependent on group)
  x.est <- X
  # for SLD and UQTunknown: which group to select (always with larger p[i] !)
  group.sel <- rep(1, m)

  # used sample sizes for all pairwise comparisons
  n.mat <- diag(m) * n
  g.list <- list()
  quotient.list <- list()
  gN.list <- list()
  cnt <- 0

  # quotient contains the scaling factors for the observed correlation
  # rows: different models; second column for 2-group models
  quotient <- rep(0, m)
  for (i in 1:m) {
    # pairwise comparison to get adequate subgroups!
    if (i != m) {
      for (j in (i + 1):m) {
        # find all available subgroups
        subgroups <- group[, c(i, j)][!duplicated(group[, c(i, j)]), , drop = F]
        numsub <- nrow(subgroups)
        cnt <- cnt + 1
        gN.list[[cnt]] <- rep(0, numsub)
        for (ss in 1:numsub) {
          gN.list[[cnt]][ss] <- sum(apply(group[, c(i, j)], 1, function(x) all(x == subgroups[ss, ])))
        #         # calculate information index per subgroup:
        #         inf.idx <- rep(0, numsub)
        #         for (ss in 1:numsub){
        #           # get the subgroup sample size n[i,j]
        #           subgroup.n <- sum(apply(group[,c(i,j)]  == subgroups[ss,], 1, any))
        #           pi <- p.list[[i]][subgroups[ss,1]]
        #           pj <- p.list[[j]][subgroups[ss,2]]
        #           inf.idx[ss] <- subgroup.n * pi * pj
        #         }
        #         # g.list contains the most informative subgroups (take care of the right order!)
        g.list[[cnt]] <- subgroups # [inf.idx == max(inf.idx),,drop=F]

    p <- p.list[[i]]
    x.est[, i] <- get.x.est(
      X[, i], models[i], p,
      par2[[i]], group[, i]

    # for each RR variable: get quotient for 2-group models: 2 quotients
    quotient.list[[i]] <- 0
    for (gg in 1:length(unique(group[, i]))) {
      sel <- group[, i] == gg
      quotient.list[[i]][gg] <- get.quotient(X[sel, i], models[i], p, par2[[i]], group = gg, pi[i], piVar[i])
    #   print(quotient.list)

    # for 2-group models: separately
    sel <- rep(T, n)
    if (is2group(models[i])) {
      if (p[2] > p[1]) {
        group.sel[i] <- 2
        sel <- group[, i] == 2
      } else {
        sel <- group[, i] == 1
    quotient[i] <- get.quotient(X[sel, i], models[i], p, par2[[i]], group = group.sel[i], pi[i], piVar[i])
  # print(g.list)
  # print(gN.list)
  # print(g.list)
  ## loop to compute weights for averaging
  cnt <- 0
  weights <- list()
  for (i in 1:(m - 1)) {
    for (k in (i + 1):m) {
      cnt <- cnt + 1
      numsubs <- nrow(g.list[[cnt]])
      weights[[cnt]] <- rep(0, numsubs)
      for (gg in 1:numsubs) {
        g.i <- g.list[[cnt]][gg, 1]
        g.j <- g.list[[cnt]][gg, 2]
        sel.i <- group[, i] == g.i
        sel.j <- group[, k] == g.j
        sel <- sel.i & sel.j
        weights[[cnt]][gg] <- sum(sel) / ((1 + quotient.list[[i]][g.i]) * (1 + quotient.list[[j]][g.j]))
  wsum <- unlist(lapply(weights, sum))

  r <- diag(m)
  cnt <- 0
  # calculate correlation separately for each combination of variables
  for (i in 1:(m - 1)) {
    for (k in (i + 1):m) {
      # for multiple group models: go through all subgroups listed in g.list!
      cnt <- cnt + 1
      for (gg in 1:nrow(g.list[[cnt]])) {
        #         # select subgroup
        g.i <- g.list[[cnt]][gg, 1]
        g.j <- g.list[[cnt]][gg, 2]
        sel.i <- group[, i] == g.i
        sel.j <- group[, k] == g.j
        sel <- sel.i & sel.j
        #         print(sum(sel))
        r.obs <- cor(x.est[sel, i], x.est[sel, k])
        #       varianz <-   c((1+ quotient.list[[i]]) %o% (1+ quotient.list[[j]]))
        #       wsum <- sum (gN.list[[cnt]]/varianz)
        #       weight <- sum(sel)/(wsum*(1+ quotient.list[[i]][g.i])*(1+ quotient.list[[j]][g.j]))
        weight <- weights[[cnt]][gg] / wsum[cnt]
        r[i, k] <- r[i, k] + weight * r.obs * sqrt((1 + quotient.list[[i]][g.i]) * (1 + quotient.list[[k]][g.j]))
        #         print(r.obs * sqrt( (1+ quotient.list[[i]][g.i])*(1+ quotient.list[[k]][g.j]) ))
        #         r[i,j] <- r.sign( r[i,j], models[i], p.list[[i]], models[j], p.list[[j]])
        n.mat[i, k] <- n.mat[i, k] + sum(sel)
      # all possible group combinations
      # for multiple group models
      #       sel <- group[,i] == group.sel[i] & group[,k] == group.sel[k]
      #       n.mat[i,k] <- sum(sel)

      #         sel <- group[,i] == gg[g,i] &  group[,k] == gg[g,k]
      #       r.obs <- cor(x.est[sel,i],x.est[sel,k])
      #       r[i,k] <-   r.obs * sqrt( (1+ quotient[i])*(1+ quotient[k]) ) # +  r[i,k] ??
      # print("cor:")
      # print(r.obs * sqrt( (1+ quotient[i])*(1+ quotient[k]) ))
      #       r[i,k] <- r.sign( r[i,k],models[i],p.list[[i]] , models[k],p.list[[k]])
      #       }

  r[lower.tri(r)] <- t(r)[lower.tri(r)]
  n.mat[lower.tri(n.mat)] <- t(n.mat)[lower.tri(n.mat)]
  rownames(r) <- colnames(X)
  colnames(r) <- colnames(X)

  if (sum(r < -1, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    #   warning("The corrected correlation was smaller than -1 and thus set to -1.")
    r[-r > 1] <- -1
  if (sum(r > 1, na.rm = TRUE) > 0) {
    #   warning("The corrected correlation was larger than 1 and thus set to 1.")
    r[r > 1] <- 1

  rownames(n.mat) <- colnames(X)
  colnames(n.mat) <- colnames(X)
  # character vector including randomization probabilities
  p.char <- character(m)
  for (i in 1:m) {
    if (models[i] != "direct") {
      for (k in 1:length(p.list[[i]])) {
        p.char[i] <- paste(p.char[i], round(p.list[[i]][k], 4))

  rSE.p <- matrix(NA, nrow = m, ncol = m, dimnames = list(colnames(X), colnames(X)))
  r.Prob <- rSE.p
  rSE.n <- rSE.p
  prob <- rSE.p
  # parametric bootstrap: SE
  if (bs.n > 0) { # && "se.p" %in% bs.type){
    if (any(models %in% c("mix.norm", "mix.exp"))) {
      warning("Parametric boostrap not available for continuous mixture RR models. Use the nonparametric bootstrap instead: bs.type='se.n'")
    if (is.numeric(nCPU)) {
      bs.n2 <- nCPU * ceiling(bs.n / nCPU)
    } else {
      bs.n2 <- length(nCPU) * ceiling(bs.n / length(nCPU))
    samples.p <- array(NA, dim = c(m, m, bs.n2))
    for (i in 1:(m - 1)) {
      for (j in (i + 1):m) {
        #         samples.p[i,i,] <- 1
        #         samples.p[j,j,] <- 1
        #         cat("variables",1,"and",2,": ",paste( models[c(i,j)]))
        ci <- c(1, 1)
        cj <- c(1, 1)
        if (models[i] == "SLD") ci <- c(par2[[i]], 1)
        if (models[j] == "SLD") cj <- c(par2[[j]], 1)
        #         if (models[i] == "CDM") ci <- rep(1-par2[i], 2)
        #         if (models[j] == "CDM") cj <- rep(1-par2[j], 2)
        groupRatios <- 2 - colMeans(group.mat)

        # how many RR variables in pairwise bootstrap?
        if (sum(models[c(i, j)] == "direct") < 2) {
          if (models[i] != "direct") {
            RRi <- RRuni(X[, i],
              model = models[i], p = p.list[[i]],
              group = group.mat[, i], MLest = FALSE
          if (models[j] != "direct") {
            RRj <- RRuni(X[, j],
              model = models[j], p = p.list[[j]],
              group = group.mat[, j], MLest = FALSE
          # two RRs
          if (sum(models[c(i, j)] == "direct") == 0) {
            if ("se.p" %in% bs.type) {
              mcsim <- RRsimu(
                numRep = bs.n, n = n, pi = c(RRi$pi, RRj$pi), model = models[c(i, j)],
                p = p.list[c(i, j)], cor = r[i, j], complyRates = list(ci, cj), sysBias = c(0, 0),
                groupRatio = groupRatios[c(i, j)], method = "RRcor", MLest = FALSE, nCPU = nCPU
            if ("pval" %in% bs.type) {
              mcsim.h0 <- RRsimu(
                numRep = bs.n, n = n, pi = c(RRi$pi, RRj$pi), model = models[c(i, j)],
                p = p.list[c(i, j)], cor = 0, complyRates = list(ci, cj), sysBias = c(0, 0),
                groupRatio = groupRatios[c(i, j)], method = "RRcor", MLest = FALSE, nCPU = nCPU
          } else {
            # one RR, one nonRR variable
            sel <- grep("direct", models[c(i, j)])
            idx <- ifelse(sel == 2, i, j) # select RR variable
            if ("se.p" %in% bs.type) {
              mcsim <- RRsimu(
                numRep = bs.n, n = n, pi = ifelse(idx == i, RRi$pi, RRj$pi), model = models[idx],
                p = unlist(p.list[idx]), cor = r[i, j], complyRates = ifelse(rep(idx, 2) == i, ci, cj),
                sysBias = c(0, 0),
                groupRatio = groupRatios[idx], method = "RRcor", MLest = FALSE, nCPU = nCPU
            if ("pval" %in% bs.type) {
              mcsim.h0 <- RRsimu(
                numRep = bs.n, n = n, pi = ifelse(idx == i, RRi$pi, RRj$pi), model = models[idx],
                p = unlist(p.list[idx]), cor = 0, complyRates = ifelse(rep(idx, 2) == i, ci, cj),
                sysBias = c(0, 0),
                groupRatio = groupRatios[idx], method = "RRcor", MLest = FALSE, nCPU = nCPU
          if ("se.p" %in% bs.type) {
            rSE.p[i, j] <- mcsim$results["cor.RRcor", "SE"]
          #           r.Prob[i,j] <- sum(mcsim$parEsts[,"cor.RRcor"]>r[i,j])/bootstrap
        if ("se.p" %in% bs.type) {
          samples.p[i, j, ] <- mcsim$parEsts[, "cor.RRcor"]
          samples.p[j, i, ] <- mcsim$parEsts[, "cor.RRcor"]
        if ("pval" %in% bs.type) {
          pcum <- ecdf(mcsim.h0$parEsts[, "cor.RRcor"])(r[i, j])
          prob[i, j] <- 2 * ifelse(pcum < .5, pcum, 1 - pcum)
        #         rrrr <- cor(x)[i,j]
        #         ttt <- pt(rrrr * sqrt(nrow(x)-2)/sqrt(1-rrrr^2), nrow(x)-2)
        #         print(ifelse(ttt>.5, 1-ttt, ttt) )
    rSE.p[lower.tri(rSE.p)] <- t(rSE.p)[lower.tri(rSE.p)]
    prob[lower.tri(prob)] <- t(prob)[lower.tri(prob)]

  # nonparametric bootstrap
  if (bs.n > 0 && "se.n" %in% bs.type) {
    getBoot <- function(rep) {
      bs.ests <- array(NA, dim = c(m, m, rep))
      for (i in 1:bs.n) {
        sel <- sample(1:n, n, T)
        try(bs.ests[, , i] <- RRcor(x = X[sel, ], models = models, p.list = p.list, group = group.2g[sel, ])$r)
    if (is.numeric(nCPU) && nCPU == 1) {
      cl.tmp <- NULL
      bs.ests <- getBoot(rep = bs.n)
    } else if (is.numeric(nCPU)) {
      cl.tmp <- makeCluster(nCPU)
    } else if (any(class(nCPU) %in% c("SOCKcluster", "cluster"))) {
      cl.tmp <- nCPU
    } else {
      stop("'nCPU' must be integer or a cluster (see ?parallel::makeCluster)")
    if (!is.null(cl.tmp)) {
      rep <- ceiling(bs.n / length(cl.tmp))
      bs.ests <- foreach(k = seq_along(cl.tmp), .packages = "RRreg") %dopar% {
      bs.ests <- array(unlist(bs.ests), dim = c(m, m, rep * length(cl.tmp)))
      if (is.numeric(nCPU)) stopCluster(cl.tmp)
    #     print(apply(bs.ests,1:2,mean))
    bs.n.NA <- sum(is.na(bs.ests[2, 1, ]))
    rSE.n <- apply(bs.ests, 1:2, sd, na.rm = TRUE)
    diag(rSE.n) <- NA
    dimnames(rSE.n) <- dimnames(rSE.p)

  res <- list(
    r = r, call = "Randomized response correlation",
    models = models, p.list = p.list, p.char = p.char, varNames = colnames(X), n.mat = n.mat,
    n = n, bs.n = bs.n, bs.type = bs.type, rSE.p = rSE.p, rSE.n = rSE.n, prob = prob
  if (bs.n > 0 && "se.n" %in% bs.type) {
    res$samples.n <- bs.ests
  if (bs.n > 0 && "se.p" %in% bs.type) {
    res$samples.p <- samples.p
  class(res) <- "RRcor"

#' @export
print.RRcor <- function(x, ...) {
  #   cat("Call: \n")
  #   write(x$call,"")
  cat("Randomized response variables:\n")
  TAB <- cbind(
    Variable = x$varNames,
    RRmodel = x$models,
    p = x$p.char
  rownames(TAB) <- 1:length(x$models)
  print(TAB, quote = FALSE)
  if (min(x$n.mat) != x$n) {
    cat(paste("\nSample size N:\n"))
  } else {
    cat(paste("\nSample size N =", x$n, "\n"))
  cat("\nEstimated correlation matrix:\n")
  print(round(x$r, 6))

  if (x$bs.n > 0 && "se.p" %in% x$bs.type) {
    cat("\nStandard errors from parametric bootstrap:\n")
    print(round(x$rSE.p, 6), quote = FALSE)
  if (x$bs.n > 0 && "se.n" %in% x$bs.type) {
    cat("\nStandard errors from nonparametric bootstrap:\n")
    print(round(x$rSE.n, 6), quote = FALSE)
  if (x$bs.n > 0 && "pval" %in% x$bs.type) {
    cat("\nTwo-sided p-values from (separate) parametric bootstrap:\n")
    print(round(x$prob, 6), quote = FALSE)

# summary.RRcor<-function(object,...){
#   zval <- object$pi/object$rSE
#   TAB <- cbind(Estimate = object$r,
#                StdErr = object$rSE,
#                z.value=zval,
#                p.value=pnorm(-abs(zval)))
#   rownames(TAB) <- "r"
#   res <- list(call=object$call,n=object$n,
#               coefficients=TAB)
#   class(res) <- "summary.RRcor"
#   return(res)
# }
# #' @aliases RRcor
# #' @method print summary.RRcor
# #' @export
# print.summary.RRcor<-function(x,...){
#   cat("Call:\n")
#   write(x$call,"")
#   cat("Sample size: ")
#   write(x$n,"")
#   cat("\n")
#   printCoefmat(x$coefficients)
# }
danheck/RRreg documentation built on Dec. 3, 2022, 7:50 p.m.