#' Plot Predicted and Observed Densities
#' Plot predicted against observed continuous distributions (only for group = 1)
#' @param x fitted GPT model as returned by \code{\link{gpt_fit}}
#' @param freq how to normalize histogram and density.
#' Either per category (\code{freq = "cat"}), per tree (\code{freq = "tree"}),
#' or in absolute frequencies (\code{freq = "freq"}).
# ' @param group group to plot (not tested!)
#' @inheritParams predict.gpt_fit
#' @param ... further arguments passt to \code{\link{hist}}
#' @importFrom graphics hist lines par plot points text
#' @export
hist.gpt_fit <- function(x, dim=1, freq = "cat", # group = 1,
mfrow <- par()$mfrow
mar <- par()$mar
group <- 1
if (!is.null(x$group)){
stop ("group not implemented")
} else {
data <- x$data
cat.names <- x$gpt@mpt@cat.names
J <- length(cat.names)
tmp <- ceiling(sqrt(J))
N <- length(data$x)
N.per.cat <- table(factor(data$x,
levels = seq_along(x$gpt@mpt@cat.names),
labels = x$gpt@mpt@cat.names))
# N.per.tree <- x$gpt
miny <- min(data$y) #-1
maxy <- max(data$y) #+1
pred <- predict(x, dens = TRUE, group = 1)
yy <- as.numeric(colnames(pred[,-(1:4)]))
scale <- diff(yy[1:2])
maxdd <- max(pred[,-c(1:4)]*N*scale)
dots <- list(...)
plot.args <- list(col="gray", border = "gray", xlab="", las = 1)
if ("xlab" %in% names(dots)){
plot.args$xlab <- dots$xlab
dots$xlab <- NULL
# plot.args <- c(plot.args, dots)
par(mfrow=c(tmp, tmp), mar=c(ifelse(plot.args$xlab == "", 1, 4),4,3,.5))
for(cc in 1:J){
sel <- data$x == cc
# hh <- hist(data$y[sel], plot = FALSE, args = dots#,
# breaks=seq(miny,maxy,length=min(25,floor(N/(J*2))))
# )
hh <- do.call("hist", args = c(list(x = data$y[sel], plot = FALSE), dots))
############ Normalization
dd <- unlist(pred[cc,-c(1:4)])# *scale #/pred[cc,"prob"]
"tree" = {
stop("'tree' not working")
yylab <- "Density [tree-normalized]"
"cat" = {
hh$counts <- hh$density
dd <- dd/sum(dd)/scale #/pred[cc,"prob"]
yylab <- "Density [category-normalized]"
"freq" = {
hscale <- na.omit(hh$counts/hh$density)[1]
dd <- hscale* dd/sum(dd)/scale #N.per.cat[cc]*scale# *scale #/pred[cc,"prob"]
yylab <- "Absolute Frequency"
stop("Type of 'freq' not supported."))
plot.args$x = hh
plot.args$ylab <- yylab
plot.args$main <- cat.names[cc]
plot.args$ylim <- range(0, dd, hh$counts)
do.call("plot", args = plot.args)
# plot(hh, col="gray", border = "gray", main=cat.names[cc], xlab=xlab,
# ylim=range(0, dd, hh$counts),
# ylab = yylab, las = 1, ...)
lines(yy, dd, col="black", lwd = 2)
par(mfrow=mfrow, mar=mar)
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