
Defines functions plot.enmtools.background.test print.enmtools.background.test summary.enmtools.background.test background.precheck background.test

Documented in background.test

#' background.test Conduct a background test (also called a similarity test), as described in Warren et al. 2008.
#' This test can either be run as an asymmetric test (species.1 vs background of species.2) or as a symmetric test
#' (background of species.1 vs background of species.2).  For GLM, Bioclim, and Domain models the replicates will be
#' constructed from the background points supplied for each species.  For Maxent, the replicates will be constructed
#' from the range rasters stored in the enmtools.species objects.
#' @param species.1 An emtools.species object from which presence points (asymmetric) or background (symmetric) will be sampled.
#' @param species.2 An enmtools.species object from which background will be sampled.
#' @param env A SpatRaster object containing environmental data
#' @param type The type of model to construct, currently accepts "glm", "mx", "bc", "gam", or "dm"
#' @param f A function to use for model fitting.  Only required for GLM models at the moment.
#' @param nreps Number of replicates to perform
#' @param nback Number of background points for models
#' @param test.type Controls whether the background test will be "symmetric" or "asymmetric"
#' @param bg.source Source for drawing background points.  If "points", it just uses the background points that are already in the species object.  If "range", it uses the range raster.  If "env", it draws points at randome from the entire study area outlined by the first environmental layer.
#' @param low.memory When set to TRUE, replicate models are written to disc instead of being stored in the output object.  Replicate models stored in the output object contain paths to the replicate models on disk instead of the rasters themselves.
#' @param rep.dir Directory for storing replicate models when low.memory is set to TRUE.  If not specified, the working directory will be used.
#' @param verbose Controls printing of various messages progress reports.  Defaults to FALSE.
#' @param clamp Controls whether empirical and replicate models should be clamped to the environment space used for training.
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to model fitting functions.
#' @return results A list containing replicates, models for the empirical data, and summary statistics and plots.
#' @keywords background equivalency enmtools hypothesis testing
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' cyreni <- iberolacerta.clade$species$cyreni
#' monticola <- iberolacerta.clade$species$monticola
#' cyreni$range <- background.raster.buffer(cyreni$presence.points, 100000, euro.worldclim)
#' monticola$range <- background.raster.buffer(monticola$presence.points, 100000, euro.worldclim)
#' background.test(cyreni, monticola, env = euro.worldclim, type = "glm",
#' f = pres ~ bio1 + bio12, nreps = 10)
#' }

background.test <- function(species.1, species.2, env, type, f = NULL, nreps = 99, test.type = "asymmetric", nback = 1000, bg.source = "default", low.memory = FALSE, rep.dir = NA, verbose = FALSE, clamp = TRUE, ...){

  # Build a description of the analysis to use for summaries and plot titles
  if(test.type == "symmetric"){
    description <- paste("\n\nSymmetric background test\n", species.1$species.name, "background vs.", species.2$species.name, "background")
  } else {
    description <- paste("\n\nAsymmetric background test\n", species.1$species.name, "vs.", species.2$species.name, "background")
  message(paste("\n", description, "\n"))

  species.1 <- check.bg(species.1, env, nback = nback, bg.source = bg.source, verbose = verbose)
  species.2 <- check.bg(species.2, env, nback = nback, bg.source = bg.source, verbose = verbose)

  # Check to make sure everything's okay
  background.precheck(species.1, species.2, env, type, f, nreps, test.type)

  # Initialize a list to store reps in
  replicate.models <- list()

  # Set the output directory when low.memory = TRUE
  if(low.memory == TRUE){
      rep.dir <- getwd()

    if(substr(rep.dir, nchar(rep.dir), nchar(rep.dir)) != "/"){
      rep.dir <- paste0(rep.dir, "/")

      stop(paste("Specified directory for storing replicates cannot be found!\n\n", getwd()))

  # For starters we need to combine species background points so that each model
  # is being built with the same background
  combined.background.points <- rbind(species.1$background.points, species.2$background.points)
  species.1.original.background <- species.1$background.points
  species.2.original.background <- species.2$background.points
  species.1$background.points <- combined.background.points
  species.2$background.points <- combined.background.points

  # Clamping layers here so it's not done separately for every replicate
  # and setting replicate clmaping to FALSE
  if(clamp == TRUE){
    combined.all.points <- rbind(species.1$presence.points, species.2$presence.points, combined.background.points)

    # Adding env (skipped for BC otherwise)
    this.df <- as.data.frame(terra::extract(env, combined.all.points, ID = FALSE))

    env <- clamp.env(this.df, env)

  # Building models for empirical data
  message("\nBuilding empirical models...\n")
  if(type == "glm"){
    empirical.species.1.model <- enmtools.glm(species.1, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)
    empirical.species.2.model <- enmtools.glm(species.2, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)

  if(type == "gam"){
    empirical.species.1.model <- enmtools.gam(species.1, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)
    empirical.species.2.model <- enmtools.gam(species.2, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)

  if(type == "mx"){
    empirical.species.1.model <- enmtools.maxent(species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, verbose = verbose, ...)
    empirical.species.2.model <- enmtools.maxent(species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, verbose = verbose, ...)

  if(type == "bc"){
    empirical.species.1.model <- enmtools.bc(species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)
    empirical.species.2.model <- enmtools.bc(species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)

  if(type == "dm"){
    empirical.species.1.model <- enmtools.dm(species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)
    empirical.species.2.model <- enmtools.dm(species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)

  if(type == "rf"){
    empirical.species.1.model <- enmtools.rf(species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)
    empirical.species.2.model <- enmtools.rf(species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)

  empirical.overlap <- c(unlist(raster.overlap(empirical.species.1.model, empirical.species.2.model)),
                         unlist(env.overlap(empirical.species.1.model, empirical.species.2.model, env = env)[1:3]))
  reps.overlap <- empirical.overlap

  message("\nBuilding replicate models...\n")

  if (requireNamespace("progress", quietly = TRUE)) {
    pb <- progress::progress_bar$new(
      format = " [:bar] :percent eta: :eta",
      total = nreps, clear = FALSE, width= 60)

  for(i in 1:nreps){
    if(verbose == TRUE){message(paste("\nReplicate", i, "...\n"))}

    rep.species.1 <- species.1
    rep.species.2 <- species.2

    if (requireNamespace("progress", quietly = TRUE)) {

    if(test.type == "symmetric"){

      #background sampling for species 1, only run when we're doing a symmetric test
      combined.points <- rbind(rep.species.1$presence.points, species.1.original.background)
      terra::values(combined.points) <- NULL
      sample.vector <- sample(nrow(combined.points))
      combined.points <- combined.points[sample.vector,]
      rep.species.1$presence.points <- combined.points[1:nrow(species.1$presence.points),]
      rep.species.1$background.points <- combined.background.points[(nrow(species.1$presence.points) + 1):nrow(combined.background.points),]


    # Background sampling for species 2, run regardless of the type of test
    combined.points <- rbind(rep.species.2$presence.points, species.2.original.background)
    terra::values(combined.points) <- NULL
    sample.vector <- sample(nrow(combined.points))
    combined.points <- combined.points[sample.vector,]
    rep.species.2$presence.points <- combined.points[1:nrow(species.2$presence.points),]
    rep.species.2$background.points <- background.points <- combined.background.points[(nrow(species.2$presence.points) + 1):nrow(combined.background.points),]

    # Building the models for reps
    if(type == "glm"){
      rep.species.1.model <- enmtools.glm(rep.species.1, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)
      rep.species.2.model <- enmtools.glm(rep.species.2, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)

    if(type == "gam"){
      rep.species.1.model <- enmtools.gam(rep.species.1, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)
      rep.species.2.model <- enmtools.gam(rep.species.2, env, f, clamp = FALSE, ...)

    if(type == "mx"){
      rep.species.1.model <- enmtools.maxent(rep.species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, verbose = verbose, ...)
      rep.species.2.model <- enmtools.maxent(rep.species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, verbose = verbose, ...)

    if(type == "bc"){
      rep.species.1.model <- enmtools.bc(rep.species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)
      rep.species.2.model <- enmtools.bc(rep.species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)

    if(type == "dm"){
      rep.species.1.model <- enmtools.dm(rep.species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)
      rep.species.2.model <- enmtools.dm(rep.species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)

    if(type == "rf"){
      rep.species.1.model <- enmtools.rf(rep.species.1, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)
      rep.species.2.model <- enmtools.rf(rep.species.2, env, clamp = FALSE, ...)

    # Appending overlap to results
    reps.overlap <- rbind(reps.overlap, c(unlist(raster.overlap(rep.species.1.model, rep.species.2.model)),
                                          unlist(env.overlap(rep.species.1.model, rep.species.2.model, env = env)[1:3])))

    # Appending models to replicates list
    if(low.memory == TRUE){
      path.1 <- paste0(rep.dir, species.1$species.name, ".rep.", i, ".Rda")
      path.2 <- paste0(rep.dir, species.2$species.name, ".rep.", i, ".Rda")
      save(rep.species.1.model, file = path.1)
      save(rep.species.2.model, file = path.2)
      replicate.models[[paste0(species.1$species.name, ".rep.", i)]] <- path.1
      replicate.models[[paste0(species.2$species.name, ".rep.", i)]] <- path.2

    } else {
      replicate.models[[paste0(species.1$species.name, ".rep.", i)]] <- rep.species.1.model
      replicate.models[[paste0(species.2$species.name, ".rep.", i)]] <- rep.species.2.model

  rownames(reps.overlap) <- c("empirical", paste("rep", 1:nreps))
  p.values <- apply(reps.overlap, 2, function(x) min(rank(x)[1], rank(-x)[1])/length(x))

  reps.overlap <- as.data.frame(reps.overlap)

  d.plot <- ggplot(reps.overlap[2:nrow(reps.overlap),], aes(x = .data$D, fill = "density", alpha = 0.5)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = reps.overlap[1,"D"], linetype = "longdash") +
    xlim(-.05,1.05) + guides(fill = "none", alpha = "none") + xlab("D") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  i.plot <- ggplot(reps.overlap[2:nrow(reps.overlap),], aes(x = .data$I, fill = "density", alpha = 0.5)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = reps.overlap[1,"I"], linetype = "longdash") +
    xlim(-.05,1.05) + guides(fill = "none", alpha = "none") + xlab("I") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  cor.plot <- ggplot(reps.overlap[2:nrow(reps.overlap),], aes(x = .data$rank.cor, fill = "density", alpha = 0.5)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = reps.overlap[1,"rank.cor"], linetype = "longdash") +
    xlim(-1.05,1.05) + guides(fill = "none", alpha = "none") + xlab("Rank Correlation") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  env.d.plot <- ggplot(reps.overlap[2:nrow(reps.overlap),], aes(x = .data$env.D, fill = "density", alpha = 0.5)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = reps.overlap[1,"env.D"], linetype = "longdash") +
    xlim(-.05,1.05) + guides(fill = "none", alpha = "none") + xlab("D, Environmental Space") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  env.i.plot <- ggplot(reps.overlap[2:nrow(reps.overlap),], aes(x = .data$env.I, fill = "density", alpha = 0.5)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = reps.overlap[1,"env.I"], linetype = "longdash") +
    xlim(-.05,1.05) + guides(fill = "none", alpha = "none") + xlab("I, Environmental Space") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  env.cor.plot <- ggplot(reps.overlap[2:nrow(reps.overlap),], aes(x = .data$env.cor, fill = "density", alpha = 0.5)) +
    geom_histogram(binwidth = 0.05) +
    geom_vline(xintercept = reps.overlap[1,"env.cor"], linetype = "longdash") +
    xlim(-1.05,1.05) + guides(fill = "none", alpha = "none") + xlab("Rank Correlation, Environmental Space") +
    theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))

  output <- list(description = description,
                 reps.overlap = reps.overlap,
                 p.values = p.values,
                 empirical.species.1.model = empirical.species.1.model,
                 empirical.species.2.model = empirical.species.2.model,
                 replicate.models = replicate.models,
                 d.plot = d.plot,
                 i.plot = i.plot,
                 cor.plot = cor.plot,
                 env.d.plot = env.d.plot,
                 env.i.plot = env.i.plot,
                 env.cor.plot = env.cor.plot)

  class(output) <- "enmtools.background.test"



background.precheck <- function(species.1, species.2, env, type, f, nreps, test.type){

  if(!inherits(species.1, "enmtools.species")){
    stop("Species.1 is not an enmtools.species object!")

  if(!inherits(species.2, "enmtools.species")){
    stop("Species.2 is not an enmtools.species object!")

  if(!inherits(env, c("SpatRaster"))){
    stop("Environmental layers are not a SpatRaster object!")

  if(type == "glm"){
      if(!inherits(f, "formula")){
        stop("Type is set to GLM and f is not a formula object!")

  if(type == "gam"){
      if(!inherits(f, "formula")){
        stop("Type is set to GAM and f is not a formula object!")

  if(!type %in% c("glm", "mx", "bc", "dm", "gam", "rf")){
    stop(paste("Model type", type, "not understood! Select either bc, dm, mx, gam, rf, or glm."))


  if(!inherits(species.1$presence.points, "SpatVector")){
    stop("Species 1 presence.points do not appear to be an object of class SpatVector")

  if(!inherits(species.1$background.points, "SpatVector")){
    stop("Species 1 background.points do not appear to be an object of class SpatVector")


  if(!inherits(species.2$presence.points, "SpatVector")){
    stop("Species 2 presence.points do not appear to be an object of class SpatVector")

  if(!inherits(species.2$background.points, "SpatVector")){
    stop("Species 2 background.points do not appear to be an object of class SpatVector")

    stop("Species 1 does not have a species.name set!")

    stop("Species 2 does not have a species.name set!")


summary.enmtools.background.test <- function(object, ...){

  message(paste("\n\n", object$description))

  message("\n\nbackground test p-values:\n")




print.enmtools.background.test <- function(x, ...){



plot.enmtools.background.test <- function(x, ...){
  grid.arrange(x$d.plot, x$env.d.plot,
               x$i.plot, x$env.i.plot,
               x$cor.plot, x$env.cor.plot, ncol = 2) +
               theme(plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5))
danlwarren/ENMTools documentation built on Aug. 15, 2024, 11:26 p.m.