calcChromBinsRefSlow: Returns the distribution of query over a reference assembly...

View source: R/chrom-plots.R

calcChromBinsRefSlowR Documentation

Returns the distribution of query over a reference assembly Given a query set of elements (a GRanges object) and a reference assembly (*e.g. 'hg38'), this will aggregate and count the distribution of the query elements across bins of the reference genome. This is a helper function to create features for common genomes. It is a wrapper of calcChromBins, which is more general.


Returns the distribution of query over a reference assembly Given a query set of elements (a GRanges object) and a reference assembly (*e.g. 'hg38'), this will aggregate and count the distribution of the query elements across bins of the reference genome. This is a helper function to create features for common genomes. It is a wrapper of calcChromBins, which is more general.


calcChromBinsRefSlow(query, refAssembly, binCount = 3000)



A GenomicRanges or GenomicRangesList object with query regions


A character vector that will be used to grab chromosome sizes with getChromSizes


Number of bins to divide the chromosomes into


A data.table showing the distribution of regions across bins of the reference genome.


ChromBins = calcChromBinsRef(vistaEnhancers, "hg19")

databio/GenomicDistributions documentation built on April 30, 2024, 4:34 a.m.