
###   Author: David Champredon

#' Internal function. Calculate total prevalence when n>1 in a SEmInR model.
#' @param dat Dataframe of the simulation time series.
#' @return Dataframe with additional column.
calc.Iall <- function(dat)
	col.I <- which(grepl("I",names(dat)))
	if(length(col.I)>1) dat$Iall <- rowSums(dat[,col.I])
	if(length(col.I)==1) dat$Iall <- dat[,col.I]

#' Internal function. Calculate total exposed when m>1 in a SEmInR model.
#' @param dat Dataframe of the simulation time series.
#' @return Dataframe with additional column.
calc.Eall <- function(dat)
	col.I <- which(grepl("E",names(dat)))
	if(length(col.I)>1) dat$Eall <- rowSums(dat[,col.I])
	if(length(col.I)==1) dat$Eall <- dat[,col.I]

#' Internal function. Calculate total incidence when n>1 in a SEmInR model.
#' @param dat Dataframe of the simulation time series.
#' @return Dataframe with additional column.
calc.Jall <- function(dat)
	col.I <- which(grepl("J",names(dat)))
	if(length(col.I)>1) dat$Jall <- rowSums(dat[,col.I])
	if(length(col.I)==1) dat$Jall <- dat[,col.I]

#' Internal function. Simulate a SEmInR model.
#' @param t Numerical vector. Simulation times.
#' @param x Numerical named vector. Initial states.
#' @param parms Numerical named vector. Parameters of the SEmInR model
#' @return Dataframe of time series for states and probabilities.
SEmInR.FX <- function(t, x, parms)
	### (Code based on Ben Bolker's)
	with(c(as.list(parms),as.list(x)), {
		S = x[1]
		E = x[2:(nE+1)]
		I = x[(nE+2):(nE+nI+1)]  # prevalence
		R = x[nE+nI+2]
		Y = x[(nE+nI+3):(2*nE+nI+2)]  # proba to be in Ek
		J = x[(2*nE+nI+3):(2*nE+2*nI+2)] # proba to be in Ik
		Z = x[2*nE+2*nI+3]  # cumulative incidence
		sigma2=sigma*nE ## transition rate through E boxes
		gamma2=gamma*nI ## transition rate through I boxes
		infrate = beta*S*sum(I)
		dS = mu * (1  - S)
		dS = dS - infrate
		## Exposed
		if (nE>1) {
			dE = sigma2*(c(0,E[1:(nE-1)])-E)
		} else dE=-E*sigma
		dE[1] = dE[1] + infrate
		dE = dE - mu*E
		## Infected
		if (nI>1) {
			dI = gamma2*(c(0,I[1:(nI-1)])-I)
		} else dI=-I*gamma
		onset = sigma2*E[nE]
		dI[1] = dI[1]+onset
		dI = dI - mu*I
		recovery = gamma2*I[nI]
		## Recovered 
		dR = (1-f)*recovery - mu*R
		## Proba being in Ek
		if (nE>1) {
			dY = sigma2*(c(0,Y[1:(nE-1)])-Y)
		} else dY=-Y*sigma
		dY[1] = dY[1] + 0*infrate
		## Proba being in Ik
		if (nI>1) {
			dJ = gamma2*(c(0,J[1:(nI-1)])-J)
		} else dJ=-J*gamma
		onset.proba = sigma2*Y[nE]
		dJ[1] = dJ[1]+onset.proba
		dZ = infrate
		res=c(dS, dE, dI, dR, dY, dJ, dZ)
davidchampredon/GI documentation built on May 14, 2019, 11:08 p.m.