
Defines functions bwplot.formula bwplot.numeric bwplot stripplot.formula stripplot.numeric stripplot barchart.formula barchart.matrix barchart.array barchart.default barchart.table barchart.numeric barchart dotplot.formula dotplot.matrix dotplot.array dotplot.default dotplot.table dotplot.numeric dotplot panel.violin panel.bwplot panel.stripplot panel.dotplot panel.barchart prepanel.default.bwplot stackedRange

Documented in barchart barchart.array barchart.default barchart.formula barchart.matrix barchart.numeric barchart.table bwplot bwplot.formula bwplot.numeric dotplot dotplot.array dotplot.default dotplot.formula dotplot.matrix dotplot.numeric dotplot.table panel.barchart panel.bwplot panel.dotplot panel.stripplot panel.violin prepanel.default.bwplot stripplot stripplot.formula stripplot.numeric

### Copyright (C) 2001-2006 Deepayan Sarkar <Deepayan.Sarkar@R-project.org>
### This file is part of the lattice package for R.
### It is made available under the terms of the GNU General Public
### License, version 2, or at your option, any later version,
### incorporated herein by reference.
### This program is distributed in the hope that it will be
### useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
### PURPOSE.  See the GNU General Public License for more
### details.
### You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
### License along with this program; if not, write to the Free
### Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston,
### MA 02110-1301, USA

stackedRange <- function(X, INDEX)
    X[is.na(X)] <- 0 # missing values treated as 0
    pos <- if (any(ID <- (X > 0)))
               tapply(X[ID], INDEX[ID, drop = TRUE], sum, na.rm = TRUE)
           else 0
    neg <- if (any(ID <- (X < 0)))
               tapply(X[ID], INDEX[ID, drop = TRUE], sum, na.rm = TRUE)
           else 0
    range(pos, neg, finite = TRUE)

prepanel.default.bwplot <-
    function(x, y, 
             horizontal = TRUE, nlevels,
             origin = NULL, stack = FALSE,
    ## This function needs to work for all high level functions in the
    ## bwplot family, namely bwplot, dotplot, stripplot and
    ## barchart. For all but barchart, this is simply a question of
    ## getting the ranges. For stacked barcharts, things are slightly
    ## complicated: see stackedRange() above.

    if (any(!is.na(x) & !is.na(y)))
        if (horizontal)
            if (!is.factor(y)) ## y came from a shingle
                if (missing(nlevels)) nlevels <- length(unique(y))
                y <- factor(y, levels = 1:nlevels)
            list(xlim = if (stack) stackedRange(x, y) else scale_limits(c(x, origin)),
                 ylim = levels(y),
                 yat = sort(unique(as.numeric(y))),
                 dx = 1,
                 dy = 1)
            if (!is.factor(x)) ## x came from a shingle
                if (missing(nlevels)) nlevels <- length(unique(x))
                x <- factor(x, levels = 1:nlevels)
            list(xlim = levels(x),
                 xat = sort(unique(as.numeric(x))),
                 ylim = if (stack) stackedRange(y, x) else scale_limits(c(y, origin)),
                 dx = 1,
                 dy = 1)
    else prepanel.null()

panel.barchart <-
    function(x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width = box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio),
             horizontal = TRUE,
             origin = NULL, reference = TRUE,
             stack = FALSE,
             groups = NULL, 
             col = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$col else superpose.polygon$col,
             border = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$border else superpose.polygon$border,
             lty = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$lty else superpose.polygon$lty,
             lwd = if (is.null(groups)) plot.polygon$lwd else superpose.polygon$lwd,
             identifier = "barchart")
    plot.polygon <- trellis.par.get("plot.polygon")
    superpose.polygon <- trellis.par.get("superpose.polygon")
    reference.line <- trellis.par.get("reference.line")

    ## this function doesn't have a subscripts argument (which would
    ## have made barchart always pass the subscripts to the trellis
    ## object, which is unnecessary when groups = NULL).  To work
    ## around this, we have to do some things that may seem a bit odd

    keep <- 
        (function(x, y, groups, subscripts, ...) {
            !is.na(x) & !is.na(y) &
            if (is.null(groups)) TRUE
            else !is.na(groups[subscripts])
        })(x = x, y = y, groups = groups, ...)

    if (!any(keep)) return()
    x <- as.numeric(x[keep])
    y <- as.numeric(y[keep])

    if (!is.null(groups))
        groupSub <- function(groups, subscripts, ...)

        ## This is to make sure `levels' are calculated based on the
        ## whole groups vector and not just the values represented in
        ## this particular panel (which might make the key
        ## inconsistent and/or cause other problems)

        if (!is.factor(groups)) groups <- factor(groups)
        nvals <- nlevels(groups)
        groups <- as.numeric(groupSub(groups, ...))

    if (horizontal)
        ## No grouping
        if (is.null(groups))
            if (is.null(origin))
                origin <- current.panel.limits()$xlim[1]
                reference <- FALSE
            height <- box.width # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)
            if (reference)
                panel.abline(v = origin,
                             col = reference.line$col,
                             lty = reference.line$lty,
                             lwd = reference.line$lwd,
                             identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep = "."))

            panel.rect(x = rep(origin, length(y)),
                       y = y,
                       height = rep(height, length(y)),
                       width = x - origin,
                       border = border, col = col,
                       lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                       just = c("left", "centre"),
                       identifier = identifier)
        else if (stack) # grouped, with stacked bars
            if (!is.null(origin) && origin != 0)
                warning("'origin' forced to 0 for stacked bars")
##             vals <- seq_len(nlevels(groups))
##             groups <- as.numeric(groupSub(groups, ...))
##             ## vals <- sort(unique(groups))
##             nvals <- length(vals)

            col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
            border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
            lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
            lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)

            height <- # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio) by default
                rep(box.width, length.out = length(x))

            if (reference)
                panel.abline(v = origin,
                             col = reference.line$col,
                             lty = reference.line$lty,
                             lwd = reference.line$lwd,
                             identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep = "."))

            for (i in unique(y))
                ok <- y == i
                ord <- sort.list(groups[ok])
                pos <- x[ok][ord] > 0
                nok <- sum(pos, na.rm = TRUE)
                if (nok > 0)
                    panel.rect(x = cumsum(c(0, x[ok][ord][pos][-nok])),
                               y = rep(i, nok),
                               col = col[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               border = border[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               height = height[ok][ord][pos],
                               width = x[ok][ord][pos],
                               just = c("left", "centre"),
                               identifier = paste(identifier, "pos", i, sep = "."))
                neg <- x[ok][ord] < 0
                nok <- sum(neg, na.rm = TRUE)
                if (nok > 0)
                    panel.rect(x = cumsum(c(0, x[ok][ord][neg][-nok])),
                               y = rep(i, nok),
                               col = col[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               border = border[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               height = height[ok][ord][neg],
                               width = x[ok][ord][neg],
                               just = c("left", "centre"),
                               identifier = paste(identifier, "neg", i, sep = "."))
        else # grouped, with side by side bars
            if (is.null(origin))
                origin <- current.panel.limits()$xlim[1]
                reference <- FALSE
##             vals <- seq_len(nlevels(groups))
##             groups <- as.numeric(groupSub(groups, ...))
##             ## vals <- sort(unique(groups))
##             nvals <- length(vals)

            col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
            border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
            lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
            lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)

            height <- box.width / nvals # box.ratio/(1 + nvals * box.ratio)
            if (reference)
                panel.abline(v = origin,
                             col = reference.line$col,
                             lty = reference.line$lty,
                             lwd = reference.line$lwd,
                             identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep = "."))
            for (i in unique(y))
                ok <- y == i
                nok <- sum(ok, na.rm = TRUE)
                panel.rect(x = rep(origin, nok), 
                           y = (i + height * (groups[ok] - (nvals + 1)/2)),
                           col = col[groups[ok]],
                           border = border[groups[ok]],
                           lty = lty[groups[ok]],
                           lwd = lwd[groups[ok]],
                           height = rep(height, nok), # rep(height[i], nok),
                           width = x[ok] - origin,
                           just = c("left", "centre"),
                           identifier = paste(identifier, "y", i, sep = "."))

    else # if not horizontal
        ## No grouping
        if (is.null(groups))
            if (is.null(origin))
                origin <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[1]
                reference <- FALSE
            width <- box.width # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)

            if (reference)
                panel.abline(h = origin,
                             col = reference.line$col,
                             lty = reference.line$lty,
                             lwd = reference.line$lwd,
                             identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep = "."))

            panel.rect(x = x,
                       y = rep(origin, length(x)),
                       col = col, border = border,
                       lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                       width = rep(width, length(x)),
                       height = y - origin,
                       just = c("centre", "bottom"),
                       identifier = identifier)
        else if (stack) # grouped, with stacked bars
            if (!is.null(origin) && origin != 0)
                warning("'origin' forced to 0 for stacked bars")
            col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
            border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
            lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
            lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)

            width <- # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio) by default
                rep(box.width, length.out = length(y))

            if (reference)
                panel.abline(h = origin,
                             col = reference.line$col,
                             lty = reference.line$lty,
                             lwd = reference.line$lwd,
                             identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep = "."))

            for (i in unique(x))
                ok <- x == i
                ord <- sort.list(groups[ok])
                pos <- y[ok][ord] > 0
                nok <- sum(pos, na.rm = TRUE)
                if (nok > 0)
                    panel.rect(x = rep(i, nok),
                               y = cumsum(c(0, y[ok][ord][pos][-nok])),
                               col = col[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               border = border[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][pos]],
                               width = width[ok][ord][pos],
                               height = y[ok][ord][pos],
                               just = c("centre", "bottom"),
                               identifier = paste(identifier, "pos", i, sep = "."))
                neg <- y[ok][ord] < 0
                nok <- sum(neg, na.rm = TRUE)
                if (nok > 0)
                    panel.rect(x = rep(i, nok),
                               y = cumsum(c(0, y[ok][ord][neg][-nok])),
                               col = col[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               border = border[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               lty = lty[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               lwd = lwd[groups[ok][ord][neg]],
                               width = width[ok][ord][neg],
                               height = y[ok][ord][neg],
                               just = c("centre", "bottom"),
                               identifier = paste(identifier, "neg", i, sep = "."))
        else # grouped, with side by side bars
            if (is.null(origin))
                origin <- current.panel.limits()$ylim[1]
                reference = FALSE
            col <- rep(col, length.out = nvals)
            border <- rep(border, length.out = nvals)
            lty <- rep(lty, length.out = nvals)
            lwd <- rep(lwd, length.out = nvals)

            width <- box.width / nvals # box.ratio/(1 + nvals * box.ratio)
            if (reference)
                panel.abline(h = origin,
                             col = reference.line$col,
                             lty = reference.line$lty,
                             lwd = reference.line$lwd,
                             identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep = "."))
            for (i in unique(x))
                ok <- x == i
                nok <- sum(ok, na.rm = TRUE)
                panel.rect(x = (i + width * (groups[ok] - (nvals + 1)/2)),
                           y = rep(origin, nok), 
                           col = col[groups[ok]],
                           border = border[groups[ok]],
                           lty = lty[groups[ok]],
                           lwd = lwd[groups[ok]],
                           width = rep(width, nok),
                           height = y[ok] - origin,
                           just = c("centre", "bottom"),
                           identifier = paste(identifier, "x", i, sep = "."))

panel.dotplot <-
    function(x, y, horizontal = TRUE,
             pch = if (is.null(groups)) dot.symbol$pch else sup.symbol$pch,
             col = if (is.null(groups)) dot.symbol$col else sup.symbol$col,
             lty = dot.line$lty,
             lwd = dot.line$lwd,
             col.line = dot.line$col,
             levels.fos = if (horizontal) unique(y) else unique(x),
             groups = NULL,
             grid = lattice.getOption("default.args")$grid,
             identifier = "dotplot")
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    dot.line <- trellis.par.get("dot.line")
    dot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("dot.symbol")
    sup.symbol <- trellis.par.get("superpose.symbol")

    if (horizontal)
        if (!isFALSE(grid))
            if (!is.list(grid))
                grid <- if (isTRUE(grid)) list(h = 0, v = -1, x = x)
                        else list(h = 0, v = 0)
            do.call(panel.grid, grid)
        panel.abline(h = levels.fos,
                     col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                     identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep="."))
        panel.xyplot(x = x, y = y,
                     col = col, pch = pch,
                     ## lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                     groups = groups,
                     horizontal = horizontal, ...,
                     grid = FALSE,
                     identifier = identifier)
        if (!isFALSE(grid))
            if (!is.list(grid))
                grid <- if (isTRUE(grid)) list(h = -1, v = 0, y = y)
                        else list(h = 0, v = 0)
            do.call(panel.grid, grid)
        panel.abline(v = levels.fos,
                     col = col.line, lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                     identifier = paste(identifier, "abline", sep="."))
        panel.xyplot(x = x, y = y,
                     col = col, pch = pch,
                     ## lty = lty, lwd = lwd,
                     groups = groups,
                     horizontal = horizontal, ...,
                     grid = FALSE,
                     identifier = identifier)

panel.stripplot <-
    function(x, y, jitter.data = FALSE,
             factor = 0.5, amount = NULL,
             horizontal = TRUE, groups = NULL, ...,
             grid = lattice.getOption("default.args")$grid,
             identifier = "stripplot")
    if (!isFALSE(grid))
        if (!is.list(grid))
            grid <- switch(as.character(grid),
                           "TRUE" = list(h = -1, v = -1, x = x, y = y),
                           "h" = list(h = -1, v = 0, y = y),
                           "v" = list(h = 0, v = -1, x = x),
                           list(h = 0, v = 0))
        do.call(panel.grid, grid)
    if (!any(is.finite(x) & is.finite(y))) return()
    panel.xyplot(x = x,
                 y = y,
                 jitter.x = jitter.data && !horizontal,
                 jitter.y = jitter.data &&  horizontal,
                 factor = factor, amount = amount,
                 groups = groups,
                 horizontal = horizontal, ...,
                 grid = FALSE,
                 identifier = identifier)

## version that supports notches (based on patch from Mike Kay)

panel.bwplot <-
    function(x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width = box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio),
             horizontal = TRUE,
             pch = box.dot$pch,
             col = box.dot$col,
             alpha = box.dot$alpha,
             cex = box.dot$cex,
             font = box.dot$font,
             fontfamily = box.dot$fontfamily,
             fontface = box.dot$fontface,
             fill = box.rectangle$fill,
             varwidth = FALSE,
             notch = FALSE,
             notch.frac = 0.5,
             levels.fos = if (horizontal) sort(unique(y)) else sort(unique(x)),
             stats = boxplot.stats,
             coef = 1.5, do.out = TRUE,
             identifier = "bwplot")
    if (all(is.na(x) | is.na(y))) return()
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    box.dot <- trellis.par.get("box.dot")
    box.rectangle <- trellis.par.get("box.rectangle")
    box.umbrella <- trellis.par.get("box.umbrella")
    plot.symbol <- trellis.par.get("plot.symbol")

    fontsize.points <- trellis.par.get("fontsize")$points
    ## cur.limits <- current.panel.limits()
    ## xscale <- cur.limits$xlim
    ## yscale <- cur.limits$ylim

    if (!notch) notch.frac <- 0

    if (horizontal)
        blist <-
            tapply(x, factor(y, levels = levels.fos),
                   coef = coef,
                   do.out = do.out)
        blist.stats <- t(sapply(blist, "[[", "stats"))
        blist.out <- lapply(blist, "[[", "out")
        blist.height <- box.width # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)
        if (varwidth)
            maxn <- max(table(y))
            blist.n <- sapply(blist, "[[", "n")
            blist.height <- sqrt(blist.n / maxn) * blist.height

        ## start of major changes to support notches
        blist.conf <-
            if (notch)
                t(sapply(blist, "[[", "conf"))
                blist.stats[ , c(2,4), drop = FALSE]

        xbnd <- cbind(blist.stats[, 3], blist.conf[, 2],
                      blist.stats[, 4], blist.stats[, 4],
                      blist.conf[, 2], blist.stats[, 3],
                      blist.conf[, 1], blist.stats[, 2],
                      blist.stats[, 2], blist.conf[, 1],
                      blist.stats[, 3])
        ytop <- levels.fos + blist.height / 2
        ybot <- levels.fos - blist.height / 2
        ybnd <- cbind(ytop - notch.frac * blist.height / 2,
                      ytop, ytop, ybot, ybot,
                      ybot + notch.frac * blist.height / 2,
                      ybot, ybot, ytop, ytop,
                      ytop - notch.frac * blist.height / 2)
        ## xs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(xbnd) * 2, ncol = ncol(xbnd))
        ## ys <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(xbnd) * 2, ncol = ncol(xbnd))
        ## xs[seq(along.with = levels.fos, by = 2), ] <- xbnd[seq(along.with = levels.fos), ]
        ## ys[seq(along.with = levels.fos, by = 2), ] <- ybnd[seq(along.with = levels.fos), ]

        ## box

        ## append NA-s to demarcate between boxes
        xs <- cbind(xbnd, NA_real_)
        ys <- cbind(ybnd, NA_real_)

        panel.polygon(t(xs), t(ys),
                      lwd = box.rectangle$lwd,
                      lty = box.rectangle$lty,
                      col = fill,
                      alpha = box.rectangle$alpha,
                      border = box.rectangle$col,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "box", sep="."))
        ## end of major changes to support notches

        ## whiskers

        panel.segments(c(blist.stats[, 2], blist.stats[, 4]),
                       rep(levels.fos, 2),
                       c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
                       rep(levels.fos, 2),
                       col = box.umbrella$col,
                       alpha = box.umbrella$alpha,
                       lwd = box.umbrella$lwd,
                       lty = box.umbrella$lty,
                       identifier = paste(identifier, "whisker", sep="."))
        panel.segments(c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
                       levels.fos - blist.height / 2,
                       c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
                       levels.fos + blist.height / 2,
                       col = box.umbrella$col,
                       alpha = box.umbrella$alpha,
                       lwd = box.umbrella$lwd,
                       lty = box.umbrella$lty,
                       identifier = paste(identifier, "cap", sep="."))

        ## dot

        if (all(!is.na(pch) & pch == "|"))
            mult <- if (notch) 1 - notch.frac else 1
            panel.segments(blist.stats[, 3],
                           levels.fos - mult * blist.height / 2,
                           blist.stats[, 3],
                           levels.fos + mult * blist.height / 2,
                           lwd = box.rectangle$lwd,
                           lty = box.rectangle$lty,
                           col = box.rectangle$col,
                           alpha = alpha,
                           identifier = paste(identifier, "dot", sep="."))
            panel.points(x = blist.stats[, 3],
                         y = levels.fos,
                         pch = pch,
                         col = col, alpha = alpha, cex = cex,
                         fontfamily = fontfamily,
                         fontface = chooseFace(fontface, font),
                         fontsize = fontsize.points,
                         identifier = paste(identifier, "dot", sep="."))

        ## outliers

        panel.points(x = unlist(blist.out),
                     y = rep(levels.fos, sapply(blist.out, length)),
                     pch = plot.symbol$pch,
                     col = plot.symbol$col,
                     alpha = plot.symbol$alpha,
                     cex = plot.symbol$cex,
                     fontfamily = plot.symbol$fontfamily,
                     fontface = chooseFace(plot.symbol$fontface, plot.symbol$font),
                     fontsize = fontsize.points,
                     identifier = paste(identifier, "outlier", sep="."))
        blist <-
            tapply(y, factor(x, levels = levels.fos),
                   coef = coef,
                   do.out = do.out)
        blist.stats <- t(sapply(blist, "[[", "stats"))
        blist.out <- lapply(blist, "[[", "out")
        blist.height <- box.width # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)
        if (varwidth)
            maxn <- max(table(x))
            blist.n <- sapply(blist, "[[", "n")
            blist.height <- sqrt(blist.n / maxn) * blist.height

        blist.conf <-
            if (notch)
                sapply(blist, "[[", "conf")
                t(blist.stats[ , c(2,4), drop = FALSE])

        ybnd <- cbind(blist.stats[, 3], blist.conf[2, ],
                      blist.stats[, 4], blist.stats[, 4],
                      blist.conf[2, ], blist.stats[, 3],
                      blist.conf[1, ], blist.stats[, 2],
                      blist.stats[, 2], blist.conf[1, ],
                      blist.stats[, 3])
        xleft <- levels.fos - blist.height / 2
        xright <- levels.fos + blist.height / 2
        xbnd <- cbind(xleft + notch.frac * blist.height / 2,
                      xleft, xleft, xright, xright,
                      xright - notch.frac * blist.height / 2,
                      xright, xright, xleft, xleft,
                      xleft + notch.frac * blist.height / 2)
        ## xs <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(xbnd) * 2, ncol = ncol(xbnd))
        ## ys <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = nrow(xbnd) * 2, ncol = ncol(xbnd))
        ## xs[seq(along.with = levels.fos, by = 2), ] <- xbnd[seq(along.with = levels.fos), ]
        ## ys[seq(along.with = levels.fos, by = 2), ] <- ybnd[seq(along.with = levels.fos), ]

        ## box

        ## append NA-s to demarcate between boxes
        xs <- cbind(xbnd, NA_real_)
        ys <- cbind(ybnd, NA_real_)

        panel.polygon(t(xs), t(ys),
                      lwd = box.rectangle$lwd,
                      lty = box.rectangle$lty,
                      col = fill,
                      alpha = box.rectangle$alpha,
                      border = box.rectangle$col,
                      identifier = paste(identifier, "box", sep="."))

        ## whiskers

        panel.segments(rep(levels.fos, 2),
                       c(blist.stats[, 2], blist.stats[, 4]),
                       rep(levels.fos, 2),
                       c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
                       col = box.umbrella$col,
                       alpha = box.umbrella$alpha,
                       lwd = box.umbrella$lwd,
                       lty = box.umbrella$lty,
                       identifier = paste(identifier, "whisker", sep="."))

        panel.segments(levels.fos - blist.height / 2,
                       c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
                       levels.fos + blist.height / 2,
                       c(blist.stats[, 1], blist.stats[, 5]),
                       col = box.umbrella$col,
                       alpha = box.umbrella$alpha,
                       lwd = box.umbrella$lwd,
                       lty = box.umbrella$lty,
                       identifier = paste(identifier, "cap", sep="."))

        ## dot

        if (all(!is.na(pch) & pch == "|"))
            mult <- if (notch) 1 - notch.frac else 1
            panel.segments(levels.fos - mult * blist.height / 2,
                           blist.stats[, 3],
                           levels.fos + mult * blist.height / 2,
                           blist.stats[, 3],
                           lwd = box.rectangle$lwd,
                           lty = box.rectangle$lty,
                           col = box.rectangle$col,
                           alpha = alpha,
                           identifier = paste(identifier, "dot", sep="."))
            panel.points(x = levels.fos,
                         y = blist.stats[, 3],
                         pch = pch,
                         col = col, alpha = alpha, cex = cex,
                         fontfamily = fontfamily,
                         fontface = chooseFace(fontface, font),
                         fontsize = fontsize.points,
                         identifier = paste(identifier, "dot", sep="."))

        ## outliers

        panel.points(x = rep(levels.fos, sapply(blist.out, length)),
                     y = unlist(blist.out),
                     pch = plot.symbol$pch,
                     col = plot.symbol$col,
                     alpha = plot.symbol$alpha,
                     cex = plot.symbol$cex,
                     fontfamily = plot.symbol$fontfamily,
                     fontface = chooseFace(plot.symbol$fontface, plot.symbol$font),
                     fontsize = fontsize.points,
                     identifier = paste(identifier, "outlier", sep="."))

panel.violin <-
    function(x, y, box.ratio = 1, box.width = box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio),
             horizontal = TRUE,

             alpha = plot.polygon$alpha,
             border = plot.polygon$border,
             lty = plot.polygon$lty,
             lwd = plot.polygon$lwd,
             col = plot.polygon$col,

             varwidth = FALSE,

             bw = NULL,
             adjust = NULL,
             kernel = NULL,
             window = NULL,
             width = NULL,
             n = 50,
             from = NULL,
             to = NULL,
             cut = NULL,
             na.rm = TRUE,
             identifier = "violin")
    if (all(is.na(x) | is.na(y))) return()
    x <- as.numeric(x)
    y <- as.numeric(y)

    ##reference.line <- trellis.par.get("reference.line")
    plot.polygon <- trellis.par.get("plot.polygon")

    ## density doesn't handle unrecognized arguments (not even to
    ## ignore it).  A tedious but effective way to handle that is to
    ## have all arguments to density be formal arguments to this panel
    ## function, as follows:

    darg <- list()
    darg$bw <- bw
    darg$adjust <- adjust
    darg$kernel <- kernel
    darg$window <- window
    darg$width <- width
    darg$n <- n
    darg$from <- from
    darg$to <- to
    darg$cut <- cut
    darg$na.rm <- na.rm

    .density <- function(x, density.args) {
        if (stats::sd(x, na.rm = TRUE) > 0)
            do.call(stats::density, c(list(x = x), density.args))
            list(x = rep(x[1], 3), y = c(0, 1, 0))
    numeric.list <- if (horizontal) split(x, factor(y)) else split(y, factor(x))
    # Recycle arguments
    # Add index to ensure that arguments are multiple of number of groups
    darg$index <- seq_along(numeric.list)
    darg <- tryCatch({
        do.call(data.frame, darg)
    }, error = function(e) {
        darg$index <- NULL
        stop(gettextf("length of '%s' must be  1 or multiple of group length (%d)",
                      paste0(names(darg), collapse = ', '),
    darg$index <- NULL

    levels.fos <- as.numeric(names(numeric.list))
    d.list <- lapply(seq_along(numeric.list), function(i) {
        .density(numeric.list[[i]], darg[i, ])
    ## n.list <- sapply(numeric.list, length)  UNNECESSARY
    dx.list <- lapply(d.list, "[[", "x")
    dy.list <- lapply(d.list, "[[", "y")

    max.d <- sapply(dy.list, max)
    if (varwidth) max.d[] <- max(max.d)

    # Plot arguments either 1 or multiple of number of groups
    plot.arg <- list()
    plot.arg$alpha <- alpha
    # Map fill = col, col = border for gpar call
    plot.arg$fill <- col
    plot.arg$col <- border
    plot.arg$lty <- lty
    plot.arg$lwd <- lwd

    plot.arg$index <- seq_along(numeric.list)

    plot.arg <- tryCatch({
      do.call(data.frame, plot.arg)
      }, error = function(e) {
        plot.arg$index <- NULL
        stop(sprintf('%s must be length 1 or a vector of 
             length multiple of group length (%d)',
                     paste0(names(plot.arg), collapse = ', '),
    plot.arg$index <- NULL

    cur.limits <- current.panel.limits()
    xscale <- cur.limits$xlim
    yscale <- cur.limits$ylim
    height <- box.width # box.ratio / (1 + box.ratio)

    if (hasGroupNumber())
        group <- list(...)$group.number
        group <- 0

    if (horizontal)
        for (i in seq_along(levels.fos))
            if (is.finite(max.d[i]))
                pushViewport(viewport(y = unit(levels.fos[i], "native"),
                                      height = unit(height, "native"),
                                      yscale = c(max.d[i] * c(-1, 1)),
                                      xscale = xscale))
                grid.polygon(x = c(dx.list[[i]], rev(dx.list[[i]])),
                             y = c(dy.list[[i]], -rev(dy.list[[i]])),
                             default.units = "native",
                             name = trellis.grobname(identifier,
                               type = "panel", group = group),
                             gp = do.call(gpar, plot.arg[i, ]))
        for (i in seq_along(levels.fos))
            if (is.finite(max.d[i]))
                pushViewport(viewport(x = unit(levels.fos[i], "native"),
                                      width = unit(height, "native"),
                                      xscale = c(max.d[i] * c(-1, 1)),
                                      yscale = yscale))
                grid.polygon(y = c(dx.list[[i]], rev(dx.list[[i]])),
                             x = c(dy.list[[i]], -rev(dy.list[[i]])),
                             default.units = "native",
                             name = trellis.grobname(identifier,
                               type = "panel", group = group),
                             gp = do.call(gpar, plot.arg[i, ]))

### dotplot, barchart and stripplot: essentially wrappers to bwplot

dotplot <- function(x, data, ...) UseMethod("dotplot")

## dotplot.numeric <-
##     function(formula, data = NULL, xlab = deparse(substitute(formula)), ...)
## {
##     ## old version:
##     ## nm <- deparse(substitute(formula))
##     ## formula <- as.formula(paste("~", nm))
##     ## or formula <- eval(substitute(~foo, list(foo = substitute(formula))))
##     ## both have the problem that they don't evaluate the formula

## this last attempt had problems with evaluations
## (e.g. dotplot(x, groups = a):

##     if (!missing(data))
##         warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
##     dotplot(~x, data = list(x = formula),
##             xlab = xlab,
##             ...)
## }

dotplot.numeric <-
    function(x, data = NULL, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)
    ccall <- match.call()
    if (!is.null(ccall$data)) 
        warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    ccall$data <- environment() # list(x = x)
    ccall$xlab <- xlab
    ccall$x <- ~x
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::dotplot)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

dotplot.table <-
    function(x, data = NULL, groups = TRUE,
             ..., horizontal = TRUE)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)
    if (!is.null(data)) warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    data <- as.data.frame(x)
    nms <- names(data)
    freq <- which(nms == "Freq")
    nms <- nms[-freq]
    form <- ## WAS paste(nms[1], "Freq", sep = "~")
        sprintf(if (horizontal) "%s ~ Freq" else "Freq ~ %s", nms[1])
    nms <- nms[-1]
    len <- length(nms)
    if (is.logical(groups) && groups && len > 0)
        groups <- as.name(nms[len])
        nms <- nms[-len]
        len <- length(nms)
    else groups <- NULL
    if (len > 0)
        rest <- paste(nms, collapse = "+")
        form <- paste(form, rest, sep = "|")
    modifyList(dotplot(as.formula(form), data,
                       groups = eval(groups),
               list(call = ocall))

dotplot.default <- function(x, data = NULL, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)
    modifyList(dotplot(table(x), data, ...), list(call = ocall))

dotplot.array <- function(x, data = NULL, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)
    modifyList(dotplot(as.table(x), data, ...), list(call = ocall))

dotplot.matrix <- function(x, data = NULL, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)
    modifyList(dotplot(as.table(x), data, ...), list(call = ocall))

dotplot.formula <-
             data = NULL,
             panel = lattice.getOption("panel.dotplot"),
             default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.dotplot"),
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(dotplot)
    ccall <- match.call()
    ccall$data <- data
    ccall$panel <- panel
    ccall$default.prepanel <- default.prepanel
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::bwplot)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

barchart <- function(x, data, ...) UseMethod("barchart")

barchart.numeric <-
    function(x, data = NULL, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
    ccall <- match.call()
    if (!is.null(ccall$data)) 
        warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    ccall$data <- environment() # list(x = x)
    ccall$xlab <- xlab
    ccall$x <- ~x
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::barchart)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

barchart.table <-
    function(x, data = NULL, groups = TRUE,
             origin = 0, stack = TRUE, ..., horizontal = TRUE)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
    if (!is.null(data)) warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    data <- as.data.frame(x)
    nms <- names(data)
    freq <- which(nms == "Freq")
    nms <- nms[-freq]
    form <- ## WAS paste(nms[1], "Freq", sep = "~")
        sprintf(if (horizontal) "%s ~ Freq" else "Freq ~ %s", nms[1])
    nms <- nms[-1]
    len <- length(nms)
    if (is.logical(groups) && groups && len > 0)
        groups <- as.name(nms[len])
        nms <- nms[-len]
        len <- length(nms)
    else groups <- NULL
    if (len > 0)
        rest <- paste(nms, collapse = "+")
        form <- paste(form, rest, sep = "|")
    modifyList(barchart(as.formula(form), data,
                        groups = eval(groups),
                        ##groups = groups,
                        origin = origin, stack = stack, 
               list(call = ocall))

barchart.default <- function(x, data = NULL, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
    modifyList(barchart(table(x), data, ...), list(call = ocall))

barchart.array <- function(x, data = NULL, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
    modifyList(barchart(as.table(x), data, ...), list(call = ocall))

barchart.matrix <- function(x, data = NULL, ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
    modifyList(barchart(as.table(x), data, ...), list(call = ocall))

barchart.formula <-
             data = NULL,
             panel = lattice.getOption("panel.barchart"),
             default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.barchart"),
             box.ratio = 2, 
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(barchart)
    ccall <- match.call()
    ccall$data <- data
    ccall$panel <- panel
    ccall$default.prepanel <- default.prepanel
    ccall$box.ratio <- box.ratio
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::bwplot)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

stripplot <- function(x, data, ...)  UseMethod("stripplot")

stripplot.numeric <-
    function(x, data = NULL, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(stripplot)
    ccall <- match.call()
    if (!is.null(ccall$data)) 
        warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    ccall$data <- environment() # list(x = x)
    ccall$xlab <- xlab
    ccall$x <- ~x
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::stripplot)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

stripplot.formula <-
             data = NULL,
             panel = lattice.getOption("panel.stripplot"),
             default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.stripplot"),
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(stripplot)
    ccall <- match.call()
    ccall$data <- data
    ccall$panel <- panel
    ccall$default.prepanel <- default.prepanel
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::bwplot)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

### bwplot (the workhorse)

bwplot <- function(x, data, ...) UseMethod("bwplot")

bwplot.numeric <-
    function(x, data = NULL, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ...)
    ocall <- sys.call(); ocall[[1]] <- quote(bwplot)
    ccall <- match.call()
    if (!is.null(ccall$data)) 
        warning("explicit 'data' specification ignored")
    ccall$data <- environment() # list(x = x)
    ccall$xlab <- xlab
    ccall$x <- ~x
    ccall[[1]] <- quote(lattice::bwplot)
    ans <- eval.parent(ccall)
    ans$call <- ocall

bwplot.formula <-
             data = NULL,
             allow.multiple = is.null(groups) || outer,
             outer = FALSE,
             auto.key = lattice.getOption("default.args")$auto.key,
             aspect = "fill",
             panel = lattice.getOption("panel.bwplot"),
             prepanel = NULL,
             scales = list(),
             strip = TRUE,
             groups = NULL,
             box.ratio = 1,
             horizontal = NULL,
             drop.unused.levels = lattice.getOption("drop.unused.levels"),
             lattice.options = NULL,
             default.scales =
                 if (horizontal) list(y = list(tck = 0, alternating = FALSE, rot = 0))
                 else list(x = list(tck = 0, alternating = FALSE)),
             default.prepanel = lattice.getOption("prepanel.default.bwplot"),
             subscripts = !is.null(groups),
             subset = TRUE)
    formula <- x
    dots <- list(...)
    groups <- eval(substitute(groups), data, environment(formula))
    subset <- eval(substitute(subset), data, environment(formula))
    if (!is.null(lattice.options))
        oopt <- lattice.options(lattice.options)
        on.exit(lattice.options(oopt), add = TRUE)

    ## step 0: hack to get appropriate legend with auto.key = TRUE in
    ## barchart (default panel only).  The usual default in bwplot is
    ## appropriate for dotplot and stripplot (groups is usually not
    ## meaningful in bwplot itself).

    is.standard.barchart <- is.character(panel) && panel == "panel.barchart"

    ## Step 1: Evaluate x, y, etc. and do some preprocessing

    form <-
        latticeParseFormula(formula, data, subset = subset,
                            groups = groups, multiple = allow.multiple,
                            outer = outer, subscripts = TRUE,
                            drop = drop.unused.levels)
    groups <- form$groups

    if (!is.function(panel)) panel <- eval(panel)
    if (!is.function(strip)) strip <- eval(strip)

    if ("subscripts" %in% names(formals(panel))) subscripts <- TRUE
    if (subscripts) subscr <- form$subscr
    cond <- form$condition
    x <- form$right
    y <- form$left
    if (is.null(y))
        y <- rep(if (is.null(names(x))) '' else names(x), length.out = length(x))
        y <- factor(y, levels = unique(y))
    if (length(cond) == 0)
        strip <- FALSE
        cond <- list(gl(1, length(x)))
    if (is.null(horizontal))
        horizontal <-
            if ((is.factor(x) || is.shingle(x) || is.character(x)) && is.numeric(y)) FALSE
            else TRUE
    if (horizontal)
##         if (!(is.numeric(x)))
##         {
##             warning("x should be numeric")
##         }
        y <- as.factorOrShingle(y)
        is.f.y <- is.factor(y)  # used throughout the rest of the code
        num.l.y <- nlevels(y)
        if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- form$right.name
        if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- if (is.f.y) NULL else form$left.name
##         if (!(is.numeric(y)))
##         {
##             warning("y should be numeric")
##         }
        x <- as.factorOrShingle(x)
        is.f.x <- is.factor(x)  # used throughout the rest of the code
        num.l.x <- nlevels(x)
        if (missing(ylab)) ylab <- form$left.name
        if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- if (is.f.x) NULL else form$right.name

    ## create a skeleton trellis object with the
    ## less complicated components:

    foo <-
                c(list(formula = formula,
                       cond = cond,
                       aspect = aspect,
                       strip = strip,
                       panel = panel,
                       xlab = xlab,
                       ylab = ylab,
                       xlab.default = form$right.name,
                       ylab.default = form$left.name,
                       lattice.options = lattice.options), dots),
                quote = TRUE)

    dots <- foo$dots # arguments not processed by trellis.skeleton
    foo <- foo$foo
    foo$call <- sys.call(); foo$call[[1]] <- quote(bwplot)

    ## Step 2: Compute scales.common (leaving out limits for now)

    if (is.character(scales)) scales <- list(relation = scales)
    scales <- updateList(default.scales, scales)
    foo <- c(foo, do.call(construct.scales, scales))

    ## Step 3: Decide if limits were specified in call:

    have.xlim <- !missing(xlim)
    if (!is.null(foo$x.scales$limits))
        have.xlim <- TRUE
        xlim <- foo$x.scales$limits
    have.ylim <- !missing(ylim)
    if (!is.null(foo$y.scales$limits))
        have.ylim <- TRUE
        ylim <- foo$y.scales$limits

    ## Step 4: Decide if log scales are being used:

    have.xlog <- !is.logical(foo$x.scales$log) || foo$x.scales$log
    have.ylog <- !is.logical(foo$y.scales$log) || foo$y.scales$log
    if (have.xlog) {
        xlog <- foo$x.scales$log
        xbase <-
            if (is.logical(xlog)) 10
            else if (is.numeric(xlog)) xlog
            else if (xlog == "e") exp(1)

        x <- log(x, xbase)
        if (have.xlim) xlim <- logLimits(xlim, xbase)
    if (have.ylog) {
        ## warning("Are you sure you want log scale for y ?")
        ylog <- foo$y.scales$log
        ybase <-
            if (is.logical(ylog)) 10
            else if (is.numeric(ylog)) ylog
            else if (ylog == "e") exp(1)

        y <- log(y, ybase)
        if (have.ylim) ylim <- logLimits(ylim, ybase)
    ## Step 5: Process cond

    cond.max.level <- unlist(lapply(cond, nlevels))

    ## Step 6: Determine packets

    foo$panel.args.common <- dots
    foo$panel.args.common$box.ratio <- box.ratio
    foo$panel.args.common$horizontal <- horizontal
    if (subscripts) foo$panel.args.common$groups <- groups

    ## only used if shingle, important if some levels are missing
    if (horizontal)
        if (!is.f.y) ## y shingle
            foo$panel.args.common$nlevels <- num.l.y
        if (!is.f.x) ## x shingle
            foo$panel.args.common$nlevels <- num.l.x

    npackets <- prod(cond.max.level)
    if (npackets != prod(sapply(foo$condlevels, length))) 
        stop("mismatch in number of packets")
    foo$panel.args <- vector(mode = "list", length = npackets)

    foo$packet.sizes <- numeric(npackets)
    if (npackets > 1)
        dim(foo$packet.sizes) <- sapply(foo$condlevels, length)
        dimnames(foo$packet.sizes) <- lapply(foo$condlevels, as.character)

    cond.current.level <- rep(1, length(cond))

    for (packet.number in seq_len(npackets))
        id <- compute.packet(cond, cond.current.level)
        foo$packet.sizes[packet.number] <- sum(id)

        if (horizontal)
            if (is.f.y)
                foo$panel.args[[packet.number]] <-
                    list(x = x[id],
                         y = y[id])
                if (subscripts)
                    foo$panel.args[[packet.number]]$subscripts <-
            else  # shingle
                panel.x <- numeric(0)
                panel.y <- numeric(0)
                if (subscripts) panel.subscr <- numeric(0)
                for (k in seq_len(num.l.y))
                    tid <- id & (y >= levels(y)[[k]][1]) & (y <= levels(y)[[k]][2])
                    panel.x <- c(panel.x, x[tid])
                    panel.y <- c(panel.y, rep(k,length(tid[tid])))
                    if (subscripts) panel.subscr <- c(panel.subscr, subscr[tid])
                foo$panel.args[[packet.number]] <-
                    list(x = panel.x,
                         y = panel.y)
                if (subscripts)
                    foo$panel.args[[packet.number]]$subscripts <-
            if (is.f.x)
                foo$panel.args[[packet.number]] <-
                    list(x = x[id],
                         y = y[id])
                if (subscripts)
                    foo$panel.args[[packet.number]]$subscripts <-
            else   # shingle
                panel.x <- numeric(0)
                panel.y <- numeric(0)
                if (subscripts) panel.subscr <- numeric(0)
                for (k in seq_len(num.l.x))
                    tid <- id & (x >= levels(x)[[k]][1]) & (x <= levels(x)[[k]][2])
                    panel.y <- c(panel.y, y[tid])
                    panel.x <- c(panel.x, rep(k,length(tid[tid])))
                    if (subscripts) panel.subscr <- c(panel.subscr, subscr[tid])
                foo$panel.args[[packet.number]] <-
                    list(x = panel.x,
                         y = panel.y)
                if (subscripts)
                    foo$panel.args[[packet.number]]$subscripts <-
        cond.current.level <-

    more.comp <-
                            prepanel = prepanel, 
                            have.xlim = have.xlim, xlim = xlim, 
                            have.ylim = have.ylim, ylim = ylim, 
                            x.relation = foo$x.scales$relation,
                            y.relation = foo$y.scales$relation,
                            panel.args.common = foo$panel.args.common,
                            panel.args = foo$panel.args,
                            aspect = aspect,
                            npackets = npackets,
                            x.axs = foo$x.scales$axs,
                            y.axs = foo$y.scales$axs),
    foo[names(more.comp)] <- more.comp

    if (is.null(foo$legend) && needAutoKey(auto.key, groups))
        foo$legend <-
            autoKeyLegend(list(text = levels(as.factor(groups)),
                               points = if (is.standard.barchart) FALSE else TRUE,
                               rectangles = if (is.standard.barchart) TRUE else FALSE,
                               lines = FALSE),
    class(foo) <- "trellis"
deepayan/lattice documentation built on April 28, 2024, 4:02 p.m.