alphablend | Perform alpha blending for pairs of RGBA colors. |
annot.outline | Compute outline vertex colors from annotation. |
annot.outline.border.vertices | Compute the border vertices for each region in an annot. | | Apply a label to morphometry data. | | Load a label from file and apply it to morphometry data. |
apply.transform | Apply matmult transformation to input. |
arrange.brainview.images | Combine several brainview images into a new figure. |
arrange.brainview.images.grid | Combine several brainview images as a grid into a new figure. |
boxcoords.from.bbox | Compute the coordinates of the 8 corners of a 3D box. |
brain | Create fsbrain instance from 2 coloredmeshes. |
brainviews | Show one or more views of the given meshes in rgl windows. | | Visualize a list of colored meshes from a single defined... | | Visualize a list of colored meshes from a single viewpoint,... | | Visualize a list of colored meshes, rotating the camera... |
brainview.t4 | Visualize a list of colored meshes from four angles. |
brainview.t9 | Visualize a list of colored meshes from nine angles. |
can.plot.colorbar | Determine whether colorbar can be plotted with given... |
can.plot.colorbar.from.coloredmeshes | Determine whether colorbar can be plotted with given... |
check.subjects.files | Report subjects missing files |
check.subjectslist | Check whether the subjects_list looks good, warn if not. | | Clip data at quantiles to remove outliers. |
clip_fun | Get data clipping function. |
cm.cbry | Get cyan blue red yellow colormap function. |
cm.div | Return the standard fsbrain diverging colormap. |
cm.heat | Return the standard fsbrain heat colormap. |
cm.qual | Return the standard fsbrain qualitative colormap. |
cm.seq | Return the standard fsbrain sequential colormap. | | Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer. | | Compute atlas or annotation surface color layer. | | Compute binarized mean curvature surface color layer. | | Compute binarized sulcal depth surface color layer. |
collayer.from.annot | Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data. |
collayer.from.annotdata | Compute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data. | | Compute surface color layer from morph-like data. | | Compute surface color layer from morph-like data. |
collayers.merge | Merge two or more color layers based on their transparency... | | Retrieve combined data range from hemilist of coloredmeshes. |
coloredmeshes.from.color | Create coloredmeshes for both hemis using pre-defined colors. | | Retrieve metadata from hemilist of coloredmeshes. |
coloredmesh.from.annot | Create a coloredmesh from an annotation of an atlas. |
coloredmesh.from.color | Create a coloredmesh from a mesh and pre-defined colors. |
coloredmesh.from.label | Create a coloredmesh from a label. |
coloredmesh.from.mask | Create a coloredmesh from a mask. |
coloredmesh.from.morphdata | Create a coloredmesh from arbitrary data. |
coloredmesh.from.morph.native | Create a coloredmesh from native space morphometry data. |
coloredmesh.from.morph.standard | Create a coloredmesh from standard space morphometry data. | | Generate coloredmesh from loaded data. |
coloredmesh.plot.colorbar.separate | Draw colorbar for coloredmeshes in separate 2D plot. |
colorlist.brain.clusters | Return diverging color list |
colors.are.grayscale | Check for the given color strings whether they represent gray... |
colors.have.transparency | Check for the given color strings whether they have... |
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.animation | Combine a colorbar and a brain animation in gif format into a... |
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.image | Combine a colorbar and a brainview image into a new figure. |
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.image.vertical | Combine a vertical colorbar and a brainview image into a new... |
common.makecmap.range | Get cmap and colorlayer from data and makecmap_options. |
constant.pervertexdata | Get vertex data for a single fs.surface or a hemilist of... |
cube3D.tris | Return triangles for a 3D cube or cuboid. |
cubes3D.tris | Vectorized version of cube3D.tris |
deepcopylist.long | Write deepcopy list for longitudinal subjects. |
deg2rad | Convert degree to radians |
delete_all_optional_data | Delete all data in the package cache. |
demo | Show demo visualization to test whether fsbrain is setup... | | Write FreeSurfer Group Descriptor (FSGD) file from... | | Convert a dataframe containing demographics data to a... |
desaturate | Perform simple desaturation or grayscale conversion of RGBA... |
download_fsaverage | Download the FreeSurfer v6 fsaverage subject. |
download_fsaverage3 | Download the FreeSurfer v6 low-resolution fsaverage3 subject. |
download_fsaverage6 | Download the FreeSurfer v6 fsaverage6 subject. |
download_optional_data | Download optional data for this package if required. |
download_optional_paper_data | Download extra data to reproduce the figures from the fsbrain... |
draw.colorbar | Draw colorbar into background of current plot. |
eeg_coords | Internal function to get some demo EEG electrode coordinates.... |
ensure.fs.surface | Check whether parameter is an fs.surface instance. |
ensure.tmesh3d | Ensure the mesh is a tmesh3d instance. Will convert... |
export | Export high-quality brainview image with a colorbar. |
export.coloredmesh.ply | Export a coloredmeshes with vertexcolors in PLY format. |
extend_neighbors | Recursive computation of neighborhoods, see surf.sphere.dist |
extract.volume.3D | Try to extract a 3D volume from the input argument. |
face.edges | Enumerate all edges of the given faces or mesh. |
find.freesurferhome | Find the FREESURFER_HOME directory on disk. |
find.subjectsdir.of | Find the subject directory containing the fsaverage subject... |
flc | Given a list of path coordinates, create matrix containing... | | Change data to ensure requested data_range. |
fsaverage.path | Return path to fsaverage dir. |
fsbrain.renderable | Check whether object can be rendered by fsbrain |
fsbrain.set.default.figsize | Set default figure size for fsbrain visualization functions. |
fs.coloredmesh | fs.coloredmesh constructor |
fs.home | Return FreeSurfer path. |
fslong.subjects.detect | Get subject names from sub directories of FreeSurfer long... |
fslong.subjects.finished | Find completely run FreeSurfer long subjects in a recon-all... | | Turn surface mesh into a igraph and return its adjacency list... | | Create igraph undirected graph from a brain surface mesh. | | Get an rgl tmesh3d instance from a brain surface mesh. |
fs.surface.vertex.neighbors | Compute vertex neighborhoods or the full adjacency list for a... |
fs.value.list.from.agg.res | Create a named value list from a dataframe. |
fup | Transform first character of a string to uppercase. |
gen.test.volume | Generate test 3D volume of integers. The volume has an outer... |
geodesic.average.distance | Compute the average (pseudo-) geodesic distance on the mesh... |
geodesic.ballstats | Compute geodesic ball area and perimeter at location defined... |
geodesic.circles | Compute geodesic circles and ball stats for given vertices. | | Simple internal wrapper around 'Rvcg::vcgDijkstra' with... |
geodesic.path | Compute geodesic path from a source vertex to one or more... |
geod.patches.color.overlay | Generate color overlay from geodesic patches around several... |
geod.patches.color.overlay.singlehemi | Generate color overlay from geodesic patches around several... |
geod.patches.pervertexdata | Generate per-vertex distance data from geodesic patches... |
geod.patches.pervertexdata.singlehemi | Generate per-vertex distance data from geodesic patches... |
geod.vert.neighborhood | Compute all vertices within given geodesic distance on the... |
get.atlas.region.names | Determine atlas region names from a subject. |
getIn | Retrieve values from nested named lists |
get_optional_data_filepath | Access a single file from the package cache by its file name. |
get.rglstyle | Get the default visualization style parameters as a named... |
get.rglstyle.default | Get the default visualization style parameters as a named... |
get.rglstyle.edges | Get the mesh edges visualization style parameters as a named... | | Get the glass visualization style parameters as a named list. |
get.rglstyle.glass2 | Get the glass2 visualization style parameters as a named... |
get.rglstyle.parameters | Produce the named list of style parameters from style... |
get.rglstyle.semitransparent | Get the semi-transparent visualization style parameters as a... |
get.rglstyle.shiny | Get a shiny visualization style. |
get.slice.indices | Compute slice indices from slice definition. |
get.subject.class | Construct FSGD Class name from group and non-continuous... |
get.view.angle.names | Get list of valid view angle names. |
group.agg.atlas.native | Aggregate native space morphometry data over brain atlas... |
group.agg.atlas.standard | Aggregate standard space morphometry data over brain atlas... |
group.annot | Load annotations for a group of subjects. |
group.concat.measures.native | Concatenate native space data for a group of subjects. |
group.concat.measures.standard | Concatenate standard space data for a group of subjects. | | Convert group 2D data (1 vector per subject) to 4D array... |
group.label | Retrieve label data for a group of subjects. |
group.label.from.annot | Extract a region from an atlas annotation as a label for a... |
group.morph.agg.native | Aggregate native space morphometry data over one hemisphere... |
group.morph.agg.standard | Aggregate standard space (fsaverage) morphometry data over... |
group.morph.agg.standard.vertex | Aggregate standard space morphometry data over subjects. |
group.morph.native | Retrieve native space morphometry data for a group of... |
groupmorph.split.hemilist | Split a per-vertex group data matrix for both hemispheres... |
group.morph.standard | Retrieve standard space morphometry data for a group of... |
group.morph.standard.sf | Read combined data for a group from a single file. |
group.multimorph.agg.native | Aggregate native space morphometry data for multiple measures... |
group.multimorph.agg.standard | Aggregate standard space (fsaverage) morphometry data for... |
group.surface | Retrieve surface mesh data for a group of subjects. |
handle.rglactions.highlight.points | Highlight requested points (if any), but apply given view... |
hasIn | Check for values in nested named lists |
hemilist | Create a hemilist from lh and rh data. |
hemilist.derive.hemi | Derive 'hemi' string from the data in a hemilist |
hemilist.from.prefixed.list | Create a hemilist from a named list with keys prefixed with... | | Get combined data of hemi list |
hemilist.unwrap | Unwrap hemi data from a named hemi list. |
hemilist.wrap | Wrap data into a named hemi list. |
hemi.lobe.labels | Compute lobe labels for a single hemi from aparc atlas. |
hemlist.ensure.contains | title Ensure an key for a hemilist exists. |
highlight.points.spheres | Draw small 3D spheres at given points. |
highlight.vertices.on.subject | Highlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by... |
highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheres | Highlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by... |
highlight.vertices.spheres | Draw small 3D spheres at given brain mesh vertices. Supports... |
hull.retain.along.axis | Copy the first *n* foreground voxel values. |
image.remap.color | Remap a color in an image, typically used to set the... |
images.annotate | Annotate image with text. |
images.dimmax | Compute max width and height of magick images. | | Rescale all images canvas to match the largest one. |
images.same.height | Extent all images to the height of the image with maximal... |
images.same.width | Extent all images to the width of the image with maximal... |
is.fsbrain | Check whether object is an fsbrain (S3) |
is.fs.coloredmesh | Check whether object is an fs.coloredmesh (S3) |
is.fs.coloredvoxels | Check whether object is an fs.coloredvoxels instance (S3) |
is.hemilist | Check whether x is a hemilist |
is.Triangles3D | Check whether object is a Triangles3D instance |
label.border | Compute border of a label. | | Compute border vertices of a label using Rvcg. |
label.colFn | A simple colormap function for binary colors. |
label.colFn.inv | A simple colormap function for binary colors. |
labeldata.from.mask | Create labeldata from a mask. |
label.from.annotdata | Extract a region from an annotation as a label. | | Merge several labels into an annotation |
limit_fun | Get data limiting function. |
limit_fun_na | Get data limiting function to NA. |
limit_fun_na_inside | Get data limiting function, setting values inside range to... |
list_optional_data | Get file names available in package cache. |
magick.grid | Arrange a multi-frame ImageMagick image into a grid. |
mask.from.labeldata.for.hemi | Create a binary mask from labels. |
mergehemi.annots | Merge the annotations from two hemispheres into one annot. |
mesh.vertex.included.faces | Return all faces which are made up completely of the listed... |
mesh.vertex.neighbors | Compute neighborhood of a vertex |
mkco.cluster | Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for diverging cluster... |
mkco.div | Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for diverging data. |
mkco.heat | Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for sequential data... |
mkco.seq | Return recommended 'makecmap_options' for sequential data. |
normalize | Normalize data. |
numverts.lh | Determine vertex count of left hemi from hemilist of surfaces... |
numverts.rh | Determine vertex count of right hemi from hemilist of... |
path.colors.from.orientation | Compute path color from its orientation. |
path.slopes | Compute slopes of paths relative to axes. | | Perform NA mapping for transparency |
perform.rglactions | Perform rglactions, like taking screenshots. |
per.hemi.vertex.indices | Transform surfaces indices which go over two surfaces to... |
pervertexdata.smoothgaussian | Perform Gaussian smoothing |
pervertexdata.smoothnn | Perform iterative nearest-neighbor smoothing of per-vertex... |
pervertexdata.smoothnn.compute.fwhm | Compute expected FWHM from given number of neighborhood... |
pervertexdata.smoothnn.compute.numiter | Compute number of neighborhood smoothing iterations to reach... |
plot.fsbrain.colorbar | Draw a simple colorbar from colors. |
pp.named.list | Pretty-print a named list or vector. |
principal.curvatures | Computes principal curvatures according to 2 definitions from... |
print.fsbrain | Print description of an fsbrain (S3). |
print.fs.coloredmesh | Print description of a brain coloredmesh (S3). |
print.fs.coloredvoxels | Print description of fs.coloredvoxels (S3). | | Perform data quality check based on computed region stats. |
qc.from.regionwise.df | Perform data quality check based on a dataframe containing... |
qc.from.segstats.table | Perform data quality check based on a segstats table. |
qc.from.segstats.tables | Perform data quality check based on a segstats table. |
qc.fslong.checkidenticaldata | Check whether subjects for FS longitudinal pipeline contain... | | Create visual quality check report from QC result. | | Visualize the number of outlier subjects per region in your... |
qdec.table.filter | Filter QDEC long table for subjects. |
qdec.table.skeleton | Generate skeleton dataframe for FreeSurfer QDEC long file... |
rad2deg | Convert raduians to degree |
ras2vox_tkr | The FreeSurfer default ras2vox_tkr matrix. |
read.colorcsv | Read colors from CSV file. | | Read demographics file | | Read subjects file | | Read subjects list from an FSGD file. |
recycle | Recycle parameters or whatever. | | Give suggestions for regions to ignore for an atlas. |
report.on.demographics | Print a demographics report |
rglactions | Create rglactions list, suitable to be passed as parameter to... |
rglactions.has.key | Check for a key in names of rglactions. |
rglactions.transform | Apply data transformation rglactions. |
rgl.coord.lines | Plot x, y and z axes in R,G,B. |
rglo | Get rgloptions and consider global options. |
rglot | Get rgloptions for testing. |
rglvoxels | Draw 3D boxes at locations using rgl. |
rotation.matrix.for.axis.rot | Get rotation matrix for a 3D rotation around an axis. |
scale01 | Scale given values to range 0..1. | | Scale given values to range 0..1. |
shape.descriptor.names | Get all shape descriptor names. |
shape.descriptors | Computes geometric curvature-based descriptors. |
shift.hemis.apart | Shift hemispheres apart. |
shift.hemis.rglactions | Shift hemis apart if indicated in rglactions |
sjd.demo | Download optional demo data if needed and return its path. |
sjld | Get subjects list from subjects.txt file in dir. | | Sort coloredmeshes into 2 lists by their 'hemi' property. |
sph2fs | Transform spherical coordinates to FreeSurfer surface space... |
spread.values.over.annot | Spread a single value for a region to all region vertices. |
spread.values.over.hemi | Spread the values in the region_value_list and return them... |
spread.values.over.subject | Spread the values in the region_value_list and return them... |
subject.annot | Load an annotation for a subject. |
subject.annot.border | Compute annot border vertices. |
subject.atlas.agg | Aggregate morphometry data over brain atlas regions for a... |
subject.descriptor.geodesic.average.distance | Compute mean geodesic distance descriptor for a subject. |
subject.filepath.any | Construct filepath of any freesurfer file. |
subject.filepath.morph.native | Construct filepath of native space morphometry data file. |
subject.filepath.morph.standard | Construct filepath of standard space morphometry data file. |
subject.label | Retrieve label data for a single subject. |
subject.label.from.annot | Extract a region from an atlas annotation as a label for a... |
subject.lobes | Load labels representing brain lobes. |
subject.mask | Compute a mask for a subject. |
subject.morph.native | Retrieve native space morphometry data for a single subject. |
subject.morph.standard | Retrieve standard space morphometry data for a single... |
subject.num.verts | Get subjects vertex count. | | Create visual quality check report from QC result. |
subject.surface | Load a surface for a subject. |
subject.volume | Read a brain volume. |
submesh.vertex | Create a submesh including only the given vertices. |
surface.curvatures | Compute the k1 and k2 principal curvatures of a mesh. |
surf.avg.vertexradius | Compute average distance from the origin to each vertex. | | Get pre-computed center for fsaverage white surface. | | Compute metric surface properties. |
surf.radius.fsaverage | Get pre-computed radius for fsaverage white surface. |
surf.sphere.dist | Compute vertex neighborhoods on a sphere based on the given... |
surf.sphere.gaussianweights | Compute Gaussian weights |
surf.sphere.spatialfilter | Apply spatial filter to surface data. |
surfs.props | Compute simple version of center and radius of 2 meshes. |
symmrange | Given data, compute symmetric range around zero. |
test.numerical.meandiff | Perform tests for group differences on paired or unpaired... |
test.numerical.meandiff.paired | Perform tests for group differences on paired data (repeated... |
test.numerical.meandiff.unpaired | Perform tests for group differences on unpaired data for two... | | Get an fs.surface brain mesh from an rgl tmesh3d instance. |
track.length | Compute the total length of a path given by the coordinates... | | Split morph data vector at hemisphere boundary. |
vertex.coords | Return coordinates for vertices, supporting entire brain via... |
vertex.hemis | Return the proper hemi string ('lh' or 'rh') for each vertex. |
vis.coloredmesh | Draw a coloredmesh using a style. |
vis.coloredmeshes | Visualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene. |
vis.coloredmeshes.rotating | Visualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene and... |
vis.color.on.subject | Visualize pre-defined vertex colors on a subject. |
vis.colortable.legend | Create a separate legend plot for a colortable or an... | | Visualize arbitrary data on the fsaverage template subject,... | | Visualize native space data on a group of subjects. | | Visualize standard space data for a group on template. | | Visualize arbitrary data on the surface of any subject. |
vis.dti.trk | Visualize DTI tracks from Diffusion Toolkit/TrackVis TRK... |
vis.export.from.coloredmeshes | Export high-quality brainview image with a colorbar. |
vis.fs.surface | Visualize fs.surface mesh | | Plot atlas annotations for a group of subjects. | | Plot coloredmeshes for a group of subjects. | | Plot native space morphometry data for a group of subjects. | | Plot standard space morphometry data for a group of subjects. |
vis.labeldata.on.subject | Visualize a label on the surface of a subject. |
vislayout.from.coloredmeshes | Visualize coloredmeshes from several angles and combine the... |
vis.mask.on.subject | Visualize a vertex mask on the surface of a subject. |
vis.path.along.verts | Draw a 3D line from vertex to vertex |
vis.paths | Visualize many paths. |
vis.paths.along.verts | Visualize several paths in different colors. |
vis.region.values.on.subject | Visualize arbitrary data, one value per atlas region, on the... |
vis.renderable | Visualize a renderable object |
vis.rotated.coloredmeshes | Rotate and visualize coloredmeshes, applying a style. |
vis.seg.legend | Plot legend for a brain volume segmentation based on... |
vis.subject.annot | Visualize an annotation for a subject. |
vis.subject.label | Visualize a binary label for a subject. |
vis.subject.morph.native | Visualize native space morphometry data for a subject. |
vis.subject.morph.standard | Visualize native space morphometry data for a subject or a... |
vis.subject.pre | Visualize pre-loaded data. | | Visualize clusters or activation data on the surface of any... | | Compute 3D bounding box of a volume. | | Apply a boundary box to a volume, returning the inner volume... |
vol.boundary.mask | Compute foreground pixels over the whole 3D imagestack. |
vol.hull | Retain only the outer hull voxels of the foreground. |
vol.imagestack | Turn volume into an ImageMagick image stack. | | Convert integer intensity image to RGB color string form. |
vol.mask.from.segmentation | Extract subset from a volume by value. |
vol.merge | Merge background volume and overlay to new colors. |
vol.overlay.colors.from.activation | Generate colors for a 3D volume, based on the activation data... |
vol.overlay.colors.from.colortable | Compute voxel colors based on colortable. |
vol.plane.axes | Get indices of the axes defining the given plane. |
vol.planes | Translate names and indices of planes. |
vol.slice | Extract a slice of a 3D image stack. |
volvis.contour | Visualize contour of a volume. | | Show continuous 3D voxel/volume data as a lightbox,... |
volvis.lightbox | Draw a lightbox view from volume slices. |
volvis.voxels | Voxel-based visualization of volume mask at surface RAS... | | Compute R voxel index for FreeSurfer CRS voxel index. |
vox2ras_tkr | The FreeSurfer default vox2ras_tkr matrix. |
wrapped.image.append | Wrapper around magick::image_append that allows specifying... | | Write standard space group data to a standard FreeSurfer... | | Write per-vertex standard space data for a group of subjects... | | Reshape and write combined per-vertex data for a group to a... | | Write single hemi per-vertex data for a group of subjects to... |
write.region.aggregated | Write data aggregated over regions to morphometry file for... |
write.region.values | Write one value per atlas region for a subject. |
write.region.values.fsaverage | Write one value per atlas region for a template subject. |
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