Man pages for dfsp-spirit/fsbrain
Managing and Visualizing Brain Surface Data

alphablendPerform alpha blending for pairs of RGBA colors.
annot.outlineCompute outline vertex colors from annotation.
annot.outline.border.verticesCompute the border vertices for each region in an annot. a label to morphometry data. a label from file and apply it to morphometry data.
apply.transformApply matmult transformation to input.
arrange.brainview.imagesCombine several brainview images into a new figure.
arrange.brainview.images.gridCombine several brainview images as a grid into a new figure.
boxcoords.from.bboxCompute the coordinates of the 8 corners of a 3D box.
brainCreate fsbrain instance from 2 coloredmeshes.
brainviewsShow one or more views of the given meshes in rgl windows.
brainview.sdVisualize a list of colored meshes from a single defined...
brainview.siVisualize a list of colored meshes from a single viewpoint,...
brainview.srVisualize a list of colored meshes, rotating the camera...
brainview.t4Visualize a list of colored meshes from four angles.
brainview.t9Visualize a list of colored meshes from nine angles.
can.plot.colorbarDetermine whether colorbar can be plotted with given...
can.plot.colorbar.from.coloredmeshesDetermine whether colorbar can be plotted with given...
check.subjects.filesReport subjects missing files
check.subjectslistCheck whether the subjects_list looks good, warn if not.
clip.dataClip data at quantiles to remove outliers.
clip_funGet data clipping function.
cm.cbryGet cyan blue red yellow colormap function.
cm.divReturn the standard fsbrain diverging colormap.
cm.heatReturn the standard fsbrain heat colormap.
cm.qualReturn the standard fsbrain qualitative colormap.
cm.seqReturn the standard fsbrain sequential colormap.
collayer.bgCompute binarized mean curvature surface color layer. atlas or annotation surface color layer. binarized mean curvature surface color layer. binarized sulcal depth surface color layer.
collayer.from.annotCompute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
collayer.from.annotdataCompute surface color layer from annotation or atlas data.
collayer.from.mask.dataCompute surface color layer from morph-like data.
collayer.from.morphlike.dataCompute surface color layer from morph-like data.
collayers.mergeMerge two or more color layers based on their transparency... combined data range from hemilist of coloredmeshes.
coloredmeshes.from.colorCreate coloredmeshes for both hemis using pre-defined colors.
coloredmeshes.get.mdRetrieve metadata from hemilist of coloredmeshes.
coloredmesh.from.annotCreate a coloredmesh from an annotation of an atlas.
coloredmesh.from.colorCreate a coloredmesh from a mesh and pre-defined colors.
coloredmesh.from.labelCreate a coloredmesh from a label.
coloredmesh.from.maskCreate a coloredmesh from a mask.
coloredmesh.from.morphdataCreate a coloredmesh from arbitrary data.
coloredmesh.from.morph.nativeCreate a coloredmesh from native space morphometry data.
coloredmesh.from.morph.standardCreate a coloredmesh from standard space morphometry data.
coloredmesh.from.preloaded.dataGenerate coloredmesh from loaded data.
coloredmesh.plot.colorbar.separateDraw colorbar for coloredmeshes in separate 2D plot.
colorlist.brain.clustersReturn diverging color list
colors.are.grayscaleCheck for the given color strings whether they represent gray...
colors.have.transparencyCheck for the given color strings whether they have...
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.animationCombine a colorbar and a brain animation in gif format into a...
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.imageCombine a colorbar and a brainview image into a new figure.
combine.colorbar.with.brainview.image.verticalCombine a vertical colorbar and a brainview image into a new...
common.makecmap.rangeGet cmap and colorlayer from data and makecmap_options.
constant.pervertexdataGet vertex data for a single fs.surface or a hemilist of...
cube3D.trisReturn triangles for a 3D cube or cuboid.
cubes3D.trisVectorized version of cube3D.tris
deepcopylist.longWrite deepcopy list for longitudinal subjects.
deg2radConvert degree to radians
delete_all_optional_dataDelete all data in the package cache.
demoShow demo visualization to test whether fsbrain is setup... FreeSurfer Group Descriptor (FSGD) file from... a dataframe containing demographics data to a...
desaturatePerform simple desaturation or grayscale conversion of RGBA...
download_fsaverageDownload the FreeSurfer v6 fsaverage subject.
download_fsaverage3Download the FreeSurfer v6 low-resolution fsaverage3 subject.
download_fsaverage6Download the FreeSurfer v6 fsaverage6 subject.
download_optional_dataDownload optional data for this package if required.
download_optional_paper_dataDownload extra data to reproduce the figures from the fsbrain...
draw.colorbarDraw colorbar into background of current plot.
eeg_coordsInternal function to get some demo EEG electrode coordinates....
ensure.fs.surfaceCheck whether parameter is an fs.surface instance.
ensure.tmesh3dEnsure the mesh is a tmesh3d instance. Will convert...
exportExport high-quality brainview image with a colorbar.
export.coloredmesh.plyExport a coloredmeshes with vertexcolors in PLY format.
extend_neighborsRecursive computation of neighborhoods, see surf.sphere.dist
extract.volume.3DTry to extract a 3D volume from the input argument.
face.edgesEnumerate all edges of the given faces or mesh.
find.freesurferhomeFind the FREESURFER_HOME directory on disk.
find.subjectsdir.ofFind the subject directory containing the fsaverage subject...
flcGiven a list of path coordinates, create matrix containing... data to ensure requested data_range.
fsaverage.pathReturn path to fsaverage dir.
fsbrain.renderableCheck whether object can be rendered by fsbrain
fsbrain.set.default.figsizeSet default figure size for fsbrain visualization functions.
fs.coloredmeshfs.coloredmesh constructor
fs.homeReturn FreeSurfer path.
fslong.subjects.detectGet subject names from sub directories of FreeSurfer long...
fslong.subjects.finishedFind completely run FreeSurfer long subjects in a recon-all... surface mesh into a igraph and return its adjacency list... igraph undirected graph from a brain surface mesh. an rgl tmesh3d instance from a brain surface mesh.
fs.surface.vertex.neighborsCompute vertex neighborhoods or the full adjacency list for a...
fs.value.list.from.agg.resCreate a named value list from a dataframe.
fupTransform first character of a string to uppercase.
gen.test.volumeGenerate test 3D volume of integers. The volume has an outer...
geodesic.average.distanceCompute the average (pseudo-) geodesic distance on the mesh...
geodesic.ballstatsCompute geodesic ball area and perimeter at location defined...
geodesic.circlesCompute geodesic circles and ball stats for given vertices. internal wrapper around 'Rvcg::vcgDijkstra' with...
geodesic.pathCompute geodesic path from a source vertex to one or more...
geod.patches.color.overlayGenerate color overlay from geodesic patches around several...
geod.patches.color.overlay.singlehemiGenerate color overlay from geodesic patches around several...
geod.patches.pervertexdataGenerate per-vertex distance data from geodesic patches...
geod.patches.pervertexdata.singlehemiGenerate per-vertex distance data from geodesic patches...
geod.vert.neighborhoodCompute all vertices within given geodesic distance on the...
get.atlas.region.namesDetermine atlas region names from a subject.
getInRetrieve values from nested named lists
get_optional_data_filepathAccess a single file from the package cache by its file name.
get.rglstyleGet the default visualization style parameters as a named...
get.rglstyle.defaultGet the default visualization style parameters as a named...
get.rglstyle.edgesGet the mesh edges visualization style parameters as a named...
get.rglstyle.glassGet the glass visualization style parameters as a named list.
get.rglstyle.glass2Get the glass2 visualization style parameters as a named...
get.rglstyle.parametersProduce the named list of style parameters from style...
get.rglstyle.semitransparentGet the semi-transparent visualization style parameters as a...
get.rglstyle.shinyGet a shiny visualization style.
get.slice.indicesCompute slice indices from slice definition.
get.subject.classConstruct FSGD Class name from group and non-continuous...
get.view.angle.namesGet list of valid view angle names.
group.agg.atlas.nativeAggregate native space morphometry data over brain atlas...
group.agg.atlas.standardAggregate standard space morphometry data over brain atlas...
group.annotLoad annotations for a group of subjects.
group.concat.measures.nativeConcatenate native space data for a group of subjects.
group.concat.measures.standardConcatenate standard space data for a group of subjects. group 2D data (1 vector per subject) to 4D array...
group.labelRetrieve label data for a group of subjects.
group.label.from.annotExtract a region from an atlas annotation as a label for a...
group.morph.agg.nativeAggregate native space morphometry data over one hemisphere...
group.morph.agg.standardAggregate standard space (fsaverage) morphometry data over...
group.morph.agg.standard.vertexAggregate standard space morphometry data over subjects.
group.morph.nativeRetrieve native space morphometry data for a group of...
groupmorph.split.hemilistSplit a per-vertex group data matrix for both hemispheres...
group.morph.standardRetrieve standard space morphometry data for a group of...
group.morph.standard.sfRead combined data for a group from a single file.
group.multimorph.agg.nativeAggregate native space morphometry data for multiple measures...
group.multimorph.agg.standardAggregate standard space (fsaverage) morphometry data for...
group.surfaceRetrieve surface mesh data for a group of subjects.
handle.rglactions.highlight.pointsHighlight requested points (if any), but apply given view...
hasInCheck for values in nested named lists
hemilistCreate a hemilist from lh and rh data.
hemilist.derive.hemiDerive 'hemi' string from the data in a hemilist
hemilist.from.prefixed.listCreate a hemilist from a named list with keys prefixed with...
hemilist.get.combined.dataGet combined data of hemi list
hemilist.unwrapUnwrap hemi data from a named hemi list.
hemilist.wrapWrap data into a named hemi list.
hemi.lobe.labelsCompute lobe labels for a single hemi from aparc atlas.
hemlist.ensure.containstitle Ensure an key for a hemilist exists.
highlight.points.spheresDraw small 3D spheres at given points.
highlight.vertices.on.subjectHighlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by...
highlight.vertices.on.subject.spheresHighlight vertices given by index on a subject's meshes by...
highlight.vertices.spheresDraw small 3D spheres at given brain mesh vertices. Supports...
hull.retain.along.axisCopy the first *n* foreground voxel values.
image.remap.colorRemap a color in an image, typically used to set the...
images.annotateAnnotate image with text.
images.dimmaxCompute max width and height of magick images. all images canvas to match the largest one.
images.same.heightExtent all images to the height of the image with maximal...
images.same.widthExtent all images to the width of the image with maximal...
is.fsbrainCheck whether object is an fsbrain (S3)
is.fs.coloredmeshCheck whether object is an fs.coloredmesh (S3)
is.fs.coloredvoxelsCheck whether object is an fs.coloredvoxels instance (S3)
is.hemilistCheck whether x is a hemilist
is.Triangles3DCheck whether object is a Triangles3D instance
label.borderCompute border of a label.
label.border.fastCompute border vertices of a label using Rvcg.
label.colFnA simple colormap function for binary colors.
label.colFn.invA simple colormap function for binary colors.
labeldata.from.maskCreate labeldata from a mask.
label.from.annotdataExtract a region from an annotation as a label. several labels into an annotation
limit_funGet data limiting function.
limit_fun_naGet data limiting function to NA.
limit_fun_na_insideGet data limiting function, setting values inside range to...
list_optional_dataGet file names available in package cache.
magick.gridArrange a multi-frame ImageMagick image into a grid.
mask.from.labeldata.for.hemiCreate a binary mask from labels.
mergehemi.annotsMerge the annotations from two hemispheres into one annot.
mesh.vertex.included.facesReturn all faces which are made up completely of the listed...
mesh.vertex.neighborsCompute neighborhood of a vertex
mkco.clusterReturn recommended 'makecmap_options' for diverging cluster...
mkco.divReturn recommended 'makecmap_options' for diverging data.
mkco.heatReturn recommended 'makecmap_options' for sequential data...
mkco.seqReturn recommended 'makecmap_options' for sequential data.
normalizeNormalize data.
numverts.lhDetermine vertex count of left hemi from hemilist of surfaces...
numverts.rhDetermine vertex count of right hemi from hemilist of...
path.colors.from.orientationCompute path color from its orientation.
path.slopesCompute slopes of paths relative to axes. NA mapping for transparency
perform.rglactionsPerform rglactions, like taking screenshots.
per.hemi.vertex.indicesTransform surfaces indices which go over two surfaces to...
pervertexdata.smoothgaussianPerform Gaussian smoothing
pervertexdata.smoothnnPerform iterative nearest-neighbor smoothing of per-vertex...
pervertexdata.smoothnn.compute.fwhmCompute expected FWHM from given number of neighborhood...
pervertexdata.smoothnn.compute.numiterCompute number of neighborhood smoothing iterations to reach...
plot.fsbrain.colorbarDraw a simple colorbar from colors.
pp.named.listPretty-print a named list or vector.
principal.curvaturesComputes principal curvatures according to 2 definitions from...
print.fsbrainPrint description of an fsbrain (S3).
print.fs.coloredmeshPrint description of a brain coloredmesh (S3).
print.fs.coloredvoxelsPrint description of fs.coloredvoxels (S3).
qc.for.groupPerform data quality check based on computed region stats.
qc.from.regionwise.dfPerform data quality check based on a dataframe containing...
qc.from.segstats.tablePerform data quality check based on a segstats table.
qc.from.segstats.tablesPerform data quality check based on a segstats table.
qc.fslong.checkidenticaldataCheck whether subjects for FS longitudinal pipeline contain... visual quality check report from QC result. the number of outlier subjects per region in your...
qdec.table.filterFilter QDEC long table for subjects.
qdec.table.skeletonGenerate skeleton dataframe for FreeSurfer QDEC long file...
rad2degConvert raduians to degree
ras2vox_tkrThe FreeSurfer default ras2vox_tkr matrix.
read.colorcsvRead colors from CSV file. demographics file subjects file subjects list from an FSGD file.
recycleRecycle parameters or whatever. suggestions for regions to ignore for an atlas.
report.on.demographicsPrint a demographics report
rglactionsCreate rglactions list, suitable to be passed as parameter to...
rglactions.has.keyCheck for a key in names of rglactions.
rglactions.transformApply data transformation rglactions.
rgl.coord.linesPlot x, y and z axes in R,G,B.
rgloGet rgloptions and consider global options.
rglotGet rgloptions for testing.
rglvoxelsDraw 3D boxes at locations using rgl.
rotation.matrix.for.axis.rotGet rotation matrix for a 3D rotation around an axis.
scale01Scale given values to range 0..1. given values to range 0..1.
shape.descriptor.namesGet all shape descriptor names.
shape.descriptorsComputes geometric curvature-based descriptors.
shift.hemis.apartShift hemispheres apart.
shift.hemis.rglactionsShift hemis apart if indicated in rglactions
sjd.demoDownload optional demo data if needed and return its path.
sjldGet subjects list from subjects.txt file in dir. coloredmeshes into 2 lists by their 'hemi' property.
sph2fsTransform spherical coordinates to FreeSurfer surface space...
spread.values.over.annotSpread a single value for a region to all region vertices.
spread.values.over.hemiSpread the values in the region_value_list and return them...
spread.values.over.subjectSpread the values in the region_value_list and return them...
subject.annotLoad an annotation for a subject.
subject.annot.borderCompute annot border vertices.
subject.atlas.aggAggregate morphometry data over brain atlas regions for a...
subject.descriptor.geodesic.average.distanceCompute mean geodesic distance descriptor for a subject.
subject.filepath.anyConstruct filepath of any freesurfer file.
subject.filepath.morph.nativeConstruct filepath of native space morphometry data file.
subject.filepath.morph.standardConstruct filepath of standard space morphometry data file.
subject.labelRetrieve label data for a single subject.
subject.label.from.annotExtract a region from an atlas annotation as a label for a...
subject.lobesLoad labels representing brain lobes.
subject.maskCompute a mask for a subject.
subject.morph.nativeRetrieve native space morphometry data for a single subject.
subject.morph.standardRetrieve standard space morphometry data for a single...
subject.num.vertsGet subjects vertex count. visual quality check report from QC result.
subject.surfaceLoad a surface for a subject.
subject.volumeRead a brain volume.
submesh.vertexCreate a submesh including only the given vertices.
surface.curvaturesCompute the k1 and k2 principal curvatures of a mesh.
surf.avg.vertexradiusCompute average distance from the origin to each vertex. pre-computed center for fsaverage white surface.
surf.metric.propertiesCompute metric surface properties.
surf.radius.fsaverageGet pre-computed radius for fsaverage white surface.
surf.sphere.distCompute vertex neighborhoods on a sphere based on the given...
surf.sphere.gaussianweightsCompute Gaussian weights
surf.sphere.spatialfilterApply spatial filter to surface data.
surfs.propsCompute simple version of center and radius of 2 meshes.
symmrangeGiven data, compute symmetric range around zero.
test.numerical.meandiffPerform tests for group differences on paired or unpaired...
test.numerical.meandiff.pairedPerform tests for group differences on paired data (repeated...
test.numerical.meandiff.unpairedPerform tests for group differences on unpaired data for two... an fs.surface brain mesh from an rgl tmesh3d instance.
track.lengthCompute the total length of a path given by the coordinates... morph data vector at hemisphere boundary.
vertex.coordsReturn coordinates for vertices, supporting entire brain via...
vertex.hemisReturn the proper hemi string ('lh' or 'rh') for each vertex.
vis.coloredmeshDraw a coloredmesh using a style.
vis.coloredmeshesVisualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene.
vis.coloredmeshes.rotatingVisualize a list of colored meshes in a single scene and...
vis.color.on.subjectVisualize pre-defined vertex colors on a subject.
vis.colortable.legendCreate a separate legend plot for a colortable or an... arbitrary data on the fsaverage template subject,... native space data on a group of subjects. standard space data for a group on template. arbitrary data on the surface of any subject.
vis.dti.trkVisualize DTI tracks from Diffusion Toolkit/TrackVis TRK...
vis.export.from.coloredmeshesExport high-quality brainview image with a colorbar.
vis.fs.surfaceVisualize fs.surface mesh atlas annotations for a group of subjects. coloredmeshes for a group of subjects. native space morphometry data for a group of subjects. standard space morphometry data for a group of subjects.
vis.labeldata.on.subjectVisualize a label on the surface of a subject.
vislayout.from.coloredmeshesVisualize coloredmeshes from several angles and combine the...
vis.mask.on.subjectVisualize a vertex mask on the surface of a subject.
vis.path.along.vertsDraw a 3D line from vertex to vertex
vis.pathsVisualize many paths.
vis.paths.along.vertsVisualize several paths in different colors.
vis.region.values.on.subjectVisualize arbitrary data, one value per atlas region, on the...
vis.renderableVisualize a renderable object
vis.rotated.coloredmeshesRotate and visualize coloredmeshes, applying a style.
vis.seg.legendPlot legend for a brain volume segmentation based on...
vis.subject.annotVisualize an annotation for a subject.
vis.subject.labelVisualize a binary label for a subject.
vis.subject.morph.nativeVisualize native space morphometry data for a subject.
vis.subject.morph.standardVisualize native space morphometry data for a subject or a...
vis.subject.preVisualize pre-loaded data. clusters or activation data on the surface of any...
vol.boundary.boxCompute 3D bounding box of a volume. a boundary box to a volume, returning the inner volume...
vol.boundary.maskCompute foreground pixels over the whole 3D imagestack.
vol.hullRetain only the outer hull voxels of the foreground.
vol.imagestackTurn volume into an ImageMagick image stack. integer intensity image to RGB color string form.
vol.mask.from.segmentationExtract subset from a volume by value.
vol.mergeMerge background volume and overlay to new colors.
vol.overlay.colors.from.activationGenerate colors for a 3D volume, based on the activation data...
vol.overlay.colors.from.colortableCompute voxel colors based on colortable.
vol.plane.axesGet indices of the axes defining the given plane.
vol.planesTranslate names and indices of planes.
vol.sliceExtract a slice of a 3D image stack.
volvis.contourVisualize contour of a volume.
volvis.lbShow continuous 3D voxel/volume data as a lightbox,...
volvis.lightboxDraw a lightbox view from volume slices.
volvis.voxelsVoxel-based visualization of volume mask at surface RAS...
vol.vox.from.crsCompute R voxel index for FreeSurfer CRS voxel index.
vox2ras_tkrThe FreeSurfer default vox2ras_tkr matrix.
wrapped.image.appendWrapper around magick::image_append that allows specifying... standard space group data to a standard FreeSurfer... per-vertex standard space data for a group of subjects... and write combined per-vertex data for a group to a... single hemi per-vertex data for a group of subjects to...
write.region.aggregatedWrite data aggregated over regions to morphometry file for...
write.region.valuesWrite one value per atlas region for a subject.
write.region.values.fsaverageWrite one value per atlas region for a template subject.
dfsp-spirit/fsbrain documentation built on Nov. 28, 2024, 10:29 a.m.