## Flussempfindlichkeitsanalyse
#' Scale dependent flux sensitivity Analysis
#' @description This function performs the scale dependent flux sensitivity analysis for a simulated system. It prints a pdf-file to the working directory for each condition of the system.
#' @param frame Reactionlist of the model
#' @param x Xs function of the model
#' @param obstates The states under observation whose changes are analysed
#' @param bestfit The parameter values which are used for the simulation
#' @param time Array of observed timepoints
#' @param p P function of the system
#' @param bound Absolute value which a flux sensitive component has to reach at any point in time to be shown in the outputplots
#' @param figurename Name of the saved pdf
#' @param timeunit Unit of the time at the x-axis of the plots
#' @param time,width Dimension of the plots
#' @param linewidth Linewidth of the coloured fluxes in the plots
#' @example inst/examples/scaledependent.R
#' @export
scaledependent <- function(frame, x, obstates, bestfit, time, p, bound=0.001, figurename= "scaledependent", timeunit = "h", width = 16, height = 9, linewidth = 2){
Flusse <- getFluxes(frame)
states <- names(Flusse)
#Flusse zu Verabeitung in Form bringen
realfluxes <- c()
for (fluss in Flusse){
realfluxes <- c(realfluxes, c(paste0(fluss, collapse = "")))
realfluxes <- structure(realfluxes, names = names(Flusse))
vector_collection <- NULL
for (state in obstates){
#Zuweisung fur observable-Funktion
myvector <- structure(c(realfluxes[[state]]), names = c(paste0("Fluss", state)))
vector_collection <- c(vector_collection, myvector)
#Generierung der abgeleiteten Flusse
myvec <- c()
myvecnames <- c()
for (i in seq(1, length(states))){
name <- paste0("Fluss", state, states[i])
deriv <- paste0(deparse(D(parse(text=paste0(Flusse[[state]], collapse = "")), states[i])), collapse = "")
derivflux <- paste("(", deriv, ")/", states[i])
assign(name, derivflux)
#Vorbereitung zur Normierung
myvec <- c(myvec, derivflux)
myvecnames <- c(myvecnames, paste0("Fluss", state, states[i]))
myvec <- structure(myvec, names = myvecnames)
vector_collection <- c(vector_collection, myvec)
#Normierung der Flusse
mysum <- NULL
for (i in myvec) {
mysum <- paste0("((", i,")^2)^0.5")
} else mysum <- paste0(mysum, "+ ((", i,")^2)^0.5")
sum <- structure(mysum, names = c(paste0("sum", state)))
vector_collection<- c(vector_collection, sum)
observables <- as.eqnvec(vector_collection)
g <- Y(observables, frame)
fit <- (g*x*p)(time, bestfit)
conditions <- getConditions(p)
lapply(conditions, function(condition){
mydata <- as.data.frame(fit[[condition]])
for (state in obstates){
for (fluss in states){
mydata[paste0("Fluss", state, fluss, "_norm")] <- mydata[paste0("Fluss", state, fluss)]/mydata[paste0("sum", state)]
for (name in obstates){
myplots <- lapply(1:length(states), function(i){ # hier war mclapply
mystate <- states[i]
if (is.nan(mydata[paste0("Fluss", name, mystate, "_norm")][1,1])){
mydata[paste0("Fluss", name, mystate, "_norm")][1,1] <- 0}
if(any(mydata[paste0("Fluss", name, mystate, "_norm")][-1, ] >= bound) || any(mydata[paste0("Fluss", name, mystate, "_norm")][-1, ] <= -1*bound)){
p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(time, eval(parse(text=paste0("Fluss", name))))) +
geom_line(aes(color = eval(parse(text=paste0("Fluss", name, mystate, "_norm")))), linewidth = linewidth) +
theme_dMod()+ theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 35))+ theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 25), axis.title = element_text(size = 25)) +
labs(title = TeX(paste0("$\\chi_{", mystate, "}$")), x = paste0("time [", timeunit, "]"), y = TeX(paste0("$v_{",name,"}$"))) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = head(tail(cmocean("balance")(512), -40), -40),
n.breaks= 4, limits = c(-1, 1),
guide = "none")#guide_colorbar(title = NULL, barwidth = 1.5, barheight = 15))
myplots <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), myplots)
myplots[[length(myplots)]] <- myplots[[length(myplots)]] + scale_color_gradientn(colours = head(tail(cmocean("balance")(512), -40), -40),
n.breaks= 4, limits = c(-1, 1),guide = guide_colorbar(title = NULL, barwidth = 2.5, barheight = 25))
#size <- ceiling(sqrt(length(myplots))) # fur Dimension des Plotrasters
#myplots <- c(list(NULL), myplots) # Titelzeile leer lassen
title <- ggdraw() + draw_label(TeX(paste0("$v_{$", name, "}$ ", condition)), fontface = 'bold', x = 0.45, hjust = 0, size = 40) + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 7))
plot <- plot_grid(plotlist = myplots, ncol = length(myplots), nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(rep(1, length(myplots)-1), 1.2))
assign(paste0("p", name), plot_grid(title, plot, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(0.1, 1)))
plotcols <- lapply(obstates, function(name){
eval(parse(text = paste0("p", name)))
cairo_pdf(filename = paste0(figurename, condition,".pdf"), onefile = TRUE, width = width, height = height)
for (plotcol in plotcols){
#' Scale invariant flux sensitivity Analysis
#' @description This function performs the scale invariant flux sensitivity analysis for a simulated system. It prints a pdf-file to the working directory for each condition of the system.
#' @param frame Reactionlist of the model
#' @param x Xs function of the Model
#' @param obstates The states under observation whose changes are analysed
#' @param bestfit The parameter values which are used for the simulation
#' @param time Array of observed timepoints
#' @param p P function of the system
#' @param bound Absolute value which a flux sensitive component has to reach at any point in time to be shown in the outputplots
#' @param figurename Name of the saved pdf
#' @param timeunit Unit of the time at the x-axis of the plots
#' @param time,width Dimensions of the plots
#' @param linewidth Linewidth of the coloured fluxes in the plots
#' @example inst/examples/scaleinvariant.R
#' @export
scaleinvariant <- function(frame, x, obstates, bestfit, time, p, bound=0.001, figurename= "scaleinvariant", timeunit = "h", width = 16, height = 9, linewidth = 2){
Flusse <- getFluxes(frame)
states <- names(Flusse)
#Flusse zu Verabeitung in Form bringen
realfluxes <- c()
for (fluss in Flusse){
realfluxes <- c(realfluxes, c(paste0(fluss, collapse = "")))
realfluxes <- structure(realfluxes, names = names(Flusse))
vector_collection <- NULL
for (state in obstates){
#Zuweisung fur observable-Funktion
myvector <- structure(c(realfluxes[[state]]), names = c(paste0("Fluss", state)))
vector_collection <- c(vector_collection, myvector)
#Generierung der abgeleiteten Flusse
myvec <- c()
myvecnames <- c()
for (i in seq(1, length(states))){
name <- paste0("Fluss", state, states[i])
deriv <- paste0(deparse(D(parse(text=paste0(Flusse[[state]], collapse = "")), states[i])), collapse = "")
derivflux <- paste("(", deriv, ")")
assign(name, derivflux)
#Vorbereitung zur Normierung
myvec <- c(myvec, derivflux)
myvecnames <- c(myvecnames, paste0("Fluss", state, states[i]))
myvec <- structure(myvec, names = myvecnames)
vector_collection <- c(vector_collection, myvec)
observables <- as.eqnvec(vector_collection)
g <- Y(observables, frame)
fit <- (g*x*p)(time, bestfit)
conditions <- getConditions(p)
lapply(conditions, function(condition){
mydata <- as.data.frame(fit[[condition]])
for (state in states){
mydata[paste0(state, "Punkt")] <- c(c(0), diff(mydata[[paste0(state)]]))/ c(c(1), diff(mydata[["time"]]))
mydata[paste0("Fluss", state, "Punkt")] <- c(c(0), diff(mydata[[paste0("Fluss", state)]]))/ c(c(1), diff(mydata[["time"]]))
for (obstate in obstates){
mydata[paste0("sum", obstate)] <- rep(0, length(mydata[["time"]]))
for (state in states){
mydata[paste0("Anteil", obstate, state)] <- mydata[paste0("Fluss", obstate, state)]*mydata[paste0(state, "Punkt")]/mydata[paste0("Fluss", obstate)]
mydata[paste0("sum", obstate)] <- mydata[paste0("sum", obstate)] + sqrt(mydata[paste0("Anteil", obstate, state)]**2)
for (state in states){
mydata[paste0("Anteil", obstate, state)] <- mydata[paste0("Anteil", obstate, state)]/mydata[paste0("sum", obstate)]
#NaN aussortieren
for (index in which(sapply(mydata[paste0("Anteil", obstate, state)], function(x) is.nan(x)))){
mydata[paste0("Anteil", obstate, state)][index, 1] <- 0}
for (name in obstates){
myplots <- lapply(1:length(states), function(i){ # hier war mclapply
mystate <- states[i]
if (is.nan(mydata[paste0("Anteil", name, mystate)][1,1])){
mydata[paste0("Anteil", name, mystate)][1,1] <- 0}
if(any(mydata[paste0("Anteil", name, mystate)][-1, ] >= bound) || any(mydata[paste0("Anteil", name, mystate)][-1, ] <= -1*bound)){
p <- ggplot(mydata, aes(time, eval(parse(text=paste0("Fluss", name))))) +
geom_line(aes(color = eval(parse(text=paste0("Anteil", name, mystate)))), linewidth = linewidth) +
theme_dMod()+ theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5, size = 35))+ theme(axis.text = element_text(size = 25), axis.title = element_text(size = 25)) +
labs(title = TeX(paste0("$\\rho_{", mystate, "}$")), x = paste0("time [", timeunit, "]"), y = TeX(paste0("$v_{",name,"}$"))) +
scale_color_gradientn(colours = head(tail(cmocean("balance")(512), -40), -40),
n.breaks= 4, limits = c(-1, 1),
guide = "none")#guide_colorbar(title = NULL, barwidth = 1.5, barheight = 15))
myplots <- Filter(function(x) !is.null(x), myplots)
myplots[[length(myplots)]] <- myplots[[length(myplots)]] + scale_color_gradientn(colours = head(tail(cmocean("balance")(512), -40), -40),
n.breaks= 4, limits = c(-1, 1),guide = guide_colorbar(title = NULL, barwidth = 2.5, barheight = 25))
#size <- ceiling(sqrt(length(myplots))) # fur Dimension des Plotrasters
#myplots <- c(list(NULL), myplots) # Titelzeile leer lassen
title <- ggdraw() + draw_label(TeX(paste0("$v_{$", name, "}$ ", condition)), fontface = 'bold', x = 0.45, hjust = 0, size = 40) + theme(plot.margin = margin(0, 0, 0, 7))
plot <- plot_grid(plotlist = myplots, ncol = length(myplots), nrow = 1, rel_widths = c(rep(1, length(myplots)-1), 1.2))
assign(paste0("p", name), plot_grid(title, plot, ncol = 1, rel_heights = c(0.1, 1)))
plotcols <- lapply(obstates, function(name){
eval(parse(text = paste0("p", name)))
cairo_pdf(filename = paste0(figurename, condition,".pdf"), onefile = TRUE, width = width, height = height)
for (plotcol in plotcols){
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