
# import_data checks ===========================================================

# helper function to check that a character string contains expected names
check_names = function(x, allowed, must.contain.all = TRUE, must.contain.only = FALSE){
    # check for empty names
    empty = length(names(x)) != length(x) || any(names(x) %in% "")
        stop("some names missing from ", paste(substitute(x)), " \nchoose from: '",
             paste(allowed, collapse = "', '"), "'", call. = FALSE)
    # check for missing names
        missing = !names(x) %in% allowed
            stop("the following column names are missing from ",
                 paste(substitute(x)), ": '",
                 paste(names(x)[missing], collapse = "', '"),
                 call. = FALSE)
    # check for inadmissable names
        not.allowed = !names(x) %in% allowed
            stop("the following names for ", paste(substitute(x)),
                 " are not recognised: '", paste(names(x)[not.allowed], collapse = "', '"),
                 "' \nchoose from: '", paste(allowed, collapse = "', '"), "'",
                 call. = FALSE)

check_details = function(details = list()){
    message("- checking details...")

    # bearings --------------------------------------------------------------- #
    if(is.null(details$bearings)) details$bearings = list()
    default = list(units = "degrees", type = "continuous")
    details$bearings = replace(default, names(details$bearings), details$bearings)
    if(!details$bearings$units %in% c("degrees", "radians"))
        stop("bearings units must be 'degrees' or 'radians'", call. = FALSE)
    if(!details$bearings$type %in% c("continuous", "interval"))
        stop("bearings type must be 'degrees' or 'interval'", call. = FALSE)

    # distances -------------------------------------------------------------- #
    if(is.null(details$distances)) details$distances = list()
    default = list(units = "km", type = "continuous")
    details$distances = replace(default, names(details$distances), details$distances)
    if(!details$distances$units %in% c("km", "m"))
        stop("distances units must be 'km' or 'm'", call. = FALSE)
    if(!details$distances$type %in% c("continuous", "interval"))
        stop("distances type must be 'continuous' or 'interval'", call. = FALSE)


check_detections = function(detections, details){
    message("- checking detections...")

    # column names ----------------------------------------------------------- #
    colnames(detections) = tolower(colnames(detections))
    if(!all(c("array", "occasion", "post", "group") %in% colnames(detections)))
        stop("Detections data must contain at least the following columns: 'array', 'occasion', 'post', 'group' ('bearing' and 'distance' columns are optional)", call. = FALSE)

    # bearings --------------------------------------------------------------- #
        bearings = detections[["bearing"]][!is.na(detections[["bearing"]])]
        # convert to radians
        if(details$bearings$units == "degrees")
            bearings = bearings * pi / 180
        # check range
        if(min(bearings < 0) || max(bearings) > (2*pi)){
            message = paste0("check the range of the bearing estimates: ",
                             if(details$bearings$units == "degrees"){
                                 "degrees should be between 0 and 360"
                                 "radians should be between 0 and 6.283185"
            stop(message, call. = FALSE)

    # distances -------------------------------------------------------------- #
        distances = detections[["distance"]][!is.na(detections[["distance"]])]
        # convert to metres
        if(details$distances$units == "km")
            distances = distances * 1000
        # check range
        if(min(distances) < 0)
            stop("estimated distances must be positive", call. = FALSE)

    # double-counted groups  ------------------------------------------------- #
    # - index of unique array-post-occasion combinations
    index = unique(detections[,c("array", "post", "occasion")])
    duplicate.counts = sapply(1:nrow(index), function(i){ # i=1
        rows = which(detections$array == index$array[i] &
                      detections$post == index$post[i] &
                      detections$occasion == index$occasion[i])
        groups = detections$group[rows]
        dups = duplicated(groups)
    # - print errors
    errors = !sapply(duplicate.counts, is.null)
        error.message = "Double counted groups:\n"
        for(i in which(errors)){ # i=which(errors)[1] ; i
            error.message = c(
                paste("array ", index$array[i], ", post ", index$post[i],
                      ", occasion ", index$occasion[i], ", groups: ",
                      paste(duplicate.counts[[i]], collapse = ", "), "\n", sep = "")
        stop(error.message, call. = FALSE)

    # column classes --------------------------------------------------------- #
    detections$array = as.character(detections$array)
    detections$post  = as.character(detections$post)
    detections$group = as.character(detections$group)
    if(inherits(detections$occasion, c("integer","numeric"))){
        detections$occasion = as.integer(detections$occasion)
        stop("'occasion' column in detections data must be numeric", call. = FALSE)

check_posts = function(posts, detections, details){
    message("- checking posts...")

    # column names ----------------------------------------------------------- #
    colnames(posts) = tolower(colnames(posts))
    if(!all(c("array", "post", "x", "y", "usage") %in% colnames(posts)))
        stop("Posts data must contain the following columns: 'array', 'post', 'x', 'y' and 'usage'", call. = FALSE)

    # duplicated rows -------------------------------------------------------- #
    dups = duplicated(posts)
        message("- deleting ", sum(dups), " duplicated rows in posts")
        posts = unique(posts)

    # array and post names --------------------------------------------------- #
    if(!all(detections[["array"]] %in% posts[["array"]]))
        stop("some array names in detections data not present in posts data",
             call. = FALSE)
    if(!all(detections[["post"]] %in% posts[["post"]]))
        stop("some post names in detections data not present in posts data",
             call. = FALSE)

    # column classes --------------------------------------------------------- #
    posts$array = as.character(posts$array)
    posts$post  = as.character(posts$post)
    posts$usage = as.character(posts$usage)

    # usage ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    # - if any post usage ends in zero for all traps, then delete last usage


check_covariates = function(covariates, capthist){
    message("- checking covariates...")

    # column names ----------------------------------------------------------- #
    i = tolower(colnames(covariates)) %in% c("array", "occasion", "post")
    colnames(covariates)[i] = tolower(colnames(covariates)[i])
    obligatory = c("array", "post")
    check_names(covariates, obligatory, must.contain.all = FALSE)

    # occasions -------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # - add if missing
    if(!any(colnames(covariates) == "occasion")){
        message("- adding occasion column (assuming covariates constant across occasions)")
        if(all(n_occasions(capthist) == 1)){
            covariates$occasion = 1
            covariates = do.call(rbind, sapply(session(capthist), function(i){
                    covariates[covariates$array == i,],
                    data.frame(occasion = 1:n_occasions(capthist)[i])
            }, simplify = FALSE))
            rownames(covariates) = NULL

    # duplicated rows -------------------------------------------------------- #
    dups = duplicated(covariates)
        message("- deleting ", sum(dups), " duplicated rows in covariates")
        covariates = unique(covariates)

    # arrays ----------------------------------------------------------------- #
    i = !session(capthist) %in% covariates$array
        stop("covariate data missing for the following arrays:\n ",
             paste(session(capthist)[i], collapse = "\n "), call. = FALSE)

    # array-post-occasion combos --------------------------------------------- #
    combos.present = paste(covariates[["array"]], covariates[["post"]],
                   covariates[["occasion"]], sep = "-")
    # duplicated combos
    i = duplicated(combos.present)
        stop("the following array-post-occasion combinations have more than one row in the covariates data:\n ", paste(unique(combos.present[i]), collapse = "\n "), call. = FALSE)
    # essential combos - check each session separately
    combos.needed = apply(do.call(rbind, lapply(session(capthist), function(i){
            array    = session(capthist[[i]]),
            post     = rownames(traps(capthist[[i]])),
            occasion = 1:n_occasions(capthist)[i],
            stringsAsFactors = FALSE
        )[as.numeric(usage(traps(capthist[[i]]))) == 1,]

    })), 1, paste, collapse = "-")
    # check combos.needed are present
    i = !combos.needed %in% combos.present
        stop("the following array-post-occasion combinations have no covariates data:\n ",
             paste(combos.needed[i], collapse = "\n "), call. = FALSE)

    # missing data ----------------------------------------------------------- #
    cols = colnames(covariates) %in% c("array", "post", "occasion")
    missing = apply(covariates[, cols], 2, anyNA)
    # essential columns
        stop("the following compulsory columns in the covariates data contain missing values:\n ", paste(colnames(covariates)[cols][missing], collapse = "\n "), call. = FALSE)
    # non-essential columns
    missing = apply(covariates[, !cols], 2, anyNA)
        message("deleting covariates containing missing values:\n ",
                paste(colnames(covariates)[!cols][missing], collapse = "\n "))
        # remove columns
        for(k in colnames(covariates)[!cols][missing]) covariates[, k] = NULL

    # column classes --------------------------------------------------------- #
    covariates$array = factor(covariates$array, levels = session(capthist))
    if(inherits(covariates$occasion, c("integer","numeric"))){
        covariates$occasion = as.integer(covariates$occasion)
        stop("'occasion' column in covariates data must be numeric", call. = FALSE)
    for(cov in colnames(covariates)){ # cov = "habitat"
            covariates[[cov]] = as.factor(covariates[[cov]])

    # sort  ------------------------------------------------------------------ #
    covariates = covariates[order(covariates[["array"]], covariates[["post"]],

# gfit checks ==================================================================

# checks the 'capthist' argument in the fit_gibbonsecr function

check_capthist = function(capthist){
    message("- checking capthist...")

    # check inputs -------------------------------------------------------------

    # class and detector type
    if(!inherits(capthist, "capthist"))
        stop("expecting a 'capthist' object", call. = FALSE)
    if(detector(traps(capthist)) != "proximity")
        stop("only works for 'proximity' detectors", call. = FALSE)
    # convert to multi-session
    # timecov = timecov(capthist)
    capthist = MS(capthist)

    # trapcov ------------------------------------------------------------------

    # add scaled x y covariates
    message("  - adding scaled x and y to trap covariates...")
    meanSD = traps_meanSD(capthist)
    # for(session in session(capthist)){
    #     coords = as.data.frame(mapply(function(x, y, z) ((x - y) / z),
    #                     x = traps(capthist[[session]]),
    #                     y = meanSD[1,],
    #                     z = meanSD[2,]))
    #     rownames(coords) = rownames(traps(capthist[[session]]))
    #     if(is.null(covariates(traps(capthist[[session]])))){
    #         covariates(traps(capthist[[session]])) = coords
    #     }else{
    #         covariates(traps(capthist[[session]])) = cbind(
    #             covariates(traps(capthist[[session]])),
    #             coords
    #         )
    #     }
    # }
    capthist = add_scaled_xy(capthist, meanSD)

    # sessioncov ---------------------------------------------------------------

    sessioncov = sessioncov(capthist)
        if(!all(rownames(sessioncov) == session(capthist)))
            stop("!all(rownames(sessioncov) == session(capthist))", call. = FALSE)

    # usage  -------------------------------------------------------------------

    # if missing then assume full usage
        for(session in session(capthist)){
            usage(traps(capthist[[session]])) = matrix(
                nrow = n_groups(capthist[[session]]),
                ncol = n_occasions(capthist[[session]])

    # bearings - ---------------------------------------------------------------

    # if present, convert to radians
        for(session in session(capthist)){
            bearings = get_bearings(capthist[[session]])
                if(attr(bearings, "details")$units == "degrees"){
                    capthist[[session]] = add_bearings(capthist[[session]],
                                                       bearings * pi / 180)

    # distances ----------------------------------------------------------------

    # if present, convert to metres
        for(session in session(capthist)){
            distances = get_distances(capthist[[session]])
                if(attr(distances, "details")$units == "km"){
                    capthist[[session]] = add_distances(capthist[[session]],
                                                        distances * 1000)

    if(!inherits(capthist, "gcapthist"))
        class(capthist) = c("gcapthist", class(capthist))


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# checks the 'details' argument in the import_data function

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# checks data read from the detections file within the import_data function

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check_fixed = function(fixed, model.options, capthist, locations = FALSE){
    message("- checking fixed...")
    # convert to list of numeric values
    fixed = lapply(fixed, as.numeric)
    # check names
    check_names(fixed, c('D', 'g0', 'sigma', 'z', 'pcall', 'bearings', 'distances'))
    # if single occasion for all arrays:
    # - g0 should be fixed - warn if it isn't fixed at one
    # - pcall can't be estimated, so fix at one if no user value supplied
    if(all(n_occasions(capthist) == 1)){
        if(!"g0" %in% names(fixed)){
            fixed[["g0"]] = 1
            message("  - single survey occasion so using fixed: g0 = 1")
            if(fixed[["g0"]] != 1)
                warning("** single survey gibbon surveys should have g0 fixed at 1", call. = FALSE)
        if(!"pcall" %in% names(fixed)){
            fixed[["pcall"]] = 1
            message("  - single survey occasion so using fixed: pcall = 1")
    # if halfnormal detection function then dont need z
    if(model.options[["detfunc"]] == 0 && "z" %in% names(fixed)){
        fixed[["z"]] = NULL
        message("  - no need for z parameter since model.options[['detfunc']] = 0 (ie. half normal)")
    # if no bearings/distances data then dont need fixed bearings/distances value
    for(i in c("bearings", "distances")){
        if(model.options[[i]] == 0){
                fixed[[i]] = NULL
                message("  - no need for fixed ",i," parameter (no ",i," model)")
    #     if(locations){
    #         for(i in c("bearings", "distances", "pcall")){ # i = "bearings"
    #             if(!is.null(fixed[[i]])){
    #                 fixed[[i]] = NULL
    #                 message("locations = TRUE, so fixed$", i, " set to NULL")
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }

    # check range of fixed values
    for(i in names(fixed)){
        if(i %in% c("g0","pcall") || (i == "bearings" && model.options$bearings == 2)){
            if(fixed[[i]] <= 0 || fixed[[i]] > 1)
                stop("fixed value for ", i, " must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1", call. = FALSE)
            if(fixed[[i]] <= 0)
                stop("fixed value for ", i, " must be positive", call. = FALSE)

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

check_mask = function(mask, capthist, mask.options = list()){
    message("- checking mask...")
    ## make a mask if none supplied

            mask.options$buffer = 5000
            message("  - using default buffer width 5000 m")
            mask.options$spacing = 250
            message("  - using default mask spacing 250 m")
        mask = make.mask(traps   = traps(capthist),
                         buffer  = mask.options$buffer,
                         spacing = mask.options$spacing,
                         type    = "trapbuffer")
        # coerce to MS and add buffer attribute
        mask = MS(mask)
        for(i in 1:length(mask)){
            attr(mask[[i]], "buffer") = mask.options$buffer

    ## check session names

    if(!inherits(mask, "mask"))
        stop("expecting a 'mask' object", call. = FALSE)
    mask = MS(mask, session.names = session(capthist))
    # if more than one session then check that session names agree with capthist
    if(length(mask) > 1){
        # delete mask sessions that don't appear in capthist
        missing = !session(mask) %in% session(capthist)
            message("  - the following sessions are present in mask but not in capthist and will be deleted from mask: ", paste(session(mask)[missing], collapse = ", "))
            mask = subset(mask, !missing)
        # check for any capthist sessions that don't appear in mask
        missing = !session(capthist) %in% session(mask)
            stop("the following sessions are present in capthist but not in mask; ", paste(session(capthist)[missing], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)

    ## remove mask points with missing covariates

        # if(is.null(mask.options$remove.missing))
            # mask.options$remove.missing = TRUE
        # if(mask.options$remove.missing){
            missing = sapply(covariates(mask), function(x){
                any(apply(x, 1, anyNA))
                message("  - removing mask points with missing covariate values")
                for(session in session(mask)){ # session = "2"
                    keep = !apply(covariates(mask[[session]]), 1, anyNA)
                    mask[[session]] = subset(mask[[session]], keep)
        # }

    # add class -------------------------------------------------------------- #
        if(!inherits(mask, "gmask"))
        class(mask) = c("gmask", class(mask))

    # add scaled x y covariates ---------------------------------------------- #
    message("  - adding scaled x and y to mask covariates...")
    meanSD = traps_meanSD(capthist)
    # for(session in session(capthist)){
    #     coords = as.data.frame(rbind(mapply(function(x, y, z) ((x - y) / z),
    #                     x = mask[[session]],
    #                     y = meanSD[1,],
    #                     z = meanSD[2,])))
    #     rownames(coords) = rownames(mask[[session]])
    #     if(is.null(covariates(mask[[session]]))){
    #         covariates(mask[[session]]) = coords
    #     }else{
    #         covariates(mask[[session]]) = cbind(
    #             covariates(mask[[session]]),
    #             coords
    #         )
    #     }
    # }
    mask = add_scaled_xy(mask, meanSD)



## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

#' @importFrom  stats as.formula
check_model = function(model, fixed, model.options, capthist, mask, locations = FALSE){
    message("- checking model...")
    ## standardise format of model formulae

    if(!inherits(model, "list")) model = list(model)
    model = lapply(model, as.formula)
    model.components = lapply(model, as.character)
    submodel.names = if(is.null(names(model))){
        sapply(model.components, function(x) if(length(x) == 2) "" else x[2])
    }else names(model)
    model = lapply(model, function(x) if(length(x) == 3) as.formula(paste(x[c(1, 3)])) else x)
    names(model) = submodel.names

    ## check submodel names

    submodels = c("D", "g0", "sigma", "z", "pcall", "bearings", "distances")
    check_names(model, submodels)
    # must have D, g0 and sigma model
    for(submodel in c("D", "g0", "sigma")){ # submodel = "sigma"
            model[[submodel]] = ~1
            message("  - using default formula: ", submodel, " ~ 1")

    # z

    if(!is.null(model[['z']]) && model.options$detfunc == 0){
        model[['z']] = NULL
        message("  - formula for z ignored as model.options[['detfunc']] = 0")
    if(is.null(model[['z']]) && model.options[['detfunc']] == 1){
        model[['z']] = ~1
        message("  - using default formula: z ~ 1")

    ## bearings / distances

    for(submodel in c("bearings","distances")){
        if(!is.null(model[[submodel]]) && model.options[[submodel]] == 0){
            model[[submodel]] = NULL
            message("  - formula for ", submodel, " ignored as model.options[['", submodel, "']] = 0")
        if(is.null(model[[submodel]]) && model.options[[submodel]] != 0){
            model[[submodel]] = ~1
            message("  - using default formula: ", submodel, " ~ 1")

    #     # use default model for pcall if locations unknown
    #     if(!is.null(model$pcall) && locations){
    #         model$pcall = NULL
    #         message("  - formula for pcall ignored as locations = TRUE")
    #     }
    #     if(is.null(model$pcall) && !locations){
    #         model$pcall = ~1
    #         message("  - using default formula: pcall ~ 1")
    #     }

    ## pcall

        model$pcall = ~1
        message("  - using default formula: pcall ~ 1")

    ## if submodel parameter is fixed, then check that model is ~1

    for(submodel in names(model)){ # i = "D"
        if(model[[submodel]] != ~ 1){
                model[[submodel]] = ~ 1
                message("  - formula for ", submodel, " changed to ~ 1 as parameter values has been fixed")

    # check formula syntax and covariate names

    covlevels = c(covlevels(capthist), covlevels(mask))
    for(submodel in names(model)){ # submodel = "D"
        # # check for as.numeric and as.factor
        # terms = attr(terms(model[[submodel]]), "term.labels")
        # notallowed = grepl("^as.numeric\\(", terms) |
        #     grepl("^as.factor\\(", terms) |
        #     grepl("^as.character\\(", terms)
        # if(any(notallowed))
        #     stop("formulas containing 'as.numeric', 'as.factor', etc. not currently implemented", call. = FALSE)
        # check for covs that don't exists
        covs = all.vars(model[[submodel]])
        allcovs = unique(unname(unlist(covlevels)))
        i = !covs %in% allcovs
            stop("covariates in ", submodel, " formula not recognised: ", paste(covs[i], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
        # check for covs that aren't allowed
        allowed = unique(unname(unlist(covlevels[switch(
            "D"     = c("sessioncov","maskcov"),
            "pcall" = c("sessioncov","timecov"),
        i = !covs %in% allowed
            stop("covariates in ", submodel, " formula not allowed: ", paste(covs[i], collapse = ", "), call. = FALSE)
    # can't have all pars fixed
    if(all(names(model) %in% names(fixed))) stop("all parameters fixed", call. = FALSE)
    # sort
    model = model[submodels]
    model = model[!sapply(model, is.null)]

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
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check_model_options = function(model.options = list(), capthist, locations = FALSE){
    message("- checking model.options...")
    # convert to list of integers
    model.options = lapply(model.options, as.integer)

    # check names
    check_names(model.options, c("detfunc", "bearings", "distances"))

    # use defaults for missing options
    default.model.options = list(detfunc = 0, bearings = 1, distances = 0)
    model.options = replace(default.model.options, names(model.options), model.options)

    #     # known locations
    #     if(locations){
    #         for(i in c("bearings", "distances")){ # i = "bearings"
    #             if(model.options[[i]] != 0){
    #                 model.options[[i]] = 0
    #                 message("locations = TRUE, so model.options$", i, " set to 0")
    #             }
    #         }
    #     }

    # check values
    if(!model.options$detfunc %in% 0:1)
        stop("model.options[['detfunc']] must be 0 (half normal) or 1 (hazard rate)", call. = FALSE)
    if(!model.options$bearings %in% 0:2)
        stop("model.options[['bearings']] must be 0 (no bearings model), 1 (von Mises) or 2 (wrapped Cauchy)", call. = FALSE)
    if(!model.options$distances %in% 0:2)
        stop("'model.options[['distances']] must be 0 (no distances model), 1 (gamma) or 2 (lognormal)", call. = FALSE)

    # check against capthist
    if(!ms(capthist)) capthist = list(capthist)
    # if bearings/distances is not zero, check bearings/distances data exists
    for(submodel in c("bearings", "distances")){ # i = "bearings"
        data.present = any(sapply(capthist, function(x) !is.null(attr(x, submodel))))
        if(model.options[[submodel]] != 0 && !data.present){
            model.options[[submodel]] = 0
            message("  - no estimated ", submodel, ", so model.options['", submodel, "']] set to 0")



## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
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check_shp = function(poly, capthist){
    message("- checking shapefile...")
    if(!inherits(capthist, "capthist")) stop("capthist object required")
    regiontraps = if(ms(traps(capthist))){
        do.call(rbind, lapply(traps(capthist), as.data.frame))
    inside = pointsInPolygon(regiontraps, poly)
        warning("some traps are outside the polygon - check units")

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
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# this needs some work
# allow some start values to be fixed

#' @importFrom stats setNames
check_start_values = function(start, capthist, mask, model.options, fixed, S, K, M, a, usage, design.matrices, par.labels, parindx, inv.link, mask.info, CV = 0.3){
    message("- checking start values...")

    # start = NULL
    # start = c(D = log(0.5))

    ## check length and names

    default.start = setNames(rep(NA, nrow(par.labels)), par.labels[,"unique"])
        start = default.start
        start = unlist(start)
            if(length(start) != nrow(par.labels)){
                stop("if start is an unnamed vector then it must contain values for all coefficients", call. = FALSE)
                names(start) = par.labels[,"unique"]
        for(i in unique(par.labels[,"submodel"])){
            names(start)[names(start) == i] = paste0(i, ".(Intercept)")
        start = replace(default.start, names(start), start)

    ## non-density pars

    for(submodel in unique(par.labels[,"submodel"])){ # submodel = "sigma"
        if(submodel == "D") next
        i = which(par.labels[,"submodel"] == submodel)
            start[i[1]] = switch(
                "g0"        = logit(0.5),
                "sigma"     = log(750),
                "z"         = log(3),
                "pcall"     = logit(0.5),
                "bearings"  = switch(model.options$bearings,
                "distances" = switch(model.options$distances,
                                     log(cv_to_pdfpar(CV, "gamma")),
                                     log(cv_to_pdfpar(CV, "lnorm")))

    ## density pars

    if(any(par.labels[,"submodel"] == "D")){
        start[is.na(start) & names(start) != "D.(Intercept)"] = 0
        if(any(names(start) == "D.(Intercept)" & is.na(start))){
            esa = calc_esa(
                detfunc        = model.options$detfunc,
                beta            = start,
                parindx         = parindx,
                fixed           = fixed,
                design.matrices = design.matrices,
                distances       = sapply(mask.info, function(x) x[["distances"]], simplify = FALSE),
                usage           = usage,
                inv.link        = inv.link,
                S               = S,
                K               = K,
                M               = M,
                a               = a
            ngroups = sum(n_groups(capthist))
            i = which(par.labels[,"submodel"] == "D")[1]
            start[i] = log(ngroups / sum(esa))

    # esa = calc_esa(capthist, mask, model.options, detectpar)

    # calc_esa(model.options$detfunc, beta, par.labels, fixed, design.matrices, distances, usage, inv.link, S, K, M, a)

    #         start = do.call(c, lapply(1:nrow(par.labels), function(i){ # i=1
    #             if(grepl("Intercept", par.labels[i,"term"])){
    #                 switch(par.labels[i, "submodel"],
    #                        "D"         = log(ngroups / esa),
    #                        "g0"        = logit(detectpar$g0),
    #                        "sigma"     = log(detectpar$sigma),
    #                        "z"         = log(detectpar$z),
    #                        "bearings"  = switch(model.options$bearings, log(70), logit(0.95)),
    #                        "distances" = switch(model.options$distances, log(CV^(-2)), log(sqrt(log(1+CV^2)))),
    #                        "pcall"     = logit(0.5)
    #                 )
    #             }else{
    #                 0
    #             }
    #         }))

    # start = start[names(start) %in% names(fixed)]

        stop("something went wrong in check_start_values", call. = FALSE)



## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##

# four types of covariates used in secr package
# 1. sessioncov     - constant for all traps and occasions within the session
#                     (e.g. array, possibly habitat and season)
# 2. timecov        - constant for all traps within a given occasion and session
#                     (e.g. array, season, possibly temperature)
# 3. trapcov        - constant for all occasions within a given post and session
#                     (e.g. array, habitat)
# 4. timevaryingcov - can vary between occasions and posts
#                     (e.g. observer id, observer experience, temperature)

# get_covariates_by_level = function(covariates){
#     out = sapply(c("sessioncov", "timecov", "trapcov", "timevaryingcov"), function(level){ # level = "sessioncov"
#         # make an id variable to group covariate data
#         ids = with(covariates, switch(level,
#                                       "sessioncov"     = paste(array),
#                                       "timecov"        = paste(array, occasion, sep = "_"),
#                                       "trapcov"        = paste(array, post, sep = "_"),
#                                       "timevaryingcov" = paste(array, post, occasion, sep = "_")
#         ))
#         covnames = apply(do.call(rbind, sapply(unique(ids), function(id){ # id = session_id[1] ; id
#             apply(covariates[ids == id, , drop = FALSE], 2, function(x) all(x == x[1]))
#         }, simplify = FALSE)), 2, all)
#         covnames = colnames(covariates)[covnames]
#         # extract the relvant data from covariates
#         sub = covariates[!duplicated(ids), covnames]
#         rownames(sub) = NULL
#         return(sub)
#     }, simplify = FALSE)
#     return(out)
# }

## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
## -------------------------------------------------------------------------- ##
dkidney/gibbonsecr documentation built on May 15, 2019, 9:11 a.m.