
#' Convenient simulation of perturbation experiments
#' A parameter transformation function to conveniently generate conditions, in which on parameter was perturbed
#' Attention: if !is.null(modelname) you have to run compile(p_pert) after calling p_pert <- p_pert_fun(..)
#' @param pars_perturbed A named vector with the changes on the log scale of the perturbed parameters.
#' @param pars All parameters of the model.
#' @return A parameter trafo function of class parfn, which goes from pars_outer (log scale) to pars_outer (log scale)
#' @export
p_pert_fun <- function(pars_perturbed,
                       modelname = NULL) {

  modelname_ctr <- "p_ctr"
  if(is.null(modelname)) modelname_ctr <- NULL

  p_control <- P(structure(names(pars), names = names(pars)),
                 condition = "Ctr",
                 compile = F,
                 modelname = modelname_ctr)

  p_pert_list <- lapply(seq_along(pars_perturbed), function(i) {

    mytrafo <- structure(names(pars), names = names(pars))
    mytrafo[names(pars_perturbed)[i]] <- paste0(names(pars_perturbed)[i], " + 1 * (", pars_perturbed[i], ")")

    if(!is.null(modelname)) {
      p <- P(mytrafo,
             condition = paste0(names(pars_perturbed)[i], " ", round(pars_perturbed[i],1)),
             compile = F,
             modelname = paste0("p_pert",i))
    } else {
      p <- P(mytrafo,
             condition = paste0(names(pars_perturbed)[i], " ", round(pars_perturbed[i],1)))


  p_pert <- NULL
  p_pert <- p_pert + p_control
  for(i in 1:length(p_pert_list)) p_pert <- p_pert + p_pert_list[[i]]

  if(!is.null(modelname)) message("please run compile() on the output of this function")


#' Automatically generate parameter trafos to quickly test different parameter values as conditions
#' This function can be used, if one wants quickly wants to check the behaviour of the model with different parameters.
#' The named list ic_list contains all the parameter values that one wants to try out.
#' The function then returns a set of parameter transformations p_ic which can be put into g*x*p_ic to have a look at the model prediction.
#' @param ic_list Named list of parameter values to be set.
#' @param pars The original set of parameters to be replaced.
#' @param mixed Should all combinations of the pars be gone through (TRUE)
#' or should the other pars be set to their first value supplied, when scanning through a certain parameter?
#' @return A "parfn" of all conditions.
#' @export
p_ic_fun <- function(ic_list, pars, mixed = FALSE) {

  if(mixed) {
    mydf <- expand.grid(ic_list)
  } else {
    standardvalues <- lapply(ic_list, "[", 1)
    mydf <- lapply(seq_along(ic_list), function(i) {
      myic_list <- c(standardvalues[-i], ic_list[i])
      myic_list <-  myic_list[names(ic_list)]
      mygrid <- expand.grid(myic_list)
      if(i>1) mygrid <- mygrid[-1,]
        }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)

  p_ic_list <- lapply(1:nrow(mydf), function(i) {
    mytrafo <- structure(names(pars), names = names(pars))
    myics <- mydf[i,] %>% as.character %>% structure(names = names(ic_list))
    mytrafo[names(myics)] <- myics
    p <- P(mytrafo,
           condition = paste0(names(myics), "=", myics, collapse = "_"),
           compile = T,
           modelname = paste0("p_", sample(c(letters,0:9))))

  p_ic <- NULL
  for(i in 1:length(p_ic_list)) p_ic <- p_ic + p_ic_list[[i]]


#' Reduce list of initial conditions to include only pars with more than one value
#' This can be used to clean the output, such that the condition description is not as long anymore.
#' @param ic_list list of initial conditions
#' @return list(ic_list, modified pars)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' pars <- c(a=5,b=1)
#' ic_list <- c(a=1,b=1:2)
#' pars[names(reduce_ic_list(ic_list)[[2]])] <- reduce_ic_list(ic_list)[[2]]
#' ic_list <- reduce_ic_list(ic_list)[[1]]
reduce_ic_list <- function(ic_list) {
  lengths <- sapply(ic_list, length)
  myic_list <- ic_list[lengths != 1]
  mypars <- ic_list[lengths == 1] %>% unlist

#' Generate a list of parameter trafos.
#' This function is similar to p_ic_fun, but it returns a list of parfns.
#' `p_ic_list` needs to be used like `lapply(p_ic_list, function(p_ic) {...(g*x*p_ic)})`.
#' This allows to do optimization over more than one condition (e.g. replace the dots by `obj`).
#' @param ic_list Named list of parameter values to be set.
#' @param pars The original set of parameters to be replaced.
#' @param mixed Should all combinations of the pars be gone through (TRUE)
#' or should the other pars be set to their first value supplied, when scanning through a certain parameter?
#' @export
p_ic_list_fun <- function(ic_list, pars, mixed = FALSE) {

  if(mixed) {
    mydf <- expand.grid(ic_list)
  } else {
    standardvalues <- lapply(ic_list, "[", 1)
    mydf <- lapply(seq_along(ic_list), function(i) {
      myic_list <- c(standardvalues[-i], ic_list[i])
      myic_list <-  myic_list[names(ic_list)]
      mygrid <- expand.grid(myic_list)
      if(i>1) mygrid <- mygrid[-1,]
    }) %>% do.call(rbind,.)

  p_ic_list <- lapply(1:nrow(mydf), function(i) {
    mytrafo <- structure(names(pars), names = names(pars))
    myics <- mydf[i,] %>% as.character %>% structure(names = names(ic_list))
    mytrafo[names(myics)] <- myics
    p <- P(mytrafo)
    condition <- paste0(names(myics), "=", myics, collapse = "_")

    return(structure(list(p), names = condition))
  }) %>% do.call(c,.)

dlill/MRAr documentation built on May 16, 2019, 7:24 a.m.