# Given model parameters, run forward-backward and output genoprobs.
# data: list containing elements named x, y, sex and gen. x & y are numeric matrices
# with num.samples rows and num.markers columns that contain X and Y intensities.
# sex is a named character vector containing "F" or "M". gen is a numeric vector
# containing the DO outbreeding generation.
# param.files: list containing the full path to the parameter files. These have the form
# *.final.means.Rdata and *.final.covars.Rdata. Each list element should be
# a character vector with two file names in it. Each list must be names
# with the chromosome or X.male and X.female.
# markers: data.frame containing the marker information. Marker ID, Chr, Mb postion and
# cM in columns 1 through 4.
# NOTE: For the paralell version to work, you must have openmpi, Rmpi, snow and
# doParallel installed. Also, you must qsub with the number of nodes = to the
# number of chromosomes.
calc.genoprob2 = function(data, param.files, markers,
cross = c("DO", "CC", "HS", "DOF1", "other"),
output.dir = ".") {
if(missing(data)) {
stop("Required argument \'data\' argument missing.")
} # if(missing(data))
if(missing(param.files)) {
stop("Required argument \'param.files\' argument missing.")
} # if(missing(data))
if(missing(markers)) {
stop("Required argument \'markers\' argument missing.")
} # if(missing(markers))
# Split the markers by chromosome.
markers = split(markers, markers[,2])
markers = markers[order(as.numeric(names(markers)))]
cross = match.arg(cross)
output.dir = add.slash(output.dir)
# Sort the param files by chromosome.
if(is.null(names(param.files))) {
stop(paste("param.files must have the chromosome names in names(param.files)."))
} else {
param.files = param.files[order(as.numeric(names(param.files)))]
} # else
# Split the data up by chromosome. Separate males and females on X. We will place
# the file name for the parameter files in data and let the clusters load in the data.
newdata = vector("list", length(markers))
names(newdata) = names(markers)
# Split the X chromosome into females and males.
if(any(names(markers) == "X")) {
if(any(data$sex == "F")) {
names(newdata)[[length(newdata)]] = "X.female"
if(any(data$sex == "M")) {
newdata = c(newdata, "")
names(newdata)[[length(newdata)]] = "X.male"
} #
} else {
names(newdata)[[length(newdata)]] = "X.male"
} # else
} # if(any(names(markers) == "X"))
auto = which(!is.na(as.numeric(names(markers))))
if(length(auto) > 0) {
for(chr in auto) {
newdata[[chr]] = list(x = data$x[,markers[[chr]][,1]],
y = data$y[,markers[[chr]][,1]],
sex = data$sex,
gen = data$gen,
means = param.files[[chr]][1],
covars = param.files[[chr]][2],
markers = markers[[chr]],
out.file = paste0(output.dir, "chr", chr, "_genoprobs.Rdata"))
} # for(i)
} # if(length(auto) > 0)
# X chromosome.
females = which(toupper(data$sex) == "F")
if(length(females) > 0) {
newdata[["X.female"]] = list(x = data$x[females, markers[["X"]][,1]],
y = data$y[females, markers[["X"]][,1]],
sex = data$sex[females],
gen = data$gen[females],
means = param.files[["X.female"]][1],
covars = param.files[["X.female"]][2],
markers = markers[["X"]],
out.file = paste0(output.dir, "chrX_female_genoprobs.Rdata"))
} #if(length(females) > 0)
males = which(toupper(data$sex) == "M")
if(length(males) > 0) {
newdata[["X.male"]] = list(x = data$x[males, markers[["X"]][,1]],
y = data$y[males, markers[["X"]][,1]],
sex = data$sex[males],
gen = data$gen[males],
means = param.files[["X.male"]][1],
covars = param.files[["X.male"]][2],
markers = markers[["X"]],
out.file = paste0(output.dir, "chrX_male_genoprobs.Rdata"))
} # if(length(males) > 0)
# Remove unused data.
rm(data, param.files, markers, males, females)
# Create the cluster. We default to one cluster per chromosome (plus one if we have
# the X chromosome and two sexes).
cl = makeCluster(spec = 5, outfile = "cluster_out.txt")
registerDoParallel(cl = cl)
clusterEvalQ(cl = cl, expr = library(DOQTL))
# For each chromosome, calculate the genoprobs on the autosomes and
# write out the results as 3-dimensional arrays in *.Rdata files.
result = foreach(i = iter(newdata)) %dopar% {
} # for(i)
samples = result[[1]][[2]]
states = result[[1]][[1]]
# We need to read in the male and female probs and combine them.
if(length(grep("X", names(newdata))) > 0) {
message("Merging X chromosome results ...")
fem.probs = NULL
mal.probs = NULL
x.markers = NULL
if(any(names(newdata) == "X.female")) {
fem.probs = probs
x.markers = dimnames(fem.probs)[[3]]
} # if(any(names(newdata) == "X.female"))
if(any(names(newdata) == "X.male")) {
mal.probs = probs
rownames(mal.probs) = paste0(rownames(mal.probs), rownames(mal.probs))
x.markers = dimnames(mal.probs)[[3]]
} # if(any(names(newdata) == "X.male"))
# Merge the X chromosome results.
probs = array(0, c(length(states),
length(samples), length(x.markers)), dimnames =
list(states, samples, x.markers))
if(any(names(newdata) == "X.female")) {
probs[,match(colnames(fem.probs), colnames(probs)),] = fem.probs
} # if(any(names(newdata) == "X.female"))
if(any(names(newdata) == "X.male")) {
probs[match(rownames(mal.probs), rownames(probs)),
match(colnames(mal.probs), colnames(probs)),] = mal.probs
} # if(any(names(newdata) == "X.male"))
save(probs, file = paste0(output.dir, "chrX_genoprobs.Rdata"))
} # if(length(grep("X", names(newdata))) > 0)
} # calc.genoprob2()
# Function to calculate the genoprobs for each chromosome.
# The data argument is a list with eight named elements:
# x: numeric matrix containing the X intensities. Samples in rows, markers
# in columns. Rownames and colnames must contain sample IDs and mrkers IDs.
# y: numeric matrix containing the Y intensities. Samples in rows, markers
# in columns. Rownames and colnames must contain sample IDs and mrkers IDs.
# sex: character vector containing M or F to indicate sex. Samples IDs must
# be in names.
# gen: numeric vector containing the DO outbreeding generation. Samples IDs must
# be in names.
# means: character string containing the full path to the cluster means file
# for the current chromosome.
# covars: character string containing the full path to the cluster covariance file
# for the current chromosome.
# markers: data.frame containing at least 4 columns with marker ID, chr, Mb postion
# and cM postion, respectively.
# out.file: character string with the full path of the *.Rdata file to write out.
genoprob.helper = function(data, out.file) {
# Load in the paramaters.
data$means = theta.rho.means
data$covars = theta.rho.covars
# Synchronize the samples.
keep = intersect(rownames(data$x), names(data$sex))
message(paste("Chr", data$markers[1,2], ": using the", length(keep),
"samples that intersect between x, y, sex and gen."))
data$x = data$x[keep,,drop = FALSE]
data$y = data$y[keep,,drop = FALSE]
data$sex = data$sex[keep]
data$gen = data$gen[keep]
# Synchronize the markers.
keep = intersect(intersect(colnames(data$x), dimnames(data$means)[[3]]), data$markers[,1])
message(paste("Chr", data$markers[1,2], ": using the", length(keep),
"markers that intersect between x, y, means, covars and markers."))
data$x = data$x[,keep,drop = FALSE]
data$y = data$y[,keep,drop = FALSE]
data$means = data$means[,,keep, drop = FALSE]
data$covars = data$covars[,,keep, drop = FALSE]
data$markers = data$markers[data$markers[,1] %in% keep,]
# Convert X and Y to theta and rho.
data = list(theta = (2.0 / pi) * atan2(data$y, data$x),
rho = sqrt(data$x^2 + data$y^2),
sex = data$sex,
gen = data$gen,
means = data$means,
covars = data$covars,
markers = data$markers,
out.file = data$out.file)
# Get transition probabilities.
# For DO samples, we have different transition probabilities for each
# generation.
a = do.trans.probs(states = rownames(data$means), snps = data$markers,
chr = data$markers[1,2], sex = data$sex[1], gen = data$gen)
# Get emission probabilities for each sample.
b = emission.probs.intensity(data = data, params = list(r.t.means = data$means,
r.t.covars = data$covars))
# Get initial probs and allocate memory.
init.hmm = initialize.hmm(snps = colnames(data$rho), samples =
rownames(data$rho), states = rownames(data$means))
# Run filtering and smoothing.
for(i in 1:length(a)) {
# Run foreward/backward algorithm.
print(paste("gen", names(a)[i]))
curr.gen = which(data$gen == names(a)[i])
lltmp = 0
res = .C(C_filter_smooth_intensity,
dims = as.integer(dim(init.hmm$prsmth[,curr.gen,,drop = FALSE])),
a = as.double(a[[i]]),
b = as.double(b[,curr.gen,,drop = FALSE]),
prsmth = as.double(init.hmm$prsmth[,curr.gen,,drop = FALSE]),
init = as.double(init.hmm$init),
loglik = as.double(lltmp))
init.hmm$prsmth[,curr.gen,] = res$prsmth
} # for(i)
message("Writing Results...")
probs = exp(init.hmm$prsmth)
save(probs, file = data$out.file)
# Return the genotype states, samples and markers.
} # genoprob.helper()
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