
#' Wrapper function for breakpointR
#' This script will move through .bam files in a folder and perform several steps (see Details).
#' 1. calculate deltaWs chromosome-by-chromsome
#' 2. localize breaks that pass zlim above the threshold
#' 3. genotype both sides of breaks to confirm whether strand state changes
#' 4. write a file of _reads, _deltaWs and _breaks in a chr fold -> can upload on to UCSC Genome browser
#' 5. write a file for each index with all chromosomes included -> can upload on to UCSC Genome browser
#' @param input.data A file with aligned reads in BAM format.
#' @param dataDirectory Output directory. If non-existent it will be created.
#' @param pairedEndReads Set to \code{TRUE} if you have paired-end reads in your file.
#' @param chromosomes If only a subset of the chromosomes should be processed, specify them here.
#' @param windowsize The window size used to calculate deltaWs, either an integer or 'scale'.
#' @param trim The amount of outliers in deltaWs removed to calculate the stdev (10 will remove top 10\% and bottom 10\% of deltaWs).
#' @param peakTh The treshold that the peak deltaWs must pass to be considered a breakpoint.
#' @param zlim The number of stdev that the deltaW must pass the peakTh (ensures only significantly higher peaks are considered).
#' @param bg The amount of background introduced into the genotype test.
#' @param minReads The minimum number of reads required for genotyping.
#' @param writeBed If \code{TRUE}, will generate a bed of reads and deltaWs and breaks for upload onto the UCSC genome browser.
#' @param verbose Verbose messages if \code{TRUE}.
#' @author Ashley Sanders, David Porubsky, Aaron Taudt
#' @export

runBreakpointr <- function(input.data, dataDirectory='./BreakPointR_analysis', pairedEndReads=TRUE, chromosomes=NULL, windowsize=100, scaleWindowSize=T, trim=10, peakTh=0.33, zlim=3.291, bg=0.02, minReads=20, writeBed=T, verbose=T) {

	if (!file.exists(dataDirectory)) {

	## check the class of the input data, make GRanges object of file
	if ( class(input.data) != "GRanges" ) {
		suppressWarnings( fragments <- bam2GRanges(input.data, pairedEndReads=pairedEndReads, chromosomes=chromosomes, keep.duplicate.reads=FALSE) )
	} else {
		fragments <- input.data
		input.data <- 'CompositeFile'

	filename <- basename(input.data)
	if (scaleWindowSize==F) {
		reads.per.window <- windowsize
		message("Calculating deltaWs")
		dw <- deltaWCalculator(fragments, reads.per.window=reads.per.window)
	reads.all.chroms <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
	reads.all.chroms <- fragments

	deltas.all.chroms <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
	breaks.all.chroms <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
	counts.all.chroms <- GenomicRanges::GRangesList()
	for (chr in unique(seqnames(fragments))) {
		message("Working on chromosome ",chr)
		fragments.chr <- fragments[seqnames(fragments)==chr]
		fragments.chr <- keepSeqlevels(fragments.chr, chr)

		message("  calculating deltaWs")
		if (scaleWindowSize==T) {
			## normalize only for size of the chromosome 1
			reads.per.window <- max(10, round(windowsize/(seqlengths(fragments)[1]/seqlengths(fragments)[chr]))) # scales the bin to chr size, anchored to chr1 (249250621 bp)
			dw <- deltaWCalculator(fragments.chr, reads.per.window=reads.per.window)
			## normalize for size of chromosome one and for read counts of each chromosome
			#num.reads <- length( fragments[seqnames(fragments)==chr] )
			#reads.per.window <- round( num.reads/( windowsize*(seqlengths(fragments)[chr]/seqlengths(fragments)[1]) ) )
			#reads.per.window <- round(reads.per.window/2)
			#dw <- suppressWarnings( deltaWCalculator(fragments[seqnames(fragments)==chr], reads.per.window=reads.per.window) )
		deltaWs <- dw[seqnames(dw)==chr]

		message("  finding breakpoints")
		breaks<- suppressMessages( breakSeekr(deltaWs, trim=trim, peakTh=peakTh, zlim=zlim) )

		## Genotyping
		if (length(breaks) >0 ) {
			maxiter <- 10
			iter <- 1
			message("  genotyping ",iter)
			newBreaks <- GenotypeBreaks(breaks, fragments, backG=bg, minReads=minReads)
			prev.breaks <- breaks	
			breaks <- newBreaks
			while (length(prev.breaks) > length(newBreaks) && !is.null(breaks) ) {
				iter <- iter + 1
				message("  genotyping ",iter)	
				newBreaks <- GenotypeBreaks(breaks, fragments, backG=bg, minReads=minReads)
				prev.breaks <- breaks	
				breaks <- newBreaks
				if (iter == maxiter) { break }
		} else {
			newBreaks<-NULL # assigns something to newBreaks if no peaks found

		### count reads between the breaks and write into GRanges
		if (is.null(newBreaks)) {
			Ws <- length(which(as.logical(strand(fragments.chr) == '-')))
			Cs <- length(which(as.logical(strand(fragments.chr) == '+')))
			chrRange <- GRanges(seqnames=chr, ranges=IRanges(start=1, end=seqlengths(fragments.chr)[chr]))
			counts <- cbind(Ws,Cs)
			mcols(chrRange) <- counts
			seqlengths(chrRange) <- seqlengths(fragments.chr)[chr]

			## genotype entire chromosome
			WC.ratio <- (chrRange$Ws-chrRange$Cs)/sum(c(chrRange$Ws,chrRange$Cs))
			if (WC.ratio > 0.8) {
				state <- 'ww'
			} else if (WC.ratio < -0.8) {
				state <- 'cc'
			} else if (WC.ratio < 0.2 & WC.ratio > -0.2) {
				state <- 'wc'
			} else {
				state <- '?'
			chrRange$states <- state
			suppressWarnings( counts.all.chroms[[chr]] <- chrRange )
		} else {
			breaks.strand <- newBreaks
			strand(breaks.strand) <- '*'
			breakrange <- gaps(breaks.strand)
			breakrange <- breakrange[strand(breakrange)=='*']

			## pull out reads of each line, and genotype in the fragments
			strand(breakrange) <- '-'
			Ws <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(breakrange, fragments)
			strand(breakrange) <- '+'
			Cs <- GenomicRanges::countOverlaps(breakrange, fragments)
			strand(breakrange) <- '*'

			## pull out states for each region between the breakpoints
			concat.states <- paste(newBreaks$genoT, collapse="-")
			split.states <- unlist(strsplit(concat.states, "-"))
			states.idx <- seq(from=1,to=length(split.states), by=2)
			states.idx <- c(states.idx, length(split.states))
			states <- split.states[states.idx]

			counts <- cbind(Ws,Cs)
			mcols(breakrange) <- counts
			breakrange$states <- states
			counts.all.chroms[[chr]] <- suppressWarnings( breakrange )

		### write breaks and deltas into GRanges
		if (length(deltaWs) > 0) {
			deltas.all.chroms[[chr]] <- suppressWarnings( deltaWs[,'deltaW'] )  #select only deltaW metadata column to store
		if (length(newBreaks) > 0) {
			breaks.all.chroms[[chr]] <- suppressWarnings( newBreaks )
	## creating list of list where filename is first level list ID and deltas, breaks and counts are second list IDs
	reads.all.chroms <- unlist(reads.all.chroms)	
	deltas.all.chroms <- unlist(deltas.all.chroms)
	breaks.all.chroms <- unlist(breaks.all.chroms)
	counts.all.chroms <- unlist(counts.all.chroms)
	names(reads.all.chroms) <- NULL
	names(deltas.all.chroms) <- NULL
	names(breaks.all.chroms) <- NULL
	names(counts.all.chroms) <- NULL
	## save set parameters for future reference
	parameters <- c(windowsize=windowsize, scaleWindowSize=scaleWindowSize, trim=trim, peakTh=peakTh, zlim=zlim, bg=bg, minReads=minReads)

	### Write to BED ###
	if (writeBed==T) {
		message("Writing BED files")
		destination <- file.path(dataDirectory, filename)
		if (!file.exists(destination)) {
  		writeBedFile(fileName=filename, dataDirectory=destination, fragments=fragments, deltaWs=deltas.all.chroms, breakTrack=breaks.all.chroms, bin=reads.per.window)

	### Write to RData ###
	data.obj <- list(reads=reads.all.chroms, deltas=deltas.all.chroms, breaks=breaks.all.chroms, counts=counts.all.chroms, params=parameters)
	data.store <- file.path(dataDirectory, 'PLOT')

	if (!file.exists(data.store)) {

	destination <- file.path(data.store, paste0(filename, '.RData'))
	save(data.obj, file=destination)

drashley/InversionAnalysis_HGSVC documentation built on May 6, 2019, 8:49 a.m.