
# Collection of R functions by Drew Griffith

#' plot.lines
#' @param y xts object to plot
#' @param type plot type
#' @param col color
#' @param ... other parameters to lines
#' @references
#' @export
plot.lines <- function(y,
                       type = 'l',
                       col = par('col'),
  if (has.Cl(y))
    y1 = Cl(y)
    y1 = y[, 1]
  temp.x = attr(y, 'index')
  if (type == 'l' & len(col) > 1) {
    for (icol in unique(col)) {
            iif(col == icol, y1, NA),
            type = type,
            col = icol,
  } else {
    lines(temp.x, y1, type = type, col = col, ...)

#' ATR Bands
#' @param xts
#' @param innervalue numeric factor for inner bands
#' @param outervalue numeric factor for outer bands
#' @param length numeric value to measure ATR
#' @references
#' @export
ATR210 <-
           innervalue = 1.5,
           outervalue = 2.0,
           length = 10) {
    prices <- OHLC(data.frame(prices))
    outervalueshift <-
      outervalue * EMA(pmax(lag(prices[, 4], 1), prices[, 2]) - pmin(lag(prices[, 4], 1), prices[, 3]), length)
    innervalueshift <-
      innervalue * EMA(pmax(lag(prices[, 4], 1), prices[, 2]) - pmin(lag(prices[, 4], 1), prices[, 3]), length)
    average <- EMA(prices[, 4], length)
    upperouterband <- average + outervalueshift
    upperinnerband <- average + innervalueshift
    lowerinnerband <- average - innervalueshift
    lowerouterband <- average - outervalueshift
    tmp <-
    # tmp <- tmp[complete.cases(tmp)]
    colnames(tmp) <-

#' Remove prefixes or suffixes
#' @param sep character separator, defaults to ","
#' @param side where to look, "left" (default) or "right"
#' @param greedy defaults to TRUE
#' @references #' @references http://www.r-bloggers.com/string-manipulations-on-full-names/
#' @examples 
#' ex = c("a", "a, b", "a, b, c", "a, b, c, d")
#' str_filter(ex, side = "left"  , greedy = TRUE)
#' str_filter(ex, side = "right" , greedy = TRUE)
#' str_filter(ex, side = "left"  , greedy = FALSE)
#' str_filter(ex, side = "right" , greedy = FALSE)
str_filter <- function(x, sep = ",", side = "left", greedy = TRUE) {
              left  = c(ifelse(greedy, "", "?"), ")", sep, "\\s*"),
              right = c(ifelse(greedy, "?", ""), ")\\s*", sep)) %>%
         c("(.*", ., "(.*)") %>%
         paste0(collapse = ""),
       switch(side, left = "\\2", right = "\\1"), x)

#' Detach prefixes or suffixes
#' @param ... arguments to \code{str_filter}
#' @references http://www.r-bloggers.com/string-manipulations-on-full-names/
#' @examples 
#' ex = c("a", "a, b", "a, b, c", "a, b, c, d")
#' str_detach(ex, side = "left"  , greedy = TRUE)
#' str_detach(ex, side = "right" , greedy = TRUE)
#' str_detach(ex, side = "left"  , greedy = FALSE)
#' str_detach(ex, side = "right" , greedy = FALSE)
str_detach <- function(x, sep = ",", side = "left", greedy = TRUE) {
  y = str_filter(x, sep, side, greedy) %>% sapply(nchar)
  x[ y > 0 ] = lapply(x[ y > 0 ],
                      function(x, regex = str_filter(x, sep, side, greedy)) {
                        y = c(
                                 left = str_replace(x, regex, "") %>%
                                   str_replace(str_c(sep, "\\s*$"), ""),
                                 right = NULL),
                                 left = NULL,
                                 right = str_replace(x, regex, "") %>%
                                   str_replace(str_c("^", sep, "\\s*"), ""))
                        ifelse(!nchar(y), NA, y)
  sapply(x, function(x){ x[ switch(side, left = 1, right = 2 )]})

#' StockCharts Technical Rank
#' @param x vector or xts
#' @references
#' \url{http://stockcharts.com/school/doku.php?id=chart_school:technical_indicators:sctr}
#' @export
SCTR <- function(x){
  price <- x
  SMA200 <- 200
  ROC125 <- 125
  SMA50 <- 50
  ROC20 <- 20
  PPO.HIST <- 3
  RSI14 <- 14
  LT.WEIGHT <- .30
  MD.WEIGHT <- .15
  SH.WEIGHT <- .05
  #Long-Term Indicators (weighting)
  #  * Percent above/below 200-day SMA (30%)
  #  * 125-Day Rate-of-Change (30%)
  SM200 <- SMA(price, SMA200)
  LTSMA <- ((price - SM200) / ((price + SM200) / 2)) * 100
  LTROC <- ROC(price,ROC125) * 100
  #Medium-Term Indicators (weighting)
  #  * Percent above/below 50-day SMA  (15%)
  #  * 20-day Rate-of-Change (15%)
  SM50 <- SMA(price, SMA50)
  MDSMA <- ((price - SM50) / ((price + SM50) / 2)) * 100
  MDROC <- ROC(price,ROC20) * 100
  #Short-Term Indicators (weighting)
  #  * 3-day slope of PPO-Histogram (5%)
  #  * 14-day RSI (5%)
  EMA12 <- EMA(price,12)
  EMA26 <- EMA(price,26)
  PPO <- (EMA12-EMA26)/EMA26 * 100
  PPO.linear <-  6 * ( WMA(PPO,3) -  mean(last(PPO,3))) / (3 - 1) 
  # Mutliplier to get values between 0-100
  PPOlags <- lags(PPO.linear)
  PPOdiff <- PPOlags[,1] - PPOlags[,2]
  NetChgAvg = SMA(PPOdiff, 3);
  TotChgAvg = SMA(abs(PPOdiff), 3);
  ChgRatio = iif(TotChgAvg != 0, (NetChgAvg / TotChgAvg),0);
  SHPPO = round(50 * (ChgRatio + 1),3) / 100
  SHRSI <- RSI(price,14) 
  output <- round(LT + MD + SH, 1)
#' Set up a dataframe for regression
#' This function, when supplied a vector, looks for matches based on correlation
#' or coefficient determination and returns a data frame preparing for a regression model.
#' The function also outputs "newdata" to be used in the forecast horizon if needed, and
#' the location in the data set where the match begins.
#' @param data vector or times series
#' @param n.hist number of data points used for Y in a regression model
#' @param n.fore number of data points in the forecast horizon
#' @param n.match number of matches requested from data set
#' @param model linear, ves - variable elasticity,  or ces - constant elasticity
#' @param use.cd whether to use the coefficient determination or correlation
#' @export
find.matches <- function(data, n.hist = 35, n.fore = 15, n.match=NULL,
                         model = c("linear","ves","ces"), use.cd = TRUE)
  origdata = coredata(data)
  n.data = NROW(origdata)
  model = match.arg(model)
  if (model =="ces") {
    Y = round(log(origdata[((n.data-n.hist)+1):n.data]),4)
  } else { Y = origdata[((n.data-n.hist)+1):n.data]
  if (is.null(n.match)) {
    n.match = floor(n.hist*.4)
  if (model=="ves") {
    n.match = floor(n.match/2)
  # correlation table
  correlation.table = rep(NA, n.data)
  for(i in 1:(n.data-(n.hist+n.fore))) {
    window = origdata[i:(n.hist+(i-1))]
    correlation.table[i] = cor(Y, window)
  # CD table
  cd.table = round(abs(correlation.table)^2,6)
  # find matches
  max.indx = c()
  max.cor = c()
  if (use.cd==TRUE){temp = cd.table
  } else {temp = correlation.table}
  if (use.cd==TRUE){
    for(i in 1:n.match) {
      indx = which.max(temp)
      c = temp[indx]
      max.indx[i] = indx
      max.cor[i] = c
      #temp[max(0,indx):min(n.data,(indx +
      #  (n.fore+n.hist)))] = NA 12.10.13
      temp[max(0,indx)] = NA
    }} else {for(i in 1:n.match) {
      indx = which.max(temp)
      c = temp[indx]
      max.indx[i] = indx
      max.cor[i] = c
      temp[max(0,indx):min(n.data,(indx +
                                      (n.fore+n.hist)))] = NA}}
  # model
  n.match = NROW(max.indx)
  X = matrix(NA, nr=(n.match), nc=(n.hist))
  temp = origdata
  for(i in 1:n.match) {
    X[i,] = temp[max.indx[i]:(max.indx[i]+(n.hist-1))]
  if (model=="ves") {
    Z = log(X)
    X = data.frame(t(rbind(X,Z)))
    df = cbind(data.frame(Y=Y),as.data.frame(X))
  } else if (model=="ces") {
    X = t(log(X))
    df = cbind(data.frame(Y=Y),data.frame(X))
  } else { X = t(X)
           df = cbind(data.frame(Y=Y),data.frame(X))
  # newdata formation
  X = matrix(NA, nr=(n.match), nc=(n.fore))
  temp = origdata
  for(i in 1:n.match) {
    X[i,] = temp[(max.indx[i]+n.hist):((max.indx[i]+
  if (model=="ves") {
    Z = log(X)
    newdf = data.frame(t(rbind(X,Z)))
  } else if (model=="ces") {
    X = t(log(X))
    newdf = data.frame(X)
  } else { X = t(X)
           newdf = data.frame(X)
  out = list(df,newdf,max.indx)
  names(out)[1] = "rmodel"
  names(out)[2] = "fmodel"
  names(out)[3] = "matchindx"

#' Adding future dates to a forecast
#' @param dates the dates of the historical values
#' @param forecast a vector of forecasted values
#' @keywords forecast dates
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ##NULL
extendForecast <- function(dates, forecast) {
  # TESTING FOR FREQ: 1-daily; 4-quarterly; 12-monthly
  # weekly is not supported by timeDate package
  freq <- frequency(as.timeDate(dates))
  if (freq == 1) {
    h <- NROW(forecast)
    new.dates <- as.Date(dates)
    new.dates <- seq(last(new.dates) + 1, last(new.dates) + 365, by = "day")
    new.dates <- timeDate(new.dates)
    new.dates <- as.Date(new.dates[isBizday(new.dates, holidayNYSE())])
    new.dates <- new.dates[1:h]
    return(as.xts(forecast, new.dates))
  if (freq == 4) {
    h <- NROW(forecast)
    new.dates <- as.timeDate(dates)
    new.dates <- as.Date(alignQuarterly(timeSequence(from = last(dates) +
                                                       1, by = "quarter", length.out = h)))
    return(as.xts(forecast, new.dates))
  if (freq == 12) {
    h <- NROW(forecast)
    new.dates <- as.timeDate(dates)
    new.dates <- as.Date(alignMonthly(timeSequence(from = last(dates) +
                                                     1, by = "month", length.out = h)))
    return(as.xts(forecast, new.dates))

#' Remove Outliers from a dataset
#' This function removes outliers from a dataset
#' credit for this source code goes to aL3xa on StackOverflow
#' @param x object
#' @param na.rm boolean
#' @return object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' set.seed(1)
#' x <- rnorm(100)
#' x <- c(-10, x, 10)
#' y <- remove_outliers(x)
#' par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
#' boxplot(x)
#' boxplot(y)
#' }
#' @export

remove.outliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...) {
  qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
  i <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  y <- x
  y[x < (qnt[1] - i)] <- NA
  y[x > (qnt[2] + i)] <- NA

#' Excel data to R
#' This function specifies that you are reading data from the clipboard,
#' that it is tab delimited, and that it has a header.
#' @param header boolean
#' @return object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dat=read.excel()
#' }
#' @export

read.excel <- function(header=TRUE,...) {

#' R object to Excel
#' Exporting a R object to Excel via the clipboard
#' @param x object
#' @param row.names boolean
#' @param col.names boolean
#' @return object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' write.excel(dat)
#' }
#' @export

write.excel <- function(x,row.names=FALSE,col.names=TRUE,...) {

#' Reverse First and Last Name
#' When there is a "last, first" name or "last first" name string, you can
#' reverse the string to look like "first last" name with this function.
#' @param x string
#' @param p boolean
#' @return string
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x = "Ruth, Babe"
#' reverse_name(x)
#' }
#' @export

reverse_name <- function(x, p="TRUE"){
  library(stringr); library(Hmisc)
  if (p == "TRUE"){
    #x = str_replace_all(x, "[^[:print:]]", " ")
    x = str_replace_all(x, "[^a-zA-Z.-]", " ") #keep periods and hyphens
    la = capitalize(substr(str_trim(x, side = "both"),1,
                           str_locate(x, " ")-1))
    fi = capitalize(substr(str_trim(x, side = "both"),
                           str_locate(x, " ")+1,str_length(x)))
    out = str_trim(paste(fi,la), side = "both")
  } else {
    x = str_replace_all(x, "[^a-zA-Z]", " ") #leave out all punctuation
    la = capitalize(substr(str_trim(x, side = "both"),1,
                           str_locate(x, " ")-1))
    fi = capitalize(substr(str_trim(x, side = "both"),
                           str_locate(x, " ")+1,str_length(x)))
    out = str_trim(paste(fi,la), side = "both")

#' Summarize content
#' This function takes the R object on which we need to obtain statistics (x),
#' how many entries should each summary contain (step, defaulting to 1000),
#' and the function we want to apply (fun, defaulting to mean).
#' @param x object
#' @param step number of entries
#' @param fun function
#' @return vector
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' dat<-data.frame(matrix(runif(100000,0,1),ncol=10))
#' summarize.by(dat)
#' }
#' @export


#' Age Years
#' This function for calculating age with two dates
#' @param earlier first date
#' @param later second date
#' @return integer
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- as.Date("2000-02-29")
#' y <- as.Date("2004-02-28")
#' age.years(x, y)
#' }
#' @export

age.years <- function(earlier, later)
  lt <- data.frame(earlier, later)
  age <- as.numeric(format(lt[,2],format="%Y")) - as.numeric(format(lt[,1],format="%Y"))
  dayOnLaterYear <- ifelse(format(lt[,1],format="%m-%d")!="02-29",
                           ifelse(as.numeric(format(later,format="%Y")) %% 400 == 0 | as.numeric(format(later,format="%Y")) %% 100 != 0 & as.numeric(format(later,format="%Y")) %% 4 == 0,
  age[which(dayOnLaterYear > lt$later)] <- age[which(dayOnLaterYear > lt$later)] - 1

#' Between
#' This function mimics the SQL between clause and returns a logical indx
#' @param x numeric
#' @param low numeric
#' @param high numeric
#' @param ineq boolean
#' @return logical
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' btween( 1:10, 5.5, 6.5 )
#' }
#' @export

btween <- function(x, low, high, ineq=F) {
  if (ineq) {
    x >= low & x <= high
  } else {
    x > low & x < high

#' Buy/Sell Indicator
#' This function will provide one buy and one sell indicator for the given
#' series
#' @param x numeric
#' @return numeric
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' buy.sell(x)
#' }
#' @export

buy.sell <- function(x){
  buy = x[which.min(x)]
  sell = x[which.max(x)]
  for (i in 1:NROW(x)){
    if (i == which.min(x)) {z[i,1] = 100
    if (i == which.max(x)) {z[i,1] = -100
    if (i != which.min(x) & i != which.max(x)) {z[i,1] = 0
  out = list(z,buy,sell)
  names(out)[1] = "Buy.Sell"
  names(out)[2] = "Buy.Price"
  names(out)[3] = "Sell.Price"

#' Unadjusted R Squared
#' This function will calculate unadjusted R squared value which explains
#' the model more accurately, because the intercept is factored back into the
#' model
#' @param fit lm
#' @return numeric
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' unadj.rsquared(fit)
#' }
#' @export

unadj.rsquared <- function(fit){
  rc = summary(fit)$r.squared
  n = NROW(fit$fitted.values)
  ybar = mean(fit$model[,1])
  n_ybar2 = n*ybar^2
  sumsq_y = sum(fit$model[,1]^2)
  k = n_ybar2/sumsq_y
  ru = rc*(1-k)+k
  out = list(ru)
  names(out)[1] = "unadj.rsquared"

#' Seasonal Averages
#' This function will calculate the seasonal averages of a time series
#' based on the frequency (average of N rows)
#' @param x dataset
#' @param frequency how often
#' @return vector
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' seasonals(x,12)
#' }
#' @export

seasonals <- function(x,frequency){

#' Normalization
#' This function will normalize a vector
#' @param x dataset
#' @return numeric
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' normalize(x)
#' }
#' @export

normalize <- function(x){
  minV = min(x,na.rm = TRUE)
  maxV = max(x,na.rm = TRUE)
  for (i in 1:NROW(x)) {
    x[i] = ((x[i]-minV)/(maxV-minV))

#' Absolute Average Accuracy
#' This function will calculate the absolute average accuracy of compartive datasets
#' @param y dataset 1
#' @param x dataset 2
#' @return numeric
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' acc(y,x)
#' }
#' @export
acc <- function (y, x) {

#' Split string into tokens using delim
#' This function will split given string into tokens using delim
#' @param s input string
#' @param delim delimiter, \strong{defaults to ","}
#' @return array of tokens
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' spl('a,b,c')
#' }
#' @export
spl <- function
  s,  		# input string
  delim = ','	# delimiter

#' Join vector of strings into one string using delim
#' This function will join vector of strings into one string using delim
#' @param v vector of strings
#' @param delim delimiter, \strong{defaults to ","}
#' @return resulting string
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' join(c('a','b','c'), ',')
#' }
#' @export
join <- function
  v, 			# vector of strings
  delim = ''	# delimiter

#' Shortcut for length function
#' This function is a shortcut for length function
#' @param x vector / string / matrix
#' @return number of elements in x
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' len(1:10)
#' }
#' @export
len <- function
  x	# vector

#' Faster version of ifelse function
#' This function is a faster version of ifelse function
#' @param cond true / false condition
#' @param truepart resulting value(s) if condition is true
#' @param falsepart resulting value(s) if condition is false
#' @return number of elements in x
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' iif(1:10 > 5, 1, 1:10)
#' }
#' @export
iif <- function
  cond,		# condition
  truepart,	# true part
  falsepart	# false part
  if(len(cond) == 1) { if(cond) truepart else falsepart }
  else {
    if(length(falsepart) == 1) {
      temp = falsepart
      falsepart = cond
      falsepart[] = temp
    if(length(truepart) == 1)
      falsepart[cond] = truepart
    else {
      cond = ifna(cond,F)
      falsepart[cond] = truepart[cond]
    #falsepart[!is.na(cond)] = temp

#' Replace NA, NaN, Inf values
#' This function will replace all NA, NaN, Inf with given values
#' @param x data to check for NA, NaN, Inf
#' @param y values(s) to be used in place of NA, NaN, Inf
#' @return updated data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ifna(c(1,NA,2,Inf,3), 4)
#' }
#' @export
ifna <- function
  x,	# check x for NA, NaN, Inf
  y	# if found replace with y
) {
  return(iif(is.na(x) | is.nan(x) | is.infinite(x), y, x))

#' Replace NULL values
#' This function will replace all NULL with given value
#' @param x data to check for NULL
#' @param y values to be used in place of NULL
#' @return updated data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' temp = list()
#' temp$val1 = ifnull(temp$val1, 4)
#' }
#' @export
ifnull <- function
  x,	# check x for NULL
  y	# if found replace with y
) {
  return(iif(is.null(x), y, x))

#' Faster version of rep fucntion
#' This function is a faster version of rep fucntion
#' @param x data to be repeated
#' @param times number of times to repeat the data
#' @return new data
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' fast.rep(c(1,NA,2,Inf,3), 4)
#' }
#' @export
fast.rep <- function(x, times) {
  length(x) = times
  x[] = x[1]

#' Count number of non NA elements
#' This function will count number of non NA elements in the given matrix
#' @param x data matrix
#' @param side margin along which to count
#' @return counts
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' cnt(matrix(c(1,NA,2,3),2,2))
#' }
#' @export
cnt <- function(
  x,			# matrix with data
  side = 2	# margin along which to count
  if( is.null(dim(x)) ) {
    sum( !is.na(x) )
  } else {
    apply(!is.na(x), side, sum)

#' Dates Functions
#' @param dates collection of dates
#' @return transformed dates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' date.dayofweek(Sys.Date())
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.dayofweek <- function(dates)
  return(as.double(format(dates, '%w')))

#' @export
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.day <- function(dates)
  return(as.double(format(dates, '%d')))

#' @export
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.week <- function(dates)
  return(as.double(format(dates, '%U')))

#' @export
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.month <- function(dates)
  return(as.double(format(dates, '%m')))

#' @export
#' @rdname DateFunctions
date.year <- function(dates)
  return(as.double(format(dates, '%Y')))

#' Compute the expiration date of stock options (3rd Friday of the month)
#' @param year year
#' @param month month
#' @return date for the third Friday of the given month and year
#' @references
#' \url{http://bytes.com/topic/python/answers/161147-find-day-week-month-year}
#' \url{http://www.mysmp.com/options/options-expiration-week.html}
#' The week beginning on Monday prior to the Saturday of options expiration is referred to as options expiration week.
#' Since the markets are closed on Saturday, the third Friday of each month represents options expiration.
#' If the third Friday of the month is a holiday, all trading dates are moved forward; meaning that Thursday will be the last trading day to exercise options.
#' \url{http://www.cboe.com/TradTool/ExpirationCalendar.aspx}
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' third.friday.month(2012,1)
#' }
#' @export
third.friday.month <- function(year, month)
  day = date.dayofweek( as.Date(c('', 10000*year + 100*month + 1), '%Y%m%d')[-1] )
  day = c(20,19,18,17,16,15,21)[1 + day]
  return(as.Date(c('', 10000*year + 100*month + day), '%Y%m%d')[-1])

#' Load Packages that are available and install ones that are not available
#' This function a convience wrapper for install.packages() function
#' @param packages names of the packages separated by comma
#' @param repos default repository
#' @param dependencies type of dependencies to install
#' @param ... additional parameters for the \code{\link{install.packages}} function
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' load.packages('forecast,quantmod')
#' }
#' @export
load.packages <- function
  packages, 							# names of the packages separated by comma
  repos = "http://cran.r-project.org",# default repository
  dependencies = c("Depends", "Imports"),	# install dependencies
  ...									# other parameters to install.packages
  packages = spl(packages)
  for( ipackage in packages ) {
    if(!require(ipackage, quietly=TRUE, character.only = TRUE)) {
      install.packages(ipackage, repos=repos, dependencies=dependencies, ...)
      if(!require(ipackage, quietly=TRUE, character.only = TRUE)) {
        stop("package", sQuote(ipackage), 'is needed.  Stopping')

#' Begin Timing
#' @param identifier name for this timing session
#' @return nothing
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' tic(1)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname TimingFunctions
tic <- function
  identifier	# integer value
  assign(paste('saved.time', identifier, sep=''), proc.time()[3], envir = .GlobalEnv)

#' End Timing and report elapsed time
#' @param identifier name for this timing session
#' @return elapsed time
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' toc(1)
#' }
#' @export
#' @rdname TimingFunctions
toc <- function
  identifier	# integer value
  if( exists(paste('saved.time', identifier, sep=''), envir = .GlobalEnv) ) {
    prevTime = get(paste('saved.time', identifier, sep=''), envir = .GlobalEnv)
    diffTimeSecs = proc.time()[3] - prevTime
    cat('Elapsed time is', round(diffTimeSecs, 2), 'seconds\n')
  } else {
    cat('Toc error\n')
  return (paste('Elapsed time is', round(diffTimeSecs,2), 'seconds', sep=' '))

#' Lag matrix or vector
#' This function shifts elemnts in a vector or a mtrix by a given lag.
#' For example: mlag(x,1) - use yesterday's values and
#'  mlag(x,-1) - use tomorrow's values
#' @param x vector / matrix
#' @param nlag number of lags, \strong{defaults to 1}
#' @return modified object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' mlag(1:10)
#' }
#' @export
mlag <- function
  m,			# matrix or vector
  nlag = 1	# number of lags
  # vector
  if( is.null(dim(m)) ) {
    n = len(m)
    if(nlag > 0) {
      m[(nlag+1):n] = m[1:(n-nlag)]
      m[1:nlag] = NA
    } else if(nlag < 0) {
      m[1:(n+nlag)] = m[(1-nlag):n]
      m[(n+nlag+1):n] = NA
    # matrix
  } else {
    n = nrow(m)
    if(nlag > 0) {
      m[(nlag+1):n,] = m[1:(n-nlag),]
      m[1:nlag,] = NA
    } else if(nlag < 0) {
      m[1:(n+nlag),] = m[(1-nlag):n,]
      m[(n+nlag+1):n,] = NA

#' Repeat Rows
#' @param m vector (row)
#' @param nr number of copies along rows
#' @return new matrix
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' matrix(1:3, nr=5, nc=3, byrow=T)
#' repRow(1:3, 5)
#' }
#' @export
repRow <- function(n,nr){
  matrix(m, nr=nr, nc=len(m), byrow=T)

#' Repeat Columns
#' @param m vector (column)
#' @param nc number of copies along columns
#' @return new matrix
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' matrix(1:5, nr=5, nc=3, byrow=F)
#' repCol(1:5, 3)
#' }
#' @export
repCol <- function(m,nc){
  matrix(m, nr=len(m), nc=nc, byrow=F)

#' Create \code{\link{xts}} object, faster version of \code{\link{xts}} fucntion
#' @param x vector / matrix / data frame
#' @param order.by dates that correspond to rows of x
#' @return \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' make.xts(1:101,seq(Sys.Date()-100, Sys.Date(), 1))
#' }
#' @export 
make.xts <- function
  x,			# data
  order.by	# date
  #Sys.setenv(TZ = 'GMT')
  tzone = Sys.getenv('TZ')
  orderBy = class(order.by)
  indx = as.numeric(as.POSIXct(order.by, tz = tzone))
  # need to handle case for one row; i.e. len(orderBy) == 1
  if( is.null(dim(x)) ) {
    if( len(order.by) == 1 )
      x = t(as.matrix(x))
      dim(x) = c(len(x), 1)
  x = as.matrix(x)
  x = structure(.Data = x, 
                indx = structure(indx, tzone = tzone, tclass = orderBy), 
                class = c('xts', 'zoo'), .indxCLASS = orderBy, tclass=orderBy, .indxTZ = tzone, tzone=tzone)
  return( x )
#' Fast alternative to indx() function for \code{\link{xts}} object
#' NOTE indx.xts is the same name as the indx function in the XTS package
#' @param x \code{\link{xts}} object
#' @return dates
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{ 
#' indx.xts(make.xts(1:101,seq(Sys.Date()-100, Sys.Date(), 1)))
#' }
#' @export 
indx.xts <- function
  x			# XTS object
  temp = attr(x, 'indx')
  class(temp) = c('POSIXct', 'POSIXt')
  type = attr(x, '.indxCLASS')[1]
  if( type == 'Date' || type == 'yearmon' || type == 'yearqtr')
    temp = as.Date(temp)

# other variants that are not currently used
# this function is used in plota for X axis
indx4xts <- function
  x			# XTS object
  temp = attr(x, 'indx')

indx2date.time <- function(temp) {
  if( attr(x, '.indxCLASS')[1] == 'Date') {	
  } else {
    as.POSIXct(temp, tz = Sys.getenv('TZ'))

# Prepare backtest data
#' @export 
bt.prep <- function
  b,				# enviroment with symbols time series
  align = c('keep.all', 'remove.na'),	# alignment type
  dates = NULL,	# subset of dates
  fill.gaps = F	# fill gaps introduced by merging
  # setup
  if( !exists('symbolnames', b, inherits = F) ) b$symbolnames = ls(b)
  symbolnames = b$symbolnames
  nsymbols = len(symbolnames) 
  if( nsymbols > 1 ) {
    # merge
    out = bt.merge(b, align, dates)
    for( i in 1:nsymbols ) {
      b[[ symbolnames[i] ]] = 
        make.xts( coredata( b[[ symbolnames[i] ]] )[ out$date.map[,i],, drop = FALSE], out$all.dates)
      # fill gaps logic
      map.col = find.names('Close,Volume,Open,High,Low,Adjusted', colnames(b[[ symbolnames[i] ]]))
      if(fill.gaps & !is.na(map.col$Close)) {	
        close = coredata(b[[ symbolnames[i] ]][,map.col$Close])
        n = len(close)
        last.n = max(which(!is.na(close)))
        close = ifna.prev(close)
        if(last.n + 5 < n) close[last.n : n] = NA
        b[[ symbolnames[i] ]][, map.col$Close] = close
        indx = !is.na(close)	
        if(!is.na(map.col$Volume)) {
          indx1 = is.na(b[[ symbolnames[i] ]][, map.col$Volume]) & indx
          b[[ symbolnames[i] ]][indx1, map.col$Volume] = 0
        #for(j in colnames(b[[ symbolnames[i] ]])) {
        for(field in spl('Open,High,Low,Adjusted')) {
          j = map.col[[field]]
          if(!is.na(j)) {
            indx1 = is.na(b[[ symbolnames[i] ]][,j]) & indx
            b[[ symbolnames[i] ]][indx1, j] = close[indx1]
  } else {
    if(!is.null(dates)) b[[ symbolnames[1] ]] = b[[ symbolnames[1] ]][dates,]	
    out = list(all.dates = indx.xts(b[[ symbolnames[1] ]]) )
  # dates
  b$dates = out$all.dates
  # empty matrix		
  dummy.mat = matrix(double(), len(out$all.dates), nsymbols)
  colnames(dummy.mat) = symbolnames
  dummy.mat = make.xts(dummy.mat, out$all.dates)
  # weight matrix holds signal and weight information		
  b$weight = dummy.mat
  # execution price, if null use Close	
  b$execution.price = dummy.mat
  # populate prices matrix
  for( i in 1:nsymbols ) {
    if( has.Cl( b[[ symbolnames[i] ]] ) ) {
      dummy.mat[,i] = Cl( b[[ symbolnames[i] ]] );
  b$prices = dummy.mat	
drewgriffith15/griffun documentation built on May 15, 2019, 1:56 p.m.