
# Section 4.1 #

pbc2$status2 <- as.numeric(pbc2$status != "alive")
pbc2.id$status2 <- as.numeric(pbc2.id$status != "alive")

sfit <- survfit(Surv(years, status2) ~ drug, data = pbc2.id)
plot(sfit, lty = 1:2, lwd = 2, col = 1:2, mark.time = FALSE, 
   xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = "Transplantation-free Survival")
legend("topright", levels(pbc2.id$drug), lty = 1:2, col = 1:2, lwd = 2, 
   cex = 1.3, bty = "n")
pbc2$status2f <- factor(pbc2$status2, levels = 0:1, 
   labels = c("alive", "transplanted/dead"))
xyplot(log(serBilir) ~ year | status2f, group = id, data = pbc2,
   panel = function(x, y, ...) {
     panel.xyplot(x, y, type = "l", col = 1, ...)
     panel.loess(x, y, col = 2, lwd = 2)
   }, xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = "log(serum Bilirubin)")

lmeFit.pbc1 <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ ns(year, 2), data = pbc2,
                   random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id)
coxFit.pbc1 <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ drug * age, data = pbc2.id, x = TRUE)
jointFit.pbc1 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc1, coxFit.pbc1, timeVar = "year", 
                                 n.iter = 30000)

# Section 4.2 #

# a joint model with Student's-t error terms
dLong <- function (y, eta.y, scale, log = FALSE, data) {
    dgt(x = y, mu = eta.y, sigma = scale, df = 4, log = log)
jointFit.pbc2 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc1, coxFit.pbc1, timeVar = "year", 
                                 densLong = dLong)

# a joint model for a dichotomous longitudinal outcome
pbc2$serBilirD <- as.numeric(pbc2$serBilir > 1.8)
lmeFit.pbc2 <- glmmPQL(serBilirD ~ year, random = ~ year | id, family = binomial, 
                       data = pbc2)
dLongBin <- function (y, eta.y, scale, log = FALSE, data) {
    dbinom(x = y, size = 1, prob = plogis(eta.y), log = log)
jointFit.pbc3 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc2, coxFit.pbc1, timeVar = "year", 
                                 densLong = dLongBin)

# a joint model for a left censored longitudinal outcome
pbc2$CensInd <- as.numeric(pbc2$serBilir <= 0.8)
pbc2$serBilir2 <- pbc2$serBilir
pbc2$serBilir2[pbc2$serBilir2 <= 0.8] <- 0.8

censdLong <- function (y, eta.y, scale, log = FALSE, data) {
    log.f <- dnorm(x = y, mean = eta.y, sd = scale, log = TRUE)
    log.F <- pnorm(q = y, mean = eta.y, sd = scale, log.p = TRUE)
    ind <- data$CensInd
    log.dens <- (1 - ind) * log.f + ind * log.F
    if (log) log.dens else exp(log.dens)
lmeFit.pbc3 <- lme(log(serBilir2) ~ ns(year, 2), data = pbc2,
                   random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id)
jointFit.pbc4 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc3, coxFit.pbc1, timeVar = "year",
                                  densLong = censdLong)

# Section 4.3 #

# a joint model with the current value and current slope term 
dForm <- list(fixed = ~ 0 + dns(year, 2), random = ~ 0 + dns(year, 2), 
              indFixed = 2:3, indRandom = 2:3)
jointFit.pbc12 <- update(jointFit.pbc1, param = "td-both", extraForm = dForm)

# a joint model with a cumulative effect
iForm <- list(fixed = ~ 0 + year + ins(year, 2), random = ~ 0 + year + ins(year, 2), 
              indFixed = 1:3, indRandom = 1:3)
jointFit.pbc13 <- update(jointFit.pbc1, param = "td-extra", extraForm = iForm)

wf <- function (u, parms, t.max) {
    num <- dnorm(x = u, sd = parms)
    den <- pnorm(q = c(0, t.max), sd = parms)
    num / (den[2L] - den[1L])
jointFit.pbc13w <- update(jointFit.pbc1, estimateWeightFun = TRUE, 
                          weightFun = wf, priorShapes = list(shape1 = dunif),
                          priors = list(priorshape1 = c(0, 10)))

plot(jointFit.pbc13w, which = "weightFun", max.t = 0.5)

# a joint model with the shared random effects parameterization
jointFit.pbc14 <- update(jointFit.pbc1, param = "shared-RE", n.iter = 50000)

# Section 4.4 #

# use of transformation functions
tf1 <- function (x, data) cbind(x, "^2" = x*x)
tf2 <- function (x, data) cbind(x, "D-penicil" = x * (data$drug == 'D-penicil'))
jointFit.pbc15 <- update(jointFit.pbc12, transFun = list(value = tf1, extra = tf2))


# Section 5.1 #

# Dynamic predictions for Patient 2 for the survival and longitudinal outcomes
ND <- pbc2[pbc2$id == 2, ]
sfit.pbc15 <- survfitJM(jointFit.pbc15, newdata = ND)

plot(sfit.pbc15, estimator = "mean", include.y = TRUE,
     conf.int = TRUE, fill.area = TRUE, col.area = "lightgrey")

Ps.pbc15 <- predict(jointFit.pbc15, ND, type = "Subject", 
                    interval = "confidence", return = TRUE)

last.time <- with(Ps.pbc15, year[!is.na(low)][1])

xyplot(pred + low + upp ~ year, data = Ps.pbc15, type = "l", 
       lty = c(1,2,2), col = c(2,1,1), abline = list(v = last.time, lty = 3), 
       xlab = "Time (years)", ylab = "Predicted log(serum bilirubin)")

# Web interface with shiny

# Section 5.2 #

# Bayesian Model Averaging
Models <- list(jointFit.pbc1, jointFit.pbc12, jointFit.pbc13, 
               jointFit.pbc14, jointFit.pbc15)

log.p.Mk <- log(rep(1/5, 5))
log.p.Dn.Mk <- sapply(Models, logLik, marginal.thetas = TRUE)

## Added obs.times here!
obs.times <- with(pbc2, split(year, id))
log.p.Dj.Mk <- sapply(Models, marglogLik, newdata = ND[1:5, ])

weightsBMA <- log.p.Dj.Mk + log.p.Dn.Mk + log.p.Mk
weightsBMA <- exp(weightsBMA - mean(weightsBMA, na.rm = TRUE))
weightsBMA <- weightsBMA / sum(weightsBMA, na.rm = TRUE)

survPreds <- lapply(Models, survfitJM, newdata = ND[1:5, ])

survPreds.BMA <- bma.combine(JMlis = survPreds, weights = weightsBMA)

# Section 5.3 #

roc.pbc15 <- rocJM(jointFit.pbc15, pbc2, Tstart = 5, Dt = 2)

# Discrimination & Calibration
auc.pbc15 <- aucJM(jointFit.pbc15, pbc2, Tstart = 5, Dt = 2)
dynC.pbc15 <- dynCJM(jointFit.pbc15, pbc2, Dt = 2)
pe.pbc15 <- prederrJM(jointFit.pbc15, pbc2, Tstart = 5, Thoriz = 7)
ipe.pbc15 <- prederrJM(jointFit.pbc15, pbc2, Tstart = 5, Thoriz = 9, interval = TRUE)

# Validation using 10-fold CV
V <- 10
n <- nrow(pbc2.id)
splits <- split(seq_len(n), sample(rep(seq_len(V), length.out = n)))
CrossValJM <- function (i) {
    pbc2$status2 <- as.numeric(pbc2$status != "alive")
    pbc2.id$status2 <- as.numeric(pbc2.id$status != "alive")
    trainingData <- pbc2[!pbc2$id %in% i, ]
    trainingData.id <- trainingData[!duplicated(trainingData$id), ]
    testingData <- pbc2[pbc2$id %in% i, ]
    lmeFit.pbc1 <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ ns(year, 2), data = trainingData,
                       random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id)
    coxFit.pbc1 <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ drug * age, data = trainingData.id, 
                         x = TRUE)
    dForm <- list(fixed = ~ 0 + dns(year, 2), random = ~ 0 + dns(year, 2), 
                  indFixed = 2:3, indRandom = 2:3)
    tf1 <- function (x, data) cbind(x, "^2" = x*x)
    tf2 <- function (x, data) cbind(x, "drugD-penicil" = x * (data$drug == 'D-penicil'))
    jointFit.pbc15 <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc1, coxFit.pbc1, timeVar = "year",
                                      param = "td-both", extraForm = dForm, 
                                      transFun = list(value = tf1, extra = tf2))
    pe <- prederrJM(jointFit.pbc15, newdata = testingData, Tstart = 5, Thoriz = 7)
    auc <- aucJM(jointFit.pbc15, newdata = testingData, Tstart = 5, Thoriz = 7)
    list(pe = pe, auc = auc)

cl <- makeCluster(5)
res <- parLapply(cl, splits, CrossValJM)

# cross-validation estimates of the prediction error and the AUC
mean(sapply(res, function (x) x$auc$auc))
mean(sapply(res, function (x) x$pe$prederr))

# Appendix A #

jointFit.pbc1.10knots <- update(jointFit.pbc1, lng.in.kn = 10L)
jointFit.pbc1.20knots <- update(jointFit.pbc1, lng.in.kn = 20L)

cbind("10 knots" = fixef(jointFit.pbc1.10knots),
  "15 knots" = fixef(jointFit.pbc1), 
  "20 knots" = fixef(jointFit.pbc1.20knots))

jointFit.pbc15.10knots <- update(jointFit.pbc15, lng.in.kn = 10L)
jointFit.pbc15.20knots <- update(jointFit.pbc15, lng.in.kn = 20L)

cbind("10 knots" = fixef(jointFit.pbc1.10knots, process = "Event"), 
  "15 knots" = fixef(jointFit.pbc1, process = "Event"), 
  "20 knots" = fixef(jointFit.pbc1.20knots, process = "Event"))

# Appendix B #

plot(jointFit.pbc1, param = c("betas", "sigma", "alphas", "gammas"))
plot(jointFit.pbc1, which = "density", 
  param = c("betas", "sigma", "alphas", "gammas"))

# Appendix C #

pbc <- pbc2[c("id", "serBilir", "drug", "year", "years",
              "status2", "spiders")]
pbc$start <- pbc$year
splitID <- split(pbc[c("start", "years")], pbc$id)
pbc$stop <- unlist(lapply(splitID,
                          function (d) c(d$start[-1], d$years[1]) ))
pbc$event <- with(pbc, ave(status2, id,
                           FUN = function (x) c(rep(0, length(x)-1), x[1])))
pbc <- pbc[!is.na(pbc$spiders), ]
pbc <- pbc[pbc$start != 0, ]

lmeFit.pbc <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ drug * ns(year, 2),
                  random = ~ ns(year, 2) | id, data = pbc)

tdCox.pbc <- coxph(Surv(start, stop, event) ~ drug * spiders + cluster(id),
                   data = pbc, x = TRUE, model = TRUE)

jointFit.pbc <- jointModelBayes(lmeFit.pbc, tdCox.pbc, timeVar = "year")

drizopoulos/JMbayes documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 12:34 a.m.