
mvJointModelBayes <- function (mvglmerObject, survObject, timeVar,
                               Formulas = list(NULL), Interactions = list(NULL),
                               transFuns = NULL, priors = NULL, multiState = FALSE, 
                               data_MultiState = NULL, idVar_MultiState = "id", 
                               control = NULL, ...) {
    cl <- match.call()
    # control values
    con <- list(temps = 1.0, n_iter = 300, n_burnin = 1000,
                n_block = 50, n_thin = 300, target_acc = 0.234, c0 = 1, c1 = 0.8,
                eps1 = 1e-06, eps2 = 1e-05, eps3 = 1e04, adaptCov = FALSE,
                knots = NULL, ObsTimes.knots = TRUE,
                lng.in.kn = 15L, ordSpline = 4L, diff = 2L, speed_factor = 0.6,
                GQsurv = "GaussKronrod", GQsurv.k = 15L, seed = 1L,
                n_cores = max(1, parallel::detectCores() - 1), update_RE = TRUE,
                light = FALSE, equal.strata.knots = FALSE, 
                equal.strata.bound.knots = FALSE,
                lng.in.kn.multiState = 5L)
    control <- c(control, list(...))
    namC <- names(con)
    con[(namc <- names(control))] <- control
    if (length(noNms <- namc[!namc %in% namC]) > 0)
        warning("unknown names in control: ", paste(noNms, collapse = ", "))
    # build survival data
    if (is.null(survObject$model)) {
        stop("'survObject' must be a 'coxph' or 'survreg' object fitted with argument 'model'",
             " set to TRUE.\n")
    if (multiState) { 
        survObject$model <- survObject$model[order(survObject$model$`(cluster)`), ]
        survObject$model$`(cluster)` <- match(survObject$model$`(cluster)`, unique(survObject$model$`(cluster)`))
        dataS <- survObject$model
    } else {
        dataS <- survObject$model
    Terms <- attr(dataS, "terms")
    environment(Terms) <- NULL
    SurvInf <- model.response(dataS)
    typeSurvInf <- attr(SurvInf, "type")
    TimeVar <- all.vars(Terms)[1L]
    if (typeSurvInf == "right") {
        if (class(survObject)[1L] == 'survreg') {
            stop("Please refit the survival submodel using coxph().\n")
        Time <- SurvInf[, "time"]
        Time[Time < 1e-04] <- 1e-04
        nT <- length(Time)
        event <- SurvInf[, "status"]
        LongFormat <- FALSE
        TimeLl <- rep(0.0, length(Time))
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && !multiState) {
        if (class(survObject) == 'survreg') {
            stop("Please refit the survival submodel using coxph().\n")
        if (is.null(survObject$model$`(cluster)`)) {
            stop("you need to refit the Cox and include in the right hand side of the ",
                 "formula the 'cluster()' function using as its argument the subjects' ",
                 "id indicator. These ids need to be the same as the ones used to fit ",
                 "the mixed effects model.\n")
        idT <- survObject$model$`(cluster)`
        LongFormat <- length(idT) > length(unique(idT))
        TimeL <- TimeLl <- SurvInf[, "start"]
        fidT <- factor(idT, levels = unique(idT))
        TimeL <- tapply(TimeL, fidT, head, n = 1)
        anyLeftTrunc <- any(TimeL > 1e-07)
        TimeR <- SurvInf[, "stop"]
        TimeR[TimeR < 1e-04] <- 1e-04
        Time <- tapply(TimeR, fidT, tail, n = 1)
        nT <- length(Time)
        eventLong <- SurvInf[, "status"]
        event  <- c(tapply(eventLong, fidT, tail, n = 1))
        #Terms <- drop.terms(Terms, attr(Terms,"specials")$cluster - 1,
        #                    keep.response = TRUE)
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        if (class(survObject) == 'survreg') {
            stop("Please refit the survival submodel using coxph(). \n")
        if (is.null(survObject$model$`(cluster)`)) {
            stop("you need to refit the Cox and include in the right hand side of the ", 
                 "formula the 'cluster()' function using as its argument the subjects' ", 
                 "id indicator. These ids need to be the same as the ones used in the ", 
                 "data_MultiState dataset. \n")
        con$lng.in.kn <- con$lng.in.kn.multiState
        idT <- survObject$model$`(cluster)`
        LongFormat <- length(idT) > length(unique(idT))
        TimeL <- TimeLl <- SurvInf[, "start"]
        fidT <- factor(idT, levels = unique(idT))
        anyLeftTrunc <- any(TimeL > 1e-07)
        TimeR <- SurvInf[, "stop"]
        nT <- length(unique(fidT))
        nT.long <- length(idT)
        event <- eventLong <- SurvInf[, "status"]
        nRisks <- length(unique(survObject$strata))
        #Terms <- drop.terms(Terms, attr(Terms, "specials")$cluster - 1, 
        #                    keep.response = TRUE)
        state.id <- gsub("^strata*\\((.*)\\).*", "\\1", 
                         colnames(dataS)[grep("^strata", colnames(dataS))])
        state.id2 <- colnames(dataS)[grep("^strata", colnames(dataS))]
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        Time1 <- SurvInf[, "time1"]
        Time2 <- SurvInf[, "time2"]
        Time <- Time1
        Time[Time2 != 1] <- Time2[Time2 != 1]
        TimeL <- Time1
        TimeL[Time2 == 1] <- 0.0
        Time[Time < 1e-04] <- 1e-04
        nT <- length(Time)
        event <- SurvInf[, "status"]
        LongFormat <- FALSE
        TimeLl <- rep(0.0, length(Time))
    # Gauss-Kronrod components
    GQsurv <- if (con$GQsurv == "GaussKronrod") gaussKronrod() else gaussLegendre(con$GQsurv.k)
    wk <- GQsurv$wk
    sk <- GQsurv$sk
    K <- length(sk)
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && !multiState) {
        P <- (Time - TimeL) / 2
    } else if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        P <- (TimeR - TimeL) / 2
    } else {
        P <- Time / 2
    st <- if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && !multiState) {
        outer(P, sk) + c(Time + TimeL) / 2
    } else if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        outer(P, sk) + c(TimeR + TimeL) / 2
    } else {
        outer(P, sk + 1)
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        P_int <- TimeL / 2
        st_int <- outer(P_int, sk + 1)
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        idGK <- rep(seq_along(TimeR), each = K)
        strat <- survObject$strata
        n.strat <- length(levels(strat))
        split.TimeR <- split(TimeR, strat)
        split.TimeL <- split(TimeL, strat)
        ind.t <- unlist(tapply(idT, idT, 
                               FUN = function(x) 
                                   c(as.logical(data_MultiState[data_MultiState[, idVar_MultiState] %in% x, "status"]))))
        Time <- TimeR
        idGK_fast <- c(idGK[-length(idGK)] != idGK[-1L], TRUE)
    } else {
        idGK <- rep(seq_len(nT), each = K)
        idGK_fast <- c(idGK[-length(idGK)] != idGK[-1L], TRUE)
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        kn <- if (con$equal.strata.knots) {
            kk <- if (is.null(con$knots)) {
                tt <- if (con$ObsTimes.knots) Time else Time[ind.t]
                pp <- quantile(tt, c(0.05, 0.95), names = FALSE)
                tail(head(seq(pp[1L], pp[2L], length.out = con$lng.in.kn), -1L), -1L)
            } else {
            kk <- kk[kk < max(Time)]
            if (!con$equal.strata.bound.knots) {
                st.split <- split(st, strat)
                rr <- mapply(FUN = function(x, y) sort(c(rep(range(x, y), con$ordSpline), kk)), 
                             split.TimeR, st.split, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            } else {
                rr <- rep(list(sort(c(rep(range(Time, st), con$ordSpline), kk))), n.strat)
            names(rr) <- names(split.TimeR)
            con$knots <- rr
        } else {
            sptt <- if (con$ObsTimes.knots) {
                split(TimeR[event == 1], strat[event == 1])
            } else {
                mapply(function(x, y) {x[y]}, split.TimeR, split(ind.t, strat))
            if (!con$equal.strata.bound.knots) {
                st.split <- split(st, strat)
                rr <- mapply(FUN =function (t, y){
                    kk <- if (is.null(con$knots)) {
                        pp <- quantile(t, c(0.05, 0.95), names = FALSE)
                        tail(head(seq(pp[1L], pp[2L], length.out = con$lng.in.kn), -1L), -1L)
                    } else {
                    kk <- kk[kk < max(t)]
                    sort(c(rep(range(t, y), con$ordSpline), kk))
                }, sptt, st.split, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
            } else {
                rr <- lapply(sptt, function(t) {
                    kk <- if (is.null(con$knots)) {
                        pp <- quantile(t, c(0.05, 0.95), names = FALSE)
                        tail(head(seq(pp[1L], pp[2L], length.out = con$lng.in.kn), -1L), -1L)
                    } else {
                    kk <- kk[kk < max(t)]
                    sort(c(rep(range(Time, st), con$ordSpline), kk))
                names(rr) <- names(split.TimeR)
            con$knots <- rr
    } else {
        # knots baseline hazard
        kn <- if (is.null(con$knots)) {
            tt <- if (con$ObsTimes.knots) Time else Time[event == 1]
            pp <- quantile(tt, c(0.05, 0.95), names = FALSE)
            tail(head(seq(pp[1L], pp[2L], length.out = con$lng.in.kn), -1L), -1L)
        } else {
        kn <- kn[kn < max(Time)]
        rr <- sort(c(rep(range(Time, st), con$ordSpline), kn))
        con$knots <- rr
    # build desing matrices for longitudinal process
    if (multiState) {
        ord_long_id <- gsub("^[l].*\\(.*\\s\\|\\s([^\\)]*).*", "\\1", mvglmerObject$call[2])
        mvglmerObject$data <- mvglmerObject$data[order(mvglmerObject$data[[ord_long_id]], mvglmerObject$data[[timeVar]]), ]
        mvglmerObject$data[[ord_long_id]] <- match(mvglmerObject$data[[ord_long_id]], unique(mvglmerObject$data[[ord_long_id]]))
        dataL <- mvglmerObject$data
    } else {
        dataL <- mvglmerObject$data
    components <- mvglmerObject$components
    families <- mvglmerObject$families
    n_outcomes <- length(families)
    seq_n_outcomes <- seq_len(n_outcomes)
    idL <- components[paste0("id", seq_n_outcomes)]
    y <- components[paste0("y", seq_n_outcomes)]
    X <- components[paste0("X", seq_n_outcomes)]
    Z <- components[paste0("Z", seq_n_outcomes)]
    # constuct data set with the last repeated measurement per subject
    # evaluated at Time and at TimeL when interval censoring
    idVar <- components$idVar1
    if (is.null(dataL[[timeVar]])) {
        stop("variable '", timeVar, "' not in the data.frame extracted from 'mvglmerObject'.\n")
    dataL <- dataL[order(dataL[[idVar]], dataL[[timeVar]]), ]
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        dataL.id <- right_rows_mstate(dataL, dataL[[timeVar]], dataL[[idVar]], as.matrix(TimeR), idT)
        dataL.id[[state.id]] <- data_MultiState$trans
    } else {
        dataL.id <- last_rows(dataL, dataL[[idVar]])
    dataL.id[[timeVar]] <- Time
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        dataL_int.id <- dataL.id
        dataL_int.id[[timeVar]] <- TimeL
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        dataL.id2 <- right_rows_mstate(dataL, dataL[[timeVar]], dataL[[idVar]], st, idT)
        dataL.id2[[timeVar]] <- c(t(st))
    } else {
        # create the data set used for the calculation of the cumulative hazard
        # for the specified Gaussian quadrature points use the rows from the original
        # longitudinal data set that correspond to these points; this is to account for
        # time-varying covariates in the longitudinal submodel
        dataL.id2 <- right_rows(dataL, dataL[[timeVar]], dataL[[idVar]], st)
        dataL.id2[[timeVar]] <- c(t(st))
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        dataL_int.id2 <- right_rows(dataL, dataL[[timeVar]], dataL[[idVar]], st_int)
        dataL_int.id2[[timeVar]] <- c(t(st_int))
    # create the survival data used for the calculation of the cumulative hazard
    # also create a merged data set from the longitudinal & survival submodels. The
    # latter is used to calculate interaction terms
    if (typeSurvInf == "right" || typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        idT <- dataS[[idVar]] <- unique(dataL[[idVar]])
    } else {
        if (!all(idT %in% unique(dataL[[idVar]]))) {
            stop("it seems there are some ids in the survival data set that cannot be ",
                 "found in the longitudinal data set.\n")
        dataS[[idVar]] <- idT
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" & multiState) {
        dataS.id <- data_MultiState
        dataS.split <- split(dataS, strat)
        st.strat.split <- split(rownames(st), strat)
        dataS.id.long <- NULL
        for (i in 1:n.strat) {
            dataS.id.long[[i]] <- right_rows(dataS.split[[i]], split.TimeL[[i]], dataS.split[[i]][[idVar_MultiState]], 
                                             st[st.strat.split[[i]], ]) 
        dataS.id2 <- do.call(rbind, dataS.id.long)
        dataS.id2 <- dataS.id2[order(dataS.id2[[idVar_MultiState]]), ]
        survVars_notin_long <- survVars_notin_long2 <- !names(dataS) %in% names(dataL)
        survVars_notin_long[names(dataS) == idVar] <- TRUE
        dataS.id.long2 <- lapply(dataS.split, FUN = function (x) x[survVars_notin_long])
        dataL.id.split <- split(dataL.id, dataL.id[[state.id]])
        dataLS.id <- mapply(merge, dataL.id.split, dataS.id.long2, by = idVar, 
                            all = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
        dataLS.id <- do.call(rbind, dataLS.id)
        dataLS.id <- dataLS.id[order(dataLS.id[[idVar]]), ]
        dataLS.id[[TimeVar]] <- dataLS.id[[timeVar]]
        dataS.id2[["id2merge"]] <- paste(dataS.id2[[idVar]], round(c(t(st)), 8), sep = ":")
        dataL.id2[["id2merge"]] <- paste(dataL.id2[[idVar]], round(c(t(st)), 8), sep = ":")
        dataS.id2.split <- split(dataS.id2, dataS.id2[[state.id2]])
        dataS.id2.split <- lapply(dataS.id2.split, FUN = function (x) x[survVars_notin_long])
        dataL.id2[[state.id2]] <- rep(dataS.id[[state.id]], each = K)
        dataL.id2.split <- split(dataL.id2, dataL.id2[[state.id2]])
        dataLS.id2 <- mapply(merge, dataL.id2.split, dataS.id2.split, by = "id2merge", 
                             all = FALSE, SIMPLIFY = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
        dataLS.id2 <- do.call(rbind, dataLS.id2)
        col.rm1 <- colnames(dataLS.id2)[grep(paste0(state.id2, "*"), colnames(dataLS.id2))]
        col.rm2 <- colnames(dataLS.id2)[grep(paste0(idVar, ".", "[x | y]"), colnames(dataLS.id2))]
        col.rm.x <- c(col.rm1[grep("*.x", col.rm1)], col.rm2[grep("*.x", col.rm2)])
        col.rm.y <- c(col.rm1[grep("*.y", col.rm1)], col.rm2[grep("*.y", col.rm2)])
        col.rm <- unname(sapply(col.rm.y, FUN = function (x) gsub(".y", "", x)))
        dataLS.id2 <- dataLS.id2[, !colnames(dataLS.id2) %in% col.rm.x]
        colnames(dataLS.id2)[colnames(dataLS.id2) %in% col.rm.y] <- col.rm
        dataLS.id2 <- dataLS.id2[order(dataLS.id2[[idVar]]), ]
        colnames(dataLS.id2) <- gsub("^strata*\\((.*)\\).*", "\\1", colnames(dataLS.id2))
        dataLS.id2[[TimeVar]] <- dataLS.id2[[timeVar]]
    } else {
        dataS.id <- last_rows(dataS, dataS[[idVar]])
        dataS.id2 <- right_rows(dataS, TimeLl, idT, st)
        survVars_notin_long <- survVars_notin_long2 <- !names(dataS) %in% names(dataL)
        survVars_notin_long[names(dataS) == idVar] <- TRUE
        dataLS <- merge(dataL, dataS.id[survVars_notin_long], all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
        dataLS.id <- merge(dataL.id, dataS.id[survVars_notin_long], by = idVar,
                           all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
        dataLS.id[[TimeVar]] <- dataLS.id[[timeVar]]
        dataS.id2[["id2merge"]] <- paste(dataS.id2[[idVar]], round(c(t(st)), 8), sep = ":")
        dataL.id2[["id2merge"]] <- paste(dataL.id2[[idVar]], round(c(t(st)), 8), sep = ":")
        dataLS.id2 <- merge(dataL.id2, dataS.id2[survVars_notin_long2], by = "id2merge",
                            sort = FALSE, all = FALSE)
        dataLS.id2[[TimeVar]] <- dataLS.id2[[timeVar]] 
    # corresponding dataset for interval censoring data
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        dataS_int.id <- last_rows(dataS, dataS[[idVar]])
        dataS_int.id2 <- right_rows(dataS, TimeLl, idT, st_int)
        dataLS_int <- merge(dataL, dataS_int.id[survVars_notin_long], all = TRUE, 
                            sort = FALSE)
        dataLS_int.id <- merge(dataL_int.id, dataS_int.id[survVars_notin_long], by = idVar,
                               all = TRUE, sort = FALSE)
        uu <- runif(length(st_int))
        dataS_int.id2[["id2merge"]] <- paste(dataS_int.id2[[idVar]], uu, sep = ":")
        dataL_int.id2[["id2merge"]] <- paste(dataL.id2[[idVar]], uu, sep = ":")
        dataLS_int.id2 <- merge(dataL_int.id2, dataS_int.id2[survVars_notin_long2], 
                                by = "id2merge", sort = FALSE, all = FALSE)
        dataLS_int.id2[[TimeVar]] <- dataLS_int.id2[[timeVar]]
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        W1 <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) splines::splineDesign(x, y, ord = con$ordSpline, outer.ok = TRUE), 
                     con$knots, split.TimeR, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        W1 <- mapply(FUN = function (w1, ind) {
            out <- matrix(0, length(Time), ncol(w1))
            out[strat == ind, ] <- w1
        }, W1, levels(strat), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        knots_strat <- lapply(W1, ncol)
        knots_strat <- do.call(c, knots_strat)
        W1 <- do.call(cbind, W1)
        strat_GQ <- rep(strat, each = con$GQsurv.k)
        split.TimeR_GQ <- split(c(t(st)), strat_GQ)
        W1s <- mapply(FUN = function (x, y) splines::splineDesign(x, y, ord = con$ordSpline, outer.ok = TRUE), 
                      con$knots, split.TimeR_GQ, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        W1s <- mapply(FUN = function (w1s, ind) {
            out <- matrix(0, length(Time) * con$GQsurv.k, ncol(w1s))
            out[strat_GQ == ind, ] <- w1s
        }, W1s, levels(strat), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
        knots_strat_GQ <- lapply(W1s, ncol)
        knots_strat_GQ <- do.call(c, knots_strat_GQ)
        W1s <- do.call(cbind, W1s)
        dataS.id.clone <- dataS
        Terms <- drop.terms(Terms, attr(Terms, "specials")$strata - 1, 
                            keep.response = TRUE)
        W2 <- model.matrix(Terms, data = dataS.id.clone)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        W2s <- model.matrix(Terms, data = dataS.id2)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    } else {
        # design matrices for the survival submodel, W1 is for the baseline hazard,
        # W2 for the baseline and external time-varying covariates
        W1 <- splines::splineDesign(con$knots, Time, ord = con$ordSpline, outer.ok = TRUE)
        W1s <- splines::splineDesign(con$knots, c(t(st)), ord = con$ordSpline, outer.ok = TRUE)
        knots_strat <- ncol(W1)
        W2 <- model.matrix(Terms, data = dataS.id)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        W2s <- model.matrix(Terms, data = dataS.id2)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        W1_int <- splines::splineDesign(con$knots, TimeL, ord = con$ordSpline, 
                                        outer.ok = TRUE)
        W1s_int <- splines::splineDesign(con$knots, c(t(st_int)), ord = con$ordSpline, 
                                         outer.ok = TRUE)
        W2_int <- model.matrix(Terms, data = dataS_int.id)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
        W2s_int <- model.matrix(Terms, data = dataS_int.id2)[, -1, drop = FALSE]
    extract_component <- function (component, fixed = TRUE) {
        components[grep(component, names(components), fixed = fixed)]
    # expand the Formulas argument
    respVars <- unlist(extract_component("respVar"), use.names = FALSE)
    if (any(!names(Formulas) %in% respVars)) {
        stop("unknown names in the list provided in the 'Formulas' argument; as names ",
             "of the elements of this list you need to use the response variables from ",
             "the multivariate mixed model.\n")
    # for outcomes not specified in Formulas use the value parameterization
    not_specified <- !respVars %in% names(Formulas)
    Formulas_ns <- rep(list("value"), length = sum(not_specified))
    names(Formulas_ns) <- respVars[not_specified]
    Formulas <- c(Formulas, Formulas_ns)
    Formulas <- Formulas[order(match(names(Formulas), respVars))]
    Formulas <- Formulas[!sapply(Formulas, is.null)]
    # extract the terms for the X and Z matrices to be used in creating the
    # corresponding design matrices
    TermsX <- extract_component("TermsX")
    X <- extract_component("^X[1-9]", FALSE)
    TermsZ <- extract_component("TermsZ")
    Z <- extract_component("^Z[1-9]", FALSE)
    names(TermsX) <- names(X) <- names(TermsZ) <- names(Z) <- respVars
    which_value <- sapply(Formulas, function (x) any(x == "value"))
    names_which_value <- names(which_value)[which_value]
    replace_value <- function (termsx, x, termsz, z) {
        list(fixed = formula(termsx), indFixed = seq_len(ncol(x)),
             random = formula(termsz), indRandom = seq_len(ncol(z)),
             name = "value")
    Formulas[which_value] <- mapply(replace_value, TermsX[names_which_value],
                                    X[names_which_value], TermsZ[names_which_value],
                                    Z[names_which_value], SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    names_alphas <- function (Form) {
        name_term <- ifelse(!sapply(Form, is.list), "value", "extra")
        ind_extra <- name_term == "extra"
        user_names <- lapply(Form[ind_extra], "[[", "name")
        ind_usernames <- !sapply(user_names, is.null)
        name_term[ind_extra][ind_usernames] <- unlist(user_names[ind_usernames],
                                                      use.names = FALSE)
        out <- paste0(names(Form), "_", name_term)
        which_dupl <- unique(out[duplicated(out)])
        replc <- function (x) {
            paste(x, seq_along(x), sep = ".")
        replacement <- unlist(lapply(which_dupl, function (dbl) replc(out[out == dbl])),
                              use.names = FALSE)
        out[out %in% which_dupl] <- replacement
    outcome <- match(names(Formulas), respVars)
    names(Formulas) <- names_alphas(Formulas)
    TermsFormulas <- function (input_terms, dataOrig, which) {
        out <- vector("list", length(input_terms))
        for (i in seq_along(input_terms)) {
            MF <- model.frame.default(terms(input_terms[[i]][[which]]), dataOrig)
            out[[i]] <- terms(MF)
    TermsFormulas_fixed <- TermsFormulas(Formulas, dataL, "fixed")
    TermsFormulas_random <- TermsFormulas(Formulas, dataL, "random")
    XX <- build_model_matrix(Formulas, dataL, dataL.id, "fixed")
    XXs <- build_model_matrix(Formulas, dataL, dataL.id2, "fixed")
    ZZ <- build_model_matrix(Formulas, dataL, dataL.id, "random")
    ZZs <- build_model_matrix(Formulas, dataL, dataL.id2, "random")
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        XXs_int <- build_model_matrix(Formulas, dataL, dataL_int.id2, "fixed")
        ZZs_int <- build_model_matrix(Formulas, dataL, dataL_int.id2, "random")
    possible_names <- unique(c(respVars, paste0(respVars, "_value"), names(Formulas)))
    if (any(!names(Interactions) %in% possible_names)) {
        stop("unknown names in the list provided in the 'Interactions' argument; as names ",
             "of the elements of this list you need to use the response variables from ",
             "the multivariate mixed model or the induced names from the 'Formulas' ",
             "argument; these are: ", paste(names(Formulas), collapse = ", "), ".\n")
    # replace names from Interactions to match the ones from Formulas
    ind_nams <- unlist(lapply(respVars, function (nam) which(names(Interactions) == nam)))
    names(Interactions)[ind_nams] <- paste0(names(Interactions)[ind_nams], "_value")
    if (any(duplicated(names(Interactions)))) {
        stop("duplicated names in argument 'Interactions'; check the help page.\n")
    not_specified <- !names(Formulas) %in% names(Interactions)
    Interactions_ns <- rep(list(~ 1), length = sum(not_specified))
    names(Interactions_ns) <- names(Formulas)[not_specified]
    Interactions <- c(Interactions, Interactions_ns)
    Interactions <- Interactions[order(match(names(Interactions), names(Formulas)))]
    Interactions <- Interactions[!sapply(Interactions, is.null)]
    TermsU <- lapply(Interactions, function (form) {
        MF <- model.frame.default(terms(form), data = dataLS.id)
    Interactions <- lapply(Interactions, function (x) {environment(x) <- NULL; x})
    U <- lapply(TermsU, function (term) {
        model.matrix(term, data = dataLS.id)
    Us <- lapply(TermsU, function (term) {
        model.matrix(term, data = dataLS.id2)
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        Us_int <- lapply(Interactions, function (form) {
            MF <- model.frame.default(terms(form), data = dataLS.id)
            Terms <- terms(MF)
            model.matrix(Terms, data = dataLS_int.id2)
    id <- lapply(seq_len(n_outcomes), function (i) seq_len(nT))
    ids <- rep(list(idGK), n_outcomes)
    # extract fixed and random effects
    betas <- mvglmerObject$mcmc[grep("betas", names(mvglmerObject$mcmc), fixed = TRUE)]
    colmns_HC <- components[grep("colmns_HC", names(components), fixed = TRUE)]
    RE_inds <- mapply(function (sq, incr) seq_len(sq) + incr,
                      sq = components[grep("ncz", names(components), fixed = TRUE)],
                      incr = cumsum(c(0, head(sapply(colmns_HC, length), -1))),
                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    bb <- mvglmerObject$mcmc$b
    b <- lapply(RE_inds, function (ind) bb[, , ind, drop = FALSE])
    inv_D <- mvglmerObject$mcmc[grep("inv_D", names(mvglmerObject$mcmc), fixed = TRUE)]
    sigmas <- vector("list", n_outcomes)
    if (any(which_gaussian <- sapply(families, "[[", "family") == "gaussian")) {
        sigmas[which_gaussian] <- mvglmerObject$mcmc[grep("sigma", 
                                                          fixed = TRUE)]
    # create design matrix long for relative risk model
    trans_Funs <- rep("identity", length(XX))
    names(trans_Funs) <- names(Formulas)
    if (!is.null(transFuns)) {
        if (is.null(names(transFuns)) || !all(names(transFuns) %in% names(trans_Funs))) {
            stop("unknown names in 'transFuns'; valid names are the ones induced by the 'Formulas' ",
                 "argument; these are:\n", paste(names(Formulas), collapse = ", "))
        valid_funs <- c("identity", "expit", "exp", "log", "log2", "log10", "sqrt")
        if (!is.character(transFuns) || !all(transFuns %in% valid_funs)) {
            stop("invalid functions names in 'transFuns'; the functions currently supported are: ", 
                 paste(valid_funs, collapse = ", "), ".\nThese should be provided as character vector.")
        trans_Funs[names(transFuns)] <- transFuns
    indFixed <- lapply(Formulas, "[[", "indFixed")
    indRandom <- lapply(Formulas, "[[", "indRandom")
    RE_inds2 <- mapply(function (ind, select) ind[select], RE_inds[outcome], indRandom,
                       SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    postMean_betas <- lapply(betas, colMeans, na.rm = TRUE)
    postMean_b <- lapply(b, function (m) apply(m, 2:3, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
    postMean_inv_D <- lapply(inv_D, function (m) apply(m, 2:3, mean, na.rm = TRUE))
    mean_null <- function (x) if (is.null(x)) as.numeric(NA) else mean(x)
    postMean_sigmas <- lapply(sigmas, mean_null)
    Xbetas <- Xbetas_calc(X, postMean_betas)
    XXbetas <- Xbetas_calc(XX, postMean_betas, indFixed, outcome)
    XXsbetas <- Xbetas_calc(XXs, postMean_betas, indFixed, outcome)
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        XXsbetas_int <- Xbetas_calc(XXs_int, postMean_betas, indFixed, outcome)
    fams <- sapply(families, "[[", "family")
    links <- sapply(families, "[[", "link")
    idL2 <- lapply(idL, function (x) {
        x <- c(x[-length(x)] != x[-1L], TRUE)
        which(x) - 1
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        idT.list <- rep(list(idT), times = n_outcomes)
        Wlong <- designMatLong(XX, postMean_betas, ZZ, postMean_b, idT.list, outcome, 
                               indFixed, indRandom, U, trans_Funs)
        idTs <- rep(idT, each = K)
        idTs.list <- rep(list(idTs), times = n_outcomes)
        Wlongs <- designMatLong(XXs, postMean_betas, ZZs, postMean_b, idTs.list, outcome, 
                                indFixed, indRandom, Us, trans_Funs)
        idT_rsum <- c(idT[-length(idT)] != idT[-1L], TRUE)
        idT_rsum <- which(idT_rsum) - 1
        rows_wlong <- tapply(which(idT == idT), idT, c)
        rows_wlongs <- tapply(which(idTs == idTs), idTs, c)
    } else {
        Wlong <- designMatLong(XX, postMean_betas, ZZ, postMean_b, id, outcome,
                               indFixed, indRandom, U, trans_Funs)
        Wlongs <- designMatLong(XXs, postMean_betas, ZZs, postMean_b, ids, outcome,
                                indFixed, indRandom, Us, trans_Funs)
        idT.u <- unique(idT)
        idT_rsum <- c(idT.u[-length(idT.u)] != idT.u[-1L], TRUE)
        idT_rsum <- which(idT_rsum) - 1
        idTs <- rep(idT.u, each = K)
        rows_wlong <- tapply(which(idT.u == idT.u), idT.u, c)
        rows_wlongs <- tapply(which(idTs == idTs), idTs, c)
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        Wlongs_int <- designMatLong(XXs_int, postMean_betas, ZZs_int, postMean_b, ids, 
                                    outcome, indFixed, indRandom, Us_int, trans_Funs)
    # priors
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        DD <- lapply(knots_strat, diag)
        Tau_Bs_gammas.strt <- lapply(DD, FUN = function(x) {
            crossprod(diff(x, differences = con$diff)) + 1e-06 * x
        Tau_Bs_gammas <- matrix(0, nrow = sum(knots_strat), ncol = sum(knots_strat))
        for (i in 1:length(knots_strat)) {
            tmp.first <-  cumsum(knots_strat) - knots_strat + 1
            tmp.last <- cumsum(knots_strat)
            Tau_Bs_gammas[tmp.first[i]:tmp.last[i], tmp.first[i]:tmp.last[i]] <- Tau_Bs_gammas.strt[[i]]
    } else {
        DD <- diag(ncol(W1))
        Tau_Bs_gammas <- crossprod(diff(DD, differences = con$diff)) + 1e-06 * DD
    find_td_cols <- function (x) grep('tve(', colnames(x), fixed = TRUE)
    td_cols <- lapply(U, find_td_cols)
    Tau_alphas <- lapply(U, function (x) 0.01 * diag(NCOL(x)))
    pen_matrix <- function (td_cols, Tau_alphas) {
        if (ncol(Tau_alphas) == length(td_cols)) {
            DD <- diag(ncol(Tau_alphas))
            crossprod(diff(DD, differences = con$diff)) + 1e-06 * DD
        } else Tau_alphas
    Tau_alphas <- bdiag(mapply(pen_matrix, td_cols, Tau_alphas, SIMPLIFY = FALSE))
    which_td <- as.logical(sapply(td_cols, length))
    td_cols <- mapply(seq, from = c(1, head(cumsum(sapply(U, ncol)), -1) + 1),
                      to = cumsum(sapply(U, ncol)), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)[which_td]
    prs <- list(mean_Bs_gammas = rep(0, ncol(W1)), Tau_Bs_gammas = Tau_Bs_gammas,
                mean_gammas = rep(0, ncol(W2)), Tau_gammas = 0.01 * diag(ncol(W2)),
                mean_alphas = rep(0, ncol(Wlong)), Tau_alphas = Tau_alphas,
                td_cols = unname(td_cols),
                rank_Tau_td_alphas = if (length(td_cols)) length(td_cols[[1]]) else 0,
                A_tau_Bs_gammas = 1, B_tau_Bs_gammas = 0.01, 
                rank_Tau_Bs_gammas = qr(Tau_Bs_gammas)$rank,
                A_phi_Bs_gammas = 1, B_phi_Bs_gammas = 0.01, shrink_Bs_gammas = FALSE,
                A_tau_gammas = 0.1, B_tau_gammas = 0.1, rank_Tau_gammas = ncol(W2),
                A_phi_gammas = 0.5, B_phi_gammas = 0.01, shrink_gammas = FALSE,
                A_tau_alphas = 0.5, B_tau_alphas = 0.1, rank_Tau_alphas = ncol(Wlong),
                shrink_alphas = FALSE, A_phi_alphas = 0.5, B_phi_alphas = 0.01, 
                double_gamma_alphas = FALSE, A_nu_alphas = 0.5, B_nu_alphas = 1,
                A_xi_alphas = 0.5, B_xi_alphas = 1)
    if (!is.null(priors)) {
        lngths <- lapply(prs[(nam.prs <- names(priors))], length)
        if (!is.list(priors) || !isTRUE(all.equal(lngths, lapply(priors, length)))) {
            warning("'priors' is not a list with elements numeric vectors of appropriate ",
                    "length; default priors are used instead.\n")
        } else {
            prs[nam.prs] <- priors
    if (mvglmerObject$engine == "JAGS") {
        tau_betas <- mvglmerObject$priors[grep("tau_betas", names(mvglmerObject$priors), 
                                               fixed = TRUE)]
        prs$Tau_betas <- diag(rep(unlist(tau_betas, use.names = FALSE), 
                                  sapply(betas, ncol)))
    } else {
        scale_betas <- mvglmerObject$priors[grep("scale_betas", names(mvglmerObject$priors), 
                                                 fixed = TRUE)]
        prs$Tau_betas <- diag(rep(1 / unlist(scale_betas, use.names = FALSE)^2, 
                                  sapply(betas, ncol)))
    prs$priorK_D <- mvglmerObject$priors$priorK_D
    if (typeSurvInf == "counting" && multiState) {
        Data <- list(y = y, Xbetas = Xbetas, X = X, Z = Z, RE_inds = RE_inds, 
                     RE_inds2 = RE_inds2, idL = idL, idL2 = idL2, sigmas = postMean_sigmas, 
                     invD = postMean_inv_D[[1]], fams = fams, links = links, Time = Time, 
                     event = event, idGK_fast = which(idGK_fast) - 1, W1 = W1, W1s = W1s, 
                     event_colSumsW1 = colSums(event * W1), W2 = W2, W2s = W2s, 
                     event_colSumsW2 = if (ncol(W2)) colSums(event * W2), 
                     Wlong = Wlong, Wlongs = Wlongs, 
                     event_colSumsWlong = colSums(event * Wlong), 
                     U = U, Us = Us, col_inds = attr(Wlong, "col_inds"), 
                     row_inds_U = seq_len(nrow(Wlong)), row_inds_Us = seq_len(nrow(Wlongs)), 
                     XXbetas = XXbetas, XXsbetas = XXsbetas, XX = XX, XXs = XXs, ZZ = ZZ, 
                     ZZs = ZZs, P = P[ids[[1]]], w = rep(wk, nT.long), 
                     Pw = P[ids[[1]]] * rep(wk, nT.long), idT = id[outcome], idTs = ids[outcome], 
                     idT2 = idT.list[outcome], idT2s = idTs.list[outcome], idT_rsum = idT_rsum, 
                     outcome = outcome, indFixed = indFixed, indRandom = indRandom, 
                     trans_Funs = trans_Funs, nRisks = nRisks, 
                     kn_strat_last = cumsum(knots_strat) - 1, 
                     kn_strat_first = cumsum(knots_strat) - knots_strat, 
                     rows_wlong = rows_wlong, rows_wlongs = rows_wlongs)
    } else {
        # Data passed to the MCMC
        Data <- list(y = y, Xbetas = Xbetas, X = X, Z = Z, RE_inds = RE_inds,
                     RE_inds2 = RE_inds2, idL = idL, idL2 = idL2, sigmas = postMean_sigmas,
                     invD = postMean_inv_D[[1]], fams = fams, links = links, Time = Time,
                     event = event, idGK_fast = which(idGK_fast) - 1, W1 = W1, W1s = W1s,
                     event_colSumsW1 = colSums(event * W1), W2 = W2, W2s = W2s,
                     event_colSumsW2 = if (ncol(W2)) colSums(event * W2),
                     Wlong = Wlong, Wlongs = Wlongs,
                     event_colSumsWlong = colSums(event * Wlong),
                     U = U, Us = Us, col_inds = attr(Wlong, "col_inds"),
                     row_inds_U = seq_len(nrow(Wlong)), row_inds_Us = seq_len(nrow(Wlongs)),
                     XXbetas = XXbetas, XXsbetas = XXsbetas, XX = XX, XXs = XXs, ZZ = ZZ,
                     ZZs = ZZs, P = P[ids[[1]]], w = rep(wk, nT),
                     Pw = P[ids[[1]]] * rep(wk, nT), idT = id[outcome], idTs = ids[outcome],
                     outcome = outcome, indFixed = indFixed, indRandom = indRandom,
                     trans_Funs = trans_Funs, nRisks = 1, 
                     kn_strat_last = cumsum(knots_strat) - 1, 
                     kn_strat_first = cumsum(knots_strat) - knots_strat,
                     idT_rsum = idT_rsum, idT2 = id[outcome], idT2s = ids[outcome], 
                     rows_wlong = rows_wlong, rows_wlongs = rows_wlongs)
    if (typeSurvInf == "interval") {
        Data <- c(Data, list(Levent1 = event == 1, 
                             Levent01 = event == 1 | event == 0,
                             Levent2 = event == 2, Levent3 = event == 3, 
                             W1s_int = W1s_int, W2s_int = W2s_int, Wlongs_int = Wlongs_int,
                             Us_int = Us_int, XXsbetas_int = XXsbetas_int,
                             XXs_int = XXs_int, ZZs_int = ZZs_int,
                             P_int = P_int[ids[[1]]], 
                             Pw_int = P_int[ids[[1]]] * rep(wk, nT)))
    } else {
        Data <- c(Data, list(Levent1 = logical(0), Levent01 = logical(0),
                             Levent2 = logical(0), Levent3 = logical(0),
                             W1s_int = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0), 
                             W2s_int = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0), 
                             Wlongs_int = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0),
                             Us_int = list(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)), 
                             XXsbetas_int = list(numeric(0)),
                             XXs_int = list(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)), 
                             ZZs_int = list(matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)),
                             P_int = numeric(0), 
                             Pw_int = numeric(0)))
    # initial values
    inits <- list(Bs_gammas = rep(0, ncol(W1)), tau_Bs_gammas = 200, phi_Bs_gammas = rep(1, ncol(W1)),
                  gammas = rep(0, ncol(W2)), tau_gammas = 1, phi_gammas = rep(1, ncol(W2)),
                  alphas = rep(0, ncol(Wlong)), tau_alphas = 1, phi_alphas = rep(1, ncol(Wlong)),
                  tau_td_alphas = rep(200, length(td_cols)))
    inits2 <- marglogLik2(inits[c("Bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas", "tau_Bs_gammas")],
                          Data, prs, fixed_tau_Bs_gammas = TRUE)
    inits[names(attr(inits2, "inits"))] <- attr(inits2, "inits")
    if (multiState) {
        inits$tau_Bs_gammas <- rep(inits$tau_Bs_gammas, nRisks)
    Cvs <- attr(inits2, "Covs")
    nRE <- sum(sapply(Z, ncol))
    Cvs$b <- array(0.0, c(nRE, nRE, nT))
    for (i in seq_len(nT)) Cvs$b[, , i] <- chol(var(bb[, i, ]))
    if (is.null(Cvs$gammas)) Cvs$gammas <- matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 0)
    inits$b <- do.call("cbind", postMean_b)
    scales <- list(b = rep(5.76 / nRE, nT), Bs_gammas = 5.76 / ncol(W1),
                   gammas = 5.76 / ncol(W2), alphas = 5.76 / ncol(Wlong))
    sampl <- function (x, m) {
        lapply(x, function (obj) {
            d <- dim(obj)
            if (is.null(d)) {
            } else {
                if (is.matrix(obj)) obj[m, ] else obj[m, , ]
    runParallel <- function (block, betas, b, sigmas, inv_D, inits, data, priors,
                             scales, Covs, control, interval_cens, multiState) {
        M <- length(block)
        LogLiks <- numeric(M)
        out <- vector("list", M)
        new_scales <- vector("list", M)
        inits_Laplace <- inits[c("Bs_gammas", "gammas", "alphas", "tau_Bs_gammas")]
        inits_Laplace[["tau_Bs_gammas"]] <- log(inits_Laplace[["tau_Bs_gammas"]])
        inits_Laplace[["b"]] <- NULL
        any_gammas <- as.logical(length(priors[["mean_gammas"]]))
        on.exit(rm(list = ".Random.seed", envir = globalenv()))
        for (i in seq_len(M)) {
            ii <- block[i]
            if (control$update_RE) {
                betas. <- sampl(betas, ii)
                data$Xbetas <- Xbetas_calc(data$X, betas.)
                outcome <- data$outcome
                indFixed <- data$indFixed
                data$XXbetas <- Xbetas_calc(data$XX, betas., indFixed, outcome)
                data$XXsbetas <- Xbetas_calc(data$XXs, betas., indFixed, outcome)
                if (interval_cens) {
                    data$XXsbetas_int <- Xbetas_calc(data$XXs_int, betas., indFixed, outcome)
                data$sigmas <- sampl(sigmas, ii)
                data$invD <- as.matrix(sampl(inv_D, ii)[[1]])
                oo <- lap_rwm_C(inits, data, priors, scales, Covs, control, interval_cens, multiState)
                current_betas <- unlist(betas., use.names = FALSE)
                n_betas <- length(current_betas)
                pr_betas <- c(dmvnorm2(rbind(current_betas), rep(0, n_betas),
                                       priors$Tau_betas, logd = TRUE))
                pr_invD <- dwish(data$invD, diag(nrow(data$invD)),
                                 priors$priorK_D, log = TRUE)
                LogLiks[i] <- c(oo$logWeights) - pr_betas - pr_invD
                out[[i]] <- oo$mcmc
                new_scales[[i]] <- oo$scales$sigma
            } else {
                betas. <- sampl(betas, ii)
                b. <- sampl(b, ii)
                outcome <- data$outcome
                indFixed <- data$indFixed
                indRandom <- data$indRandom
                data$Wlong <- designMatLong(data$XX, betas., data$ZZ, b., data$idT,
                                            outcome, indFixed, indRandom, data$U, trans_Funs)
                data$Wlongs <- designMatLong(data$XXs, betas., data$ZZs, b., data$idTs,
                                             outcome, indFixed, indRandom, data$Us, trans_Funs)
                data$event_colSumsWlong <- colSums(data$event * data$Wlong)
                LogLiks[i] <- marglogLik2(inits_Laplace, data, priors)
                oo <- if (any_gammas) {
                    lap_rwm_C_woRE(inits, data, priors, scales, Covs, control)
                } else {
                    lap_rwm_C_woRE_nogammas(inits, data, priors, scales, Covs, control)
                out[[i]] <- oo$mcmc
                new_scales[[i]] <- oo$scales$sigma
        out <- lapply(unlist(out, recursive = FALSE), drop)
        new_scales <- lapply(unlist(new_scales, recursive = FALSE), drop)
        nams <- names(out)
        if (!is.null(out$b)) {
            b_out <- array(0.0, c(dim(as.matrix(out$b)), M))
            for (i in seq_len(M)) b_out[, , i] <- out[nams == "b"][[i]]
        } else b_out <- NULL
        out <- list("b" = b_out,
                    "Bs_gammas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "Bs_gammas"]),
                    "gammas" = if (any_gammas) do.call("rbind", out[nams == "gammas"]),
                    "alphas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "alphas"]),
                    "tau_Bs_gammas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "tau_Bs_gammas"]),
                    "tau_gammas" = if (any_gammas)do.call("rbind", out[nams == "tau_gammas"]),
                    "tau_alphas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "tau_alphas"]),
                    "tau_td_alphas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "tau_td_alphas"]),
                    "phi_Bs_gammas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "phi_Bs_gammas"]),
                    "phi_gammas" = if (any_gammas) do.call("rbind", out[nams == "phi_gammas"]),
                    "phi_alphas" = do.call("rbind", out[nams == "phi_alphas"]))
        out$LogLiks <- LogLiks
        nams <- names(scales)
        out$scales <- list("b" = do.call("rbind", new_scales[nams == "b"]),
                           "Bs_gammas" = do.call("rbind", new_scales[nams == "Bs_gammas"]),
                           "gammas" = if (any_gammas) do.call("rbind", new_scales[nams == "gammas"]),
                           "alphas" = do.call("rbind", new_scales[nams == "alphas"]) )
        out <- out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
        list(mcmc = out)
    any_gammas <- ncol(W2)
    combine <- function(lis) {
        f <- function (lis, nam) {
            if (nam == "LogLiks") {
                lis <- unlist(lis, recursive = FALSE)
                nam <- paste0("mcmc.", nam)
                unname(do.call("c", lis[names(lis) == nam]))
            } else {
                lis <- unlist(lis[names(lis) == "mcmc"], recursive = FALSE)
                nam <- paste0("mcmc.", nam)
                if (nam == "mcmc.b")
                    abind(lis[names(lis) == nam])
                    unname(do.call("rbind", lis[names(lis) == nam]))
        list("b" = f(lis, "b"),
             "Bs_gammas" = f(lis, "Bs_gammas"), "tau_Bs_gammas" = f(lis, "tau_Bs_gammas"),
             "phi_Bs_gammas" = f(lis, "phi_Bs_gammas"),
             "gammas" = if (any_gammas) f(lis, "gammas"),
             "tau_gammas" = if (any_gammas) f(lis, "tau_gammas"),
             "phi_gammas" = if (any_gammas) f(lis, "phi_gammas"),
             "alphas" = f(lis, "alphas"), "tau_alphas" = f(lis, "tau_alphas"),
             "tau_td_alphas" = f(lis, "tau_td_alphas"),
             "phi_alphas" = f(lis, "phi_alphas"),
             "LogLiks" = f(lis, "LogLiks"))
    # We first split the number of iterations in blocks according to the number of
    # processors; the first block is split again according to the number of processors;
    # first we run in parallel the first block; we the update the scales, and following
    # we run the rest of the original blocks
    M <- nrow(betas[[1L]])
    blocks <- split(seq_len(M),
                    rep(seq_len(con$n_cores + 1L), each = ceiling(M / (con$n_cores + 1L)),
                        length.out = M))
    block1 <- split(blocks[[1L]],
                    rep(seq_len(con$n_cores), each = ceiling(length(blocks[[1L]]) / con$n_cores),
                        length.out = length(blocks[[1L]])))
    blocks <- blocks[-1L]
    elapsed_time <- system.time({
        #cluster <- makeCluster(con$n_cores)
        out1 <- foreach(i = block1, .packages = "JMbayes", .combine = c) %dopar% {
            runParallel(i, betas, b, sigmas, inv_D, inits, Data, prs, scales, Cvs, con,
                        typeSurvInf == "interval", multiState)
        if (con$speed_factor < 1) {
            calc_new_scales <- function (parm) {
                if (parm == "b") {
                    apply(do.call("rbind", lapply(new_scales, "[[", "b")), 2L, median)
                } else {
                    median(do.call("c", lapply(new_scales, "[[", parm)))
            new_scales <- lapply(out1, "[[", "scales")
            new_scales <- list("b" = if (con$update_RE) calc_new_scales("b"),
                               "Bs_gammas" = calc_new_scales("Bs_gammas"),
                               "gammas" = if (any_gammas) calc_new_scales("gammas") else Inf,
                               "alphas" = calc_new_scales("alphas"))
            con$n_burnin <- round(ceiling(con$speed_factor * 
                                              con$n_burnin / con$n_block) * con$n_block)
        } else {
            new_scales <- scales
        #cluster <- makeCluster(con$n_cores)
        out <- foreach(i = blocks, .packages = "JMbayes", .combine = c) %dopar% {
            runParallel(i, betas, b, sigmas, inv_D, inits, Data, prs, new_scales, Cvs, 
                        con, typeSurvInf == "interval", multiState)
        out <- c(out1, out)
    # collect the results
    mcmc <- mvglmerObject$mcmc
    keep <- unlist(sapply(c("betas", "sigma", "D"), grep, x = names(mcmc), fixed = TRUE))
    mcmc <- c(mcmc[keep], combine(out))
    # set the appropriate names
    colnames(mcmc$Bs_gammas) <- paste0("bs", seq_len(ncol(mcmc$Bs_gammas)))
    colnames(mcmc$gammas) <- colnames(W2)
    get_U_colnames <- unlist(lapply(U, function (u)
        gsub("(Intercept)", "", colnames(u), fixed = TRUE)))
    nam_alph <- names(U)
    trans_Funs <- trans_Funs[names(U)]
    ind <- trans_Funs != "identity"
    nam_alph[ind] <- paste0(trans_Funs[ind], "(", nam_alph, ")")
    colnames(mcmc$alphas) <- paste0(rep(nam_alph, sapply(U, ncol)),
                                    ifelse(get_U_colnames == "", "", ":"),
    # caclulate summaries from the Monte Carlo samples
    summary_fun <- function (FUN, ...) {
        fun <- function (x, ...) {
            res <- try(FUN(x, ...), silent = TRUE)
            if (!inherits(res, "try-error"))  res else NA
        out <- lapply(mcmc, function (x) {
            d <- dim(x)
            if (!is.null(d) && length(d) > 1) {
                dd <- if (length(d) == 2) 2L else if (d[2L] == d[3L]) c(2L, 3L)
                else c(1L, 2L)
                apply(x, dd, fun, ...)
            } else if (!is.null(x)) {
                fun(x, ...)
        out[!sapply(out, is.null)]
    stand <- function (x) {
        n <- length(x)
        upp <- max(x, na.rm = TRUE) + log(n)
        w <- exp(x - upp)
        w / sum(w)
    LogLiks <- combine(out)$LogLiks
    weights <- stand(LogLiks)
    wmean <- function (x, weights, na.rm = FALSE) sum(x * weights, na.rm = na.rm)
    wsd <- function (x, weights) sqrt(drop(cov.wt(cbind(x[!is.na(x)]), wt = weights)$cov))
    # Extract the results
    res <- list(call = cl, mcmc = mcmc, weights = weights,
                mcmc_info = list(
                    elapsed_mins = elapsed_time / 60, 
                    n_burnin = con$n_burnin, 
                    n_iter = con$n_iter + con$n_burnin, n_thin = con$n_thin,
                    priors = prs
                statistics = list(
                    postMeans = summary_fun(mean, na.rm = TRUE),
                    postwMeans = summary_fun(wmean, weights = weights, na.rm = TRUE),
                    postModes = summary_fun(modes),
                    EffectiveSize = summary_fun(effectiveSize),
                    StDev = summary_fun(sd, na.rm = TRUE),
                    wStDev = summary_fun(wsd, weights = weights),
                    StErr = summary_fun(stdErr),
                    CIs = summary_fun(quantile, probs = c(0.025, 0.975), na.rm = TRUE),
                    wCIs = summary_fun(Hmisc::wtd.quantile, weights = weights, 
                                       probs = c(0.025, 0.975), type = "i/(n+1)", 
                                       na.rm = TRUE),
                    Pvalues = summary_fun(computeP)
                model_info = list(
                    families = families,
                    timeVar = timeVar,
                    TimeVar = TimeVar,
                    Formulas = Formulas,
                    Interactions = Interactions,
                    RE_inds = RE_inds,
                    RE_inds2 = RE_inds2,
                    transFuns = trans_Funs, 
                    multiState = multiState, 
                    mvglmer_components = c(components, list(data = dataL)),
                    coxph_components = list(data = dataS, Terms = Terms, Time = Time, 
                                            event = event, TermsU = TermsU,
                                            TermsFormulas_fixed = TermsFormulas_fixed,
                                            TermsFormulas_random = TermsFormulas_random)
                control = con)
    if (con$light) {
        res$mcmc[["b"]] <- NULL
    class(res) <- "mvJMbayes"
drizopoulos/JMbayes documentation built on Feb. 2, 2021, 12:34 a.m.