
# MSM -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Initialization Module
#' @description This function initializes the master \code{dat} object on which
#'              data are stored, simulates the initial state of the network, and
#'              simulates disease status and other attributes.
#' @param x An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{netest}}.
#' @param param An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{param_msm}}.
#' @param init An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{init_msm}}.
#' @param control An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{control_msm}}.
#' @param s Simulation number, used for restarting dependent simulations.
#' @return
#' This function returns the updated \code{dat} object with the initialized values
#' for demographics and disease-related variables.
#' @export
#' @keywords module msm
initialize_msm <- function(x, param, init, control, s) {

  # Master data list
  dat <- list()
  dat$param <- param
  dat$init <- init
  dat$control <- control

  dat$attr <- list()
  dat$stats <- list()
  dat$stats$nwstats <- list()
  dat$temp <- list()
  dat$epi <- list()

  ## Network simulation ##
  nw <- list()
  for (i in 1:3) {
    nw[[i]] <- simulate(x[[i]]$fit)
    nw[[i]] <- remove_bad_roles_msm(nw[[i]])

  ## ergm_prep here
  dat$el <- list()
  dat$p <- list()
  for (i in 1:2) {
    dat$el[[i]] <- as.edgelist(nw[[i]])
    attributes(dat$el[[i]])$vnames <- NULL
    p <- tergmLite::stergm_prep(nw[[i]], x[[i]]$formation, x[[i]]$coef.diss$dissolution,
                                x[[i]]$coef.form, x[[i]]$coef.diss$coef.adj, x[[i]]$constraints)
    p$model.form$formula <- NULL
    p$model.diss$formula <- NULL
    dat$p[[i]] <- p
  dat$el[[3]] <- as.edgelist(nw[[3]])
  attributes(dat$el[[3]])$vnames <- NULL
  p <- tergmLite::ergm_prep(nw[[3]], x[[3]]$formation, x[[3]]$coef.form, x[[3]]$constraints)
  p$model.form$formula <- NULL
  dat$p[[3]] <- p

  # Network parameters
  dat$nwparam <- list()
  for (i in 1:3) {
    dat$nwparam[i] <- list(x[[i]][-which(names(x[[i]]) == "fit")])

  ## Nodal attributes ##

  # Degree terms
  dat$attr$deg.pers <- get.vertex.attribute(x[[1]]$fit$network, "deg.pers")
  dat$attr$deg.main <- get.vertex.attribute(x[[2]]$fit$network, "deg.main")

  # Race
  dat$attr$race <- get.vertex.attribute(nw[[1]], "race")
  num.B <- dat$init$num.B
  num.W <- dat$init$num.W
  num <- num.B + num.W
  ids.B <- which(dat$attr$race == "B")
  ids.W <- which(dat$attr$race == "W")

  dat$attr$active <- rep(1, num)
  dat$attr$uid <- 1:num
  dat$temp$max.uid <- num

  # Age
  dat$attr$sqrt.age <- get.vertex.attribute(nw[[1]], "sqrt.age")
  dat$attr$age <- dat$attr$sqrt.age^2

  # Risk group
  dat$attr$riskg <- get.vertex.attribute(nw[[3]], "riskg")

  # UAI group
  p1 <- dat$param$cond.pers.always.prob
  p2 <- dat$param$cond.inst.always.prob
  rho <- dat$param$cond.always.prob.corr
  uai.always <- bindata::rmvbin(num, c(p1, p2), bincorr = (1 - rho) * diag(2) + rho)
  dat$attr$cond.always.pers <- uai.always[, 1]
  dat$attr$cond.always.inst <- uai.always[, 2]

  # Arrival and departure
  dat$attr$arrival.time <- rep(1, num)

  # Circumcision
  circ <- rep(NA, num)
  circ[ids.B] <- sample(apportion_lr(num.B, 0:1, 1 - param$circ.B.prob))
  circ[ids.W] <- sample(apportion_lr(num.W, 0:1, 1 - param$circ.W.prob))
  dat$attr$circ <- circ

  # PrEP Attributes
  dat$attr$prepClass <- rep(NA, num)
  dat$attr$prepElig <- rep(NA, num)
  dat$attr$prepStat <- rep(0, num)

  # One-off AI class
  inst.ai.class <- rep(NA, num)
  ncl <- param$num.inst.ai.classes
  inst.ai.class[ids.B] <- sample(apportion_lr(num.B, 1:ncl, rep(1 / ncl, ncl)))
  inst.ai.class[ids.W] <- sample(apportion_lr(num.W, 1:ncl, rep(1 / ncl, ncl)))
  dat$attr$inst.ai.class <- inst.ai.class

  # Role class
  role.class <- get.vertex.attribute(nw[[1]], "role.class")
  dat$attr$role.class <- role.class

  # Ins.quot
  ins.quot <- rep(NA, num)
  ins.quot[role.class == "I"]  <- 1
  ins.quot[role.class == "R"]  <- 0
  ins.quot[role.class == "V"]  <- runif(sum(role.class == "V"))
  dat$attr$ins.quot <- ins.quot

  # HIV-related attributes
  dat <- init_status_msm(dat)

  # CCR5
  dat <- init_ccr5_msm(dat)

  # Network statistics
  dat$stats$nwstats <- list()

  # Prevalence Tracking
  dat$temp$deg.dists <- list()
  dat$temp$discl.list <- matrix(NA, nrow = 0, ncol = 3)
  colnames(dat$temp$discl.list) <- c("pos", "neg", "discl.time")

  if (control$save.nwstats == TRUE) {
    dat$stats <- list()
    dat$stats$nwstats <- list()


  dat <- prevalence_msm(dat, at = 1)

  class(dat) <- "dat"

#' @title Removes any sexual partnerships prohibited by sexual role mixing
#' @description Due to occassional issues in ERGM fitting, it is possible to
#'              have initial simulations in which there are pairings between
#'              exclusively insertive/insertive or receptive/receptive.
#' @param nw An object of class \code{network}.
#' @export
#' @keywords initiation utility msm
remove_bad_roles_msm <- function(nw) {

  el <- as.edgelist(nw)

  rc <- get.vertex.attribute(nw, "role.class")
  rc.el <- matrix(rc[el], ncol = 2)

  rc.el.bad <- which((rc.el[, 1] == "R" & rc.el[, 2] == "R") |
                     (rc.el[, 1] == "I" & rc.el[, 2] == "I"))

  if (length(rc.el.bad) > 0) {
    el.bad <- el[rc.el.bad, , drop = FALSE]

    eid <- rep(NA, nrow(el.bad))
    for (i in 1:nrow(el.bad)) {
      eid[i] <- get.edgeIDs(nw, v = el.bad[i, 1], alter = el.bad[i, 2])
    nw <- delete.edges(nw, eid)


#' @title Initialize the HIV status of persons in the network
#' @description Sets the initial individual-level disease status of persons
#'              in the network, as well as disease-related attributes for
#'              infected persons.
#' @param dat Data object created in initialization module.
#' @export
#' @keywords initiation utility msm
init_status_msm <- function(dat) {

  num.B <- dat$init$num.B
  num.W <- dat$init$num.W
  num <- num.B + num.W
  ids.B <- which(dat$attr$race == "B")
  ids.W <- which(dat$attr$race == "W")
  age <- dat$attr$age
  race <- dat$attr$race

  # Infection Status
  nInfB <- round(dat$init$prev.B * num.B)
  nInfW <- round(dat$init$prev.W * num.W)

  # Age-based infection probability
  probInfCrB <- age[ids.B] * dat$init$init.prev.age.slope.B
  probInfB <- probInfCrB + (nInfB - sum(probInfCrB)) / num.B

  probInfCrW <- age[ids.W] * dat$init$init.prev.age.slope.W
  probInfW <- probInfCrW + (nInfW - sum(probInfCrW)) / num.W

  if (any(probInfB <= 0) | any(probInfW <= 0)) {
    stop("Slope of initial prevalence by age must be sufficiently low to ",
         "avoid non-positive probabilities.", call. = FALSE)

  # Infection status
  status <- rep(0, num)
  while (sum(status[ids.B]) != nInfB) {
    status[ids.B] <- rbinom(num.B, 1, probInfB)
  while (sum(status[ids.W]) != nInfW) {
    status[ids.W] <- rbinom(num.W, 1, probInfW)
  dat$attr$status <- status

  # Treatment trajectory
  tt.traj <- rep(NA, num)

  tt.traj[ids.B] <- sample(apportion_lr(num.B, c(1, 2, 3, 4),
  tt.traj[ids.W] <- sample(apportion_lr(num.W, c(1, 2, 3, 4),
  dat$attr$tt.traj <- tt.traj

  ## Infection-related attributes

  stage <- rep(NA, num)
  stage.time <- rep(NA, num)
  inf.time <- rep(NA, num)
  vl <- rep(NA, num)
  diag.status <- rep(NA, num)
  diag.time <- rep(NA, num)
  last.neg.test <- rep(NA, num)
  tx.status <- rep(NA, num)
  tx.init.time <- rep(NA, num)
  cum.time.on.tx <- rep(NA, num)
  cum.time.off.tx <- rep(NA, num)
  infector <- rep(NA, num)
  inf.role <- rep(NA, num)
  inf.type <- rep(NA, num)
  inf.diag <- rep(NA, num)
  inf.tx <- rep(NA, num)
  inf.stage <- rep(NA, num)

  time.sex.active <- pmax(1,
                          round((365 / dat$param$time.unit) * age - (365 / dat$param$time.unit) *
                                  min(dat$init$ages), 0))

  vlar.int <- dat$param$vl.acute.rise.int
  vlap <- dat$param$vl.acute.peak
  vlaf.int <- dat$param$vl.acute.fall.int
  vlsp <- dat$param$vl.set.point
  vldo.int <- dat$param$vl.aids.onset.int
  vl.aids.int <- dat$param$vl.aids.int
  vlf  <- dat$param$vl.fatal
  vlds <- (vlf - vlsp) / vl.aids.int
  vl.acute.int <- vlar.int + vlaf.int

  ### Non-treater type: tester and non-tester
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj %in% c(1, 2))
  max.inf.time <- pmin(time.sex.active[selected], vldo.int + vl.aids.int)
  time.since.inf <- ceiling(runif(length(selected), max = max.inf.time))
  inf.time[selected] <- 1 - time.since.inf
  tx.status[selected] <- 0
  cum.time.on.tx[selected] <- 0
  cum.time.off.tx[selected] <- time.since.inf

  stage[selected[time.since.inf <= vlar.int]] <- 1
  stage[selected[time.since.inf > vlar.int & time.since.inf <= vl.acute.int]] <- 2
  stage[selected[time.since.inf > vl.acute.int & time.since.inf <= vldo.int]] <- 3
  stage[selected[time.since.inf > vldo.int]] <- 4

  stage.time[selected][stage[selected] == 1] <- time.since.inf[stage[selected] == 1]
  stage.time[selected][stage[selected] == 2] <- time.since.inf[stage[selected] == 2] -
  stage.time[selected][stage[selected] == 3] <- time.since.inf[stage[selected] == 3] -
  stage.time[selected][stage[selected] == 4] <- time.since.inf[stage[selected] == 4] -

  vl[selected] <- (time.since.inf <= vlar.int) * (vlap * time.since.inf / vlar.int) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int) * (time.since.inf <= vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                     ((vlsp - vlap) * (time.since.inf - vlar.int) / vlaf.int + vlap) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int + vlaf.int) * (time.since.inf <= vldo.int) * (vlsp) +
                  (time.since.inf > vldo.int) * (vlsp + (time.since.inf - vldo.int) * vlds)

  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 1)
  diag.status[selected] <- 0

  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 2)

  # Time to next test
  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "interval") {
    ttntest <- ceiling(runif(length(selected),
                             min = 0,
                             max = dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                                   dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))
  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "memoryless") {
    ttntest <- rgeom(length(selected),
                     1 / (dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                          dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))

  twind.int <- dat$param$test.window.int
  diag.status[selected][ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <- 0
  last.neg.test[selected][ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <-
                           -ttntest[ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int]

  diag.status[selected][ttntest <= cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <- 1

  ### Full adherent type

  # Create set of expected values for (cum.time.off.tx, cum.time.on.tx)

  tx.init.time.B <- twind.int + dat$param$last.neg.test.B.int + 1 / dat$param$tx.init.B.prob
  tx.init.time.W <- twind.int + dat$param$last.neg.test.W.int + 1 / dat$param$tx.init.W.prob

  # Stage for Blacks
  prop.time.on.tx.B <- dat$param$tx.reinit.B.prob /
                       (dat$param$tx.halt.B.prob + dat$param$tx.reinit.B.prob)
  offon.B <- matrix(c(1:tx.init.time.B, rep(0, tx.init.time.B)),
                    nrow = tx.init.time.B)
  numsteps.B <- (dat$param$max.time.off.tx.full.int - tx.init.time.B) /
                (1 - prop.time.on.tx.B)
  offon.B <- rbind(offon.B,
                   cbind(tx.init.time.B + (1 - prop.time.on.tx.B) * 1:numsteps.B,
                         prop.time.on.tx.B * 1:numsteps.B))
  offon.B <- round(offon.B)
  exp.dur.chronic.B <- nrow(offon.B) - vl.acute.int
  exp.onset.aids.B <- nrow(offon.B)
  offon.last.B <- offon.B[nrow(offon.B), ]
  offon.B <- rbind(offon.B,
                   matrix(c(offon.last.B[1] + (1:vl.aids.int),
                            rep(offon.last.B[2], vl.aids.int)),
                          ncol = 2))
  max.possible.inf.time.B <- nrow(offon.B)
  offon.B[, 2] <- (1:max.possible.inf.time.B) - offon.B[, 1]
  stage.B <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(vlar.int, vlaf.int, exp.dur.chronic.B, vl.aids.int))
  stage.time.B <- c(1:vlar.int, 1:vlaf.int, 1:exp.dur.chronic.B, 1:vl.aids.int)

  # Stage for Whites
  prop.time.on.tx.W <- dat$param$tx.reinit.W.prob /
    (dat$param$tx.halt.W.prob + dat$param$tx.reinit.W.prob)
  offon.W <- matrix(c(1:tx.init.time.W, rep(0, tx.init.time.W)),
                    nrow = tx.init.time.W)
  numsteps.W <- (dat$param$max.time.off.tx.full.int - tx.init.time.W) /
    (1 - prop.time.on.tx.W)
  offon.W <- rbind(offon.W,
                   cbind(tx.init.time.W + (1 - prop.time.on.tx.W) * 1:numsteps.W,
                         prop.time.on.tx.W * 1:numsteps.W))
  offon.W <- round(offon.W)
  exp.dur.chronic.W <- nrow(offon.W) - vl.acute.int
  exp.onset.aids.W <- nrow(offon.W)
  offon.last.W <- offon.W[nrow(offon.W), ]
  offon.W <- rbind(offon.W,
                   matrix(c(offon.last.W[1] + (1:vl.aids.int),
                            rep(offon.last.W[2], vl.aids.int)),
                          ncol = 2))
  max.possible.inf.time.W <- nrow(offon.W)
  offon.W[, 2] <- (1:max.possible.inf.time.W) - offon.W[, 1]
  stage.W <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(vlar.int, vlaf.int, exp.dur.chronic.W, vl.aids.int))
  stage.time.W <- c(1:vlar.int, 1:vlaf.int, 1:exp.dur.chronic.W, 1:vl.aids.int)

  # Vl for Blacks
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 4 & race == "B")
  max.inf.time <- pmin(time.sex.active[selected], max.possible.inf.time.B)
  time.since.inf <- ceiling(runif(length(selected), max = max.inf.time))
  inf.time[selected] <- 1 - time.since.inf
  cum.time.on.tx[selected] <- offon.B[time.since.inf, 2]
  cum.time.off.tx[selected] <- offon.B[time.since.inf, 1]
  stage[selected] <- stage.B[time.since.inf]
  stage.time[selected] <- stage.time.B[time.since.inf]
  tx.status[selected] <- 0
  tx.status[selected][stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <-
    rbinom(sum(stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0),
           1, prop.time.on.tx.B)
  vl[selected] <- (time.since.inf <= vlar.int) * (vlap * time.since.inf / vlar.int) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int) * (time.since.inf <= vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                    ((vlsp - vlap) * (time.since.inf - vlar.int) / vlaf.int + vlap) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                  (time.since.inf <= exp.onset.aids.B) * (vlsp) +
                  (time.since.inf > exp.onset.aids.B) *
                  (vlsp + (time.since.inf - exp.onset.aids.B) * vlds)
  vl[selected][tx.status[selected] == 1] <- dat$param$vl.full.supp

  # VL for Whites
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 4 & race == "W")
  max.inf.time <- pmin(time.sex.active[selected], max.possible.inf.time.W)
  time.since.inf <- ceiling(runif(length(selected), max = max.inf.time))
  inf.time[selected] <- 1 - time.since.inf
  cum.time.on.tx[selected] <- offon.W[time.since.inf, 2]
  cum.time.off.tx[selected] <- offon.W[time.since.inf, 1]
  stage[selected] <- stage.W[time.since.inf]
  stage.time[selected] <- stage.time.W[time.since.inf]
  tx.status[selected] <- 0
  tx.status[selected][stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <-
    rbinom(sum(stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0),
           1, prop.time.on.tx.W)
  vl[selected] <- (time.since.inf <= vlar.int) * (vlap * time.since.inf / vlar.int) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int) * (time.since.inf <= vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                     ((vlsp - vlap) * (time.since.inf - vlar.int) / vlaf.int + vlap) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                  (time.since.inf <= exp.onset.aids.W) * (vlsp) +
                  (time.since.inf > exp.onset.aids.W) *
                  (vlsp + (time.since.inf - exp.onset.aids.W) * vlds)
  vl[selected][tx.status[selected] == 1] <- dat$param$vl.full.supp

  # Diagnosis
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 4)
  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "interval") {
    ttntest <- ceiling(runif(length(selected),
                             min = 0,
                             max = dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                                   dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))
  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "memoryless") {
    ttntest <- rgeom(length(selected),
                     1 / (dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                          dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))

  diag.status[selected][ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <- 0
  last.neg.test[selected][ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <-
                           -ttntest[ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int]
  diag.status[selected][ttntest <= cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <- 1
  diag.status[selected][cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <- 1
  last.neg.test[selected][cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <- NA

  ### Part adherent type

  # Create set of expected values for (cum.time.off.tx,cum.time.on.tx)

  prop.time.on.tx.B <- dat$param$tx.reinit.B.prob /
                       (dat$param$tx.halt.B.prob + dat$param$tx.reinit.B.prob)
  offon.B <- matrix(c(1:tx.init.time.B, rep(0, tx.init.time.B)),
                    nrow = tx.init.time.B)
  while (offon.B[nrow(offon.B), 1] / dat$param$max.time.off.tx.part.int +
         offon.B[nrow(offon.B), 2] / dat$param$max.time.on.tx.part.int < 1) {
    offon.B <- rbind(offon.B,
                     offon.B[nrow(offon.B), ] + c(1 - prop.time.on.tx.B,
  offon.B <- round(offon.B)
  exp.dur.chronic.B <- nrow(offon.B) - vl.acute.int
  exp.onset.aids.B <- nrow(offon.B)
  offon.last.B <- offon.B[nrow(offon.B), ]
  offon.B <- rbind(offon.B,
                   matrix(c(offon.last.B[1] + (1:vl.aids.int),
                            rep(offon.last.B[2], vl.aids.int)),
                          ncol = 2))
  max.possible.inf.time.B <- nrow(offon.B)
  offon.B[, 2] <- (1:max.possible.inf.time.B) - offon.B[, 1]
  stage.B <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(vlar.int, vlaf.int, exp.dur.chronic.B, vl.aids.int))
  stage.time.B <- c(1:vlar.int, 1:vlaf.int, 1:exp.dur.chronic.B, 1:vl.aids.int)

  prop.time.on.tx.W <- dat$param$tx.reinit.W.prob /
                       (dat$param$tx.halt.W.prob + dat$param$tx.reinit.W.prob)
  offon.W <- matrix(c(1:tx.init.time.W, rep(0, tx.init.time.W)),
                    nrow = tx.init.time.W)

  while (offon.W[nrow(offon.W), 1] / dat$param$max.time.off.tx.part.int +
         offon.W[nrow(offon.W), 2] / dat$param$max.time.on.tx.part.int < 1) {
    offon.W <- rbind(offon.W,
                     offon.W[nrow(offon.W), ] + c(1 - prop.time.on.tx.W,
  offon.W <- round(offon.W)
  exp.dur.chronic.W <- nrow(offon.W) - vl.acute.int
  exp.onset.aids.W <- nrow(offon.W)
  offon.last.W <- offon.W[nrow(offon.W), ]
  offon.W <- rbind(offon.W,
                   matrix(c(offon.last.W[1] + (1:vl.aids.int),
                            rep(offon.last.W[2], vl.aids.int)),
                          ncol = 2))
  max.possible.inf.time.W <- nrow(offon.W)
  offon.W[, 2] <- (1:max.possible.inf.time.W) - offon.W[, 1]
  stage.W <- rep(c(1, 2, 3, 4), c(vlar.int, vlaf.int, exp.dur.chronic.W, vl.aids.int))
  stage.time.W <- c(1:vlar.int, 1:vlaf.int, 1:exp.dur.chronic.W, 1:vl.aids.int)

  # VL for Blacks
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 3 & race == "B")
  max.inf.time <- pmin(time.sex.active[selected], max.possible.inf.time.B)
  time.since.inf <- ceiling(runif(length(selected), max = max.inf.time))
  inf.time[selected] <- 1 - time.since.inf
  cum.time.on.tx[selected] <- offon.B[time.since.inf, 2]
  cum.time.off.tx[selected] <- offon.B[time.since.inf, 1]
  stage[selected] <- stage.B[time.since.inf]
  stage.time[selected] <- stage.time.B[time.since.inf]
  tx.status[selected] <- 0
  tx.status[selected][stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <-
    rbinom(sum(stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0),
           1, prop.time.on.tx.B)
  vl[selected] <- (time.since.inf <= vlar.int) * (vlap * time.since.inf / vlar.int) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int) * (time.since.inf <= vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                     ((vlsp - vlap) * (time.since.inf - vlar.int) / vlaf.int + vlap) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                  (time.since.inf <= exp.onset.aids.B) * (vlsp) +
                  (time.since.inf > exp.onset.aids.B) *
                  (vlsp + (time.since.inf - exp.onset.aids.B) * vlds)
  vl[selected][tx.status[selected] == 1] <- dat$param$vl.part.supp

  # VL for Whites
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 3 & race == "W")
  max.inf.time <- pmin(time.sex.active[selected], max.possible.inf.time.W)
  time.since.inf <- ceiling(runif(length(selected), max = max.inf.time))
  inf.time[selected] <- 1 - time.since.inf
  cum.time.on.tx[selected] <- offon.W[time.since.inf, 2]
  cum.time.off.tx[selected] <- offon.W[time.since.inf, 1]
  stage[selected] <- stage.W[time.since.inf]
  stage.time[selected] <- stage.time.W[time.since.inf]
  tx.status[selected] <- 0
  tx.status[selected][stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <-
    rbinom(sum(stage[selected] == 3 & cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0),
           1, prop.time.on.tx.W)
  vl[selected] <- (time.since.inf <= vlar.int) * (vlap * time.since.inf / vlar.int) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int) * (time.since.inf <= vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                     ((vlsp - vlap) * (time.since.inf - vlar.int) / vlaf.int + vlap) +
                  (time.since.inf > vlar.int + vlaf.int) *
                  (time.since.inf <= exp.onset.aids.W) * (vlsp) +
                  (time.since.inf > exp.onset.aids.W) *
                  (vlsp + (time.since.inf - exp.onset.aids.W) * vlds)
  vl[selected][tx.status[selected] == 1] <- dat$param$vl.part.supp

  # Implement diagnosis for both
  selected <- which(status == 1 & tt.traj == 3)
  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "interval") {
    ttntest <- ceiling(runif(length(selected),
                             min = 0,
                             max = dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                                   dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))

  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "memoryless") {
    ttntest <- rgeom(length(selected),
                     1 / (dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                          dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))

  diag.status[selected][ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <- 0
  last.neg.test[selected][ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <-
    -ttntest[ttntest > cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int]

  diag.status[selected][ttntest <= cum.time.off.tx[selected] - twind.int] <- 1
  diag.status[selected][cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <- 1
  last.neg.test[selected][cum.time.on.tx[selected] > 0] <- NA

  # Last neg test before present for negatives
  selected <- which(status == 0 & tt.traj %in% c(2, 3, 4))

  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "interval") {
    tslt <- ceiling(runif(length(selected),
                          min = 0,
                          max = dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                                dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))
  if (dat$param$testing.pattern == "memoryless") {
    tslt <- rgeom(length(selected),
                  1 / (dat$param$mean.test.B.int * (race[selected] == "B") +
                       dat$param$mean.test.W.int * (race[selected] == "W")))
  last.neg.test[selected] <- -tslt

  ## Set all onto dat$attr
  dat$attr$stage <- stage
  dat$attr$stage.time <- stage.time
  dat$attr$inf.time <- inf.time
  dat$attr$vl <- vl
  dat$attr$diag.status <- diag.status
  dat$attr$diag.time <- diag.time
  dat$attr$last.neg.test <- last.neg.test
  dat$attr$tx.status <- tx.status
  dat$attr$tx.init.time <- tx.init.time
  dat$attr$cum.time.on.tx <- cum.time.on.tx
  dat$attr$cum.time.off.tx <- cum.time.off.tx
  dat$attr$infector <- infector
  dat$attr$inf.role <- inf.role
  dat$attr$inf.type <- inf.type
  dat$attr$inf.diag <- inf.diag
  dat$attr$inf.tx <- inf.tx
  dat$attr$inf.stage <- inf.stage



#' @title Sets the CCR5 genetic status of persons
#' @description Initializes the CCR5-delta-32 genetic allele of the men in the
#'              population, based on parameters defining the probability
#'              distribution.
#' @param dat Data object created in initialization module.
#' @export
#' @keywords initiation utility msm
init_ccr5_msm <- function(dat) {

  num.B <- dat$init$num.B
  num.W <- dat$init$num.W
  num <- num.B + num.W
  race <- dat$attr$race
  status <- dat$attr$status

  nInfB <- sum(race == "B" & status == 1)
  nInfW <- sum(race == "W" & status == 1)

  ##  CCR5 genotype
  ccr5.heteroz.rr <- dat$param$ccr5.heteroz.rr
  ccr5 <- rep("WW", num)

  # homozygotes for deletion
  num.ccr5.DD.B <- dat$param$ccr5.B.prob[1] * num.B
  # heterozygotes
  num.ccr5.DW.B <- dat$param$ccr5.B.prob[2] * num.B
  # homozygotes for deletion
  num.ccr5.WW.B <- num.B - num.ccr5.DD.B - num.ccr5.DW.B
  # DD's can't be infected
  num.uninf.ccr5.DD.B <- round(num.ccr5.DD.B)
  # Unique solution to get relative risk right in init pop
  num.inf.ccr5.DW.B <- round(num.ccr5.DW.B * nInfB * ccr5.heteroz.rr /
                             (num.ccr5.WW.B + num.ccr5.DW.B * ccr5.heteroz.rr))
  num.uninf.ccr5.DW.B <- round(num.ccr5.DW.B - num.inf.ccr5.DW.B)
  inf.B <- which(status == 1 & race == "B")
  inf.ccr5.DW.B <- sample(inf.B, num.inf.ccr5.DW.B, replace = FALSE)
  ccr5[inf.ccr5.DW.B] <- "DW"
  uninf.B <- which(status == 0 & race == "B")
  uninf.ccr5.DWDD.B <- sample(uninf.B, num.uninf.ccr5.DW.B + num.uninf.ccr5.DD.B)
  uninf.ccr5.DW.B <- sample(uninf.ccr5.DWDD.B, num.uninf.ccr5.DW.B)
  uninf.ccr5.DD.B <- setdiff(uninf.ccr5.DWDD.B, uninf.ccr5.DW.B)
  ccr5[uninf.ccr5.DW.B] <- "DW"
  ccr5[uninf.ccr5.DD.B] <- "DD"

  num.ccr5.DD.W <- dat$param$ccr5.W.prob[1] * num.W
  num.ccr5.DW.W <- dat$param$ccr5.W.prob[2] * num.W
  num.ccr5.WW.W <- num.W - num.ccr5.DD.W - num.ccr5.DW.W
  num.uninf.ccr5.DD.W <- round(num.ccr5.DD.W)
  num.inf.ccr5.DW.W <- round(num.ccr5.DW.W * nInfW * ccr5.heteroz.rr /
                             (num.ccr5.WW.W + num.ccr5.DW.W * ccr5.heteroz.rr))
  num.uninf.ccr5.DW.W <- round(num.ccr5.DW.W - num.inf.ccr5.DW.W)
  inf.W <- which(status == 1 & race == "W")
  inf.ccr5.DW.W <- sample(inf.W, num.inf.ccr5.DW.W)
  ccr5[inf.ccr5.DW.W] <- "DW"
  uninf.W <- which(status == 0 & race == "W")
  uninf.ccr5.DWDD.W <- sample(uninf.W, num.uninf.ccr5.DW.W + num.uninf.ccr5.DD.W)
  uninf.ccr5.DW.W <- sample(uninf.ccr5.DWDD.W, num.uninf.ccr5.DW.W)
  uninf.ccr5.DD.W <- setdiff(uninf.ccr5.DWDD.W, uninf.ccr5.DW.W)
  ccr5[uninf.ccr5.DW.W] <- "DW"
  ccr5[uninf.ccr5.DD.W] <- "DD"

  dat$attr$ccr5 <- ccr5


#' @title Re-Initialization Module
#' @description This function reinitializes an epidemic model to restart at a
#'              specified time step given an input \code{netsim} object.
#' @param x An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{netsim}}.
#' @inheritParams initialize_msm
#' @details
#' Currently, the necessary components that must be on \code{x} for a simulation
#' to be restarted must be: param, control, nwparam, epi, attr, temp, el, p.
#' TODO: describe this more.
#' @return
#' This function resets the data elements on the \code{dat} master data object
#' in the needed ways for the time loop to function.
#' @export
#' @keywords module msm
reinit_msm <- function(x, param, init, control, s) {

  need.for.reinit <- c("param", "control", "nwparam", "epi", "attr", "temp", "el", "p")
  if (!all(need.for.reinit %in% names(x))) {
    stop("x must contain the following elements for restarting: ",
         "param, control, nwparam, epi, attr, temp, el, p",
         call. = FALSE)

  if (length(x$el) == 1) {
    s <- 1

  dat <- list()

  dat$param <- param
  dat$param$modes <- 1
  dat$control <- control
  dat$nwparam <- x$nwparam

  dat$epi <- sapply(x$epi, function(var) var[s])
  names(dat$epi) <- names(x$epi)

  dat$el <- x$el[[s]]
  dat$p <- x$p[[s]]

  dat$attr <- x$attr[[s]]

  if (!is.null(x$stats)) {
    dat$stats <- list()
    if (!is.null(x$stats$nwstats)) {
      dat$stats$nwstats <- x$stats$nwstats[[s]]

  dat$temp <- x$temp[[s]]

  class(dat) <- "dat"

# HET -----------------------------------------------------------------

#' @title Initialization Module
#' @description This function initializes the master \code{dat} object on which
#'              data are stored, simulates the initial state of the network, and
#'              simulates disease status and other attributes.
#' @param x An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{netest}}.
#' @param param An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{param_het}}.
#' @param init An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{init_het}}.
#' @param control An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{control_het}}.
#' @param s Simulation number, used for restarting dependent simulations.
#' @return
#' This function returns the updated \code{dat} object with the initialized values
#' for demographics and disease-related variables.
#' @keywords module het
#' @export
initialize_het <- function(x, param, init, control, s) {

  dat <- list()
  dat$temp <- list()
  nw <- simulate(x$fit, control = control.simulate.ergm(MCMC.burnin = 1e6))

  dat$el <- as.edgelist(nw)
  attributes(dat$el)$vnames <- NULL
  p <- tergmLite::stergm_prep(nw, x$formation, x$coef.diss$dissolution, x$coef.form,
                              x$coef.diss$coef.adj, x$constraints)
  p$model.form$formula <- NULL
  p$model.diss$formula <- NULL
  dat$p <- p

  ## Network Model Parameters
  dat$nwparam <- list(x[-which(names(x) == "fit")])

  ## Simulation Parameters
  dat$param <- param
  dat$param$modes <- 1

  dat$init <- init
  dat$control <- control

  ## Nodal Attributes
  dat$attr <- list()

  dat$attr$male <- get.vertex.attribute(nw, "male")

  n <- network.size(nw)
  dat$attr$active <- rep(1, n)
  dat$attr$entTime <- rep(1, n)

  dat <- initStatus_het(dat)

  age <- rep(NA, n)
  age[dat$attr$male == 0] <- sample(init$ages.feml, sum(dat$attr$male == 0), TRUE)
  age[dat$attr$male == 1] <- sample(init$ages.male, sum(dat$attr$male == 1), TRUE)
  dat$attr$age <- age

  dat <- initInfTime_het(dat)
  dat <- initDx_het(dat)
  dat <- initTx_het(dat)

  # Circumcision
  male <- dat$attr$male
  nMales <- sum(male == 1)
  age <- dat$attr$age

  circStat <- circTime <- rep(NA, n)

  circStat[male == 1] <- rbinom(nMales, 1, dat$param$circ.prob.birth)

  isCirc <- which(circStat == 1)
  circTime[isCirc] <- round(-age[isCirc] * (365 / dat$param$time.unit))

  dat$attr$circStat <- circStat
  dat$attr$circTime <- circTime

  ## Stats List
  dat$stats <- list()

  ## Final steps
  dat$epi <- list()
  dat <- prevalence_het(dat, at = 1)


#' @title Reinitialization Module
#' @description This function reinitializes the master \code{dat} object on which
#'              data are stored, simulates the initial state of the network, and
#'              simulates disease status and other attributes.
#' @param x An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{netest}}.
#' @param param An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{param_het}}.
#' @param init An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{init_het}}.
#' @param control An \code{EpiModel} object of class \code{\link{control_het}}.
#' @param s Simulation number, used for restarting dependent simulations.
#' @return
#' This function returns the updated \code{dat} object with the initialized values
#' for demographics and disease-related variables.
#' @keywords module het
#' @export
reinit_het <- function(x, param, init, control, s) {
  dat <- list()
  dat$el <- x$el[[s]]
  dat$param <- param
  dat$param$modes <- 1
  dat$control <- control
  dat$nwparam <- x$nwparam
  dat$epi <- sapply(x$epi, function(var) var[s])
  names(dat$epi) <- names(x$epi)
  dat$attr <- x$attr[[s]]
  dat$stats <- list()
  dat$stats$nwstats <- x$stats$nwstats[[s]]
  dat$temp <- list()

  dat$param$modes <- 1
  class(dat) <- "dat"


initStatus_het <- function(dat) {

  ## Variables
  i.prev.male <- dat$init$i.prev.male
  i.prev.feml <- dat$init$i.prev.feml

  male <- dat$attr$male
  idsMale <- which(male == 1)
  idsFeml <- which(male == 0)
  nMale <- length(idsMale)
  nFeml <- length(idsFeml)
  n <- nMale + nFeml

  ## Process
  status <- rep(0, n)
  status[sample(idsMale, round(i.prev.male * nMale))] <- 1
  status[sample(idsFeml, round(i.prev.feml * nFeml))] <- 1

  dat$attr$status <- status


initInfTime_het <- function(dat) {

  status <- dat$attr$status
  n <- length(status)

  infecteds <- which(status == 1)
  infTime <- rep(NA, n)

  inf.time.dist <- dat$init$inf.time.dist

  if (inf.time.dist == "allacute") {
    max.inf.time <- dat$param$vl.acute.topeak + dat$param$vl.acute.toset
    infTime[infecteds] <- sample(0:(-max.inf.time), length(infecteds), TRUE)
  } else {
    max.inf.time <- dat$init$max.inf.time / dat$param$time.unit
    if (inf.time.dist == "geometric") {
      total.d.rate <- 1/max.inf.time
      infTime[infecteds] <- -rgeom(length(infecteds), total.d.rate)
    if (inf.time.dist == "uniform") {
      infTime[infecteds] <- sample(0:(-max.inf.time), length(infecteds), TRUE)

  ## Enforce that time infected < age
  infTime[infecteds] <- pmax(infTime[infecteds],
                             1 - dat$attr$age[infecteds] * (365 / dat$param$time.unit))

  dat$attr$infTime <- infTime

  timeInf <- 1 - infTime
  dat$attr$ageInf <- pmax(0, dat$attr$age - round(timeInf) * (dat$param$time.unit / 365))

  stopifnot(all(dat$attr$ageInf[infecteds] <= dat$attr$age[infecteds]),
            all(dat$attr$ageInf[infecteds] >= 0))


initDx_het <- function(dat) {

  n <- sum(dat$attr$active == 1)
  status <- dat$attr$status

  dxStat <- rep(NA, n)
  dxStat[status == 1] <- 0

  dxTime <- rep(NA, n)

  dat$attr$dxStat <- dxStat
  dat$attr$dxTime <- dxTime


initTx_het <- function(dat) {

  ## Variables
  status <- dat$attr$status
  n <- sum(dat$attr$active == 1)
  nInf <- sum(status == 1)

  tx.init.cd4.mean <- dat$param$tx.init.cd4.mean
  tx.init.cd4.sd <- dat$param$tx.init.cd4.sd
  tx.elig.cd4 <- dat$param$tx.elig.cd4

  ## Process
  dat$attr$txStat <- rep(NA, n)
  dat$attr$txStartTime <- rep(NA, n)
  dat$attr$txStops <- rep(NA, n)
  dat$attr$txTimeOn <- rep(NA, n)
  dat$attr$txTimeOff <- rep(NA, n)

  txCD4min <- rep(NA, n)
  txCD4min[status == 1] <- pmin(rnbinom(nInf,
                                        size = nbsdtosize(tx.init.cd4.mean,
                                        mu = tx.init.cd4.mean), tx.elig.cd4)
  dat$attr$txCD4min <- txCD4min
  dat$attr$txCD4start <- rep(NA, n)
  dat$attr$txType <- rep(NA, n)

dth2/EpiModelHIV_SHAMP documentation built on May 15, 2019, 4:56 p.m.