
Defines functions getGlobalFunctions isColonCall

Documented in getGlobalFunctions

getGlobals =
    # This is like codetools::findGlobals() but can be made aware of
    # function calls which we want to ignore because they may refer to 
    # global variables that are in an entirely different scope, e.g. R. (?)
    # This is for compiling callbacks to R and identifying variables that
    # are to be resolved in R.
    # This is not the same as findGlobals. 
    # It finds some aspects findGlobals doesn't handle
    #  e.g. finds use of variables before they are defined/assigned
    #         i.e., defined locally but used before that. 
    #       functions such lapply/sapply/... and do.call that often refer to the function they call via variable.
    #         findGlobals() identifies order and foo as global variables, rather than non-local functions.
    #          lapply(x, order)
    #          do.call(foo, args)
    # It also attempts to deal with ....??????
    # We didn't use the code walker mechanism in codetools as it doesn't appear to give us a relatively simple means
    # to push and pop function calls. But this could be just that I haven't wrapped my head around it.
    # But also, it is a slightly awkward interface, undocumented and states it is not to be used/relied upon - after 10-15 years!
    # Todo:  process nested function definitions and determine their local variables
    #    # XXX Doesn't include [[<-, [<-, functions.
    #    # Handle default values and references to local variables and check whether the default value
    #       is needed before those local variables are defined
    #  $<- implemented. Process only the second element  x$y <- value, so process x since y is verbatim.
    #   The RHS is handled elsewhere.
    #    Added 
    # When run on compileFunction(), we find ir and nenv as globals.
    # nenv is real as it used before it is defined.
    #  ir appears as a global because its is referenced in a function definition
    #  not a call.
    # skip  is for the names of functions for which we are to ignore calls to these
    # To find functions that have a FUN argument which is likely to be called directly, we can use
    # bvars = ls("package:base")
    # hasFun = structure(sapply(bvars, function(x) { f = get(x, "package:base"); if(is.function(f)) "FUN" %in% names(formals(f)) else FALSE}), names = bvars)
    #  bvars[hasFun]
    # Doesn't identify do.call, optim, etc.  But for optim, we have findCallsParam().
    # Intentionally doesn't include for, if, while, { as functions which findGlobals() does.
function(f, expressionsFor = character(), .ignoreDefaultArgs = FALSE,
              #XX we probably want to process the arguments within .Internal except the first which is the call.
         skip = c(".R", ".typeInfo", ".signature", ".pragma", ".Internal", ".Primitive"), 
         .debug = TRUE, .assert = TRUE,
         localVars = character(), mergeSubFunGlobals = TRUE,
         old = TRUE, # remove old when we are sure it worksa
         indirectCallFunctions = names(getIndirectCallFunList()),
         handleTextConnections = TRUE) 

      .debug = if(.debug) ".debug" else character()
      .assert = if(.assert) ".assert" else character()  

  skip = c(skip, .debug, .assert)
  vars = character()
  funs = character()
  varsByFun = list()

  curFuns = character()
  expressions = list()

  subFunInfo = list()

  skippedExpressions = list()

  addFunName = function(id) {
                  if(!(as.character(id) %in% c(c("for", "if", "{", "while"), skip)))
                     funs <<- c(funs, as.character(id))

  procIndirectFunCall = function(e, funName = as.character(e[[1]]), def = tryCatch(get(funName), error = function(e) NULL)) {
      # remove ... from e as match.call
      #   ... used in a situation where it does not exist
      w = sapply(e, function(x) is.name(x) && x == "...")
          e = e[!w]

      # XXX
      # The function def may not be globally visible but may be defined within a function.
      # e.g., sApply in tools/R/QC.R  codocClasses.
      # Wouldn't we have caught this assignment in the function. Should we pass these via an extra argument
      #  Maybe use def = list()  and look in there for the defn.
      e2 = match.call(def, e)

      if(length(e2) == 1 && funName %in% c("match.call", "formals")) {
#          browser()
#          warning("cannot currently determine function in empty call to ", funName, ". That uses the context of the call.")
          return(NA) # need to know the name of the function in which match.call()/formals() is being invoked.
      i = switch(funName,
                 do.call = match("what", names(e2)),
                 aggregate = if(length(e2) > 3) 4 else NA, # taking some liberties here matching not by name but known position for methods. See ?aggregate.
                 rapply =,
                 body = 2L,
                 match.call = 2L,
                 formals = 2L,
                 grep("fun$", names(e2), ignore.case = TRUE)) # match(c("fun", "FUN"), names(e2)))

      if(length(i) == 0) { # grep("fun$") not matching so FUN not in call but probably in fn defn with a default parameter
          i = grep("fun$", names(formals(def)), ignore.case = TRUE)
          else {
              warning("couldn't identify function in ", deparse(e2))
      } else if(!is.na(i) && (is.character(tmp <- e2[[i]]) || is.name(tmp) || isColonCall(tmp))) {
          if(!((val <- deparse(tmp)) %in% localVars))  # as.character rather than deparse()
      } else

  curAssignName = character()

    #XXX better name.
    fun = function(e, w) {

      popFuns = FALSE
      if(is.name(e) && as.character(e) == "")  # typically a formal argument that has no default value.
      if(is(e, "if")) {
          if(e[[2]] == FALSE) {
              if(length(e) == 3)
                 e = e[[4]]
          } else if(e[[2]] == TRUE) {
              e = e[[3]]
          } else
             # e = e[-1]
            return(lapply(e[-1], fun, w))

      }  # fall through

      if(class(e) == "for") 
          localVars <<- c(localVars, as.character(e[[2]]))

      if(is.call(e)) {
          if(is.call(fn <- e[[1]])) {  # e.g. x$bob()
#              fn = e[[1]]
              if(is.name(fn[[1]]) && isColonCall(fn)) { ### (as.character(fn[[1]]) == "::" || as.character(fn[[1]]) == ":::")) {
                  e = e[-1]
              return(lapply(e, fun,  w))

          funName = as.character(fn) # e[[1]])

          if(funName == "::" || funName == ":::") {
              return(NULL)    # Return or keep going?  Return or will get pkg/first element of :: in variables.
          } else if(funName == "function") {
               #XXX Should be able to get the name of this if it is available.
              subFunInfo[[length(subFunInfo)+1L]] <<- getGlobals(e, expressionsFor, skip = skip, .ignoreDefaultArgs = .ignoreDefaultArgs)
              if(length(curAssignName) > 0)
                  names(subFunInfo)[length(subFunInfo)] = curAssignName[1]
          } else if(funName %in% c('<-', '=')) {
                     # simple assignment on LHS.
                  curAssignName <<- c(as.character(e[[2]]), curAssignName)

              if(is.call(tmp <- e[[3]]) && is.name(tmp2 <- tmp[[1]]) &&
                   (as.character(tmp2) == "::" || as.character(tmp2) == ":::") && is.name(e[[3]][[2]]) && is.name(e[[3]][[3]])) {
                  # RHS is of the form  pkg::sym

                  vars <<- c(vars, deparse(tmp))
              } else
                  fun(tmp, fun)  # process the RHS.
              e = e[-3]
              if(is.name(tmp <- e[[2]])) {             
                  curAssignName = curAssignName[-1]
                  localVars <<- c(localVars, as.character(tmp))
              } else if(is.call(e[[2]])) {
                  # Put the <- in the name of the function being called.
                  # !! Need to handle pkg::fun and pkg:::fun.
                  # browser()
                  funName = paste0(as.character(e[[2]][[1]]), "<-")
                  e[[2]][[1]] = as.name(funName)
          } else if(funName == "$<-") {
              #              e = e[[ 2 ]]
          } else {

              if(handleTextConnections && funName == "textConnection") {
                  # Special case.  If call
                  #  textConnection("bob", "w", local = TRUE)
                  # then bob becomes a local variable.
                  # Should be using textConnectionValue() rather than the variable
                  # but this is an issue with the implementation of writeable textConnection().
                  # Also note that this test requires that open = "w" and local = TRUE
                  # literally, not with variables.
                  # Use constant propogation before to see if this can update such variables.
                  k = match.call(textConnection, e)
                  if(all(c("object", "open", "local") %in% names(k)) &&
                     is.character(k$object) && k[["open"]] == "w" && isTRUE(k[["local"]]))
                      localVars <<- c(localVars, k$object)

              if(funName %in% skip) {
                 i = length(skippedExpressions) + 1L
                 skippedExpressions[[ i ]] <<- e
                 names(skippedExpressions)[i] <<- funName
                 sapply(curFuns, function(id)
                                    varsByFun[[id]] <<- c(varsByFun[[id]], funName))
              curFuns <<- c(curFuns, funName)
              if(!(funName %in% localVars))
                 addFunName(funName) # funs <<- c(funs, funName)
              popFuns = TRUE

             if(funName %in% expressionsFor)
                 expressions[[ funName ]] <<- c(expressions[[ funName ]], e)

          els = as.list(e)[-1]
          if(funName == "$") # remove the literal name
              els = els[-2]
          else if (funName %in% indirectCallFunctions || grepl("apply", funName, ignore.case = TRUE)) 
                els = procIndirectFunCall(e, funName)

          lapply(els, fun, w)
              curFuns <<- curFuns[- length(curFuns)]
       } else if(is.name(e)) {
           # with the changes for lazily dealing with default values of parameters, we now
           # have all symbols coming through this, even as name of function in a call
           # e.g.,   sapply(x, f)  will have sapply come through this.
           # So have to avoid adding it to the vars variable.

           # This needs some comparison with origina and probably needs changes to the logic.
          name = as.character(e)
          if(!(name %in% localVars) && name %in% names(params) && !defaultValuesProcessed[name]) {
              defaultValuesProcessed[name] <<- TRUE
              fun(params[[name]], fun)
              localVars <<- c(localVars, name)

          if(!(name %in% localVars)) {
             if(name %in% funs || (!(name %in% localVars) && length(curFuns) && any(expressionsFor %in% curFuns))) {
             } else {
                 #                 browser()
                 #                 if(name  == "xml2" || name == "codetools") browser()
                 #  If we have this debugging step,
                 # system.time(getGlobals(funs2$.install_packages)$variables)
                 # takes 5.34 seconds. So a factor of 10
                 # Take it out, we get down to .443 seconds
#       if(name  == "utils") browser()
                 # How would we insert this and ensure we can identify it easily as a debug statement and remove it
                 # or have it as a no-op
                 vars <<- c(vars, name)
                 sapply(curFuns, function(id)
                                    varsByFun[[id]] <<- c(varsByFun[[id]], name))
       } else if(typeof(e) == "externalptr") {
       }  else
             lapply(as.list(e)[-1], fun, w)
  } # end of fun = function() {}

    # Turn a call to function into an actual function object.
  if(is.call(f) && isSymbol(f[[1]], "function"))
     f = eval(f, globalenv())

  if(is.function(f)) {
    params = formals(f)
    defaultValuesProcessed = structure(rep(FALSE, length(params)), names = names(params))
  } else {
    params = list()
    defaultValuesProcessed = logical()
  if(typeof(f) == "closure") {

      if(!.ignoreDefaultArgs) {
          # process the parameters. Why did I only work on those that have no default value???
          #  Seems to give the wrong answer.
          # Since this is inside .ignoreDefaultArgs, were we processing those parameters with
          # default values separately?
if(old) #XXXX  remove when we are certain the new/non-old way is okay.         
    localVars = names(params)[sapply(params, function(x) is.name(x) && x == "")]
    localVars = names(params)
          # lapply(params, fun, fun)
         f = body(f)
#  origFun = body(f)

  fun(f, fun)

      lapply(params[!defaultValuesProcessed], fun, fun)
  varsByFun = varsByFun[ setdiff(names(varsByFun), c("for", "if", "{"))]

    #XXX This doesn't catch the case that a function is defined and called before the variable it references in the parent function
    # is defined.

  gvs = unlist(sapply(subFunInfo, `[[`, "variables"))
  i = match(gvs, localVars)
  vars = c(vars, gvs[is.na(i)])

  ans = structure(list(localVariables = localVars,
                 variables = vars,
                 functions = funs,
                 variablesByFun = lapply(varsByFun, table),
                 expressions = expressions,
                 subFunctions = subFunInfo,
                 skippedExpressions = skippedExpressions),
      class = "GlobalUses")

      ans$functions = getGlobalFunctions(ans, TRUE, TRUE)


isColonCall =
    is.call(e) && isSymbol(e[[1]], c("::", ":::"))
# was is.call(e) && is.name(e[[1]]) && ((tmp <- as.character(e[[1]])) == "::" || tmp ==  ":::")

getGlobalFunctions =
function(x, ...)   

getGlobalFunctions.GlobalUses =
    # method for object created/returned by getGlobals
function(x, mergeSubFuns = FALSE, asNames = TRUE, ...)
    ans = x$functions
    if(mergeSubFuns) {
        # This isn't quite right as we might define a function in the top-level function
        # and so it is not global, but intermediate. But then it would be available to those
        # functions even after they are defined
        # e.g.   function() { foo = function(x) bar(x); bar = function(y) y+1; ...}
        # We need to pass the names of the existing functions down to getGlobals when we process a new function.
        # But again, are available after the definition of that function.
        # Need to exclude the functions that are defined within the top-level function
        tmp = unlist(lapply(x$subFunctions, `[[`, "functions"))
        ans = c(ans, tmp[ !(tmp %in% x$localVariables)] )


duncantl/CodeAnalysis documentation built on Aug. 25, 2024, 10:10 a.m.