
Defines functions rollUp getFTestPValue createPairedExpDesign perFeatureNormalization rollUpDT removeOutliers getLoocvFoldError getIBAQEset getTopX getSignalPerCondition sqNormalize globalNormalize getGlobalNormFactors rtNormalize getRTNormFactors getCV getBaselineIntensity getAllCV getRatios getAllEBayes createExpressionDataset .getControlCondition .exp2Exprs .log2Exprs .getFirstEntry getMaxIndex

Documented in createExpressionDataset createPairedExpDesign getAllCV getAllEBayes getBaselineIntensity getCV getFTestPValue getGlobalNormFactors getIBAQEset getLoocvFoldError getMaxIndex getRatios getRTNormFactors getSignalPerCondition getTopX globalNormalize perFeatureNormalization removeOutliers rollUp rollUpDT rtNormalize sqNormalize

## get index of max (created for data.table)
#' get index of max in vecotor of numeric values
#' @param v vector
#' @export
getMaxIndex <- function(v){
  if(all(is.na(v))) return(1)
  return(which(max(v,na.rm=T) == v)[1])

## return first entry per column
#' @export
.getFirstEntry <- function(x){

#' @export
.log2Exprs <- function(eset){
  exprs(eset) <- log2(exprs(eset))

#' @export
.exp2Exprs <- function(eset){
  exprs(eset) <- 2^(exprs(eset))

#' @export
.getControlCondition <-function(eset){

#' Create ExpressionSet object
#' @param expressionMatrix matrix of expression signals per feature and sample
#' @param expDesign experimental design data.frame
#' @param featureAnnotations data.frame including e.g: Protein Description, Id score etc.
#' @return ExpressionSet object
#' @import Biobase
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references NA
#' @seealso \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}
#' @examples print("No examples")
createExpressionDataset <- function(expressionMatrix=expressionMatrix,expDesign=expDesign,featureAnnotations=featureAnnotations){

  ### make sure that only one unique condition is specified as control
  if(length(unique(as.character(expDesign$condition[expDesign$isControl])) ) > 1){
    stop("ERROR: createExpressionDataset, Invalid experimental design")

  ### phenoData: stores expDesign
  # display with pData(eset):
  #	condition    isControl
  #	A_rep_1         A T
  #	A_rep_2         A T
  #	B_rep_1         B    F
  #	B_rep_2         B    F
  #	C_rep_1         C    F
  #	C_rep_2         C    F
  #pData <- new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data=expDesign)
  expDesign$condition <- as.factor(gsub(" ","",	expDesign$condition ))
  pData <- AnnotatedDataFrame(data=expDesign)

  ### featureData:add more data to each feature. E.g: Protein Description, Id score etc.

  return(ExpressionSet(assayData = expressionMatrix
                       , phenoData =  pData							### yeah this is weird, but gives error if rolling up already
                       # rolled up eset unless colindices are explicitly specified
                       #, featureData = new("AnnotatedDataFrame", data= featureAnnotations[,1:ncol(featureAnnotations)])
                       , featureData = AnnotatedDataFrame(data= featureAnnotations[,1:ncol(featureAnnotations)])

#' Perform statistical test (mderated t-test), comparing all case to control
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param adjust TRUE/FALSE adjust for multiple testing using Benjamini & Hochberg  (1995) method
#' @param log T/F log-transform expression values
#' @param method c("all","pairwise")
#' @param adjustFilter matrix T/F do not adjust for multiple testing
#' @return data.frame of pvalues per condition comparison
#' @export
#' @import limma Biobase
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix p.adjust
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references Empirical Bayes method, Smyth (2004), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16646809}
#' @seealso \code{\link[limma]{eBayes}}
#' @examples print("No examples")
getAllEBayes <- function(eset=eset, 
                         adjustFilter=matrix(F,nrow=nrow(eset),ncol=length(levels(pData(eset)$condition))-1  )

  #### calculate moderated t-statistic, empirical Bayes method, Smyth (2004)

  # Question: limma multiple groups comparison produces different pvalue comparing with two group comparsion
  # https://support.bioconductor.org/p/44216/
  # https://support.bioconductor.org/p/60556/
  uniqueConditions <- unique(pData(eset)$condition)
  nbUniqueConditions <- length(uniqueConditions)
  controlCondition <- .getControlCondition(eset)
  caseConditions <- setdiff(uniqueConditions ,controlCondition)

  # if no condition has replicates return NA's
  if(max(table(pData(eset)$condition)) == 1){
    return(data.frame( matrix(nrow=nrow(eset), ncol = length(caseConditions), dimnames = list(rownames(eset),caseConditions))))

  if(log)(exprs(eset) <- log2(exprs(eset)))

  if("all" %in% method){

    # add subject term to allow for paired t-statistic
    if("subject" %in% names(pData(eset))){
      design <- model.matrix(~0+condition + subject, data=pData(eset))
      # no intercept
      design <- model.matrix(~0+condition, data=pData(eset))
    colnames(design) <- gsub("^condition","",colnames(design))

    fit <- lmFit(eset,design)
    ###  create contract matrix describing desired condition comparisons
    # e.g. B-A, C-A
    #		contrastMatrix
    #		#    B  C
    #		# A -1 -1
    #		# B  1  0
    #		# C  0  1
    contrastMatrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts=paste(caseConditions,"-", controlCondition),levels=design)
    colnames(contrastMatrix) <- caseConditions

    # fit contrasts coefficients
    fitContrasts <- eBayes(contrasts.fit(fit,contrastMatrix),
    pvalues <- data.frame(fitContrasts$p.value[,caseConditions])
    names(pvalues) <- caseConditions

    #print(head(round(fitContrasts$coefficients[,caseConditions],3) == round(compRatios[,caseConditions],3)))

  }else{ 	#### PAIR-WISE COMPARISONS "pairwise" %in% method

    # General case (linear model, anova ..)
    # Adding additional groups alters all Std. Errors. However if equal variance (homoscedastic) the std.error and p-values should not increase.
    #   -> We are increasing the number of samples used to estimate the standard error of the condition coefficients
    #	-> If equal variance the power increases
    # limma
    # The eBayes() is also affected by adding more groups as more data is used to estimated the variance prior (derived from data across genes).

    pvalues <- data.frame(row.names=featureNames(eset))

    for(cC in caseConditions){

      ### at least one replicate of one condition requires
      selCol <- unlist(pData(eset)$condition %in% c(controlCondition,cC))
      if(sum(selCol) > 2 ){
        esetPair <- eset[,selCol]
        # add subject term to allow for paired t-statistic
        if("subject" %in% names(pData(eset))){
          fit <-eBayes(lmFit(esetPair, model.matrix(~factor(esetPair$condition) + subject, data=pData(esetPair))),
          fit <-eBayes(lmFit(esetPair, model.matrix(~factor(esetPair$condition), data=pData(esetPair)),
        p <- fit$p.value[,2]

        p <- rep(NA,nrow(eset))
      pvalues <- cbind(pvalues,p)
    names(pvalues) <- caseConditions

  if(adjust){ ### adjust for multiple testing using Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) method
    for(i in 1:ncol(pvalues)){

      pvaluesTmp <-  pvalues[,i]
      pvaluesTmp[adjustFilter[,i]] <- NA
      pvalues[,i] <-p.adjust(pvaluesTmp,method="BH")

#' Calculate ratios, comparing all case to control
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method median, mean, paired
#' @param log2 transform
#' @return ExpressionSet object
#' @export
#' @import Biobase
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
getRatios <- function(eset, method="median", log2=T){

  if(sum(c("median","mean","paired") %in% method)  == 0 ){
    stop("Unknown method ",method)
  if(("paired" %in% method) & !"subject" %in% names(pData(eset))){
    stop("Invalid method ",method)

  controlCondition <- .getControlCondition(eset)
  caseConditions <- setdiff(unique(pData(eset)$condition) ,controlCondition)
  ratios <- data.frame(row.names=featureNames(eset))
  eCtrl <- subset(exprs(eset),select=which(pData(eset)$condition == controlCondition))

  for(cC in caseConditions){
    eCase <- subset(exprs(eset),select=which(pData(eset)$condition == cC))

    if("subject" %in% names(pData(eset))){

        rTmp <- log2(eCase) - log2(eCtrl)
        rTmp <- eCase /	eCtrl

      if("paired" %in% method){ ### return paired all paired ratios instead of mean/median per condition
        ratios <- cbind(ratios,rTmp)
        ratios <- cbind(ratios,apply(rTmp,1,median))
    }else{ # non-paired design
        ratios <- cbind(ratios,apply(log2(eCase),1,method, na.rm=T) - apply(log2(eCtrl),1,method, na.rm=T))
        ratios <- cbind(ratios,apply(eCase,1,method, na.rm=T) /	apply(eCtrl,1,method, na.rm=T))

  if("paired" %in% method){
    names(ratios) <- rownames(pData(eset))[!pData(eset)$isControl]
    names(ratios) <- caseConditions


#' Calculate Coefficiant of Variance per feature (Relative standard Deviation) per Condition
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @return data.frame of CVs per condition
#' @import Biobase
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details CV = sd / mean
#' @references NA
#' @seealso  \code{\link{getCV}}
#' @examples print("No examples")
getAllCV <- function(eset){

  signal <- exprs(eset)
  conditions <- unique(pData(eset)$condition)
  expDesign <- pData(eset)
  cv <- data.frame(row.names=featureNames(eset))

  #if paired design
  if("subject" %in% names(pData(eset))){
    #return(data.frame((matrix(nrow = nrow(eset), ncol = length(allConditions), dimnames=list(rownames(eset), allConditions) ))))

    controlCondition <- .getControlCondition(eset)
    caseConditions <- setdiff(unique(pData(eset)$condition) ,controlCondition)
    conditions <- setdiff(unique(pData(eset)$condition) ,controlCondition)

    # discard control from expDesign
    #expDesign <- subset(expDesign, condition %in% conditions) # not accepted by CRAN
    expDesign <- expDesign[expDesign$condition %in% conditions,]

    # add all NAs for control condition
    cv <- cbind(cv,rep(NA,nrow(cv)))
    names(cv) <- controlCondition

    signal <- getRatios(eset,method="paired",log2=F)


  for(cond in conditions){

    cvTmp <- rep(NA,nrow(cv))
    colMatch <- expDesign$condition ==  cond

    ### if replicates
    if(sum(colMatch) > 1){
      cvTmp <- getCV(subset(signal, select=colMatch))

    cv <- cbind(cv,cvTmp)
    names(cv)[ncol(cv)] <- cond


#' Get signal at zscore x (x standard deviations below mean)
#' @param intensities refrence run signals
#' @param promille baseline value set as specified promille
#' @return baseline value
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @note  No note
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
getBaselineIntensity <- function(intensities , promille = 5){

  #intensities <- sample(intensities[!is.na(intensities)],1000,replace=T)
  if((promille < 1) |  (promille > 1001)){
    stop("Invalid percentile: ", promille)

  intensities <- intensities[is.finite(intensities)]

  suppressWarnings(return(quantile(intensities,probs = seq(0,1,0.001),na.rm=T)[promille+1]))


#' Calculate Coefficiant of Variance per feature (Relative standard Deviation)
#' @param data data.frame of replicate signals
#' @return vector of CVs
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats sd
#' @note  No note
#' @details CV = sd / mean
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
getCV <- function(data){

#' Get retentiontime base normalization factors
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param minFeaturesPerBin  minumum number of features per bin. If nb. features are < minFeaturesPerBin -> include neighbouring bins.
#' @return data.frame normalization factors per retention time bin (minute)
#' @import limma Biobase
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references In Silico Instrumental Response Correction Improves Precision of Label-free Proteomics and Accuracy of Proteomics-based Predictive Models, Lyutvinskiy et al. (2013), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23589346}
#' @examples print("No examples")
getRTNormFactors <- function(eset, minFeaturesPerBin=100){

  ### check if eset contain necessary retentionTime colummn
    stop("retentionTime not found")

  ### check if isNormAnchor and isFiltered columns are defiend, if -> get normalization factors from nonFiltered anchor proteins
  #	if(!is.null(fData(eset)$isNormAnchor) & !is.null(fData(eset)$isFiltered)){
  #		sel <- fData(eset)$isNormAnchor & !fData(eset)$isFiltered
  #		if(sum(sel) == 0){
  #			return(stop("Invalid Anchor Protein Selection"))
  #		}
  #		eset <- eset[sel,]
  #	}
  # No big difference if using all features. Avoids down stream bug when applying norm factors

  ### make sure minFeaturesPerBin is not > tot. nb. features
  minFeaturesPerBin <- min(c(minFeaturesPerBin,nrow(eset)))

  # get all ratios to sample 1
  # @TODO How to select reference run?
  #ratios <- log2(exprs(eset)) - log2(exprs(eset)[,1])
  ratios <- log2(exprs(eset)) - apply(log2(exprs(eset)),1,mean,na.rm=T)

  ### get median ratio per minute bin
  roundedRT <- round(fData(eset)$retentionTime)
  rtBin <- sort(unique(round(fData(eset)$retentionTime)))
  rtBin <-  rtBin[!is.na(rtBin)]

  # normalization factors per retention time bin bin
  rtNormFactors <- data.frame(row.names=rtBin)

  # iterate over samples
  for(i in 1:ncol(ratios)){
    ratio <- ratios[,i]
    rtNFac <- data.frame(row.names=rtBin)

    # iterate over all retention time bins
    for(rt in rtBin){

      match <- roundedRT %in% rt

      ### while number of features are < minFeaturesPerBin -> include neighbouring bins
      rtBins <- rt
      while(sum(match) < minFeaturesPerBin ){
        rtBins <- ((min(rtBins)-1):(max(rtBins)+1))
        match <- roundedRT %in% rtBins
      # median or sum?
      rtNFac[as.character(rt),1] <- median(ratio[match],na.rm=T)

    # store rt bin norm factors
    rtNormFactors <- cbind(rtNormFactors,rtNFac)

  names(rtNormFactors) <- rownames(pData(eset))

#' Normalization data per retention time bin
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param rtNormFactors  obtained using getRTNormFactors
#' @return data.frame normalization factors per retention time bin (minute)
#' @export
#' @import limma Biobase
#' @note  No note
#' @details Normalize for variations in elelctrospray ionization current.
#' @seealso  \code{\link{getRTNormFactors}}
#' @references In Silico Instrumental Response Correction Improves Precision of Label-free Proteomics and Accuracy of Proteomics-based Predictive Models, Lyutvinskiy et al. (2013), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23589346}
#' @examples print("No examples")
rtNormalize <- function(eset,rtNormFactors){

  ### check if eset contain necessary retentionTime colummn
    stop("retentionTime not found")

  roundedRT <-  round(fData(eset)$retentionTime)

  # FIX
  if(sum(!(as.character(roundedRT)[!is.na(roundedRT)] %in% row.names(rtNormFactors))) > 0){
    stop("ERROR: Missing R.T. Norm Factors.")

  for(i in 1:ncol(eset)){
    # normalize

    nF <- rtNormFactors[as.character(roundedRT),i]
    nF[is.na(nF)] <- 0

    exprs(eset)[,i]  <- 2^(log2(exprs(eset)[,i]) - nF)


#' Get normalization factors. calculated as summed/median signal per run (column) over summed/median of first run.
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method c("sum","median", "keepCDiff")
#' @param keepCondDiff logical default False, only normalize within conditions  
#' @return vector of normalization factors
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details method - 'keepCDiff' logical default False, only normalize within conditions  
#' @keywords normalization
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
getGlobalNormFactors <- function(eset, method="median" ){

  keepCondDiff = ifelse("keepCDiff" %in% method, T,F)  
  if("sum" %in% method){
    method <- "sum"
    method <- "median"

  sel <- rep(T,nrow(eset))

  ### check if isNormAnchor and isFiltered columns are defined, if -> get normalization factors from nonFiltered anchor proteins
  if(!is.null(fData(eset)$isNormAnchor) & !is.null(fData(eset)$isFiltered)){

    ### only use feature qunatified in all runs for normalization
    isAllSignal <- as.vector(apply(is.finite(exprs(eset)),1,sum, na.rm=T) == ncol(eset))

    #isCalMix <- fData(eset)$proteinName %in% names(CALIBMIXRATIOS)
    #sel <- fData(eset)$isNormAnchor & !fData(eset)$isFiltered & isAllSignal & !isCalMix

    sel <- fData(eset)$isNormAnchor & !fData(eset)$isFiltered & isAllSignal

    if(sum(sel) == 0){
      #stop("Error: getGlobalNormFactors -> Invalid Anchor Protein Selection ")
      cat("WARNING: getGlobalNormFactors -> No proteins matching Anchor Protein Selection \n ")

  ### equalize all runs 
  #eD = data.frame(exprs(eset)[sel,])
  eD = exprs(eset)[sel,]
  # if only one row (1 selected protein | peptide for norm)
  if(class(eD) == 'numeric'){
    rawDataIdx = eD
    rawDataIdx = apply(eD,2, FUN=method, na.rm=T)
  normFactors = as.numeric(rawDataIdx[1]) / as.numeric(rawDataIdx)
  # keep differences between conditions
    # create rawDataIdx Tibble
      rawDataIdxTbl = tibble(cond=eset$condition,rawDataIdx)
      # equalize per condition
      if("median" %in% method){
        condNormFactors = group_by(rawDataIdxTbl, cond) %>% summarise(condNF=median(rawDataIdx)) 
        condNormFactors = group_by(rawDataIdxTbl, cond) %>% summarise(condNF=sum(rawDataIdx)) 
      condNormFactors$condNF = condNormFactors$condNF / condNormFactors$condNF[1]
      # adjust normFactors by condition norm factors to preserve orignial diff btwn condition median/sums
      for(cond in unique(eset$condition)){
        selCond = eset$condition %in% cond
        normFactors[selCond ] = normFactors[selCond ] * condNormFactors[  condNormFactors$cond == cond, ]$condNF



#' Normalize, Norm factors calculated as median signal per run (column) over median of first run.
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param globalNormFactors globalNormFactors
#' @return eset ExpressionSet
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @keywords normalization
#' @references NA
#' @seealso getGlobalNormFactors
#' @examples print("No examples")
globalNormalize = function(eset,globalNormFactors){
  normData =  sweep( exprs(eset), 2, globalNormFactors, FUN="*")
  colnames(normData) <- sampleNames(eset)

# globalNormalize <- function(eset,globalNormFactors){
#   normData <- data.frame(matrix(t(apply(exprs(eset), 1, function(.rawData)mapply(globalNormFactors, .rawData, FUN="*"))),ncol=ncol(exprs(eset)),dimnames=list(row.names(exprs(eset)),names(exprs(eset)))))
#   names(normData) <- sampleNames(eset)
#   return(createExpressionDataset(as.matrix(normData),pData(eset),fData(eset)))
# }

#' Normalize
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param	method c("global","rt","quantile","keepCDiff)
#' @return eset ExpressionSet
#' @export
#' @import limma
#' @note  No note
#' @details method - 'keepCDiff' logical default False, only normalize within conditions.  Works in cobinaiton witb 'global'
#' @keywords normalization
#' @references NA
#' @seealso getGlobalNormFactors, getRTNormFactors
#' @examples print("No examples")
sqNormalize <- function(eset, method="global"){

  esetNorm <- eset

  if("global" %in% method){

    globalNormFactors <- getGlobalNormFactors(esetNorm,method=method)
    ### add normalization factors to ExpressionSet
    pData(esetNorm)$globalNormFactors <- globalNormFactors
    esetNorm <- globalNormalize(esetNorm,globalNormFactors)
  if("rt" %in% method){

    rtNormFactors <- getRTNormFactors(esetNorm, minFeaturesPerBin=100)
    esetNorm <- rtNormalize(esetNorm,rtNormFactors)

  if("quantile" %in% method){
    # limma
    exprs(esetNorm) <- normalizeQuantiles(exprs(esetNorm))

  ### @ experimental
  if("vsn" %in% method){
  		esetNorm <- justvsn(eset)
  		exprs(esetNorm) <- 2^exprs(esetNorm)

  #	if(identical(esetNorm,eset)){
  #		warning("No normalization performed")
  #		print( apply(exprs(esetNorm),2,median,na.rm=T))
  #	}



#' Summarize replicate signal per condition (min)
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method median (default), mean, max, min, sd, sum
#' @return data.frame of per condition signals
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
getSignalPerCondition <- function(eset,method="median"){

  conditionNames <- unique(as.character(pData(eset)$condition))
  perCondSignal <- data.frame(row.names=rownames(eset))

  if(sum(c("median","mean","mean","max", "min","sd","sum") %in% method)  == 0 ){
    stop("Unknown method ",method)

  for(cond in conditionNames){
    condMatch <-  cond== pData(eset)$condition
    perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,apply(subset(exprs(eset),select=which(condMatch)),1,method,na.rm=T))
  names(perCondSignal) <- conditionNames


#	}
#	else if(method=="medianOld"){
#		for(cond in conditionNames){
#			condMatch <-  cond== pData(eset)$condition
#			if(sum(condMatch) > 1){ # @TODO replace by subset function
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,apply(exprs(eset)[,condMatch],1,median, na.rm=T))
#			}else{
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,exprs(eset)[,condMatch])
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	else if(method=="mean"){
#		for(cond in conditionNames){
#			condMatch <-  cond== pData(eset)$condition
#			if(sum(condMatch) > 1){
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,apply(exprs(eset)[,condMatch],1,mean, na.rm=T))
#			}else{
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,exprs(eset)[,condMatch])
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	else if(method=="max"){
#		for(cond in conditionNames){
#			condMatch <-  cond== pData(eset)$condition
#			if(sum(condMatch) > 1){
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,apply(exprs(eset)[,condMatch],1,max, na.rm=T))
#			}else{
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,exprs(eset)[,condMatch])
#			}
#		}
#	}else if(method=="min"){
#		for(cond in conditionNames){
#			condMatch <-  cond== pData(eset)$condition
#			if(sum(condMatch) > 1){
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,apply(exprs(eset)[,condMatch],1,min, na.rm=T))
#			}else{
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,exprs(eset)[,condMatch])
#			}
#		}
#	}else if(method=="sd"){
#		for(cond in conditionNames){
#			condMatch <-  cond== pData(eset)$condition
#			if(sum(condMatch) > 1){
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,apply(exprs(eset)[,condMatch],1,sd, na.rm=T))
#			}else{
#				perCondSignal <- cbind(perCondSignal,NA)
#			}
#		}
#	}
#	else{
#		stop("Unknown method: method ")
#	}

#' Calculate Mean of X most intense features
#' @param entryData data.frame listing feature intensities of one entry. Typically rows corresponds to Peptide entries of one protein
#' @param topX best X flyers
#' @return vector of topX intensities per column (sample)
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references Absolute quantification of proteins by LCMSE: A virtue of parallel MS acquisition, Silva (2006), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16219938},  Critical assessment of proteome-wide label-free absolute abundance estimation strategies. Ahrne (2013), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23794183}
#' @examples print("No examples")
getTopX <- function(entryData,topX=3){

  # if number of rows are fewer than topX
  topX <- min(c(topX,nrow(entryData)))

  ### get row order based on decreasing row sum
  if( !is.null(ncol(entryData))  && (ncol(entryData) > 1)  ){
    o <- order(apply(entryData,1,sum,na.rm=T),decreasing=T)[1:topX]



  # only one column
  o <- order(entryData,decreasing=T)[1:topX]


#' Calculate intensity-based absolute-protein-quantification (iBAQ) metric per protein
#' @param eset protein level ExpressionSet
#' @param proteinDB list protein sequneces
#' @param peptideLength peptide length interval (to get number of peptides used for normalization)
#' @param nbMiscleavages number of mis-cleavages allowed when digesting protein sequneces in silico (to get number of peptides used for normalization)
#' @param proteaseRegExp protease Reg Exp cleavage rule
#' @return ExpressionSet
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references Global quantification of mammalian gene expression control, Schwanhausser (2011), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/21593866},
#' Critical assessment of proteome-wide label-free absolute abundance estimation strategies. Ahrne (2013), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23794183}
#' @examples print("No examples")
getIBAQEset <- function(eset
                        , proteinDB=NA
                        , peptideLength = c(5,36)
                        , nbMiscleavages = 0
                        , proteaseRegExp=.getProteaseRegExp("trypsin")

  # get number of detectable peptides per protein
  nbPeptides <- vector(length=nrow(eset))
  i <- 0
  for(i in 1:nrow(eset)){

    ac <- as.character(fData(eset)$proteinName[i])

    ### keep first listed entry sp|P04049|RAF1_HUMAN;sp|P15056|BRAF_HUMAN  -> sp|P04049|RAF1_HUMAN
    #ac <- gsub("\\;.*","",ac)

    nbPep <- NA
    if( !is.null(proteinDB[[ac]]) ){
      nbPep <- getNbDetectablePeptides(getPeptides(proteinDB[[ac]],proteaseRegExp=proteaseRegExp,nbMiscleavages=nbMiscleavages),peptideLength=peptideLength)
      warning("WARN: ",ac," NOT FOUND IN PROTEIN DATABASE")
      #cat("WARN: ",ac," NOT FOUND IN PROTEIN DATABASE\n")
    nbPeptides[i] <- nbPep

  ### create new "absquant" eset
  esetIBAQ <- eset
  # scale protein intensity by number of detectable peptides
  exprs(esetIBAQ) <- exprs(eset) / nbPeptides

  ### store normalization factors
  fData(esetIBAQ)$nbTrypticPeptides <- nbPeptides



### require colnames "signal", "cpc"
#' Leave-One-Out Cross Validate Qunatification Model
#' @param df data.frame  of two columns 1) "signal" - ms metric 2) "cpc" absolute quantity
#' @return data.frame of fold errors per (left-out) protein
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @keywords normalization
#' @references NA
#' @seealso NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
getLoocvFoldError <- function(df){

  ok <- is.finite(df[,1]) & is.finite(df[,2])
  df <- df[ok,]

  foldError <- vector(length=nrow(df))

  for (i in 1:nrow(df)) {
    fit <- lm(cpc ~ signal, data=df[-i,] )
    foldError[i] <- 10^predict(fit,newdata=df[i,]) / 10^df[i,]$cpc


  ### if foldErro < 1, take neg. of inverse
  foldError[foldError < 1] <- -1/foldError[foldError < 1]

  ### return fold error per protein
  foldError <- data.frame(foldError,row.names=rownames(df))



#' Set value to NA if it deviatves with more than 1.5 * IQR from lower/upper quantile
#' @param x vector numeric
#' @param na.rm logical indicating whether missing values should be removed.
#' @param ... qunatile args
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats quantile IQR
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @keywords normalization
#' @references NA
#' @seealso NA
#' @examples print("No examples")
removeOutliers <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE, ...){
  qnt <- quantile(x, probs=c(.25, .75), na.rm = na.rm, ...)
  H <- 1.5 * IQR(x, na.rm = na.rm)
  y <- x
  y[x < (qnt[1] - H)] <- NA
  y[x > (qnt[2] + H)] <- NA


#' Roll up feature intensites per unique colum combination
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param featureDataColumnName vector of column names e.g. peptide or proteinName
#' @param method "sum", "mean" or "top3"
#' @return ExpressionSet object
#' @export
#' @details featureDataColumnName = c("peptide","charge","ptm"), method= c("sum"), sums up intensities per peptie modification charge state
#' @import Biobase data.table
#' @note  No note
#' @references No references
#' @examples print("No examples")
rollUpDT <- function(eset, method = "sum", 	featureDataColumnName =  c("proteinName") ){

  # HACK to please CRAN CHECK "rollUp: no visible binding for global variable "idScore""
  idx <- idScore <- V1 <- allAccessions <- NULL

  ### apply filter
  eset <- eset[!fData(eset)$isFiltered,]

  selectedColumns <- names(fData(eset)) %in% featureDataColumnName
  allIndexTags <- as.vector(unlist(apply(data.frame(fData(eset)[,selectedColumns]),1,function(t){

  DT <- data.table(
    idx = allIndexTags

  if(method =="sum"){
    rDT <- DT[, lapply(.SD, sum, na.rm=TRUE), by=idx, .SDcols=c(2:(ncol(eset)+1)) ]
    rolledAssayData <- data.frame(rDT,row.names=1, check.names=F)
  }else if(method =="median"){
    rDT <- DT[, lapply(.SD, median, na.rm=TRUE), by=idx, .SDcols=c(2:(ncol(eset)+1)) ]
    rolledAssayData <- data.frame(rDT,row.names=1, check.names=F)

  }else if(method =="mean"){
    rDT <- DT[, lapply(.SD, mean, na.rm=TRUE), by=idx, .SDcols=c(2:(ncol(eset)+1)) ]
    rolledAssayData <- data.frame(rDT,row.names=1, check.names=F)
  }else if(method =="top3"){
    rDT <- DT[, lapply(.SD, getTopX, topX=3), by=idx, .SDcols=c(2:(ncol(eset)+1)) ]
    rolledAssayData <- data.frame(rDT,row.names=1, check.names=F)
  }else if(method =="top1"){
    rDT <- DT[, lapply(.SD, getTopX, topX=1), by=idx, .SDcols=c(2:(ncol(eset)+1)) ]
    rolledAssayData <- data.frame(rDT,row.names=1, check.names=F)

  # idScore
  if("idScore" %in% names(DT) ){

    ### get fData of highest scoring row per rollUP level
    indices <- DT[, .I[getMaxIndex(idScore) ], by=idx]$V1
    rolledFData <- data.frame(data.frame(DT)[indices,names(fData(eset))],row.names=rownames(rolledAssayData))
    # replace idScore colum, by summed score
    sumDT <- DT[, sum(idScore,na.rm=T), by=idx ]
    rolledFData$idScore = sumDT[,V1]

    # @TODO inefficient solution -> speed up
    # allColumns but idx,intensity data and idScore
    #selColOld <- which(!(names(DT)  %in%  c(colnames(exprs(eset)),"idx","idScore")))
    selCol <- which((names(DT)  %in% names(fData(eset))))

    #rolledFDataOld <- data.frame(DT[, lapply(.SD, .getFirstEntry), by=idx, .SDcols=selCol],row.names=rownames(rolledAssayData))[,2:(length(selCol)+1)]
    rolledFData <- data.frame(DT[, lapply(.SD, .getFirstEntry), by=idx, .SDcols=selCol],row.names=rownames(rolledAssayData))[,names(fData(eset))]

    #		print(names(rolledFData))
    #		print("")
    #		print(names(rolledFDataOld))

  ### concatenate allAccessions
  if("allAccessions" %in% names(DT)){
    rolledFData$allAccessions <- DT[, list( allAccessionsTMP  = paste(unique(unlist(strsplit(paste(allAccessions,collapse=";"),";"))),collapse=";") ), by = key(DT)]$allAccessionsTMP

  rolledAssayData <- as.matrix(rolledAssayData)
  rolledAssayData[rolledAssayData == 0 ] <- NA
  #names(rolledFData) <- names(fData(eset))

  # reset isNormAnchor
    rolledFData$isNormAnchor <- T
  # reset isFiltered
    rolledFData$isFiltered <- F

  ### set peptides per protein
  rolledFData$nbPeptides <- getNbPeptidesPerProtein(eset)[as.character(rolledFData$proteinName)]

  ### if


#' Per Feature Normalization
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param normFactors matrix normalization factors (logged) (row names are proteins)
#' @return ExpressionSet object
#' @export
#' @details Example Usage: Normalize phospho peptide signals for Protein Changes
#' @note  No note
#' @references No references
#' @examples print("No examples")
perFeatureNormalization <- function(eset,normFactors){

  coveredPeptideSel <- fData(eset)$proteinName %in% rownames(normFactors)

  if(sum(coveredPeptideSel) == 0){
    warning("No shared entries between target data and normalisation data")

  # make sure target data and norm data have same dimensions
  if( !all(colnames(normFactors) %in% pData(eset)$condition) ){
    stop("Invalid norm factors")

  # normalise log ratios
  exprs(eset)[coveredPeptideSel,]	<- exprs(eset)[coveredPeptideSel, ] - normFactors[as.character(fData(eset)[coveredPeptideSel,]$proteinName),pData(eset)$condition]



#> 	pData(eset)
#condition isControl subject
#A_rep_1         A     FALSE       1
#A_rep_2         A     FALSE       2
#B_rep_1         B     FALSE       1
#B_rep_2         B     FALSE       2
#C_rep_1         C      TRUE       1
#C_rep_2         C      TRUE       2
#' Create Paired Expdesign
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @return ExpressionSet object
#' @import Biobase
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details  Add subject colum to phenoData design data.frame
#' @references NA
#' @seealso \code{\link[Biobase]{ExpressionSet}}
#' @examples print("No examples")
createPairedExpDesign  <-function(eset){

  # make sure all conditions include the same number of runs
  nbRunsPerCond <- unique(table(as.character(pData(eset)$condition)))

  if(length(nbRunsPerCond) != 1){
    stop("ERROR: createPairedExpDesign failed to create paired expDesign")

  # Paired designnot meaningful if no replicates
  if(table(pData(eset)$condition)[1] == 1){
    cat("WARNING: createPairedExpDesign Paired experimental design not meaningful when no replicates\n" )

  pData(eset) <- cbind(pData(eset),subject=as.factor(rep(1:nbRunsPerCond,length(unique(pData(eset)$condition)))))


#' Perform statistical test (mderated F-test)
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param adjust TRUE/FALSE adjust for multiple testing using Benjamini & Hochberg  (1995) method
#' @param log T/F log-transform expression values
#' @return list of pvalues
#' @export
#' @import limma Biobase
#' @importFrom stats model.matrix p.adjust
#' @note  No note
#' @details No details
#' @references Empirical Bayes method, Smyth (2004), \url{http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16646809}
#' @seealso \code{\link[limma]{eBayes}}
#' @examples print("No examples")
getFTestPValue = function(eset, adjust=F, log=T,...){

  pValues = list()

  # if no condition has replicates return NA's
  if(max(table(pData(eset)$condition)) == 1){
    pValues = rep(NA,nrow(eset))
    names(pValues) = rownames(eset)

  if(log)(exprs(eset) <- log2(exprs(eset)))

  fit =eBayes(lmFit(eset,model.matrix(~condition, data=pData(eset)) ), 
  #pValues = list()
  pValues = fit$F.p.value
  names(pValues) = rownames(eset)

  if(adjust){ ### adjust for multiple testing using Benjamini & Hochberg (1995) method
    pValues <-p.adjust(pValues,method="BH")


#' Roll up feature intensites per unique colum combination
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param featureDataColumnName vector of column names e.g. peptide or proteinName
#' @param method "sum", "mean" or "top3"
#' @return ExpressionSet object
#' @export
#' @details featureDataColumnName = c("peptide","charge","ptm"), method= c("sum"), sums up intensities per peptie modification charge state
#' @import Biobase
#' @note  No note
#' @references No references
#' @examples print("No examples")
rollUp <- function(eset, method = "sum", 	featureDataColumnName =  c("proteinName") ){

  ### apply filter
  eset <- eset[!fData(eset)$isFiltered,]

  # create rollup index (row names)
  if(length(featureDataColumnName) > 1 ){
    rnames = do.call(paste, c(fData(eset)[featureDataColumnName] , sep="_"))
    rnames = fData(eset)[,featureDataColumnName]

  # rollup feature data

  # add column of zero scores if no scores
  if(!("idScore" %in% names(fData(eset)))) fData(eset)$idScore = 0

  # add column of ones if nbFeatures doesn't exist
  if(!("nbFeatures" %in% names(fData(eset)))) fData(eset)$nbFeatures = 1

  # add index (integers)  and rnames columns to fData
  fData(eset) = cbind(fData(eset),index=1:nrow(eset),rnames)
  fdSummary = group_by( fData(eset), rnames) %>% summarise(idx=index[max(idScore) == idScore][1]
                                                           ,idScore = sum(idScore,na.rm=T)
                                                           ,allAccessions = paste(proteinName[!duplicated(proteinName)] ,collapse=";")
                                                           ,nbFeatures = sum(nbFeatures)

  ### get fData of highest scoring row per rollUP level (do not include NA_IMP colummns)
  rolledFData = data.frame(fData(eset)[fdSummary$idx, !(colnames(fData(eset)) %>% grepl("^NA_IMP_[CI]NT\\.",.)) ],  row.names=fdSummary$rnames)
  # replace idScore column, by summed score, drop idScore column if all 0
  if(!all(fdSummary$idScore == 0)) rolledFData$idScore=fdSummary$idScore

  ### set peptides per protein
  #rolledFData$nbPeptides <- getNbPeptidesPerProtein(eset)[as.character(rolledFData$proteinName)]
  tmp = getNbPeptidesPerProtein(eset)
  rolledFData$nbPeptides <- tmp[match(as.character(rolledFData$proteinName),names(tmp))]
  # drop index and rnames columns
  rolledFData = rolledFData[, !(names(rolledFData) %in% c("index","rnames"))   ]

  # reset isNormAnchor
    rolledFData$isNormAnchor <- T
  # reset isFiltered
    rolledFData$isFiltered <- F

  # rollup expression data
  df = data.frame(exprs(eset),rnames )
  if(method =="sum"){

    # add NA intensties if tracked in fData
    df = data.frame(df,  getImputationMatrix(eset), getImputationMatrix(eset,method="count") )
    eRP = summarise_all(group_by_(df , .dots="rnames"  ) , funs(sum(.,na.rm=T))  )

    # add imputed intensities to rolledFData and rolled intensites to eset
    eRPCol = 1:(ncol(eset)+1)
    mImp = eRP[ !((1:ncol(eRP)) %in% eRPCol)]
    # set NA_IMP colnames
    colnames(mImp) = c(paste0("NA_IMP_INT.",colnames(eset)), paste0("NA_IMP_CNT.",colnames(eset)))

    #rolledFData = cbind(rolledFData,NA_IMP_INT=mImp[match(rownames(rolledFData),eRP$rnames), ]  )
    rolledFData = cbind(rolledFData,mImp[match(rownames(rolledFData),eRP$rnames), ]  )
    eRP = eRP[, eRPCol]

  }else if(method =="median"){
    eRP = summarise_all(group_by_(df , .dots="rnames"  ) , funs(median(.,na.rm=T))  )
  }else if(method =="mean"){
    eRP = summarise_all(group_by_(df , .dots="rnames"  ) , funs(mean(.,na.rm=T))  )
  }else if(method =="top3"){
    eRP = summarise_all(group_by_(df , .dots="rnames"  ) , funs(getTopX(.))  )
  }else if(method =="top1"){
    eRP = summarise_all(group_by_(df , .dots="rnames"  ) , funs(getTopX(.,topX = 1))  )
  # store index as rownames
  eRP =  data.frame( eRP[-1], row.names=eRP[1] %>% unlist )
  colnames(eRP) = colnames(eset)

  # "X005_MLN.3.DDA_C17" -> "005_MLN-3-DDA_C17" issue
  names(eRP) = rownames(pData(eset))
  return(createExpressionDataset(expressionMatrix=eRP %>% as.matrix ,expDesign=pData(eset),featureAnnotations=rolledFData[match(rownames(eRP),rownames(rolledFData)),] ))


#' Impute missing values
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method c("knn","ppca","gMin",lMin)
#' @param rowmax The maximum percent missing data allowed in any row to apply ppca and knn (if more missing values impute gmin). default 0.3
#' @return ExpressionSet
#' @export
#' @import impute
#' @importFrom  pcaMethods pca
#' @note  No note
#' @details
#' \itemize{
#' \item{gMin: half global minimum (0.1 percentile)}
#' \item{lMin: half local minimum}
#' \item{gMean: half global mean}
#' \item{lMean: half local mean}
#' \item{knn: Nearest neighbour averaging, as implemented in the impute::impute.knn function}
#' \item{ppca: An iterative method using a probabilistic model to handle missing values, as implemented in the pcaMethods::pca function.}
#' }
#' @references Accounting for the Multiple Natures of Missing Values in Label-Free Quantitative Proteomics Data Sets to Compare Imputation Strategies, Lazar et al (2016), \url{http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00981}
#' @seealso No note
#' @examples print("No examples")
sqImpute = function(eset,method="gmin", rowmax=0.3){

  esetImp = eset

  isNA = is.na(exprs(esetImp))
  if(sum(isNA) == 0) return(eset)

  if(ncol(esetImp) < 6){
    cat("INFO: sqImpute: method set to 'gmin'. nb. runs < 6\n")

  # ignore case
  method = tolower(method)

  # some imputation method will fail if all entries per rowexp()

  #exprs(esetImp) = log2(exprs(esetImp))

  # get value at 0.5%
  gmin = (sample(exprs(esetImp),min(nrow(esetImp)*ncol(esetImp),10000))  %>% quantile(seq(0,1,0.001),na.rm=T))[6]

  if(method == "gmin"){

    exprs(esetImp)[is.na(exprs(esetImp))] = 0
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) + gmin

  }else if(method == "ppca"){
    suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(pcaMethods,warn.conflicts = F)))
    cat("INFO: Imputing missing values using ppca \n")
    # log transform to avoid neg imputed values
    #exprs(esetImp) =  exprs(esetImp) %>% log
    pc <- pcaMethods::pca(esetImp, nPcs=2, method="ppca")
    esetImp <- asExprSet(pc, esetImp)
    #exprs(esetImp) =  exprs(esetImp) %>% exp
    # neg values not accepted
    exprs(esetImp)[  exprs(esetImp) < 0 ] <- 0
    # add gmin
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) + gmin

  }else if(method == "knn"){
    suppressWarnings(suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(impute,warn.conflicts = F)))
    cat("INFO: Imputing missing values using knn \n")
    #exprs(esetImp) =  exprs(esetImp) %>% log
    invisible(capture.output(exprs(esetImp) <-  impute::impute.knn(exprs(esetImp), maxp=30000, rowmax=rowmax)$data))
    # add gmin
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) + gmin
    #exprs(esetImp) =  exprs(esetImp) %>% exp
  }else if(method == "lmin"){
    rowImp = apply(exprs(esetImp),1,min,  na.rm=T)/2
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) -  rowImp
    exprs(esetImp)[  is.na(exprs(esetImp)) ] <- 0
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) +  rowImp
  }else if(method == "gmean"){
    exprs(esetImp)[  is.na(exprs(esetImp)) ] <- mean(exprs(esetImp),  na.rm=T)
  }else if(method == "lmean"){
    rowImp = rowMeans(exprs(esetImp),  na.rm=T)
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) -  rowImp
    exprs(esetImp)[  is.na(exprs(esetImp)) ] <- 0
    exprs(esetImp) = exprs(esetImp) +  rowImp
    stop("sqImpute: Unknown imputation method specified")

  #exprs(esetImp) = 2^exprs(esetImp)

  # add gmin to rows with more than rowmax fraction NA's
   if(method %in% c("knn","ppca")){
       idxTooManyNA = (((is.na(exprs(eset)) %>% rowSums) / ncol(eset)) >= rowmax) %>% which
      for(i in idxTooManyNA){
        t = exprs(eset)[i,]
        t[is.na(t)] = 0
        exprs(esetImp)[i,] = t + gmin
        #t(rbind(t,exprs(esetImp)[i,])) %>% print
      #cat("\t gmin method applied to ",signif(length(idxTooManyNA)/nrow(eset) * 100,3),"% of features\n"  )

  # store imputed missing values
  impMatrix = exprs(esetImp)
  impMatrix[impMatrix != 0] = 0
  impMatrix[isNA] = exprs(esetImp)[isNA]
  fData(esetImp) = cbind(fData(esetImp), NA_IMP_INT=impMatrix, NA_IMP_CNT=isNA*1)



#' Get matrix of imputed valeus in ExpressionSet matrix
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method c("intensity","count") default intensity
#' @return matrix
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details
#' @seealso No note
#' @examples print("No examples")
getImputationMatrix = function(eset, method="intensity"){

  # count or int
  regExpr = "^NA_IMP_INT\\."
  if(method == "count") regExpr = "^NA_IMP_CNT\\."

  isImpCol = grepl(regExpr,fData(eset) %>% colnames)

  if(sum(isImpCol) > 0){
    m = subset(fData(eset), select= isImpCol   )
    colnames(m) = colnames(eset)
    m = exprs(eset)
    m[is.finite(exprs(eset)) | is.na(exprs(eset))] = 0

#' Get fraction missing values per ratio/condition/run
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method c("ratio","cond","run","count","intensity")
#' @return matrix
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details
#' @seealso No note
#' @examples print("No examples")
getNAFraction = function(eset, method=c("ratio","intensity")){

  LEVELS = c("ratio","cond","run")
  SIGNALS = c("intensity","count")

  level = LEVELS[LEVELS %in% method]
  signal = SIGNALS[SIGNALS %in% method]

  if(signal == "count" ){
    exprs(eset) = getNbRolledUpFeatures(eset,method="matrix")

  if(level == "run"){
    return((getImputationMatrix(eset, method = signal) / exprs(eset)) %>% as.matrix)
  }else{ # ratio or cond
    esetImp = eset
    exprs(esetImp) = getImputationMatrix(eset, method = signal) %>% as.matrix
    # medians
    intPerCond = getSignalPerCondition(eset,method ="sum" )
    naIntPerCond = getSignalPerCondition(esetImp, method="sum")

    if(level == "cond"){
      return((naIntPerCond/ intPerCond) %>% as.matrix)
    }else{ # ratio
      controlCond = eset$condition[eset$isControl][1]
      caseCond = eset$condition[!(eset$condition %in% controlCond)] %>% unique

      m = data.frame(row.names=rownames(eset))
      for(cond in caseCond){
        m = cbind(m,cond= (naIntPerCond[controlCond] + naIntPerCond[cond]) / (intPerCond[controlCond] + intPerCond[cond]))
      names(m) = caseCond
      return(m %>% as.matrix )

#' Get number rolled up features per row
#' @param eset ExpressionSet
#' @param method c("vector","matrix") default vector
#' @return matrix
#' @export
#' @note  No note
#' @details
#' @seealso No note
#' @examples print("No examples")
getNbRolledUpFeatures = function(eset, method = "vector"){

  nbFeatures = rep(1,nrow(eset))
  if("nbFeatures" %in% colnames(fData(eset))  ){
    nbFeatures = fData(eset)$nbFeatures

  if(method == "matrix"){
    nbFeatures = matrix(rep(nbFeatures,ncol(eset)),ncol=ncol(eset))
    colnames(nbFeatures) = colnames(eset)
    rownames(nbFeatures) = rownames(eset)

eahrne/SafeQuant documentation built on April 8, 2021, 10:10 a.m.