
Defines functions .fix_nonmatching_columns .format_columns_multiple_components .prepare_splitby_for_print .prepare_x_for_print .parameter_groups .format_model_component_header .format_stan_parameters .add_reference_level .format_ranef_parameters .format_columns_single_component .add_obs_row .style_pattern_to_name .format_glue_output .convert_to_glue_syntax .format_output_style

# output-format helper  -------------------------

# this function does the main composition of columns for the output.
# it's used by "compare_parameters()", where users can choose between
# different pre-sets of "print-layouts"

.format_output_style <- function(x, style, format, modelname) {
  if (identical(format, "html")) {
    linesep <- "<br>"
  } else {
    linesep <- " "
  if (!is.null(style) && style %in% c("se", "ci")) {
    x$p_stars <- ""

  # find columns
  coef_column <- colnames(x)[1]
  ci_column <- colnames(x)[endsWith(colnames(x), " CI") | colnames(x) == "CI"]

  # make sure we have a glue-like syntax
  style <- .convert_to_glue_syntax(style, linesep)

  # "|" indicates cell split
  style <- unlist(strsplit(style, split = "|", fixed = TRUE))

  # define column names
  if (length(style) == 1) {
    column_names <- modelname
  } else {
    column_names <- .style_pattern_to_name(style)

  # paste glue together
  formatted_columns <- lapply(seq_along(style), function(i) {
    .format_glue_output(x, coef_column, ci_column, style[i], format, column_names[i])
  out <- do.call(cbind, formatted_columns)

  # add modelname to column names; for single column layout per model, we just
  # need the column name. If the layout contains more than one column per model,
  # add modelname in parenthesis.
  if (!is.null(modelname) && nzchar(modelname, keepNA = TRUE)) {
    if (ncol(out) > 1) {
      colnames(out) <- paste0(colnames(out), " (", modelname, ")")
    } else {
      colnames(out) <- modelname

  # remove empty parenthesis
  out[] <- lapply(out, function(i) {
    # here we either have "<br>" or " " as line breaks, followed by empty "()"
    i <- gsub("<br>()", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub(" ()", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub("<br>(, )", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub(" (, )", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i[i == "()"] <- ""
    i[i == "(, )"] <- ""
    # remove other non-matched patterns
    i <- gsub("{stars}", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub("{rhat}", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub("{ess}", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub("{pd}", "", i, fixed = TRUE)
    i <- gsub("{rope}", "", i, fixed = TRUE)

.convert_to_glue_syntax <- function(style, linesep = NULL) {
  # set default
  if (is.null(linesep)) {
    linesep <- " "

  # default
  if (is.null(style)) {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}", linesep, "({ci})|{p}")

    # style: estimate and CI, p-value in separate column (currently identical to "ci_p2")
  } else if (style %in% c("minimal", "ci_p2")) {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}", linesep, "({ci})|{p}")

    # style: estimate and CI, no p
  } else if (style == "ci") {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}", linesep, "({ci})")

    # style: estimate, p-stars and CI
  } else if (style == "ci_p") {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}{stars}", linesep, "({ci})")

    # style: estimate and SE, no p
  } else if (style == "se") {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}", linesep, "({se})")

    # style: estimate, p-stars and SE
  } else if (style == "se_p") {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}{stars}", linesep, "({se})")

    # style: estimate and SE, p-value in separate column
  } else if (style %in% c("short", "se_p2")) {
    style <- paste0("{estimate}", linesep, "({se})|{p}")

    # style: only estimate
  } else if (style %in% c("est", "coef")) {
    style <- "{estimate}"

  # replace \n for now with default line-separators
  gsub("\n", linesep, style, fixed = TRUE)

.format_glue_output <- function(x, coef_column, ci_column, style, format, column_names) {
  # separate CI columns, for custom layout
  ci <- ci_low <- ci_high <- NULL
  if (!insight::is_empty_object(ci_column)) {
    ci <- x[[ci_column[1]]]
    ci_low <- insight::trim_ws(gsub("(\\(|\\[)(.*),(.*)(\\)|\\])", "\\2", ci))
    ci_high <- insight::trim_ws(gsub("(\\(|\\[)(.*),(.*)(\\)|\\])", "\\3", ci))
  # fix p-layout
  if ("p" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x[["p"]] <- insight::trim_ws(x[["p"]])
    x[["p"]] <- gsub("< .", "<0.", x[["p"]], fixed = TRUE)
  # handle aliases
  style <- tolower(style)
  style <- gsub("{coef}", "{estimate}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  style <- gsub("{coefficient}", "{estimate}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  style <- gsub("{std.error}", "{se}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  style <- gsub("{standard error}", "{se}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  style <- gsub("{pval}", "{p}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  style <- gsub("{p.value}", "{p}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  style <- gsub("{ci}", "{ci_low}, {ci_high}", style, fixed = TRUE)
  # align columns width for text format
  .align_values <- function(i) {
    if (!is.null(i)) {
      non_empty <- !is.na(i) & nzchar(i, keepNA = TRUE)
      i[non_empty] <- format(insight::trim_ws(i[non_empty]), justify = "right")
  # we put all elements (coefficient, SE, CI, p, ...) in one column.
  # for text format, where columns are not center aligned, this can result in
  # misaligned columns, which looks ugly. So we try to ensure that each element
  # is formatted and justified to the same width
  if (identical(format, "text") || is.null(format)) {
    x[[coef_column]] <- .align_values(x[[coef_column]])
    x$SE <- .align_values(x$SE)
    x[["p"]] <- .align_values(x[["p"]])
    x$p_stars <- .align_values(x$p_stars)
    ci_low <- .align_values(ci_low)
    ci_high <- .align_values(ci_high)
    x$pd <- .align_values(x$pd)
    x$Rhat <- .align_values(x$Rhat)
    x$ESS <- .align_values(x$ESS)
    x$ROPE_Percentage <- .align_values(x$ROPE_Percentage)
  # create new string
  table_row <- rep(style, times = nrow(x))
  for (r in seq_along(table_row)) {
    table_row[r] <- gsub("{estimate}", x[[coef_column]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if (!is.null(ci_low) && !is.null(ci_high)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{ci_low}", ci_low[r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{ci_high}", ci_high[r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("SE" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{se}", x[["SE"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("p" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{p}", x[["p"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("p_stars" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{stars}", x[["p_stars"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("pd" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{pd}", x[["pd"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("Rhat" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{rhat}", x[["Rhat"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("ESS" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{ess}", x[["ESS"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
    if ("ROPE_Percentage" %in% colnames(x)) {
      table_row[r] <- gsub("{rope}", x[["ROPE_Percentage"]][r], table_row[r], fixed = TRUE)
  # some cleaning: columns w/o coefficient are empty
  table_row[x[[coef_column]] == "" | is.na(x[[coef_column]])] <- "" # nolint
  # fix some p-value stuff, e.g. if pattern is "p={p]}",
  # we may have "p= <0.001", which we want to be "p<0.001"
  table_row <- gsub("=<", "<", table_row, fixed = TRUE)
  table_row <- gsub("= <", "<", table_row, fixed = TRUE)
  table_row <- gsub("= ", "=", table_row, fixed = TRUE)
  # final output
  x <- data.frame(table_row)
  colnames(x) <- column_names

.style_pattern_to_name <- function(style) {
  column_names <- tolower(style)
  # completely remove these patterns
  column_names <- gsub("{stars}", "", column_names, fixed = TRUE)
  # remove curlys
  column_names <- gsub("{", "", column_names, fixed = TRUE)
  column_names <- gsub("}", "", column_names, fixed = TRUE)
  # manual renaming
  column_names <- gsub("\\Qrope\\E", "% in ROPE", column_names)
  column_names <- gsub("(estimate|coefficient|coef)", "Estimate", column_names)
  column_names <- gsub("\\Qse\\E", "SE", column_names)
  column_names <- gsub("<br>", "", column_names, fixed = TRUE)

# global definition of valid "style" shortcuts
.style_shortcuts <- c("ci_p2", "ci", "ci_p", "se", "se_p", "se_p2", "est", "coef")
.select_shortcuts <- c("minimal", "short")

.add_obs_row <- function(x, att, style) {
  observations <- unlist(lapply(att, function(i) {
    if (is.null(i$n_obs)) {
    } else {
  weighted_observations <- unlist(lapply(att, function(i) {
    if (is.null(i$weighted_nobs)) {
    } else {

  # check if model had weights, and if due to missing values n of weighted
  # observations differs from "raw" observations
  if (!all(is.na(weighted_observations)) && !all(is.na(observations))) {
    if (!isTRUE(all.equal(as.vector(weighted_observations), as.vector(observations)))) {
      insight::format_alert("Number of weighted observations differs from number of unweighted observations.")
    observations <- weighted_observations

  if (!all(is.na(observations))) {
    # add empty row, as separator
    empty_row <- do.call(data.frame, as.list(rep(NA, ncol(x))))
    colnames(empty_row) <- colnames(x)
    x <- rbind(x, empty_row)
    # add observations
    steps <- (ncol(x) - 1) / length(observations)
    empty_row[[1]] <- "Observations"
    insert_at <- seq(2, ncol(x), by = steps)
    for (i in seq_along(insert_at)) {
      empty_row[[insert_at[i]]] <- observations[i]
    x <- rbind(x, empty_row)

# other helper ------------------------

.format_columns_single_component <- function(x,
                                             digits = 2,
                                             ci_digits = digits,
                                             p_digits = 3,
                                             ci_width = "auto",
                                             ci_brackets = TRUE,
                                             format = NULL,
                                             coef_name = NULL,
                                             zap_small = FALSE,
                                             include_reference = FALSE,
                                             ...) {
  # default brackets are parenthesis for HTML / MD
  if ((is.null(ci_brackets) || isTRUE(ci_brackets)) && (identical(format, "html") || identical(format, "markdown"))) {
    brackets <- c("(", ")")
  } else if (is.null(ci_brackets) || isTRUE(ci_brackets)) {
    brackets <- c("[", "]")
  } else {
    brackets <- ci_brackets

  # fix coefficient column name for random effects
  if (!is.null(x$Effects) && all(x$Effects == "random") && any(colnames(x) %in% .all_coefficient_types)) {
    colnames(x)[colnames(x) %in% .all_coefficient_types] <- "Coefficient"

  # fix coefficient column name for mixed count and zi pars
  if (!is.null(x$Component) &&
    sum(c("conditional", "zero_inflated", "dispersion") %in% x$Component) >= 2 &&
    any(colnames(x) %in% .all_coefficient_types)) {
    colnames(x)[colnames(x) %in% .all_coefficient_types] <- "Coefficient"

  # random pars with level? combine into parameter column
  if (all(c("Parameter", "Level") %in% colnames(x))) {
    x$Parameter <- paste0(x$Parameter, " ", brackets[1], x$Level, brackets[2])
    x$Level <- NULL

  # add the coefficient for the base-(reference)-level of factors?
  if (include_reference) {
    x <- .add_reference_level(x)

    pretty_names = pretty_names,
    digits = digits,
    ci_width = ci_width,
    ci_brackets = ci_brackets,
    ci_digits = ci_digits,
    p_digits = p_digits,
    zap_small = zap_small,

.format_ranef_parameters <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(x$Group) && !is.null(x$Effects)) {
    ran_pars <- which(x$Effects == "random")
    stddevs <- startsWith(x$Parameter[ran_pars], "SD (")
    x$Parameter[ran_pars[stddevs]] <- paste0(
      gsub("(.*)\\)", "\\1", x$Parameter[ran_pars[stddevs]]),
      ": ",
    corrs <- startsWith(x$Parameter[ran_pars], "Cor (")
    x$Parameter[ran_pars[corrs]] <- paste0(
      gsub("(.*)\\)", "\\1", x$Parameter[ran_pars[corrs]]),
      ": ",
    x$Parameter[x$Parameter == "SD (Observations: Residual)"] <- "SD (Residual)"
    x$Group <- NULL

.add_reference_level <- function(params, model = NULL) {
  if (is.null(model)) {
    # check if we have a model object, if not provided by user
    model <- .get_object(params)
  # no model object provided? Try to get data from model call
  if (is.null(model)) {
    # get data from model call
    model_data <- .safe(eval(attributes(params)$model_call$data))
  } else {
    # get data from model object
    model_data <- insight::get_data(model, verbose = FALSE)

  # check if we have model data, else return parameter table
  if (is.null(model_data)) {

  # find factors and factor levels and check if we have any factors in the data
  factors <- .find_factor_levels(model_data, model, model_call = attributes(params)$model_call)
  if (!length(factors)) {

  # we need some more information about prettified labels etc.
  pretty_names <- attributes(params)$pretty_names
  coef_name <- attributes(params)$coefficient_name
  if (is.null(coef_name)) {
    coef_name <- "Coefficient"
  zi_coef_name <- attributes(params)$zi_coefficient_name
  if (is.null(zi_coef_name)) {
    zi_coef_name <- "Coefficient"

  # copy object, so we save original data
  out <- params

  # sanity check - is pretty_names NULL? If so, use Parameters as pretty_names
  if (is.null(pretty_names)) {
    pretty_names <- stats::setNames(params$Parameter, params$Parameter)

  # if we use "include_reference" and set "pretty_names = FALSE", pretty_names
  # is no named vector. So we need to make sure we have a named vector
  if (is.null(names(pretty_names))) {
    pretty_names <- stats::setNames(pretty_names, params$Parameter)

  # if we use "keep" or "drop", we have less parameters in our data frame,
  # so we need to make sure we only have those pretty_names, which names match
  # the parameters in the data frame
  pretty_names <- pretty_names[names(pretty_names) %in% params$Parameter]

  # iterate all factors in the data and check if any factor was used in the model
  for (fn in names(factors)) {
    f <- factors[[fn]]
    # "f" contains all combinations of factor name and levels from the data,
    # which we can match with the names of the pretty_names vector
    found <- which(names(pretty_names) %in% f)
    # if we have a match, we add the reference level to the pretty_names vector
    if (length(found)) {
      # the reference level is *not* in the pretty names yet
      reference_level <- f[!f %in% names(pretty_names)]

      # for on-the-fly conversion of factors, the names of the factors can
      # can also contain "factor()" or "as.factor()" - we need to remove these
      if (any(grepl("(as\\.factor|factor|as\\.character)", fn))) {
        fn_clean <- gsub("(as\\.factor|factor|as\\.character)\\((.*)\\)", "\\2", fn)
      } else {
        fn_clean <- fn
      # create a pretty level for the reference category
      pretty_level <- paste0(fn_clean, " [", sub(fn, "", reference_level, fixed = TRUE), "]")
      # insert new pretty level at the correct position in "pretty_names"
      pretty_names <- .insert_element_at(
        stats::setNames(pretty_level, reference_level),
      # now we need to update the data as well (i.e. the parameters table)
      row_data <- data.frame(
        Parameter = reference_level,
        Coefficient = as.numeric(attributes(params)$exponentiate),
        stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      # coefficient name can also be "Odds Ratio" etc., so make sure we
      # have the correct column name in the data row we want to insert
      if (coef_name %in% colnames(out)) {
        colnames(row_data)[2] <- coef_name
      } else if (zi_coef_name %in% colnames(out)) {
        colnames(row_data)[2] <- zi_coef_name
      out <- .insert_row_at(out, row_data, min(found))
  # update pretty_names attribute
  attr(out, "pretty_names") <- pretty_names
  # update pretty_labels attribute
  pretty_names[match(names(attr(out, "pretty_labels")), names(pretty_names))] <- attr(out, "pretty_labels")
  attr(out, "pretty_labels") <- pretty_names


# The coefficient column in the printed output is renamed, based on the model.
# But for instance, for random effects, however, which are on a different scale,
# we want a different name for this column. Since print.parameters_model() splits
# components into different tables, we change the column name for those "tables"
# that contain the random effects or zero-inflation parameters

.all_coefficient_types <- c(
  "Odds Ratio", "Risk Ratio", "Prevalence Ratio", "IRR", "Log-Odds",
  "Log-Mean", "Log-Ratio", "Log-Prevalence", "Probability", "Marginal Means",
  "Estimated Counts", "Ratio"

.all_coefficient_names <- c("Coefficient", "Std_Coefficient", "Estimate", "Median", "Mean", "MAP")

.format_stan_parameters <- function(out) {
  has_component <- !is.null(out$Component)
  # brms random intercepts or random slope variances
  ran_sd <- startsWith(out$Parameter, "sd_") & out$Effects == "random"
  if (any(ran_sd)) {
    out$Parameter[ran_sd] <- gsub("^sd_(.*?)__(.*)", "SD \\(\\2\\)", out$Parameter[ran_sd], perl = TRUE)
    if (has_component) {
      ran_zi_sd <- ran_sd & out$Component == "zero_inflated"
      if (any(ran_zi_sd)) {
        out$Parameter[ran_zi_sd] <- gsub("zi_", "", out$Parameter[ran_zi_sd], fixed = TRUE)
  # brms random slope-intercepts correlation
  ran_cor <- startsWith(out$Parameter, "cor_") & out$Effects == "random"
  if (any(ran_cor)) {
    out$Parameter[ran_cor] <- gsub("^cor_(.*?)__(.*)__(.*)", "Cor \\(\\2~\\3\\)", out$Parameter[ran_cor], perl = TRUE)
    if (has_component) {
      ran_zi_cor <- ran_cor & out$Component == "zero_inflated"
      if (any(ran_zi_cor)) {
        out$Parameter[ran_zi_cor] <- gsub("zi_", "", out$Parameter[ran_zi_cor], fixed = TRUE)
  # stanreg random effects variances
  ran_sd_cor <- startsWith(out$Parameter, "Sigma[")
  if (any(ran_sd_cor)) {
    out$Parameter[ran_sd_cor] <- gsub("(Intercept)", "Intercept", out$Parameter[ran_sd_cor], fixed = TRUE)
    parm1 <- gsub("^Sigma\\[(.*):(.*),(.*)\\]", "\\2", out$Parameter[ran_sd_cor])
    parm2 <- gsub("^Sigma\\[(.*):(.*),(.*)\\]", "\\3", out$Parameter[ran_sd_cor])
    # for random intercept or slopes, parm1 and parm2 are identical
    ran_sd <- parm1 == parm2
    ran_cor <- parm1 != parm2
    if (any(ran_sd)) {
      out$Parameter[which(ran_sd_cor)[ran_sd]] <- paste0("Sigma (", parm1[ran_sd], ")")
    if (any(ran_cor)) {
      out$Parameter[which(ran_sd_cor)[ran_cor]] <- paste0("Sigma (", parm1[ran_cor], "~", parm2[ran_cor], ")")


# helper to format the header / subheader of different model components --------------

.format_model_component_header <- function(x,
                                           is_multivariate = FALSE,
                                           ran_pars, # nolint
                                           formatted_table = NULL) {
  # prepare component names
  .conditional_fixed_text <- if (is_zero_inflated) {
    "Fixed Effects (Count Model)"
  } else {
    "Fixed Effects"
  .conditional_random_text <- if (ran_pars) {
    "Random Effects Variances"
  } else if (is_zero_inflated) {
    "Random Effects (Count Model)"
  } else {
    "Random Effects"

  component_name <- switch(type,
    mu = ,
    fixed = ,
    fixed. = ,
    conditional = ,
    conditional. = "Fixed Effects",
    random. = ,
    random = "Random Effects",
    conditional.fixed = ,
    conditional.fixed. = .conditional_fixed_text,
    conditional.random = .conditional_random_text,
    zero_inflated = "Zero-Inflation",
    zero_inflated.fixed = ,
    zero_inflated.fixed. = "Fixed Effects (Zero-Inflation Component)",
    zero_inflated.random = "Random Effects (Zero-Inflation Component)",
    survival = ,
    survival.fixed = "Survival",
    dispersion.fixed = ,
    dispersion.fixed. = ,
    dispersion = "Dispersion",
    marginal = "Marginal Effects",
    emmeans = "Estimated Marginal Means",
    contrasts = "Contrasts",
    simplex.fixed = ,
    simplex = "Monotonic Effects",
    smooth_sd = "Smooth Terms (SD)",
    smooth_terms = "Smooth Terms",
    sigma.fixed = ,
    sigma.fixed. = ,
    sigma = "Sigma",
    thresholds = "Thresholds",
    correlation = "Correlation",
    `SD/Cor` = "SD / Correlation",
    Loading = "Loading",
    location = ,
    location.fixed = ,
    location.fixed. = "Location Parameters",
    scale = ,
    scale.fixed = ,
    scale.fixed. = "Scale Parameters",
    extra = ,
    extra.fixed = ,
    extra.fixed. = "Extra Parameters",
    nu = "Nu",
    tau = "Tau",
    meta = "Meta-Parameters",
    studies = "Studies",
    within = "Within-Effects",
    between = "Between-Effects",
    interactions = "(Cross-Level) Interactions",
    precision = ,
    precision. = "Precision",
    infrequent_purchase = "Infrequent Purchase",
    auxiliary = "Auxiliary",
    residual = "Residual",
    intercept = "Intercept",
    regression = "Regression",
    latent = "Latent",
    time_dummies = "Time Dummies",

  if (grepl("^conditional\\.(r|R)andom_variances", component_name)) {
    component_name <- insight::trim_ws(gsub("^conditional\\.(r|R)andom_variances(\\.)*", "", component_name))
    if (nzchar(component_name, keepNA = TRUE)) {
      component_name <- paste0("Random Effects Variances: ", component_name)
    } else {
      component_name <- "Random Effects Variances"
  if (grepl("^conditional\\.(r|R)andom", component_name)) {
    component_name <- insight::trim_ws(gsub("^conditional\\.(r|R)andom(\\.)*", "", component_name))
    if (nzchar(component_name, keepNA = TRUE)) {
      component_name <- paste0("Random Effects (Count Model): ", component_name)
    } else {
      component_name <- ifelse(ran_pars, "Random Effects Variances", "Random Effects (Count Model)")
  if (grepl("^zero_inflated\\.(r|R)andom", component_name)) {
    component_name <- insight::trim_ws(gsub("^zero_inflated\\.(r|R)andom(\\.)*", "", component_name))
    if (nzchar(component_name, keepNA = TRUE)) {
      component_name <- paste0("Random Effects (Zero-Inflation Component): ", component_name)
    } else {
      component_name <- "Random Effects (Zero-Inflation Component)"
  if (startsWith(component_name, "random.")) {
    component_name <- paste0("Random Effects: ", gsub("^random\\.", "", component_name))

  # if we show ZI component only, make sure this appears in header
  if (!grepl("(Zero-Inflation Component)", component_name, fixed = TRUE) &&
    !is.null(formatted_table$Component) &&
    all(formatted_table$Component == "zero_inflated")) {
    component_name <- paste0(component_name, " (Zero-Inflation Component)")

  # tweaking of sub headers

  if (isTRUE(attributes(x)$is_ggeffects)) {
    s1 <- gsub("(.*)\\.(.*) = (.*)", "\\1 (\\2 = \\3)", component_name)
    s2 <- ""
  } else if ("DirichletRegModel" %in% attributes(x)$model_class) {
    if (startsWith(component_name, "conditional.") || split_column == "Response") {
      s1 <- "Response level:"
      s2 <- gsub("^conditional\\.(.*)", "\\1", component_name)
    } else {
      s1 <- component_name
      s2 <- ""
  } else if (length(split_column) > 1 && "Response" %in% split_column && is_multivariate) {
    # This here only applies to brms multivariate response models
    component_name <- gsub("^conditional\\.(.*)", "Response level: \\1", component_name)
    component_name <- gsub("^sigma\\.(.*)", "Auxilliary parameters, response level: \\1", component_name)
    component_name <- gsub("(.*)fixed\\.(.*)", "\\1\\2", component_name)
    component_name <- gsub("(.*)random\\.(.*)", "Random effects, \\1\\2", component_name)
    s1 <- component_name
    s2 <- ""
  } else if (length(split_column) > 1 ||
    split_column %in% c("Subgroup", "Type", "Group") ||
    grepl(tolower(split_column), tolower(component_name), fixed = TRUE) ||
    component_name %in% c("Within-Effects", "Between-Effects", "(Cross-Level) Interactions")) {
    s1 <- component_name
    s2 <- ""
  } else if (split_column == "Response" && is_ordinal_model) {
    s1 <- "Response level:"
    s2 <- component_name
  } else {
    s1 <- component_name
    if (tolower(split_column) == "component") {
      s2 <- ""
    } else {
      s2 <- split_column

  list(name = component_name, subheader1 = s1, subheader2 = s2)

# helper grouping parameters -------------------

.parameter_groups <- function(x, groups) {
  # only apply to conditional component for now
  if ("Component" %in% colnames(x) && !any(x$Component == "conditional")) {
  if ("Component" %in% colnames(x)) {
    row_index <- which(x$Component == "conditional")
  } else {
    row_index <- seq_len(nrow(x))

  x_other <- x[-row_index, ]
  x <- x[row_index, ]

  att <- attributes(x)
  indent_rows <- NULL
  indent_parameters <- NULL

  if (is.list(groups)) {
    # find parameter names and replace by rowindex
    group_rows <- lapply(groups, function(i) {
      if (is.character(i)) {
        i <- match(i, x$Parameter)

    # validation check - check if all parameter names in the
    # group list are spelled correctly
    misspelled <- vapply(group_rows, anyNA, TRUE)

    if (any(misspelled)) {
      # remove invalid groups
      group_rows[misspelled] <- NULL
      # tell user
        "Couldn't find one or more parameters specified in following groups:",
        "Maybe you misspelled parameter names?"

    # sort parameters according to grouping
    selected_rows <- unlist(group_rows)
    indent_parameters <- x$Parameter[selected_rows]
    x <- rbind(x[selected_rows, ], x[-selected_rows, ])

    # set back correct indices
    groups <- 1
    for (i in 2:length(group_rows)) {
      groups <- c(groups, groups[i - 1] + length(group_rows[[i - 1]]))
    names(groups) <- names(group_rows)
  } else {
    # find parameter names and replace by rowindex
    group_names <- names(groups)
    groups <- match(groups, x$Parameter)
    names(groups) <- group_names

    # order groups
    groups <- sort(groups, na.last = TRUE)

  empty_row <- x[1, ]
  for (i in seq_len(ncol(empty_row))) {
    empty_row[[i]] <- NA

  for (i in rev(seq_along(groups))) {
    x[seq(groups[i] + 1, nrow(x) + 1), ] <- x[seq(groups[i], nrow(x)), ]
    x[groups[i], ] <- empty_row
    x$Parameter[groups[i]] <- paste0("# ", names(groups[i]))

  # find row indices of indented parameters
  if (!is.null(indent_parameters)) {
    indent_rows <- match(indent_parameters, x$Parameter)

  # add other rows back
  if (nrow(x_other) > 0) {
    x <- rbind(x, x_other)

  attributes(x) <- utils::modifyList(att, attributes(x))
  attr(x, "indent_rows") <- indent_rows
  attr(x, "indent_groups") <- "# "

# .insert_row <- function(x, newrow, r) {
#   existingDF[seq(r+1,nrow(existingDF)+1),] <- existingDF[seq(r,nrow(existingDF)),]
#   existingDF[r,] <- newrow
#   existingDF
# }

.prepare_x_for_print <- function(x, select, coef_name, s_value) {
  # minor fix for nested Anovas
  if ("Group" %in% colnames(x) && sum(x$Parameter == "Residuals") > 1) {
    colnames(x)[which(colnames(x) == "Group")] <- "Subgroup"

  # check which columns to be printed
  if (!is.null(select)) {
    if (all(select == "minimal")) {
      select <- c("Parameter", "Coefficient", "Std_Coefficient", "CI", "CI_low", "CI_high", "p")
    } else if (all(select == "short")) {
      select <- c("Parameter", "Coefficient", "Std_Coefficient", "SE", "p")
    } else if (is.numeric(select)) {
      select <- colnames(x)[select]
    select <- union(select, c("Parameter", "Component", "Effects", "Response", "Subgroup"))
    # for emmGrid objects, we save specific parameter names as attribute
    parameter_names <- attributes(x)$parameter_names
    if (!is.null(parameter_names)) {
      select <- c(parameter_names, select)
    to_remove <- setdiff(colnames(x), select)
    x[to_remove] <- NULL

  # remove columns that have only NA or Inf
  to_remove <- vapply(colnames(x), function(col) {
    all(is.na(x[[col]]) | is.infinite(x[[col]])) & !grepl("CI_", col, fixed = TRUE)
  }, TRUE)
  if (any(to_remove)) x[to_remove] <- NULL

  # For Bayesian models, we need to prettify parameter names here...
  mc <- attributes(x)$model_class
  cp <- attributes(x)$cleaned_parameters
  if (!is.null(mc) && !is.null(cp) && any(mc %in% c("stanreg", "stanmvreg", "brmsfit"))) {
    match_params <- stats::na.omit(match(names(cp), x$Parameter))
    if (any(match_params)) {
      x$Parameter[match_params] <- cp[x$Parameter[match_params]]
    attr(x, "pretty_names") <- FALSE
    attr(x, "cleaned_parameters") <- NULL

  # for bayesian meta, remove ROPE_CI
  if (isTRUE(attributes(x)$is_bayes_meta)) {
    x$CI <- NULL
    x$ROPE_CI <- NULL
    x$ROPE_low <- NULL
    x$ROPE_high <- NULL

  if (!is.null(coef_name)) {
    colnames(x)[which(colnames(x) == "Coefficient")] <- coef_name
    colnames(x)[which(colnames(x) == "Std_Coefficient")] <- paste0("Std_", coef_name)

  # cpmpute s- instead of p-value?
  # see 10.1186/s12874-020-01105-9
  if (isTRUE(s_value) && "p" %in% colnames(x)) {
    colnames(x)[colnames(x) == "p"] <- "s"
    x[["s"]] <- log2(1 / x[["s"]])


.prepare_splitby_for_print <- function(x) {
  if (!is.null(attributes(x)$model_class) && any(attributes(x)$model_class == "mvord")) {
    x$Response <- NULL
  split_by <- ""
  if ("Component" %in% names(x) && insight::n_unique(x$Component) > 1) {
    split_by <- c(split_by, "Component")
  if ("Effects" %in% names(x) && insight::n_unique(x$Effects) > 1) {
    split_by <- c(split_by, "Effects")
  if ("Response" %in% names(x) && insight::n_unique(x$Response) > 1) {
    split_by <- c(split_by, "Response")
  if ("Group" %in% names(x) && insight::n_unique(x$Group) > 1) {
    split_by <- c(split_by, "Group")
  if ("Subgroup" %in% names(x) && insight::n_unique(x$Subgroup) > 1) {
    split_by <- c(split_by, "Subgroup")
  split_by <- split_by[nzchar(split_by, keepNA = TRUE)]

# this function is actually similar to "insight::print_parameters()", but more
# sophisticated, to ensure nicely outputs even for complicated or complex models,
# or edge cases...

#' @keywords internal
.format_columns_multiple_components <- function(x,
                                                split_column = "Component",
                                                digits = 2,
                                                ci_digits = digits,
                                                p_digits = 3,
                                                coef_column = NULL,
                                                format = NULL,
                                                ci_width = "auto",
                                                ci_brackets = TRUE,
                                                zap_small = FALSE,
                                                include_reference = FALSE,
                                                ...) {
  final_table <- list()

  ignore_group <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$ignore_group)
  ran_pars <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$ran_pars)
  is_ggeffects <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$is_ggeffects)
  is_fixest_multi <- identical(attributes(x)$model_class, "fixest_multi")

  # name of "Parameter" column - usually the first column, however, for
  # ggeffects objects, this column has the name of the focal term

  if (is_ggeffects) {
    parameter_column <- colnames(x)[1]
  } else {
    parameter_column <- "Parameter"

  # default brackets are parenthesis for HTML / MD
  if ((is.null(ci_brackets) || isTRUE(ci_brackets)) && (identical(format, "html") || identical(format, "markdown"))) {
    ci_brackets <- c("(", ")")
  } else if (is.null(ci_brackets) || isTRUE(ci_brackets)) {
    ci_brackets <- c("[", "]")

  # check ordinal / multivariate
  is_ordinal_model <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$ordinal_model)
  is_multivariate <- isTRUE(attributes(x)$multivariate_response)

  # zero-inflation stuff
  is_zero_inflated <- (!is.null(x$Component) & "zero_inflated" %in% x$Component)
  zi_coef_name <- attributes(x)$zi_coefficient_name

  # other special model-components, like emm_list
  coef_name2 <- attributes(x)$coefficient_name2

  # make sure we have correct order of levels from split-factor
  if (!is.null(attributes(x)$model_class) && all(attributes(x)$model_class == "mediate")) {
    x$Component <- factor(x$Component, levels = c("control", "treated", "average", "Total Effect"))
    x$Parameter <- insight::trim_ws(gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\)$", "\\1", x$Parameter))
  } else {
    x[split_column] <- lapply(x[split_column], function(i) {
      if (!is.factor(i)) i <- factor(i, levels = unique(i))

  # fix column output
  if (inherits(attributes(x)[["model"]], c("lavaan", "blavaan")) && "Label" %in% colnames(x)) {
    x$From <- ifelse(!nzchar(as.character(x$Label), keepNA = TRUE) | x$Label == x$To, x$From, paste0(x$From, " (", x$Label, ")")) # nolint
    x$Label <- NULL

  if (inherits(attributes(x)[["model"]], c("lavaan", "blavaan")) && !"Parameter" %in% colnames(x)) {
    parameter_column <- colnames(x)[1]

  if (inherits(attributes(x)[["model"]], c("lavaan", "blavaan")) && "Defined" %in% x$Component) {
    x$From[x$Component == "Defined"] <- ""
    x$Operator[x$Component == "Defined"] <- ""
    x$To <- ifelse(x$Component == "Defined", paste0("(", x$To, ")"), x$To)

  # set up split-factor
  if (length(split_column) > 1) {
    split_by <- lapply(split_column, function(i) x[[i]])
  } else {
    split_by <- list(x[[split_column]])
  names(split_by) <- split_column

  # make sure we have correct sorting here...
  tables <- split(x, f = split_by)

  # validation check - only preserve tables with any data in data frames
  tables <- tables[vapply(tables, nrow, numeric(1)) > 0]

  # fix table names for random effects, when we only have random
  # effects. in such cases, the wrong header (fixed effects) is chosen
  # to prevent this, we "fake" the name of the splitted components by
  # prefixing them with "random."

  if (!is.null(x$Effects) && all(x$Effects == "random") && !all(startsWith(names(tables), "random."))) {
    wrong_names <- !startsWith(names(tables), "random.")
    names(tables)[wrong_names] <- paste0("random.", names(tables)[wrong_names])

  # fixest_multi models can have a special structure, with multiple responses
  # and multiple rhs of formulas. We fix headers here

  if (is_fixest_multi && length(split_column) > 1) {
    old_names <- unique(paste0(x$Response, ".", x$Group))
    new_names <- unique(paste0(x$Response, " ~ ", x$Group))
    names(tables) <- new_names[match(names(tables), old_names)]

  for (type in names(tables)) {
    # do we have emmeans emlist? and contrasts?
    model_class <- attributes(tables[[type]])$model_class
    em_list_coef_name <- (!is.null(model_class) && "emm_list" %in% model_class &&
      "contrasts" %in% tables[[type]]$Component)

    # Don't print Component column
    for (i in split_column) {
      tables[[type]][[i]] <- NULL

    # Smooth terms statistics
    if ("t / F" %in% names(tables[[type]])) {
      if (type == "smooth_terms") {
        names(tables[[type]])[names(tables[[type]]) == "t / F"] <- "F"
      if (type == "conditional") {
        names(tables[[type]])[names(tables[[type]]) == "t / F"] <- "t"
    } else if (type == "smooth_terms" && "t" %in% names(tables[[type]])) {
      names(tables[[type]])[names(tables[[type]]) == "t"] <- "F"

    if ("z / Chi2" %in% names(tables[[type]])) {
      if (type == "smooth_terms") {
        names(tables[[type]])[names(tables[[type]]) == "z / Chi2"] <- "Chi2"
      if (type == "conditional") {
        names(tables[[type]])[names(tables[[type]]) == "z / Chi2"] <- "z"

    # Don't print se and ci if all are missing
    if (all(is.na(tables[[type]]$SE))) tables[[type]]$SE <- NULL
    if (all(is.na(tables[[type]]$CI_low)) && all(is.na(tables[[type]]$CI_high))) {
      tables[[type]]$CI_low <- NULL
      tables[[type]]$CI_high <- NULL
    # if (all(is.na(tables[[type]]$CI_low))) tables[[type]]$CI_low <- NULL
    # if (all(is.na(tables[[type]]$CI_high))) tables[[type]]$CI_high <- NULL

    # Don't print if empty col
    tables[[type]][vapply(colnames(tables[[type]]), function(x) {
      column <- tables[[type]][[x]]
      (!any(nzchar(as.character(column), keepNA = TRUE)) | all(is.na(column))) && !grepl("_CI_(high|low)$", x)
    }, logical(1))] <- NULL

    attr(tables[[type]], "digits") <- digits
    attr(tables[[type]], "ci_digits") <- ci_digits
    attr(tables[[type]], "p_digits") <- p_digits

    # random pars with level? combine into parameter column
    if (all(c("Parameter", "Level") %in% colnames(tables[[type]]))) {
      tables[[type]]$Parameter <- paste0(
        tables[[type]]$Parameter, " ", ci_brackets[1],
        tables[[type]]$Level, ci_brackets[2]
      tables[[type]]$Level <- NULL

    # rename columns for emmeans contrast part
    if (em_list_coef_name && !is.null(coef_column)) {
      colnames(tables[[type]])[which(colnames(tables[[type]]) == coef_column)] <- coef_name2

    # rename columns for zero-inflation part
    if (startsWith(type, "zero") && !is.null(zi_coef_name) && !is.null(coef_column)) {
      colnames(tables[[type]])[which(colnames(tables[[type]]) == coef_column)] <- zi_coef_name
      colnames(tables[[type]])[which(colnames(tables[[type]]) == paste0("Std_", coef_column))] <- paste0("Std_", zi_coef_name) # nolint

    # rename columns for correlation, location or scale part
    if (type %in% c("correlation", "scale", "location") && !is.null(coef_column)) {
      colnames(tables[[type]])[which(colnames(tables[[type]]) == coef_column)] <- "Estimate"

    # rename columns for dispersion part
    if (startsWith(type, "dispersion") && !is.null(coef_column)) {
      colnames(tables[[type]])[which(colnames(tables[[type]]) == coef_column)] <- "Coefficient"

    # rename columns for random part
    if (grepl("random", type, fixed = TRUE) && any(colnames(tables[[type]]) %in% .all_coefficient_types)) {
      colnames(tables[[type]])[colnames(tables[[type]]) %in% .all_coefficient_types] <- "Coefficient"

    if (grepl("random", type, fixed = TRUE) && isTRUE(ran_pars)) {
      tables[[type]]$CI <- NULL

    # for ggeffects objects, only choose selected lines, to have
    # a more compact output
    if (is_ggeffects && is.numeric(tables[[type]][[1]])) {
      n_rows <- nrow(tables[[type]])
      row_steps <- round(sqrt(n_rows))
      sample_rows <- round(c(1, stats::quantile(seq_len(n_rows), seq_len(row_steps - 2) / row_steps), n_rows))
      tables[[type]] <- tables[[type]][sample_rows, ]
      tables[[type]][[1]] <- insight::format_value(tables[[type]][[1]], digits = digits, protect_integers = TRUE)

    # add the coefficient for the base-(reference)-level of factors?
    if (include_reference) {
      tables[[type]] <- .add_reference_level(tables[[type]])

    formatted_table <- insight::format_table(
      digits = digits, ci_digits = ci_digits,
      p_digits = p_digits, pretty_names = pretty_names, ci_width = ci_width,
      ci_brackets = ci_brackets, zap_small = zap_small, ...
    component_header <- .format_model_component_header(
      x, type, split_column, is_zero_inflated, is_ordinal_model,
      is_multivariate, ran_pars, formatted_table

    # exceptions for random effects
    if (insight::n_unique(formatted_table$Group) == 1) {
      component_header$subheader1 <- paste0(component_header$subheader1, " (", formatted_table$Group, ")")
      formatted_table$Group <- NULL

    # remove non-necessary columns
    if (insight::n_unique(formatted_table$Component) == 1) {
      formatted_table$Component <- NULL

    # no column with CI-level in output
    if (!is.null(formatted_table$CI) && insight::n_unique(formatted_table$CI) == 1) {
      formatted_table$CI <- NULL

    table_caption <- NULL
    if (is.null(format) || format %in% c("markdown", "text")) {
      # Print
      if (component_header$name != "rewb-contextual") {
        table_caption <- c(
          sprintf("# %s %s", component_header$subheader1, tolower(component_header$subheader2)),
    } else if (format %in% c("markdown", "html")) {
      # Print
      if (component_header$name != "rewb-contextual") {
        table_caption <- sprintf("%s %s", component_header$subheader1, tolower(component_header$subheader2))
      # replace brackets by parenthesis
      if (!is.null(parameter_column) && parameter_column %in% colnames(formatted_table)) {
        formatted_table[[parameter_column]] <- gsub("[", ci_brackets[1], formatted_table[[parameter_column]], fixed = TRUE) # nolint
        formatted_table[[parameter_column]] <- gsub("]", ci_brackets[2], formatted_table[[parameter_column]], fixed = TRUE) # nolint

    if (identical(format, "html")) {
      formatted_table$Component <- table_caption
    } else {
      attr(formatted_table, "table_caption") <- table_caption

    # remove unique columns
    if (insight::n_unique(formatted_table$Effects) == 1) formatted_table$Effects <- NULL
    if (insight::n_unique(formatted_table$Group) == 1) formatted_table$Group <- NULL

    final_table <- c(final_table, list(formatted_table))

  if (identical(format, "html")) {
    # fix non-equal length of columns
    final_table <- .fix_nonmatching_columns(
      is_lavaan = inherits(attributes(x)[["model"]], c("lavaan", "blavaan"))
    do.call(rbind, final_table)
  } else {

# helper to fix unequal number of columns for list of data frames,
# when used for HTML printing

.fix_nonmatching_columns <- function(final_table, is_lavaan = FALSE) {
  # fix for lavaan here
  if (is_lavaan) {
    for (i in seq_along(final_table)) {
      if (!is.null(final_table[[i]]$Link) && !is.null(final_table[[i]]$To) && all(is.na(final_table[[i]]$Link))) {
        final_table[[i]]$Link <- final_table[[i]]$To
        final_table[[i]]$To <- NA
      colnames(final_table[[i]])[1] <- "Parameter"
      if (!is.null(final_table[[i]]$To) && all(is.na(final_table[[i]]$To))) {
        final_table[[i]]$To <- NULL

  # then check for correct column length
  col_len <- vapply(final_table, function(i) length(colnames(i)), numeric(1))

  # remove non matching columns
  if (!all(col_len == max(col_len))) {
    all_columns <- unique(unlist(lapply(final_table, colnames)))
    for (i in seq_along(final_table)) {
      missing_columns <- setdiff(all_columns, colnames(final_table[[i]]))
      if (length(missing_columns)) {
        a <- attributes(final_table[[i]])
        final_table[[i]][missing_columns] <- NA
        final_table[[i]] <- final_table[[i]][match(all_columns, colnames(final_table[[i]]))]
        attributes(final_table[[i]]) <- utils::modifyList(a, attributes(final_table[[i]]))

easystats/parameters documentation built on Sept. 28, 2024, 7:52 p.m.