
Defines functions getEligibleAtlasExperiment searchAtlasExperiments .isValidExperimentAccession getAtlasData getAtlasExperiment

Documented in getAtlasData getAtlasExperiment searchAtlasExperiments

# getAtlasExperiment
#   - Download and return the SimpleList object representing a single
#   Expression Atlas experiment.
getAtlasExperiment <- function( experimentAccession ) {

    # Make sure the experiment accession is in the correct format.
    if( ! .isValidExperimentAccession( experimentAccession ) ) {

        stop( "Experiment accession not valid. Cannot continue." )

    # URL to download Atlas data from.
    urlBase <- "ftp://ftp.ebi.ac.uk/pub/databases/microarray/data/atlas/experiments"

    # Create filename for R data file.
    atlasExperimentSummaryFile <- paste(
        sep = ""

    # Create full URL to download R data from.
    fullUrl <- paste(
        sep = "/"

            "Downloading Expression Atlas experiment summary from:\n",

    # Create connection object for downloading data.
    connection <- url( fullUrl )

    # Try download, catching any errors
    loadResult <- try( load( connection ), silent = TRUE )

    # Quit if we got an error.
    if( class( loadResult ) == "try-error" ) {

        msg <- geterrmessage()

                    "Error encountered while trying to download experiment summary for",
                    "There may not currently be an Expression Atlas experiment summary available for ",
                    ".\nPlease try again later, check the website at ",
                        sep = ""
                    ", or contact us at https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/contact/support/gxa",
                    sep = ""
                sep = "\n"

        return( )

    # Close the connection.
    close( connection )

    # Make sure experiment summary object exists before trying to return it.
    getResult <- try( get( "experiment_summary" ) )

    if( class( getResult ) == "try-error" ) {

            "ERROR - Download appeared successful but no experiment summary object was found."

    # If we're still here, things must have worked ok.
            "Successfully downloaded experiment summary object for",

    # Return the experiment summary.
    expSum <- get( "experiment_summary" )

    return( expSum )

# getAtlasData
#   - Download SimpleList objects for one or more Expression Atlas experiments
#   and return then in a list.
getAtlasData <- function( experimentAccessions ) {

    if( missing( experimentAccessions ) ) {

        stop( "Please provide a vector of experiment accessions to download." )

    # Make sure experimentAccessions is a vector.
    if( ! is.vector( experimentAccessions ) ) {

        stop( "Please provide experiment accessions as a vector." )

    # Only use valid accessions to download.
    experimentAccessions <- experimentAccessions[
                experimentAccessions, function( accession ) {
                    .isValidExperimentAccession( accession )

    # The experimentAccessions vector is empty if none of the accessions are
    # valid. Just quit here if so.
    if( length( experimentAccessions ) == 0 ) {
        stop( "None of the accessions passed are valid ArrayExpress/BioStudies accessions. Cannot continue." )

    # Go through each one and download it, creating a list.
    # So that the list has the experiment accessions as the names, use them as
    # names for the vector before starting to create the list.
    names( experimentAccessions ) <- experimentAccessions

    experimentSummaryList <- SimpleList(

        lapply( experimentAccessions, function( experimentAccession ) {

            experimentSummary <- getAtlasExperiment( experimentAccession )
    ) )

    # Remove any null entries, i.e. experiments without R data files available.
    experimentSummaryList <- experimentSummaryList[ ! sapply( experimentSummaryList, is.null ) ]

    return( experimentSummaryList )

# .isValidExperimentAccession
#   - Return TRUE if experiment accession matches expected ArrayExpress/BioStudies
#   experiment accession pattern. Return FALSE otherwise.
.isValidExperimentAccession <- function( experimentAccession ) {

    if( missing( experimentAccession ) ) {

        warning( "Accession missing. Cannot validate." )

        return( FALSE )

    if( !grepl( "^E-\\w{4}-\\d+$", experimentAccession ) ) {

                "\" does not look like an ArrayExpress/BioStudies experiment accession. Please check.",

        return( FALSE )

    } else {

        return( TRUE )

# searchAtlasExperiments
#   - Search (currently against BioStudies API) for datasets in Atlas matching given terms.
searchAtlasExperiments <- function( properties, species = NULL ) {

    # Quit if we don't have any search terms
    if( missing( properties ) ) {
        stop( "Please provide at least one search term." )

    # If we've got something other than a character vector of properties, also quit.
    if( typeof( properties ) != "character" ) {
        stop( "Please provide search term(s) as a character vector." )

    # Make properties URL friendly (e.g. replace spaces with %20
    properties <- sapply( properties, URLencode )

    # If we weren't passed a species, log this.
    if( missing( species ) ) {

        message( "No species was provided. Will search for data from all available species." )

    } else if( typeof( species ) != "character" ) {

        # Quit if the species isn't a character vector.
        stop( "Please provide species as a character vector." )

    } else if( length( species ) > 1 ) {

        # Only allow one species to be specified.
        stop( "More than one species found. You may only specify one species at a time." )

    # BioStudies API base URL.
    bioAPIbase <- "http://www.ebi.ac.uk/biostudies/api/v1/search?query="

    # Construct the query URL
    queryURL <- paste(
        paste( properties, collapse = "" ),
        "&gxa=TRUE",  #"&link_type=gxa"
        sep = ""

    # Add the species to the URL if we were passed one.
    if( !missing( species ) ) {

        species <- URLencode( species )

        queryURL <- paste(
            sep = ""

    # Add page size limit to BioStudies API query.
    page_size = 100
    queryURL <- paste(
        sep = ""

    # Log search is beginning.
    message( "Searching for Expression Atlas experiments matching your query ..." )

    # Check the query works with httr
    response <- GET( queryURL )

    # Make sure the HTTP request worked.
    if( status_code( response ) != 200 ) {
                "Error running query. Received HTTP error code",
                status_code( response ),
                "from server. Please try again later. If you continue to experience problems please contact us at https://www.ebi.ac.uk/about/contact/support/gxa"
    } else {
        message( "Query successful." )

    ## Parse the JSON document.
    parsedJSON <- fromJSON( txt = queryURL )

    ## Get the number of experiments we found.
    numExps <- as.numeric( parsedJSON$totalHits )

    # If there were no results, quit here.
    if( numExps == 0 ) {
        return( message( "No results found. Cannot continue." ) )

    } else {
        message( paste( "Found", numExps, "experiments matching your query." ) )

    # check that page size is correct, otherwise quit here.
    if( as.numeric( parsedJSON$pageSize ) != page_size ) {
        return( message( "No results found. Cannot continue." ) )
    # check if total hits is exact number
    if( parsedJSON$isTotalHitsExact != TRUE ) {
        message( "WARNING: Total number of hits reported by BioStudies is not exact" )

    # traverse BioStudies pages to get the list of experiments
    allExperiments <- c()
    if ( numExps < page_size || numExps%%page_size != 0 ){
        modulus <- 1
    } else {
        modulus <- 0

    number_pages <- floor( numExps/page_size ) + modulus
    for ( page_number in  1:number_pages ){

        pageQueryURL <- paste(
            sep = ""
        page_acc <- fromJSON( txt = pageQueryURL )$hits$accession
        allExperiments <- append(allExperiments, page_acc)

    # check the number of experiments is correct, otherwise quit here.
    if( numExps != length(allExperiments) ) {
        return( message( "Number of experiments obtained is not correct. Cannot continue." ) )

    # Create vectors of all accessions, experiment types, species, titles and conect errors.
    allSpecies <- rep( NA, numExps )
    allExpTypes <- rep( NA, numExps )
    allTitles <- rep( NA, numExps )
    allConnErr <- rep( FALSE, numExps )

    # Pull out the title, accession, type and species of each experiment.
    message( paste( "Retrieving information from", length( allExperiments ), "experiments..." ) )
    for ( acc in 1:length( allExperiments ) ) {

        accQueryURL <- paste(
            allExperiments[ acc ],
            sep = ""
        # Make sure the HTTP request works
        if( status_code( GET( accQueryURL ) ) != 200 ) {
            allConnErr[ acc ] <- TRUE
            accQuery <- fromJSON( txt = accQueryURL )

            # get indexes of title, the experiment type and species

            pos_title <-  which( accQuery$section$attributes$name %in% "Title" )
            if ( length( pos_title ) == 1 ){
                allTitles[ acc ] <- accQuery$section$attributes$value[ pos_title ]
            } else if ( length( pos_title ) > 1  ) {
                allTitles[ acc ] <- accQuery$section$attributes$value[ pos_title[1] ]

            pos_exp_type <-  which( accQuery$section$attributes$name %in% "Study type" )
            if ( length( pos_exp_type ) == 1 ){
                allExpTypes[ acc ] <- accQuery$section$attributes$value[ pos_exp_type ]
            } else if ( length( pos_exp_type) > 1  ) {
                # attept to match to a valid Atlas Experiment Type
                allExpTypes[ acc ] <- getEligibleAtlasExperiment( accQuery$section$attributes$value[ pos_exp_type ] )

            pos_species <-  which( accQuery$section$attributes$name %in% "Organism" )
            if ( length( pos_species ) == 1 ){
                allSpecies[ acc ] <- accQuery$section$attributes$value[ pos_species ]
            } else if ( length( pos_species ) > 1  ) {
                # return the first species
                allSpecies[ acc ] <- accQuery$section$attributes$value[ pos_species[1] ]  


    message( "Retrieving information completed."  )

    # Create DataFrame containing the above results as columns.
    resultsSummary <- DataFrame(
        Accession = allExperiments,
        Species = allSpecies,
        Type = allExpTypes,
        Title = allTitles,
        ConnectionError = allConnErr

    # Remove experiments with connection errors.
    if ( any( resultsSummary$ConnectionError ) ) {
        message( "WARNING: One or more studies removed due to Error running query - received HTTP error code" )
        resultsSummary <- resultsSummary[ !resultsSummary$ConnectionError, ]
    # Sort the columns by species, type, then accession.
    resultsSummary <- resultsSummary[ order( resultsSummary$Species, resultsSummary$Type, resultsSummary$Accession ), ]

    # Return the DataFrame.
    return( resultsSummary[ c( 'Accession', 'Species', 'Type', 'Title' ) ] )

eligibleAtlasExperiments <- c (
    "transcription profiling by array",
    "microRNA profiling by array",
    "antigen profiling",
    "proteomic profiling by mass spectrometer",
    "RNA-seq of coding RNA",
    "RNA-seq of non coding RNA",
    "RNA-seq of total RNA",
    "RNA-seq of coding RNA from single cells",
    "RNA-seq of non coding RNA from single cells"

getEligibleAtlasExperiment <- function( experiment_list, valid_experiments = eligibleAtlasExperiments ) {
    for (exptype in experiment_list){
        if ( exptype %in% valid_experiments ){
            # report the first in the list that is valid
            return( exptype )
        } else {
            # otherwise will return the first in the list
    return( experiment_list[1] )
ebi-gene-expression-group/bioconductor-ExpressionAtlas documentation built on Nov. 5, 2022, 4:21 a.m.