
## The script performed gene module meta-analysis on discovery cohorts to detect signiture gene
## modules significantly defferent between high responders and low responders to flu vaccination
## in HIPC signature project. The identifiedy gene modules were then verified by the validation cohort.
## Original Author: Hailong Meng
## Updated last by Hailong: 2016-11-18
## ? 2016 Yale University. All rights reserved.
## Refactoring Author: Evan henrich (Fred Hutch), January 2017
## Note: All locations of substantive edits are commented with "EH NOTE:"

# Removed comments regarding directory structure and converted script into a function to allow
# arguments of cohort, FDR.cutoff, pvalue.cutoff, and endPoint so that users may test
# different possibilities

#---------HELPER METHOD--------------------------------------------------
# Abstracted this method since duplicated in validation and discovery

## Combine by gene symbols and select probe with highest average gene expression
run_qs <- function(eset, gene_symbols, labels, validation, geneSetDB, markdown){

  ## Combine by gene symbols and select probe with highest average gene expression
  ## rank probesets by average expression
  nodup.rank <- apply(eset, 1 , function(x){ sum(2^x) / length(x) })
  nodup.genes <- gene_symbols

  for (p in 1:dim(eset)[1]) {
    dups <- which(nodup.genes[p] == nodup.genes)      			##find the duplicate probesets
    if (length(dups) > 1) {
      # remove the 'best' probeset from the duplicated list and mark the duplicates with NA
      nodup.genes[dups[-which.max(nodup.rank[dups])]] <- NA

  ##remove the duplicated genes from results
  eset.nodup <- eset[!is.na(nodup.genes),]
  rownames(eset.nodup)  <- gene_symbols <- gene_symbols[!is.na(nodup.genes)]

    eset.nodup.final <- eset.nodup
    } # EH NOTE: only difference b/t discover and val

  if(any(rownames(eset.nodup) == "")){
    eset.nodup.final <- eset.nodup[-which(rownames(eset.nodup)==""),]
    eset.nodup.final <- eset.nodup # done for case of Yale studies with manifest annotation

    eset.nodup.final <- eset.nodup.final[,-which(is.na(labels))]
    labels <-  labels[-which(is.na(labels))]

  ## run gene module analysis. 2 is highResponder and 0 is lowResponder
  if(markdown == F){
    qs.results <-  qusage(eset.nodup.final, labels, "2-0", geneSetDB)
    # send print statements to 'aux' connection to avoid in Markdown
    qs.results <-  qusage(eset.nodup.final, labels, "2-0", geneSetDB)


## Discovery cohorts: SDY212, SDY63, SDY404, SDY400
## Validation Cohorts: SDY80 (Young) and SDY67 (Older)
#' Function to perform meta analysis for HIPC ImmuneSignatures Project
#' @param geneSetDB table defining gene sets
#' @param rds_data_dir Directory holding eset objects as rds files
#' @param cohort Study cohort, young or old
#' @param FDR.cutoff Cutoff for q-values in selecting significant gene sets
#' @param pvalue.cutoff cutoff for p-values in selecting significant gene sets
#' @param endPoint HAI table column used for categorizing response
#' @param adjusted Use age-adjusted gene expression values, default = FALSE
#' @param baselineOnly Use only day zero gene expression values, default = TRUE
#' @param indiv_rds Output individual rds files for each discovery study, default = FALSE
#' @param markdown Set output to go directly to screen for markdown files, default = FALSE
#' @param output_dir Output directory
#' @export
meta_analysis <- function(geneSetDB,
                          FDR.cutoff = 0.5,
                          pvalue.cutoff = 0.01,
                          endPoint = 'fc_res_max_d30',
                          adjusted = F,
                          baselineOnly = T,
                          indiv_rds = F,
                          markdown = F,

  library(qusage) # load whole library b/c qusage::qusage() needs other functions
  result_dfs <- list() # holds output tables for use with markdown

  discoverySDY = c('SDY212','SDY63','SDY404','SDY400')
  if(cohort == 'young'){
    validation.sdy <- 'CHI-nih'
  }else if(cohort == 'old'){
    validation.sdy <- 'SDY67-batch2'
    stop("The cohort name is not correct!")

  # Parse Gene Module
  geneSetDB <- strsplit(geneSetDB,"\t")            ##convert from vector of strings to a list
  names(geneSetDB) <- sapply(geneSetDB,"[",1)      ##move the names column as the names of the list
  links <- sapply(geneSetDB,"[",2)
  geneSetDB <- lapply(geneSetDB, "[",-1:-2)        ##remove name and description columns
  geneSetDB <- lapply(geneSetDB, function(x){x[which(x!="")]})      ##remove empty strings

  ## 2. Identify gene modules significantly different between high responders and low responders from
  ## discovery cohorts

  quSageObjList <- list() ## save gene module analysis result for each SDY
  index.sdy <- 0

  for(sdy in discoverySDY){
    index.sdy = index.sdy + 1
    if(markdown == F){ print(paste0("Processing ", sdy, " --- ")) }
    dataset_name = paste(sdy, cohort, endPoint, sep="_" )

    eset <- getSDY(rds_data_dir = rds_data_dir,
                   sdy = sdy,
                   group = cohort,
                   response = endPoint,
                   adjusted = adjusted,
                   baselineOnly = baselineOnly)

    if(sdy =='SDY212' && cohort == 'young'){
      ## two subjects from SDY212 has the same subject ID "SUB134307", but
      ## Stanford don't know what happened to this
      ## so, we removed those two entries in data analysis
      if(markdown == F) {
        print("Remove duplicated subject 'SUB134307' from SDY212 data analysis.  See Readme for more information.")
      SUB134307_index <-  which(pData(eset)['SubjectID'] == "SUB134307")
      eset <- eset[,-SUB134307_index]

    if(markdown == F){ print(summary(pData(eset)[c('Age.class', 'Response', 'Condition')])) }
    gene_symbols  <- as.character(fData(eset)$geneSymbol)
    labels <- as.character(pData(eset)[,endPoint])

    ## save current gene module analysis for meta analysis later on
    quSageObjList[[index.sdy]] <- run_qs(exprs(eset),
                                         validation = F,

    # save R objects of gene module analysis for each SDY
      rds.filename = paste0(output_dir, "/" , dataset_name, ".rds")
      saveRDS(qs.results, rds.filename)

  ## gene module meta analysis
  combinePDFsResult = combinePDFs(quSageObjList, n.points = 2^14)

  ## p values for gene module meta analysis
  combined.p = pdf.pVal(combinePDFsResult)
  combined.q = p.adjust(combined.p, method="BH")
  index_sig <- intersect(which(combined.q < FDR.cutoff), which(combined.p < pvalue.cutoff))

  ## get gene module activity
  combined.PDF = combinePDFsResult$path.PDF
  pathway.activity = c()
  for (i in 1:length(combined.p)){
    x.coordinates = getXcoords(combinePDFsResult,i)
    tmp = x.coordinates[which(combined.PDF[,i] == max(combined.PDF[,i],na.rm=TRUE))]
    pathway.activity=c(pathway.activity, tmp)

  out_matrix <- cbind(Pvalue = combined.p,
                      FDR = combined.q,
                      pathwayActivity = pathway.activity)
  rownames(out_matrix) = colnames(combinePDFsResult$path.PDF)

  if(markdown == F){
    ## output module meta-analysis results to the output folder
                file = paste0(output_dir, "/metaGeneModuleAnalysis_DiscoveryCohort_", cohort, ".txt"),
                quote = F,
                sep = "\t",
                row.names = T,
                col.names = NA)

    ## output PDF figures for gene analysis results
    pdf(paste0(output_dir, "/significantModules_DiscoveryCohort_", cohort, ".pdf"),
        width = 6,
        height = 6)

    for(i in index_sig){
      plot(combinePDFsResult, path.index = i)
      legend("topleft", legend=c(discoverySDY,"metaAnalysis"),
             lty=1, col=c("#E41A1C","#377EB8","#4DAF4A","#984EA3","black"))
      text(0.2, 1, paste("P value =", format(combined.p[i], digits=2),sep=""))



    result_dfs$dsc <- as.data.frame(out_matrix)

    for(i in index_sig){
      plot(combinePDFsResult, path.index = i)
      legend("topleft", legend=c(discoverySDY,"metaAnalysis"),
             lty=1, col=c("#E41A1C","#377EB8","#4DAF4A","#984EA3","black"))
      text(0.2, 1, paste("P value =", format(combined.p[i], digits=2),sep=""))

  ## 3. Validate significantly different gene modules between high responders and low responders

  if(markdown == F){
    print(paste0("Validate signature gene modules for ", cohort, " cohort, study - ", validation.sdy))

  dataset_name <- paste(validation.sdy, cohort , endPoint, sep = "_" )
  eset <- getSDY(rds_data_dir = rds_data_dir,
                 sdy = validation.sdy,
                 group = ifelse(cohort == "young", 'all', cohort),
                 response = endPoint,
                 baselineOnly = TRUE)

  if(cohort == 'young'){
    # get young samples only
    eset <- eset[, which(pData(eset)['Condition'] == 'd0' & pData(eset)['Age'] < 36)]
    if(markdown == F){ print(summary(pData(eset)[c('Age.class', 'Response', 'Condition')])) }
    labels <- as.character(pData(eset)[,endPoint])
    gene_symbols <- rownames(eset) <- as.character(fData(eset)$geneSymbol)

    if(markdown == F){ print(summary(pData(eset)[c('Age.class', 'Response', 'Condition')])) }
    labels <- as.character(pData(eset)[,endPoint])
    gene_symbols  <- as.character(fData(eset)$geneSymbol)
    eset <- exprs(eset)

  qs.results <- run_qs(eset, gene_symbols, labels, validation = T, geneSetDB, markdown)

  pvalue <- pdf.pVal(qs.results)[index_sig]
  qvalue <- p.adjust(pvalue, method = "BH")
  pathway.activity.selected <- qs.results$path.mean[index_sig]

  out_matrix <- cbind(pvalue, qvalue, pathway.activity.selected)
  rownames(out_matrix) <- names(geneSetDB)[index_sig] # equal to selected.pathways

  if(markdown == F){
                file = paste0(output_dir, "/metaGeneModuleAnalysis_ValidationCohort_", cohort, ".txt"),
                quote = F,
                sep = "\t",
                row.names = T,
                col.names = NA)

    pdf(paste0(output_dir, "/significantModules_ValidationCohort_", cohort, ".pdf"),
        width = 6,
        height = 6)

    for(i in index_sig){
           path.index = i,
           col = "black",
           xlim = c(-1,1),
           ylim = c(0,10),
           xlab = "Gene Module Activity",
           main = names(geneSetDB)[i]
           paste("p value =",
                 round(pdf.pVal(qs.results)[i], digits = 3),
                 sep = " "))
      abline(v = 0, lty = 2)


    result_dfs$val <- as.data.frame(out_matrix)

    # plot graphs
    for(i in index_sig){
           path.index = i,
           col = "black",
           xlim = c(-1,1),
           ylim = c(0,10),
           xlab = "Gene Module Activity",
           main = names(geneSetDB)[i]
           paste("p value =",
                 round(pdf.pVal(qs.results)[i], digits = 3),
                 sep = " "))
      abline(v = 0, lty = 2)
ehfhcrc/ImmSigPkg documentation built on May 16, 2019, 12:16 a.m.