# Evan Henrich
# June 2017
# Purpose: To update the annotation throughout the ImmuneSpace website to the latest
# official gene symbols.
# 1. ssh rsT or rsP
# 2. become ImmuneSpace user (able to rename files AND access LK with auth)
# 3. R (to open up R)
# 4. devtools::install_github("RGLab/UpdateAnno", build_vignette = T)
# This ensures that the latest symbols are loaded into the data in the library by the vignette.
# 5. library(UpdateAnno)
# 6. runUpdateAnno(baseUrl = "https://test.immunespace.org" )
# Dependencies --------------------------------------------------------
# library(UpdateAnno)
# library(data.table)
# library(Rlabkey)
# library(org.Hs.eg.db)
# library(ImmuneSpaceR)
# library(limma)
# library(Biobase)
# library(gtools)
# NOTE: Main Script @ bottom of page
#' @import Rlabkey
#' @import data.table
#' @import org.Hs.eg.db
#' @import ImmuneSpaceR
#' @import limma
#' @import Biobase
#' @import gtools
### 1. Update Microarray.FeatureAnnotation table ###
# NOTES: This will take care of GeneExpressionExplorer Module, which uses
# the Microarray.FeatureAnnotation table to populate a dropdown for selection
# of genes of interest. GEE will look for the FASid that was given to the original
# FAS when it was uploaded and this is challenging to change, therefore
# it was decided to move the original to a new FAS called "myOriginalFasName_orig"
# that gets a new FASid. Con$getGEMatrix() then looks for this new FASid when
# populating the probe level gene symbols with the arg: `annotation = "default"`.
#' @export updateFAS
updateFAS <- function(baseUrl, folderPath = "/Studies/"){
# vars ---------------------------------------------------
schemaName <- "Microarray"
# helper fn ----------------------------------------------
getAnno <- function(nm, currFAS, baseUrl){
annoSetId <- currFAS$RowId[ currFAS$Name == nm ]
fasQuery <- sprintf("SELECT * from FeatureAnnotation
where FeatureAnnotationSetId='%s';",
features <- labkey.executeSql(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
sql = fasQuery,
colNameOpt = "fieldname",
showHidden = T)
toDrop <- c("Created", "CreatedBy", "Modified", "ModifiedBy")
features <- features[ , !(colnames(features) %in% toDrop) ]
currFas <- function(baseUrl){
res <- data.table(labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotationSet",
colNameOpt = "fieldname",
showHidden = TRUE ))
# MAIN ------------------------------------------------------------
# for each name in fas$name see if there is an updated version then work on the
# updated version if there is one or create one if there is not. Exceptions are those
# with "Do Not Update", "non-updatable" or similar string in the Comment column.
currFAS <- currFas(baseUrl)
fasNms <- currFAS$Name[ grep("[N|n]o[n|t|][-| ][u|U]pdat[e|able]",
currFAS$Comment, invert = T) ]
lapply(fasNms, FUN = function(nm){
message(paste0("Updating: ", nm))
currAnno <- getAnno(nm, currFAS, baseUrl)
orNm <- paste0(nm, "_orig")
if( orNm %in% currFAS$Name ){
message("Updating FAS")
# if orig is present means that update has been performed at least once.
# Update the rows of the previously updated anno using the orig
# as the base for mapping to ensure that updates of updates are avoided
orAnno <- getAnno(orNm, currFAS, baseUrl)
orAnno$GeneSymbol <- updateAnno(orAnno$GeneSymbol)
currAnno$GeneSymbol <- orAnno$GeneSymbol[ match(currAnno$FeatureId, orAnno$FeatureId) ]
currAnno[ is.na(currAnno) ] <- ""
toUpdate <- data.frame(currAnno, stringsAsFactors = F)
done <- labkey.updateRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotation",
toUpdate = toUpdate)
print("Creating New updated FAS")
# First create featureAnnotationSet with "_orig" name and original annotation
toImport <- data.frame(currFAS[ currFAS$Name == nm, ])
toImport <- toImport[ , !(colnames(toImport) == "RowId") ]
toImport$Name <- orNm
toImport$Comment <- "Do not update"
addFas <- labkey.importRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotationSet",
toImport = toImport)
# check that new "_orig" set has been imported correctly
nowFas <- currFas(baseUrl)
if( !(toImport$Name[[1]] %in% nowFas$Name) ){
stop("Original FAS (",toImport$Name[[1]],") not imported correctly")
# Prep for importRows by removing rowIds (will be given) and using new FASid
orAnno <- currAnno[ , !(colnames(currAnno) == "RowId") ]
orAnno$FeatureAnnotationSetId <- nowFas$RowId[ nowFas$Name == toImport$Name[[1]] ]
orAnno[ is.na(orAnno) ] <- ""
toImport <- data.frame(orAnno, stringsAsFactors = F)
addFeatures <- labkey.importRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotation",
toImport = toImport)
featureChk <- labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotation",
colNameOpt = "fieldname",
colSelect = c("GeneSymbol", "FeatureId"),
colFilter = makeFilter(c("FeatureAnnotationSetId",
featureChk[ is.na(featureChk) ] <- ""
featureChk <- featureChk[ order(featureChk$FeatureId), ]
imported <- data.frame(GeneSymbol = toImport$GeneSymbol,
FeatureId = toImport$FeatureId,
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
imported <- imported[ order(imported$FeatureId), ]
rownames(imported) <- rownames(featureChk) <- NULL
if( all.equal(featureChk, imported) ){
# Now update the old fasId rows with new geneSymbols
currAnno$GeneSymbol <- updateAnno(currAnno$GeneSymbol)
currAnno[ is.na(currAnno) ] <- ""
FAUpdate <- data.frame(currAnno, stringsAsFactors = F)
FAdone <- labkey.updateRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotation",
toUpdate = FAUpdate)
stop("Original FA not uploaded correctly to *_orig table")
# Update FAS$comment to be packageVersion of org.Hs.eg.db
updateFAS <- data.frame(currFAS[ currFAS$Name == nm, ], stringsAsFactors = F)
updateFAS$Comment <- paste0("Alias2Symbol mapping with org.Hs.eg.db version: ",
FASdone <- labkey.updateRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaName,
queryName = "FeatureAnnotationSet",
toUpdate = updateFAS)
### 2. Update the expression matrices ###
# if running by hand on rsT/rsP
# library(ImmuneSpaceR)
# library(Rlabkey)
# library(data.table)
#' @export updateEMs
updateEMs <- function(sdy, runsDF, folderPath = "/Studies/"){
print(paste0("working on study: ", sdy))
# get file basenames present on server
sdyPath <- ifelse( folderPath == "/Studies/",
paste0(folderPath, sdy),
dirPath <- paste0("/share/files", sdyPath, "/@files/analysis/exprs_matrices")
fls <- list.files(dirPath)
tmp <- unique(unlist(strsplit(fls, split = ".tsv", fixed = TRUE)))
baseNms <- tmp[ !(tmp %in% c(".summary",".summary.orig", ".raw", ".immsig")) ]
# checks
if(!all(baseNms %in% runsDF$name)){
baseNms <- baseNms[ baseNms %in% runsDF$name]
warning("Extra files / basenames present in current study. Please delete.")
if( !(all(runsDF$name[ runsDF$folder_name == sdy] %in% baseNms))){
stop("Runs missing from files!")
# go through each baseNm to update summary tsv
sapply(baseNms, function(nm){
print(paste0("working on baseNm: ", nm))
baseFls <- fls[ grep(nm, fls) ]
# Rename original summary file to tsv.summary.orig if necessary (first time only)
# As of 7/2018, runCreateMatrix() is creating .summary.orig file at time of first run
if( !(paste0(nm, ".tsv.summary.orig") %in% baseFls) ){
sumFl <- paste0(dirPath, "/", nm, ".tsv.summary")
dmp <- file.rename( sumFl, paste0(sumFl, ".orig") )
# get probe-level original df and update annotation using only features for FASid
# Reason for limiting to FASid and therefore needing executeSql instead of SelectRows
# is that original FAS entries may have same probes mapped to different genes based
# on changes in bioconductor libraries over time. ExecuteSql is only way to get FASid
# because it is a lookup even though it is in microarray.FeatureAnnotation.
prbEM <- fread(file.path(dirPath, paste0(nm, ".tsv")))
annoSetId <- runsDF$featureset[ runsDF$name == nm ]
currFAS <- data.table(labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = "/Studies/",
schemaName = "microarray",
queryName = "FeatureAnnotationSet",
colNameOpt = "fieldname",
showHidden = TRUE ))
currAnnoNm <- currFAS$Name[ currFAS$RowId == annoSetId]
# Handle possibility that _orig anno was used to create mx (e.g. annotation
# updated before matrix created.)
if(grepl("_orig", currAnnoNm)){
annoSetId <- currFAS$RowId[ currFAS$Name == gsub("_orig","", currAnnoNm)]
sqlStr <- sprintf("SELECT FeatureAnnotationSetId, FeatureId, GeneSymbol
from FeatureAnnotation
where FeatureAnnotationSetId='%s';", annoSetId)
features <- labkey.executeSql(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = "/Studies/",
schemaName = "Microarray",
sql = sqlStr,
colNameOpt = "fieldname")
prbEM[ , feature_id := as.character(feature_id)] # for SDY80 where probes have integer vals
prbEM <- prbEM[features, gene_symbol := GeneSymbol, on = c(feature_id = "FeatureId")]
# Summarize - lifted from Create-Matrix.R
em <- prbEM[ !is.na(gene_symbol) & gene_symbol != "NA" ]
sumEM <- em[ , lapply(.SD, mean), by="gene_symbol", .SDcols = grep("^BS", colnames(em)) ]
write.table(sumEM, file = paste0(dirPath, "/", nm, ".tsv.summary"),
sep = "\t",
row.names = FALSE,
quote = FALSE)
### 3. Update DGEA-Results ###
# This table is used in the module Differential Gene Expression Analysis
# GEARres <- labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
# folderPath = "/Studies/",
# schemaName = "gene_expression",
# queryName = "gene_expression_analysis_results",
# colNameOpt = "fieldname",
# showHidden = TRUE)
# This method is based on the DEA.Rmd found in the DEA module
#' @export updateGEAR
updateGEAR <- function(sdy, baseUrl){
# NOT designed for use in HIPC-ISx studies!
# can't use CreateConnection() b/c lup/lub not in global env
# since being run within a function
con <- CreateConnection(study = sdy, onTest = grepl("test", baseUrl))
contrast <- c("study_time_collected", "study_time_collected_unit")
coefs <- unique(con$cache$GE_inputs[, c("arm_name", contrast), with = FALSE])
if( !any(coefs$study_time_collected <= 0) ){
message("No baseline timepoints available in any cohort. Analysis not run.")
if( sum(coefs$study_time_collected > 0) == 0 ){
message("No post-baseline timepoints available in any cohort. Analysis not run.")
GEA_list <- vector("list")
GEAR_list <- vector("list")
runs <- con$cache$GE_matrices$name
gef <- con$getDataset("gene_expression_files", original_view = T)
idx <- 1 # analysis accession key
for (run in runs) {
ES <- con$getGEMatrix(matrixName = run, outputType = "normalized", annotation = "latest")
pd <- data.table(pData(ES))
pd <- pd[, coef := do.call(paste, .SD), .SDcols = contrast]
if( length(unique(pd$coef)) < 2){
message(paste0(run, " has only one timepoint! Skipping."))
to_drop <- unique(pd[study_time_collected <= 0, coef])
pd <- pd[coef %in% to_drop, coef := "baseline"]
tmp <- grep("baseline", value = TRUE, invert = TRUE, mixedsort(unique(pd$coef)))
pd <- pd[, coef := factor(coef, levels = c("baseline", tmp))] # preps coef col for use in model
mm <- model.matrix(formula("~participant_id + coef"), pd)
if(dim(mm)[[1]] > dim(mm)[[2]]){
# Check if it's non-normalized and use na.rm = T b/c currently allowing NAs to remain
# in matrices in pipeline unless normalization doesn't work (e.g. DEseq)
if (max(Biobase::exprs(ES), na.rm = TRUE) > 100) {
EM <- voom(ES)
EM <- ES
fit <- lmFit(EM, mm)
fit <- tryCatch(
error = function(e) return(e)
if( !is.null(fit$message) ){
message(paste0("Linear model not able to be fit for ", run, ". Skipping to next matrix"))
# Prep for coefficients work
cm <- con$getDataset("cohort_membership")
cm <- unique( cm[, list(cohort, arm_accession)] )
coefs <- grep("^coef", colnames(mm), value = TRUE)
# create cohort_type identifier so unique to runs, which are cohort * cell_type
gefSub <- gef[ gef$biosample_accession %in% pd$biosample_accession, ]
cohort_type <- unique(paste(gefSub$cohort, gefSub$type, sep = "_"))
for(coef in coefs){
# Check that coef can be used
tt <- data.table(topTable(fit, coef = coef, number = Inf))
message(paste0(coef, " has all NA values for adj.P.Val. Skipping to next coef."))
analysis_accession <- paste0("GEA", idx)
TP <- gsub("coef", "", coef)
arm_accession <- cm[cohort == unique(pData(ES)$cohort), arm_accession]
# arm_name[ is.null(arm_name) ] <- NA
description <- paste0("Differential expression in ", run, ", ", TP, " vs. baseline")
GEA_list[[idx]] <- data.table(analysis_accession = analysis_accession,
expression_matrix = run,
arm_name = cohort_type,
arm_accession = arm_accession,
coefficient = gsub("^coef", "", coef),
description = description)
tt <- if( sum(tt$adj.P.Val < 0.02, na.rm = T) < 100 ){
tt[order(adj.P.Val)][1:min(nrow(tt), 100)]
tt[adj.P.Val < 0.02]
if(nrow(tt) > 0){
tt[, c("analysis_accession", "coefficient") := list(analysis_accession, coef)]
tt[, coefficient := gsub("coef","", coefficient) ]
GEAR_list[[idx]] <- data.table(tt)
idx <- idx + 1
message("Run ", run, " does not have enough subjects to perform analysis.")
if( length(GEA_list) > 0 ){
# Set HTTP call vars
folderPath <- con$config$labkey.url.path # must be sdy-specific
schemaGE <- "gene_expression"
queryGEA <- "gene_expression_analysis"
queryRes <- "gene_expression_analysis_results"
# delete old GEA
currGEA <- tryCatch(labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryGEA,
colNameOpt = "rname",
showHidden = T),
error = function(e) return(e))
if( !is.null(currGEA$message) ){
message(paste0("Error: ", currGEA$message))
stop("May need to turn on DEA module to allow gene_expression schema.")
if( nrow(currGEA) != 0 ){
deleteGEA <- labkey.deleteRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryGEA,
toDelete = currGEA)
if( deleteGEA$rowsAffected != nrow(currGEA) ){
stop("currGEA not deleted correctly")
# push newGEA b/c listings may be different in terms of idx than old
newGEA <- rbindlist(GEA_list)
doneGEA <- labkey.importRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryGEA,
toImport = newGEA)
if( doneGEA$rowsAffected != nrow(newGEA) ){
stop("newGEA not imported correctly")
# GEAR gets deleted and then new rows imported because
# new mappings will be different and do not want to have leftovers
if(length(GEAR_list) != 0){
currGEAR <- labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryRes,
colNameOpt = "rname",
showHidden = T)
if( nrow(currGEAR) != 0 ){
delGEAR <- labkey.deleteRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryRes,
toDelete = currGEAR)
postDeleteGEAR <- labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryRes,
colNameOpt = "rname",
showHidden = T)
if( nrow(postDeleteGEAR) != 0){
stop("not all GEAR deleted correctly")
# Import new GEAR
GEAR <- rbindlist(GEAR_list)
GEAR[ is.na(GEAR) ] <- ""
c("FeatureId", "gene_symbol", "adj.P.Val", "AveExpr", "logFC", "P.Value", "t"),
c("feature_id", "gene_symbol", "adj_p_val", "ave_expr", "log_fc", "p_value", "statistic"))
toImport <- data.frame(GEAR, stringsAsFactors = F)
resGEAR <- labkey.importRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = schemaGE,
queryName = queryRes,
toImport = toImport)
### 4. Update GSEA Modules ###
# gene set (gs) module lists data was originally in library(ImmuneSpaceData)
# The gs are now in library(UpdateAnno) and are loaded in the GSEA Rmd.
# Following is the code snippet that shows how this is done:
# switch(set,
# `MSigDB c7` = {data(msigdb_immunologic_signatures);
# gene_sets <- msigdb_immunologic_signatures;
# func_rnames <- msig_rnames},
# `Blood transcription` = {data(emory_blood_transcript_modules);
# gene_sets <- emory_blood_transcript_modules;
# func_rnames <- emory_rnames},
# `G2 (Trial 8) Modules` = {data(chaussabel_modules);
# gene_sets <- chaussabel_modules;
# func_rnames <- baylor_rnames})
#' @export runUpdateAnno
runUpdateAnno <- function(ISserver, folderPath = "/Studies/"){
# NOTES: expects folderPath for ISx studies of "/HIPC/ISx/"
baseUrl <- ifelse( ISserver == "prod",
# Double-check whether to run on test or prod
chk <- readline(prompt = paste0("You are running on ",
". Continue? [T/f] "))
if( !(chk %in% c("", "t", "T")) ){ return("Operations ended.") }
# Update the secondary / updated FeatureAnnotation set
updateFAS(baseUrl, folderPath)
# Get studies with gene expression matrices
runsDF <- labkey.selectRows(baseUrl = baseUrl,
folderPath = folderPath,
schemaName = "assay.ExpressionMatrix.matrix",
queryName = "Runs",
colNameOpt = "rname")
sdys <- unique(runsDF$folder_name)
# update flat files for summary only
lapply(sdys, updateEMs, runsDF = runsDF, folderPath = folderPath)
# using con$getGEMatrix(outputType = "normalized", annotation = "latest")
dmp <- lapply(sdys, updateGEAR, baseUrl = baseUrl)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.