
Defines functions mm_mute_cols mm_ColorLeaves mm_grp_dists mm_SilPlot mm_ScreePlot mm_FlattenArray

Documented in mm_ColorLeaves mm_FlattenArray mm_grp_dists mm_mute_cols mm_ScreePlot mm_SilPlot

#' Flatten Array
#' Convert a 3D array to 2D matrix suitable for PCA, etc. Note, this function is identical to geomorph::two.d.array, reproduced here for convenience.
#' @param A, an array to be flattened
#' @param sep Separator to be used for column names
#' @return Returns a flattened array
#' @export
mm_FlattenArray <- function(A, sep = "."){
  pxk <- dim(A)[1]*dim(A)[2]
  n <- dim(A)[3]
  tmp <- aperm(A, c(3,2,1))
  dim(tmp) <- c(n,pxk)
                                   FUN = paste, sep=sep)))

#' Scree Plot
#' Plot total within group sum of squares to evalaute clusters
#' @param x Input data for cluster analysis (IE, PCA)
#' @param maxC Maximum clusters to evaluate
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed to plot
#' @export

mm_ScreePlot <- function(x, maxC = 15, ...) {
  wss <- 0
  max_i <- maxC
  for (i in 1:max_i) {
    km.model <- kmeans(x, centers = i, nstart = 20)
    wss[i] <- km.model$tot.withinss
  plot(1:max_i, wss, type = "b",
       xlab = "Number of Clusters",
       ylab = "Mean w/i group SSE",
       las = 2, ...)

#' Silouhete Width Plot
#' Plot average silhouete widths to evaluate clusters
#' @param x Input data for cluster analysis (IE PCA)
#' @param maxC Maximum clusters to evaluate
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to plot
#' @export
mm_SilPlot <- function(x, maxC=15, ...) {
  sw <- 0
  max_i <- maxC
  for (i in 2:max_i) {
    km.model <- cluster::pam(x, k = i)
    sw[i] <- km.model$silinfo$avg.width
  sw <- sw[-1]
  plot(2:max_i, sw, type = "b",
       xlab = "Number of Clusters",
       ylab = "Avg. sil. wid.", ...)

## NOTE: mm_pheno should be broken up into mm_pheno and mm_diagnostics.

#' Distance from Centroid
#' Calculate and plot group distance from centroid (grand mean)
#' @param dat a 2d matrix of data. Presumably PC scores
#' @param grps a vector defining group IDs
#' @param plots Logical. Should distances be plotted as vusing boxplots? If FALSE, distance calculations are still performed
#' @export

mm_grp_dists <- function(dat, grps, plots  = TRUE){
  fgrps <- as.factor(grps)
  k <- length(levels(fgrps))
  n <- nrow(dat)

  out <- list()
  evals <- vector(mode = "list", length = k)

  for(i in seq_along(evals)){
    ss <- dat[fgrps==i,]
    cent <- colMeans(ss)
    l <- dim(ss)[1]
    evals[[i]] <- numeric(l)

    for(j in 1:l){
      evals[[i]][[j]] <- sqrt(sum((ss[j,]-cent)^2))
  names(evals) <- paste("g",1:k,sep="")

  evals$Grand <- numeric(n)

  ss <- dat[,]
  cent <- colMeans(ss)
  for(i in 1:n){
    evals$Grand[i] <- sqrt(sum((ss[i,]-cent)^2))

  ## reformat for plotting
  bplots <- data.frame("error" = numeric(n*2), "grps" = factor(n*2))
  bb1 <- NULL
  bb2 <- NULL

  ntab <- as.numeric(table(fgrps))
  ntab <- c(ntab, n)

  for (i in seq_along(evals)){
    bb1 <- c(bb1, evals[[i]])
    bb2 <- c(bb2, rep(names(evals)[i], each = ntab[i]))
  bplots[,1] <- bb1
  bplots[,2] <- bb2

  if(plots == TRUE){
    boxplot(bplots$error ~ bplots$grps, col = c(rainbow(k, s = .4), "grey"), xlab = "grps", ylab = "Distance from Centroid",notch = TRUE)
  out$evals <- evals
  out$plotting <- bplots


#' Color leves of a dendrogram
#' Specify color order approriately for a dendrogram
#' Leaves of a dendrogram will be re-ordered compared to most input classifiers. This function takes the study-ordered colors and correctly applies them to the dendrogram using \code{dendextend}
#' @param dendro A dendrogram or hclust class object
#' @param cols a vector of colors
#' @export

mm_ColorLeaves <- function(dendro, cols){
  if(!class(dendro) %in% c("dendrogram")){
    dendro <- as.dendrogram(dendro)
  xcols <- cols[order.dendrogram(dendro)]
  dendextend::labels_colors(dendro) <- xcols

#' Take a color and modify it
#' Modify color/transparency using hsv syntax
#' @param cols a vector of colors, eg: "#0066FF"
#' @param s Either a single value or a vector of same length as cols specifying a new saturation (range 0-1). colors darken to black (0)
#' @param v Either a single value or a vector of same length as cols specifying a new value (range 0-1). colors lighten to white (0)
#' @param alpha Either a single value or a vector of same length as cols specifying a transparency value (range 0-1). colors translucent at 0.
#' @export

mm_mute_cols <- function(cols, s=NULL,v=NULL,alpha=.4){
  tmp_col <- data.frame(t(rgb2hsv(col2rgb(cols))))
  tmp_col$alpha <- alpha
    tmp_col$s <- s
    tmp_col$v <- v

  out_col <- hsv(tmp_col$h,


#'  Add confidence ellipses to a scatterplot.
#' @param dat A matrix of data to draw an ellipses around.
#' @param ci Percentage of data to capture. Must be one of c(67.5, 90, 95, 99).
#' @param linesCol Border color of the shape.
#' @param fillCol Fill color of the shape.
#' @param smoothness Lower values will look jagged, higher value will make smoother lines, but may take a long time to plot. Default value is 20.
#' @export

mm_ellipse <- function (dat, ci = c(67.5, 90, 95, 99), linesCol = "black",
                        fillCol = "grey", smoothness = 20)
  sm <- smoothness
  if (ci == 90) {
    chi.v <- 4.605
  else if (ci == 95) {
    chi.v <- 5.991
  else if (ci == 99) {
    chi.v <- 9.21
  else if (ci == 67.5) {
    chi.v <- 2.25
  else {
    stop("Invalid CI, please choose either 90,95, or 99")
  cov.dat <- cov(dat)
  cent <- t(colMeans(dat))
  tr <- sum(cov.dat[1, 1], cov.dat[2, 2])
  det <- ((cov.dat[1, 1] * cov.dat[2, 2]) - (cov.dat[1, 2] *
                                               cov.dat[2, 1]))
  ei1 <- (tr + ((tr^2) - 4 * det)^0.5)/2
  ei2 <- tr - ei1
  ei.a <- (ei1^0.5) * (chi.v^0.5)
  ei.b <- (ei2^0.5) * (chi.v^0.5)
  th <- atan2((ei1 - cov.dat[1, 1]), cov.dat[1, 2])
  q <- matrix(nrow = 2, ncol = 2)
  q[1, 1] <- cos(th)
  q[2, 2] <- cos(th)
  q[2, 1] <- sin(th)
  q[1, 2] <- sin(th) * -1
  circ <- matrix(nrow = 2 * sm + 1, ncol = 3)
  for (i in 1:dim(circ)[1]) {
    circ[i, 1] <- (i - 1) * (pi/sm)
    circ[i, 2] <- (q[1, 1] * ei.a * cos(circ[i, 1]) + q[1,
                                                        2] * ei.b * sin(circ[i, 1])) + cent[1, 1]
    circ[i, 3] <- (q[2, 1] * ei.a * cos(circ[i, 1]) + q[2,
                                                        2] * ei.b * sin(circ[i, 1])) + cent[1, 2]
  if (is.null(fillCol)) {
    lines(circ[, c(2, 3)], col = linesCol)
  else {
    polygon(circ[, c(2, 3)], col = fillCol)
    lines(circ[, c(2, 3)], col = linesCol, lwd = 1.5)

#' Generate Diagnostic Plots WIP
#' Generate various diagnostic plots

## NOTE: need to figure out what the actual input/output of this should be.

## data array is one main object; how to simplyfy the results of phenotyping??
# layout(matrix(1))
# barplot(summary(PCA)$importance[2,1:maxPC], main = "PC Loadings")
# abline(h = .05, col = "red")
# abline(h = .01, col = "dark red")
# pairs(PCA$x[,1:maxPC])
# layout(matrix(1))
# plot(PCA$x[,1:2])
# layout(matrix(1))
# plot(hcl)
# layout(matrix(1:2, ncol = 2))
# mm_ScreePlot(PCA$x[,1:maxPC])
# mm_SilPlot(PCA$x[,1:maxPC])
# layout(matrix(1))
ehrlichd/moRphomenses documentation built on March 10, 2024, 3:06 a.m.