#' An S4 class to define the deggs output
#' @slot subnetworks a list of data frames containing the subgroup networks and
#' a number indicating the total count of links that reached significance in all
#' subgroups (considering p or adj p < 0.05)
#' @slot normalised_counts a data frame containig the normalised count data
#' given in input.
#' @slot metadata a data frame of sample data given in input and matching
#' the sample IDs in `normalised_counts`.
#' @slot subgroup_variable column name in `metadata` that contains the
#' subgroup definition for each sample in `normalised_counts`.
#' @slot regression_method the chosen regression method used to calculate
#' interaction p values. It can be either 'rlm' or 'lm'.
#' @slot subgroups character vector indicating which subgroups
#' are used for comparison.
#' @slot use_qvalues logical. Indicates whether p values are adjusted via
#' Storey's q value method
methods::setClass("deggs", slots = list(
subnetworks = "list",
normalised_counts = "data.frame",
metadata = "data.frame",
subgroup_variable = "character",
regression_method = "character",
subgroups = "character",
use_qvalues = "logical"
#' Generate subnetworks
#' Generate subgroup specific gene-gene interaction networks with interaction
#' p values
#' @param normalised_counts a data frame containing normalised counts from an
#' high throughput sequencing experiment.
#' Sample IDs must be in columns and gene/miRNA/TFs in rows.
#' Objects of class `matrix` are not allowed.
#' @param metadata a data frame of sample data with rownames matching the
#' sample IDs in `normalised_counts` colnames
#' @param subgroup_variable column name in `metadata` that contains the
#' subgroup identifier for each sample in `normalised_counts`
#' @param regression_method whether to use robust linear modelling to calculate
#' link p values. Options are 'rlm' (default) or 'lm'.
#' @param subgroups optional character vector indicating which subgroups
#' must be used for comparison. If not specified, all subgroups in
#' `subgroup_variable` will be used.
#' @param network network of biological interactions provided by the user. The
#' network must be provided in the form of a table of class data.frame with two
#' columns named "from" and "to".
#' If NULL (default) a network of 10,537 molecular interactions obtained from
#' KEGG, mirTARbase, miRecords and transmiR will be used.
#' This has been obtained via the `exportgraph` function of the MITHrIL tool
#' (Alaimo et al., 2016).
#' @param entrezIDs logical (default FALSE) used to define whether gene ids in
#' `normalised_counts` are entrez ids (TRUE) or gene symbols (FALSE).
#' @param convert_to_gene_symbols logical to be used when using entrez ids.
#' If TRUE (default), the output will show gene symbols.
#' @param use_qvalues whether to use Storey's q values for multiple test
#' adjustment. If FALSE (default), unadjusted p values will be used and shown
#' in the output.
#' @param cores number of cores to use.
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return a `deggs` object containing subgroup specific networks incorporating
#' p values or adjusted p values for each link.
#' @seealso [`deggs-class`].
#' @export
generate_subnetworks <- function(normalised_counts,
regression_method = 'rlm',
subgroups = NULL,
network = NULL,
entrezIDs = FALSE,
convert_to_gene_symbols = TRUE,
use_qvalues = FALSE,
show_progressBar = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE,
cores = parallel::detectCores() / 2) {
sig_var <- ifelse(use_qvalues, "q.value", "p.value")
if (is.data.frame(normalised_counts) == FALSE) {
stop("normalised_counts is not a dataframe")
if (!subgroup_variable %in% colnames(metadata)) {
stop("subgroup_variable must be %in% colnames metadata")
if (entrezIDs == TRUE && convert_to_gene_symbols == TRUE) {
num_entrez_rows <- nrow(normalised_counts)
normalised_counts$genesymbol <- AnnotationDbi::mapIds(
x = org.Hs.eg.db::org.Hs.eg.db,
keys = rownames(normalised_counts),
keytype = 'ENTREZID',
column = 'SYMBOL'
normalised_counts <- subset(
rownames(normalised_counts) <- normalised_counts$genesymbol
normalised_counts$genesymbol <- NULL
if (num_entrez_rows - nrow(normalised_counts) > 0) (
if (verbose) (
message(num_entrez_rows - nrow(normalised_counts),
" genes had no matching gene symbol.")
# main network (gene symbols)
if (is.null(network)) (
edges <- metapathway_gene_symbols %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% rownames(normalised_counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% rownames(normalised_counts))
) else (
edges <- network %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% rownames(normalised_counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% rownames(normalised_counts))
} else if (entrezIDs == FALSE) {
# main network (gene symbols)
if (is.null(network)) (
edges <- metapathway_gene_symbols %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% rownames(normalised_counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% rownames(normalised_counts))
) else (
edges <- network %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% rownames(normalised_counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% rownames(normalised_counts))
} else {
# main network (entrezIDs)
if (is.null(network)) (
edges <- metapathway_entrez_IDs %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% rownames(normalised_counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% rownames(normalised_counts))
) else (
edges <- network %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% rownames(normalised_counts)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% rownames(normalised_counts))
edges$edge_ID <- paste(edges$from, edges$to)
edges <- edges[!duplicated(edges$edge_ID), ]
edges$edge_ID <- NULL
metadata <- tidy_metadata(
subgroups = subgroups, metadata = metadata,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable, verbose = verbose
# align metadata and count data
nodes <- c(edges[, 1], edges[, 2]) %>%
normalised_counts <- normalised_counts[
rownames(normalised_counts) %in% nodes,
metadata <- metadata[colnames(normalised_counts), , drop = FALSE]
if (is.null(subgroups)) {
subgroups <- levels(metadata[, subgroup_variable])
combinations <- utils::combn(subgroups, m = 2) %>%
# create subgroups (duplicating count data for each subgroup)
subgroups_df_list <- lapply(subgroups, function(one_subgroup) {
metadata_subset_subgroup <- subset(
metadata[, subgroup_variable] == one_subgroup
subgroup_df <- normalised_counts[, rownames(metadata_subset_subgroup)]
subgroup_df <- apply(subgroup_df, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
rownames(subgroup_df) <- NULL
names(subgroups_df_list) <- subgroups
# calculate p values list (with parallelisation)
percentile_vector <- seq(0.7, 0.98, by = 0.05)
sig_edges_count <- 0
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Windows") {
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
parallel::clusterExport(cl, c(
"percentile_vector", "subgroups_df_list",
"combinations", "regression_method", "edges",
"subgroup_variable", "subgroups", "calc_pvalues_percentile",
"normalised_counts", "calc_pvalues_network", "metadata",
"sig_edges_count", "sig_var"
), envir = environment())
parallel::clusterEvalQ(cl, {
if (show_progressBar) (
pvalues_list <- pbapply::pblapply(
cl = cl, percentile_vector,
function(percentile) {
normalised_counts = normalised_counts,
sig_var = sig_var,
metadata = metadata,
percentile = percentile,
subgroups_df_list = subgroups_df_list,
combinations = combinations,
regression_method = regression_method,
edges = edges,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable,
subgroups_length = length(subgroups),
sig_edges_count = sig_edges_count
) else (
pvalues_list <- parallel::parLapply(
cl = cl, percentile_vector,
function(percentile) {
normalised_counts = normalised_counts,
sig_var = sig_var,
metadata = metadata,
percentile = percentile,
subgroups_df_list = subgroups_df_list,
combinations = combinations,
regression_method = regression_method,
edges = edges,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable,
subgroups_length = length(subgroups),
sig_edges_count = sig_edges_count
} else {
# Parallelisation for mac/linux
if (show_progressBar) (
pvalues_list <- pbmcapply::pbmclapply(
mc.cores = cores, percentile_vector,
function(percentile) (
normalised_counts = normalised_counts,
sig_var = sig_var,
metadata = metadata,
percentile = percentile,
subgroups_df_list = subgroups_df_list,
combinations = combinations,
regression_method = regression_method,
edges = edges,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable,
subgroups_length = length(subgroups),
sig_edges_count = sig_edges_count
) else (
pvalues_list <- parallel::mclapply(
mc.cores = cores, percentile_vector,
function(percentile) (
normalised_counts = normalised_counts,
sig_var = sig_var,
metadata = metadata,
percentile = percentile,
subgroups_df_list = subgroups_df_list,
combinations = combinations,
regression_method = regression_method,
edges = edges,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable,
subgroups_length = length(subgroups),
sig_edges_count = sig_edges_count
names(pvalues_list) <- percentile_vector
# extract the network filtered on the best threshold percentile
# (highest number of statistically significant interactions)
sig_pvalues <- unlist(lapply(pvalues_list, function(networks) {
if (class(networks) != "try-error") (
if (is.null(sig_pvalues)) {
stop("Any significant difference across subgroups.")
best_percentile <- sig_pvalues[which(sig_pvalues == max(sig_pvalues))]
if (length(best_percentile) > 1) {
best_percentile <- best_percentile[1]
if (verbose) (
message("Percolation analysis: genes whose expression is below the ",
as.numeric(names(best_percentile)) * 100,
"th percentile are removed from networks.")
final_networks <- pvalues_list[[as.character(names(best_percentile))]]
degg <- methods::new("deggs",
subnetworks = final_networks,
normalised_counts = normalised_counts,
metadata = metadata,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable,
regression_method = regression_method,
subgroups = subgroups,
use_qvalues = use_qvalues
#' Tidying up of the metadata table. Samples belonging to unwanted subgroups
#' (if specified) will be removed as well as subgroups with less than five samples,
#' and NAs.
#' @param subgroups optional character vector indicating which subgroups
#' are used for comparison. If not specified, all subgroups in
#' `subgroup_variable` will be used.
#' @param metadata a data frame of sample data with rownames matching the
#' sample IDs in `normalised_counts` colnames.
#' @param subgroup_variable column name in `metadata` that contains the
#' subgroup identifier for each sample in `normalised_counts`.
#' @return tidied and aligned metadata.
tidy_metadata <- function(subgroups,
verbose) {
# select specified subgroups (optional)
if (!is.null(subgroups)) {
metadata <- subset(metadata, metadata[, subgroup_variable] %in% subgroups)
if (is.factor(metadata[, subgroup_variable])) (
metadata[, subgroup_variable] <- droplevels(metadata[, subgroup_variable])
# if subgroup_variable is not a factor, convert to factor
if (!is.factor(metadata[, subgroup_variable])) {
metadata[, subgroup_variable] <- as.factor(metadata[, subgroup_variable])
if (verbose) (
message(subgroup_variable, " was converted to factor.")
# remove subgroups with less than five observations
# (regression would not be reliable enough)
tbl <- table(metadata[, subgroup_variable])
if (length(names(tbl)[tbl < 5]) > 0) {
message("The ", names(tbl)[tbl < 5],
" subgroup did not contain enough samples (less than five observations).",
"This subgroup will be removed.\n")
metadata <- subset(metadata, metadata[, subgroup_variable] %in% names(tbl)[tbl > 5])
metadata[, subgroup_variable] <- droplevels(metadata[, subgroup_variable])
if (nlevels(metadata[, subgroup_variable]) < 2) (
stop("At least two subgroups with more than 5 observations are required.")
# remove NAs
NAs_number <- length(which(is.na(metadata[, subgroup_variable])))
if (NAs_number > 0) {
metadata <- metadata[which(!is.na(metadata[, subgroup_variable])), ]
metadata[, subgroup_variable] <- droplevels(metadata[, subgroup_variable])
if (verbose) (
message(subgroup_variable, " column contained NAs. ", NAs_number,
" samples were removed.")
#' Compute interaction p values for a single percentile value
#' @inheritParams generate_subnetworks
#' @param subgroups_length integer number indicating the number of subgroups
#' @param subgroups_df_list list of subgroup data frames
#' @param sig_var Inherited from `generate_subnetworks`. It can be
#' `q.value` or `p.value` depending on how `use_qvalues` was set in the
#' `generate_subnetworks` function (default `FALSE`).
#' @param percentile a float number indicating the percentile to use.
#' @param combinations data frame containing the subgroups combinations in rows
#' @param regression_method whether to use robust linear modelling to obtain
#' p value of the interactions. Options are 'rlm' (default) or 'lm'
#' @param edges network of biological interactions in the form of a table of
#' class data.frame with two columns: "from" and "to".
#' @param sig_edges_count number of significant edges (p < 0.05)
#' @importFrom magrittr %>%
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @return The list of float numbers of the significant pvalues
#' for a specific percentile
calc_pvalues_percentile <- function(normalised_counts,
regression_method = "rlm",
sig_edges_count) {
# 1st filtering step (remove low expressed genes,
# i.e. genes under the percentile threshold)
cut_off <- stats::quantile(as.matrix(normalised_counts), prob = percentile)
user_message <- paste0("No gene above the threshold (", percentile * 100, "th percentile).")
subgroups_df_list <- lapply(subgroups_df_list, function(subgroup_df) {
subgroup_df <- subgroup_df[subgroup_df > cut_off]
if (length(subgroup_df) == 0) (
subgroup_df <- user_message
# format to string vectors to allow easy detection of overlapping edges
networks_to_string <- lapply(subgroups_df_list, function(subgroup_df) {
if (!is.character(subgroup_df)) {
subgroupEdges <- edges %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$from %in% names(subgroup_df)) %>%
dplyr::filter(.data$to %in% names(subgroup_df))
network_to_string <- do.call(paste, subgroupEdges)
} else {
network_to_string <- user_message
# find overlapping edges across subgroups
common_links <- lapply(combinations, function(combination) {
}) %>%
unlist() %>%
if (user_message %in% common_links) (
common_links <- common_links[!(common_links %in% user_message)]
# remove overlapping edges and format as data frame
subgroups_network_list <- lapply(networks_to_string, function(subnetwork) {
subnetwork <- subnetwork[!subnetwork %in% common_links]
if (!(user_message %in% subnetwork)) (
subnetwork <- data.frame(
'from' = unlist(lapply(strsplit(subnetwork, " "), `[[`, 1)),
'to' = unlist(lapply(strsplit(subnetwork, " "), `[[`, 2))
# count tot edges left
tot_edges <- unlist(lapply(subgroups_network_list, function(subgroup_network) {
if (!is.character(subgroup_network)) (
})) %>%
# calculate interaction p values
pvalues_list <- lapply(subgroups_network_list, function(subgroup_network) {
subgroup_network = subgroup_network,
normalised_counts = normalised_counts,
metadata = metadata,
subgroup_variable = subgroup_variable,
regression_method = regression_method,
subgroups_length = subgroups_length,
sig_var = sig_var
# count significant p values
if (tot_edges > sig_edges_count) {
# num tot edges greater than previous sig edges count
p_values_sig_count <- unlist(lapply(pvalues_list, function(subgroup_network) {
if (!is.null(dim(subgroup_network))) (
return(length(which(subgroup_network[, sig_var] < 0.05))) # these are either pvalues or qvalues
else (
num_sig_pvalues <- sum(p_values_sig_count) # these are either pvalues or qvalues
if (num_sig_pvalues > sig_edges_count) {
sig_edges_count <<- num_sig_pvalues
pvalues_list <- append(pvalues_list, num_sig_pvalues)
names(pvalues_list)[length(pvalues_list)] <- "sig_pvalues_count"
} else {
# previous sig edges count greater than num tot edges
#' Calculate the pvalues for specific subgroup network samples
#' @inheritParams calc_pvalues_percentile
#' @param subgroup_network network table for a specific subgroup
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @return a list of p values
calc_pvalues_network <- function(normalised_counts,
regression_method = 'rlm',
subgroup_network) {
if (!is.character(subgroup_network)) {
if (nrow(subgroup_network) > 0) {
# prepare data
df_list <- mapply(function(gene_B, gene_A) {
return(data.frame(t(normalised_counts[gene_A, ]),
t(normalised_counts[gene_B, ]),
metadata[, subgroup_variable],
check.names = FALSE
}, gene_A = subgroup_network$from, gene_B = subgroup_network$to, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
# calculate regressions with interaction term
p_values <- lapply(df_list, function(df) {
if (subgroups_length == 2) {
if (regression_method == "lm") {
# gene_B ~ gene_A * subgroup
lmfit <- stats::lm(df[, 2] ~ df[, 1] * df[, 3])
p_interaction <- stats::coef(summary(lmfit))[4, 4]
if (regression_method == "rlm") {
# gene_B ~ gene_A * subgroup
robustfit <- suppressWarnings(MASS::rlm(df[, 2] ~ df[, 1] * df[, 3]))
p_interaction <- try(sfsmisc::f.robftest(robustfit, var = 3)$p.value,
silent = TRUE)
if (class(p_interaction) == "try-error") (
p_interaction <- NA
output <- data.frame(
from = colnames(df)[1], to = colnames(df)[2],
p.value = p_interaction
if (subgroups_length >= 3) {
# one-way ANOVA
# gene_B ~ gene_A * subgroup
res_aov <- stats::aov(df[, 2] ~ df[, 1] * df[, 3], data = df)
p_interaction <- summary(res_aov)[[1]][["Pr(>F)"]][3]
output <- data.frame(
from = colnames(df)[1], to = colnames(df)[2],
p.value = p_interaction
} else {
p_values <- "No specific links for this subgroup."
} else {
p_values <- "No specific links for this subgroup."
if (is.list(p_values)) {
# make a data frame with all values
p_values <- as.data.frame(do.call("rbind", p_values))
p_values$from <- as.character(p_values$from)
p_values$to <- as.character(p_values$to)
if (sig_var == "q.value") {
# adding Storey's q values
q.values <- try(qvalue::qvalue(p_values[, "p.value"])$qvalues,
silent = TRUE)
if (is(q.values, "try-error")) {
if (nrow(p_values) > 1) (
q.values <- qvalue::qvalue(p = p_values[, "p.value"], pi0 = 1)$qvalues
) else (
q.values <- NA
p_values$q.value <- q.values
if (!is.character(p_values)) {
rownames(p_values) <- paste(p_values$from, p_values$to, sep = "-")
#' Output a table of all the significant gene-gene interactions across subgroups
#' @param deggs_object an object of class `deggs` generated from
#' `generate_subnetworks`
#' @return a `data.frame` listing all the significant gene-gene interactions
#' found across subgroups.
#' This can be used as features selection method when building machine learning
#' models for the prediction of the subgroups.
#' @export
#' @seealso [`deggs-class`].
extract_sig_deggs <- function(deggs_object) {
sig_var <- ifelse(deggs_object@use_qvalues, "q.value", "p.value")
# extracting subnetworks (we just exclude sig_pvalues_count from the list)
condition <- lapply(deggs_object@subnetworks, is.list)
subnetworks_list <- deggs_object@subnetworks[unlist(condition)]
# extract all significant gene pairs (from all subgroups),
# these can be used for prediction
sig.edges <- lapply(subnetworks_list, function(subnetwork) {
subnetwork <- subnetwork[which(subnetwork[, sig_var] < 0.05), ]
sig.edges <- do.call(rbind, sig.edges)
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.