
Defines functions enrichment.test .fr_layout .denoiseExpression .rescale .color_ramp .color_hue .ihs .rbf .diffExpr .nn_impute .prettyColorRamp .capitalize .prettyString

Documented in .capitalize .color_hue .color_ramp .denoiseExpression .diffExpr enrichment.test .fr_layout .ihs .nn_impute .prettyColorRamp .prettyString .rbf .rescale

# Internal
#' Pretty string from array
#' Generates short representation of long
#' character vectors
#' @param x A character vector
#' @return String
#' @details Returns pretty print of character vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.prettyString <- function(x, mmax=4) {
  l <- length(x)
  mmax <- max(4, mmax)
  op <- options("useFancyQuotes")
  x <- dQuote(x)
  options(useFancyQuotes = op)
  if(l == 0) {
  } else if (l < mmax) {
    return(paste0(paste0(x, collapse = " "), " (", l, ")"))
  } else {
    return(paste0(x[1], " ", x[2], " ... ", x[l], " (", l, ")"))

#' Spatial median
#' Computes mediancentres
#' @param x A numeric matrix
#' @return A numeric vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.spatmed <- function (X, maxiter = 500, eps = 1e-06) {
  X <- na.fail(X)
  if(is.null(dim(X))) {
  } else if(nrow(X) == 1){
    X[1, ]
  } else {
    Y <- apply(X, 2L, median)
    i <- 0
    delta <- Inf
    while (delta > eps & i < maxiter) {
      Z <- sweep(x=X, MARGIN=2L, STATS=Y, FUN="-")
      Zn <- sqrt(apply(Z^2, 1L, sum))
      non_id <- !apply(Z, 1L, setequal, rep(0, length(Y))) #non identical
      YT.1 <- 1/(sum(1/Zn[non_id]))
      YT.2 <- sweep(X[non_id, , drop=FALSE], 1L, Zn[non_id], FUN= "/")
      YT.2 <- apply(YT.2, 2L, sum)
      YT <- YT.1 * YT.2

        Yprime <- YT
      } else {
        YT <- sweep(Z[non_id, ,drop=FALSE], 1L, Zn[non_id], "/")
        YT <- apply(YT, 2L, sum)
        Yr <- sqrt(sum(YT^2))
        q <- sum(!non_id) / Yr
        Yprime <- max(c(0, (1 - q))) * YT + min(c(1, q)) * Y
      delta <- sqrt(sum((Y - Yprime)^2))
      i <- i + 1
      Y <- Yprime

#' Capitalizes first character of string
#' Capitalizes first character of string and sets the rest to
#' lower case.
#' @param x A string
#' @return A string
#' @details Example: "abC" becoms "Abc".
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.capitalize <- function(x) {
  paste0(toupper(substr(x, 1, 1)),
         tolower(substr(x, 2, 1000000L)))

#' Pretty color ramp
#' @param n Number of colors
#' @return Color codes
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.prettyColorRamp <- function(n, grayStart=TRUE) {
  if(grayStart) {
    cols <- c("#F2F2F2FF", "#21908CFF", "#FDE725FF")
  } else {
    cols <- c("#440154FF", "#3B528BFF", "#21908CFF", "#5DC863FF", "#FDE725FF")

#' Nearest neighbor imputation
#' @param y Values; missing values need to be set to NA
#' @param D distance matrix between samples
#' @return Imputed values
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.nn_impute <- function(y, D) {
  nas <- which(is.na(y))
  nnas <- which(!is.na(y))
  D <- D[nas, nnas] #    as.matrix(stats::dist(latentSpace(x)))[nas, nnas]
  nn <- apply(D, 1L, which.min)
  y[nas] <- y[nnas[nn]]

#' Compute differential expression
#' Computes P-value and fold-change between two expression vectors.
#' @param x Feature expression in condition x
#' @param y Feature expression in condition y
#' @param lod Gene limit of detection
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#' @return \item{\code{p.value}}{P-value}
#' @return \item{\code{fold}}{Fold-change}
#' @details For censored data a Peto-Peto test is performed,
#' for non-censored data a Wilcoxon rank sum test.
#' If limit of detection is provided, expectation maximization
#' is used to compute the fold-change.
#' @importFrom EnvStats enormCensored twoSampleLinearRankTestCensored
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.diffExpr <- function(x, y, lod=NULL, alternative="two.sided") {
  f.mean <- function(x, lod) {
    x.censored <- x == 0

    res <- list()
    if(sum(x.censored) == 0 | length(unique(x)) < 3) {
      res$mean <- mean(x)
      res$sd <- sd(x)
      res$CI <- f.CI(length(x), mean(x), sd(x))
    } else { #expectation maximization
      x[x.censored] <- lod
      x.params <- enormCensored(x=x, censored=x.censored,
                                censoring.side="left", seed=110101,
                                method="mle", ci=TRUE)
      res$mean <- x.params$parameters[1]
      res$sd <- x.params$parameters[2]
      res$CI <- x.params$interval$limits

  f.CI <- function(n, mean, sd) {
    error <- qnorm(0.975) * sd / sqrt(n)
    c(mean - error, mean + error)

  x.censored <- x == 0
  y.censored <- y == 0

  n.x <- sum(!x.censored)
  n.y <- sum(!y.censored)

  pval <- 1
  if(length(x) == 0 | length(y) == 0) {
    pval <- 1
  } else if(n.x + n.y == 0) { #all values are censored
    pval <- 1
  } else {
    if((n.x + n.y) == (length(x) + length(y))) { #no censored values
      pval <- suppressWarnings(wilcox.test(x, y, alternative=alternative,
    } else {
      pval <- twoSampleLinearRankTestCensored(x=x, x.censored=x.censored,
                                              y=y, y.censored=y.censored,
  res <- list()
  res$p.value <- ifelse(is.na(pval), 1, pval)
  res$fold <- mean(x) - mean(y)

  #expectation maximization
  if(!is.null(lod)) {
    res$fold <- NA
    fold <- f.mean(x, lod = lod)$mean - f.mean(y, lod = lod)$mean
    names(fold) <- NULL
    res$fold <- fold

#' Radial basis function
#' Computes radial basis function
#' @param x A numeric value, vector or matrix
#' @param sigma Radius of the kernel
#' @return Transformed values
#' @details Also known as Heat kernel or Gaussian kernel
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.rbf <- function(d, radius) {
  exp((-1) * (d * d) / (2 * radius * radius))

#' Reverse inverse hyperbolic sine
#' Computes inverse hyperbolic sine
#' @param x A numeric value, vector or matrix
#' @return Transformed values
#' @details In contrast to sqrt and log, ihs is defined for negative numbers.
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.ihs <- function(x) {
  log(x + sqrt(x ^ 2 + 1))

#' Color palette
#' Generates equally spaced hues around the color wheel
#' @param n Number of colors to be generated
#' @return Colors codes
#' @importFrom grDevices hcl
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.color_hue <- function(n) {
  hues = seq(15, 375, length = n + 1)
  hcl(h = hues, l = 65, c = 100)[seq_len(n)]

#' Colors for vector
#' Generates colors for vector
#' @param x A numeric vector
#' @return Color codes
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.color_ramp <- function(x, range=3, colPal=NULL, min.val=1e-10,
                        min.val.col=NA, breaks=25) {
  if(is.null(colPal)) {
    #cols <- c("#440154FF", "#3B528BFF", "#21908CFF", "#5DC863FF", "#FDE725FF")
    #colPal <- colorRampPalette(cols)
    colPal = .prettyColorRamp

  x[x < min.val] <- NA

  lower <- which(x < mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))
  upper <- which(x >= mean(x, na.rm=TRUE))

  fence <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) - range * sd(x[lower])
  x[lower][x[lower] < fence] <- fence

  fence <- mean(x, na.rm=TRUE) + range * sd(x[upper])
  x[upper][x[upper] > fence] <- fence

  m1 <- as.numeric(cut(x[lower],
                       breaks=floor(breaks / 2),
                       include.lowest=TRUE)) + 1
  m2 <- as.numeric(cut(x[upper],
                       breaks=floor(breaks / 2),
                       include.lowest=TRUE)) + max(m1, na.rm=TRUE)

  x[lower] <- m1
  x[upper] <- m2
  x[is.na(x)] <- 1
  c(min.val.col, colPal(max(x) - 1))[x]

#' Rescale vector
#' Rescales vector to [ymin, ymax]
#' @param x X-values
#' @param ymin New min
#' @param ymax New max
#' @return Rescaled vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.rescale <- function(x, ymin, ymax) {
  if(length(x) == 1) {
    mean(c(ymin, ymax))
  } else {
    (ymax - ymin) / (max(x, na.rm=TRUE) -
    min(x, na.rm=TRUE)) * (x - min(x, na.rm=TRUE)) + ymin

#' Denoises expression
#' Blocks factors in expression matrix
#' @param x A numeric expression vector
#' @param design A numeric matrix describing the factors that should be blocked
#' @return A numeric denoised expression vector
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.denoiseExpression <- function(x, design) {
  isZero <- x == 0 #perform linear fit w/o zeros
  y <- x[!isZero]
  design <- design[!isZero, ]
  fit <- lm(y ~ design + 0)
  x[!isZero] <- residuals(fit) + coefficients(fit)[1]

  # Replacing non-zero values with the scaled residuals
  xvar <- var(y)
  rvar <- var(x)
  x * sqrt(xvar/rvar)

#' Computes state trajectory graph layout
#' Uses the Fruchterman-Reingold layout algorithm
#' @param g An igraph graph object
#' @return numerical matrix with the layout coordinates
#' @importFrom igraph V layout_with_fr
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
.fr_layout <- function(g) {
  # Vertex names
  component_sts <- names(V(g))
  o <- order(as.numeric(substring(component_sts, 2)))
  vnames <- factor(component_sts, levels=component_sts[o])

  # Layout
  X <- layout_with_fr(g)
  X <- matrix(apply(X, 2L, .rescale, ymin = 0, ymax = 1), ncol = 2)
  #X <- data.frame(X)
  colnames(X) <- c("X1", "X2")
  rownames(X) <- vnames

# Exported
#' Enrichment test
#' Statistical enrichment analysis using either a Hypergeometric
#' or Fisher's test
#' @param sample_true Number of hits in sample
#' @param sample_size Size of sample
#' @param pop_true Number of hits in population
#' @param pop_size Size of population
#' @param method Statistical method that should be used
#' @return A list containing the following components:
#'   \item{\code{p.value}}{P-value of the test}
#'   \item{\code{odds.ratio}}{Odds ratio}
#'   \item{\code{conf.int}}{Confidence interval for the odds ratio
#'   (only shown with method="fisher")}
#'   \item{\code{method}}{Used statistical test}
#' @details Hypergeometric or one-tailed Fisher exact test is
#' useful for enrichment analyses.
#' For example, one needs to estimate which features
#' are enriched among
#' a set of instances sampled from a population.
#' @seealso \code{Hypergeometric} and \code{fisher.test}
#' @examples
#' # Population has 13 of total 52 instances positive for a given feature
#' # Sample has 1 of total 5 instances positive for a given feature
#' # Test for significance of enrichment in sample
#' enrichment.test(sample_true=1, sample_size=5,
#'                 pop_true=13, pop_size=52, method="fisher")
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @author Daniel C. Ellwanger
enrichment.test <- function(sample_true, sample_size,
                            pop_true, pop_size, method=c("fisher", "hyper")) {

  method <- toupper(method[1])
  res <- list()
  if(method == "HYPER") {
    p <- phyper(sample_true-1,
    oA <- prod(sample_true, pop_size-pop_true+sample_true)
    oB <- prod(sample_size-sample_true, pop_true-sample_true)
    or <- oA / oB

    res$p.value <- p
    res$odds.ratio <- p
    res$method <- "Hypergeometric test for enrichment"
  } else if (method == "FISHER") {
    m <- matrix(c(sample_true,
                  pop_size-pop_true-sample_size+sample_true), 2, 2)
      ft <- fisher.test(m, alternative='greater')

      res$p.value <- ft$p.value
      res$odds.ratio <- ft$estimate
      res$conf.int <- ft$conf.int
      res$method <- "Fisher's exact test for enrichment"
  } else {
    stop('Unknown method select. Please, choose from c("hyper", "fisher").')
elldc/CellTrails documentation built on May 16, 2020, 4:40 a.m.