
"%nin%" <- function(x, y) match(x, y, nomatch = 0) == 0

## from scales package
## https://github.com/hadley/scales

zero_range <- function(x, tol = 1000 * .Machine$double.eps) {
  if (length(x) == 1)
  if (length(x) != 2)
    stop("x must be length 1 or 2")
  if (any(is.na(x)))
  if (x[1] == x[2])
  if (all(is.infinite(x)))
  m <- min(abs(x))
  if (m == 0)
  abs( (x[1] - x[2]) / m) < tol

rescale <- function(x, to = c(0, 1),
                    from = range(x, na.rm = TRUE, finite = TRUE)) {
  if (zero_range(from) || zero_range(to)) {
    return(ifelse(is.na(x), NA, mean(to)))
  (x - from[1]) / diff(from) * diff(to) + to[1]

## from library MASS
## https://github.com/cran/MASS/blob/master/R/kde2d.R

kde2d <- function(x, y, h, n = 25, lims = c(range(x), range(y))) {
  nx <- length(x)
  if (length(y) != nx)
    stop("data vectors must be the same length")
  if (any(!is.finite(x)) || any(!is.finite(y)))
    stop("missing or infinite values in the data are not allowed")
  if (any(!is.finite(lims)))
    stop("only finite values are allowed in 'lims'")
  n <- rep(n, length.out = 2L)
  gx <- seq.int(lims[1L], lims[2L], length.out = n[1L])
  gy <- seq.int(lims[3L], lims[4L], length.out = n[2L])
  h <- if (missing(h)) c(bandwidth.nrd(x), bandwidth.nrd(y))
    else rep(h, length.out = 2L)
  if (any(h <= 0))
    stop("bandwidths must be strictly positive")
  h <- h / 4 # for S's bandwidth scale
  ax <- outer(gx, x, "-") / h[1L]
  ay <- outer(gy, y, "-") / h[2L]
  z <- tcrossprod(matrix(dnorm(ax),, nx),
                  matrix(dnorm(ay),, nx)) / (nx * h[1L] * h[2L])
  list(x = gx, y = gy, z = z)

## code by Nathan Russell https://github.com/nathan-russell
## https://stackoverflow.com/questions/32100133/print-the-time-a-script-has-been-running-in-r
#' @export
hms_span <- function(start, end) {
  dsec <- as.numeric(difftime(end, start, unit = "secs"))
  hours <- floor(dsec / 3600)
  minutes <- floor( (dsec - 3600 * hours) / 60)
  seconds <- dsec - 3600 * hours - 60 * minutes
    sapply(c(hours, minutes, seconds), function(x) {
      formatC(x, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
    collapse = ":")

#' @export
until_now <- function(start) {
  end = Sys.time()
  dsec <- as.numeric(difftime(end, start, unit = "secs"))
  hours <- floor(dsec / 3600)
  minutes <- floor( (dsec - 3600 * hours) / 60)
  seconds <- dsec - 3600 * hours - 60 * minutes
    sapply(c(hours, minutes, seconds), function(x) {
      formatC(x, width = 2, format = "d", flag = "0")
    collapse = ":")

#' @export
to_table <- function(txt, n.col, num.digits = 3) {
  n.col <- 4
  num.elem <- length(txt)
  divint <- ceiling(num.elem / n.col) * n.col
  dif <- divint - num.elem
  if (dif > 0) {
    complete <- rep(" ", times = dif)
    txt_complete <- c(txt, complete)
  } else {
    txt_complete <- txt
  mx <- matrix(txt_complete, ncol = n.col)
  names(mx) <- 1:n.col
  dd <- knitr::kable(mx, col.names = 1:n.col, digits = num.digits)

#' @export
save_gggraphics <- function(object, graphic_format = c("jpg", "png"),
                         file_path, width = 15, height = 15,
                         units = "cm", dpi = 100) {
  nf <- length(format)
  for (i in 1:nf) {
    ggplot2::ggsave(object, file = paste0(file_path, ".", graphic_format[i]),
                    width = width, height = height, units = units, dpi = dpi)

#' @export
getdist_rectangle <- function(px, py, nx, ny) {
  maxy <- max(py)
  maxx <- max(px)
  miny <- min(py)
  minx <- min(px)
  vx <- seq(from = minx, to = maxx, length.out = nx)
  vy <- seq(from = miny, to = maxy, length.out = ny)
  gr <- expand.grid(x = vx, y = vy)
  l <- length(py)
  c <- nrow(gr)
  df1 <- matrix(nrow = l, ncol = c)
  cont <- 1
  for (i in 1:c) {
    df1[, cont] <- sqrt( (gr$y[i] - py) ^ 2 + (gr$x[i] - px) ^ 2)
    names(df1)[i] <- paste("dist_", i, sep = "")
    cont <- cont + 1
  df1 <- data.frame(df1)

mclapply.hack <- function(...) {
  size_of_list <- length(list(...)[[1]])
  cl <- parallel::makeCluster( min(size_of_list, parallel::detectCores()) )
  loaded_package_names <- c(
    names( utils::sessionInfo()$otherPkgs ))
  tryCatch( {
    this_env <- environment()
    while (identical( this_env, globalenv() ) == FALSE ) {
                    ls(all_names = TRUE, env = this_env),
                    envir = this_env)
      this_env <- parent.env(environment())
                  ls(all.names = TRUE, env = globalenv()),
                  envir = globalenv())

    parallel::parLapply( cl, 1:length(cl), function(xx){
      lapply(loaded_package_names, function(yy) {
        require(yy, character.only = TRUE)
    return( parallel::parLapply( cl, ...) )
  finally = {
elpidiofilho/easyFit documentation built on May 28, 2019, 8:36 p.m.