
Defines functions IterateTrainingTesting

Documented in IterateTrainingTesting

#' #' @title Iterate training/testing procedures with a given classifier and a given data type for an object belonging to the class DataTableWithClasses
#' #' @author Mustafa AbuElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' #' @description for the sake of the accuracy and due to the error rate have
#' #' we define our own iterative procedure to estimate the misclassification error
#' #' rate (MER) iteratively with independent selections of testing and training
#' #' sets (obtained by random subsampling). This enables to obtain a more robust
#' #' estimate of the error rate (mean or median of the iterations) as well as the
#' #' disperson (IQR, standard deviation) resulting from sampling fluctuations and
#' #' from the stochastic elements of some algorithms (e.g. random forests).
#' #' @param dataset an object of class DataTableWithTrainTestSets
#' #' @param classifier one of the supported classifiers: "svm", "knn" or "rf"
#' #' @param permute should be TRUE if the class labels have been permuted for a negative control
#' #' @param file.prefix prefix for files. If NULL, will be obtained from the function outputParameters()
#' #' @param verbose=1 level of verbosity
#' #' @return an object which is Misclassification error rate for the specified number for resampling
#' #' \itemize{
#' #'      \item testTable: that is the table that is contains misclassification error rate for specified  number of resampling.
#' #'
#' #' }
#' #' @import foreach
#' #' @import doParallel
#' #' @export
#' #'
#' IterateTrainingTesting <- function(dataset,
#'                                    classifier,
#'                                    permute = FALSE,
#'                                    file.prefix = NULL,
#'                                    verbose = 1) {
#'   message("\tRunning IterateTrainingTesting() with object of class\t", paste( collapse  = ",",class(dataset) ) )
#'   testTable <- UseMethod("IterateTrainingTesting", dataset, classifier, permute, file.prefix, verbose)
#'   return(testTable)
#' }
#' #' @title Iterate training/testing procedures with a given classifier and a given data type for an object belonging to the class DataTableWithClasses
#' #' @author Mustafa AbuElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' #' @description for the sake of the accuracy and due to the error rate have
#' #' we define our own iterative procedure to estimate the misclassification error
#' #' rate (MER) iteratively with independent selections of testing and training
#' #' sets (obtained by random subsampling). This enables to obtain a more robust
#' #' estimate of the error rate (mean or median of the iterations) as well as the
#' #' disperson (IQR, standard deviation) resulting from sampling fluctuations and
#' #' from the stochastic elements of some algorithms (e.g. random forests).
#' #' @param dataset an object of class DataTableWithTrainTestSets
#' #' @param classifier one of the supported classifiers: "svm", "knn" or "rf"
#' #' @param permute should be TRUE if the class labels have been permuted for a negative control
#' #' @param file.prefix prefix for files. If NULL, will be obtained from the function outputParameters()
#' #' @param verbose=1 level of verbosity
#' #' @return an object which is Misclassification error rate for the specified number for resampling
#' #'     \itemize{
#' #'         \item testTable: that is the table that is contains misclassification error rate for specified  number of resampling.
#' #'       }
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' IterateTrainingTesting.DataTableWithClasses <- function(dataset,
#'                                                         classifier,
#'                                                         permute = FALSE,
#'                                                         file.prefix = NULL,
#'                                                         verbose = 1) {
#'   message("\tRunning IterateTrainingTesting() with object of class\t", "DataTableWithClasses")
#'   testTable <- NextMethod("IterateTrainingTesting", dataset, classifier, permute, file.prefix, verbose)
#'   return(testTable)
#' }
#' #' @title printing report message to inform that the training/testing procedure
#' #' was completed for an object of class  DataTableWithTrainTestSets
#' #' @author Mustafa AbuElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' #' @description for the sake of the accuracy and due to the error rate have
#' #' we define our own iterative procedure to estimate the misclassification error
#' #' rate (MER) iteratively with independent selections of testing and training
#' #' sets (obtained by random subsampling). This enables to obtain a more robust
#' #' estimate of the error rate (mean or median of the iterations) as well as the
#' #' disperson (IQR, standard deviation) resulting from sampling fluctuations and
#' #' from the stochastic elements of some algorithms (e.g. random forests).
#' #' @param dataset an object of class DataTableWithTrainTestSets
#' #' @param classifier one of the supported classifiers: "svm", "knn" or "rf"
#' #' @param permute should be TRUE if the class labels have been permuted for a negative control
#' #' @param file.prefix prefix for files. If NULL, will be obtained from the function outputParameters()
#' #' @param verbose=1 level of verbosity
#' #'
#' #' @export
#' IterateTrainingTesting.default <- function(dataset,
#'                                            classifier,
#'                                            permute = FALSE,
#'                                            file.prefix = NULL,
#'                                            verbose = 1){
#'   message.with.time("\tFinished IterateTrainingTesting() with object of class\t", paste(collapse = ",", class(dataset)),
#'                     "\n\tclassifier: ", classifier,
#'                     "\n\tpermute: ", permute,
#'                     "\n\tfile.prefix: ", file.prefix)
#' }

#' @title Iterate training/testing procedures with a given classifier and a given data type, with object of class DataTableWithTrainTestSets.
#' @author Mustafa AbuElQumsan and Jacques van Helden
#' @description for the sake of the accuracy and due to the error rate have
#' we define our own iterative procedure to estimate the misclassification error
#' rate (MER) iteratively with independent selections of testing and training
#' sets (obtained by random subsampling). This enables to obtain a more robust
#' estimate of the error rate (mean or median of the iterations) as well as the
#' disperson (IQR, standard deviation) resulting from sampling fluctuations and
#' from the stochastic elements of some algorithms (e.g. random forests).
#' @param dataset an object of class DataTableWithTrainTestSets
#' @param classifier one of the supported classifiers: "svm", "knn" or "rf"
#' @param permute should be TRUE if the class labels have been permuted for a negative control
#' @param file.prefix prefix for files. If NULL, will be obtained from the function outputParameters()
#' @param verbose=1 level of verbosity
#' @return an object which is Misclassification error rate for the specified number for resampling
#'     \itemize{
#'         \item testTable: that is the table that is contains misclassification error rate for specified  number of resampling. for an object belonge to DataTableWithTrainTestSets.
#'       }
#' @export
IterateTrainingTesting <- function(
  # IterateTrainingTesting.DataTableWithTrainTestSets <- function(
  permute = FALSE,
  file.prefix = NULL,
  verbose = 1
  ) {

  ## Check if file prefix has been correctly specified
  if (is.null(file.prefix)) {
    ## Define directory based on the method
    #    file.prefix <- paste(sep = "_", dataset$ID, dataset$parameters$fe, dataset$dataType, classifier)
    # if (permute) {
    #   file.prefix <- paste0(file.prefix, "_permLabels")
    # }
    outParam <- outputParameters(dataset,classifier, permute)
    file.prefix <- outParam$filePrefix

  startTime <- Sys.time()

  ## Check the class of the object
  if (!is(object = dataset, class2 = "DataTableWithTrainTestSets")) {
    stop("IterateTrainingTesting() only accepts objects of class DataTableWithTrainTestSets")

  ## Get parameters from the passed dataset object
  parameters <- dataset$parameters

  ## Check required parameters
  for (p in c("verbose", "iterations")) {
    if (is.null(parameters[[p]])) {
      stop("Missing required parameter: '", p,
           "'.\n\tPlease check configuration file. ")
    } else {
      assign(p, parameters[[p]])

  ## Check the consistency between trainIndices and iterations
  if (is.null(dataset$trainTestProperties$trainIndices)) {
    stop("IterateTrainingTesting()  train indices are not defined")
  } else {
    trainIndices <- dataset$trainTestProperties$trainIndices

  ## Check that number of vectors in trainIndices corresponds to number of iterations
  if (length(trainIndices) < iterations) {
    stop("Invalid specification of trainIndices: should be a list of vectors, at least as many vectors as the iterations (", iterations, ").")

  if (verbose >= 1) {
    message.with.time("\t", "IterateTrainingTesting()",
                      "\n\tID: ", dataset$ID,
                      "\n\tfeature type: ", dataset$parameters$feature,
                      "\n\tdata type: ", dataset$dataType,
                      "\n\tpermuted labels: ", permute,
                      "\n\tTrain/test iterations: ",   parameters$iterations,
                      "\n\tclassifier: ", classifier)

    if (classifier == "knn") {
      message("\tKNN k:  ", dataset$parameters$knn$k)
    } else if (classifier == "svm") {
      message("\tSVM kernel:  ", dataset$parameters$svm$kernel)

  ## Iterate train/test cycles
  testTable <- data.frame() ## Instantiate the test table
  if (is.null(project.parameters$global$parallel)) {
    project.parameters$global$parallel <- FALSE
  if (project.parameters$global$parallel) {
    if (verbose >= 1) {
      message("\t", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), "\t",
              recountID, "\t", classifier,
              "\ttrain/test\t", project.parameters$global$iterations, " iterations with ", project.parameters$global$no_cores, " cores.")

    ## Run a foreach loop and get the result back in a data frame with rbind.
    testTable <- foreach(i = 1:parameters$iterations, .combine = rbind) %dopar%
      MisclassificationEstimate(dataset = dataset,
                                iteration = i,
                                classifier = classifier,
                                permute = permute)$stats

  } else {
    i <- 1 #iterations
    for (i in 1:parameters$iterations) {
      ## Permute class labels if required
      # computing the testing errors rate for the KNN classfier
      # trainIndex <- trainIndices[[i]]
      if (verbose >= 1) {
        message("\t", format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), "\t",
                recountID, "\t", classifier,
                "\ttrain/test iteration ", i , "/", iterations)


      oneTest <- MisclassificationEstimate(dataset = dataset,
                                           iteration = i,
                                           classifier = classifier,
                                           permute = permute)

      testTable <- rbind(testTable, oneTest$stats)
  } ## end if project.parameters$parallel

  ## Save the result table for training/testing evaluation
  outDir <- parameters$dir$classifier_tables[classifier]
  dir.create(outDir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
  testTable.file <- file.path(
    paste(sep = "", file.prefix, ".tsv"))

  message("\t\tSaving testing result table\t", testTable.file)
  write.table(file = testTable.file,
              x = testTable,
              row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE)

  ## Export a summary about the error rate
  errorSummary.file <- file.path(parameters$dir$classifier_tables[classifier], paste(sep = "", file.prefix, "_summary.tsv"))
  message("\t\tSaving testing error rates\t", errorSummary.file)
              quote = FALSE, sep = "\t", row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA,
              file = errorSummary.file)

  ## Compute elapsed time
  endTime <- Sys.time();
  elapsedTime <- difftime(endTime, startTime, units = "secs")
  elapsedTimeFile <- file.path(parameters$dir$classifier_tables[classifier], paste(sep = "", file.prefix, "_elapsed_time.txt"))
  write(file = elapsedTimeFile, x = paste(sep = "\t", startTime, endTime, signif(digits = 3, elapsedTime)))
  message("\t\tElapsed Time file: ", elapsedTimeFile)
  # NextMethod("IterateTrainingTesting", dataset, classifier, permute)
#  NextMethod("IterateTrainingTesting", dataset, classifier, permute, file.prefix, verbose)
elqumsan/RNAseqMVA documentation built on March 10, 2021, 8:10 a.m.