
#### experiment: measure hit rates with increasing number of variables ordered by imporatnce of variables by random forest ####

##### define the file to store memory Image for " the Number of PCs" test #####
image.dir <- file.path( project.parameters$global$dir$memoryImages, parameters$recountID)
dir.create(image.dir, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
image.file <- file.path(image.dir, paste(sep = "", "train_test_no._of_VIs_",parameters$recountID , ".Rdata"))

## For debug: reset the parameteres for all the study cases
## This is used to re-run the analyses on each study case after having changed some parameters in the yaml-specific configuration file
reload.parameters <- TRUE
if (reload.parameters) {
  project.parameters <- yaml.load_file(configFile)
  project.parameters <- initParallelComputing(project.parameters)
  if(exists("studyCases")) {
    for (recountID in names(studyCases)) {
      parameters <- initRecountID(recountID, project.parameters)
      studyCases[[recountID]]$parameters <- parameters
      for (dataSetName in names(studyCases[[recountID]]$datasetsForTest)) {
        ViRf.numbers <- c( 10, 40, 80, 200, 400, 1000,
                        seq(from=3000, to=nrow(studyCases[[recountID]]$datasetsForTest$log2normViRf$sigviRf )-1, by = 70000), nrow(studyCases[[recountID]]$datasetsForTest$log2normViRf$sigviRf))

        studyCases[[recountID]]$parameters$ViRf.numbers <- ViRf.numbers
        studyCases[[recountID]]$datasetsForTest[[dataSetName]]$parameters <- parameters
      #  print (studyCases[[recountID]]$parameters$dir$tablesDetail)

## Default for quick test without iterating over all cases

if (project.parameters$global$compute) {

  message.with.time("Train/test all computations with constant training proportion :")
  train.test.results.v.importance.ordered.per.classifier <- list()
 ##### Loop over recountID ######
#   for (recountID in selectedRecountIDs) {

    parameters <- studyCases[[recountID]]$parameters
    dataset <- studyCases[[recountID]]$datasetsForTest$log2normViRf

  for (classifier in project.parameters$global$classifiers) {

    ## List to store all results
    train.test.results.importance.varaibles <- list()
    #    train.test.results.all.PCs <- list()

    message.with.time("Train/test all computations with constant training proportion :",
                      signif(project.parameters$global$trainingProportion, digits = 3) )

    message.with.time("\tTrain/test, ", "; classifier=", classifier)

    #### Associate each analysis of real data with a permutation test ####
    permute <- FALSE
    for (permute in project.parameters$global$permute) {

    #  v.importance <- get("ordered.dataTable.by.importance")
      data.type <- "TMM_log2"
      v  <- 1
      for(v in 1:length(studyCases[[recountID]]$parameters$ViRf.numbers)){
        varnb <- studyCases[[recountID]]$parameters$ViRf.numbers[v]

        ## For the time being we do this experiment only with log2 normalised counts
        ## since we saw that it improves the result with all variables
        selected.v.importance <- dataset$sigviRf[1:varnb,]
        selected.v.importance.names <-rownames(selected.v.importance)
        ## Make sure that we select gene names present in the selected data type
        ## (some genes may be filtered out or technical reasons)
        valid.v.importance.names <- selected.v.importance.names[selected.v.importance.names %in% rownames(dataset$sigviRf)]

        dataset.from.ViRf <- dataset$sigviRf[valid.v.importance.names,]
        dataset$dataTable <- dataset.from.ViRf

        #### Run classifier with the most importance variables (raw counts) ####

      ###### Define experiment prefix #######
        variable.type <- paste(sep = "_","v.import.rf","top", varnb,"var")
        exp.prefix <-
          paste(sep = "_", project.parameters$global$classifiers, studyCases[[recountID]]$ID , variable.type)
        if (permute) {
          exp.prefix <- paste(sep = "_", exp.prefix,project.parameters$global$perm.prefix)
        }# end if permuted class

        message (format(Sys.time(), "%Y-%m-%d_%H%M%S"), "\t", "Experiment prefix: ", exp.prefix)

        train.test.results.importance.varaibles[[exp.prefix]] <-
                                 classifier = classifier,
                                 permute = permute)

      } # end of for loop nb.varaibles importance
      #  } # end of iterative of Variable importance Numbers
    } # end for loop permutation

    #### Ploting the Misclassification Error rate for ordered varaibles by the importances of each variables #####  ####
    ErrorRateBoxPlot(experimentList = train.test.results.importance.varaibles,
                     classifier = classifier,
                     main = paste(sep="",
                                  classifier, ": impact of number of variables sorted according\n\t ","the most importance variables by random forest,", "\n",
                                  parameters$recountID, ", ",
                                  parameters$iterations, " iterations, ","\n",

      train.test.results.v.importance.ordered.per.classifier[[recountID]][[classifier]] <- train.test.results.importance.varaibles

  } # end of loop over classifiers

  #### Save an image of the results to enable reloading them withouht recomputing everything ####
  if ( project.parameters$global$save.image) {
    save.image(file = image.file)

 # } ## end over recountID
} # end if Computed statent
elqumsan/RNAseqMVA documentation built on March 10, 2021, 8:10 a.m.