
#' Calculate the least squares solution for one chemical
#' \code{er_model} calculates least squares solution
#' @param dat data.table from tcpl_to_model_dat_boot
#' @param code string chemical
#' @param pathway string
#' @param nassay numeric number of assays
#' @param conclist numeric vector
#' @param nreceptor numeric
#' @param aucscale1 numeric
#' @param penalty_method, character, options are THRESHOLD (default),
#' @param alpha numeric, default NULL will be set to pathway specific defaults
#' @param do.debug logical to run in debug mode. Default F
#' @importFrom stats optim
#' @return resmat matrix[nconc rows x nreceptor columns]
er_model <- function(dat, code, pathway = "ER", nassay = NULL, conclist = NULL,
                     nreceptor = NULL, aucscale1 = NULL,
                     penalty_method = "THRESHOLD", alpha = NULL, do.debug = F) {

  #Set variables to pathway specific values if they are not provided

  if (pathway == "ER"){
    if (is.null(nassay))
      nassay <- 18
    if (is.null(conclist))
      conclist <- c(1e-6, 2.679636e-06, 4.019455e-06, 6.029182e-06,
                    9.043773e-06, 1.356566e-05, 2.034849e-05, 3.052273e-05,
                    4.57841e-05, 6.867615e-05, 0.0001030142, 0.0001545213,
                    0.000231782, 0.000347673, 0.0005215095, 0.0007822643,
                    0.001173396, 0.001760095, 0.002640142, 0.003960213,
                    0.005940319, 0.008910479, 0.01336572, 0.02004858,
                    0.03007287, 0.0451093, 0.06766395, 0.1014959, 0.1522439,
                    0.2283658, 0.3425487, 0.5138231, 0.7707347, 1.156102,
                    1.734153, 2.601229, 3.901844, 5.852766, 8.77915, 13.16872,
                    19.75309, 29.62963, 44.44444, 66.66667, 100)
    if (is.null(nreceptor))
      nreceptor <- 26
    if (is.null(aucscale1))
      aucscale1 <- 3.8
    if (is.null(alpha))
      alpha <- 1
    assay_order <- c("NVS_NR_bER", "NVS_NR_hER", "NVS_NR_mERa",
                     "OT_ER_ERaERa_0480", "OT_ER_ERaERa_1440",
                     "OT_ER_ERaERb_0480", "OT_ER_ERaERb_1440",
                     "OT_ER_ERbERb_0480", "OT_ER_ERbERb_1440",
                     "OT_ERa_EREGFP_0120", "OT_ERa_EREGFP_0480",
                     "ATG_ERa_TRANS_up", "ATG_ERE_CIS_up",
    modl_ga_cols <- paste("modl_ga_", assay_order, sep = "")
    modl_tp_cols <- paste("modl_tp_", assay_order, sep = "")
    modl_gw_cols <- paste("modl_gw_", assay_order, sep = "")
  } else if (pathway == "AR"){
    if (is.null(nassay))
      nassay <- 11
    if (is.null(conclist))
      conclist <- c(0.0122, 0.0244, 0.0488, 0.0977, 0.195, 0.391, 0.781, 1.56,
                    3.125, 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100)
    if (is.null(nreceptor))
      nreceptor <- 17
    if (is.null(aucscale1))
      aucscale1 <- 4.173554
    if (is.null(alpha))
      alpha <- 0.05
    assay_order <- c("NVS_NR_hAR", "NVS_NR_cAR", "NVS_NR_rAR",
                     "OT_AR_ARSRC1_0480", "OT_AR_ARSRC1_0960",
                     "OT_AR_ARELUC_AG_1440", "ATG_AR_TRANS_up",
    modl_ga_cols <- paste("modl_ga_", assay_order, sep = "")
    modl_tp_cols <- paste("modl_tp_", assay_order, sep = "")
    modl_gw_cols <- paste("modl_gw_", assay_order, sep = "")
  } else {
    stop("Pathway ", pathway, " is not recognized",
         call. = FALSE)

  cr.mat <- prepCR(dat = dat, chem = code, conclist = conclist,
                   nassay = nassay, modl_ga_cols = modl_ga_cols,
                   modl_tp_cols = modl_tp_cols,
                   modl_gw_cols = modl_gw_cols)

  nconc <- length(conclist)
  adata <- as.data.frame(t(cr.mat))
  adata <- cbind(adata, tmat_va(pathway = pathway, nassay = nassay, nreceptor = nreceptor))
  conc.names <- c()
  for (i in 1:nconc) conc.names <- c(conc.names, paste("C", i, sep = ""))
  t.names <- c()
  for (i in 1:nreceptor) t.names <- c(t.names, paste("T", i, sep = ""))
  names(adata) <- c(conc.names, t.names)
  nuse <- nconc

  temp <- adata[1, 1:nconc]
  a1 <- as.numeric(temp[1:nuse])
  xlist <- conclist
  anames <- c()
  for (i in 1:nassay) anames <- c(anames, paste("A", i, sep = ""))
  counter <- 1

  # calculate the model

  resmat <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = nconc, ncol = nreceptor))
  allrnames <- c()
  for (i in 1:nreceptor) allrnames <- c(allrnames, paste("R", i, sep = ""))
  names(resmat) <- allrnames
  start <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nreceptor)
  lwr   <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nreceptor)
  upr   <- vector(mode = "numeric", length = nreceptor)
  start[] <- 0
  lwr[] <- 0
  upr[] <- 1
  for (i in 1:nconc) {
    concname <- paste("C", i, sep = "")
    A <- adata[, c(concname, t.names)]
    if (i>1) start <- res$par
    res <- optim(par            = start,
                 fn             = afr_va,
                 A              = A,
                 nassay         = nassay,
                 nreceptor      = nreceptor,
                 pathway        = pathway,
                 alpha          = alpha,
                 penalty_method = penalty_method,
                 method         = "L-BFGS-B",
                 lower          = lwr,
                 upper          = upr,
                 control        = list(maxit = 2000))
    for (j in 1:nreceptor) resmat[i, j] <- res$par[j] * aucscale1
    if (res$convergence != 0 || do.debug)
      cat(i, "Convergence: ", res$convergence, " Calls: ", res$counts,
          " residual: ", res$value, " : " , res$message, "\n")
    if (do.debug) print(res$par)
ericwatt/eapath documentation built on May 16, 2019, 8:41 a.m.