#' convert a long-format data frame of loci into a vector of lines for a Mendel def file
#' This makes a vector of text that has carriage returns and things in it as necessary.
#' So, to include it in a def file, if the return from this function is called
#' D you can just do cat(D, sep = "", file = myDef.txt), for example.
#' Because it appears that Mendel requires unique locus names we will name them
#' Chrom-underscore-Loc.
#' @param df A data frame in the format of \code{\link{long_markers}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(long_markers)
#' D <- markers2mendel_def_lines(long_markers)
#' cat(D[1:100], sep = "")
markers2mendel_def_lines <- function(df) {
t1 <- df %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::arrange(Chrom, LocIdx, AlleIdx) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Chrom, LocIdx)
# form all the locus names and make sure none of them are more than 16 characters
illegal_names <- t1 %>%
dplyr::mutate(loc_name = paste0(Chrom, "_", LocIdx)) %>%
dplyr::slice(1) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::filter(nchar(loc_name) > 16)
if(nrow(illegal_names) > 0) {
top10 <- paste(unique(illegal_names$loc_name)[1:10], collapse = ", ")
outstr <- paste("Names formed as Chrom_LocusIndex to pass to Mendel are > 16 characters.\n\nExamples: ", top10, "\n\nPlease give your chromosomes shorter names.\n\n", collapse = "")
tmp <- t1 %>%
dplyr::mutate(LocLine = paste(Chrom, "_", LocIdx, ",,", n_distinct(AlleIdx), sep = ""),
LocScrub = ifelse(AlleIdx == 1, paste(LocLine,"\n"), ""),
AlleLine = paste(AlleIdx, ",", Freq, "\n", sep = ""),
TextVec = paste(LocScrub, AlleLine, sep = " ")
# Note, in the LocLine above we leave the chromosome name blank (the two commas next to one another)
# so that Mendel knows that it is autosomal.
#' create a vector of Mendel formatted map file strings
#' This makes a vector of text that has carriage returns and things in it as necessary.
#' So, to include it in a map file, if the return from this function is called
#' D you can just do cat(D, sep = "", file = myMap.txt), for example.
#' @param df A data frame in the format of \code{\link{long_markers}}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' data(long_markers)
#' D <- markers2mendel_map_lines(long_markers)
#' cat(D[1:100], sep = "")
markers2mendel_map_lines <- function(df) {
tmp <- df %>%
dplyr::arrange(Chrom, LocIdx, AlleIdx) %>%
dplyr::group_by(Chrom) %>%
dplyr::mutate(ender = ifelse(LocIdx == max(LocIdx), "\n\n", "\n")) %>%
dplyr::ungroup() %>%
dplyr::group_by(Chrom, LocIdx) %>%
dplyr::summarise(map_lines = paste(Chrom, "_", LocIdx, ", ", Pos, ender , sep = "")[1])
#' for making a pedigree file with no observed genotypes on it
#' @keywords internal
pedigree2mendel_ped_file <- function(df, name, filename = NA) {
df2 <- df %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::mutate(pedname = name,
MZtwin_stat = "",
Panew = ifelse(Pa == 0, "", Pa),
Manew = ifelse(Ma == 0, "", Ma),
Sexnew = ifelse(Sex == 0, "", c("M", "F")[Sex]),
TwinStatus = ""
) %>%
dplyr::select(pedname, Kid, Panew, Manew, Sexnew, TwinStatus)
if(is.na(filename)) {
write.table(df2, file = filename, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, sep = ",")
#' prepend an ID to a mendel input or output file
#' This is just a little helper fucntion to ensure consistency in file naming.
#' @param ID The ID to be prepended.
#' @param suff The final part of the file name (like Def.in, etc.)
id_prepend <- function(ID, suff) {
paste(ID, "-", suff, sep = "")
#' return a list of values for a Mendel definitions file for gene dropping
#' @param ID the name/prefix to be given to all the files involved in this run.
#' @param Reps the number of replicate simulations to perform
#' @param Seed an integer number to be used as the seed for the simulations.
mendel_control_list <- function(ID, Reps, Seed) {
ret <- list(
# input files
DEFINITION_FILE = id_prepend(ID, "Def.in"),
MAP_FILE = id_prepend(ID, "Map.in"),
PEDIGREE_FILE = id_prepend(ID, "Ped.in"),
# output files
NEW_PEDIGREE_FILE = id_prepend(ID, "Ped.out"),
OUTPUT_FILE = id_prepend(ID, "Mendel.out"),
SUMMARY_FILE = id_prepend(ID, "Summary.out"),
# analysis options
ANALYSIS_OPTION = "Gene_dropping",
REPETITIONS = sprintf("%d", unname(Reps)),
SEED = Seed,
MODEL = 2,
GENE_DROP_OUTPUT = "Unordered",
#' Write all necessary files for Mendel to do a gene-dropping run
#' Writes all files in the directory Dir but does not launch mendel.
#' @param ID The ID or identifier of the run. This string will be prepended to all input and output files.
#' @param Reps The number of replicate data sets to simulate.
#' @param Seed The random seed to use. This must be a single integer between 1 and 30,000.
#' @param Markers A data frame in the format of \code{\link{long_markers}} that gives information
#' about marker positions and allele frequencies.
#' @param Pedigree A data frame formatted like any component of \code{\link{pedigrees}} which holds the
#' pedigree to drop genes upon.
#' @param Dir The directory in which to write the files. It must be created already. Defaults to the
#' current working directory.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # make a temp directory to place things into:
#' tmpDir <- tempdir()
#' write_all_mendel_files("mendel-example", 10, 1234, long_markers, pedigrees$HS, Dir = tmpDir)
write_all_mendel_files <- function(ID, Reps, Seed, Markers, Pedigree, Dir = ".") {
# get the lines
DL <- markers2mendel_def_lines(Markers)
ML <- markers2mendel_map_lines(Markers)
MCL <- mendel_control_list(ID, Reps, Seed)
# write the pedigree file
pedigree2mendel_ped_file(df = Pedigree, name = "xyz", filename = file.path(Dir, id_prepend(ID, "Ped.in")))
# write the control file
cat(paste(names(MCL), MCL, sep = " = "), sep = "\n", file = file.path(Dir, id_prepend(ID, "Control.in")))
# write the definitions file
cat(DL, sep = "", file = file.path(Dir, id_prepend(ID, "Def.in")))
# write the map file
cat(ML, sep = "", file = file.path(Dir, id_prepend(ID, "Map.in")))
#' Given the operating system, check for mendel program in the typical location
mendelBin <- function() {
Sys <- Sys.info()["sysname"]
path <- system.file("bin/mendel", package = "CKMRsim")
if(Sys == "Windows") {
path <- system.file("bin/Mendel.exe", package = "CKMRsim")
if(path == "") stop("To simulate with physical linkage, you need the Mendel binary. \n*** To install Mendel for CKMRsim, issue this command in your R console: ***\n\n install_mendel(Dir = system.file(package = \"CKMRsim\"))
#' Run the mendel binary in directory Dir using control file Control
#' @param Dir the directory in which to run mendel
#' @param Control the "control file" with which to run mendel. If not an absolute path
#' it should be given relative to the Dir directory.
#' @param discard_stderr If TRUE, stderr is discarded Otherwise, it gets written to the R console.
#' @param discard_stdout If TRUE, stdout is discarded. Otherwise, it gets written to the R console.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # first prepare the input files and define tmpDir
#' example(write_all_mendel_files)
#' # then run mendel
#' run_mendel(tmpDir, "mendel-example-Control.in")
#' }
run_mendel <- function(
discard_stderr = getOption("CKMRsim.discard_stderr", default = FALSE),
discard_stdout = getOption("CKMRsim.discard_stdout", default = FALSE)
) {
stderr <- ""
stdout <- ""
if(discard_stderr == TRUE) {
stderr = FALSE
if(discard_stdout == TRUE) {
stdout = FALSE
nowdir <- getwd();
command = mendelBin(),
args = paste("-c", Control),
stdout = stdout,
stderr = stderr
# COMM <- paste("cd",
# Dir,
# ";",
# mendelBin(),
# "-c",
# Control
# )
# system(COMM)
#' simulate genotype-pairs from linked markers using Mendel
#' This is the main function to use. Pass it a data frame of markers (indexed in order)
#' and it will pass them off to Mendel, drop the genes, do genotyping error and then return
#' a list of vectors which hold the genotype index that you can use to subscript the
#' joint probability vectors with. This function assumes that the loci in df are ordered
#' appropriately (i.e have been run through reindex_markers()) and that the components in
#' C are named Chrom.Locus.Pos, as is typical. Obviously the C list should correspond
#' exactly to the markers/alleles in df.
#' @param df A data frame in the format of \code{\link{long_markers}}.
#' @param ped The pedigree to be simulating from
#' @param C a list whose elements contain, at a minimum, the "C-matrices" which give the
#' probability of observed genotypes given true genotypes. If this is NULL (the default), then the
#' function will assume no genotyping error.
#' @param num Number of reps of gene-dropping to do. Default is 1000
#' @return This returns a list named by Chrom.Locus.Pos (the names of C), in which each
#' component is a vector of length num that is the integer index of the simulated pair of genotypes.
sample_linked_genotype_pairs <- function(df, ped, C = NULL, num = 1000) {
# first get the number of alleles at each locus
alle_nums <- df %>%
dplyr::mutate(list_name = paste(Chrom, Locus, Pos, sep = ".")) %>%
dplyr::mutate(list_name = factor(list_name, levels = unique(list_name))) %>%
dplyr::group_by(list_name) %>%
# check to make sure that the names are correct here
if(!all(names(C) == alle_nums$list_name)) stop("Mismatch between Chrom.Locus.Pos names in df and in C")
# this runs everything through Mendel and delivers outgenos, a list of two matrices. (One matrix for indiv1 and the other for indiv2)
# In each, rows are reps and columns are loci and the entries are the indexes of genotypes.
tmpDir = tempfile() # make this run in a separate directory each time in case parallelizing...
dir.create(tmpDir, recursive = TRUE)
message("Mendel running in temp directory ", tmpDir)
write_all_mendel_files("mendel-example", num, floor(runif(1, min = 100, max = 100000)), df, ped, Dir = tmpDir)
run_mendel(tmpDir, "mendel-example-Control.in")
outgenos <- read_mendel_outped(file.path(tmpDir, "mendel-example-Ped.out"), alle_nums$n, verbose = getOption("CKMRsim.linkage_verbosity", default = 1)) %>%
lapply(function(x) {
dimnames(x) = list(NULL, locus = as.character(alle_nums$list_name))
# at this juncture, we have the genotypes of each individual at all the loci, but we
# need to apply the true genotyping errors to them. This we do by
# lapplying over the loci (as the names of C).
G1 <- outgenos$indiv1
G2 <- outgenos$indiv2
locs <- names(C)
names(locs) <- locs
obs_geno_pairs <- lapply(locs, function(n) {
g1 <- G1[, n] # simulated genotypes of indiv1
g2 <- G2[, n]
Clt <- C[[n]]$C_l_true
g1e <- samp_from_mat(Clt[g1,]) # Ctl[g1,] is a matrix where each row corresponds to the probs of observed genos given the true geno of indiv1
g2e <- samp_from_mat(Clt[g2,])
# here is the number of genos
nG <- nrow(Clt)
# so, the vector-position of the genotype of the two individuals in a matrix of
# joint probabilities will be nG * (g2 - 1) + g1
nG * (g2e - 1) + g1e
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