#' Create a blank plate template as a tibble (with helper functions for common plate sizes)
#' For more help, examples and explanations, see the plate setup vignette:
#' \code{vignette("platesetup_vignette", package = "tidyqpcr")}
#' @param well_row Vector of Row labels, usually LETTERS
#' @param well_col Vector of Column labels, usually numbers
#' @return tibble (data frame) with columns well_row, well_col, well. This
#' contains all pairwise combinations of well_row and well_col, as well as
#' individual well names. Both well_row and well_col are coerced to factors
#' (even if well_col is supplied as numbers), to ensure order is consistent.
#' However, well is a character vector as that is the default behaviour of
#' "unite", and display order doesn't matter.
#' Default value describes a full 384-well plate.
#' @examples
#' create_blank_plate(well_row=LETTERS[1:2],well_col=1:3)
#' create_blank_plate_96well()
#' create_blank_plate_1536well()
#' # create blank 96-well plate with empty edge wells
#' create_blank_plate(well_row=LETTERS[2:7], well_col=2:11)
#' # create blank 1536-well plate with empty edge wells
#' full_plate_row_names <- make_row_names_lc1536()
#' create_blank_plate(well_row=full_plate_row_names[2:31], well_col=2:47)
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
create_blank_plate <- function(well_row = LETTERS[1:16], well_col = 1:24) {
tidyr::crossing(well_row = as_factor(well_row),
well_col = as_factor(well_col)) |>
as_tibble() |>
tidyr::unite("well", well_row, well_col,
sep = "", remove = FALSE)
#' @describeIn create_blank_plate create blank 96-well plate
#' @export
create_blank_plate_96well <- function() {
create_blank_plate(well_row = LETTERS[1:8], well_col = 1:12)
#' Generates row names for the Roche Lightcycler (tm) 1536-well plates
#' Creates a vector containing 36 row names according to the labelling system
#' used by the Roche Lightcycler (tm)
#' @return Vector of row names: Aa,Ab,Ac,Ad,Ba,...,Hd.
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @examples
#' make_row_names_lc1536()
#' @export
make_row_names_lc1536 <- function() {
paste0(rep(LETTERS[1:8], each = 4), letters[1:4])
#' Generates row names for the Labcyte Echo 1536-well plates
#' Creates a vector containing 36 row names according to the
#' labelling system used by the Labcyte Echo
#' @return Vector of row names: A,B,...,Z,AA,AB,...,AF.
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @examples
#' make_row_names_echo1536()
#' @export
make_row_names_echo1536 <- function() {
c(LETTERS[1:26], paste0("A", LETTERS[1:6]))
#' @describeIn create_blank_plate create blank 1536-well plate
#' @export
create_blank_plate_1536well <- function(
well_row = make_row_names_lc1536(),
well_col = 1:48) {
create_blank_plate(well_row, well_col)
#' Create a 6-value, 24-column key for plates
#' Create a 24-column key with 6 values repeated over 24 plate columns.
#' Each of the 6 values is repeated over 3x +RT Techreps and 1x -RT.
#' This helps to create plate layouts with standard designs.
#' @param ... Vectors of length 6 describing well contents,
#' e.g. sample_id or target_id
#' @return tibble (data frame) with 24 rows, and columns
#' well_col, prep_type, tech_rep, and supplied values.
#' @examples
#' create_colkey_6_in_24(sample_id=LETTERS[1:6])
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
create_colkey_6_in_24 <- function(...) {
colkey <- tibble(well_col = factor(1:24),
prep_type = as_factor(c(rep("+RT", 18), rep("-RT", 6))),
tech_rep = as_factor(rep(c(1, 2, 3, 1), each = 6))
if (!missing(...)) {
pieces6 <- list(...) |> as_tibble()
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(pieces6) == 6,
msg = "Some input data is not of length 6")
pieces24 <- dplyr::bind_rows(pieces6, pieces6, pieces6, pieces6)
colkey <- dplyr::bind_cols(colkey, pieces24)
#' Create a 4-dilution column key for primer calibration
#' Creates a 24-column key for primer calibration, with 2x biol_reps and 2x
#' tech_reps, and 5-fold dilution until 5^4 of +RT; then -RT (no reverse
#' transcriptase), NT (no template) negative controls. That is a total of 6
#' versions of each sample replicate.
#' @param dilution Numeric vector of length 6 describing sample dilutions
#' @param dilution_nice Character vector of length 6 with nice labels for sample
#' dilutions
#' @param prep_type Character vector of length 6 describing type of sample (+RT,
#' -RT, NT)
#' @param biol_rep Character vector of length 6 describing biological replicates
#' @param tech_rep Character vector of length 6 describing technical replicates
#' @return tibble (data frame) with 24 rows, and columns well_col, dilution,
#' dilution_nice, prep_type, biol_rep, tech_rep.
#' @examples
#' create_colkey_4diln_2ctrl_in_24()
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
create_colkey_4diln_2ctrl_in_24 <- function(
dilution = c(5 ^ (0:-3), 1, 1),
dilution_nice = c("1x", "5x", "25x", "125x", "-RT", "NT"),
prep_type = c(rep("+RT", 4), "-RT", "NT"),
biol_rep = rep(c("A", "B"), each = 12,
length.out = 24),
tech_rep = rep(1:2, each = 6,
length.out = 24)
) {
tibble(well_col = factor(1:24),
dilution = rep(dilution, 4),
dilution_nice = rep(dilution_nice, 4),
prep_type = as_factor(rep(prep_type, 4)),
biol_rep = as_factor(biol_rep),
tech_rep = as_factor(tech_rep)
#' Create a 6-dilution column key for primer calibration
#' Creates a 24-column key for primer calibration, with 1x biol_reps and 3x
#' tech_reps, and 5-fold dilution until 5^6 of +RT; then -RT (no reverse
#' transcriptase), NT (no template) negative controls. That is a total of 8
#' versions of each replicate.
#' @param dilution Numeric vector of length 8 describing sample dilutions
#' @param dilution_nice Character vector of length 8 with nice labels for sample
#' dilutions
#' @param prep_type Character vector of length 8 describing type of sample (+RT,
#' -RT, NT)
#' @param tech_rep Character vector of length 8 describing technical replicates
#' @return tibble (data frame) with 24 rows, and variables well_col, dilution,
#' dilution_nice, prep_type, biol_rep, tech_rep.
#' @examples
#' create_colkey_6diln_2ctrl_in_24()
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
create_colkey_6diln_2ctrl_in_24 <- function(
dilution = c(5 ^ (0:-5), 1, 1),
dilution_nice = c("1x", "5x", "25x", "125x",
"625x", "3125x", "-RT", "NT"),
prep_type=c(rep("+RT", 6), "-RT", "NT"),
tech_rep = rep(1:3, each = 8, length.out = 24)
) {
tibble(well_col = factor(1:24),
dilution = rep(dilution, 3),
dilution_nice = rep(dilution_nice, 3),
prep_type = as_factor(rep(prep_type, 3)),
tech_rep = as_factor(tech_rep))
#' Create a 4-value, 16-row key for plates
#' Create a 16-row key with 4 values repeated over 16 plate rows. Each of the 4
#' values is repeated over 3x +RT Techreps and 1x -RT.
#' This helps to create plate layouts with standard designs.
#' @param ... Vectors of length 4 describing well contents, e.g. sample_id or
#' target_id
#' @return tibble (data frame) with 16 rows, and variables well_row, prep_type,
#' tech_rep, and supplied values.
#' @examples
#' create_rowkey_4_in_16(sample_id=c("sheep","goat","cow","chicken"))
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble as_tibble
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
create_rowkey_4_in_16 <- function(...) {
rowkey <- tibble(well_row = factor(LETTERS[1:16]),
prep_type = as_factor(c(rep("+RT", 12), rep("-RT", 4))),
tech_rep = as_factor(rep(c(1, 2, 3, 1), each = 4))
if (!missing(...)) {
pieces4 <- list(...) |> as_tibble()
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(pieces4) == 4,
msg = "Some input data is not of length 4")
pieces16 <- dplyr::bind_rows(pieces4, pieces4, pieces4, pieces4)
rowkey <- dplyr::bind_cols(rowkey, pieces16)
#' Create a plain 8-value, 16-row key for plates
#' Create a 16-row key with 8 values repeated over 16 plate rows. No other
#' information is included by default, hence "plain".
#' This helps to create plate layouts with standard designs.
#' @param ... Vectors of length 8 describing well contents, e.g. sample or
#' probe.
#' @return tibble (data frame) with 16 rows, and variables well_col, and
#' supplied values.
#' @examples
#' create_rowkey_8_in_16_plain(sample_id=c("me","you","them","him",
#' "her","dog","cat","monkey"))
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
create_rowkey_8_in_16_plain <- function(...) {
rowkey <- tibble(well_row = factor(LETTERS[1:16]))
if (!missing(...)) {
pieces8 <- list(...) |> as_tibble()
assertthat::assert_that(nrow(pieces8) == 8,
msg = "Some input data is not of length 8")
pieces16 <- dplyr::bind_rows(pieces8, pieces8)
rowkey <- dplyr::bind_cols(rowkey, pieces16)
#' Label a plate with sample and probe information
#' For more help, examples and explanations, see the plate setup vignette:
#' \code{vignette("platesetup_vignette", package = "tidyqpcr")}
#' For worked examples of tidyqpcr analysis with 384-well plates, see:
#' \code{vignette("calibration_vignette", package = "tidyqpcr")}
#' @param plate tibble (data frame) with variables well_row, well_col, well.
#' This would usually be produced by create_blank_plate(). It is possible to
#' include other information in additional variables.
#' @param rowkey tibble (data frame) describing plate rows, with variables
#' well_row and others.
#' @param colkey tibble (data frame) describing plate columns, with variables
#' well_col and others.
#' @param coercefactors if TRUE, coerce well_row in rowkey and well_col in
#' colkey to factors
#' @return tibble (data frame) with variables well_row, well_col, well, and
#' others.
#' This tibble contains all combinations of well_row and well_col found in the
#' input plate, and all information supplied in rowkey and colkey distributed
#' across every well of the plate. Return plate is ordered by row well_row
#' then column well_col.
#' Note this ordering may cause a problem if well_col is supplied as a
#' character (1,10,11,...), instead of a factor or integer (1,2,3,...). For
#' this reason, the function by default converts well_row in `rowkey`, and
#' well_col in `colkey`, to factors, taking factor levels from `plate`, and
#' messages the user.
#' If `plate$well_col` or `plate$well_row` are not factors and coercefactors = TRUE
#' label_plate_rowcol will automatically convert them to factors, but will output a
#' warning telling users this may lead to unexpected behaviour.
#' Other tidyqpcr functions require plate plans to contain variables
#' sample_id, target_id, and prep_type, so `label_plate_rowcol` will message
#' if any of these are missing. This is a message, not an error, because these
#' variables can be added by users later.
#' @examples
#' label_plate_rowcol(plate = create_blank_plate()) # returns blank plate
#' # label blank 96-well plate with empty edge wells
#' label_plate_rowcol(plate = create_blank_plate(well_row = LETTERS[2:7],
#' well_col = 2:11))
#' # label 96-well plate with sample id in rows
#' label_plate_rowcol(plate = create_blank_plate(well_row = LETTERS[1:8],
#' well_col = 1:12),
#' rowkey = tibble(well_row = LETTERS[1:8],
#' sample_id = paste0("S_",1:8)))
#' # label fraction of 96-well plate with target id in columns
#' label_plate_rowcol(plate = create_blank_plate(well_row = LETTERS[1:8],
#' well_col = 1:4),
#' colkey = tibble(well_col = 1:4,
#' target_id = paste0("T_",1:4)))
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
label_plate_rowcol <- function(plate,
rowkey = NULL,
colkey = NULL,
coercefactors = TRUE) {
if (!is.factor(plate$well_col) & coercefactors){
warning("plate$well_col is not a factor. Automatically generating plate$well_col factor levels. May lead to incorrect plate plans.")
plate <- plate |>
dplyr::mutate(well_col = as_factor(well_col))
if (!is.factor(plate$well_row) & coercefactors){
warning("plate$well_row is not a factor. Automatically generating plate$well_row factor levels. May lead to incorrect plate plans.")
plate <- plate |>
dplyr::mutate(well_row = as_factor(well_row))
if (!is.null(colkey)) {
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(colkey, "well_col"))
# Note: should this if clause be a freestanding function?
# coerce_column_to_factor(df, col, warn=FALSE)?
if (!is.factor(colkey$well_col) & coercefactors) {
message("coercing well_col to a factor with levels from plate$well_col")
colkey <- dplyr::mutate(
well_col = factor(well_col,
levels = levels(plate$well_col))
plate <- dplyr::left_join(plate, colkey, by = "well_col")
if (!is.null(rowkey)) {
assertthat::assert_that(assertthat::has_name(rowkey, "well_row"))
if (!is.factor(rowkey$well_row) & coercefactors) {
message("coercing well_row to a factor with levels from plate$well_row")
rowkey <- dplyr::mutate(
well_row = factor(well_row,
levels = levels(plate$well_row))
plate <- dplyr::left_join(plate, rowkey, by = "well_row")
# check that plate contains sample_id, target_id, prep_type
if (! "sample_id" %in% names(plate)) {
message("plate does not contain variable sample_id")
if (! "target_id" %in% names(plate)) {
message("plate does not have variable target_id")
if (! "prep_type" %in% names(plate)) {
message("plate does not have variable prep_type")
return(dplyr::arrange(plate, well_row, well_col))
#' Display an empty plate plan which can be populated with
#' ggplot2 geom elements.
#' @param plate tibble with variables well_col, well_row.
#' @return ggplot object; major output is to plot it
#' @examples
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # display empty plot of empty plate
#' display_plate(create_blank_plate_96well())
#' # display wells of empty plate filled by column
#' display_plate(create_blank_plate_96well()) +
#' geom_tile(aes(fill = well_col), colour = "black")
#' # display wells of empty 1536-well plate filled by row
#' display_plate(create_blank_plate_1536well()) +
#' geom_tile(aes(fill = well_row), colour = "black")
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
display_plate <- function(plate) {
rowlevels <-
dplyr::pull(plate, well_row) |>
as_factor() |>
ggplot2::ggplot(data = plate,
ggplot2::aes(x = as_factor(well_col),
y = as_factor(well_row))) +
ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(expand = c(0, 0)) +
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(expand = c(0, 0),
limits = rev(rowlevels)) +
ggplot2::coord_equal() +
ggplot2::theme_void() +
ggplot2::theme(axis.text = ggplot2::element_text(angle = 0),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
legend.position = "none",
plot.margin = grid::unit(rep(0.01, 4), "npc"),
panel.border = ggplot2::element_blank())
#' Display qPCR plate plan with sample_id, target_id, prep_type per well
#' @param plate tibble with variables well_col, well_row, sample_id, target_id,
#' prep_type. Output from label_plate_rowcol.
#' @return ggplot object; major output is to plot it
#' @examples
#' # create basic 6-well plate
#' basic_plate <-
#' label_plate_rowcol(plate = create_blank_plate(well_row = LETTERS[1:2],
#' well_col = 1:3),
#' rowkey = tibble(well_row = factor(LETTERS[1:2]),
#' target_id = c("T_A","T_B")),
#' colkey = tibble(well_col = factor(1:3),
#' sample_id = c("S_1","S_2", "S_3"),
#' prep_type = "+RT"))
#' # display basic plate
#' display_plate_qpcr(basic_plate)
#' # create full 384 well plate
#' full_plate <- label_plate_rowcol(create_blank_plate(),
#' create_rowkey_8_in_16_plain(target_id = c("T_1", "T_2",
#' "T_3", "T_4",
#' "T_5", "T_6",
#' "T_7", "T_8")),
#' create_colkey_6diln_2ctrl_in_24() |>
#' dplyr::mutate(sample_id = paste0(dilution_nice,
#' "_",
#' tech_rep)))
#' # display full plate
#' display_plate_qpcr(full_plate)
#' # display basic plate, sample_id and prep_type only
#' display_plate_sample_id(basic_plate)
#' # display basic plate, target_id only
#' display_plate_target_id(basic_plate)
#' # change fill of tiles to your needs, for example
#' library(ggplot2)
#' display_plate_target_id(basic_plate) +
#' scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual")
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
display_plate_qpcr <- function(plate) {
display_plate(plate) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill = target_id),
alpha = 0.3) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label =
sep = "\n")),
size = 2.5, lineheight = 1)
#' @describeIn display_plate_qpcr Display qPCR plate plan with sample_id and prep type only
#' @export
display_plate_sample_id <- function(plate) {
display_plate(plate) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill = sample_id),
alpha = 0.3) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label =
sep = "\n")),
size = 2.5, lineheight = 1) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top")
#' @describeIn display_plate_qpcr Display qPCR plate plan with target_id only
#' @export
display_plate_target_id <- function(plate) {
display_plate(plate) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill = target_id),
alpha = 0.3) +
ggplot2::geom_text(ggplot2::aes(label = target_id),
size = 2.5, lineheight = 1) +
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top")
#' Display the value of each well across the plate.
#' Plots the plate with each well coloured by its value. Example values are Cq, Delta Cq or Delta Delta Cq.
#' For a specific example see the calibration vignette:
#' \code{vignette("calibration_vignette", package = "tidyqpcr")}
#' @param plate tibble with variables well_col, well_row, and the variable to be plotted.
#' @param value character vector selecting the variable in plate to plot as the well value
#' @return ggplot object; major output is to plot it
#' @examples
#' library(dplyr)
#' library(ggplot2)
#' # create 96 well plate with random values
#' plate_randomcq <- create_blank_plate_96well() |>
#' mutate(cq = runif(96) * 10,
#' deltacq = runif(96) * 2)
#' # display well Cq value across plate
#' display_plate_value(plate_randomcq)
#' # display well Delta Cq value across plate with red colour pallette
#' display_plate_value(plate_randomcq, value = "deltacq") + # uses ggplot syntax
#' scale_fill_gradient(high = "#FF0000")
#' @family plate creation functions
#' @export
#' @importFrom forcats as_factor
#' @importFrom rlang .data
display_plate_value <- function(plate, value = "cq") {
# check value exists in given plate
assertthat::assert_that(value %in% names(plate),
msg = paste0(value, " is not the name of a variable in the given plate"))
# check each well has one value only
unique_well_value <- plate |>
dplyr::group_by(well) |>
dplyr::summarise(num_well = dplyr::n()) |>
dplyr::mutate(not_equal_one = num_well != 1)
assertthat::assert_that(sum(unique_well_value$not_equal_one) == 0,
msg = paste0("Wells do not have unique ", value, " value."))
rowlevels <-
dplyr::pull(plate, well_row) |>
as_factor() |>
display_plate(plate = plate) +
ggplot2::geom_tile(ggplot2::aes(fill = .data[[value]])) +
ggplot2::theme(plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(hjust = 0.5),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank()) +
ggplot2::labs(title = paste0({{value}}, " values for each well across the plate"))
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