
Defines functions print.breedR.variogram variogram

Documented in print.breedR.variogram variogram

#' Empirical variograms of residuals
#' Computes isotropic and anisotropic empirical variograms from the residuals of
#' a breedR model.
#' An empirical variogram computes the mean squared differences between 
#' observations separated by a vector \code{h}, for all possible \code{h}. An 
#' \code{isotropic} variogram assumes that the underlying process depends only 
#' on the (euclidean) \emph{distance} between points, but not on the orientation
#' or direction of \code{h}. At the other end, an \code{anisotropic} variogram 
#' assumes that the process might depend on the orientation, but not on the 
#' direction. Finally, \code{heat} and \code{perspective} are different 
#' representations of a variogram which assumes that the process depends only on
#' the absolute distance between rows and columns.
#' Unless \code{coord} or \code{z} are specified by the user, \code{variogram} 
#' builds the variogram with the residuals of the model fit in \code{x}. If 
#' \code{coord} or \code{z} are specified, then the spatial coordinates or the 
#' residuals are respectively overridden.
#' This function assumes that there is at most one observation per spatial 
#' location. Otherwise, are observations measured at different times? should a 
#' spatial-temporal variogram be fitted?
#' @param x a \code{breedR} result.
#' @param plot character. What type of variogram is to be plotted. The default 
#'   is 'all'. Other options are 'isotropic', 'heat', 'perspective' and 
#'   'anisotropic'. See Details.
#' @param R numeric. Radius of the variogram
#' @param coord (optional) a two-column matrix with coordinates of observations
#' @param z (optional) a numeric vector of values to be represented spatially
#' @examples 
#' data(globulus)
#' # No spatial effect
#' res <- remlf90(fixed  = phe_X ~ 1,
#'                random = ~ gg,
#'                genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
#'                               pedigree = globulus[, 1:3],
#'                               id = 'self'),
#'                data   = globulus)
#' Zd <- model.matrix(res)$genetic
#' PBV <- Zd %*% ranef(res)$genetic
#' # variogram() needs coordinates to compute distances
#' # either you use the \code{coord} argument, or you do:
#' coordinates(res) <- globulus[, c('x', 'y')]
#' # there is residual autocorrelation
#' # there is also spatial structure in the Breeding Values
#' variogram(res)  
#' variogram(res, z = PBV)  
#' # Autoregressive spatial effect
#' # eliminates the residual autocorrelation
#' res.sp<- remlf90(fixed  = phe_X ~ 1,
#'                  spatial = list(model = 'AR', 
#'                                 coord = globulus[, c('x', 'y')],
#'                                 rho = c(.9, .9)),
#'                  genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
#'                                 pedigree = globulus[, 1:3],
#'                                 id = 'self'),
#'                  data   = globulus)
#' Zd <- model.matrix(res.sp)$genetic
#' PBV <- Zd %*% ranef(res.sp)$genetic
#' variogram(res.sp)
#' variogram(res.sp, z = PBV)
#' @seealso \code{\link[fields]{vgram.matrix}}
#' @importFrom stats residuals dist aggregate
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @export
variogram <- function(x,
                      plot = c('all', 
                      z) {
  if( missing(x) ) {
    if( (missing(coord) | missing(z)) ) {
      stop(paste('This function works on models fitted with breedR,',
                 'or with both arguments coord and z.\n',
    } else {
      coord <- as.matrix(coord)
      stopifnot(ncol(coord) == 2)
      stopifnot(nrow(coord) > 1)
  } else {
    stopifnot(inherits(x, 'breedR'))
  plot <- match.arg(plot)
  # We need to place the residuals in matrix form
  # where rows and columns have the same spacing
  # The user can provide coordinates for non-spatial remlf90 models
  # Otherwise, use coordinates of fitted dataset
  if(missing(coord)) {
    # Coordinates in distance units (e.g. m)
    coord <- coordinates(x)
  # The user can provide a custom vector to be plotted
  # Otherwise, plot variogram of residuals
  if(missing(z)) {
    z <- residuals(x)
  # Check: Only one observation per spatial unit
  if( any(duplicated(coord)) )
    stop('More than one observation detected in at least one spatial unit.\n')
  grd <- build_grid(coord)
  mat <- matrix(NA, grd$length[1], grd$length[2])
  mat[grd$idx] <- z
  # Maximum radius for the variogram (in distance units)
  if( missing(R) ) R <- max(dist(coord))/3
  # Variogram computation
  out <- vgram.matrix(mat, R = R, dx = grd$step[1], dy = grd$step[2])
  # Anisotropic variogram
  #   plot(out)  # from package fields
  # TODO: change gradient colours.
  dat.aniso <- with(out, data.frame(x = ind[, 1] * dx,
                                    y = ind[, 2] * dy,
                                    z = vgram.full,
                                    N = N))
  # Isotropic variogram
  dat.iso <- data.frame(
    distance = out$d,
    variogram = out$vgram,
    N         = out$n
  # Semi-isotropic variogram
  # Average the variogram for cells with different directions, but same
  # row/col separation. Since out$ind has only positive column separations,
  # we need to average rows with the same absolute value of rows and the same
  # value of columns
  dat.halfheat <- aggregate(dat.aniso[, c('z', 'N')],
                            by = abs(dat.aniso[, c('x', 'y')]), 
                            na.rm = TRUE)
  #   var.half.matrix <- tapply(out$vgram.full, as.data.frame(abs(out$ind)), mean)
  #   data.frame(expand.grid(lapply(dimnames(var.half.matrix),
  #                                 as.numeric)),
  #              z = as.vector(var.half.matrix))
  #   image(var.half.matrix)
  # The perspective plot can only be done with base graphics
  # I do the computations here, and pass arguments for the print method
  ind <- lapply(dat.halfheat[, c('x', 'y')], as.factor)
  dat.mhalf <- matrix(NA, nrow = nlevels(ind$x), ncol = nlevels(ind$y))
  dat.nhalf <- matrix(NA, nrow = nlevels(ind$x), ncol = nlevels(ind$y))
  dat.mhalf[sapply(ind, as.numeric)] <- dat.halfheat$z
  dat.nhalf[sapply(ind, as.numeric)] <- dat.halfheat$N
  #   jet.colors <- colorRampPalette( c("blue", "green") )
  col.f <- colorRampPalette( c(breedR.getOption('col.seq')[1],
                               breedR.getOption('col.seq')[2]) )
  nbcol = 100
  colours <- col.f(nbcol)
  # Computes the facet's means without taking into account NAs
  meanmat.f <- function(x) {
    nx = nrow(x)
    ny = ncol(x)
    tmp <- cbind(as.vector(x[-1, -1]),
                 as.vector(x[-1, -ny]),
                 as.vector(x[-nx, -1]),
                 as.vector(x[-nx, -ny]))
    mv <- apply(tmp, 1, mean, na.rm = TRUE)
    return(matrix(mv, nrow = nx - 1))
  facetcol <- cut(meanmat.f(dat.mhalf), nbcol)
  # I can't store the plot itself in an object
  # but I can store the arguments for persp() in a list
  dat.halfpersp <- list(x = as.numeric(levels(ind$x)),
                        y = as.numeric(levels(ind$y)),
                        z = dat.mhalf,
                        zlim = c(0, max(dat.mhalf, na.rm = TRUE)),
                        col = colours[facetcol], phi = 30, theta = -35,
                        box = TRUE,
                        axes = TRUE,
                        ticktype = 'detailed',
                        xlab = 'row disp.',
                        ylab = 'col disp.',
                        zlab = '')
  # I need to store N as an attribute.
  # Otherwise it will not be recognised as a valid argument for 'persp'.
  attr(dat.halfpersp, 'N') <- dat.nhalf
  #   # DEBUG
  #   # How colour assignement works
  #   nx <- ny <- 4
  #   tdat <- matrix(NA, nrow = nx, ncol = ny)
  #   tz <- 1:(nx*(ny+1)/2)
  #   tdat[c(1:7, 9:10, 13)] <- tz
  #   tcol <- col.f(100)
  #   # Compute the z-value at the facet centres
  #   # This gives problems with NAs 
  #   tzfacet <- tdat[-1, -1] + tdat[-1, -ny] + tdat[-nx, -1] + tdat[-nx, -ny]
  #   # Better use the values at the vertex closest to the origin
  #   tzfacet <- tdat[-nx, -ny]
  #   # Performing the mean with matrices with NAs
  #   tzfacet <- meanmat.f(tdat)
  #   tfcol <- cut(tzfacet, 50)
  #   persp(x = 1:4, y = 1:4, z = tdat, col = tcol[tfcol], phi = 30, theta = -35)
  # Visualization
  #   # Residuals
  #   image(dat)
  #   ggplot(data.frame(coord1, z = z), aes(x, y, fill = z)) +
  #     geom_raster() + 
  #     coord_fixed() +
  #     scale_fill_gradient(low='green', high='red')
  ans <- list(isotropic = dat.iso,
              perspective = dat.halfpersp,
              heat = dat.halfheat,
              anisotropic = dat.aniso,
              plot = plot)
  class(ans) <- 'breedR.variogram'

#' @method print breedR.variogram
#' @param minN numeric. Variogram values computed with less than \code{minN} 
#'   pairs of observations are considered \emph{unstable} and therefore are not 
#'   plotted. Default: 30.
#' @param ... not used.
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom graphics plot.new par
#' @importFrom utils str
#' @describeIn variogram Print a breedR variogram
#' @export
print.breedR.variogram <- function(x, minN = 30, ...) {
  # Compute the relevant plots only
  # Except for 'perspective' that connot be precomputed
  if(x$plot == 'isotropic' | x$plot == 'all') {
    ## Filter unstable values
    if( any(idx <- which(x$isotropic$N < minN)) ) {
      x$isotropic <- x$isotropic[-idx, ]
    p.iso <-   ggplot(x$isotropic,
                      aes_string("distance", "variogram")) +
      geom_point() +
      geom_line() +
      stat_smooth(se = FALSE, method = 'auto')
  if(x$plot == 'perspective' | x$plot == 'all') {
    ## Filter unstable values
    if( any(idx <- which(attr(x$perspective, 'N') < minN)) ) {
      x$perspective$z[idx] <- NA
      x$perspective$zlim = c(0, max(x$perspective$z, na.rm = TRUE))

  if(x$plot == 'heat' | x$plot == 'all') {
    ## Filter unstable values
    if( any(idx <- which(x$heat$N < minN)) ) {
      x$heat$z[idx] <- NA
    p.heat <-   spatial.plot(x$heat, scale = 'seq')
  if(x$plot == 'anisotropic' | x$plot == 'all') {
    ## Filter unstable values
    if( any(idx <- which(x$anisotropic$N < minN)) ) {
      x$anisotropic$z[idx] <- NA
    p.aniso <-   spatial.plot(x$anisotropic, scale = 'seq')
  if(x$plot == 'all') {
    # require(grid)
    if (!requireNamespace("grid", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stop("Package grid needed for plotting all variograms at once. Please install it, or plot them one by one.",
           call. = FALSE)
    # split the graphic window in four and reduce margins
    op <- par(mfrow = c(2, 2), mar = rep(0.5, 4))
    par(mfg = c(2, 1))
    # define vewports
    vp.BottomRight <- grid::viewport(height = grid::unit(.5, "npc"),
                                     width = grid::unit(0.5, "npc"), 
                                     just = c("left","top"), 
                                     y = 0.5, x = 0.5)
    vp.TopLeft <- grid::viewport(height = grid::unit(.5, "npc"),
                                 width = grid::unit(0.5, "npc"), 
                                 just = c("right","bottom"), 
                                 y = 0.5, x = 0.5)
    vp.TopRight <- grid::viewport(height = grid::unit(.5, "npc"),
                                  width = grid::unit(0.5, "npc"), 
                                  y = 0.5, x = 0.5)
    # print the four plots
    suppressMessages(print(p.iso, vp=vp.TopLeft))
    print(p.heat, vp=vp.TopRight)
    do.call('persp', args = x$perspective)
    print(p.aniso, vp=vp.BottomRight)
    # Return graphical device to default state
  if(x$plot == 'isotropic') suppressMessages(print(p.iso))
  if(x$plot == 'anisotropic') print(p.aniso)
  if(x$plot == 'heat') print(p.heat)
  if(x$plot == 'perspective') do.call('persp', args = x$perspective)
  if(x$plot == 'none') str(x, 1)
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.