

### Test the interface to PROGSF90 OPTIONS ###

context("PROGSF90 options")

test_that('remlf90 parses progsf90.options correctly', {

  N = 100
  dat <- transform(data.frame(x = runif(N)),
                    y = 1 + 2*x + rnorm(N))
  expect_opt <- function(opt, regexp) {
    res <- suppressMessages(
      remlf90(y ~ x,
              data = dat,
              progsf90.options = opt)
    for (i in seq_along(opt))
    expect_true(any(grepl(regexp[i], res$reml$output)),
                label = paste('option', opt[i], 'passed correctly'))
  ## some additional option
  expect_opt('tol 1d-01', 'tolerance .*? 0\\.1')
  expect_opt('EM-REML 2', 'EM-REML iterations .*? 2')
  ## Conflicting option: sol se
  # included
  expect_opt('sol se', 'store solutions and s\\.e\\.')
  # only once
  parameters_file <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), 'parameters'))
  expect_identical(length(grep('OPTION sol se', parameters_file)), 1L)
  ## Conflicting option: missing
  # if explicit, the one set by the user is used
  expect_opt('missing 12345', 'missing observation .*? 12345')
  # only once
  parameters_file <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), 'parameters'))
  expect_identical(length(grep('OPTION missing', parameters_file)), 1L)

  ## Multiple options, some conflicting, some not
  opts <- c('sol se', 'missing 12345', 'tol 1d-01', 'EM-REML 2')
  expr <- c('store solutions and s\\.e\\.', 
            'missing observation .*? 12345',
            'tolerance .*? 0\\.1',
            'EM-REML iterations .*? 2')
  expect_opt(opts, expr)
  parameters_file <- readLines(file.path(tempdir(), 'parameters'))
  expect_identical(length(grep('OPTION', parameters_file)), length(opts))

test_that('AI-remlf90() returns heritability and inverse AI matrix', {
  ## Simulate a dataset with a heritability of 2/(1+2+1+1) = 0.4
  dat <- breedR.sample.phenotype(fixed   = c(mu = 10, x = 2),
                                 random = list(u = list(nlevels = 3,
                                                        sigma2  = 1)),
                                 genetic = list(model    = 'add_animal',
                                                Nparents = c(10, 10),
                                                sigma2_a = 2,
                                                check.factorial = FALSE),
                                 spatial = list(model     = 'AR',
                                                grid.size = c(15, 15),
                                                rho       = c(.7, .8),
                                                sigma2_s  = 1),
                                 residual.variance = 1)
  res <- remlf90(phenotype ~ 1 + X.x,
                 random = ~ u,
                 genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
                                pedigree = dat[, 1:3],
                                id = 'self'),
                 spatial = list(model = 'AR',
                                coord = dat[, c('Var1', 'Var2')],
                                rho   = c(.7, .8)),
                 data   = dat)

  # AIREMLF90 output
  expect_true(any(grepl('* SE for function of \\(co\\)variances Heritability', 
  expect_true(any(grepl('Heritability  - Function: ', res$reml$output)))
  # parsed heritability and inverse AI matrix
  expect_is(res$funvars, 'matrix')
  expect_is(res$reml$invAI, 'matrix')
  expect_identical(dim(res$reml$invAI), c(4L, 4L))
  # heritability shown in summary
  expect_output(print(summary(res)), "Heritability")
  # reported SE are consistent with AI matrix
  expect_equal(res$var[, 'S.E.'], sqrt(diag(res$reml$invAI)),
               tol = 1e-04, check.attributes = FALSE)

test_that('heritability and additional function are parsed correctly', {
  ## Simulate a dataset with a heritability of 2/(1+2+1+1) = 0.4
  dat <- breedR.sample.phenotype(fixed   = c(mu = 10, x = 2),
                                 genetic = list(model    = 'add_animal',
                                                Nparents = c(10, 10),
                                                sigma2_a = 2,
                                                check.factorial = FALSE),
                                 N = 1e3,
                                 residual.variance = 1)
  res <- remlf90(
    phenotype ~ 1 + X.x,
    genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
                   pedigree = dat[, 1:3],
                   id = 'self'),
    progsf90.options = 'se_covar_function Halt G_3_3_1_1/(1+G_3_3_1_1+R_1_1)',
    data   = dat
  expect_true(any(grepl('* SE for function of \\(co\\)variances Heritability', 
  expect_true(any(grepl('Heritability  - Function: ', res$reml$output)))
  expect_true(any(grepl('Halt  - Function: ', res$reml$output)))

  expect_is(res$funvars, 'matrix')
  expect_is(res$reml$invAI, 'matrix')
  expect_identical(dim(res$reml$invAI), c(2L, 2L))
  expect_output(print(summary(res)), 'Halt')
  expect_output(print(summary(res)), 'Heritability')

test_that('AI-remlf90() without genetic does not return heritability but does return inverse AI matrix', {
  ## Simulate a small dataset for testing purposes
  dat <- breedR.sample.phenotype(fixed   = c(mu = 10),
                                 N = 100,
                                 residual.variance = 1)
  res <- remlf90(phenotype ~ 1,
                 data   = dat)
  expect_false(any(grepl('* SE for function of \\(co\\)variances', 
  expect_false(any(grepl('  - Function: ', res$reml$output)))
  expect_identical(res$funvars, list())
  expect_is(res$reml$invAI, 'matrix')
  expect_identical(dim(res$reml$invAI), c(1L, 1L))
  expect_output(print(summary(res)), 'Variance components')

test_that('EM-remlf90() returns empty heritability and no inverse AI matrix', {

  ## Simulate a small dataset for testing purposes
  dat <- breedR.sample.phenotype(fixed   = c(mu = 10),
                                 genetic = list(model    = 'add_animal',
                                                Nparents = c(10, 10),
                                                sigma2_a = 2,
                                                check.factorial = FALSE),
                                 N = 100,
                                 residual.variance = 1)
  res <- remlf90(phenotype ~ 1 ,
                 genetic = list(model = 'add_animal',
                                pedigree = dat[, 1:3],
                                id = 'self'),
                 data   = dat,
                 method = 'em')
  expect_false(any(grepl('* SE for function of \\(co\\)variances Heritability', 
  expect_false(any(grepl('Heritability  - Function: ', res$reml$output)))

  expect_identical(res$funvars, list())
  expect_output(print(summary(res)), 'Variance components:')
famuvie/breedR documentation built on Aug. 6, 2024, 9:10 p.m.