
Defines functions build_sankey_network

build_sankey_network <- function(my_report, taxRanks =  c("D","K","P","C","O","F","G","S"), maxn=10,
				 zoom = F, title = NULL,
				 ...) {
    stopifnot("taxRank" %in% colnames(my_report))
    if (!any(taxRanks %in% my_report$taxRank)) {
        warning("report does not contain any of the taxRanks - skipping it")
    my_report <- subset(my_report, taxRank %in% taxRanks)
    my_report <- plyr::ddply(my_report, "taxRank", function(x) x[utils::tail(order(x$cladeReads,-x$depth), n=maxn), , drop = FALSE])

    my_report <- my_report[, c("name","taxLineage","taxonReads", "cladeReads","depth", "taxRank")]

    my_report <- my_report[!my_report$name %in% c('-_root'), ]
    #my_report$name <- sub("^-_root.", "", my_report$name)

    splits <- strsplit(my_report$taxLineage, "\\|")

    ## for the root nodes, we'll have to add an 'other' link to account for all cladeReads
    root_nodes <- sapply(splits[sapply(splits, length) ==2], function(x) x[2])

    sel <- sapply(splits, length) >= 3
    splits <- splits[sel]

    links <- data.frame(do.call(rbind,
                                lapply(splits, function(x) utils::tail(x[x %in% my_report$name], n=2))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(links) <- c("source","target")
    links$value <- my_report[sel,"cladeReads"]

    my_taxRanks <- taxRanks[taxRanks %in% my_report$taxRank]
    taxRank_to_depth <- stats::setNames(seq_along(my_taxRanks)-1, my_taxRanks)

    nodes <- data.frame(name=my_report$name,

    for (node_name in root_nodes) {
      diff_sum_vs_all <- my_report[my_report$name == node_name, "cladeReads"] - sum(links$value[links$source == node_name])
      if (diff_sum_vs_all > 0) {
        nname <- paste("other", sub("^._","",node_name))
        #nname <- node_name
        #links <- rbind(links, data.frame(source=node_name, target=nname, value=diff_sum_vs_all, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
        #nodes <- rbind(nodes, nname)

    names_id = stats::setNames(seq_len(nrow(nodes)) - 1, nodes[,1])
    links$source <- names_id[links$source]
    links$target <- names_id[links$target]
    links <- links[links$source != links$target, ]

    nodes$name <- sub("^._","", nodes$name)
    links$source_name <- nodes$name[links$source + 1]

    if (!is.null(links))
        Links = links,
        Nodes = nodes,
        doubleclickTogglesChildren = TRUE,
        Source = "source",
        Target = "target",
        Value = "value",
        NodeID = "name",
        NodeGroup = "name",
        NodePosX = "depth",
        NodeValue = "value",
        dragY = TRUE,
        xAxisDomain = my_taxRanks,
        numberFormat = "pavian",
        title = title,
        nodeWidth = 15,
        linkGradient = TRUE,
        nodeShadow = TRUE,
        nodeCornerRadius = 5,
        units = "cladeReads",
        fontSize = 12,
        iterations = maxn * 100,
        align = "none",
        highlightChildLinks = TRUE,
        orderByPath = TRUE,
        scaleNodeBreadthsByString = TRUE,
        zoom = zoom,
fbreitwieser/pavian documentation built on Jan. 5, 2024, 1:43 a.m.